def process_keystroke(inp, user): """ Process keystroke, ``inp``, for target ``user``. """ # pylint: disable=R0914,R0912,R0915,R0911,W0603 # Too many local variables # Too many branches # Too many statements # Too many return statements # Using the global statement # ^ lol, this is one of those things that should be # refactored into smaller subroutines =) from x84.bbs import getsession, getterminal, echo, getch, gosub from x84.bbs import LineEditor, ScrollingEditor from x84.default.nua import set_email, set_location from x84.bbs.ini import CFG def_timeout = CFG.getint('system', 'timeout') global EXIT session, term = getsession(), getterminal() is_self = bool(user.handle == session.user.handle) invalid = u'\r\niNVAlid.' assert is_self or 'sysop' in session.user.groups if is_self and inp in (u'c', u'C'): gosub('charset') elif is_self and inp in (u't', u'T'): echo(term.move(term.height - 1, 0)) echo(ABOUT_TERM + u'\r\n') echo(u'\r\ntERMiNAl tYPE: ') term = LineEditor(30, session.env.get('TERM')).read() echo(u"\r\n\r\nset TERM to '%s'? [yn]" % (term,)) while True: inp2 = getch() if inp2 in (u'y', u'Y'): session.env['TERM'] = term break elif inp2 in (u'n', u'N'): break elif is_self and inp in (u'w', u'W'): echo(u'\r\ntERMiNAl Width: ') width = LineEditor(3, str(term.width)).read() try: width = int(width) except ValueError: echo(invalid) return True if width < 0 or width > 999: echo(invalid) return True echo(u"\r\n\r\nset COLUMNS=%d? [yn]" % (width,)) while True: inp2 = getch() if inp2 in (u'y', u'Y'): term.columns = width break elif inp2 in (u'n', u'N'): break elif is_self and inp in (u'h', u'H'): echo(u'\r\ntERMiNAl hEiGht: ') height = LineEditor(3, str(term.height)).read() try: height = int(height) except ValueError: echo(invalid) return True if height < 0 or height > 999: echo(invalid) return True echo(u"\r\n\r\nset LINES=%d? [yn]" % (height,)) while True: inp2 = getch() if inp2 in (u'y', u'Y'): term.rows = height break elif inp2 in (u'n', u'N'): break elif 'sysop' in session.user.groups and inp in (u'd', u'D',): echo(u"\r\n\r\ndElEtE %s ? [yn]" % (user.handle,)) while True: inp2 = getch() if inp2 in (u'y', u'Y'): user.delete() break elif inp2 in (u'n', u'N'): break EXIT = True elif 'sysop' in session.user.groups and inp in (u's', u'S',): sysop = not 'sysop' in user.groups echo(u"\r\n\r\n%s SYSOP ACCESS? [yn]" % ( 'ENAblE' if sysop else 'diSAblE',)) while True: inp2 = getch() if inp2 in (u'y', u'Y'): if sysop: user.groups.add('sysop') else: user.groups.remove('sysop') break elif inp2 in (u'n', u'N'): break elif inp in (u'p', u'P'): from x84.default.nua import set_password set_password(user) echo(u"\r\n\r\nSEt PASSWORd ? [yn]") while True: inp2 = getch() if inp2 in (u'y', u'Y'): break elif inp2 in (u'n', u'N'): break elif inp in (u'k', 'K',): change = True if user.get('pubkey', False): echo(u"\r\n\r\nSSh PUbliC kEY AlREAdY SEt, ChANGE ? [yn]") while True: inp2 = getch() if inp2 in (u'y', u'Y'): break elif inp2 in (u'n', u'N'): change = False break if change: echo(u"\r\n\r\njUSt PAStE iN YOUR PUbliC kEY, MAkE SURE itS " u"All iN ONE lINE!\r\n\r\n\r\n") editor = ScrollingEditor(width=term.width - 6, yloc=term.height - 3, xloc=3) echo(term.reverse_yellow) pubkey = echo(term.normal) if pubkey is not None: if not pubkey.strip(): if user.get('pubkey', None): del user['pubkey'] echo(u'\r\n\r\nYOUR SECREtS ARE NEVER SAfE!