def test_get_cars_access_403(self): responses.add( responses.GET, host + "/users/me/cars", json=[{ 'type': 'AUTHORIZATION_ERROR', 'message': "Token can't access this user", 'tip': "Make sure the trip belongs to the user you asked for" }], status=403) cars, err = xee.get_cars("oops") self.assertIsNone(cars) self.assertEqual( err, APIException( 'AUTHORIZATION_ERROR', "Token can't access this user", "Make sure the trip belongs to the user you asked for"))
def test_get_cars_404(self): responses.add( responses.GET, host + "/users/me/cars", json=[{ 'type': 'PARAMETERS_ERROR', 'message': "User not found", 'tip': "Please check that the user exists, looks like it does not" }], status=404) cars, err = xee.get_cars("oops") self.assertIsNone(cars) self.assertEqual( err, APIException( 'PARAMETERS_ERROR', "User not found", "Please check that the user exists, looks like it does not"))
def test_get_cars_scope_403(self): responses.add( responses.GET, host + "/users/me/cars", json=[{ 'type': 'AUTHORIZATION_ERROR', 'message': "Token does not have the required scope", 'tip': "Add the cars_read scope to your app scopes and reconnect the user" }], status=403) cars, err = xee.get_cars("oops") self.assertIsNone(cars) self.assertEqual( err, APIException( 'AUTHORIZATION_ERROR', "Token does not have the required scope", "Add the cars_read scope to your app scopes and reconnect the user" ))