def create_modulestore_instance( engine, content_store, doc_store_config, options, i18n_service=None, fs_service=None, user_service=None, signal_handler=None, ): """ This will return a new instance of a modulestore given an engine and options """ class_ = load_function(engine) _options = {} _options.update(options) FUNCTION_KEYS = ['render_template'] for key in FUNCTION_KEYS: if key in _options and isinstance(_options[key], basestring): _options[key] = load_function(_options[key]) if HAS_REQUEST_CACHE: request_cache = RequestCache.get_request_cache() else: request_cache = None try: metadata_inheritance_cache = get_cache('mongo_metadata_inheritance') except InvalidCacheBackendError: metadata_inheritance_cache = get_cache('default') if issubclass(class_, MixedModuleStore): _options['create_modulestore_instance'] = create_modulestore_instance if issubclass(class_, BranchSettingMixin): _options['branch_setting_func'] = _get_modulestore_branch_setting if HAS_USER_SERVICE and not user_service: xb_user_service = DjangoXBlockUserService(get_current_user()) else: xb_user_service = None if 'read_preference' in doc_store_config: doc_store_config['read_preference'] = getattr( ReadPreference, doc_store_config['read_preference']) return class_( contentstore=content_store, metadata_inheritance_cache_subsystem=metadata_inheritance_cache, request_cache=request_cache, xblock_mixins=getattr(settings, 'XBLOCK_MIXINS', ()), xblock_select=getattr(settings, 'XBLOCK_SELECT_FUNCTION', None), doc_store_config=doc_store_config, i18n_service=i18n_service or ModuleI18nService(), fs_service=fs_service or xblock.reference.plugins.FSService(), user_service=user_service or xb_user_service, signal_handler=signal_handler or SignalHandler(class_), **_options)
def _preview_module_system(request, descriptor, field_data): """ Returns a ModuleSystem for the specified descriptor that is specialized for rendering module previews. request: The active django request descriptor: An XModuleDescriptor """ course_id = descriptor.location.course_key display_name_only = (descriptor.category == 'static_tab') wrappers = [ # This wrapper wraps the module in the template specified above partial(wrap_xblock, 'PreviewRuntime', display_name_only=display_name_only, usage_id_serializer=unicode, request_token=request_token(request)), # This wrapper replaces urls in the output that start with /static # with the correct course-specific url for the static content partial(replace_static_urls, None, course_id=course_id), _studio_wrap_xblock, ] descriptor.runtime._services[ 'studio_user_permissions'] = StudioPermissionsService(request) # pylint: disable=protected-access return PreviewModuleSystem( static_url=settings.STATIC_URL, # TODO (cpennington): Do we want to track how instructors are using the preview problems? track_function=lambda event_type, event: None, filestore=descriptor.runtime.resources_fs, get_module=partial(_load_preview_module, request), render_template=render_from_lms, debug=True, replace_urls=partial(static_replace.replace_static_urls, data_directory=None, course_id=course_id), user=request.user, can_execute_unsafe_code=(lambda: can_execute_unsafe_code(course_id)), get_python_lib_zip=( lambda: get_python_lib_zip(contentstore, course_id)), mixins=settings.XBLOCK_MIXINS, course_id=course_id, anonymous_student_id='student', # Set up functions to modify the fragment produced by student_view wrappers=wrappers, error_descriptor_class=ErrorDescriptor, get_user_role=lambda: get_user_role(request.user, course_id), descriptor_runtime=descriptor.runtime, services={ "i18n": ModuleI18nService(), "field-data": field_data, "library_tools": LibraryToolsService(modulestore()), "user": DjangoXBlockUserService(request.user), }, )
def test_get_anonymous_user_id_returns_none_for_non_existing_users(self): """ Tests for anonymous_user_id method to return None username does not exist in system. """ django_user_service = DjangoXBlockUserService(self.user, user_is_staff=True) anonymous_user_id = django_user_service.get_anonymous_user_id(username="******", course_id='edx/toy/2012_Fall') self.assertIsNone(anonymous_user_id)
def test_get_anonymous_user_id_returns_none_for_non_staff_users(self): """ Tests for anonymous_user_id method to return None if user is Non-Staff. """ django_user_service = DjangoXBlockUserService(self.user, user_is_staff=False) anonymous_user_id = django_user_service.get_anonymous_user_id(username=self.user.username, course_id='edx/toy/2012_Fall') self.assertIsNone(anonymous_user_id)
def test_convert_authenticate_user(self): """ Tests for convert_django_user_to_xblock_user behavior when django user is User. """ django_user_service = DjangoXBlockUserService(self.user) xb_user = django_user_service.get_current_user() self.assertTrue(xb_user.is_current_user) self.assert_xblock_user_matches_django(xb_user, self.user)
def test_convert_anon_user(self): """ Tests for convert_django_user_to_xblock_user behavior when django user is AnonymousUser. """ django_user_service = DjangoXBlockUserService(self.anon_user) xb_user = django_user_service.get_current_user() self.assertTrue(xb_user.is_current_user) self.assert_is_anon_xb_user(xb_user)
