コード例 #1
ファイル: pyscf_observable.py プロジェクト: tnguyen-ornl/xacc
    def fromOptions(self, inputParams):
        import numpy as np, sys, io, os
        from pyscf import gto, scf, dft, tddft
        from pyscf.lib import logger

        mol = gto.mole.Mole()
        sys.argv = ['']
        mol.atom = inputParams['geometry']
        mol.basis = inputParams['basis']
        if 'verbose' in inputParams and inputParams['verbose']:
        scf_wfn = scf.RHF(mol)  # needs to be changed for open-shells
        scf_wfn.conv_tol = 1e-8
        scf_wfn.kernel()  # runs RHF calculations
        scf_e = scf_wfn.e_tot
        E_nucl = mol.energy_nuc()

        # Get MO coefficients from SCF wavefunction
        # ==> ERIs <==
        # Create instance of MintsHelper class:

        nbf = mol.nao  # number of basis functions
        nso = 2 * nbf  # number of spin orbitals
        # Assuming RHF for now, easy to generalize later
        nalpha = (scf_wfn.mo_occ == 2).sum()
        nbeta = (scf_wfn.mo_occ == 2).sum()
        nocc = nalpha + nbeta  # number of occupied orbitals
        nvirt = 2 * nbf - nocc  # number of virtual orbitals
        list_occ_alpha = scf_wfn.mo_occ
        list_occ_beta = scf_wfn.mo_occ

        # Get orbital energies
        eps_a = scf_wfn.mo_energy
        eps_b = scf_wfn.mo_energy
        eps = np.append(eps_a, eps_b)

        # Get orbital coefficients:
        Ca = scf_wfn.mo_coeff
        Cb = scf_wfn.mo_coeff
        C = np.block([[Ca, np.zeros_like(Cb)], [np.zeros_like(Ca), Cb]])

        # Get the two electron integrals using MintsHelper
        Ints = mol.intor('int2e_sph')

        def spin_block_tei(I):
             Function that spin blocks two-electron integrals
             Using np.kron, we project I into the space of the 2x2 identity, tranpose the result
             and project into the space of the 2x2 identity again. This doubles the size of each axis.
             The result is our two electron integral tensor in the spin orbital form.
            identity = np.eye(2)
            I = np.kron(identity, I)
            return np.kron(identity, I.T)

        # Spin-block the two electron integral array
        I_spinblock = spin_block_tei(Ints)

        # Converts chemist's notation to physicist's notation, and antisymmetrize
        # (pq | rs) ---> <pr | qs>
        # Physicist's notation
        tmp = I_spinblock.transpose(0, 2, 1, 3)

        # Antisymmetrize:
        # <pr||qs> = <pr | qs> - <pr | sq>
        gmo = tmp - tmp.transpose(0, 1, 3, 2)
        gmo = np.einsum('pqrs, sS -> pqrS', gmo, C)
        gmo = np.einsum('pqrS, rR -> pqRS', gmo, C)
        gmo = np.einsum('pqRS, qQ -> pQRS', gmo, C)
        gmo = np.einsum('pQRS, pP -> PQRS', gmo, C)

        # -------- 0-body term:
        Hamiltonian_0body = E_nucl

        # -------- 1-body term:
        #   Ca*
        # Build core Hamiltonian
        T = mol.intor_symmetric('int1e_kin')
        V = mol.intor_symmetric('int1e_nuc')
        H_core_ao = T + V

        # -- check  which one more efficient (matmul vs einsum)
        #   H_core_mo = np.matmul(Ca.T,np.matmul(H_core_ao,Ca)))
        H_core_mo = np.einsum('ij, jk, kl -> il', Ca.T, H_core_ao, Ca)
        H_core_mo_alpha = H_core_mo
        H_core_mo_beta = H_core_mo

