def getSTC(init=None, stcclass=FundamentalMode, count=1, lexer="Python", tab_size=4, use_tabs=False): refstc = MockSTC(MockWX.root) buffer = MockBuffer(refstc) frame = MockFrame(refstc) stc = stcclass(frame, frame, buffer, frame) frame.mode = stc #stc.SetLexer(lexer) stc.ConfigureLexer(lexer) # if lexer == # # FIXME: this is a duplicate of the keyword string from # # PythonMode. Find a way to NotRepeatMyself instead of this. # stc.SetKeyWords(0, 'and as assert break class continue def del elif else except exec finally for from global if import in is lambda not or pass print raise return try while True False None self') stc.SetText("") stc.SetEOLMode( stc.SetProperty("fold", "1") stc.SetIndent(tab_size) stc.SetUseTabs(use_tabs) if init == 'py': stc.SetText("python source goes here") elif init == 'columns': for i in range(count): stc.AddText('%04d-0123456789\n' % i) stc.Colourise(0, stc.GetTextLength()) return stc
def _create_control(self, parent): """ Creates the toolkit-specific control for the widget. """ # Base-class constructor. self.control = stc = PythonSTC(parent, -1) # No folding! stc.SetProperty("fold", "0") # Mark the maximum line size. stc.SetEdgeMode( stc.SetEdgeColumn(79) stc.SetMarginType(1, stc.SetMarginMask(1, # Display line numbers in the margin. if self.show_line_numbers: stc.SetMarginWidth(1, 45) self.set_style(, "#000000", "#c0c0c0") else: stc.SetMarginWidth(1, 4) self.set_style(, "#ffffff", "#ffffff") # Create 'tabs' out of spaces! stc.SetUseTabs(False) # One 'tab' is 4 spaces. stc.SetIndent(4) # Line ending mode. stc.SetEOLMode( # Unix #self.SetEOLMode( # Apple Mac #self.SetEOLMode( # Windows ########################################## # Global styles for all languages. ########################################## self.set_style(, "#000000", "#ffffff") self.set_style(, "#000000", "#ffffff") self.set_style(, "#000000", "#ffffff") self.set_style(, "#000000", "#ffffff") ########################################## # Python styles. ########################################## # White space self.set_style(, "#000000", "#ffffff") # Comment self.set_style(, "#007f00", "#ffffff") # Number self.set_style(, "#007f7f", "#ffffff") # String self.set_style(, "#7f007f", "#ffffff") # Single quoted string self.set_style(, "#7f007f", "#ffffff") # Keyword self.set_style(, "#00007f", "#ffffff") # Triple quotes self.set_style(, "#7f0000", "#ffffff") # Triple double quotes self.set_style(, "#ff0000", "#ffffff") # Class name definition self.set_style(, "#0000ff", "#ffffff") # Function or method name definition self.set_style(, "#007f7f", "#ffffff") # Operators self.set_style(, "#000000", "#ffffff") # Identifiers self.set_style(, "#000000", "#ffffff") # Comment-blocks self.set_style(, "#007f00", "#ffffff") # End of line where string is not closed self.set_style(, "#000000", "#ffffff") ########################################## # Events. ########################################## # By default, the will fire EVT_STC_CHANGE evented for all mask values # (STC_MODEVENTMASKALL). This generates too many events. stc.SetModEventMask( | | | # Listen for changes to the file., stc.GetId(), self._on_stc_changed) # Listen for key press events. wx.EVT_CHAR(stc, self._on_char) # Load the editor's contents. self.load() return stc
def buildSheet(self, name): p = wx.Panel(self.notebookEditor, -1, style=wx.NO_FULL_REPAINT_ON_RESIZE) self.onglet.append(p) stc = id=wx.NewId(), name='styledTextCtrl1', parent=p, # pos=wx.Point(0, 35), size=wx.Size(-1, -1), style=wx.SUNKEN_BORDER) stc.SetUseTabs(False) self.loadConfig() try: tabSize = self.getConfig("Source", "tabSize") stc.SetTabWidth(tabSize) except: tabSize = 4 self.setConfig("Source", "tabSize", tabSize) stc.SetTabWidth(tabSize) self.saveConfig() stc.SetLexer( stc.SetMargins(2, 2) stc.SetMarginType(1, stc.SetMarginWidth(1, 40) stc.SetMarginWidth(2, 10) stc.StyleSetSpec(, "fore:#000000,back:#afc8e1ff,size:500") stc.SetMarginSensitive(1, True) stc.SetMarginSensitive(2, True) stc.SetMarginType(3, stc.SetMarginMask(3, stc.SetMarginSensitive(3, True) stc.SetMarginWidth(3, 12) stc.SetProperty("fold", "1") stc.SetProperty("tab.timmy.whinge.level", "1") stc.MarkerDefine(,, "white", "#808080") stc.MarkerDefine(,, "white", "#808080") stc.MarkerDefine(,, "white", "#808080") stc.MarkerDefine(,, "white", "#808080") stc.MarkerDefine(,, "white", "#808080") stc.MarkerDefine(,, "white", "#808080") stc.MarkerDefine(,, "white", "#808080") self.stcpage.append(stc) stc.SetMinSize(wx.Size(-1, -1)) p.SetAutoLayout(True) p.Layout() boxSizer = wx.BoxSizer(orient=wx.VERTICAL) boxSizer.Fit(p) boxSizer.SetSizeHints(p) p.SetSizer(boxSizer) boxSizer.AddWindow(stc, 1, border=0, flag=wx.EXPAND | wx.ADJUST_MINSIZE) self.notebookEditor.AddPage(p, os.path.split(name)[1]) self.SendSizeEvent() # self._mgr.Update() self.panelEditor.Layout() self.sheetFunctions.append({})
def clearSTC(stc): stc.SetText("") stc.SetEOLMode( stc.SetProperty("fold", "1") stc.Colourise(0, stc.GetTextLength())