def test_external_id(self): """ Tests that external ids differ based on type. """ ExternalIdType.objects.create(name='test1', description='Test type 1') ExternalIdType.objects.create(name='test2', description='Test type 2') django_user_service = DjangoXBlockUserService(self.user, user_is_staff=True) ext_id1 = django_user_service.get_external_user_id('test1') ext_id2 = django_user_service.get_external_user_id('test2') assert ext_id1 != ext_id2 with self.assertRaises(ValueError): django_user_service.get_external_user_id('unknown')
def _refresh_children(self, lib_content_block, status_code_expected=200): """ Helper method: Uses the REST API to call the 'refresh_children' handler of a LibraryContent block """ if 'user' not in lib_content_block.runtime._services: # pylint: disable=protected-access user_service = DjangoXBlockUserService(self.user) lib_content_block.runtime._services['user'] = user_service # pylint: disable=protected-access handler_url = reverse_usage_url('component_handler', lib_content_block.location, kwargs={'handler': 'refresh_children'}) response = self.client.ajax_post(handler_url) self.assertEqual(response.status_code, status_code_expected) return modulestore().get_item(lib_content_block.location)
def test_get_anonymous_user_id_returns_id_for_existing_users(self): """ Tests for anonymous_user_id method returns anonymous user id for a user. """ course_key = CourseKey.from_string('edX/toy/2012_Fall') anon_user_id = anonymous_id_for_user(user=self.user, course_id=course_key, save=True) django_user_service = DjangoXBlockUserService(self.user, user_is_staff=True) anonymous_user_id = django_user_service.get_anonymous_user_id( username=self.user.username, course_id='edX/toy/2012_Fall') self.assertEqual(anonymous_user_id, anon_user_id)
def get_available_xblock_services(request=None, field_data=None, course_id=None): """ Returns a dict of available services for xBlocks """ services = { "i18n": ModuleI18nService, "settings": SettingsService(), "courseware_parent_info": CoursewareParentInfoService(), } if course_id: services['partitions'] = StudioPartitionService(course_id=course_id) if request: services['user'] = DjangoXBlockUserService(request.user) if field_data: services['field-data'] = field_data if settings.FEATURES.get('ENABLE_NOTIFICATIONS', False): services.update({"notifications": NotificationsService()}) return services
def get_module_system_for_user( user, student_data, # TODO # Arguments preceding this comment have user binding, those following don't descriptor, course_id, track_function, xqueue_callback_url_prefix, request_token, position=None, wrap_xmodule_display=True, grade_bucket_type=None, static_asset_path='', user_location=None, disable_staff_debug_info=False, course=None ): """ Helper function that returns a module system and student_data bound to a user and a descriptor. The purpose of this function is to factor out everywhere a user is implicitly bound when creating a module, to allow an existing module to be re-bound to a user. Most of the user bindings happen when creating the closures that feed the instantiation of ModuleSystem. The arguments fall into two categories: those that have explicit or implicit user binding, which are user and student_data, and those don't and are just present so that ModuleSystem can be instantiated, which are all the other arguments. Ultimately, this isn't too different than how get_module_for_descriptor_internal was before refactoring. Arguments: see arguments for get_module() request_token (str): A token unique to the request use by xblock initialization Returns: (LmsModuleSystem, KvsFieldData): (module system, student_data) bound to, primarily, the user and descriptor """ def make_xqueue_callback(dispatch='score_update'): """ Returns fully qualified callback URL for external queueing system """ relative_xqueue_callback_url = reverse( 'xqueue_callback', kwargs=dict( course_id=text_type(course_id), userid=str(, mod_id=text_type(descriptor.location), dispatch=dispatch ), ) return xqueue_callback_url_prefix + relative_xqueue_callback_url # Default queuename is course-specific and is derived from the course that # contains the current module. # TODO: Queuename should be derived from 'course_settings.json' of each course xqueue_default_queuename = + '-' + descriptor.location.course xqueue = { 'interface': XQUEUE_INTERFACE, 'construct_callback': make_xqueue_callback, 'default_queuename': xqueue_default_queuename.replace(' ', '_'), 'waittime': settings.XQUEUE_WAITTIME_BETWEEN_REQUESTS } def inner_get_module(descriptor): """ Delegate to get_module_for_descriptor_internal() with all values except `descriptor` set. Because it does an access check, it may return None. """ # TODO: fix this so that make_xqueue_callback uses the descriptor passed into # inner_get_module, not the parent's callback. Add it as an argument.... return get_module_for_descriptor_internal( user=user, descriptor=descriptor, student_data=student_data, course_id=course_id, track_function=track_function, xqueue_callback_url_prefix=xqueue_callback_url_prefix, position=position, wrap_xmodule_display=wrap_xmodule_display, grade_bucket_type=grade_bucket_type, static_asset_path=static_asset_path, user_location=user_location, request_token=request_token, course=course ) def get_event_handler(event_type): """ Return an appropriate function to handle the event. Returns None if no special processing is required. """ handlers = { 'grade': handle_grade_event, } if completion_waffle.waffle().is_enabled(completion_waffle.ENABLE_COMPLETION_TRACKING): handlers.update({ 'completion': handle_completion_event, 'progress': handle_deprecated_progress_event, }) return handlers.get(event_type) def publish(block, event_type, event): """ A function that allows XModules to publish events. """ handle_event = get_event_handler(event_type) if handle_event and not is_masquerading_as_specific_student(user, course_id): handle_event(block, event) else: context = contexts.course_context_from_course_id(course_id) if block.runtime.user_id: context['user_id'] = block.runtime.user_id context['asides'] = {} for aside in block.runtime.get_asides(block): if hasattr(aside, 'get_event_context'): aside_event_info = aside.get_event_context(event_type, event) if aside_event_info is not None: context['asides'][aside.scope_ids.block_type] = aside_event_info with tracker.get_tracker().context(event_type, context): track_function(event_type, event) def handle_completion_event(block, event): """ Submit a completion object for the block. """ if not completion_waffle.waffle().is_enabled(completion_waffle.ENABLE_COMPLETION_TRACKING): raise Http404 else: BlockCompletion.objects.submit_completion( user=user, course_key=course_id, block_key=block.scope_ids.usage_id, completion=event['completion'], ) def handle_grade_event(block, event): """ Submit a grade for the block. """ SCORE_PUBLISHED.send( sender=None, block=block, user=user, raw_earned=event['value'], raw_possible=event['max_value'], only_if_higher=event.get('only_if_higher'), score_deleted=event.get('score_deleted'), grader_response=event.get('grader_response') ) def handle_deprecated_progress_event(block, event): """ DEPRECATED: Submit a completion for the block represented by the progress event. This exists to support the legacy progress extension used by edx-solutions. New XBlocks should not emit these events, but instead emit completion events directly. """ if not completion_waffle.waffle().is_enabled(completion_waffle.ENABLE_COMPLETION_TRACKING): raise Http404 else: requested_user_id = event.get('user_id', if requested_user_id != log.warning("{} tried to submit a completion on behalf of {}".format(user, requested_user_id)) return # If blocks explicitly declare support for the new completion API, # we expect them to emit 'completion' events, # and we ignore the deprecated 'progress' events # in order to avoid duplicate work and possibly conflicting semantics. if not getattr(block, 'has_custom_completion', False): BlockCompletion.objects.submit_completion( user=user, course_key=course_id, block_key=block.scope_ids.usage_id, completion=1.0, ) def rebind_noauth_module_to_user(module, real_user): """ A function that allows a module to get re-bound to a real user if it was previously bound to an AnonymousUser. Will only work within a module bound to an AnonymousUser, e.g. one that's instantiated by the noauth_handler. Arguments: module (any xblock type): the module to rebind real_user (django.contrib.auth.models.User): the user to bind to Returns: nothing (but the side effect is that module is re-bound to real_user) """ if user.is_authenticated: err_msg = ("rebind_noauth_module_to_user can only be called from a module bound to " "an anonymous user") log.error(err_msg) raise LmsModuleRenderError(err_msg) field_data_cache_real_user = FieldDataCache.cache_for_descriptor_descendents( course_id, real_user, module.descriptor, asides=XBlockAsidesConfig.possible_asides(), ) student_data_real_user = KvsFieldData(DjangoKeyValueStore(field_data_cache_real_user)) (inner_system, inner_student_data) = get_module_system_for_user( user=real_user, student_data=student_data_real_user, # These have implicit user bindings, rest of args considered not to descriptor=module.descriptor, course_id=course_id, track_function=track_function, xqueue_callback_url_prefix=xqueue_callback_url_prefix, position=position, wrap_xmodule_display=wrap_xmodule_display, grade_bucket_type=grade_bucket_type, static_asset_path=static_asset_path, user_location=user_location, request_token=request_token, course=course ) module.descriptor.bind_for_student( inner_system,, [ partial(OverrideFieldData.wrap, real_user, course), partial(LmsFieldData, student_data=inner_student_data), ], ) module.descriptor.scope_ids = ( module.descriptor.scope_ids._replace( ) module.scope_ids = module.descriptor.scope_ids # this is needed b/c NamedTuples are immutable # now bind the module to the new ModuleSystem instance and vice-versa module.runtime = inner_system inner_system.xmodule_instance = module # Build a list of wrapping functions that will be applied in order # to the Fragment content coming out of the xblocks that are about to be rendered. block_wrappers = [] if