コード例 #1
def check_message(word, word_eol, userdata):
    nick = word[0]
    line = word[1]
    if nick == '\x0326fijal':
        nick = '   fijal'
        xchat.emit_print("Channel Message", nick, line)
        return xchat.EAT_XCHAT
コード例 #2
ファイル: chanserv.py プロジェクト: torksrevol/chanserv.py
def do_endwas(word, word_eol, userdata):
    """Display error if nickname cannot be resolved"""
    for p in pending:
        if p.target == word[3]:
            xchat.emit_print("Server Error",
                             "%s could not be found" % p.target)
コード例 #3
def translate_cm_cb(word, word_eol, userdata):
	global custom_emit

		return xchat.EAT_NONE

	result = translate(word[1],word[0],'incoming')
	translation = result[0]

	if(translation != None):
		if(pyVersion >= 3):
			translation = translation.decode('utf-8')

		if(displayMode == 'both'):
			text = '--- Original ---\n'+word[1]+'\n--- Translation ---\n'+translation
		elif(displayMode == 'replace'):
			text = translation
		elif(displayMode == 'compressed'):
			text = word[1]+'\napertium '+result[1][0]+'-'+result[1][1]+': '+translation
			text = word[1]

		custom_emit = True
		xchat.emit_print('Channel Message', word[0], text.replace('\t',' '))
		custom_emit = False

	return xchat.EAT_ALL
コード例 #4
def whois_callback(word, word_eol, userdata):
    global capture_whois

    if capture_whois:
        return xchat.EAT_NONE

    # Response format:
    # :server 311 yournick othersnick ~othersuser others/host * :Other's Realname

    _, _, _, nickname, username, host = word[0:6]
    raw_real_name = word_eol[7][1:]

    # Get the real name without pronouns. If they don't have their pronouns
    # specified in their WHOIS information, it simply shows their real name
    # string as-is.
    real_name = strip_pronouns(raw_real_name)

    # Get their pronouns, or None.
    pronouns = get_pronouns(raw_real_name)

    # Print the first line of the WHOIS response, sans pronouns snippet at the end,
    # exactly how XChat would print it otherwise.
    xchat.emit_print("WhoIs Name Line", nickname, username, host, real_name)

    # Print their pronouns as the second line of the WHOIS information,
    # if they specified anything. Otherwise, do nothing.
    if pronouns is not None:
        xchat.emit_print("WhoIs Identified", nickname, "Pronouns: " + pronouns)

    # Stop XChat from printing the default first WHOIS line.
    return xchat.EAT_XCHAT
コード例 #5
ファイル: chanserv.py プロジェクト: aperson/chanserv.py
    def run(self):
        """Perform our actions"""
        if debug:
            xchat.emit_print('Server Text', "Running " + str(self))
        kwargs = dict(self.__dict__.items())

        if self.do_bans:
            xchat.emit_print('Server Text', "Bans matching %s!%s@%s (r:%s, a:%s)" %
                    (self.target_nick, self.target_ident, self.target_host, self.target_name, self.target_account))

        if self.do_unban or self.do_bans:

            for b in bans[self.channel]:
                if self.match(b):
                    if self.do_bans:
                        xchat.emit_print('Server Text', b)
                        self.actions.append('mode %s -b %s' % (self.channel, b))

            for b in quiets[self.channel]:
                if self.match(b):
                    if self.do_bans:
                        xchat.emit_print('Server Text', b + ' (quiet)')
                        self.actions.append('mode %s -q %s' % (self.channel, b))

        # Perform all registered actions
        for action in self.actions:
            if '%(target_account)s' in action and not self.target_account:
                xchat.emit_print('Server Text', "Can't do an account ban for %s, not identified" % self.target_nick)
            self.context.command(action % kwargs)

コード例 #6
ファイル: chanserv.py プロジェクト: grimreaper/chanserv.py
    def schedule(self, update_stamp=False):
        """Request information and add ourselves to the queue"""
        if debug:
            xchat.emit_print('Server Text', "Scheduling " + str(self))
        if update_stamp:
            self.stamp = time.time()
        # Am I opped?
        self.am_op = False
        for user in self.context.get_list('users'):
            if user.nick == self.me and user.prefix == '@':
                self.am_op = True
                self.deop = False

        if self.needs_op and not self.am_op:
            self.context.command("chanserv op %s" % self.channel)

        # Find needed information
        if ('a' in self.bans or 'r' in self.bans) and valid_mask(self.target) and not self.target.startswith('$'):
            xchat.emit_print('Server Error', "Invalid argument %s for account/realname ban" % self.target)
            return xchat.EAT_ALL
        if self.do_ban or self.do_unban or self.do_bans:
            self.target_nick = self.target

        if self.do_unban or self.do_bans:

        return xchat.EAT_ALL
コード例 #7
ファイル: chanserv.py プロジェクト: grimreaper/chanserv.py
    def done(self):
        """Finaliazation and cleanup"""
        # Done!
        if debug:
            xchat.emit_print('Server Text', "Done " + str(self))

        # Deop?
        if not self.am_op or not self.needs_op:

        for p in pending:
            if p.channel == self.channel and p.needs_op or not p.deop:
                self.deop = False

        if self.deop:
            self.context.command("chanserv deop %s" % self.channel)

        # Schedule removal?
        if self.timer and (self.channel not in can_do_akick or self.banmode == 'q'):
            action = Action(self.channel, self.me, self.context)
            action.deop = self.deop
            action.actions = [x.replace('+','-',1) for x in self.actions]
            action.target = self.target
            action.target_nick = self.target_nick
            action.target_ident = self.target_ident
            action.target_host = self.target_host
            action.target_name = self.target_name
            action.target_name_bannable = self.target_name_bannable
            action.target_account = self.target_account
            action.resolved = True
            action.banmode = self.banmode
            action.needs_op = True
            xchat.hook_timer(self.timer * 1000, lambda act: act.schedule(update_stamp=True) and False, action)
コード例 #8
ファイル: chanserv.py プロジェクト: torksrevol/chanserv.py
    def schedule(self, update_stamp=False):
        """Request information and add ourselves to the queue"""
        if debug:
            xchat.emit_print('Server Text', "Scheduling " + str(self))
        if update_stamp:
            self.stamp = time.time()
        # Am I opped?
        self.am_op = False
        for user in self.context.get_list('users'):
            if user.nick == self.me and user.prefix == '@':
                self.am_op = True
                self.deop = False

        if self.needs_op and not self.am_op:
            self.context.command("chanserv op %s" % self.channel)