\r\n') else: echo(u'\r\n\r\nWElCOME tO thE bROthERhOOd!\r\n') user['pubkey'] = pubkey getch(timeout=1.5) else: echo(u'\r\n\r\nCANCElEd!!\r\n') getch(timeout=0.5) elif inp in (u'.',): echo(term.move(0, 0) + term.normal + term.clear) echo(term.move(int(term.height * .8), 0)) for line in term.wrap(ABOUT_DOT_PLAN, term.width / 3): echo( + u'\r\n') echo(u'\r\n\r\nPRESS ANY kEY ...') getch() if is_self: gosub('editor', '.plan') else: tmpkey = '%s-%s' % (user.handle, user.plan) draft = user.get('.plan', u'') session.user[tmpkey] = draft gosub('editor', tmpkey) if session.user.get(tmpkey, u'') != draft: echo(u"\r\n\r\nSEt .PlAN ? [yn]") while True: inp2 = getch() if inp2 in (u'y', u'Y'): user['.plan'] = session.user[tmpkey] break elif inp2 in (u'n', u'N'): break elif inp in (u'l', u'L'): echo(term.move(term.height - 1, 0)) set_location(user) echo(u"\r\n\r\nSEt lOCAtiON tO '%s'? [yn]" % (user.location,)) while True: inp2 = getch() if inp2 in (u'y', u'Y'): break elif inp2 in (u'n', u'N'): break elif inp in (u'e', u'E'): echo(term.move(term.height - 1, 0)) set_email(user) echo(u"\r\n\r\nSEt EMAil tO '%s'? [yn]" % (,)) while True: inp2 = getch() if inp2 in (u'y', u'Y'): break elif inp2 in (u'n', u'N'): break elif inp in (u'i', u'I'): echo(u'\r\ntiMEOUt (0=NONE): ') timeout = LineEditor(6, str(user.get('timeout', def_timeout))).read() try: timeout = int(timeout) except ValueError: echo(invalid) return True if timeout < 0: echo(invalid) return True echo(u"\r\n\r\nSet tiMEOUt=%s? [yn]" % ( timeout if timeout else 'None',)) while True: inp2 = getch() if inp2 in (u'y', u'Y'): user['timeout'] = timeout session.send_event('set-timeout', timeout) break elif inp2 in (u'n', u'N'): break elif inp in (u'm', u'M'): mesg = False if user.get('mesg', True) else True echo(u"\r\n\r\n%s iNStANt MESSAGiNG? [yn]" % ( 'ENAblE' if mesg else 'DiSAblE',)) while True: inp2 = getch() if inp2 in (u'y', u'Y'): user['mesg'] = mesg break elif inp2 in (u'n', u'N'): break elif inp in (u'x', u'X'): expert = not user.get('expert', False) echo(u"\r\n\r\n%s EXPERt MOdE? [yn]" % ( 'ENAblE' if expert else 'DiSAblE',)) while True: inp2 = getch() if inp2 in (u'y', u'Y'): user['expert'] = expert break elif inp2 in (u'n', u'N'): break elif inp in (u'q', u'Q',): EXIT = True else: return False return True
def process_keystroke(lightbar, inp, user): """ Process keystroke, ``inp``, for target ``user``. """ # pylint: disable=R0914,R0912,R0915,R0911,W0603 # Too many local variables # Too many branches # Too many statements # Too many return statements # Using the global statement from x84.bbs import getsession, getterminal, echo, getch, gosub from x84.bbs import LineEditor, Ansi from x84.default.nua import set_email, set_location global EXIT session, term = getsession(), getterminal() is_self = bool(user.handle == session.user.handle) invalid = u'\r\niNVAlid.' if lightbar is not None: echo(lightbar.process_keystroke(inp)) if lightbar.moved: return False assert is_self or 'sysop' in session.user.groups # pylint: disable=W0311 # Bad indentation. Found 12 spaces, expected 8 if is_self and ( inp in (u'c', u'C') or (inp == term.KEY_ENTER