is_masquerading_as_specific_student(user, course_id): block_wrappers.append(filter_displayed_blocks) if settings.FEATURES.get("LICENSING", False): block_wrappers.append(wrap_with_license) # Wrap the output display in a single div to allow for the XModule # javascript to be bound correctly if wrap_xmodule_display is True: block_wrappers.append(partial( wrap_xblock, 'LmsRuntime', extra_data={'course-id': text_type(course_id)}, usage_id_serializer=lambda usage_id: quote_slashes(text_type(usage_id)), request_token=request_token, )) # TODO (cpennington): When modules are shared between courses, the static # prefix is going to have to be specific to the module, not the directory # that the xml was loaded from # Rewrite urls beginning in /static to point to course-specific content block_wrappers.append(partial( replace_static_urls, getattr(descriptor, 'data_dir', None), course_id=course_id, static_asset_path=static_asset_path or descriptor.static_asset_path )) # Allow URLs of the form '/course/' refer to the root of multicourse directory # hierarchy of this course block_wrappers.append(partial(replace_course_urls, course_id)) # this will rewrite intra-courseware links (/jump_to_id/<id>). This format # is an improvement over the /course/... format for studio authored courses, # because it is agnostic to course-hierarchy. # NOTE: module_id is empty string here. The 'module_id' will get assigned in the replacement # function, we just need to specify something to get the reverse() to work. block_wrappers.append(partial( replace_jump_to_id_urls, course_id, reverse('jump_to_id', kwargs={'course_id': text_type(course_id), 'module_id': ''}), )) if settings.FEATURES.get('DISPLAY_DEBUG_INFO_TO_STAFF'): if is_masquerading_as_specific_student(user, course_id): # When masquerading as a specific student, we want to show the debug button # unconditionally to enable resetting the state of the student we are masquerading as. # We already know the user has staff access when masquerading is active. staff_access = True # To figure out whether the user has instructor access, we temporarily remove the # masquerade_settings from the real_user. With the masquerading settings in place, # the result would always be "False". masquerade_settings = user.real_user.masquerade_settings del user.real_user.masquerade_settings user.real_user.masquerade_settings = masquerade_settings else: staff_access = has_access(user, 'staff', descriptor, course_id) if staff_access: block_wrappers.append(partial(add_staff_markup, user, disable_staff_debug_info)) # These modules store data using the anonymous_student_id as a key. # To prevent loss of data, we will continue to provide old modules with # the per-student anonymized id (as we have in the past), # while giving selected modules a per-course anonymized id. # As we have the time to manually test more modules, we can add to the list # of modules that get the per-course anonymized id. is_pure_xblock = isinstance(descriptor, XBlock) and not isinstance(descriptor, XModuleDescriptor) module_class = getattr(descriptor, 'module_class', None) is_lti_module = not is_pure_xblock and issubclass(module_class, LTIModule) if is_pure_xblock or is_lti_module: anonymous_student_id = anonymous_id_for_user(user, course_id) else: anonymous_student_id = anonymous_id_for_user(user, None) field_data = LmsFieldData(descriptor._field_data, student_data) # pylint: disable=protected-access user_is_staff = bool(has_access(user, u'staff', descriptor.location, course_id)) system = LmsModuleSystem( track_function=track_function, render_template=render_to_string, static_url=settings.STATIC_URL, xqueue=xqueue, # TODO (cpennington): Figure out how to share info between systems filestore=descriptor.runtime.resources_fs, get_module=inner_get_module, user=user, debug=settings.DEBUG, hostname=settings.SITE_NAME, # TODO (cpennington): This should be removed when all html from # a module is coming through get_html and is therefore covered # by the replace_static_urls code below replace_urls=partial( static_replace.replace_static_urls, data_directory=getattr(descriptor, 'data_dir', None), course_id=course_id, static_asset_path=static_asset_path or descriptor.static_asset_path, ), replace_course_urls=partial( static_replace.replace_course_urls, course_key=course_id ), replace_jump_to_id_urls=partial( static_replace.replace_jump_to_id_urls, course_id=course_id, jump_to_id_base_url=reverse('jump_to_id', kwargs={'course_id': text_type(course_id), 'module_id': ''}) ), node_path=settings.NODE_PATH, publish=publish, anonymous_student_id=anonymous_student_id, course_id=course_id, cache=cache, can_execute_unsafe_code=(lambda: can_execute_unsafe_code(course_id)), get_python_lib_zip=(lambda: get_python_lib_zip(contentstore, course_id)), # TODO: When we merge the descriptor and module systems, we can stop reaching into the mixologist (cpennington) mixins=descriptor.runtime.mixologist._mixins, # pylint: disable=protected-access wrappers=block_wrappers, get_real_user=user_by_anonymous_id, services={ 'fs': FSService(), 'field-data': field_data, 'user': DjangoXBlockUserService(user, user_is_staff=user_is_staff), 