        # Find needed information
        if ('a' in self.bans or 'r' in self.bans) and valid_mask(
                self.target) and not self.target.startswith('$'):
                'Server Error',
                "Invalid argument %s for account/realname ban" % self.target)
            return xchat.EAT_ALL
        if self.do_ban or self.do_unban or self.do_bans:
            self.target_nick = self.target

        if self.do_unban or self.do_bans:

        return xchat.EAT_ALL
コード例 #9
ファイル: colour_words.py プロジェクト: mozai/xchat-scripts
def colour_words(word, word_eol, userdata):
  " Recolour some users's messages "
  del(userdata) # shoosh, pylint
  # if the incoming message is ":nick!name@host PRIVMSG :message payload"
  # then word = ["nick","message payload"]
  # and word_eol = ["nick message payload", "message payload"]
  # word_eol omits '!name@host PRIVMSG :' but does NOT break the message
  # payload on whitespace, like it does with '/command'.  Weird.
  nick = word[0]
  mesg = word[1]
  old_mesg = mesg
  for high in HIGHLIGHTS:
    mesg = high[0].sub(r'%s\1%s' % (high[1], MIRC_COLOUR_RESET), mesg)
  if mesg == old_mesg :
    # no change, maybe because we've already seen it
    return xchat.EAT_NONE
    # I had to go to the GUI to dig out the params for 'Channel Message'
    # why is this not documented?  And why is "mode char" unused, but
    # "identified text" is where I expect the user's mode char to be?
    # Channel Message - 1:Nickname, 2:The text, 3:Mode char, 4:Identified text
    # Result - %C18%H<%H$4$1%H>%H%O$t$2
    xchat.emit_print("Channel Message", nick, mesg, nick_to_prefix(nick), '')
    return xchat.EAT_ALL
  return xchat.EAT_NONE
コード例 #10
def cocktography_cb(word, word_eol, userdata):
    text = RE_cocks.search(word[1])
    if not text:
        return xchat.EAT_NONE
    message = text.group(0)

    if message.startswith(choder.START) or message.startswith(choder.MARK):
        history = ''
        if word[0] in buffer:
            history = buffer[word[0]]
        if message.endswith(choder.STOP):
            if message.startswith(
                    choder.START):  # we have a single line enchoded message
                dechoded, _ = choder.dechode(message)
                formatted = RE_cocks.sub(dechoded, word[1])
                xchat.emit_print("Channel Message",
                                 '\0034\002\037' + word[0] + '\0034\002\037',
                                 formatted.encode('utf-8'), "")
                return xchat.EAT_XCHAT
                enchoded = "{} {}".format(history,
                                          message) if history else message
                dechoded, _ = choder.dechode(enchoded)
                formatted = RE_cocks.sub(dechoded, word[1])
                del buffer[word[0]]
                xchat.emit_print("Channel Message",
                                 '\0034\002\037' + word[0] + '\0034\002\037',
                                 formatted.encode('utf-8'), "")
                return xchat.EAT_XCHAT
            buffer[word[0]] = "{} {}".format(history,
                                             message) if history else message
            return xchat.EAT_XCHAT
コード例 #11
def messagebuffer(dunno):
    global list_

    #Makes sure we have locked the list so that we start on a new list if we send messages during execution
    tmplist = list_
    list_ = None

    #Get's the current channel, so we know where we should send messages
    channel = xchat.get_info('channel')

    #If the list is shorter than the pastelimit, just send them one by one to the irc-server
    if len(tmplist) <= settings['limit']:
        for i in tmplist:
            #send the actual string
            xchat.command("PRIVMSG %s :%s" % (channel, i))

            #recreate the output from a regular message, as this is just a regular message
            xchat.emit_print("Your Message", xchat.get_info('nick'), i, "@")
        #Add all the lines together into a string
        str_ = ""
        for i in tmplist:
            str_ += i + "\n"

        # do the paste
        pastie_url = do_pastie(str_[:-1])

        xchat.command("PRIVMSG %s :%s" % (xchat.get_info('channel'), pastie_url))
        xchat.emit_print("Your Message", xchat.get_info('nick'), pastie_url, "@")

        return 0  # Return 0 so we don't repeat the timer.
コード例 #12
def colour_words(word, word_eol, userdata):
    " Recolour some users's messages "
    del (userdata)  # shoosh, pylint
    # if the incoming message is ":nick!name@host PRIVMSG :message payload"
    # then word = ["nick","message payload"]
    # and word_eol = ["nick message payload", "message payload"]
    # word_eol omits '!name@host PRIVMSG :' but does NOT break the message
    # payload on whitespace, like it does with '/command'.  Weird.
    nick = word[0]
    mesg = word[1]
    old_mesg = mesg
    for high in HIGHLIGHTS:
        mesg = high[0].sub(r'%s\1%s' % (high[1], MIRC_COLOUR_RESET), mesg)
    if mesg == old_mesg:
        # no change, maybe because we've already seen it
        return xchat.EAT_NONE
        # I had to go to the GUI to dig out the params for 'Channel Message'
        # why is this not documented?  And why is "mode char" unused, but
        # "identified text" is where I expect the user's mode char to be?
        # Channel Message - 1:Nickname, 2:The text, 3:Mode char, 4:Identified text
        # Result - %C18%H<%H$4$1%H>%H%O$t$2
        xchat.emit_print("Channel Message", nick, mesg, nick_to_prefix(nick),
        return xchat.EAT_ALL
    return xchat.EAT_NONE
コード例 #13
ファイル: mpx-xchat.py プロジェクト: mderezynski/Youki2
        def ShowPlaylist (self, start=0, maxlength=250):
            """ Display content of the playlist """

