コード例 #1
ファイル: Xapian.py プロジェクト: steveyen/moingo
    def _check_version(self):
        """ Checks if the correct version of Xapian is installed """
        # every version greater than or equal to XAPIAN_MIN_VERSION is allowed
        XAPIAN_MIN_VERSION = (1, 0, 0)
        major, minor, revision = xapian.major_version(), xapian.minor_version(), xapian.revision()
        if (major, minor, revision) >= XAPIAN_MIN_VERSION:

        from MoinMoin.error import ConfigurationError
        raise ConfigurationError(('MoinMoin needs at least Xapian version '
                '%d.%d.%d to work correctly. Either disable Xapian '
                'completetly in your wikiconfig or upgrade your Xapian %d.%d.%d '
                'installation!') % (XAPIAN_MIN_VERSION + (major, minor, revision)))
コード例 #2
def test_all():
    # Test the version number reporting functions give plausible results.
    v = "%d.%d.%d" % (xapian.major_version(),
    v2 = xapian.version_string()
    expect(v2, v, "Unexpected version output")

    stem = xapian.Stem("english")
    expect(stem.get_description(), "Xapian::Stem(english)", "Unexpected stem.get_description()")

    doc = xapian.Document()
    if doc.get_data() == "a":
        raise TestFail("get_data+set_data truncates at a zero byte")
    expect(doc.get_data(), "a\0b", "get_data+set_data doesn't transparently handle a zero byte")
    doc.set_data("is there anybody out there?")
    doc.add_posting(stem("is"), 1)
    doc.add_posting(stem("there"), 2)
    doc.add_posting(stem("anybody"), 3)
    doc.add_posting(stem("out"), 4)
    doc.add_posting(stem("there"), 5)

    db = xapian.inmemory_open()
    expect(db.get_doccount(), 1, "Unexpected db.get_doccount()")
    terms = ["smoke", "test", "terms"]
    expect_query(xapian.Query(xapian.Query.OP_OR, terms),
                 "(smoke OR test OR terms)")
    query1 = xapian.Query(xapian.Query.OP_PHRASE, ("smoke", "test", "tuple"))
    query2 = xapian.Query(xapian.Query.OP_XOR, (xapian.Query("smoke"), query1, "string"))
    expect_query(query1, "(smoke PHRASE 3 test PHRASE 3 tuple)")
    expect_query(query2, "(smoke XOR (smoke PHRASE 3 test PHRASE 3 tuple) XOR string)")
    subqs = ["a", "b"]
    expect_query(xapian.Query(xapian.Query.OP_OR, subqs), "(a OR b)")
    expect_query(xapian.Query(xapian.Query.OP_VALUE_RANGE, 0, '1', '4'),
                 "VALUE_RANGE 0 1 4")

    # Feature test for Query.__iter__
    term_count = 0
    for term in query2:
        term_count += 1
    expect(term_count, 4, "Unexpected number of terms in query2")

    enq = xapian.Enquire(db)
    enq.set_query(xapian.Query(xapian.Query.OP_OR, "there", "is"))
    mset = enq.get_mset(0, 10)
    expect(mset.size(), 1, "Unexpected mset.size()")

    # Feature test for Enquire.matching_terms(docid)
    term_count = 0
    for term in enq.matching_terms(mset.get_hit(0)):
        term_count += 1
    expect(term_count, 2, "Unexpected number of matching terms")

    # Feature test for MSet.__iter__
    msize = 0
    for match in mset:
        msize += 1
    expect(msize, mset.size(), "Unexpected number of entries in mset")

    terms = " ".join(enq.matching_terms(mset.get_hit(0)))
    expect(terms, "is there", "Unexpected terms")

    # Feature test for ESet.__iter__
    rset = xapian.RSet()
    eset = enq.get_eset(10, rset)
    term_count = 0
    for term in eset:
        term_count += 1
    expect(term_count, 3, "Unexpected number of expand terms")

    # Feature test for Database.__iter__
    term_count = 0
    for term in db:
        term_count += 1
    expect(term_count, 5, "Unexpected number of terms in db")

    # Feature test for Database.allterms
    term_count = 0
    for term in db.allterms():
        term_count += 1
    expect(term_count, 5, "Unexpected number of terms in db.allterms")

    # Feature test for Database.postlist
    count = 0
    for posting in db.postlist("there"):
        count += 1
    expect(count, 1, "Unexpected number of entries in db.postlist('there')")

    # Feature test for Database.postlist with empty term (alldocspostlist)
    count = 0
    for posting in db.postlist(""):
        count += 1
    expect(count, 1, "Unexpected number of entries in db.postlist('')")

    # Feature test for Database.termlist
    count = 0
    for term in db.termlist(1):
        count += 1
    expect(count, 5, "Unexpected number of entries in db.termlist(1)")

    # Feature test for Database.positionlist
    count = 0
    for term in db.positionlist(1, "there"):
        count += 1
    expect(count, 2, "Unexpected number of entries in db.positionlist(1, 'there')")

    # Feature test for Document.termlist
    count = 0
    for term in doc.termlist():
        count += 1
    expect(count, 5, "Unexpected number of entries in doc.termlist()")

    # Feature test for TermIter.skip_to
    term = doc.termlist()
    while True:
            x = term.next()
        except StopIteration:
        if x.term < 'n':
            raise TestFail("TermIter.skip_to didn't skip term '%s'" % x.term)

    # Feature test for Document.values
    count = 0
    for term in doc.values():
        count += 1
    expect(count, 0, "Unexpected number of entries in doc.values")

    # Check exception handling for Xapian::DocNotFoundError
    expect_exception(xapian.DocNotFoundError, "Docid 3 not found", db.get_document, 3)

    # Check value of OP_ELITE_SET
    expect(xapian.Query.OP_ELITE_SET, 10, "Unexpected value for OP_ELITE_SET")

    # Feature test for MatchDecider
    doc = xapian.Document()
    doc.add_posting(stem("out"), 1)
    doc.add_posting(stem("outside"), 1)
    doc.add_posting(stem("source"), 2)
    doc.add_value(0, "yes")

    class testmatchdecider(xapian.MatchDecider):
        def __call__(self, doc):
            return doc.get_value(0) == "yes"

    query = xapian.Query(stem("out"))
    enquire = xapian.Enquire(db)
    mset = enquire.get_mset(0, 10, None, testmatchdecider())
    expect(mset.size(), 1, "Unexpected number of documents returned by match decider")
    expect(mset.get_docid(0), 2, "MatchDecider mset has wrong docid in")

    # Feature test for ExpandDecider
    class testexpanddecider(xapian.ExpandDecider):
        def __call__(self, term):
            return (not term.startswith('a'))

    enquire = xapian.Enquire(db)
    rset = xapian.RSet()
    eset = enquire.get_eset(10, rset, xapian.Enquire.USE_EXACT_TERMFREQ, 1.0, testexpanddecider())
    eset_terms = [term[xapian.ESET_TNAME] for term in eset.items]
    expect(len(eset_terms), eset.size(), "Unexpected number of terms returned by expand")
    if filter(lambda t: t.startswith('a'), eset_terms):
        raise TestFail("ExpandDecider was not used")

    # Check QueryParser parsing error.
    qp = xapian.QueryParser()
    expect_exception(xapian.QueryParserError, "Syntax: <expression> AND <expression>", qp.parse_query, "test AND")

    # Check QueryParser pure NOT option
    qp = xapian.QueryParser()
    expect_query(qp.parse_query("NOT test", qp.FLAG_BOOLEAN + qp.FLAG_PURE_NOT),
                 "(<alldocuments> AND_NOT test:(pos=1))")

    # Check QueryParser partial option
    qp = xapian.QueryParser()
    expect_query(qp.parse_query("foo o", qp.FLAG_PARTIAL),
                 "(Zfoo:(pos=1) AND (out:(pos=2) OR outsid:(pos=2) OR Zo:(pos=2)))")

    expect_query(qp.parse_query("foo outside", qp.FLAG_PARTIAL),
                 "(Zfoo:(pos=1) AND Zoutsid:(pos=2))")

    # Test supplying unicode strings
    expect_query(xapian.Query(xapian.Query.OP_OR, (u'foo', u'bar')),
                 '(foo OR bar)')
    expect_query(xapian.Query(xapian.Query.OP_OR, ('foo', u'bar\xa3')),
                 '(foo OR bar\xc2\xa3)')
    expect_query(xapian.Query(xapian.Query.OP_OR, ('foo', 'bar\xc2\xa3')),
                 '(foo OR bar\xc2\xa3)')
    expect_query(xapian.Query(xapian.Query.OP_OR, u'foo', u'bar'),
                 '(foo OR bar)')

    expect_query(qp.parse_query(u"NOT t\xe9st", qp.FLAG_BOOLEAN + qp.FLAG_PURE_NOT),
                 "(<alldocuments> AND_NOT Zt\xc3\xa9st:(pos=1))")

    doc = xapian.Document()
    doc.set_data(u"Unicode with an acc\xe9nt")
    doc.add_posting(stem(u"out\xe9r"), 1)
    expect(doc.get_data(), u"Unicode with an acc\xe9nt".encode('utf-8'))
    term = doc.termlist().next().term
    expect(term, u"out\xe9r".encode('utf-8'))

    # Check simple stopper
    stop = xapian.SimpleStopper()
    expect(stop('a'), False)
    expect_query(qp.parse_query(u"foo bar a", qp.FLAG_BOOLEAN),
                 "(Zfoo:(pos=1) AND Zbar:(pos=2) AND Za:(pos=3))")

    expect(stop('a'), True)
    expect_query(qp.parse_query(u"foo bar a", qp.FLAG_BOOLEAN),
                 "(Zfoo:(pos=1) AND Zbar:(pos=2))")

    # Feature test for custom Stopper
    class my_b_stopper(xapian.Stopper):
        def __call__(self, term):
            return term == "b"

        def get_description(self):
            return u"my_b_stopper"

    stop = my_b_stopper()
    expect(stop.get_description(), u"my_b_stopper")
    expect(stop('a'), False)
    expect_query(qp.parse_query(u"foo bar a", qp.FLAG_BOOLEAN),
                 "(Zfoo:(pos=1) AND Zbar:(pos=2) AND Za:(pos=3))")

    expect(stop('b'), True)
    expect_query(qp.parse_query(u"foo bar b", qp.FLAG_BOOLEAN),
                 "(Zfoo:(pos=1) AND Zbar:(pos=2))")

    # Test TermGenerator
    termgen = xapian.TermGenerator()
    doc = xapian.Document()
    termgen.index_text('foo bar baz foo')
    expect([(item.term, item.wdf, [pos for pos in item.positer]) for item in doc.termlist()], [('bar', 1, [2]), ('baz', 1, [3]), ('foo', 2, [1, 4])])

    # Check DateValueRangeProcessor works
    context("checking that DateValueRangeProcessor works")
    qp = xapian.QueryParser()
    vrpdate = xapian.DateValueRangeProcessor(1, 1, 1960)
    query = qp.parse_query('12/03/99..12/04/01')
    expect(str(query), 'Xapian::Query(VALUE_RANGE 1 19991203 20011204)')