        # ---- this version breaks is we permuted  SCF eigvecs
        # Hamiltonian_1body = np.block([
        #            [  H_core_mo_alpha             ,           np.zeros_like(H_core_mo_alpha)],
        #            [np.zeros_like(H_core_mo_beta) ,  H_core_mo_beta      ]])
        # --- th is version is  safer than above (H_1b is permutted correctly if eigvecs are permutted)
        Hamiltonian_1body_ao = np.block([[H_core_ao,
        Hamiltonian_1body = np.einsum('ij, jk, kl -> il', C.T,
                                      Hamiltonian_1body_ao, C)
        Hamiltonian_2body = gmo

        if 'frozen-spin-orbitals' in inputParams and 'active-spin-orbitals' in inputParams:
            MSO_frozen_list = inputParams['frozen-spin-orbitals']
            MSO_active_list = inputParams['active-spin-orbitals']
            n_frozen = len(MSO_frozen_list)
            n_active = len(MSO_active_list)
            MSO_frozen_list = []
            MSO_active_list = range(Hamiltonian_1body.shape[0])
            n_frozen = 0
            n_active = len(MSO_active_list)

        # ----- 0-body frozen-core:
        Hamiltonian_fc_0body = E_nucl
        for a in range(n_frozen):

            ia = MSO_frozen_list[a]
            Hamiltonian_fc_0body += Hamiltonian_1body[ia, ia]

            for b in range(a):

                ib = MSO_frozen_list[b]
                Hamiltonian_fc_0body += gmo[ia, ib, ia, ib]

        f_str = str(Hamiltonian_fc_0body)

        pos_or_neg = lambda x: ' + ' if x > 0. else ' - '

        # --- 1-body frozen-core:
        Hamiltonian_fc_1body = np.zeros((n_active, n_active))
        Hamiltonian_fc_1body_tmp = np.zeros((n_active, n_active))
        for p in range(n_active):

            ip = MSO_active_list[p]

            for q in range(n_active):

                iq = MSO_active_list[q]
                Hamiltonian_fc_1body[p, q] = Hamiltonian_1body[ip, iq]
                #Hamiltonian_fc_1body_tmp[p,q] =  Hamiltonian_1body[ip,iq]

                for a in range(n_frozen):

                    ia = MSO_frozen_list[a]
                    Hamiltonian_fc_1body[p, q] += gmo[ia, ip, ia, iq]
                if abs(Hamiltonian_fc_1body[p, q]) > 1e-12:
                    f_str += pos_or_neg(Hamiltonian_fc_1body[p, q]) + str(
                        abs(Hamiltonian_fc_1body[p, q])) + ' ' + str(
                            p) + '^ ' + str(q)

        # ------- 2-body frozen-core:

        Hamiltonian_fc_2body = np.zeros(
            (n_active, n_active, n_active, n_active))
        for p in range(n_active):

            ip = MSO_active_list[p]

            for q in range(n_active):

                iq = MSO_active_list[q]

                for r in range(n_active):

                    ir = MSO_active_list[r]

                    for ss in range(n_active):

                        iss = MSO_active_list[ss]
                        #Hamiltonian_fc_2body[p,q,r,ss]= 0.25* gmo[ip,iq,ir,iss]
                        Hamiltonian_fc_2body[p, q, r, ss] = gmo[ip, iq, ir,
                        #Hamiltonian_fc_2body[p,q,r,ss]= 0.25* gmo[ip,iq,iss,ir]

        Hamiltonian_fc_2body_tmp = 0.25 * Hamiltonian_fc_2body.transpose(
            0, 1, 3, 2)
        for p in range(n_active):
            ip = MSO_active_list[p]
            for q in range(n_active):
                iq = MSO_active_list[q]
                for r in range(n_active):
                    ir = MSO_active_list[r]
                    for ss in range(n_active):
                        if abs(Hamiltonian_fc_2body_tmp[p, q, r, ss]) > 1e-12:
                            f_str += pos_or_neg(
                                Hamiltonian_fc_2body_tmp[p, q, r, ss]) + str(
                                    abs(Hamiltonian_fc_2body_tmp[p, q, r, ss])
                                ) + ' ' + str(p) + '^ ' + str(q) + '^ ' + str(
                                    r) + ' ' + str(ss)
        self.observable = xacc.getObservable('fermion', f_str)
        self.asPauli = xacc.transformToPauli('jw', self.observable)
コード例 #2
ファイル: psi4_observable.py プロジェクト: zpparks314/xacc
    def fromOptions(self, inputParams):
        import numpy as np
        import psi4
        g = inputParams['geometry']
        basis = inputParams['basis']
        moleculeGeom = psi4.geometry(g)
            'basis': basis,
            'scf_type': 'pk',
            'mp2_type': 'conv',
            'e_convergence': 1e-8,
            'd_convergence': 1e-8
        scf_e, scf_wfn = psi4.energy('scf', return_wfn=True)
        E_nucl = moleculeGeom.nuclear_repulsion_energy()

