def run_tool(window_parent, device): logger.log("PulsedExperiment tool running", "", logger.INFO) # ask user for selected channels choices = [] channels = [] plotChannels = [] for key, c in device.analogIn.iteritems(): choices.append("Analog input " + str(c.idx)) channels.append(c) dlg = wx.MultiChoiceDialog(window_parent, message="Select which inputs to sample", caption="Input Selection", choices=choices) dlg.SetSelections([0]) if dlg.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK: selection = dlg.GetSelections() for idx in selection: plotChannels.append(channels[idx]) else: return dlg.Destroy() # ask user for trigger pins choices = [] channels = [] triggers = [] for n in range(0, 4): choices.append("Digital input " + str(n)) dlg = wx.MultiChoiceDialog(window_parent, message="Select which pins to trigger", caption="Trigger Selection", choices=choices) dlg.SetSelections([0]) if dlg.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK: selection = dlg.GetSelections() for idx in selection: triggers.append(idx + 4) else: return dlg.Destroy() mask = 0 for pin in triggers: mask = mask | (1 << pin) device.setNAvg(1) device.propCom.send("resetevents") win = PulsedExperiment(window_parent, device, channels=plotChannels, triggers=triggers) win.Show()
async def on_MultiChoiceDialog(self, event): dlg = wx.MultiChoiceDialog(self, "message", "caption", ["One", "Two", "Three"], style=wx.CHOICEDLG_STYLE, pos=wx.DefaultPosition) await self.ShowDialog(dlg)
def viewmenu_vehicle_handler(self, event): labels = [str(v) for v in common.vehicle_list] dialog = wx.MultiChoiceDialog(self, '', 'View Vehicles', labels) dialog.ShowModal() selections = dialog.GetSelections() # indexes of the selections for i in selections: common.vehicle_list[i].edit_traits()
def viewmenu_switch_handler(self, event): labels = [str(sw) for sw in common.switch_list] dialog = wx.MultiChoiceDialog(self, '', 'View Stations', labels) dialog.ShowModal() selections = dialog.GetSelections() # indexes of the selections for i in selections: common.switch_list[i].edit_traits()
def OnAttributeButton(self, event=None): dlg = wx.MultiChoiceDialog( self.thisPanel, "Only selected attributes will be displayed", "Object Attributes", self.resultList.headers) ## Pre-select what is currently displayed dlg.SetSelections(self.resultList.resultAttrs) if (dlg.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK): self.resultList.resultAttrs = dlg.GetSelections() self.resultList.headersActive = [ self.resultList.headers[x] for x in self.resultList.resultAttrs ] self.logger.debug("New attribute list for headers: {}".format( self.resultList.headersActive)) dlg.Destroy() ## Force the resultsActive to get all column values before updating; do ## this in case a new column was shown instead of just hid; need to ## update the dataset given to the MixIn that enables column sorting. self.UpdateResultsActive() self.resultList.OnUpdateColumns() self.resultList.PopulateList() ## Now update the ColumnSorterMixin references for future column touches self.resultList.SetColumnCount(len(self.resultList.headersActive)) self.resultList.itemDataMap = self.resultList.resultsActive ## Send a size event to refresh the scroll bar self.resultList.list.SendSizeEvent() self.thisPanel.SendSizeEvent()
def excludeChannels(self, event): if self.Data.Datasets != []: channels = ReadEEG(self.Data.Datasets[0].filename).labelsChannel dlg = wx.MultiChoiceDialog( self, caption="Select channels to exclude", message='Which channels should be excluded?', choices=channels) selected = [ i for i, e in enumerate(channels) if e in self.Data.Specs.channels2exclude ] dlg.SetSelections(selected) if dlg.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK: self.Data.Specs.channels2exclude = [ channels[x] for x in dlg.GetSelections() ] sampleRate = self.Data.Datasets[0].sampleRate filelist = [f.filename for f in self.Data.Datasets] newfiles = [ ReadEEG(f, sampleRate, self.Data.Specs.channels2exclude) for f in filelist ] self.Data.Datasets = newfiles del self.Data.Results.matrixSelected self.Data.Results.updateAll(self.Data) dlg.Destroy() event.Skip()