    # Regression test for bug#193, fixed in 1.0.3.
    context("running regression test for bug#193")
    vrp = xapian.NumberValueRangeProcessor(0, '$', True)
    a = '$10'
    b = '20'
    slot, a, b = vrp(a, b)
    expect(slot, 0)
    expect(xapian.sortable_unserialise(a), 10)
    expect(xapian.sortable_unserialise(b), 20)

    # Regression tests copied from PHP (probably always worked in python, but
    # let's check...)
    context("running regression tests for issues which were found in PHP")

    # PHP overload resolution involving boolean types failed.
    enq.set_sort_by_value(1, True)

    # Regression test - fixed in
    oqparser = xapian.QueryParser()
    oquery = oqparser.parse_query("I like tea")

    # Regression test for bug#192 - fixed in 1.0.3.

    # Test setting and getting metadata
    expect(db.get_metadata('Foo'), '')
    db.set_metadata('Foo', 'Foo')
    expect(db.get_metadata('Foo'), 'Foo')
    expect_exception(xapian.InvalidArgumentError, "Empty metadata keys are invalid", db.get_metadata, '')
    expect_exception(xapian.InvalidArgumentError, "Empty metadata keys are invalid", db.set_metadata, '', 'Foo')
    expect_exception(xapian.InvalidArgumentError, "Empty metadata keys are invalid", db.get_metadata, '')

    # Test OP_SCALE_WEIGHT and corresponding constructor
    expect_query(xapian.Query(xapian.Query.OP_SCALE_WEIGHT, xapian.Query('foo'), 5),
                 "5 * foo")
コード例 #3
def test_all():
    # Test the version number reporting functions give plausible results.
    v = "%d.%d.%d" % (xapian.major_version(), xapian.minor_version(),
    v2 = xapian.version_string()
    expect(v2, v, "Unexpected version output")

    # A regexp check would be better, but seems to create a bogus "leak" of -1
    # objects in Python 3.
    expect(len(xapian.__version__.split('.')), 3,
           'xapian.__version__ not X.Y.Z')
    expect((xapian.__version__.split('.'))[0], '1',
           'xapian.__version__ not "1.Y.Z"')

    def access_cvar():
        res = xapian.cvar
        print("Unhandled constants: ", res)
        return res

    # Check that SWIG isn't generating cvar (regression test for ticket#297).
    # Python 3.5 generates a different exception message here to earlier
    # versions, so we need a check which matches both.
                     lambda msg: msg.find("has no attribute 'cvar'") != -1,

    stem = xapian.Stem(b"english")
    expect(str(stem), "Xapian::Stem(english)", "Unexpected str(stem)")

    doc = xapian.Document()
    if doc.get_data() == b"a":
        raise TestFail("get_data+set_data truncates at a zero byte")
    expect(doc.get_data(), b"a\0b",
           "get_data+set_data doesn't transparently handle a zero byte")
    doc.set_data(b"is there anybody out there?")
    doc.add_posting(stem(b"is"), 1)
    doc.add_posting(stem(b"there"), 2)
    doc.add_posting(stem(b"anybody"), 3)
    doc.add_posting(stem(b"out"), 4)
    doc.add_posting(stem(b"there"), 5)

    db = xapian.WritableDatabase('', xapian.DB_BACKEND_INMEMORY)
    expect(db.get_doccount(), 1, "Unexpected db.get_doccount()")
    terms = ["smoke", "test", "terms"]
        xapian.Query(xapian.Query.OP_OR, [t.encode('utf-8') for t in terms]),
        "(smoke OR test OR terms)")
    query1 = xapian.Query(xapian.Query.OP_PHRASE,
                          (b"smoke", b"test", b"tuple"))
    query2 = xapian.Query(xapian.Query.OP_XOR,
                          (xapian.Query(b"smoke"), query1, b"string"))
    expect_query(query1, "(smoke PHRASE 3 test PHRASE 3 tuple)")
        query2, "(smoke XOR (smoke PHRASE 3 test PHRASE 3 tuple) XOR string)")
    subqs = ["a", "b"]
        xapian.Query(xapian.Query.OP_OR, [s.encode('utf-8') for s in subqs]),
        "(a OR b)")
    expect_query(xapian.Query(xapian.Query.OP_VALUE_RANGE, 0, b'1', b'4'),
                 "VALUE_RANGE 0 1 4")

    # Check database factory functions are wrapped as expected (or not wrapped
    # in the first cases):

        lambda msg: msg.find("has no attribute 'open_stub'") != -1,
        lambda: xapian.open_stub(b"nosuchdir/nosuchdb"))
        lambda msg: msg.find("has no attribute 'open_stub'") != -1,
        lambda: xapian.open_stub(b"nosuchdir/nosuchdb", xapian.DB_OPEN))

        xapian.DatabaseOpeningError, None,
        lambda: xapian.Database(b"nosuchdir/nosuchdb", xapian.DB_BACKEND_STUB))
        xapian.DatabaseOpeningError, None, lambda: xapian.WritableDatabase(
            b"nosuchdir/nosuchdb", xapian.DB_OPEN | xapian.DB_BACKEND_STUB))

        xapian.DatabaseOpeningError, None, lambda: xapian.Database(
            b"nosuchdir/nosuchdb", xapian.DB_BACKEND_GLASS))
        xapian.DatabaseCreateError, None, lambda: xapian.WritableDatabase(
            b"nosuchdir/nosuchdb", xapian.DB_CREATE | xapian.DB_BACKEND_GLASS))

        xapian.FeatureUnavailableError, None, lambda: xapian.Database(
            b"nosuchdir/nosuchdb", xapian.DB_BACKEND_CHERT))
        xapian.FeatureUnavailableError, None, lambda: xapian.WritableDatabase(
            b"nosuchdir/nosuchdb", xapian.DB_CREATE | xapian.DB_BACKEND_CHERT))

    expect_exception(xapian.NetworkError, None, xapian.remote_open,
                     b"/bin/false", b"")
    expect_exception(xapian.NetworkError, None, xapian.remote_open_writable,
                     b"/bin/false", b"")

    expect_exception(xapian.NetworkError, None, xapian.remote_open,
                     b"", 0, 1)
    expect_exception(xapian.NetworkError, None, xapian.remote_open_writable,
                     b"", 0, 1)

    # Check wrapping of MatchAll and MatchNothing:

    expect_query(xapian.Query.MatchAll, "<alldocuments>")
    expect_query(xapian.Query.MatchNothing, "")

    # Feature test for Query.__iter__
    term_count = 0
    for term in query2:
        term_count += 1
    expect(term_count, 4, "Unexpected number of terms in query2")

    enq = xapian.Enquire(db)
    enq.set_query(xapian.Query(xapian.Query.OP_OR, b"there", b"is"))
    mset = enq.get_mset(0, 10)
    expect(mset.size(), 1, "Unexpected mset.size()")
    expect(len(mset), 1, "Unexpected mset.size()")

    # Feature test for Enquire.matching_terms(docid)
    term_count = 0
    for term in enq.matching_terms(mset.get_hit(0)):
        term_count += 1
    expect(term_count, 2, "Unexpected number of matching terms")

    # Feature test for MSet.__iter__
    msize = 0
    for match in mset:
        msize += 1
    expect(msize, mset.size(), "Unexpected number of entries in mset")

    terms = b" ".join(enq.matching_terms(mset.get_hit(0)))
    expect(terms, b"is there", "Unexpected terms")

    # Feature test for ESet.__iter__
    rset = xapian.RSet()
    eset = enq.get_eset(10, rset)
    term_count = 0
    for term in eset:
        term_count += 1
    expect(term_count, 3, "Unexpected number of expand terms")

    # Feature test for Database.__iter__
    term_count = 0
    for term in db:
        term_count += 1
    expect(term_count, 5, "Unexpected number of terms in db")

    # Feature test for Database.allterms
    term_count = 0
    for term in db.allterms():
        term_count += 1
    expect(term_count, 5, "Unexpected number of terms in db.allterms")

    # Feature test for Database.postlist
    count = 0
    for posting in db.postlist(b"there"):
        count += 1
    expect(count, 1, "Unexpected number of entries in db.postlist('there')")

    # Feature test for Database.postlist with empty term (alldocspostlist)
    count = 0
    for posting in db.postlist(b""):
        count += 1
    expect(count, 1, "Unexpected number of entries in db.postlist('')")

    # Feature test for Database.termlist
    count = 0
    for term in db.termlist(1):
        count += 1
    expect(count, 5, "Unexpected number of entries in db.termlist(1)")

    # Feature test for Database.positionlist
    count = 0
    for term in db.positionlist(1, b"there"):
        count += 1
    expect(count, 2,
           "Unexpected number of entries in db.positionlist(1, 'there')")

    # Feature test for Document.termlist
    count = 0
    for term in doc.termlist():
        count += 1
    expect(count, 5, "Unexpected number of entries in doc.termlist()")

    # Feature test for TermIter.skip_to
    term = doc.termlist()
    while True:
            x = next(term)
        except StopIteration:
        if x.term < b'n':
            raise TestFail("TermIter.skip_to didn't skip term '%s'" %

    # Feature test for Document.values
    count = 0
    for term in list(doc.values()):
        count += 1
    expect(count, 0, "Unexpected number of entries in doc.values")

    # Check exception handling for Xapian::DocNotFoundError
    expect_exception(xapian.DocNotFoundError, "Docid 3 not found",
                     db.get_document, 3)

    # Check value of OP_ELITE_SET
    expect(xapian.Query.OP_ELITE_SET, 10, "Unexpected value for OP_ELITE_SET")

    # Feature test for MatchDecider
    doc = xapian.Document()
    doc.add_posting(stem(b"out"), 1)
    doc.add_posting(stem(b"outside"), 1)
    doc.add_posting(stem(b"source"), 2)
    doc.add_value(0, b"yes")

    class testmatchdecider(xapian.MatchDecider):
        def __call__(self, doc):
            return doc.get_value(0) == b"yes"

    query = xapian.Query(stem(b"out"))
    enquire = xapian.Enquire(db)
    mset = enquire.get_mset(0, 10, None, testmatchdecider())
    expect(mset.size(), 1,
           "Unexpected number of documents returned by match decider")
    expect(mset.get_docid(0), 2, "MatchDecider mset has wrong docid in")

    # Feature test for ExpandDecider
    class testexpanddecider(xapian.ExpandDecider):
        def __call__(self, term):
            return (not term.startswith(b'a'))

    enquire = xapian.Enquire(db)
    rset = xapian.RSet()
    eset = enquire.get_eset(10, rset, xapian.Enquire.USE_EXACT_TERMFREQ, 1.0,
    eset_terms = [item.term for item in eset]
    expect(len(eset_terms), eset.size(),
           "Unexpected number of terms returned by expand")
    if [t for t in eset_terms if t.startswith(b'a')]:
        raise TestFail("ExpandDecider was not used")