            tracklist = self.Bmp.GetTracklist()
            if start < 0 or maxlength < 0 or start >= len(tracklist):
                xchat.emit_print('Motd', 'Out of range! There are only %d tracks in the playlist' % int(len(tracklist)-1))
                return False
            x = len(str(len(tracklist)))
            if maxlength > len(tracklist):
                maxlength = len(tracklist) - start
            for track in xrange(start, start+maxlength):
                label = ''
                meta = self.Bmp.GetMetadataForListItem(track)
                if self.TupleKeyTest(meta, 'location'):
                    if 'file://' in meta['location']:
                        if self.TupleKeyTest(meta, 'artist') and self.TupleKeyTest(meta, 'artist') != '':
                            label = meta['artist'].encode('utf8') + ' - '
                        if self.TupleKeyTest(meta, 'title'):
                            label += meta['title'].encode('utf8')
                        if label == '':
                            label = meta['location']
                    elif 'http://' in meta['location'] and self.TupleKeyTest(meta, 'title'):
                        label = meta['title']
                # Using markups makes XChat-Python plugin go crazy and segfault sometimes
                print self.XChatColors(self.DecodePalette('%P1[%P1%P4%*d%P4%P1]%P1 %P5%s%P5')) % (x, track, label)
                if (track - start) >= maxlength:
                # Solved most of the instability problem by giving it a nice sleep delay
コード例 #14
ファイル: mpx-xchat.py プロジェクト: mderezynski/Youki2
        def ShowMatchingTracks (self, name, maxlength=500):
            """ Display tracks matching name """

            x = len(str(len(self.Bmp.GetTracklist())))
            xchat.emit_print('Notice', self.Bmp.Identity(), self.XChatColors('%USearching for "%s":%U (This can take a while)') % name)
            matchdict = self.FindMatchingTracks(name, maxlength)
            if len(matchdict) > 0:
                for trackid in matchdict:
                    label = ''
                    meta = self.Bmp.GetMetadataForListItem(trackid)
                    if self.TupleKeyTest(meta, 'location'):
                        if 'file://' in meta['location']:
                            if self.TupleKeyTest(meta, 'artist') and self.TupleKeyTest(meta, 'artist') != '':
                                label = meta['artist'] + ' - '
                            if self.TupleKeyTest(meta, 'title') and self.TupleKeyTest(meta, 'artist') != '':
                                label += meta['title']
                            if label == '':
                                label = meta['location']
                        elif 'http://' in meta['location'] and self.TupleKeyTest(meta, 'title'):
                            label = meta['title']
                    # Using markups makes XChat-Python plugin go crazy and segfault sometimes
                    print self.XChatColors(self.DecodePalette('%P1[%P1%P4%*d%P4%P1]%P1 %P5%s%P5')) % (x, trackid, label)
                    # Solved most of the instability problem by giving it a nice sleep delay
                xchat.emit_print('Notice', self.Bmp.Identity(), self.XChatColors('%C4Found nothing%C4'))
コード例 #15
def decolor_cb(word, word_eol, userdata, attributes):
    # Fast ignore any irrelevant lines, also ignores any messages we emit
    if not (word[1].startswith('\x03') and word[1].count('\x03') == 1):
    # Emit the new line
    xchat.emit_print(userdata, word[0], rm_color(word[1]), *word[2:])
    # And eat all, so other plugins don't get double lines
    return xchat.EAT_ALL
コード例 #16
def nonotify_callback(word, word_eol, userdata):
    if xchat.get_info("channel") in channel_list:
            'Channel Message', '%s%s' % (red, word[0]),
            '%sNotification Suppressed: %s%s' % (green, red, word[1]))
        return xchat.EAT_ALL
        return xchat.EAT_NONE
コード例 #17
def print_msg(arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4):
    global channel
    cnc = None
    arg3 = str_decode(arg3)
    cnc = xchat.find_context(channel='#%s'%channel)
    if cnc is not None:
        cnc.emit_print(arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4)
        xchat.emit_print(arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4)
コード例 #18
ファイル: kw_highlight.py プロジェクト: tijko/xchat-plugins
def keyword_highlight(privmsg, privmsg_slice, xchat_data):
    user = privmsg[0].split('!')[0][1:]
    privmsg[3] = privmsg[3][1:]
    msg = privmsg[3:]
    for word in enumerate(msg):
        if word[1].strip(punctuation) in KEYWORDS: 
            msg[word[0]] = '\002' + word[1] + '\002'
    xchat.emit_print('Channel Message', user, ' '.join(i for i in msg))
    return xchat.EAT_XCHAT
コード例 #19
def keyword_highlight(privmsg, privmsg_slice, xchat_data):
    user = privmsg[0].split('!')[0][1:]
    privmsg[3] = privmsg[3][1:]
    msg = privmsg[3:]
    for word in enumerate(msg):
        if word[1].strip(punctuation) in KEYWORDS:
            msg[word[0]] = '\002' + word[1] + '\002'
    xchat.emit_print('Channel Message', user, ' '.join(i for i in msg))
    return xchat.EAT_XCHAT
コード例 #20
ファイル: mpx-xchat.py プロジェクト: mderezynski/Youki2
        def ToggleRepeat (self):
            """ Toggle repeat mode """

            if self.Bmp.RepeatGet():
                mode = 'off'
                mode = 'on'
            xchat.emit_print('Notice', self.Bmp.Identity(), 'Repeat mode is now: %s' % mode)
コード例 #21
ファイル: mpx-xchat.py プロジェクト: mderezynski/Youki2
        def ToggleShuffle (self):
            """ Toggle shuffle mode """

            if self.Bmp.ShuffleGet():
                mode = 'off'
                mode = 'on'
            xchat.emit_print('Notice', self.Bmp.Identity(), 'Shuffle mode is now: %s' % mode)
コード例 #22
ファイル: chanserv.py プロジェクト: torksrevol/chanserv.py
    def run(self):
        """Perform our actions"""
        if debug:
            xchat.emit_print('Server Text', "Running " + str(self))
        kwargs = dict(self.__dict__.items())

        if self.do_bans:
                'Server Text', "Bans matching %s!%s@%s (r:%s, a:%s)" %
                (self.target_nick, self.target_ident, self.target_host,
                 self.target_name, self.target_account))

        if self.do_unban or self.do_bans:

            for b in bans[self.channel]:
                if self.match(b):
                    if self.do_bans:
                        xchat.emit_print('Server Text', b)
                        if '$# akick' in b:
                            b = b[:b.find('$#')]
                            if b.endswith('!*@*'):
                                b = b[:-4]
                            self.actions.append('quote cs akick %s del %s' %
                                                (self.channel, b))
                            self.actions.append('mode %s -b %s' %
                                                (self.channel, b))

            for b in quiets[self.channel]:
                if self.match(b):
                    if self.do_bans:
                        xchat.emit_print('Server Text', b + ' (quiet)')
                        self.actions.append('mode %s -q %s' %
                                            (self.channel, b))