def OnScan(self, event): dlg = wx.MultiChoiceDialog(self, "What would you like to scan?", "Scan Options", ['ID Cards', 'Assignment Notice', \ 'Release of Information', 'Consult Note', 'Old Records', 'Insurance Info', 'Labs', \ 'Radiology', 'Other']) if dlg.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK: if dlg.GetSelections() == [0]: EMR_utilities.Scan(185, 65, self.ptID, "Insurance", "card", mode='duplex') elif dlg.GetSelections() == [1]: EMR_utilities.Scan(215, 278, self.ptID, "Insurance", "notice") elif dlg.GetSelections() == [2]: EMR_utilities.Scan(215, 278, self.ptID, "Other", "ROI", mode='ADF') elif dlg.GetSelections() == [3]: EMR_utilities.Scan(215, 278, self.ptID, "Consults", "note", mode='ADF') elif dlg.GetSelections() == [4]: EMR_utilities.Scan(215, 278, self.ptID, "Old_Records", "rec", mode='ADF') elif dlg.GetSelections() == [5]: EMR_utilities.Scan(215, 278, self.ptID, "Insurance", "misc", mode='ADF') elif dlg.GetSelections() == [6]: EMR_utilities.Scan(215, 278, self.ptID, "Labs", "lab", mode='ADF') elif dlg.GetSelections() == [7]: EMR_utilities.Scan(215, 278, self.ptID, "Radiology", "rads", mode='ADF') elif dlg.GetSelections() == [8]: EMR_utilities.Scan(215, 278, self.ptID, "Other", "misc", mode='ADF') else: wx.MessageBox("If you need to scan, hit the scan button again and select what you want to scan", '', wx.OK)
def getMultiChoiceDlg(parent=None, title='', prompt_text='', choices=()): """ Multiple choice dialog. :param parent: Parent form. :param title: Dialog form title. :param prompt_text: Dialog form prompt text. :param choices: List of selection lines as tuple in format ((True/False, 'line text'),...). :return: Selected chices as tuple ((True/False, 'line text'),...). """ dlg = None win_clear = False try: if parent is None: parent = wx.Frame(None, -1, '') win_clear = True choice_list = [row[1] for row in choices] dlg = wx.MultiChoiceDialog(parent, prompt_text, title, choice_list) selections = [i for i, row in enumerate(choices) if row[0]] dlg.SetSelections(selections) if dlg.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK: selections = dlg.GetSelections() result = [(bool(i in selections), txt) for i, txt in enumerate(choice_list)] return result finally: if dlg: dlg.Destroy() if win_clear: parent.Destroy() return None
def OnEvent(self, propgrid, primaryEditor, event): if event.GetEventType() == wx.wxEVT_COMMAND_BUTTON_CLICKED: dlg = wx.MultiChoiceDialog( propgrid, 'Check all wanted %ss below:' % self.GetLabel(), 'Make Choices', self.choices) if len(self.m_value.strip()) > 0: sels = [ self.choices.index(x.strip()) for x in self.m_value.split(',') ] dlg.SetSelections(sels) if dlg.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK: sels = dlg.GetSelections() if len(sels) == 0: self.m_value = '' return True v = '' for idx in sels: v += self.choices[idx] + ', ' v = v[:-2] self.m_value = v self.SetValueInEvent(v) return True return False
def OnAddMember(self, evt): lv=self['Members'] res=self.GetServer().SearchSubConverted("(uid=*)", "uid cn displayName") candidates=[] for _dn, info in res: uid=info['uid'][0] name=info.get("displayName") if not name: name=info.get('cn') if name: name=name[0] if lv.FindItem(-1, uid) < 0: if uid == name: candidates.append(uid) else: candidates.append("%s %s" % (uid, name)) candidates.sort(key=unicode.lower) dlg=wx.MultiChoiceDialog(self, xlt("Add member"), xlt("Add member to group"), candidates) if dlg.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK: uids=[] for row in range(lv.GetItemCount()): uids.append(lv.GetItemText(row, 0)) for i in dlg.GetSelections(): cr=candidates[i].split() uid=cr[0] row=lv.AppendItem(-1, uid) lv.SetStringItem(row, 1, " ".join(cr[1:])) lv.SetItemData(row, -1) uids.append(uid) self.dialog.SetValue(self.memberUidOid, uids, self)
def OnAddSong(self, event): choices = [i.split('$')[0] for i in self.musicList] dlg = wx.MultiChoiceDialog(None, 'Choose Songs', 'Songs', choices=choices, style=wx.OK | wx.CANCEL | wx.OK_DEFAULT) dlg.Centre() if dlg.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK: songs = set(self.musicList[i] for i in dlg.GetSelections()) for item in range(self._listCtrl.GetItemCount()): if self._listCtrl.IsItemChecked(item): text = self._listCtrl.GetItemText(item) self.playlist[text] = self.playlist[text].union(songs) self._leftPanel.Freeze() self._rightPanel.Freeze() self.createSideControls() try: self._listCtrl.Destroy() except RuntimeError: pass self.createPlaylistPanel() self._leftPanel.Thaw() self._rightPanel.Thaw()