    # Check min_wt argument to get_eset() works (new in 1.2.5).
    eset = enquire.get_eset(100, rset, xapian.Enquire.USE_EXACT_TERMFREQ)
    expect([i.weight for i in eset][-1] < 1.9, True,
           "test get_eset() without min_wt")
    eset = enquire.get_eset(100, rset, xapian.Enquire.USE_EXACT_TERMFREQ, 1.0,
                            None, 1.9)
    expect([i.weight for i in eset][-1] >= 1.9, True, "test get_eset() min_wt")

    # Check QueryParser parsing error.
    qp = xapian.QueryParser()
                     "Syntax: <expression> AND <expression>", qp.parse_query,
                     b"test AND")

    # Check QueryParser pure NOT option
    qp = xapian.QueryParser()
        qp.parse_query(b"NOT test", qp.FLAG_BOOLEAN + qp.FLAG_PURE_NOT),
        "(<alldocuments> AND_NOT test@1)")

    # Check QueryParser partial option
    qp = xapian.QueryParser()
    expect_query(qp.parse_query(b"foo o", qp.FLAG_PARTIAL),
                 "(Zfoo@1 AND ((SYNONYM WILDCARD OR o) OR Zo@2))")

    expect_query(qp.parse_query(b"foo outside", qp.FLAG_PARTIAL),
                 "(Zfoo@1 AND ((SYNONYM WILDCARD OR outside) OR Zoutsid@2))")

    # Test supplying unicode strings
    expect_query(xapian.Query(xapian.Query.OP_OR, (b'foo', b'bar')),
                 '(foo OR bar)')
    expect_query(xapian.Query(xapian.Query.OP_OR, (b'foo', b'bar\xa3')),
                 '(foo OR bar\\xa3)')
    expect_query(xapian.Query(xapian.Query.OP_OR, (b'foo', b'bar\xc2\xa3')),
                 '(foo OR bar\u00a3)')
    expect_query(xapian.Query(xapian.Query.OP_OR, b'foo', b'bar'),
                 '(foo OR bar)')

        qp.parse_query(b"NOT t\xe9st", qp.FLAG_BOOLEAN + qp.FLAG_PURE_NOT),
        "(<alldocuments> AND_NOT Zt\u00e9st@1)")

    doc = xapian.Document()
    doc.set_data(b"Unicode with an acc\xe9nt")
    doc.add_posting(stem(b"out\xe9r"), 1)
    expect(doc.get_data(), b"Unicode with an acc\xe9nt")
    term = next(doc.termlist()).term
    expect(term, b"out\xe9r")

    # Check simple stopper
    stop = xapian.SimpleStopper()
    expect(stop(b'a'), False)
    expect_query(qp.parse_query(b"foo bar a", qp.FLAG_BOOLEAN),
                 "(Zfoo@1 AND Zbar@2 AND Za@3)")

    expect(stop(b'a'), True)
    expect_query(qp.parse_query(b"foo bar a", qp.FLAG_BOOLEAN),
                 "(Zfoo@1 AND Zbar@2)")

    # Feature test for custom Stopper
    class my_b_stopper(xapian.Stopper):
        def __call__(self, term):
            return term == b"b"

        def get_description(self):
            return "my_b_stopper"

    stop = my_b_stopper()
    expect(stop.get_description(), "my_b_stopper")
    expect(stop(b'a'), False)
    expect_query(qp.parse_query(b"foo bar a", qp.FLAG_BOOLEAN),
                 "(Zfoo@1 AND Zbar@2 AND Za@3)")

    expect(stop(b'b'), True)
    expect_query(qp.parse_query(b"foo bar b", qp.FLAG_BOOLEAN),
                 "(Zfoo@1 AND Zbar@2)")

    # Test TermGenerator
    termgen = xapian.TermGenerator()
    doc = xapian.Document()
    termgen.index_text(b'foo bar baz foo')
    expect([(item.term, item.wdf, [pos for pos in item.positer])
            for item in doc.termlist()], [(b'bar', 1, [2]), (b'baz', 1, [3]),
                                          (b'foo', 2, [1, 4])])

    # Check DateValueRangeProcessor works
    context("checking that DateValueRangeProcessor works")
    qp = xapian.QueryParser()
    vrpdate = xapian.DateValueRangeProcessor(1, 1, 1960)
    query = qp.parse_query(b'12/03/99..12/04/01')
    expect(str(query), 'Query(VALUE_RANGE 1 19991203 20011204)')

    # Regression test for bug#193, fixed in 1.0.3.
    context("running regression test for bug#193")
    vrp = xapian.NumberValueRangeProcessor(0, b'$', True)
    a = '$10'
    b = '20'
    slot, a, b = vrp(a, b.encode('utf-8'))
    expect(slot, 0)
    expect(xapian.sortable_unserialise(a), 10)
    expect(xapian.sortable_unserialise(b), 20)

    # Feature test for xapian.FieldProcessor
    context("running feature test for xapian.FieldProcessor")

    class testfieldprocessor(xapian.FieldProcessor):
        def __call__(self, s):
            if s == 'spam':
                raise Exception('already spam')
            return xapian.Query("spam")

    qp.add_prefix('spam', testfieldprocessor())
    qp.add_boolean_prefix('boolspam', testfieldprocessor())
    query = qp.parse_query('spam:ignored')
    expect(str(query), 'Query(spam)')

    # FIXME: This doesn't currently work:
    # expect_exception(Exception, 'already spam', qp.parse_query, 'spam:spam')

    # Regression tests copied from PHP (probably always worked in python, but
    # let's check...)
    context("running regression tests for issues which were found in PHP")

    # PHP overload resolution involving boolean types failed.
    enq.set_sort_by_value(1, True)

    # Regression test - fixed in
    oqparser = xapian.QueryParser()
    oquery = oqparser.parse_query(b"I like tea")

    # Regression test for bug#192 - fixed in 1.0.3.

    # Test setting and getting metadata
    expect(db.get_metadata(b'Foo'), b'')
    db.set_metadata(b'Foo', b'Foo')
    expect(db.get_metadata(b'Foo'), b'Foo')
                     "Empty metadata keys are invalid", db.get_metadata, b'')
                     "Empty metadata keys are invalid", db.set_metadata, b'',
                     "Empty metadata keys are invalid", db.get_metadata, b'')

    # Test OP_SCALE_WEIGHT and corresponding constructor
        xapian.Query(xapian.Query.OP_SCALE_WEIGHT, xapian.Query(b'foo'), 5),
        "5 * foo")
コード例 #4
ファイル: smoketest.py プロジェクト: PriyankBhatt/xapian
def test_all():
    # Test the version number reporting functions give plausible results.
    v = "%d.%d.%d" % (xapian.major_version(),
    v2 = xapian.version_string()
    expect(v2, v, "Unexpected version output")

    # A regexp check would be better, but seems to create a bogus "leak" of -1
    # objects in Python 3.
    expect(len(xapian.__version__.split('.')), 3, 'xapian.__version__ not X.Y.Z')
    expect((xapian.__version__.split('.'))[0], '1', 'xapian.__version__ not "1.Y.Z"')

    def access_cvar():
        res = xapian.cvar
        print("Unhandled constants: ", res)
        return res

    # Check that SWIG isn't generating cvar (regression test for ticket#297).
    expect_exception(AttributeError, "'module' object has no attribute 'cvar'",

    stem = xapian.Stem(b"english")
    expect(str(stem), "Xapian::Stem(english)", "Unexpected str(stem)")

    doc = xapian.Document()
    if doc.get_data() == b"a":
        raise TestFail("get_data+set_data truncates at a zero byte")
    expect(doc.get_data(), b"a\0b", "get_data+set_data doesn't transparently handle a zero byte")
    doc.set_data(b"is there anybody out there?")
    doc.add_posting(stem(b"is"), 1)
    doc.add_posting(stem(b"there"), 2)
    doc.add_posting(stem(b"anybody"), 3)
    doc.add_posting(stem(b"out"), 4)
    doc.add_posting(stem(b"there"), 5)

    db = xapian.inmemory_open()
    expect(db.get_doccount(), 1, "Unexpected db.get_doccount()")
    terms = ["smoke", "test", "terms"]
    expect_query(xapian.Query(xapian.Query.OP_OR, [t.encode('utf-8') for t in terms]),
                 "(smoke OR test OR terms)")
    query1 = xapian.Query(xapian.Query.OP_PHRASE, (b"smoke", b"test", b"tuple"))
    query2 = xapian.Query(xapian.Query.OP_XOR, (xapian.Query(b"smoke"), query1, b"string"))
    expect_query(query1, "(smoke PHRASE 3 test PHRASE 3 tuple)")
    expect_query(query2, "(smoke XOR (smoke PHRASE 3 test PHRASE 3 tuple) XOR string)")
    subqs = ["a", "b"]
    expect_query(xapian.Query(xapian.Query.OP_OR, [s.encode('utf-8') for s in subqs]), "(a OR b)")
    expect_query(xapian.Query(xapian.Query.OP_VALUE_RANGE, 0, b'1', b'4'),
                 "VALUE_RANGE 0 1 4")

    # Check database factory functions are wrapped as expected (or not wrapped
    # in the first cases):

    expect_exception(AttributeError, "'module' object has no attribute 'open_stub'",
            lambda : xapian.open_stub(b"nosuchdir/nosuchdb"))
    expect_exception(AttributeError, "'module' object has no attribute 'open_stub'",
            lambda : xapian.open_stub(b"nosuchdir/nosuchdb", xapian.DB_OPEN))

    expect_exception(AttributeError, "'module' object has no attribute 'chert_open'",
            lambda : xapian.chert_open(b"nosuchdir/nosuchdb"))
    expect_exception(AttributeError, "'module' object has no attribute 'chert_open'",
            lambda : xapian.chert_open(b"nosuchdir/nosuchdb", xapian.DB_CREATE))

    expect_exception(xapian.DatabaseOpeningError, None,
            lambda : xapian.Database(b"nosuchdir/nosuchdb", xapian.DB_BACKEND_STUB))
    expect_exception(xapian.DatabaseOpeningError, None,
            lambda : xapian.WritableDatabase(b"nosuchdir/nosuchdb", xapian.DB_OPEN|xapian.DB_BACKEND_STUB))

    expect_exception(xapian.DatabaseOpeningError, None,
            lambda : xapian.Database(b"nosuchdir/nosuchdb", xapian.DB_BACKEND_GLASS))
    expect_exception(xapian.DatabaseCreateError, None,
            lambda : xapian.WritableDatabase(b"nosuchdir/nosuchdb", xapian.DB_CREATE|xapian.DB_BACKEND_GLASS))

    expect_exception(xapian.DatabaseOpeningError, None,
            lambda : xapian.Database(b"nosuchdir/nosuchdb", xapian.DB_BACKEND_CHERT))
    expect_exception(xapian.DatabaseCreateError, None,
            lambda : xapian.WritableDatabase(b"nosuchdir/nosuchdb", xapian.DB_CREATE|xapian.DB_BACKEND_CHERT))

    expect_exception(xapian.NetworkError, None,
                     xapian.remote_open, b"/bin/false", b"")
    expect_exception(xapian.NetworkError, None,
                     xapian.remote_open_writable, b"/bin/false", b"")

    expect_exception(xapian.NetworkError, None,
                     xapian.remote_open, b"", 0, 1)
    expect_exception(xapian.NetworkError, None,
                     xapian.remote_open_writable, b"", 0, 1)