        # Get MO coefficients from SCF wavefunction
        # ==> ERIs <==
        # Create instance of MintsHelper class:

        mints = psi4.core.MintsHelper(scf_wfn.basisset())

        nbf = mints.nbf()  # number of basis functions
        nso = 2 * nbf  # number of spin orbitals
        nalpha = scf_wfn.nalpha()  # number of alpha electrons
        nbeta = scf_wfn.nbeta()  # number of beta electrons
        nocc = nalpha + nbeta  # number of occupied orbitals
        nvirt = 2 * nbf - nocc  # number of virtual orbitals
        list_occ_alpha = np.asarray(scf_wfn.occupation_a())
        list_occ_beta = np.asarray(scf_wfn.occupation_b())

        # Get orbital energies
        eps_a = np.asarray(scf_wfn.epsilon_a())
        eps_b = np.asarray(scf_wfn.epsilon_b())
        eps = np.append(eps_a, eps_b)

        # Get orbital coefficients:
        Ca = np.asarray(scf_wfn.Ca())
        Cb = np.asarray(scf_wfn.Cb())
        C = np.block([[Ca, np.zeros_like(Cb)], [np.zeros_like(Ca), Cb]])

        # Get the two electron integrals using MintsHelper
        Ints = np.asarray(mints.ao_eri())

        def spin_block_tei(I):
             Function that spin blocks two-electron integrals
             Using np.kron, we project I into the space of the 2x2 identity, tranpose the result
             and project into the space of the 2x2 identity again. This doubles the size of each axis.
             The result is our two electron integral tensor in the spin orbital form.
            identity = np.eye(2)
            I = np.kron(identity, I)
            return np.kron(identity, I.T)

        # Spin-block the two electron integral array
        I_spinblock = spin_block_tei(Ints)

        # Converts chemist's notation to physicist's notation, and antisymmetrize
        # (pq | rs) ---> <pr | qs>
        # Physicist's notation
        tmp = I_spinblock.transpose(0, 2, 1, 3)

        # Antisymmetrize:
        # <pr||qs> = <pr | qs> - <pr | sq>
        gao = tmp - tmp.transpose(0, 1, 3, 2)
        gmo = np.einsum(
            'pQRS, pP -> PQRS',
                'pqRS, qQ -> pQRS',
                np.einsum('pqrS, rR -> pqRS',
                          np.einsum('pqrs, sS -> pqrS', gao, C), C), C), C)

        # -------- 0-body term:
        Hamiltonian_0body = E_nucl

        # -------- 1-body term:
        #   Ca*
        # Build core Hamiltonian
        T = np.asarray(mints.ao_kinetic())
        V = np.asarray(mints.ao_potential())
        H_core_ao = T + V

        # -- check  which one more efficient (matmul vs einsum)
        #   H_core_mo = np.matmul(Ca.T,np.matmul(H_core_ao,Ca)))
        H_core_mo = np.einsum('ij, jk, kl -> il', Ca.T, H_core_ao, Ca)
        H_core_mo_alpha = H_core_mo
        H_core_mo_beta = H_core_mo

