コード例 #1
# E/p analysis for run 2
# Joakim Olsson ([email protected])

from xAH_config import xAH_config
c = xAH_config()

# input containers
trks = "InDetTrackParticles"

# selected version
trks_loose = trks+"LoosePrimary"
trks_loose_ntrtG20 = trks+"LoosePrimary_nTRTG20"
trks_tight = trks+"TightPrimary"
trks_run1 = trks+"Run1"
do_trkPtRewighting = False

eta_bins_runII_general = ".0, .6, 1.1, 1.4, 1.5, 1.8, 1.9, 2.3"
# OLD  p_bins_runII_general = ".5, .8, 1.2, 1.8, 2.2, 2.8, 3.6, 4.6, 6., 10., 15., 20., 25., 30., 40., 50., 100., 200., 1000., 10000."
p_bins_runII_general = ".5, .8, 1.2, 1.8, 2.2, 2.8, 3.4, 4.2, 5., 6., 7., 9., 12., 15., 20., 30." #, 40., 50., 100., 200., 1000., 10000."

# E/p for comparisons with the Run 1 paper
# ''' E/p histograms with LoosePrimary track selection'''
# c.setalg("EoverPAnalysis", {"m_name": "EoverP_Run1paper_noSelection",
#                            "m_inTrackContainerName": trks,
#                            "m_energyCalib": "ClusterEnergy",
#                            "m_doCaloTotal": True,
#                            "m_doCaloEM": True,
#                            "m_doCaloHAD": True,
#                            "m_doBgSubtr" : True,
#                            "m_doTileLayer": False,
#                            "m_trkIsoDRmax": .4,
import ROOT
from xAH_config import xAH_config

c = xAH_config()

# circulated 19.10
# GRL = "$ROOTCOREBIN/data/TLAAlgos/data16_13TeV.periodAllYear_DetStatus-v83-pro20-14_DQDefects-00-02-04_PHYS_StandardGRL_All_Good_25ns.xml"
# PUmap = "$ROOTCOREBIN/data/TLAAlgos/PRW/pileup_map_None_297730-309759_OflLumi-13TeV-005.root" # made with dijet-TLA/lumi_and_pileup/make_pileup_map.py

# final 2016 w/ toroid off runs included circulated 31.10 / 01.11
GRL = "$ROOTCOREBIN/data/TLAAlgos/data16_13TeV.periodAllYear_DetStatus-v83-pro20-15_DQDefects-00-02-04_PHYS_StandardGRL_All_Good_25ns_ignore_TOROID_STATUS.xml"
PUmap = "$ROOTCOREBIN/data/TLAAlgos/PRW/pileup_map_None_297730-311481_OflLumi-13TeV-005.root"

#  Data Config
if not args.is_MC:
    applyGRL = True

#  MC Config
    applyGRL = False

doTruthOnly = False

# Process Ntuple