    # Check wrapping of MatchAll and MatchNothing:

    expect_query(xapian.Query.MatchAll, "<alldocuments>")
    expect_query(xapian.Query.MatchNothing, "")

    # Feature test for Query.__iter__
    term_count = 0
    for term in query2:
        term_count += 1
    expect(term_count, 4, "Unexpected number of terms in query2")

    enq = xapian.Enquire(db)
    enq.set_query(xapian.Query(xapian.Query.OP_OR, b"there", b"is"))
    mset = enq.get_mset(0, 10)
    expect(mset.size(), 1, "Unexpected mset.size()")
    expect(len(mset), 1, "Unexpected mset.size()")

    # Feature test for Enquire.matching_terms(docid)
    term_count = 0
    for term in enq.matching_terms(mset.get_hit(0)):
        term_count += 1
    expect(term_count, 2, "Unexpected number of matching terms")

    # Feature test for MSet.__iter__
    msize = 0
    for match in mset:
        msize += 1
    expect(msize, mset.size(), "Unexpected number of entries in mset")

    terms = b" ".join(enq.matching_terms(mset.get_hit(0)))
    expect(terms, b"is there", "Unexpected terms")

    # Feature test for ESet.__iter__
    rset = xapian.RSet()
    eset = enq.get_eset(10, rset)
    term_count = 0
    for term in eset:
        term_count += 1
    expect(term_count, 3, "Unexpected number of expand terms")

    # Feature test for Database.__iter__
    term_count = 0
    for term in db:
        term_count += 1
    expect(term_count, 5, "Unexpected number of terms in db")

    # Feature test for Database.allterms
    term_count = 0
    for term in db.allterms():
        term_count += 1
    expect(term_count, 5, "Unexpected number of terms in db.allterms")

    # Feature test for Database.postlist
    count = 0
    for posting in db.postlist(b"there"):
        count += 1
    expect(count, 1, "Unexpected number of entries in db.postlist('there')")

    # Feature test for Database.postlist with empty term (alldocspostlist)
    count = 0
    for posting in db.postlist(b""):
        count += 1
    expect(count, 1, "Unexpected number of entries in db.postlist('')")

    # Feature test for Database.termlist
    count = 0
    for term in db.termlist(1):
        count += 1
    expect(count, 5, "Unexpected number of entries in db.termlist(1)")

    # Feature test for Database.positionlist
    count = 0
    for term in db.positionlist(1, b"there"):
        count += 1
    expect(count, 2, "Unexpected number of entries in db.positionlist(1, 'there')")

    # Feature test for Document.termlist
    count = 0
    for term in doc.termlist():
        count += 1
    expect(count, 5, "Unexpected number of entries in doc.termlist()")

    # Feature test for TermIter.skip_to
    term = doc.termlist()
    while True:
            x = next(term)
        except StopIteration:
        if x.term < b'n':
            raise TestFail("TermIter.skip_to didn't skip term '%s'" % x.term.decode('utf-8'))

    # Feature test for Document.values
    count = 0
    for term in list(doc.values()):
        count += 1
    expect(count, 0, "Unexpected number of entries in doc.values")

    # Check exception handling for Xapian::DocNotFoundError
    expect_exception(xapian.DocNotFoundError, "Docid 3 not found", db.get_document, 3)

    # Check value of OP_ELITE_SET
    expect(xapian.Query.OP_ELITE_SET, 10, "Unexpected value for OP_ELITE_SET")

    # Feature test for MatchDecider
    doc = xapian.Document()
    doc.add_posting(stem(b"out"), 1)
    doc.add_posting(stem(b"outside"), 1)
    doc.add_posting(stem(b"source"), 2)
    doc.add_value(0, b"yes")

    class testmatchdecider(xapian.MatchDecider):
        def __call__(self, doc):
            return doc.get_value(0) == b"yes"

    query = xapian.Query(stem(b"out"))
    enquire = xapian.Enquire(db)
    mset = enquire.get_mset(0, 10, None, testmatchdecider())
    expect(mset.size(), 1, "Unexpected number of documents returned by match decider")
    expect(mset.get_docid(0), 2, "MatchDecider mset has wrong docid in")

    # Feature test for ExpandDecider
    class testexpanddecider(xapian.ExpandDecider):
        def __call__(self, term):
            return (not term.startswith(b'a'))

    enquire = xapian.Enquire(db)
    rset = xapian.RSet()
    eset = enquire.get_eset(10, rset, xapian.Enquire.USE_EXACT_TERMFREQ, 1.0, testexpanddecider())
    eset_terms = [item.term for item in eset]
    expect(len(eset_terms), eset.size(), "Unexpected number of terms returned by expand")
    if [t for t in eset_terms if t.startswith(b'a')]:
        raise TestFail("ExpandDecider was not used")

    # Check min_wt argument to get_eset() works (new in 1.2.5).
    eset = enquire.get_eset(100, rset, xapian.Enquire.USE_EXACT_TERMFREQ)
    expect([i.weight for i in eset][-1] < 1.9, True, "test get_eset() without min_wt")
    eset = enquire.get_eset(100, rset, xapian.Enquire.USE_EXACT_TERMFREQ, 1.0, None, 1.9)
    expect([i.weight for i in eset][-1] >= 1.9, True, "test get_eset() min_wt")

    # Check QueryParser parsing error.
    qp = xapian.QueryParser()
    expect_exception(xapian.QueryParserError, "Syntax: <expression> AND <expression>", qp.parse_query, b"test AND")

    # Check QueryParser pure NOT option
    qp = xapian.QueryParser()
    expect_query(qp.parse_query(b"NOT test", qp.FLAG_BOOLEAN + qp.FLAG_PURE_NOT),
                 "(<alldocuments> AND_NOT test@1)")

    # Check QueryParser partial option
    qp = xapian.QueryParser()
    expect_query(qp.parse_query(b"foo o", qp.FLAG_PARTIAL),
                 "(Zfoo@1 AND ((out@2 SYNONYM outsid@2) OR Zo@2))")

    expect_query(qp.parse_query(b"foo outside", qp.FLAG_PARTIAL),
                 "(Zfoo@1 AND Zoutsid@2)")

    # Test supplying unicode strings
    expect_query(xapian.Query(xapian.Query.OP_OR, (b'foo', b'bar')),
                 '(foo OR bar)')
    expect_query(xapian.Query(xapian.Query.OP_OR, (b'foo', b'bar\xa3')),
                 '(foo OR bar\\xa3)')
    expect_query(xapian.Query(xapian.Query.OP_OR, (b'foo', b'bar\xc2\xa3')),
                 '(foo OR bar\u00a3)')
    expect_query(xapian.Query(xapian.Query.OP_OR, b'foo', b'bar'),
                 '(foo OR bar)')

    expect_query(qp.parse_query(b"NOT t\xe9st", qp.FLAG_BOOLEAN + qp.FLAG_PURE_NOT),
                 "(<alldocuments> AND_NOT Zt\u00e9st@1)")

    doc = xapian.Document()
    doc.set_data(b"Unicode with an acc\xe9nt")
    doc.add_posting(stem(b"out\xe9r"), 1)
    expect(doc.get_data(), b"Unicode with an acc\xe9nt")
    term = next(doc.termlist()).term
    expect(term, b"out\xe9r")

    # Check simple stopper
    stop = xapian.SimpleStopper()
    expect(stop(b'a'), False)
    expect_query(qp.parse_query(b"foo bar a", qp.FLAG_BOOLEAN),
                 "(Zfoo@1 AND Zbar@2 AND Za@3)")

    expect(stop(b'a'), True)
    expect_query(qp.parse_query(b"foo bar a", qp.FLAG_BOOLEAN),
                 "(Zfoo@1 AND Zbar@2)")

    # Feature test for custom Stopper
    class my_b_stopper(xapian.Stopper):
        def __call__(self, term):
            return term == b"b"

        def get_description(self):
            return "my_b_stopper"

    stop = my_b_stopper()
    expect(stop.get_description(), "my_b_stopper")
    expect(stop(b'a'), False)
    expect_query(qp.parse_query(b"foo bar a", qp.FLAG_BOOLEAN),
                 "(Zfoo@1 AND Zbar@2 AND Za@3)")

    expect(stop(b'b'), True)
    expect_query(qp.parse_query(b"foo bar b", qp.FLAG_BOOLEAN),
                 "(Zfoo@1 AND Zbar@2)")

    # Test TermGenerator
    termgen = xapian.TermGenerator()
    doc = xapian.Document()
    termgen.index_text(b'foo bar baz foo')
    expect([(item.term, item.wdf, [pos for pos in item.positer]) for item in doc.termlist()], [(b'bar', 1, [2]), (b'baz', 1, [3]), (b'foo', 2, [1, 4])])

    # Check DateValueRangeProcessor works
    context("checking that DateValueRangeProcessor works")
    qp = xapian.QueryParser()
    vrpdate = xapian.DateValueRangeProcessor(1, 1, 1960)
    query = qp.parse_query(b'12/03/99..12/04/01')
    expect(str(query), 'Query(0 * VALUE_RANGE 1 19991203 20011204)')

    # Regression test for bug#193, fixed in 1.0.3.
    context("running regression test for bug#193")
    vrp = xapian.NumberValueRangeProcessor(0, b'$', True)
    a = '$10'
    b = '20'
    slot, a, b = vrp(a, b.encode('utf-8'))
    expect(slot, 0)
    expect(xapian.sortable_unserialise(a), 10)
    expect(xapian.sortable_unserialise(b), 20)

    # Feature test for xapian.FieldProcessor
    context("running feature test for xapian.FieldProcessor")
    class testfieldprocessor(xapian.FieldProcessor):
        def __call__(self, s):
            if s == 'spam':
                raise Exception('already spam')
            return xapian.Query("spam")

    qp.add_prefix('spam', testfieldprocessor())
    qp.add_boolean_prefix('boolspam', testfieldprocessor())
    query = qp.parse_query('spam:ignored')
    expect(str(query), 'Query(spam)')

    # FIXME: This doesn't currently work:
    # expect_exception(Exception, 'already spam', qp.parse_query, 'spam:spam')

    # Regression tests copied from PHP (probably always worked in python, but
    # let's check...)
    context("running regression tests for issues which were found in PHP")

    # PHP overload resolution involving boolean types failed.
    enq.set_sort_by_value(1, True)

    # Regression test - fixed in
    oqparser = xapian.QueryParser()
    oquery = oqparser.parse_query(b"I like tea")

    # Regression test for bug#192 - fixed in 1.0.3.

    # Test setting and getting metadata
    expect(db.get_metadata(b'Foo'), b'')
    db.set_metadata(b'Foo', b'Foo')
    expect(db.get_metadata(b'Foo'), b'Foo')
    expect_exception(xapian.InvalidArgumentError, "Empty metadata keys are invalid", db.get_metadata, b'')
    expect_exception(xapian.InvalidArgumentError, "Empty metadata keys are invalid", db.set_metadata, b'', b'Foo')
    expect_exception(xapian.InvalidArgumentError, "Empty metadata keys are invalid", db.get_metadata, b'')

    # Test OP_SCALE_WEIGHT and corresponding constructor
    expect_query(xapian.Query(xapian.Query.OP_SCALE_WEIGHT, xapian.Query(b'foo'), 5),
                 "5 * foo")
コード例 #5
ファイル: _checkxapian.py プロジェクト: Glottotopia/aagd
# 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
r"""_checkxapian.py: Check the version of xapian used.