        # Perform all registered actions
        for action in self.actions:
            if '%(target_account)s' in action and not self.target_account:
                    'Server Text',
                    "Can't do an account ban for %s, not identified" %
            action = action % kwargs
            if self.channel in can_do_akick and self.timer and ' +b ' in action:
                timer = math.ceil(self.timer / 60.0)
                ban = action.split()[-1]
                self.context.command("chanserv akick %s ADD %s !T %d" %
                                     (self.channel, ban, timer))

コード例 #23
ファイル: irc_speak.py プロジェクト: nisstyre56/IRC-Speak
def irc_speak(word, word_eol, users):
    """Checks to see if a user is set to be voiced, and if so synthesizes their text"""
    if word[0] in options: # check to see if the user is in the options dictionary (word[0] == their nick)
        [espeak.set_parameter(aliases[arg], options[word[0]]["args"][arg]) for arg in options[word[0]]["args"]]
        # options[word[0]]["args"][arg] is the same as options[nickname]["args"][arg] (where arg is some one of the names in aliases
        # which corresponds to some integer value in options[nick][args])
        xchat.emit_print("Channel", word[0], word[1])
        return xchat.EAT_NONE
    return xchat.EAT_NONE # return nothing because they weren't in the options dictionary
コード例 #24
ファイル: colorblock.py プロジェクト: radile/HexChatScripts
def decolor_cb(word, word_eol, event, attr):
    global edited
    #Ignore our own events, bouncer playback, empty messages
    if edited or attr.time or not len(word) > 1:
    result = stripper.match(word[1])
    if result:
        edited = True
        edited = False
        return xchat.EAT_ALL
コード例 #25
ファイル: plugin.py プロジェクト: s0j1r0/multipartychat
def test_cb(word, word_eol, userdata):
	global FLAG
	if FLAG == 0 and m.currentState == "MSGSTATE_ENCRYPTED":
		FLAG = 1
		m.t0 = time.clock()
		f = open('myfile.dat', 'w+')
		print str(m.t0)
		xchat.emit_print("Channel Message", xchat.get_prefs("irc_nick1"), word_eol[0], "@")
		encrypted_broadcast(xchat.get_list("users"), word_eol[0], m.groupkey)
	return xchat.EAT_ALL
コード例 #26
def chanmessage(word, word_eol, userdata):
	nick = word[0]
	message = word[1]
	if (xchat.nickcmp(xchat.strip(nick), "B") == 0 or xchat.nickcmp(xchat.strip(nick), "BridgeBabe") == 0) and message.startswith("("):		
		name = "." + message[1:message.index(')')]
		message = message[message.index(')') + 2:]
		mode = name[1] if name[1] in "@+&~%" else ""

		xchat.emit_print(userdata, name, message, mode)
		return xchat.EAT_ALL
	return xchat.EAT_NONE
コード例 #27
ファイル: colorblock.py プロジェクト: radile/HexChatScripts
def decolor_cb(word, word_eol, event, attr):
    global edited
    #Ignore our own events, bouncer playback, empty messages
    if edited or attr.time or not len(word) > 1:
    result = stripper.match(word[1])
    if result:
        edited = True
        xchat.emit_print(event, word[0], result.group(1), *word[2:])
        edited = False
        return xchat.EAT_ALL
コード例 #28
def enchode_cb(word, word_eol, userdata):
    input = word_eol[1][:150]
    s = choder.enchode(input, 2, 340)
    buffer["input"] = s.splitlines()
    for dongs in buffer["input"]:
        xchat.get_context().command('say ' + dongs)
    del buffer["input"]
        "Channel Message",
        '\0034\002\037' + xchat.get_info('nick') + '\0034\002\037', input, "")

    return xchat.EAT_XCHAT
コード例 #29
ファイル: mpx-xchat.py プロジェクト: mderezynski/Youki2
        def ToggleMute (self):
            """ Toggle volume mute on/off """

            if not self.mute_state:
                self.volume_state = int(self.Bmp.VolumeGet())
                self.mute_state = True
                xchat.emit_print('Notice', self.Bmp.Identity(), 'Audio output is muted')
            elif self.mute_state:
                self.mute_state = False
                xchat.emit_print('Notice', self.Bmp.Identity(), 'Audio output is unmuted')
コード例 #30
def acceptGribbleMessages(word, word_eol, event):
    if word[0] == 'gribble':
        m = re.match(
            r'(?i)^Request successful for user .*?\. Your challenge string is: ([a-f0-9]*)$',
        if m:
            # Print what gribble said
            xchat.emit_print(event, word[0], word[1] + ' ')

            cs = m.group(1)
            #xchat.emit_print(event,'otc-gpg',"Challenge: {0}".format(cs))
            resp = __clearsign(cs)  # Sign the string
            if not resp:
                xchat.emit_print(event, 'otc-gpg',
                                 "Error: empty response from gpg!")
            xchat.emit_print(event, 'otc-gpg', resp)

            # Pastebin the resp
            url = __pastebin(data=resp)
            xchat.emit_print(event, 'otc-gpg', "Uploaded to {0}".format(url))

            # Tell gribble
            xchat.command('msg gribble ;;gpg verify {0}'.format(url))

            return xchat.EAT_XCHAT

    return xchat.EAT_NONE
コード例 #31
def translate(word, word_eol, userdata):
    """This must be non-reentrable, because it is triggered by the 'Channel Message' event,
    but will itself trigger this event."""

    nick, text = word[0:2]

    xchat.emit_print("Channel Message", nick, text)

    for pair in active_pairs:
        #print dark_grey("[%s]" % pair), grey(translator.translate(pair, {}, text))
        xchat.emit_print("Channel Message", grey("[%s] %s" % (pair, nick)),
                         grey(translator.translate(pair, {}, text)))

    return xchat.EAT_XCHAT
コード例 #32
def decolor_cb(word, word_eol, event, attr):
    global edited
    nick = stripper.sub('', word[0])
    #Ignore our own events, empty messages, and
    # other things that don't concern us
    #note: nickcmp should probably be used, but I want to stay sane
    #and might not work in python2
    if edited or not len(word) > 1 or nick.lower() not in users.keys():
    edited = True
    xchat.emit_print(event, "\003{:02}{}".format(users[nick.lower()], nick),
                     word[1], *word[2:])
    edited = False
    return xchat.EAT_ALL
コード例 #33
ファイル: mpx-xchat.py プロジェクト: mderezynski/Youki2
        def MLQRequest (self, uri, clean, autoplay):
            """ Media Library Query """