and lightbar is not None and lightbar.selection[0] == u'c')): gosub('charset') elif is_self and ( inp in (u't', u'T') or (inp == term.KEY_ENTER and lightbar is not None and lightbar.selection[0] == u't')): echo(term.move(term.height - 1, 0)) echo(ABOUT_TERM + u'\r\n') echo(u'\r\ntERMiNAl tYPE: ') term = LineEditor(30, session.env.get('TERM')).read() echo(u"\r\n\r\nset TERM to '%s'? [yn]" % (term,)) while True: inp2 = getch() if inp2 in (u'y', u'Y'): session.env['TERM'] = term break elif inp2 in (u'n', u'N'): break elif is_self and ( inp in (u'w', u'W') or (inp == term.KEY_ENTER and lightbar is not None and lightbar.selection[0] == u'w')): echo(u'\r\ntERMiNAl Width: ') width = LineEditor(3, str(term.width)).read() try: width = int(width) except ValueError: echo(invalid) return True if width < 0 or width > 999: echo(invalid) return True echo(u"\r\n\r\nset COLUMNS=%d? [yn]" % (width,)) while True: inp2 = getch() if inp2 in (u'y', u'Y'): term.columns = width break elif inp2 in (u'n', u'N'): break elif is_self and ( inp in (u'h', u'H') or (inp == term.KEY_ENTER and lightbar is not None and lightbar.selection[0] == u'h')): echo(u'\r\ntERMiNAl hEiGht: ') height = LineEditor(3, str(term.height)).read() try: height = int(height) except ValueError: echo(invalid) return True if height < 0 or height > 999: echo(invalid) return True echo(u"\r\n\r\nset LINES=%d? [yn]" % (height,)) while True: inp2 = getch() if inp2 in (u'y', u'Y'): term.rows = height break elif inp2 in (u'n', u'N'): break elif ('sysop' in session.user.groups and ( inp in (u'd', u'D',) or (inp == term.KEY_ENTER and lightbar is not None and lightbar.selection[0] == u'd'))): echo(u"\r\n\r\ndElEtE %s ? [yn]" % (user.handle,)) while True: inp2 = getch() if inp2 in (u'y', u'Y'): user.delete() break elif inp2 in (u'n', u'N'): break EXIT = True elif 'sysop' in session.user.groups and ( inp in (u's', u'S',) or (inp == term.KEY_ENTER and lightbar is not None and lightbar.selection[0] == u's')): sysop = not 'sysop' in user.groups echo(u"\r\n\r\n%s SYSOP ACCESS? [yn]" % ( 'ENAblE' if sysop else 'diSAblE',)) while True: inp2 = getch() if inp2 in (u'y', u'Y'): if sysop: user.groups.add('sysop') else: user.groups.remove('sysop') break elif inp2 in (u'n', u'N'): break elif inp in (u'p',) or (inp == term.KEY_ENTER and lightbar is not None and lightbar.selection[0] == u'p'): from x84.default.nua import set_password set_password(user) echo(u"\r\n\r\nSEt PASSWORd ? [yn]") while True: inp2 = getch() if inp2 in (u'y', u'Y'): break elif inp2 in (u'n', u'N'): break elif inp in (u'.',) or (inp == term.KEY_ENTER and lightbar is not None and lightbar.selection[0] == u'.'): echo(term.move(0, 0) + term.normal + term.clear) echo(term.move(int(term.height * .8), 0)) for line in Ansi(ABOUT_DOT_PLAN).wrap( term.width / 3).splitlines(): echo( + u'\r\n') echo(u'\r\n\r\nPRESS ANY kEY ...') getch() if is_self: gosub('editor', '.plan') else: tmpkey = '%s-%s' % (user.handle, user.plan) draft = user.get('.plan', u'') session.user[tmpkey] = draft gosub('editor', tmpkey) if session.user.get(tmpkey, u'') != draft: echo(u"\r\n\r\nSEt .PlAN ? [yn]") while True: inp2 = getch() if inp2 in (u'y', u'Y'): user['.plan'] = session.user[tmpkey] break elif inp2 in (u'n', u'N'): break elif inp in (u'l', u'L') or (inp == term.KEY_ENTER and lightbar is not None and lightbar.selection[0] == u'l'): echo(term.move(term.height - 1, 0)) set_location(user) echo(u"\r\n\r\nSEt lOCAtiON tO '%s'? [yn]" % (user.location,)) while True: inp2 = getch() if inp2 in (u'y', u'Y'): break elif inp2 in (u'n', u'N'): break elif inp in (u'e', u'E') or (inp == term.KEY_ENTER and lightbar is not None and lightbar.selection[0] == u'e'): echo(term.move(term.height - 1, 0)) set_email(user) echo(u"\r\n\r\nSEt EMAil tO '%s'? [yn]" % (,)) while True: inp2 = getch() if inp2 in (u'y', u'Y'): break elif inp2 in (u'n', u'N'): break elif inp in (u'm', u'M') or (inp == term.KEY_ENTER and lightbar is not None and lightbar.selection[0] == u'm'): mesg = False if user.get('mesg', True) else True echo(u"\r\n\r\n%s iNStANt MESSAGiNG? [yn]" % ( 'ENAblE' if mesg else 'DiSAblE',)) while True: inp2 = getch() if inp2 in (u'y', u'Y'): user['mesg'] = mesg break elif inp2 in (u'n', u'N'): break elif inp in (u'x', u'X') or (inp == term.KEY_ENTER and lightbar is not None and lightbar.selection[0] == u'x'): expert = not user.get('expert', False) echo(u"\r\n\r\n%s EXPERt MOdE? [yn]" % ( 'ENAblE' if expert else 'DiSAblE',)) while True: inp2 = getch() if inp2 in (u'y', u'Y'): user['expert'] = expert break elif inp2 in (u'n', u'N'): break elif inp in (u'q', u'Q',) or (inp == term.KEY_ENTER and lightbar is not None and lightbar.selection[0] == u'q'): EXIT = True else: return False return True
def main(handle): """ Main procedure. """ # pylint: disable=R0914,R0915,R0911 # Too many local variables # Too many statements # Too many return statements # by request from midget; a password reset form session, term = getsession(), getterminal() session.activity = 'resetting password for %s' % (handle, ) user = get_user(handle) logger = logging.getLogger() prompt_email = u'\r\n\r\nENtER E-MAil fOR %r: ' msg_nfound = u'\r\n\r\n%r NOt fOUNd iN USERbASE.' msg_cancelled = u'\r\n CANCEllEd.' msg_wrong = u'\r\n\r\nWRONG' msg_mailsubj = u'passkey for %s' % (ini.CFG.get('system', 'bbsname')) msg_mailbody = u'Your passkey is %r' msg_mailfrom = ini.CFG.get('system', 'mail_addr') msg_sent = u'\r\n\r\nPASSkEY hAS bEEN SENt tO %s.' prompt_passkey = u'\r\n\r\nENtER PASSkEY: ' msg_verified = u'\r\n\r\nYOU hAVE bEEN VERifiEd.' echo(term.normal) if not handle in list_users(): echo(term.bold_red(msg_nfound)) getch() return False width = ini.CFG.getint('nua', 'max_email') email = None tries = 0 while True: tries += 1 if tries > 5: logger.warn('%r email retries exceeded', handle) return False echo(prompt_email % (handle, )) try_email = LineEditor(width).read() if try_email is None or 0 == len(try_email): echo(term.normal + msg_cancelled) return False # fetch user record email email = get_user(handle).email if email is None or 0 == len(email): logger.warn('%r missing email address, cannot send', handle) echo(term.bold_red(msg_wrong)) elif email.lower() != try_email.lower(): logger.warn('%r failed email %r (try: %r)', handle, email, try_email) echo(term.bold_red(msg_wrong)) else:'%r requests password reset to %r', handle, email) break # generate a 'passkey' and e-mail out of band, and request input passkey = base64.encodestring(os.urandom(ini.CFG.getint( 'nua', 