Raises an ImportError on import if the version used is too old to be used at

__docformat__ = "restructuredtext en"

# The minimum version of xapian required to work at all.
min_xapian_version = (1, 0, 6)

# Dictionary of features we can't support do to them being missing from the
# available version of xapian.
missing_features = {}

import xapian

versions = xapian.major_version(), xapian.minor_version(), xapian.revision()

if versions < min_xapian_version:
    raise ImportError("""
        Xapian Python bindings installed, but need at least version %d.%d.%d - got %s
        """.strip() % tuple(list(min_xapian_version) + [xapian.version_string()]))

if not hasattr(xapian, 'TermCountMatchSpy'):
    missing_features['tags'] = 1
if not hasattr(xapian, 'CategorySelectMatchSpy'):
    missing_features['facets'] = 1
コード例 #6
ファイル: smoketest2.py プロジェクト: RileyRC/xapian
def test_all():
    # Test the version number reporting functions give plausible results.
    v = "%d.%d.%d" % (xapian.major_version(), xapian.minor_version(), xapian.revision())
    v2 = xapian.version_string()
    expect(v2, v, "Unexpected version output")

    def access_cvar():
        return xapian.cvar

    # Check that SWIG isn't generating cvar (regression test for ticket#297).
    expect_exception(AttributeError, "'module' object has no attribute 'cvar'", access_cvar)

    stem = xapian.Stem("english")
    expect(str(stem), "Xapian::Stem(english)", "Unexpected str(stem)")

    doc = xapian.Document()
    if doc.get_data() == "a":
        raise TestFail("get_data+set_data truncates at a zero byte")
    expect(doc.get_data(), "a\0b", "get_data+set_data doesn't transparently handle a zero byte")
    doc.set_data("is there anybody out there?")
    doc.add_posting(stem("is"), 1)
    doc.add_posting(stem("there"), 2)
    doc.add_posting(stem("anybody"), 3)
    doc.add_posting(stem("out"), 4)
    doc.add_posting(stem("there"), 5)

    db = xapian.inmemory_open()
    expect(db.get_doccount(), 1, "Unexpected db.get_doccount()")
    terms = ["smoke", "test", "terms"]
    expect_query(xapian.Query(xapian.Query.OP_OR, terms), "(smoke OR test OR terms)")
    query1 = xapian.Query(xapian.Query.OP_PHRASE, ("smoke", "test", "tuple"))
    query2 = xapian.Query(xapian.Query.OP_XOR, (xapian.Query("smoke"), query1, "string"))
    expect_query(query1, "(smoke PHRASE 3 test PHRASE 3 tuple)")
    expect_query(query2, "(smoke XOR (smoke PHRASE 3 test PHRASE 3 tuple) XOR string)")
    subqs = ["a", "b"]
    expect_query(xapian.Query(xapian.Query.OP_OR, subqs), "(a OR b)")
    expect_query(xapian.Query(xapian.Query.OP_VALUE_RANGE, 0, "1", "4"), "VALUE_RANGE 0 1 4")

    # Check database factory functions are wrapped as expected:

    expect_exception(xapian.DatabaseOpeningError, None, xapian.open_stub, "nosuchdir/nosuchdb")
    expect_exception(xapian.DatabaseOpeningError, None, xapian.open_stub, "nosuchdir/nosuchdb", xapian.DB_OPEN)

    expect_exception(xapian.DatabaseOpeningError, None, xapian.brass_open, "nosuchdir/nosuchdb")
    expect_exception(xapian.DatabaseCreateError, None, xapian.brass_open, "nosuchdir/nosuchdb", xapian.DB_CREATE)

    expect_exception(xapian.DatabaseOpeningError, None, xapian.chert_open, "nosuchdir/nosuchdb")
    expect_exception(xapian.DatabaseCreateError, None, xapian.chert_open, "nosuchdir/nosuchdb", xapian.DB_CREATE)

    expect_exception(xapian.NetworkError, None, xapian.remote_open, "/bin/false", "")
    expect_exception(xapian.NetworkError, None, xapian.remote_open_writable, "/bin/false", "")

    expect_exception(xapian.NetworkError, None, xapian.remote_open, "", 0, 1)
    expect_exception(xapian.NetworkError, None, xapian.remote_open_writable, "", 0, 1)

    # Check wrapping of MatchAll and MatchNothing:

    expect_query(xapian.Query.MatchAll, "<alldocuments>")
    expect_query(xapian.Query.MatchNothing, "")

    # Feature test for Query.__iter__
    term_count = 0
    for term in query2:
        term_count += 1
    expect(term_count, 4, "Unexpected number of terms in query2")

    enq = xapian.Enquire(db)
    enq.set_query(xapian.Query(xapian.Query.OP_OR, "there", "is"))
    mset = enq.get_mset(0, 10)
    expect(mset.size(), 1, "Unexpected mset.size()")
    expect(len(mset), 1, "Unexpected mset.size()")

    # Feature test for Enquire.matching_terms(docid)
    term_count = 0
    for term in enq.matching_terms(mset.get_hit(0)):
        term_count += 1
    expect(term_count, 2, "Unexpected number of matching terms")

    # Feature test for MSet.__iter__
    msize = 0
    for match in mset:
        msize += 1
    expect(msize, mset.size(), "Unexpected number of entries in mset")

    terms = " ".join(enq.matching_terms(mset.get_hit(0)))
    expect(terms, "is there", "Unexpected terms")

    # Feature test for ESet.__iter__
    rset = xapian.RSet()
    eset = enq.get_eset(10, rset)
    term_count = 0
    for term in eset:
        term_count += 1
    expect(term_count, 3, "Unexpected number of expand terms")

    # Feature test for Database.__iter__
    term_count = 0
    for term in db:
        term_count += 1
    expect(term_count, 5, "Unexpected number of terms in db")

    # Feature test for Database.allterms
    term_count = 0
    for term in db.allterms():
        term_count += 1
    expect(term_count, 5, "Unexpected number of terms in db.allterms")

    # Feature test for Database.postlist
    count = 0
    for posting in db.postlist("there"):
        count += 1
    expect(count, 1, "Unexpected number of entries in db.postlist('there')")

    # Feature test for Database.postlist with empty term (alldocspostlist)
    count = 0
    for posting in db.postlist(""):
        count += 1
    expect(count, 1, "Unexpected number of entries in db.postlist('')")

    # Feature test for Database.termlist
    count = 0
    for term in db.termlist(1):
        count += 1
    expect(count, 5, "Unexpected number of entries in db.termlist(1)")

    # Feature test for Database.positionlist
    count = 0
    for term in db.positionlist(1, "there"):
        count += 1
    expect(count, 2, "Unexpected number of entries in db.positionlist(1, 'there')")

    # Feature test for Document.termlist
    count = 0
    for term in doc.termlist():
        count += 1
    expect(count, 5, "Unexpected number of entries in doc.termlist()")

    # Feature test for TermIter.skip_to
    term = doc.termlist()
    while True:
            x = next(term)
        except StopIteration:
        if x.term < "n":
            raise TestFail("TermIter.skip_to didn't skip term '%s'" % x.term)

    # Feature test for Document.values
    count = 0
    for term in doc.values():
        count += 1
    expect(count, 0, "Unexpected number of entries in doc.values")

    # Check exception handling for Xapian::DocNotFoundError
    expect_exception(xapian.DocNotFoundError, "Docid 3 not found", db.get_document, 3)

    # Check value of OP_ELITE_SET
    expect(xapian.Query.OP_ELITE_SET, 10, "Unexpected value for OP_ELITE_SET")

    # Feature test for MatchDecider
    doc = xapian.Document()
    doc.add_posting(stem("out"), 1)
    doc.add_posting(stem("outside"), 1)
    doc.add_posting(stem("source"), 2)
    doc.add_value(0, "yes")

    class testmatchdecider(xapian.MatchDecider):
        def __call__(self, doc):
            return doc.get_value(0) == "yes"

    query = xapian.Query(stem("out"))
    enquire = xapian.Enquire(db)
    mset = enquire.get_mset(0, 10, None, testmatchdecider())
    expect(mset.size(), 1, "Unexpected number of documents returned by match decider")
    expect(mset.get_docid(0), 2, "MatchDecider mset has wrong docid in")

    # Feature test for ExpandDecider
    class testexpanddecider(xapian.ExpandDecider):
        def __call__(self, term):
            return not term.startswith("a")

    enquire = xapian.Enquire(db)
    rset = xapian.RSet()
    eset = enquire.get_eset(10, rset, xapian.Enquire.USE_EXACT_TERMFREQ, 1.0, testexpanddecider())
    eset_terms = [term[xapian.ESET_TNAME] for term in eset.items]
    expect(len(eset_terms), eset.size(), "Unexpected number of terms returned by expand")
    if [t for t in eset_terms if t.startswith("a")]:
        raise TestFail("ExpandDecider was not used")

    # Check min_wt argument to get_eset() works (new in 1.2.5).
    eset = enquire.get_eset(100, rset, xapian.Enquire.USE_EXACT_TERMFREQ)
    expect(eset.items[-1][xapian.ESET_WT] < 1.9, True, "test get_eset() without min_wt")
    eset = enquire.get_eset(100, rset, xapian.Enquire.USE_EXACT_TERMFREQ, 1.0, None, 1.9)
    expect(eset.items[-1][xapian.ESET_WT] >= 1.9, True, "test get_eset() min_wt")

    # Check QueryParser parsing error.
    qp = xapian.QueryParser()
    expect_exception(xapian.QueryParserError, "Syntax: <expression> AND <expression>", qp.parse_query, "test AND")

    # Check QueryParser pure NOT option
    qp = xapian.QueryParser()
    expect_query(qp.parse_query("NOT test", qp.FLAG_BOOLEAN + qp.FLAG_PURE_NOT), "(<alldocuments> AND_NOT test@1)")

    # Check QueryParser partial option
    qp = xapian.QueryParser()
    expect_query(qp.parse_query("foo o", qp.FLAG_PARTIAL), "(Zfoo@1 AND ((out@2 SYNONYM outsid@2) OR Zo@2))")

    expect_query(qp.parse_query("foo outside", qp.FLAG_PARTIAL), "(Zfoo@1 AND Zoutsid@2)")