def createListBox(self, dataFrame, kindofBox): print " total no of columns are", len(dataFrame.columns) columnList = dataFrame.columns.values # isLabel = False if kindofBox == 'multi': listBox = wx.MultiChoiceDialog(self, message='List of Columns', caption='Select Columns to Drop', choices=columnList) listBox.ShowModal() selectedIndexes = listBox.GetSelections() print " total columns selected are", len(selectedIndexes) selectedItems = [columnList[index] for index in selectedIndexes] print "selected items are", selectedItems dataFrame = dataFrame.drop(selectedItems, axis=1) elif kindofBox == 'single': listBox = wx.SingleChoiceDialog(self, message='List of Columns', caption='Select Label Column', choices=columnList) listBox.ShowModal() selectedItem = columnList[listBox.GetSelection()] print "selected items are", selectedItem dataFrame = dataFrame[selectedItem] print len(dataFrame) # print "columns in label training dataFrame", len(dataFrame.columns) return dataFrame
def icMultiChoiceDlg(Parent_=None, Title_='', Text_='', Choice_=()): """ Диалог множественного выбора. @param Parent_: Родительское окно. @param Title_: Заголовок диалогового окна. @param Text_: Текст диалога. @param Choice_: Список выбора.Кортеж выбора в формате ((True/False,'Текст'),...). @return: Кортеж выбора в формате ((True/False,'Текст'),...). """ dlg = None win_clear = False try: if Parent_ is None: Parent_ = wx.Frame(None, -1, '') win_clear = True choice_list = [row[1] for row in Choice_] dlg = wx.MultiChoiceDialog(Parent_, Text_, Title_, choice_list) # Установить выбор по умолчанию selections = [i for i, row in enumerate(Choice_) if row[0]] dlg.SetSelections(selections) if dlg.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK: selections = dlg.GetSelections() result = [(bool(i in selections), txt) for i, txt in enumerate(choice_list)] return result finally: if dlg: dlg.Destroy() # Удаляем созданное родительское окно if win_clear: Parent_.Destroy() return None
def MChoiceDialog(message, caption, choices=None): """ display a dialog box with drop down list containing items in a list, return the item selected by user, return None if click Cancel reconcile expectation of singleChoiceDialog by converting choices into a list of strings if choices is a list containing something else. """ if choices is None: choices = [] t_choices = dict((str(i), i) for i in choices) user_choice = '' selection = None app = wx.PySimpleApp() dialog = wx.MultiChoiceDialog(None, message, caption, map(str, choices)) # dialog = singleChoiceDialog ( None, message, caption, map(str, choices)) # using map(str, choices) instead of t_choices.keys() because former list is sorted if dialog.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK: selection = [choices[r] for r in dialog.GetSelections()] # pick up the corresponding item from the list # this may be necessary if the choices do not contain strings # The user exited the dialog without pressing the "OK" button else: pass return selection
def on_switch_button(self, event): """Handle the event when the user clicks the switch button.""" self.print(_(u"Setting switches")) switch_list = [] switch_id = self.devices.find_devices(self.devices.SWITCH) for i in range(len(switch_id)): k = self.names.get_name_string(switch_id[i]) if k is not None: switch_list.append(k) switch_dialog = wx.MultiChoiceDialog(self, _(u"Set switches On/Off"), _(u"Set switches"), switch_list, style=wx.OK) switch_dialog.SetSelections(self.switch_selections) if switch_dialog.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK: self.switch_selections = switch_dialog.GetSelections() switch_state = [0] * len(switch_list) for i in range(len(self.switch_selections)): switch_state[self.switch_selections[i]] = 1 for i in range(len(switch_list)): state = self.devices.set_switch(switch_id[i], switch_state[i]) if self.logging is True: if state: print("Successfully set switch.") else: print("Error! Invalid switch.")