            uri_str = re.sub('^mlq:///\?', '', uri)
            newlist = []
            for keys in uri_str.split('&'):
                newval = []
                for vals in keys.split('='):
                    newval += [string.strip(vals)]
                newlist += [string.join(newval, '=')]
            uri_str = urllib.quote('mlq:///?' + string.join(newlist, '&'))
            for c in [':', '?', '&', '=', '%', ]:
                uri_str = re.sub(urllib.quote(c), urllib.unquote(c), uri_str)
            xchat.emit_print('Notice', self.Bmp.Identity(), 'Adding tracks to playlist using Media Library Query:\n[ %s ]' % uri_str)
            self.Bmp.AddUriList([uri_str], len(self.Bmp.GetTracklist()), clean, autoplay, -1)
コード例 #34
ファイル: mpx-xchat.py プロジェクト: mderezynski/Youki2
        def SetLayout (self, arg):
            """ Set Layout theme """

            lay = self.preference.Getint('settings', 'layout')
            if re.search('^list', arg, re.IGNORECASE):
            elif re.search('[0-9]+', arg, re.IGNORECASE):
                if int(arg) < len(__layout__):
                    self.preference.Set('settings', 'layout', arg)
                    lay = self.preference.Getint('settings', 'layout')
                    xchat.emit_print('Motd', 'Layout nr.%d selected for track information display' % int(arg))
                    xchat.prnt('Layout value is out of range!')
                xchat.emit_print('Motd', 'Layout nr.%d selected for track information display' % int(lay))
コード例 #35
ファイル: cryptochati.py プロジェクト: dertalai/cryptochati
    def encode(self, word, word_eol, userdata):
        #print "encode", word, word_eol
        interlocutor = xchat.get_context().get_info("channel")
        sigue = False
        for friend in self.friends:
            if xchat.nickcmp(interlocutor, friend) == 0:
                sigue = True
        if not sigue:
            #Send text as it comes (unencrypted to a no-friend)
            return xchat.EAT_NONE

        prefix = word_eol[0][0:PREFIXSIZE]
        conversation = self.conversations.get(interlocutor)
        if prefix in PREFIXES.itervalues():
            #Send text as it comes (formated for a friend)
            return xchat.EAT_NONE

        if conversation["sndpublickey"]:
            #Send public key, invisible to user (raw)
            MsgWrapper.wrap("pub", self.pubKey, interlocutor)
            conversation["sndpublickey"] = False

        if self.keys.has_key(interlocutor):
            text = word_eol[0]

            txtKey, encryptedTxt = self.cipher(text, interlocutor)
            if txtKey is not None:
                txtSignature = self.sign(txtKey)
                #Send key
                pubkey = None
                if conversation["publickey"] is not None:
                    pubkey = conversation["publickey"]
                    pubkey = self.keys[interlocutor]
                MsgWrapper.wrap("key", pubkey.encrypt(txtKey, "")[0],
                #Send signature
                MsgWrapper.wrap("sig", txtSignature[0], interlocutor)

            #Send real message encrypted raw
            MsgWrapper.wrap("enc", encryptedTxt, interlocutor)

            #Show real message unencrypted on chat screen
            xchat.emit_print("Your Message", self.KEY_SYMBOL +
                xchat.get_info("nick"), text)
            return xchat.EAT_ALL
            return xchat.EAT_NONE
コード例 #36
def colorize_message(word, word_eol, userdata):
    Callback for message printing events. Scans contents of a message for both
    URLs and nicks and colorizes them. This colorized output is sent along to the
    if len(word) < 2:
        return xchat.EAT_NONE

    message = word[1]

    # This prevents recursive printing
    if is_colorized(message):
        return xchat.EAT_NONE

    current_channel = xchat.get_info('channel')

    # Private messages - the channel is the nick
    if not current_channel.startswith('#'):
        nicks = [current_channel, xchat.get_info('nick')]
        nicks = [u.nick for u in xchat.get_list('users')]

    # Only perform nick coloring if the setting is enabled
    if color_enabled():
        output = []

        # Split up the message delimited by a possible nick
        for token in nick_pat.split(message):
            if token in nicks:
                token = colorize_string(token)

        output = ''.join(output)
        output = message

    # Colorize URLs
    for url in url_pat.findall(output):
        output = output.replace(url, '\037\00328%s\017' % xchat.strip(url, len(url), 3))

    # This is a bit of a hack where we tag the message with a non-printing
    # color so we don't recurse forever
    if not is_colorized(output):
        output = '%s%s' % (output, colorize_string(''))
    xchat.command('gui color 2')
    xchat.emit_print(userdata, word[0], output)
    return xchat.EAT_ALL
コード例 #37
 def convert(self, word, word_eol, userdata):
     if self._ignore_receive:
     event, pos = userdata
     charset = xchat.get_info('charset')
     if charset and charset.lower() in CHARSETS_8BIT:
         for p in pos:
             word[p] = self._convert_piece(word[p], charset)
         self._ignore_receive = True
         xchat.emit_print(event, *word)
         self._ignore_receive = False
         return xchat.EAT_ALL
         host = xchat.get_info('host')
         print MSG_WRONGENC % (charset, host)
         xchat.command('CHARSET latin1')
コード例 #38
ファイル: hl_regex.py プロジェクト: seb26/testpy
def check_msg(word, word_eol, userdata):
    server_tab = xchat.find_context(channel=server_name)

    if word[0] in bad_nick:
        return xchat.EAT_NONE
    if len(word_eol) > 1:
        for reg in regexps:
            r = re.compile(reg, re.IGNORECASE)
            if r.search(word_eol[1]):
                xchat.command('gui color 3')
                xchat.emit_print( 'Channel Msg Hilight', word[0], word[1])
                server_tab.prnt('02[%s02] 05<%s> %s' % (xchat.get_info('channel'), word[0], word_eol[1]))
                return xchat.EAT_ALL
    return xchat.EAT_NONE
コード例 #39
ファイル: chanserv.py プロジェクト: grimreaper/chanserv.py
    def run(self):
        """Perform our actions"""
        if debug:
            xchat.emit_print('Server Text', "Running " + str(self))
        kwargs = dict(self.__dict__.items())

        if self.do_bans:
            xchat.emit_print('Server Text', "Bans matching %s!%s@%s (r:%s, a:%s)" %
                    (self.target_nick, self.target_ident, self.target_host, self.target_name, self.target_account))

        if self.do_unban or self.do_bans:

            for b in bans[self.channel]:
                if self.match(b):
                    if self.do_bans:
                        xchat.emit_print('Server Text', b)
                        if '$# akick' in b:
                            b = b[:b.find('$#')]
                            if b.endswith('!*@*'):
                                b = b[:-4]
                            self.actions.append('quote cs akick %s del %s' % (self.channel, b))
                            self.actions.append('mode %s -b %s' % (self.channel, b))

            for b in quiets[self.channel]:
                if self.match(b):
                    if self.do_bans:
                        xchat.emit_print('Server Text', b + ' (quiet)')
                        self.actions.append('mode %s -q %s' % (self.channel, b))