'verification': XBlockVerificationService(), 'proctoring': ProctoringService(), 'milestones': milestones_helpers.get_service(), 'credit': CreditService(), 'bookmarks': BookmarksService(user=user), 'gating': GatingService(), }, get_user_role=lambda: get_user_role(user, course_id), descriptor_runtime=descriptor._runtime, # pylint: disable=protected-access rebind_noauth_module_to_user=rebind_noauth_module_to_user, user_location=user_location, request_token=request_token, ) # pass position specified in URL to module through ModuleSystem if position is not None: try: position = int(position) except (ValueError, TypeError): log.exception('Non-integer %r passed as position.', position) position = None system.set('position', position) system.set(u'user_is_staff', user_is_staff) system.set(u'user_is_admin', bool(has_access(user, u'staff', 'global'))) system.set(u'user_is_beta_tester', CourseBetaTesterRole(course_id).has_user(user)) system.set(u'days_early_for_beta', descriptor.days_early_for_beta) # make an ErrorDescriptor -- assuming that the descriptor's system is ok if has_access(user, u'staff', descriptor.location, course_id): system.error_descriptor_class = ErrorDescriptor else: system.error_descriptor_class = NonStaffErrorDescriptor return system, field_data
def create_modulestore_instance( engine, content_store, doc_store_config, options, i18n_service=None, fs_service=None, user_service=None, signal_handler=None, ): """ This will return a new instance of a modulestore given an engine and options """ class_ = load_function(engine) _options = {} _options.update(options) FUNCTION_KEYS = ['render_template'] for key in FUNCTION_KEYS: if key in _options and isinstance(_options[key], basestring): _options[key] = load_function(_options[key]) if HAS_REQUEST_CACHE: request_cache = RequestCache.get_request_cache() else: request_cache = None try: metadata_inheritance_cache = caches['mongo_metadata_inheritance'] except InvalidCacheBackendError: metadata_inheritance_cache = caches['default'] if issubclass(class_, MixedModuleStore): _options['create_modulestore_instance'] = create_modulestore_instance if issubclass(class_, BranchSettingMixin): _options['branch_setting_func'] = _get_modulestore_branch_setting if HAS_USER_SERVICE and not user_service: xb_user_service = DjangoXBlockUserService(get_current_user()) else: xb_user_service = None if 'read_preference' in doc_store_config: doc_store_config['read_preference'] = getattr( ReadPreference, doc_store_config['read_preference']) if XBlockDisableConfig and settings.FEATURES.get( 'ENABLE_DISABLING_XBLOCK_TYPES', False): disabled_xblock_types = XBlockDisableConfig.disabled_block_types() else: disabled_xblock_types = () xblock_field_data_wrappers = [ load_function(path) for path in settings.XBLOCK_FIELD_DATA_WRAPPERS ] return class_( contentstore=content_store, metadata_inheritance_cache_subsystem=metadata_inheritance_cache, request_cache=request_cache, xblock_mixins=getattr(settings, 'XBLOCK_MIXINS', ()), xblock_select=getattr(settings, 'XBLOCK_SELECT_FUNCTION', None), xblock_field_data_wrappers=xblock_field_data_wrappers, disabled_xblock_types=disabled_xblock_types, doc_store_config=doc_store_config, i18n_service=i18n_service or ModuleI18nService(), fs_service=fs_service or xblock.reference.plugins.FSService(), user_service=user_service or xb_user_service, signal_handler=signal_handler or SignalHandler(class_), **_options)
def get_module_system_for_user(user, field_data_cache, # Arguments preceding this comment have user binding, those following don't descriptor, course_id, track_function, xqueue_callback_url_prefix, request_token, position=None, wrap_xmodule_display=True, grade_bucket_type=None, static_asset_path='', user_location=None): """ Helper function that returns a module system and student_data bound to a user and a descriptor. The purpose of this function is to factor out everywhere a user is implicitly bound when creating a module, to allow an existing module to be re-bound to a user. Most of the user bindings happen when creating the closures that feed the instantiation of ModuleSystem. The arguments fall into two categories: those that have explicit or implicit user binding, which are user and field_data_cache, and those don't and are just present so that ModuleSystem can be instantiated, which are all the other arguments. Ultimately, this isn't too different than how get_module_for_descriptor_internal was before refactoring. Arguments: see arguments for get_module() request_token (str): A token unique to the request use by xblock initialization Returns: (LmsModuleSystem, KvsFieldData): (module system, student_data) bound to, primarily, the user and descriptor """ student_data = KvsFieldData(DjangoKeyValueStore(field_data_cache)) def make_xqueue_callback(dispatch='score_update'): # Fully qualified callback URL for external queueing system relative_xqueue_callback_url = reverse( 'xqueue_callback', kwargs=dict( course_id=course_id.to_deprecated_string(), userid=str(, mod_id=descriptor.location.to_deprecated_string(), dispatch=dispatch ), ) return xqueue_callback_url_prefix + relative_xqueue_callback_url # Default queuename