def videoRecordDevice(self, event): """ Video Record all devices connected and place the output at root""" self.videobutton.Disable() deviceModel, deviceID = self.getDevices() deviceIDModel = [] if not deviceModel or not deviceID: self.SetStatusText("No Android devices detected") self.videobutton.Enable() return for everyi in deviceModel: for everym in deviceID: deviceIDModel = [everym + " " + everyi] try: dialog = wx.MultiChoiceDialog(self, "Pick your devices", "caption", deviceIDModel, wx.OK | wx.CANCEL) except UnboundLocalError: self.SetStatusText(f"No Devices Detected") self.videobutton.Enable() return instance = dialog.ShowModal() devices = dialog.GetSelections() listLength = len(devices) dialog.Destroy() if instance == wx.ID_OK: video = wx.TextEntryDialog( self, "", "How long do you want to record for in seconds?", "", wx.OK | wx.CANCEL) instance = video.ShowModal() videoLength = video.GetValue() video.Destroy() if instance == wx.ID_OK: for i in range(listLength): self.SetStatusText( f"Video Recording {devices[i]} {i+1}/{listLength}") f"adb -s {deviceID[i]} shell screenrecord /sdcard/{deviceModel[i]}.mp4 --time {videoLength}" ) fr"adb -s {deviceID[i]} pull /sdcard/{deviceModel[i]}.mp4 C:\ADBscripts\PhoneVideos" ) if listLength > 1: self.SetStatusText( f"Recorded a {videoLength} second video on {listLength} devices" ) else: self.SetStatusText( f"Recorded a {videoLength} second video on {listLength} device" ) self.videobutton.Enable()
def hideMarkers(self, event): if self.Data.Datasets != []: if not hasattr(self.Data.Results, 'collapsedMarkers'): markers = np.copy(self.Data.Results.markers) else: markers = self.Data.Results.collapsedMarkers markers = np.unique(markers) markers = markers.tolist() + self.Data.markers2hide markers = np.unique(markers).tolist() markers.sort() markerTxt = [str(m) for m in markers] dlg = wx.MultiChoiceDialog( self, caption="Select markers to hide", message='Which markers should be hidden ' + 'from further analysis?', choices=markerTxt) if self.Data.markers2hide == []: selected = [] else: selected = [i for i, e in enumerate(markers) if e in self.Data.markers2hide] dlg.SetSelections(selected) if dlg.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK: if len(markers) != len(dlg.GetSelections()): self.Data.markers2hide = [markers[x] for x in dlg.GetSelections()] self.redrawFigures(event) dlg.Destroy() event.Skip()
def onTierCheck(self, event): """Fix the list of tiers to Show/Hide.""" if self._trsctrl is None: return # Get the list of tiers' names lst = self._trsctrl.GetTierNames() if len(lst) == 0: return # hum... just to be sure dlg = wx.MultiChoiceDialog(self, "Check the tiers to show:", "Tiers to show/hide", lst) dlg.SetSelections(self._trsctrl.GetTierIdxChecked()) if dlg.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK: # get the list of tiers' names that are checked selections = dlg.GetSelections() checked = [lst[x] for x in selections] if len(checked) == 0: ShowInformation(self, self._prefsIO, "At least one tier must be checked!", wx.ICON_INFORMATION) else: # send the list to the trsctrl instance, then redraw self._trsctrl.SetTierChecked(checked) dlg.Destroy()
def test_choicdlgMulti(self): d = wx.MultiChoiceDialog(self.frame, 'message', 'caption', choices="one two three four five".split()) d.SetSelections([2, 4]) s = d.GetSelections() #self.assertEqual(s, [2,4]) the internal list isn't updated right away, can't test this here d.Destroy()