        # Perform all registered actions
        for action in self.actions:
            if '%(target_account)s' in action and not self.target_account:
                xchat.emit_print('Server Text', "Can't do an account ban for %s, not identified" % self.target_nick)
            action = action % kwargs
            if self.channel in can_do_akick and self.timer and ' +b ' in action:
                timer = math.ceil(self.timer/60.0)
                ban = action.split()[-1]
                self.context.command("chanserv akick %s ADD %s !T %d" % (self.channel, ban, timer))

コード例 #40
ファイル: ircrypt.py プロジェクト: lordi/ircrypt-xchat
def ircrypt_encrypt_hook(word, word_eol, userdata):

	global ircrypt_keys, ircrypt_ciphers, ircrypt_options, ircrypt_gpg_binary

	# Get context
	con = xchat.get_context()

	# Get channel and server from context
	channel = con.get_info('channel')
	server = con.get_info('server')
	target = '%s/%s' % (server, channel)
	if target in ircrypt_keys:

		# Get cipher
		cipher = ircrypt_ciphers.get('%s/%s' % (server, channel))
		if not cipher:
			cipher = ircrypt_options['CIPHER']

		# encrypt message
		p = subprocess.Popen([ircrypt_gpg_binary, '--batch',  '--no-tty', '--quiet',
			'--symmetric', '--cipher-algo',
			'--passphrase-fd', '-'],
			stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
		p.stdin.write('%s\n' % ircrypt_keys[target])
		encrypted = base64.b64encode(p.stdout.read())

		# Get and print GPG errors/warnings
		err = p.stderr.read()
		if err:
			con.prnt('GPG reported error:\n%s' % err)

		xchat.emit_print('Your Message', xchat.get_info('nick'), word_eol[0])

		# If too long for one message, split and send
		if len(encrypted) > MAX_PART_LEN:
			xchat.command('PRIVMSG %s :>CRY-1 %s' % (channel, encrypted[MAX_PART_LEN:]))

		# Send (rest)
		xchat.command('PRIVMSG %s :>CRY-0 %s' % (channel, encrypted))

		return xchat.EAT_ALL
コード例 #41
ファイル: colored_nicks.py プロジェクト: jnbek/_xchat2
def check_message(word, word_eol, userdata):
	nick_with_color = word[0]
	line_with_color = word[1]
	nick = colorRe.sub("",nick_with_color)
	line = colorRe.sub("",line_with_color)

	# Maintain userList
	if nick in userList:
	if len(userList) > 200:
		del userList[0]

	# We do not do anything with lines which already contain color-codes.
	# This is important to avoid infinitely re-processing the message!  See below.
	if line != line_with_color:
		return xchat.EAT_NONE

	# I was using xchat.get_list("users") here to get an up-to-date userlist for
	# the channel, but it caused a memory leak!  (X-Chat 2.8.6-2.1)

	# Iterate through all nick-like words in the message
	# Build up newLine along the way
	iterator = nickRe.finditer(line)
	newLine = ""
	reached = 0   # How much of the input string we have copied so far
	for match in iterator:
		word = match.group()
		# Check if the word is actually a user in the channel
		if word in userList:
			col = color_of(word)
			newWord = "" + str(col) + word + normal_color
			newLine = newLine + line[reached:match.span()[0]] + newWord
			reached = match.span()[1]
	newLine = newLine + line[reached:len(line)]

	newLineWithoutColor = colorRe.sub("",newLine)
	if (newLineWithoutColor == newLine or newLine == line_with_color):
		# If we didn't adjust the line, then there is no need to re-emit it.
		return xchat.EAT_NONE
		# Warning: This will get re-checked by check_message()!  But it should
		# reject it next time because now the line contains color codes.
		xchat.emit_print("Channel Message", nick, newLine)
		return xchat.EAT_ALL
コード例 #42
ファイル: mpx-xchat.py プロジェクト: mderezynski/Youki2
        def SendCurrent (self, nick=None):
            """ Transmit current file or stream to another user or channel """

            if nick:
                # BMP returns Uri quoted in unicode string
                currentUri = urllib.unquote(self.Bmp.GetCurrentUri().encode('utf8'))
                # DCC the current track if it's a local file
                if urlparse(currentUri)[0] == 'file':
                    xchat.command('dcc send %s "%s"' % (nick, urlparse(currentUri)[2]))
                # Send a notice if we are playing a stream
                elif urlparse(currentUri)[0] == 'http':
                    xchat.command('NOTICE %s Tune your media player to %s' % (nick, currentUri))
                # We cannot send a song if we're not playing any
                elif currentUri == '':
                    xchat.emit_print('Notice', self.Bmp.Identity(), 'You are not playing any song!')
            # A BMP Oddessey
            elif not nick:
                xchat.emit_print('Notice', self.Bmp.Identity(), 'Sorry Dave, But i cannot do that.')
コード例 #43
ファイル: mpx-xchat.py プロジェクト: mderezynski/Youki2
        def SetVolume (self, volume=None):
            """ Display and control BMP volume level """

                if volume != None:
                    volume = int(volume)
                    if volume <= 0:
                    elif volume > 100:
                        raise ValueError
                    elif volume:
                volume_level = int(round(float(self.Bmp.VolumeGet())/5)) * '|'
                silence_level = int(round(float(100 - self.Bmp.VolumeGet())/5)) * '-'
                xchat.emit_print('Notice', self.Bmp.Identity(), self.XChatColors(self.DecodePalette('%TVolume%T %P1[%P1%P6%s%P6%P5%s%P5%P1]%P1 %P4%d%%%P4')) % (volume_level, silence_level, self.Bmp.VolumeGet()))