    # Test supplying unicode strings
    expect_query(xapian.Query(xapian.Query.OP_OR, (u"foo", u"bar")), "(foo OR bar)")
    expect_query(xapian.Query(xapian.Query.OP_OR, ("foo", u"bar\xa3")), "(foo OR bar\xc2\xa3)")
    expect_query(xapian.Query(xapian.Query.OP_OR, ("foo", "bar\xc2\xa3")), "(foo OR bar\xc2\xa3)")
    expect_query(xapian.Query(xapian.Query.OP_OR, u"foo", u"bar"), "(foo OR bar)")

        qp.parse_query(u"NOT t\xe9st", qp.FLAG_BOOLEAN + qp.FLAG_PURE_NOT), "(<alldocuments> AND_NOT Zt\xc3\xa9st@1)"

    doc = xapian.Document()
    doc.set_data(u"Unicode with an acc\xe9nt")
    doc.add_posting(stem(u"out\xe9r"), 1)
    expect(doc.get_data(), u"Unicode with an acc\xe9nt".encode("utf-8"))
    term = doc.termlist().next().term
    expect(term, u"out\xe9r".encode("utf-8"))

    # Check simple stopper
    stop = xapian.SimpleStopper()
    expect(stop("a"), False)
    expect_query(qp.parse_query(u"foo bar a", qp.FLAG_BOOLEAN), "(Zfoo@1 AND Zbar@2 AND Za@3)")

    expect(stop("a"), True)
    expect_query(qp.parse_query(u"foo bar a", qp.FLAG_BOOLEAN), "(Zfoo@1 AND Zbar@2)")

    # Feature test for custom Stopper
    class my_b_stopper(xapian.Stopper):
        def __call__(self, term):
            return term == "b"

        def get_description(self):
            return u"my_b_stopper"

    stop = my_b_stopper()
    expect(stop.get_description(), u"my_b_stopper")
    expect(stop("a"), False)
    expect_query(qp.parse_query(u"foo bar a", qp.FLAG_BOOLEAN), "(Zfoo@1 AND Zbar@2 AND Za@3)")

    expect(stop("b"), True)
    expect_query(qp.parse_query(u"foo bar b", qp.FLAG_BOOLEAN), "(Zfoo@1 AND Zbar@2)")

    # Test TermGenerator
    termgen = xapian.TermGenerator()
    doc = xapian.Document()
    termgen.index_text("foo bar baz foo")
        [(item.term, item.wdf, [pos for pos in item.positer]) for item in doc.termlist()],
        [("bar", 1, [2]), ("baz", 1, [3]), ("foo", 2, [1, 4])],

    # Check DateValueRangeProcessor works
    context("checking that DateValueRangeProcessor works")
    qp = xapian.QueryParser()
    vrpdate = xapian.DateValueRangeProcessor(1, 1, 1960)
    query = qp.parse_query("12/03/99..12/04/01")
    expect(str(query), "Query(0 * VALUE_RANGE 1 19991203 20011204)")

    # Regression test for bug#193, fixed in 1.0.3.
    context("running regression test for bug#193")
    vrp = xapian.NumberValueRangeProcessor(0, "$", True)
    a = "$10"
    b = "20"
    slot, a, b = vrp(a, b)
    expect(slot, 0)
    expect(xapian.sortable_unserialise(a), 10)
    expect(xapian.sortable_unserialise(b), 20)

    # Regression tests copied from PHP (probably always worked in python, but
    # let's check...)
    context("running regression tests for issues which were found in PHP")

    # PHP overload resolution involving boolean types failed.
    enq.set_sort_by_value(1, True)

    # Regression test - fixed in
    oqparser = xapian.QueryParser()
    oquery = oqparser.parse_query("I like tea")

    # Regression test for bug#192 - fixed in 1.0.3.

    # Test setting and getting metadata
    expect(db.get_metadata("Foo"), "")
    db.set_metadata("Foo", "Foo")
    expect(db.get_metadata("Foo"), "Foo")
    expect_exception(xapian.InvalidArgumentError, "Empty metadata keys are invalid", db.get_metadata, "")
    expect_exception(xapian.InvalidArgumentError, "Empty metadata keys are invalid", db.set_metadata, "", "Foo")
    expect_exception(xapian.InvalidArgumentError, "Empty metadata keys are invalid", db.get_metadata, "")

    # Test OP_SCALE_WEIGHT and corresponding constructor
    expect_query(xapian.Query(xapian.Query.OP_SCALE_WEIGHT, xapian.Query("foo"), 5), "5 * foo")
コード例 #7
ファイル: _checkxapian.py プロジェクト: niksbiks/Spacelog
r"""_checkxapian.py: Check the version of xapian used.

Raises an ImportError on import if the version used is too old to be used at

__docformat__ = "restructuredtext en"

# The minimum version of xapian required to work at all.
min_xapian_version = (1, 0, 6)

# Dictionary of features we can't support do to them being missing from the
# available version of xapian.
missing_features = {}

import xapian

versions = xapian.major_version(), xapian.minor_version(), xapian.revision()

if versions < min_xapian_version:
    raise ImportError(
        Xapian Python bindings installed, but need at least version %d.%d.%d - got %s
        """.strip() %
        tuple(list(min_xapian_version) + [xapian.version_string()]))

if not hasattr(xapian, 'TermCountMatchSpy'):
    missing_features['tags'] = 1
if not hasattr(xapian, 'CategorySelectMatchSpy'):
    missing_features['facets'] = 1
コード例 #8
ファイル: smoketest.py プロジェクト: yixingzhong/xapian
def test_all():
    # Test the version number reporting functions give plausible results.
    v = "%d.%d.%d" % (xapian.major_version(),
    v2 = xapian.version_string()
    expect(v2, v, "Unexpected version output")

    # A regexp check would be better, but seems to create a bogus "leak" of -1
    # objects in Python 3.
    expect(len(xapian.__version__.split('.')), 3, 'xapian.__version__ not X.Y.Z')
    expect((xapian.__version__.split('.'))[0], '1', 'xapian.__version__ not "1.Y.Z"')

    def access_cvar():
        res = xapian.cvar
        print "Unhandled constants: ", res
        return res

    # Check that SWIG isn't generating cvar (regression test for ticket#297).
    expect_exception(AttributeError, "'module' object has no attribute 'cvar'",

    stem = xapian.Stem("english")
    expect(str(stem), "Xapian::Stem(english)", "Unexpected str(stem)")

    doc = xapian.Document()
    if doc.get_data() == "a":
        raise TestFail("get_data+set_data truncates at a zero byte")
    expect(doc.get_data(), "a\0b", "get_data+set_data doesn't transparently handle a zero byte")
    doc.set_data("is there anybody out there?")
    doc.add_posting(stem("is"), 1)
    doc.add_posting(stem("there"), 2)
    doc.add_posting(stem("anybody"), 3)
    doc.add_posting(stem("out"), 4)
    doc.add_posting(stem("there"), 5)

    db = xapian.WritableDatabase('', xapian.DB_BACKEND_INMEMORY)
    expect(db.get_doccount(), 1, "Unexpected db.get_doccount()")
    terms = ["smoke", "test", "terms"]
    expect_query(xapian.Query(xapian.Query.OP_OR, terms),
                 "(smoke OR test OR terms)")
    query1 = xapian.Query(xapian.Query.OP_PHRASE, ("smoke", "test", "tuple"))
    query2 = xapian.Query(xapian.Query.OP_XOR, (xapian.Query("smoke"), query1, "string"))
    expect_query(query1, "(smoke PHRASE 3 test PHRASE 3 tuple)")
    expect_query(query2, "(smoke XOR (smoke PHRASE 3 test PHRASE 3 tuple) XOR string)")
    subqs = ["a", "b"]
    expect_query(xapian.Query(xapian.Query.OP_OR, subqs), "(a OR b)")
    expect_query(xapian.Query(xapian.Query.OP_VALUE_RANGE, 0, '1', '4'),
                 "VALUE_RANGE 0 1 4")

    # Check database factory functions are wrapped as expected:

    expect_exception(xapian.DatabaseNotFoundError, None,
                     xapian.Database, "nosuchdir/nosuchdb", xapian.DB_BACKEND_STUB)
    expect_exception(xapian.DatabaseNotFoundError, None,
                     xapian.WritableDatabase, "nosuchdir/nosuchdb", xapian.DB_OPEN|xapian.DB_BACKEND_STUB)

    expect_exception(xapian.NetworkError, None,
                     xapian.remote_open, "/bin/false", "")
    expect_exception(xapian.NetworkError, None,
                     xapian.remote_open_writable, "/bin/false", "")

    expect_exception(xapian.NetworkError, None,
                     xapian.remote_open, "", 0, 1)
    expect_exception(xapian.NetworkError, None,
                     xapian.remote_open_writable, "", 0, 1)

    # Check wrapping of MatchAll and MatchNothing:

    expect_query(xapian.Query.MatchAll, "<alldocuments>")
    expect_query(xapian.Query.MatchNothing, "")

    # Feature test for Query.__iter__
    term_count = 0
    for term in query2:
        term_count += 1
    expect(term_count, 4, "Unexpected number of terms in query2")

    enq = xapian.Enquire(db)

    # Check Xapian::BAD_VALUENO is wrapped suitably.

    enq.set_query(xapian.Query(xapian.Query.OP_OR, "there", "is"))
    mset = enq.get_mset(0, 10)
    expect(mset.size(), 1, "Unexpected mset.size()")
    expect(len(mset), 1, "Unexpected mset.size()")

    # Feature test for Enquire.matching_terms(docid)
    term_count = 0
    for term in enq.matching_terms(mset.get_hit(0)):
        term_count += 1
    expect(term_count, 2, "Unexpected number of matching terms")

    # Feature test for MSet.__iter__
    msize = 0
    for match in mset:
        msize += 1
    expect(msize, mset.size(), "Unexpected number of entries in mset")

    terms = " ".join(enq.matching_terms(mset.get_hit(0)))
    expect(terms, "is there", "Unexpected terms")

    # Feature test for ESet.__iter__
    rset = xapian.RSet()
    eset = enq.get_eset(10, rset)
    term_count = 0
    for term in eset:
        term_count += 1
    expect(term_count, 3, "Unexpected number of expand terms")

    # Feature test for Database.__iter__
    term_count = 0
    for term in db:
        term_count += 1
    expect(term_count, 5, "Unexpected number of terms in db")

    # Feature test for Database.allterms
    term_count = 0
    for term in db.allterms():
        term_count += 1
    expect(term_count, 5, "Unexpected number of terms in db.allterms")

    # Feature test for Database.postlist
    count = 0
    for posting in db.postlist("there"):
        count += 1
    expect(count, 1, "Unexpected number of entries in db.postlist('there')")

    # Feature test for Database.postlist with empty term (alldocspostlist)
    count = 0
    for posting in db.postlist(""):
        count += 1
    expect(count, 1, "Unexpected number of entries in db.postlist('')")

    # Feature test for Database.termlist
    count = 0
    for term in db.termlist(1):
        count += 1
    expect(count, 5, "Unexpected number of entries in db.termlist(1)")

    # Feature test for Database.positionlist
    count = 0
    for term in db.positionlist(1, "there"):
        count += 1
    expect(count, 2, "Unexpected number of entries in db.positionlist(1, 'there')")

    # Feature test for Document.termlist
    count = 0
    for term in doc.termlist():
        count += 1
    expect(count, 5, "Unexpected number of entries in doc.termlist()")