def on_click_more(self, event): if not self.cats: files = self.file_list.GetStrings() if not files: return cols = [] for f in files: rdr = multiplierz.mzReport.reader(f) cols.append(rdr.columns[:]) rdr.close() cats = reduce(set.intersection, [set(c) for c in cols]) self.cats = sorted(c for c in cats.difference( set(self.option_list_data + ['Experimental mz'])) if c) more_cats = wx.MultiChoiceDialog(None, "Choose Columns To Match:", "More Fields", choices=self.cats) if more_cats.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK: defaults = self.category_list.GetStrings()[:4] checked_defs = [ d for i, d in enumerate(defaults) if self.category_list.IsChecked(i) ] checked_cats = [self.cats[i] for i in more_cats.GetSelections()] self.category_list.SetItems(defaults + checked_cats) self.category_list.SetCheckedStrings(checked_defs + checked_cats) more_cats.Destroy()
def OnEvent(self, propgrid, primaryEditor, event): if event.GetEventType() in [wx.wxEVT_BUTTON, wx.wxEVT_LEFT_UP, wx.wxEVT_RIGHT_UP]: dlg = wx.MultiChoiceDialog(propgrid, message='Check all wanted %ss below:'%self.GetLabel(), caption='Make Choices', choices=self.choices.GetLabels()) if dlg.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK: sels = dlg.GetSelections() v = '' if len(sels) == 0: self.m_value = '' # return True else: for idx in sels: v += self.choices.GetLabels()[idx] +', ' v = v[:-2] self.m_value = v self.SetValueInEvent(v) return True elif dlg.ShowModal() in [wx.ID_CANCEL, wx.ID_EXIT]: self.m_value = None if self.m_value: if len(self.m_value.strip()) > 0: sels = [ self.choices.index(x.strip()) for x in self.m_value.split(',') ] dlg.SetSelections(sels) return False
def OnOpenRecentButton(self, event=None ): # handle user request to Open Recent Project self.DisableKeypresses() OpenSuccess = False # whether valid project files are identified for opening # read recent projects list from cache file try: recent_projects_list = self.settings_manager.get_config( 'RecentProjectsList') except KeyError: #recent_projects_list does not exist - so create it recent_projects_list = [] self.settings_manager.set_value('RecentProjectsList', recent_projects_list) RPDisplayList = [ ] # build list of recent projects in display-friendly format for ProjFilename in reversed(recent_projects_list): RPDisplayList.append( _('%s in %s') % (os.path.basename(ProjFilename), os.path.dirname(ProjFilename))) DialogueBox = wx.MultiChoiceDialog( self, _('Which project(s) would you like to open?'), _('Choose a vizop project file to open'), RPDisplayList) # set up standard selection dialogue if DialogueBox.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK: # user clicked OK FilenamesSelected = [] # make list of filenames selected for index in DialogueBox.GetSelections(): FilenamesSelected.append(recent_projects_list[index]) OpenableProjFiles, ProjOpenData = self.HandleOpenFileRequest( FilenamesSelected) OpenSuccess = bool(OpenableProjFiles) # allow user to continue working in Welcome Frame if no projects can be opened. TODO give user feedback if not OpenSuccess: self.ReinstateKeypresses()
def OnLeftLink(self, event): """ Sélectionner les données à importer """ # Préparation de la liste des données listeDonnees = [] listePreSelections = [] index = 0 for nomCategorie, tables, selection in self.listeTablesImportation : listeDonnees.append(nomCategorie) if selection == True : listePreSelections.append(index) index += 1 # Boîte de dialogue sélections multiples titre = _(u"Importation des données") message = _(u"Sélectionnez les données que vous souhaitez importer :") dlg = wx.MultiChoiceDialog(self, message, titre, listeDonnees, wx.CHOICEDLG_STYLE) # Coche ceux qui doivent être déjà sélectionnés dans la liste dlg.SetSelections(listePreSelections) # Résultats if dlg.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK: listeSelections = dlg.GetSelections() index = 0 for categorie in self.listeTablesImportation : if index in listeSelections : self.listeTablesImportation[index][2] = True else: self.listeTablesImportation[index][2] = False index += 1 if len(listeSelections) == 0 : self.checkbox_details.SetValue(False) dlg.Destroy() else: dlg.Destroy()