            except ValueError:
                xchat.emit_print('Notice', self.Bmp.Identity(), 'Valid volume values are 0 to 100')
コード例 #44
ファイル: geoip-lookup.py プロジェクト: rschmied/geoip-lookup
def getLocationCB(word, word_eol, userdata):
    if len(word) < 2:
        xchat.emit_print("Server Error", __module_name__.upper() + " :Not enough parameters")
        channel = xchat.get_info("channel")
        if channel.startswith("#"):
            users = xchat.get_list('users')
            found = False
            for user in users:
                if not xchat.nickcmp(user.nick, word[1]):
                    found = True
                    loc = user.host.split('@')[1] 
                    printLocationLine(word[1], loc)
            if not found:
                xchat.emit_print("Server Error", "Can't find user %s" % word[1])
            xchat.command('whois %s' % word[1])
    return xchat.EAT_ALL
コード例 #45
ファイル: chanserv.py プロジェクト: aperson/chanserv.py
    def run(self):
        """Perform our actions"""
        if debug:
            xchat.emit_print('Server Text', "Running " + str(self))
        kwargs = dict(self.__dict__.items())

        if self.do_bans:
                'Server Text', "Bans matching %s!%s@%s (r:%s, a:%s)" %
                (self.target_nick, self.target_ident, self.target_host,
                 self.target_name, self.target_account))

        if self.do_unban or self.do_bans:

            for b in bans[self.channel]:
                if self.match(b):
                    if self.do_bans:
                        xchat.emit_print('Server Text', b)
                        self.actions.append('mode %s -b %s' %
                                            (self.channel, b))

            for b in quiets[self.channel]:
                if self.match(b):
                    if self.do_bans:
                        xchat.emit_print('Server Text', b + ' (quiet)')
                        self.actions.append('mode %s -q %s' %
                                            (self.channel, b))

        # Perform all registered actions
        for action in self.actions:
            if '%(target_account)s' in action and not self.target_account:
                    'Server Text',
                    "Can't do an account ban for %s, not identified" %
            self.context.command(action % kwargs)

コード例 #46
ファイル: geoip-lookup.py プロジェクト: rschmied/geoip-lookup
def getLocationCB(word, word_eol, userdata):
    all_users = not len(word) > 1
    channel = xchat.get_info("channel")
    if channel.startswith("#"):
        users = xchat.get_list('users')
        found = False or all_users
        for user in users:
            loc = user.host.split('@')[1]
            if not all_users and not xchat.nickcmp(user.nick, word[1]):
                found = True
            if found:
                printLocationLine(user.nick, loc)
            if found and not all_users:
        if not found:
            xchat.emit_print("Server Error", "Can't find user %s" % word[1])
    elif not all_users:
        xchat.command('whois %s' % word[1])
        xchat.emit_print("Generic Message", "@",
                         "no username given or not in a channel")
    return xchat.EAT_ALL
コード例 #47
ファイル: chanserv.py プロジェクト: torksrevol/chanserv.py
    def done(self):
        """Finaliazation and cleanup"""
        # Done!
        if debug:
            xchat.emit_print('Server Text', "Done " + str(self))

        # Deop?
        if not self.am_op or not self.needs_op:

        for p in pending:
            if p.channel == self.channel and p.needs_op or not p.deop:
                self.deop = False

        if self.deop:
            self.context.command("chanserv deop %s" % self.channel)

        # Schedule removal?
        if self.timer and (self.channel not in can_do_akick
                           or self.banmode == 'q'):
            action = Action(self.channel, self.me, self.context)
            action.deop = self.deop
            action.actions = [x.replace('+', '-', 1) for x in self.actions]
            action.target = self.target
            action.target_nick = self.target_nick
            action.target_ident = self.target_ident
            action.target_host = self.target_host
            action.target_name = self.target_name
            action.target_name_bannable = self.target_name_bannable
            action.target_account = self.target_account
            action.resolved = True
            action.banmode = self.banmode
            action.needs_op = True
                self.timer * 1000,
                lambda act: act.schedule(update_stamp=True) and False, action)
コード例 #48
def catch_hilight(word, word_eol, userdata):
    if ONLY_AWAY:
        # If you are not away
        if xchat.get_info("away") is None:
            return xchat.EAT_NONE

    channel = xchat.get_info("channel")
    server = xchat.get_info("server")  # used to find the context
    timestamp = strftime(TIME_FORMAT)
    nick, message = word[:2]
    mode = word[2] if len(word) >= 3 else ""

    data = {
        "channel": channel,
        "time": timestamp,
        "mode": mode,
        "nick": nick,
        "text": message

    # Turns off automatic focusing of new tabs.
    xchat.command("set -quiet tab_new_to_front 0")
    # Opens a new window if there is none already.
    xchat.command("query -nofocus %s" % WINDOW_NAME)
    # Resets the focusing settings.
    xchat.command("set -quiet tab_new_to_front %d" % DEFAULT_SET_VALUE)
    # Fetches the context object of the window.
    context = xchat.find_context(server=server, channel=WINDOW_NAME)

    if context is not None:
        context.emit_print("Generic Message", OUT[userdata][0] % data,
                           OUT[userdata][1] % data)
    else:  # this should never happen
        xchat.emit_print("Generic Message", __module_name__,
                         "Unknown error: Unable to create context object")

    return xchat.EAT_NONE
コード例 #49
def colour_someone(word, word_eol, userdata):
  """ Recolour some users's messages
      If there's a match, strip out existing colour codes and put in our own
  del(userdata) # shoosh, pylint
  # if the incoming message is ":nick!name@host PRIVMSG :message payload"
  # then word = ["nick","message payload"]
  nick = word[0]
  who = nick_to_fullname(nick)
  chan = xchat.get_info('channel')
  found_who = None
  for i in PEOPLE:
    if PEOPLE[i]['regexp'].match(who):
      if 'channel' in PEOPLE[i] :
        if chan in PEOPLE[i]['channel'] :
          found_who = i
        found_who = i
  if found_who:
    colour = PEOPLE[found_who]['colour']
    if isinstance(colour, int):
      colour = '\003%d' % colour
    elif colour in MIRC_COLOURS:
      colour = MIRC_COLOURS[colour]
    mesg = word_eol[1]
    # print('... firstchar %d lastchar %d' % (ord(mesg[0]), ord(mesg[-1])))
    if mesg.startswith(colour):
      # probably one of ours
      return xchat.EAT_NONE
      mesg = colour + MIRC_COLOUR_FIND.sub('', mesg.strip()) + MIRC_COLOUR_RESET
      xchat.emit_print("Channel Message", nick, mesg, '', nick_to_prefix(nick))
      return xchat.EAT_ALL
  return xchat.EAT_NONE
コード例 #50
ファイル: chanserv.py プロジェクト: torksrevol/chanserv.py
def cs(word, word_eol, userdata):
    """Main command dispatcher"""
    if len(word) == 1:
        return xchat.EAT_ALL
    command = word[1].lower()