'max_pass')))[:ini.CFG.getint('nua', 'max_pass')] msg = MIMEText(msg_mailbody % (passkey, )) msg['From'] = msg_mailfrom msg['To'] = email msg['Subject'] = msg_mailsubj # pylint: disable=W0703 # Catching too general exception Exception err = None try: smtp = smtplib.SMTP(ini.CFG.get('system', 'mail_smtphost')) smtp.sendmail(msg_mailfrom, [email], msg.as_string()) smtp.quit() except Exception as err: logger.exception(err) echo('u\r\n\r\n' + term.bold_red(str(err)) + u'\r\n') getch(2) return False echo(msg_sent % (email, )) width = len(passkey) email = None tries = 0 while True: tries += 1 if tries > 5: logger.warn("passkey retries exceeded for user '%s'", handle) return False echo(term.normal + u'\r\n\r\n') echo(prompt_passkey) try_passkey = LineEditor(width).read() if try_passkey is None or 0 == len(try_passkey): echo(term.normal + msg_cancelled) logger.warn("cancelled passkey for user '%s'", handle) return False if passkey == try_passkey: echo(term.bold_green(msg_verified)) echo(u'\r\n\r\n') break logger.warn("failed passkey for user '%s': '%s', tried '%s')", handle, passkey, try_passkey) echo(term.bold_red(msg_wrong)) set_password(user) return True
def main(handle): """ Main procedure. """ # pylint: disable=R0914,R0915,R0911 # Too many local variables # Too many statements # Too many return statements # by request from midget; a password reset form session, term = getsession(), getterminal() session.activity = 'resetting password for %s' % (handle,) user = get_user(handle) logger = logging.getLogger() prompt_email = u'\r\n\r\nENtER E-MAil fOR %r: ' msg_nfound = u'\r\n\r\n%r NOt fOUNd iN USERbASE.' msg_cancelled = u'\r\n CANCEllEd.' msg_wrong = u'\r\n\r\nWRONG' msg_mailsubj = u'passkey for %s' % (ini.CFG.get('system', 'bbsname')) msg_mailbody = u'Your passkey is %r' msg_mailfrom = ini.CFG.get('system', 'mail_addr') msg_sent = u'\r\n\r\nPASSkEY hAS bEEN SENt tO %s.' prompt_passkey = u'\r\n\r\nENtER PASSkEY: ' msg_verified = u'\r\n\r\nYOU hAVE bEEN VERifiEd.' echo(term.normal) if not handle in list_users(): echo(term.bold_red(msg_nfound)) getch() return False width = ini.CFG.getint('nua', 'max_email') email = None tries = 0 while True: tries += 1 if tries > 5: logger.warn('%r email retries exceeded', handle) return False echo(prompt_email % (handle,)) try_email = LineEditor(width).read() if try_email is None or 0 == len(try_email): echo(term.normal + msg_cancelled) return False # fetch user record email email = get_user(handle).email if email is None or 0 == len(email): logger.warn('%r missing email address, cannot send', handle) echo(term.bold_red(msg_wrong)) elif email.lower() != try_email.lower(): logger.warn('%r failed email %r (try: %r)', handle, email, try_email) echo(term.bold_red(msg_wrong)) else:'%r requests password reset to %r', handle, email) break # generate a 'passkey' and e-mail out of band, and request input passkey = base64.encodestring( os.urandom(ini.CFG.getint('nua', 'max_pass')) )[:ini.CFG.getint('nua', 'max_pass')] msg = MIMEText(msg_mailbody % (passkey,)) msg['From'] = msg_mailfrom msg['To'] = email msg['Subject'] = msg_mailsubj # pylint: disable=W0703 # Catching too general exception Exception err = None try: smtp = smtplib.SMTP(ini.CFG.get('system', 