def RetirerPiece(self, event): """ Retirer pièces """ if len(self.Selection()) == 0: dlg = wx.MessageDialog( self, _(u"Vous devez d'abord sélectionner un destinataire dans la liste !" ), _(u"Erreur de saisie"), wx.OK | wx.ICON_EXCLAMATION) dlg.ShowModal() dlg.Destroy() return track = self.Selection()[0] if track.pieces == []: dlg = wx.MessageDialog(self, _(u"Il n'y a aucune pièce à retirer !"), _(u"Erreur de saisie"), wx.OK | wx.ICON_EXCLAMATION) dlg.ShowModal() dlg.Destroy() return dlg = wx.MultiChoiceDialog( self, _(u"Cochez les pièces personnelles à retirer :"), _(u"Retirer des pièces personnelles"), track.listeLabelsPieces) if dlg.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK: selections = dlg.GetSelections() for index in selections: track.pieces.pop(index) self.memoire_pieces[track.adresse] = track.pieces self.MAJ() dlg.Destroy()
def BeginEdit(self, row, col, grid): """ Fetch the value from the table and prepare the edit control to begin editing. Set the focus to the edit control. *Must Override* """ # should be a list of enum at = grid.GetTable().get_attr_type(row, col) val = grid.GetTable().GetValue(row, col) # print at,type(at), self._ctrl.SetLabel(at.str(val, grid.editor_context.project)) # show dialog enum = at.element_type.enum dlg = wx.MultiChoiceDialog(self, "",, enum.names) dlg.SetSelections([enum.names.index(v) for v in val]) if dlg.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK: selections = dlg.GetSelections() self._result = [enum.names[x] for x in selections] dlg.Destroy() # end edit, right after Dialog closes grid.DisableCellEditControl()
def E4072(): """ Suppression des prestations sans consommations associées """ print "Lancement de la procedure E4072..." DB = GestionDB.DB() # Récupération des prestations req = """SELECT IDprestation, label FROM prestations;""" DB.ExecuterReq(req) listePrestations = DB.ResultatReq() # Récupération des consommations req = """SELECT IDconso, IDprestation FROM consommations;""" DB.ExecuterReq(req) listeConsommations = DB.ResultatReq() DB.Close() # Analyse dictPrestations = {} for IDconso, IDprestation in listeConsommations : if dictPrestations.has_key(IDprestation) == False : dictPrestations[IDprestation] = [] dictPrestations[IDprestation].append(IDconso) dictResultats = {} for IDprestation, label in listePrestations : if dictPrestations.has_key(IDprestation) == False : if dictResultats.has_key(label) == False : dictResultats[label] = [] dictResultats[label].append(IDprestation) listeDonnees = [] for label, listePrestationsTemp in dictResultats.iteritems() : texte = _(u"%s (%d prestations)") % (label, len(listePrestationsTemp)) listeDonnees.append((texte, label, listePrestationsTemp)) listeDonnees.sort() listeLabels = [] for texte, label, listePrestationsTemp in listeDonnees : listeLabels.append(texte) message = _(u"Cochez les prestations sans consommations associées que vous souhaitez supprimer.\n(Pensez à sauvegarder votre fichier avant d'effectuer cette procédure !)") dlg = wx.MultiChoiceDialog(None, message, _(u"Suppression des prestations sans consommations associées"), listeLabels) dlg.SetSize((450, 500)) dlg.CenterOnScreen() if dlg.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK: import wx.lib.agw.pybusyinfo as PBI message = _(u"Veuillez patienter durant la procédure...") dlgAttente = PBI.PyBusyInfo(message, parent=None, title=_(u"Procédure"), icon=wx.Bitmap(Chemins.GetStaticPath("Images/16x16/Logo.png"), wx.BITMAP_TYPE_ANY)) wx.Yield() selections = dlg.GetSelections() DB = GestionDB.DB() for index in selections : texte, label, listePrestationsTemp = listeDonnees[index] for IDprestation in listePrestationsTemp : DB.ReqDEL("prestations", "IDprestation", IDprestation) DB.Close() del dlgAttente dlg.Destroy() print "Fin de la procedure E4072."