is course-specific and is derived from the course that # contains the current module. # TODO: Queuename should be derived from 'course_settings.json' of each course xqueue_default_queuename = + '-' + descriptor.location.course xqueue = { 'interface': XQUEUE_INTERFACE, 'construct_callback': make_xqueue_callback, 'default_queuename': xqueue_default_queuename.replace(' ', '_'), 'waittime': settings.XQUEUE_WAITTIME_BETWEEN_REQUESTS } # This is a hacky way to pass settings to the combined open ended xmodule # It needs an S3 interface to upload images to S3 # It needs the open ended grading interface in order to get peer grading to be done # this first checks to see if the descriptor is the correct one, and only sends settings if it is # Get descriptor metadata fields indicating needs for various settings needs_open_ended_interface = getattr(descriptor, "needs_open_ended_interface", False) needs_s3_interface = getattr(descriptor, "needs_s3_interface", False) # Initialize interfaces to None open_ended_grading_interface = None s3_interface = None # Create interfaces if needed if needs_open_ended_interface: open_ended_grading_interface = settings.OPEN_ENDED_GRADING_INTERFACE open_ended_grading_interface['mock_peer_grading'] = settings.MOCK_PEER_GRADING open_ended_grading_interface['mock_staff_grading'] = settings.MOCK_STAFF_GRADING if needs_s3_interface: s3_interface = { 'access_key': getattr(settings, 'AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID', ''), 'secret_access_key': getattr(settings, 'AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY', ''), 'storage_bucket_name': getattr(settings, 'AWS_STORAGE_BUCKET_NAME', 'openended') } def inner_get_module(descriptor): """ Delegate to get_module_for_descriptor_internal() with all values except `descriptor` set. Because it does an access check, it may return None. """ # TODO: fix this so that make_xqueue_callback uses the descriptor passed into # inner_get_module, not the parent's callback. Add it as an argument.... return get_module_for_descriptor_internal( user=user, descriptor=descriptor, field_data_cache=field_data_cache, course_id=course_id, track_function=track_function, xqueue_callback_url_prefix=xqueue_callback_url_prefix, position=position, wrap_xmodule_display=wrap_xmodule_display, grade_bucket_type=grade_bucket_type, static_asset_path=static_asset_path, user_location=user_location, request_token=request_token, ) def _fulfill_content_milestones(user, course_key, content_key): """ Internal helper to handle milestone fulfillments for the specified content module """ # Fulfillment Use Case: Entrance Exam # If this module is part of an entrance exam, we'll need to see if the student # has reached the point at which they can collect the associated milestone if settings.FEATURES.get('ENTRANCE_EXAMS', False): course = modulestore().get_course(course_key) content = modulestore().get_item(content_key) entrance_exam_enabled = getattr(course, 'entrance_exam_enabled', False) in_entrance_exam = getattr(content, 'in_entrance_exam', False) if entrance_exam_enabled and in_entrance_exam: # We don't have access to the true request object in this context, but we can use a mock request = RequestFactory().request() request.user = user exam_pct = get_entrance_exam_score(request, course) if exam_pct >= course.entrance_exam_minimum_score_pct: exam_key = UsageKey.from_string(course.entrance_exam_id) relationship_types = milestones_helpers.get_milestone_relationship_types() content_milestones = milestones_helpers.get_course_content_milestones( course_key, exam_key, relationship=relationship_types['FULFILLS'] ) # Add each milestone to the user's set... user = {'id':} for milestone in content_milestones: milestones_helpers.add_user_milestone(user, milestone) def handle_grade_event(block, event_type, event): # pylint: disable=unused-argument """ Manages the workflow for recording and updating of student module grade state """ user_id = event.get('user_id', # Construct the key for the module key = KeyValueStore.Key( scope=Scope.user_state, user_id=user_id, block_scope_id=descriptor.location, field_name='grade' ) student_module = field_data_cache.find_or_create(key) # Update the grades student_module.grade = event.get('value') student_module.max_grade = event.get('max_value') # Save all changes to the underlying KeyValueStore # Bin score into range and increment stats score_bucket = get_score_bucket(student_module.grade, student_module.max_grade) tags = [ u"org:{}".format(, u"course:{}".format(course_id), u"score_bucket:{0}".format(score_bucket) ] if grade_bucket_type is not None: tags.append('type:%s' % grade_bucket_type) dog_stats_api.increment("lms.courseware.question_answered", tags=tags) # Cycle through the milestone fulfillment scenarios to see if any are now applicable # thanks to the updated grading information that was just submitted _fulfill_content_milestones( user, course_id, descriptor.location, ) def publish(block, event_type, event): """A function that allows XModules to publish events.""" if event_type == 'grade': handle_grade_event(block, event_type, event) else: track_function(event_type, event) def