    if command not in all_commands:
        return xchat.EAT_NONE

    args = dict(enumerate(word_eol[2:]))
    me = xchat.get_info('nick')

    action = Action(channel=xchat.get_info('channel'),

    # The simple ones: op/voice
    if command in simple_commands:
        action.target = args.get(0, me)
        action.deop = (action.target != me)
        action.needs_op = False
        command = expansions.get(command, command)
        action.actions.append('chanserv %s %%(channel)s %%(target_nick)s' %
        return action.schedule()

    # Usage check
    if len(word) < 3:
        if command in all_commands:
            xchat.emit_print("Server Error",
                             "Not enough arguments for %s" % command)
            return xchat.EAT_ALL
        return xchat.EAT_NONE

    if command in ('t', 'topic'):
        action.actions.append('chanserv TOPIC %%(channel)s %s' % args[0])
        action.needs_op = False
        return action.schedule()

    if command in ('m', 'mode') and args[0][0] in '+=-':
        action.actions.append('MODE %%(channel)s %s' % args[0])
        return action.schedule()

    if command in ('i', 'invite'):
        target = args[0]
        if target.startswith('#'):
            action.needs_op = False
            action.actions.append('chanserv INVITE %s' % target)
            if target.lower() in [
                    x.nick.lower() for x in action.context.get_list('users')
                    "Server Error",
                    "%s is already in %s" % (target, action.channel))
                return xchat.EAT_ALL
            action.actions.append('INVITE %s %%(channel)s' % target)
        return action.schedule()

    # Kick/ban/forward/mute handling
    if len(word) < 4 and command in forward_commands:
        xchat.emit_print("Server Error",
                         "Not enough arguments for %s" % command)
        return xchat.EAT_ALL

    # Command dispatch
    # Check for -nihra argument
    if command in ban_commands:
        args_start = 3
        while args[0].startswith('-'):
            if args[0].startswith('-t'):
                    action.timer = int(args[0][2:].split(None, 1)[0])
                except ValueError:
                action.bans = args[0][1:].split(None, 1)[0]
            args = dict(enumerate(word_eol[args_start:]))
            args_start += 1
    if command in ('lart', 'l'):
        action.bans = 'nihra'

    # Set target
    action.target = args[0].split(None, 1)[0]

    if not valid_nickname(action.target) and not valid_mask(action.target):
        xchat.emit_print("Server Error", "Invalid target: %s" % action.target)
        return xchat.EAT_ALL

    if action.bans and not valid_nickname(action.target):
            "Server Error",
            "Ban types and lart can only be used with nicks, not with complete masks"
        return xchat.EAT_ALL

    if valid_mask(action.target):
        action.bans = 'f'

    if not action.bans:
        action.bans = 'h'

    # Find forward channel
    if command in forward_commands:
        action.forward_to = '$' + args[1].split(None, 1)[0]  # Kludge
        if not valid_channel(action.forward_to[1:]):
            xchat.emit_print("Server Error",
                             "Invalid channel: %s" % action.forward_to[1:])
            return xchat.EAT_ALL

    # Check if target is there and schedule kick
    if command in kick_commands:
        if action.target.lower() not in [
                x.nick.lower() for x in action.context.get_list('users')
                "Server Error",
                "%s is not in %s" % (action.target, action.channel))
            return xchat.EAT_ALL
        action.reason = args.get(1, 'Goodbye')
        action.actions.append('remove %(channel)s %(target_nick)s :%(reason)s')

    if command in ('m', 'mute'):
        action.banmode = 'q'

    if command in ban_commands:
        action.do_ban = True
        if 'n' in action.bans:
                'mode %(channel)s +%(banmode)s %(target_nick)s!*@*%(forward_to)s'
        if 'i' in action.bans:
                'mode %(channel)s +%(banmode)s *!%(target_ident)s@*%(forward_to)s'
        if 'h' in action.bans:
                'mode %(channel)s +%(banmode)s *!*@%(target_host)s%(forward_to)s'
        if 'r' in action.bans:
                'mode %(channel)s +%(banmode)s $r:%(target_name_bannable)s%(forward_to)s'
        if 'a' in action.bans:
                'mode %(channel)s +%(banmode)s $a:%(target_account)s%(forward_to)s'
        if 'f' in action.bans:
                'mode %(channel)s +%(banmode)s %(target)s%(forward_to)s')

    if command in ('u', 'unban'):
        action.do_unban = True

    if command == 'bans':
        action.do_bans = True
        action.needs_op = False

    return action.schedule()
コード例 #51
ファイル: chanserv.py プロジェクト: torksrevol/chanserv.py

xchat.hook_server('406', do_endwas)

def endofwhois(word, word_eol, userdata):
    """Process the queue after nickname resolution"""

xchat.hook_server('318', endofwhois)
xchat.hook_server('369', endofwhois)

    '482', lambda word, word_eol, userdata: xchat.emit_print(
        'Server Error', '%s in %s' % (word_eol[4][1:], word[3])))

def do_ban(word, word_eol, userdata):
    """Process banlists"""
    channel, ban = word[3:5]
    if channel in collecting_bans:
        return xchat.EAT_ALL
    return xchat.EAT_NONE

xchat.hook_server('367', do_ban)

def do_quiet(word, word_eol, userdata):
コード例 #52
 def notice(self, text):
     xchat.emit_print("Server Notice", text, "Hush")
コード例 #53
def mydebug(msg):
    xchat.emit_print('Channel Message', 'debug', msg, '@')
コード例 #54
ファイル: geoip-lookup.py プロジェクト: rschmied/geoip-lookup
def printLine(user, location):
    line = colordecode("%C8%B%s%O %U%s") % (user, location)
    xchat.emit_print("Generic Message", colordecode("%C8*%O"), line)
コード例 #55
def test_fijal():
    xchat.emit_print("Channel Message", "fijal", "hello world")