def ShowSigTrendGraphLISA(self): # self is if not self.shapefiles or len(self.shapefiles) < 1: return shp_list = [ for shp in self.shapefiles] dlg = wx.SingleChoiceDialog( self, 'Select a POINT or Polygon(with time field) shape file:', 'LISA Trend Graph', shp_list, wx.CHOICEDLG_STYLE) if dlg.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK: idx = dlg.GetSelection() shp = self.shapefiles[idx] background_shapes = FilterShapeList(self.shapefiles, stars.SHP_POLYGON) if shp.shape_type == stars.SHP_POINT: # create Markov LISA from points gi_dlg = SigTrendGraphLISAQueryDialog( self, "LISA Trend Graph:" +, shp, background_shps=background_shapes, size=stars.DIALOG_SIZE_QUERY_MARKOV_LISA) gi_dlg.Show() elif shp.shape_type == stars.SHP_POLYGON: # bring up a dialog and let user select # the time field in POLYGON shape file dbf_field_list = shp.dbf.header timedlg = wx.MultiChoiceDialog( self, 'Select TIME fields to generate LISA Trend Graph:', 'DBF fields view', dbf_field_list) if timedlg.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK: selections = timedlg.GetSelections() # compose lisa_data_dict dbf = shp.dbf lisa_data_dict = {} count = 0 lbls = [] for idx in selections: lisa_data_dict[count] = np.array( dbf.by_col(dbf.header[idx])) lbls.append(dbf.header[idx]) count += 1 gi_spacetime_widget = PlotWidget(self, shp, None, SigTrendGraphLISA, query_data=lisa_data_dict, lbls=lbls, size=(800, 650), start=1, end=count - 1, step_by='', step=1) gi_spacetime_widget.Show() timedlg.Destroy() else: self.ShowMsgBox( "File type error. Should be a POINT or POLYGON shapefile.") dlg.Destroy() return dlg.Destroy()
def OnGetChoices(self, event): msg = "Pick the are resources to view." ids = [x for x in dir(wx) if x.startswith("ART_")] dlg = wx.MultiChoiceDialog(self, msg, "Pick Images", ids) if (dlg.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK): for selection in dlg.GetSelections(): theId = getattr(wx, ids[selection]) self.panel.AddBitmap(theId)
def viewmenu_passenger_handler(self, event): pax_list = sorted(common.passengers.itervalues()) labels = [str(p) for p in pax_list] dialog = wx.MultiChoiceDialog(self, '', 'View Passengers', labels) dialog.ShowModal() selections = dialog.GetSelections() # indexes of the selections for i in selections: pax_list[i].edit_traits()
def ask(choices, parent=None, message='', title=''): # dlg = wx.TextEntryDialog(parent, message, defaultValue=default_value) dlg = wx.MultiChoiceDialog(parent, message, title, choices) dlg.ShowModal() result = dlg.GetSelections() selection = result dlg.Destroy() return selection