rebind_noauth_module_to_user(module, real_user): """ A function that allows a module to get re-bound to a real user if it was previously bound to an AnonymousUser. Will only work within a module bound to an AnonymousUser, e.g. one that's instantiated by the noauth_handler. Arguments: module (any xblock type): the module to rebind real_user (django.contrib.auth.models.User): the user to bind to Returns: nothing (but the side effect is that module is re-bound to real_user) """ if user.is_authenticated(): err_msg = ("rebind_noauth_module_to_user can only be called from a module bound to " "an anonymous user") log.error(err_msg) raise LmsModuleRenderError(err_msg) field_data_cache_real_user = FieldDataCache.cache_for_descriptor_descendents( course_id, real_user, module.descriptor, asides=XBlockAsidesConfig.possible_asides(), ) (inner_system, inner_student_data) = get_module_system_for_user( user=real_user, field_data_cache=field_data_cache_real_user, # These have implicit user bindings, rest of args considered not to descriptor=module.descriptor, course_id=course_id, track_function=track_function, xqueue_callback_url_prefix=xqueue_callback_url_prefix, position=position, wrap_xmodule_display=wrap_xmodule_display, grade_bucket_type=grade_bucket_type, static_asset_path=static_asset_path, user_location=user_location, request_token=request_token ) # rebinds module to a different student. We'll change system, student_data, and scope_ids module.descriptor.bind_for_student( inner_system, LmsFieldData(module.descriptor._field_data, inner_student_data), # pylint: disable=protected-access, ) module.scope_ids = module.descriptor.scope_ids # this is needed b/c NamedTuples are immutable # now bind the module to the new ModuleSystem instance and vice-versa module.runtime = inner_system inner_system.xmodule_instance = module # Build a list of wrapping functions that will be applied in order # to the Fragment content coming out of the xblocks that are about to be rendered. block_wrappers = [] # Wrap the output display in a single div to allow for the XModule # javascript to be bound correctly if wrap_xmodule_display is True: block_wrappers.append(partial( wrap_xblock, 'LmsRuntime', extra_data={'course-id': course_id.to_deprecated_string()}, usage_id_serializer=lambda usage_id: quote_slashes(usage_id.to_deprecated_string()), request_token=request_token, )) # TODO (cpennington): When modules are shared between courses, the static # prefix is going to have to be specific to the module, not the directory # that the xml was loaded from # Rewrite urls beginning in /static to point to course-specific content block_wrappers.append(partial( replace_static_urls, getattr(descriptor, 'data_dir', None), course_id=course_id, static_asset_path=static_asset_path or descriptor.static_asset_path )) # Allow URLs of the form '/course/' refer to the root of multicourse directory # hierarchy of this course block_wrappers.append(partial(replace_course_urls, course_id)) # this will rewrite intra-courseware links (/jump_to_id/<id>). This format # is an improvement over the /course/... format for studio authored courses, # because it is agnostic to course-hierarchy. # NOTE: module_id is empty string here. The 'module_id' will get assigned in the replacement # function, we just need to specify something to get the reverse() to work. block_wrappers.append(partial( replace_jump_to_id_urls, course_id, reverse('jump_to_id', kwargs={'course_id': course_id.to_deprecated_string(), 'module_id': ''}), )) if settings.FEATURES.get('DISPLAY_DEBUG_INFO_TO_STAFF'): if has_access(user, 'staff', descriptor, course_id): has_instructor_access = has_access(user, 'instructor', descriptor, course_id) block_wrappers.append(partial(add_staff_markup, user, has_instructor_access)) # These modules store data using the anonymous_student_id as a key. # To prevent loss of data, we will continue to provide old modules with # the per-student anonymized id (as we have in the past), # while giving selected modules a per-course anonymized id. # As we have the time to manually test more modules, we can add to the list # of modules that get the per-course anonymized id. is_pure_xblock = isinstance(descriptor, XBlock) and not isinstance(descriptor, XModuleDescriptor) module_class = getattr(descriptor, 'module_class', None) is_lti_module = not is_pure_xblock and issubclass(module_class, LTIModule) if is_pure_xblock or is_lti_module: anonymous_student_id = anonymous_id_for_user(user, course_id) else: anonymous_student_id = anonymous_id_for_user(user, None) field_data = LmsFieldData(descriptor._field_data, student_data) # pylint: disable=protected-access user_is_staff = has_access(user, u'staff', descriptor.location, course_id) system = LmsModuleSystem( track_function=track_function, render_template=render_to_string, static_url=settings.STATIC_URL, xqueue=xqueue, # TODO (cpennington): Figure out how to share info between systems filestore=descriptor.runtime.resources_fs, get_module=inner_get_module, user=user, debug=settings.DEBUG, hostname=settings.SITE_NAME, # TODO (cpennington): This should be removed when all html from # a