    # Feature test for TermIter.skip_to
    term = doc.termlist()
    while True:
            x = next(term)
        except StopIteration:
        if x.term < 'n':
            raise TestFail("TermIter.skip_to didn't skip term '%s'" % x.term)

    # Feature test for Document.values
    count = 0
    for term in doc.values():
        count += 1
    expect(count, 0, "Unexpected number of entries in doc.values")

    # Check exception handling for Xapian::DocNotFoundError
    expect_exception(xapian.DocNotFoundError, "Docid 3 not found", db.get_document, 3)

    # Check value of OP_ELITE_SET
    expect(xapian.Query.OP_ELITE_SET, 10, "Unexpected value for OP_ELITE_SET")

    # Feature test for MatchDecider
    doc = xapian.Document()
    doc.add_posting(stem("out"), 1)
    doc.add_posting(stem("outside"), 1)
    doc.add_posting(stem("source"), 2)
    doc.add_value(0, "yes")

    class testmatchdecider(xapian.MatchDecider):
        def __call__(self, doc):
            return doc.get_value(0) == "yes"

    query = xapian.Query(stem("out"))
    enquire = xapian.Enquire(db)
    mset = enquire.get_mset(0, 10, None, testmatchdecider())
    expect(mset.size(), 1, "Unexpected number of documents returned by match decider")
    expect(mset.get_docid(0), 2, "MatchDecider mset has wrong docid in")

    # Feature test for ExpandDecider
    class testexpanddecider(xapian.ExpandDecider):
        def __call__(self, term):
            return (not term.startswith('a'))

    enquire = xapian.Enquire(db)
    rset = xapian.RSet()
    eset = enquire.get_eset(10, rset, xapian.Enquire.USE_EXACT_TERMFREQ, testexpanddecider())
    eset_terms = [item.term for item in eset]
    expect(len(eset_terms), eset.size(), "Unexpected number of terms returned by expand")
    if [t for t in eset_terms if t.startswith('a')]:
        raise TestFail("ExpandDecider was not used")

    # Check min_wt argument to get_eset() works (new in 1.2.5).
    eset = enquire.get_eset(100, rset, xapian.Enquire.USE_EXACT_TERMFREQ)
    expect([i.weight for i in eset][-1] < 1.9, True, "test get_eset() without min_wt")
    eset = enquire.get_eset(100, rset, xapian.Enquire.USE_EXACT_TERMFREQ, None, 1.9)
    expect([i.weight for i in eset][-1] >= 1.9, True, "test get_eset() min_wt")

    # Check QueryParser parsing error.
    qp = xapian.QueryParser()
    expect_exception(xapian.QueryParserError, "Syntax: <expression> AND <expression>", qp.parse_query, "test AND")

    # Check QueryParser pure NOT option
    qp = xapian.QueryParser()
    expect_query(qp.parse_query("NOT test", qp.FLAG_BOOLEAN + qp.FLAG_PURE_NOT),
                 "(0 * <alldocuments> AND_NOT test@1)")

    # Check QueryParser partial option
    qp = xapian.QueryParser()
    expect_query(qp.parse_query("foo ox", qp.FLAG_PARTIAL),
                 "(Zfoo@1 AND (WILDCARD SYNONYM ox OR Zox@2))")

    expect_query(qp.parse_query("foo outside", qp.FLAG_PARTIAL),
                 "(Zfoo@1 AND (WILDCARD SYNONYM outside OR Zoutsid@2))")

    # Test supplying unicode strings
    expect_query(xapian.Query(xapian.Query.OP_OR, (u'foo', u'bar')),
                 '(foo OR bar)')
    expect_query(xapian.Query(xapian.Query.OP_OR, ('foo', u'bar\xa3')),
                 '(foo OR bar\xc2\xa3)')
    expect_query(xapian.Query(xapian.Query.OP_OR, ('foo', 'bar\xc2\xa3')),
                 '(foo OR bar\xc2\xa3)')
    expect_query(xapian.Query(xapian.Query.OP_OR, u'foo', u'bar'),
                 '(foo OR bar)')

    expect_query(qp.parse_query(u"NOT t\xe9st", qp.FLAG_BOOLEAN + qp.FLAG_PURE_NOT),
                 "(0 * <alldocuments> AND_NOT Zt\xc3\xa9st@1)")

    doc = xapian.Document()
    doc.set_data(u"Unicode with an acc\xe9nt")
    doc.add_posting(stem(u"out\xe9r"), 1)
    expect(doc.get_data(), u"Unicode with an acc\xe9nt".encode('utf-8'))
    term = doc.termlist().next().term
    expect(term, u"out\xe9r".encode('utf-8'))

    # Check simple stopper
    stop = xapian.SimpleStopper()
    expect(stop('a'), False)
    expect_query(qp.parse_query(u"foo bar a", qp.FLAG_BOOLEAN),
                 "(Zfoo@1 AND Zbar@2 AND Za@3)")

    expect(stop('a'), True)
    expect_query(qp.parse_query(u"foo bar a", qp.FLAG_BOOLEAN),
                 "(Zfoo@1 AND Zbar@2)")

    # Feature test for custom Stopper
    class my_b_stopper(xapian.Stopper):
        def __call__(self, term):
            return term == "b"

        def get_description(self):
            return u"my_b_stopper"

    stop = my_b_stopper()
    expect(stop.get_description(), u"my_b_stopper")
    expect(stop('a'), False)
    expect_query(qp.parse_query(u"foo bar a", qp.FLAG_BOOLEAN),
                 "(Zfoo@1 AND Zbar@2 AND Za@3)")

    expect(stop('b'), True)
    expect_query(qp.parse_query(u"foo bar b", qp.FLAG_BOOLEAN),
                 "(Zfoo@1 AND Zbar@2)")

    # Test SimpleStopper initialised from a file.
        srcdir = os.environ['srcdir']
    except KeyError:
        srcdir = '.'
    stop = xapian.SimpleStopper(srcdir + '/../shortstop.list')
    expect(stop('a'), True)
    expect(stop('am'), False)
    expect(stop('an'), True)
    expect(stop('the'), True)

    expect_exception(xapian.InvalidArgumentError, None, xapian.SimpleStopper, 'nosuchfile')

    # Test TermGenerator
    termgen = xapian.TermGenerator()
    doc = xapian.Document()
    termgen.index_text('foo bar baz foo')
    expect([(item.term, item.wdf, [pos for pos in item.positer]) for item in doc.termlist()], [('bar', 1, [2]), ('baz', 1, [3]), ('foo', 2, [1, 4])])

    # Check DateRangeProcessor works
    context("checking that DateRangeProcessor works")
    qp = xapian.QueryParser()
    rpdate = xapian.DateRangeProcessor(1, xapian.RP_DATE_PREFER_MDY, 1960)
    query = qp.parse_query('12/03/99..12/04/01')
    expect(str(query), 'Query(VALUE_RANGE 1 19991203 20011204)')

    # Feature test for xapian.FieldProcessor
    context("running feature test for xapian.FieldProcessor")
    class testfieldprocessor(xapian.FieldProcessor):
        def __call__(self, s):
            if s == 'spam':
                raise Exception('already spam')
            return xapian.Query("spam")

    qp.add_prefix('spam', testfieldprocessor())
    qp.add_boolean_prefix('boolspam', testfieldprocessor())
    qp.add_boolean_prefix('boolspam2', testfieldprocessor(), False) # Old-style
    qp.add_boolean_prefix('boolspam3', testfieldprocessor(), '')
    qp.add_boolean_prefix('boolspam4', testfieldprocessor(), 'group')
    qp.add_boolean_prefix('boolspam5', testfieldprocessor(), None)
    query = qp.parse_query('spam:ignored')
    expect(str(query), 'Query(spam)')

    expect_exception(Exception, 'already spam', qp.parse_query, 'spam:spam')

    # Regression tests copied from PHP (probably always worked in python, but
    # let's check...)
    context("running regression tests for issues which were found in PHP")

    # PHP overload resolution involving boolean types failed.
    enq.set_sort_by_value(1, True)

    # Regression test - fixed in
    oqparser = xapian.QueryParser()
    oquery = oqparser.parse_query("I like tea")

    # Regression test for bug fixed in 1.4.4:
    # https://bugs.debian.org/849722
    oqparser.add_boolean_prefix('tag', 'K', '')
    # Make sure other cases also work:
    oqparser.add_boolean_prefix('zag', 'XR', False) # Old-style
    oqparser.add_boolean_prefix('rag', 'XR', None)
    oqparser.add_boolean_prefix('nag', 'XB', '')
    oqparser.add_boolean_prefix('bag', 'XB', 'blergh')
    oqparser.add_boolean_prefix('gag', 'XB', u'blergh')
    oqparser.add_boolean_prefix('jag', 'XB', b'blergh')

    # Regression test for bug#192 - fixed in 1.0.3.

    # Test setting and getting metadata
    expect(db.get_metadata('Foo'), '')
    db.set_metadata('Foo', 'Foo')
    expect(db.get_metadata('Foo'), 'Foo')
    expect_exception(xapian.InvalidArgumentError, "Empty metadata keys are invalid", db.get_metadata, '')
    expect_exception(xapian.InvalidArgumentError, "Empty metadata keys are invalid", db.set_metadata, '', 'Foo')
    expect_exception(xapian.InvalidArgumentError, "Empty metadata keys are invalid", db.get_metadata, '')

    # Test OP_SCALE_WEIGHT and corresponding constructor
    expect_query(xapian.Query(xapian.Query.OP_SCALE_WEIGHT, xapian.Query('foo'), 5),
                 "5 * foo")
コード例 #9
ファイル: smoketest2.py プロジェクト: sabrina-xapian/xapian
def test_all():
    # Test the version number reporting functions give plausible results.
    v = "%d.%d.%d" % (xapian.major_version(), xapian.minor_version(),
    v2 = xapian.version_string()
    expect(v2, v, "Unexpected version output")

    def access_cvar():
        return xapian.cvar

    # Check that SWIG isn't generating cvar (regression test for ticket#297).
    expect_exception(AttributeError, "'module' object has no attribute 'cvar'",

    stem = xapian.Stem("english")
    expect(str(stem), "Xapian::Stem(english)", "Unexpected str(stem)")

    doc = xapian.Document()
    if doc.get_data() == "a":
        raise TestFail("get_data+set_data truncates at a zero byte")
    expect(doc.get_data(), "a\0b",
           "get_data+set_data doesn't transparently handle a zero byte")
    doc.set_data("is there anybody out there?")
    doc.add_posting(stem("is"), 1)
    doc.add_posting(stem("there"), 2)
    doc.add_posting(stem("anybody"), 3)
    doc.add_posting(stem("out"), 4)
    doc.add_posting(stem("there"), 5)

    db = xapian.inmemory_open()
    expect(db.get_doccount(), 1, "Unexpected db.get_doccount()")
    terms = ["smoke", "test", "terms"]
    expect_query(xapian.Query(xapian.Query.OP_OR, terms),
                 "(smoke OR test OR terms)")
    query1 = xapian.Query(xapian.Query.OP_PHRASE, ("smoke", "test", "tuple"))
    query2 = xapian.Query(xapian.Query.OP_XOR,
                          (xapian.Query("smoke"), query1, "string"))
    expect_query(query1, "(smoke PHRASE 3 test PHRASE 3 tuple)")
        query2, "(smoke XOR (smoke PHRASE 3 test PHRASE 3 tuple) XOR string)")
    subqs = ["a", "b"]
    expect_query(xapian.Query(xapian.Query.OP_OR, subqs), "(a OR b)")
    expect_query(xapian.Query(xapian.Query.OP_VALUE_RANGE, 0, '1', '4'),
                 "VALUE_RANGE 0 1 4")

    expect_query(xapian.Query.MatchAll, "<alldocuments>")
    expect_query(xapian.Query.MatchNothing, "")