        # ---- this version breaks is we permuted  SCF eigvecs
        # Hamiltonian_1body = np.block([
        #            [  H_core_mo_alpha             ,           np.zeros_like(H_core_mo_alpha)],
        #            [np.zeros_like(H_core_mo_beta) ,  H_core_mo_beta      ]])
        # --- th is version is  safer than above (H_1b is permutted correctly if eigvecs are permutted)
        Hamiltonian_1body_ao = np.block([[H_core_ao,
        Hamiltonian_1body = np.einsum('ij, jk, kl -> il', C.T,
                                      Hamiltonian_1body_ao, C)
        Hamiltonian_2body = gmo

        if 'frozen-spin-orbitals' in inputParams and 'active-spin-orbitals' in inputParams:
            MSO_frozen_list = inputParams['frozen-spin-orbitals']
            MSO_active_list = inputParams['active-spin-orbitals']
            n_frozen = len(MSO_frozen_list)
            n_active = len(MSO_active_list)
            MSO_frozen_list = []
            MSO_active_list = range(Hamiltonian_1body.shape[0])
            n_frozen = 0
            n_active = len(MSO_active_list)

        # ----- 0-body frozen-core:
        Hamiltonian_fc_0body = E_nucl
        for a in range(n_frozen):

            ia = MSO_frozen_list[a]
            Hamiltonian_fc_0body += Hamiltonian_1body[ia, ia]

            for b in range(a):

                ib = MSO_frozen_list[b]
                Hamiltonian_fc_0body += gmo[ia, ib, ia, ib]

        f_str = str(Hamiltonian_fc_0body)

        pos_or_neg = lambda x: ' + ' if x > 0. else ' - '

        # --- 1-body frozen-core:
        Hamiltonian_fc_1body = np.zeros((n_active, n_active))
        Hamiltonian_fc_1body_tmp = np.zeros((n_active, n_active))
        for p in range(n_active):

            ip = MSO_active_list[p]

            for q in range(n_active):

                iq = MSO_active_list[q]
                Hamiltonian_fc_1body[p, q] = Hamiltonian_1body[ip, iq]
                #Hamiltonian_fc_1body_tmp[p,q] =  Hamiltonian_1body[ip,iq]

                for a in range(n_frozen):

                    ia = MSO_frozen_list[a]
                    Hamiltonian_fc_1body[p, q] += gmo[ia, ip, ia, iq]
                if abs(Hamiltonian_fc_1body[p, q]) > 1e-12:
                    f_str += pos_or_neg(Hamiltonian_fc_1body[p, q]) + str(
                        abs(Hamiltonian_fc_1body[p, q])) + ' ' + str(
                            p) + '^ ' + str(q)

        # ------- 2-body frozen-core:

        Hamiltonian_fc_2body = np.zeros(
            (n_active, n_active, n_active, n_active))
        for p in range(n_active):

            ip = MSO_active_list[p]

            for q in range(n_active):

                iq = MSO_active_list[q]

                for r in range(n_active):

                    ir = MSO_active_list[r]

                    for ss in range(n_active):

                        iss = MSO_active_list[ss]
                        #Hamiltonian_fc_2body[p,q,r,ss]= 0.25* gmo[ip,iq,ir,iss]
                        Hamiltonian_fc_2body[p, q, r, ss] = gmo[ip, iq, ir,
                        #Hamiltonian_fc_2body[p,q,r,ss]= 0.25* gmo[ip,iq,iss,ir]

        Hamiltonian_fc_2body_tmp = 0.25 * Hamiltonian_fc_2body.transpose(
            0, 1, 3, 2)
        for p in range(n_active):
            ip = MSO_active_list[p]
            for q in range(n_active):
                iq = MSO_active_list[q]
                for r in range(n_active):
                    ir = MSO_active_list[r]
                    for ss in range(n_active):
                        if abs(Hamiltonian_fc_2body_tmp[p, q, r, ss]) > 1e-12:
                            f_str += pos_or_neg(
                                Hamiltonian_fc_2body_tmp[p, q, r, ss]) + str(
                                    abs(Hamiltonian_fc_2body_tmp[p, q, r, ss])
                                ) + ' ' + str(p) + '^ ' + str(q) + '^ ' + str(
                                    r) + ' ' + str(ss)
        self.observable = xacc.getObservable('fermion', f_str)
        self.asPauli = xacc.transformToPauli('jw', self.observable)