module is coming through get_html and is therefore covered # by the replace_static_urls code below replace_urls=partial( static_replace.replace_static_urls, data_directory=getattr(descriptor, 'data_dir', None), course_id=course_id, static_asset_path=static_asset_path or descriptor.static_asset_path, ), replace_course_urls=partial( static_replace.replace_course_urls, course_key=course_id ), replace_jump_to_id_urls=partial( static_replace.replace_jump_to_id_urls, course_id=course_id, jump_to_id_base_url=reverse('jump_to_id', kwargs={'course_id': course_id.to_deprecated_string(), 'module_id': ''}) ), node_path=settings.NODE_PATH, publish=publish, anonymous_student_id=anonymous_student_id, course_id=course_id, open_ended_grading_interface=open_ended_grading_interface, s3_interface=s3_interface, cache=cache, can_execute_unsafe_code=(lambda: can_execute_unsafe_code(course_id)), get_python_lib_zip=(lambda: get_python_lib_zip(contentstore, course_id)), # TODO: When we merge the descriptor and module systems, we can stop reaching into the mixologist (cpennington) mixins=descriptor.runtime.mixologist._mixins, # pylint: disable=protected-access wrappers=block_wrappers, get_real_user=user_by_anonymous_id, services={ 'i18n': ModuleI18nService(), 'fs': xblock.reference.plugins.FSService(), 'field-data': field_data, 'user': DjangoXBlockUserService(user, user_is_staff=user_is_staff), }, get_user_role=lambda: get_user_role(user, course_id), descriptor_runtime=descriptor._runtime, # pylint: disable=protected-access rebind_noauth_module_to_user=rebind_noauth_module_to_user, user_location=user_location, request_token=request_token, ) # pass position specified in URL to module through ModuleSystem if position is not None: try: position = int(position) except (ValueError, TypeError): log.exception('Non-integer %r passed as position.', position) position = None system.set('position', position) if settings.FEATURES.get('ENABLE_PSYCHOMETRICS') and user.is_authenticated(): system.set( 'psychometrics_handler', # set callback for updating PsychometricsData make_psychometrics_data_update_handler(course_id, user, descriptor.location) ) system.set(u'user_is_staff', user_is_staff) system.set(u'user_is_admin', has_access(user, u'staff', 'global')) system.set(u'user_is_beta_tester', CourseBetaTesterRole(course_id).has_user(user)) system.set(u'days_early_for_beta', getattr(descriptor, 'days_early_for_beta')) # make an ErrorDescriptor -- assuming that the descriptor's system is ok if has_access(user, u'staff', descriptor.location, course_id): system.error_descriptor_class = ErrorDescriptor else: system.error_descriptor_class = NonStaffErrorDescriptor return system, field_data
def create_modulestore_instance( engine, content_store, doc_store_config, options, i18n_service=None, fs_service=None, user_service=None, signal_handler=None, ): """ This will return a new instance of a modulestore given an engine and options """ class_ = load_function(engine) _options = {} _options.update(options) FUNCTION_KEYS = ['render_template'] for key in FUNCTION_KEYS: if key in _options and isinstance(_options[key], basestring): _options[key] = load_function(_options[key]) if HAS_REQUEST_CACHE: request_cache = RequestCache.get_request_cache() else: request_cache = None try: metadata_inheritance_cache = caches['mongo_metadata_inheritance'] except InvalidCacheBackendError: metadata_inheritance_cache = caches['default'] if issubclass(class_, MixedModuleStore): _options['create_modulestore_instance'] = create_modulestore_instance if issubclass(class_, BranchSettingMixin): _options['branch_setting_func'] = _get_modulestore_branch_setting if HAS_USER_SERVICE and not user_service: xb_user_service = DjangoXBlockUserService(get_current_user()) else: xb_user_service = None if 'read_preference' in doc_store_config: doc_store_config['read_preference'] = getattr(ReadPreference, doc_store_config['read_preference']) xblock_field_data_wrappers = [load_function(path) for path in settings.XBLOCK_FIELD_DATA_WRAPPERS] def fetch_disabled_xblock_types(): """ Get the disabled xblock names, using the request_cache if possible to avoid hitting a database every time the list is needed. """ # If the import could not be loaded, return an empty list. if disabled_xblocks is None: return [] if request_cache: if 'disabled_xblock_types' not in['disabled_xblock_types'] = [ for block in disabled_xblocks()] return['disabled_xblock_types'] else: disabled_xblock_types = [ for block in disabled_xblocks()] return disabled_xblock_types return class_( contentstore=content_store, metadata_inheritance_cache_subsystem=metadata_inheritance_cache, request_cache=request_cache, xblock_mixins=getattr(settings, 'XBLOCK_MIXINS', ()), xblock_select=getattr(settings, 'XBLOCK_SELECT_FUNCTION', None), xblock_field_data_wrappers=xblock_field_data_wrappers, disabled_xblock_types=fetch_disabled_xblock_types, doc_store_config=doc_store_config, i18n_service=i18n_service or ModuleI18nService, fs_service=fs_service or xblock.reference.plugins.FSService(), user_service=user_service or xb_user_service, signal_handler=signal_handler or SignalHandler(class_), **_options )