    # Feature test for Query.__iter__
    term_count = 0
    for term in query2:
        term_count += 1
    expect(term_count, 4, "Unexpected number of terms in query2")

    enq = xapian.Enquire(db)
    enq.set_query(xapian.Query(xapian.Query.OP_OR, "there", "is"))
    mset = enq.get_mset(0, 10)
    expect(mset.size(), 1, "Unexpected mset.size()")
    expect(len(mset), 1, "Unexpected mset.size()")

    # Feature test for Enquire.matching_terms(docid)
    term_count = 0
    for term in enq.matching_terms(mset.get_hit(0)):
        term_count += 1
    expect(term_count, 2, "Unexpected number of matching terms")

    # Feature test for MSet.__iter__
    msize = 0
    for match in mset:
        msize += 1
    expect(msize, mset.size(), "Unexpected number of entries in mset")

    terms = " ".join(enq.matching_terms(mset.get_hit(0)))
    expect(terms, "is there", "Unexpected terms")

    # Feature test for ESet.__iter__
    rset = xapian.RSet()
    eset = enq.get_eset(10, rset)
    term_count = 0
    for term in eset:
        term_count += 1
    expect(term_count, 3, "Unexpected number of expand terms")

    # Feature test for Database.__iter__
    term_count = 0
    for term in db:
        term_count += 1
    expect(term_count, 5, "Unexpected number of terms in db")

    # Feature test for Database.allterms
    term_count = 0
    for term in db.allterms():
        term_count += 1
    expect(term_count, 5, "Unexpected number of terms in db.allterms")

    # Feature test for Database.postlist
    count = 0
    for posting in db.postlist("there"):
        count += 1
    expect(count, 1, "Unexpected number of entries in db.postlist('there')")

    # Feature test for Database.postlist with empty term (alldocspostlist)
    count = 0
    for posting in db.postlist(""):
        count += 1
    expect(count, 1, "Unexpected number of entries in db.postlist('')")

    # Feature test for Database.termlist
    count = 0
    for term in db.termlist(1):
        count += 1
    expect(count, 5, "Unexpected number of entries in db.termlist(1)")

    # Feature test for Database.positionlist
    count = 0
    for term in db.positionlist(1, "there"):
        count += 1
    expect(count, 2,
           "Unexpected number of entries in db.positionlist(1, 'there')")

    # Feature test for Document.termlist
    count = 0
    for term in doc.termlist():
        count += 1
    expect(count, 5, "Unexpected number of entries in doc.termlist()")

    # Feature test for TermIter.skip_to
    term = doc.termlist()
    while True:
            x = next(term)
        except StopIteration:
        if x.term < 'n':
            raise TestFail("TermIter.skip_to didn't skip term '%s'" % x.term)

    # Feature test for Document.values
    count = 0
    for term in doc.values():
        count += 1
    expect(count, 0, "Unexpected number of entries in doc.values")

    # Check exception handling for Xapian::DocNotFoundError
    expect_exception(xapian.DocNotFoundError, "Docid 3 not found",
                     db.get_document, 3)

    # Check value of OP_ELITE_SET
    expect(xapian.Query.OP_ELITE_SET, 10, "Unexpected value for OP_ELITE_SET")

    # Feature test for MatchDecider
    doc = xapian.Document()
    doc.add_posting(stem("out"), 1)
    doc.add_posting(stem("outside"), 1)
    doc.add_posting(stem("source"), 2)
    doc.add_value(0, "yes")

    class testmatchdecider(xapian.MatchDecider):
        def __call__(self, doc):
            return doc.get_value(0) == "yes"

    query = xapian.Query(stem("out"))
    enquire = xapian.Enquire(db)
    mset = enquire.get_mset(0, 10, None, testmatchdecider())
    expect(mset.size(), 1,
           "Unexpected number of documents returned by match decider")
    expect(mset.get_docid(0), 2, "MatchDecider mset has wrong docid in")

    # Feature test for ExpandDecider
    class testexpanddecider(xapian.ExpandDecider):
        def __call__(self, term):
            return (not term.startswith('a'))

    enquire = xapian.Enquire(db)
    rset = xapian.RSet()
    eset = enquire.get_eset(10, rset, xapian.Enquire.USE_EXACT_TERMFREQ, 1.0,
    eset_terms = [term[xapian.ESET_TNAME] for term in eset.items]
    expect(len(eset_terms), eset.size(),
           "Unexpected number of terms returned by expand")
    if [t for t in eset_terms if t.startswith('a')]:
        raise TestFail("ExpandDecider was not used")

    # Check min_wt argument to get_eset() works (new in 1.2.5).
    eset = enquire.get_eset(100, rset, xapian.Enquire.USE_EXACT_TERMFREQ)
    expect(eset.items[-1][xapian.ESET_WT] < 1.9, True,
           "test get_eset() without min_wt")
    eset = enquire.get_eset(100, rset, xapian.Enquire.USE_EXACT_TERMFREQ, 1.0,
                            None, 1.9)
    expect(eset.items[-1][xapian.ESET_WT] >= 1.9, True,
           "test get_eset() min_wt")

    # Check QueryParser parsing error.
    qp = xapian.QueryParser()
                     "Syntax: <expression> AND <expression>", qp.parse_query,
                     "test AND")

    # Check QueryParser pure NOT option
    qp = xapian.QueryParser()
        qp.parse_query("NOT test", qp.FLAG_BOOLEAN + qp.FLAG_PURE_NOT),
        "(<alldocuments> AND_NOT test:(pos=1))")

    # Check QueryParser partial option
    qp = xapian.QueryParser()
        qp.parse_query("foo o", qp.FLAG_PARTIAL),
        "(Zfoo:(pos=1) AND ((out:(pos=2) SYNONYM outsid:(pos=2)) OR Zo:(pos=2)))"

    expect_query(qp.parse_query("foo outside", qp.FLAG_PARTIAL),
                 "(Zfoo:(pos=1) AND Zoutsid:(pos=2))")

    # Test supplying unicode strings
    expect_query(xapian.Query(xapian.Query.OP_OR, (u'foo', u'bar')),
                 '(foo OR bar)')
    expect_query(xapian.Query(xapian.Query.OP_OR, ('foo', u'bar\xa3')),
                 '(foo OR bar\xc2\xa3)')
    expect_query(xapian.Query(xapian.Query.OP_OR, ('foo', 'bar\xc2\xa3')),
                 '(foo OR bar\xc2\xa3)')
    expect_query(xapian.Query(xapian.Query.OP_OR, u'foo', u'bar'),
                 '(foo OR bar)')

        qp.parse_query(u"NOT t\xe9st", qp.FLAG_BOOLEAN + qp.FLAG_PURE_NOT),
        "(<alldocuments> AND_NOT Zt\xc3\xa9st:(pos=1))")

    doc = xapian.Document()
    doc.set_data(u"Unicode with an acc\xe9nt")
    doc.add_posting(stem(u"out\xe9r"), 1)
    expect(doc.get_data(), u"Unicode with an acc\xe9nt".encode('utf-8'))
    term = doc.termlist().next().term
    expect(term, u"out\xe9r".encode('utf-8'))

    # Check simple stopper
    stop = xapian.SimpleStopper()
    expect(stop('a'), False)
    expect_query(qp.parse_query(u"foo bar a", qp.FLAG_BOOLEAN),
                 "(Zfoo:(pos=1) AND Zbar:(pos=2) AND Za:(pos=3))")

    expect(stop('a'), True)
    expect_query(qp.parse_query(u"foo bar a", qp.FLAG_BOOLEAN),
                 "(Zfoo:(pos=1) AND Zbar:(pos=2))")

    # Feature test for custom Stopper
    class my_b_stopper(xapian.Stopper):
        def __call__(self, term):
            return term == "b"

        def get_description(self):
            return u"my_b_stopper"

    stop = my_b_stopper()
    expect(stop.get_description(), u"my_b_stopper")
    expect(stop('a'), False)
    expect_query(qp.parse_query(u"foo bar a", qp.FLAG_BOOLEAN),
                 "(Zfoo:(pos=1) AND Zbar:(pos=2) AND Za:(pos=3))")

    expect(stop('b'), True)
    expect_query(qp.parse_query(u"foo bar b", qp.FLAG_BOOLEAN),
                 "(Zfoo:(pos=1) AND Zbar:(pos=2))")

    # Test TermGenerator
    termgen = xapian.TermGenerator()
    doc = xapian.Document()
    termgen.index_text('foo bar baz foo')
    expect([(item.term, item.wdf, [pos for pos in item.positer])
            for item in doc.termlist()], [('bar', 1, [2]), ('baz', 1, [3]),
                                          ('foo', 2, [1, 4])])

    # Check DateValueRangeProcessor works
    context("checking that DateValueRangeProcessor works")
    qp = xapian.QueryParser()
    vrpdate = xapian.DateValueRangeProcessor(1, 1, 1960)
    query = qp.parse_query('12/03/99..12/04/01')
    expect(str(query), 'Xapian::Query(VALUE_RANGE 1 19991203 20011204)')

    # Regression test for bug#193, fixed in 1.0.3.
    context("running regression test for bug#193")
    vrp = xapian.NumberValueRangeProcessor(0, '$', True)
    a = '$10'
    b = '20'
    slot, a, b = vrp(a, b)
    expect(slot, 0)
    expect(xapian.sortable_unserialise(a), 10)
    expect(xapian.sortable_unserialise(b), 20)

    # Regression tests copied from PHP (probably always worked in python, but
    # let's check...)
    context("running regression tests for issues which were found in PHP")

    # PHP overload resolution involving boolean types failed.
    enq.set_sort_by_value(1, True)

    # Regression test - fixed in
    oqparser = xapian.QueryParser()
    oquery = oqparser.parse_query("I like tea")

    # Regression test for bug#192 - fixed in 1.0.3.

    # Test setting and getting metadata
    expect(db.get_metadata('Foo'), '')
    db.set_metadata('Foo', 'Foo')
    expect(db.get_metadata('Foo'), 'Foo')
                     "Empty metadata keys are invalid", db.get_metadata, '')
                     "Empty metadata keys are invalid", db.set_metadata, '',
                     "Empty metadata keys are invalid", db.get_metadata, '')

    # Test OP_SCALE_WEIGHT and corresponding constructor
        xapian.Query(xapian.Query.OP_SCALE_WEIGHT, xapian.Query('foo'), 5),
        "5 * foo")