'mail_smtphost')) smtp.sendmail(msg_mailfrom, [email], msg.as_string()) smtp.quit() except Exception as err: logger.exception(err) echo('u\r\n\r\n' + term.bold_red(str(err)) + u'\r\n') getch(2) return False echo(msg_sent % (email,)) width = len(passkey) email = None tries = 0 while True: tries += 1 if tries > 5: logger.warn("passkey retries exceeded for user '%s'", handle) return False echo(term.normal + u'\r\n\r\n') echo(prompt_passkey) try_passkey = LineEditor(width).read() if try_passkey is None or 0 == len(try_passkey): echo(term.normal + msg_cancelled) logger.warn("cancelled passkey for user '%s'", handle) return False if passkey == try_passkey: echo(term.bold_green(msg_verified)) echo(u'\r\n\r\n') break logger.warn("failed passkey for user '%s': '%s', tried '%s')", handle, passkey, try_passkey) echo(term.bold_red(msg_wrong)) set_password(user) return True
def process_keystroke(inp, user): """ Process keystroke, ``inp``, for target ``user``. """ # pylint: disable=R0914,R0912,R0915,R0911,W0603 # Too many local variables # Too many branches # Too many statements # Too many return statements # Using the global statement # ^ lol, this is one of those things that should be # refactored into smaller subroutines =) from x84.bbs import getsession, getterminal, echo, getch, gosub from x84.bbs import LineEditor, Ansi from x84.default.nua import set_email, set_location from x84.bbs.ini import CFG def_timeout = CFG.getint('system', 'timeout') global EXIT session, term = getsession(), getterminal() is_self = bool(user.handle == session.user.handle) invalid = u'\r\niNVAlid.' assert is_self or 'sysop' in session.user.groups if is_self and inp in (u'^',): user['sausercookie'] = u'' user['sapasscookie'] = u'' if is_self and inp in (u'c', u'C'): gosub('charset') elif is_self and inp in (u'@',): echo(u'\r\neNTER SA \'pass\' cookie: ') sapasscookie = LineEditor(50, session.user['sapasscookie']).read() echo(u"\r\n\r\nset SA pass cookie to '%s'? [yn]" % (sapasscookie,)) while True: inp2 = getch() if inp2 in (u'y', u'Y'): session.user['sapasscookie'] = sapasscookie break elif inp2 in (u'n', u'N'): break elif is_self and inp in (u'!',): echo(u'\r\neNTER SA \'user\' cookie: ') sausercookie = LineEditor(30, session.user['sausercookie']).read() echo(u"\r\n\r\nset SA user cookie to '%s'? [yn]" % (sausercookie,)) while True: inp2 = getch() if inp2 in (u'y', u'Y'): session.user['sausercookie'] = sausercookie break elif inp2 in (u'n', u'N'): break elif is_self and inp in (u't', u'T'): echo(term.move(term.height - 1, 0)) echo(ABOUT_TERM + u'\r\n') echo(u'\r\ntERMiNAl tYPE: ') term = LineEditor(30, session.env.get('TERM')).read() echo(u"\r\n\r\nset TERM to '%s'? [yn]" % (term,)) while True: inp2 = getch() if inp2 in (u'y', u'Y'): session.env['TERM'] = term break elif inp2 in (u'n', u'N'): break elif is_self and inp in (u'w', u'W'): echo(u'\r\ntERMiNAl Width: ') width = LineEditor(3, str(term.width)).read() try: width = int(width) except ValueError: echo(invalid) return True if width < 0 or width > 999: echo(invalid) return True echo(u"\r\n\r\nset COLUMNS=%d? [yn]" % (width,)) while True: inp2 = getch() if inp2 in (u'y', u'Y'): term.columns = width break elif inp2 in (u'n', u'N'): break elif is_self and inp in (u'h', u'H'): echo(u'\r\ntERMiNAl hEiGht: ') height = LineEditor(3, str(term.height)).read() try: height = int(height) except ValueError: echo(invalid) return True if height < 0 or height > 999: echo(invalid) return True echo(u"\r\n\r\nset LINES=%d? [yn]" % (height,)) while True: inp2 = getch() if inp2 in (u'y', u'Y'): term.rows = height break elif inp2 in (u'n', u'N'): break elif 'sysop' in session.user.groups and inp in (u'd', u'D',): echo(u"\r\n\r\ndElEtE %s ? [yn]" % (user.handle,)) while True: inp2 = getch() if inp2 in (u'y', u'Y'): user.delete() break elif inp2 in (u'n', u'N'): break EXIT = True elif 'sysop' in session.user.groups and inp in (u's', u'S',): sysop = not 'sysop' in user.groups echo(u"\r\n\r\n%s SYSOP ACCESS? [yn]" % ( 'ENAblE' if sysop else 'diSAblE',)) while True: inp2 = getch() if inp2 in (u'y', u'Y'): if sysop: user.groups.add('sysop') else: user.groups.remove('sysop') break elif inp2 in (u'n', u'N'): break elif inp in (u'p', u'P'): from x84.default.nua import set_password set_password(user) echo(u"\r\n\r\nSEt PASSWORd ? [yn]") while True: inp2 = getch() if inp2 in (u'y', u'Y'): break elif inp2 in (u'n', u'N'): break elif inp in (u'.',): echo(term.move(0, 0) + term.normal + term.clear) echo(term.move(int(term.height * .8), 0)) for line in Ansi(ABOUT_DOT_PLAN).wrap( term.width / 3).splitlines(): echo( + u'\r\n') echo(u'\r\n\r\nPRESS ANY kEY ...') getch() if is_self: gosub('editor', '.plan') else: tmpkey = '%s-%s' % (user.handle, user.plan) draft = user.get('.plan', u'') session.user[tmpkey] = draft gosub('editor', tmpkey) if session.user.get(tmpkey, u'') != draft: echo(u"\r\n\r\nSEt .PlAN ? [yn]") while True: inp2 = getch() if inp2 in (u'y', u'Y'): user['.plan'] = session.user[tmpkey] break elif inp2 in (u'n', u'N'): break elif inp in (u'l', u'L'): echo(term.move(term.height - 1, 0)) set_location(user) echo(u"\r\n\r\nSEt lOCAtiON tO '%s'? [yn]" % (user.location,)) while True: inp2 = getch() if inp2 in (u'y', u'Y'): break elif inp2 in (u'n', u'N'): break elif inp in (u'e', u'E'): echo(term.move(term.height - 1, 0)) set_email(user) echo(u"\r\n\r\nSEt EMAil tO '%s'? [yn]" % (,)) while True: inp2 = getch() if inp2 in (u'y', u'Y'): break elif inp2 in (u'n', u'N'): break elif inp in (u'i', u'I'): echo(u'\r\ntiMEOUt (0=NONE): ') timeout = LineEditor(6, str(user.get('timeout', def_timeout))).read() try: timeout = int(timeout) except ValueError: echo(invalid) return True if timeout < 0: echo(invalid) return True echo(u"\r\n\r\nSet tiMEOUt=%s? [yn]" % ( timeout if timeout else 'None',)) while True: inp2 = getch() if inp2 in (u'y', u'Y'): user['timeout'] = timeout session.send_event('set-timeout', timeout) break elif inp2 in (u'n', u'N'): break elif inp in (u'm', u'M'): mesg = False if user.get('mesg', True) else True echo(u"\r\n\r\n%s iNStANt MESSAGiNG? [yn]" % ( 'ENAblE' if mesg else 'DiSAblE',)) while True: inp2 = getch() if inp2 in (u'y', u'Y'): user['mesg'] = mesg break elif inp2 in (u'n', u'N'): break elif inp in (u'x', u'X'): expert = not user.get('expert', False) echo(u"\r\n\r\n%s EXPERt MOdE? [yn]" % ( 'ENAblE' if expert else 'DiSAblE',)) while True: inp2 = getch() if inp2 in (u'y', u'Y'): user['expert'] = expert break elif inp2 in (u'n', u'N'): break elif inp in (u'q', u'Q',): EXIT = True else: return False return True