def run(self, arglist=None): sdkzip = xenrt.TEC().getFile("xe-phase-2/", "") if not sdkzip: raise xenrt.XRTError("Couldn't find xe-phase-2/") nfs = xenrt.NFSDirectory() xenrt.command("unzip %s -d %s" % (sdkzip, nfs.path())) self.guest =\ xenrt.randomGuestName(),, password=xenrt.TEC().lookup("ROOT_PASSWORD_SDK")) self.guest.importVM(, "%s/sdk" % (nfs.path())) self.guest.paramSet("is-a-template", "true") nfs.remove() nfs = xenrt.NFSDirectory() xenrt.getTestTarball("apiperf", extract=True, directory=nfs.path())"apiperf")) = "sr-list", "name-label", "Remote ISO Library on: %s" % (nfs.getMountURL("apiperf"))) for s in"iso", local=True):"sr-scan", "uuid=%s" % (s)) time.sleep(30) self.runSubcase("test", "pool0", "Pool", "Pool0") self.runSubcase("test", "pool1", "Pool", "Pool1") self.runSubcase("test", "xendesktop", "XenDesktop", "XenDesktop")
def installCloudAgent(self, msi): ad = xenrt.getADConfig() if msi.endswith(".msi"): self.xmlrpcSendFile(msi, "c:\\hypervagent.msi") self.xmlrpcExec( "msiexec /i c:\\hypervagent.msi /quiet /qn /norestart /log c:\\cloudagent-install.log SERVICE_USERNAME=%s\\%s SERVICE_PASSWORD=%s" % (ad.domainName, ad.adminUser, ad.adminPassword)) elif msi.endswith(".zip"): tempDir = xenrt.TEC().tempDir() xenrt.command("unzip %s -d %s" % (msi, tempDir)) self.xmlrpcCreateDir("c:\\cshyperv") self.xmlrpcSendRecursive(tempDir, "c:\\cshyperv") self.xmlrpcExec( "c:\\cshyperv\\AgentShell.exe --install -u %s\\%s -p %s" % (ad.domainName, ad.adminUser, ad.adminPassword)) data = self.hypervCmd( "New-SelfSignedCertificate -DnsName apachecloudstack -CertStoreLocation Cert:\\LocalMachine\\My | Format-Wide -Property Thumbprint -autosize" ).strip() thumbprint = data.splitlines()[-1] self.xmlrpcExec( "netsh http add sslcert ipport= certhash=%s appid=\"{727beb1c-6e7c-49b2-8fbd-f03dbe481b08}\"" % thumbprint) else: raise xenrt.XRTError("Unknown cloud agent file %s" % os.path.basename(msi))
def _installVCenter(self): isoUrl = xenrt.TEC().lookup( ["VCENTER", "ISO", "_%s" % self.vCenterVersion.upper()]) isoName = isoUrl.rsplit("/", 1)[1] if isoName not in srPath = None isoPath = xenrt.TEC().getFile(isoUrl) isoPath = xenrt.command("readlink -f %s" % isoPath).strip() if xenrt.command("stat --file-system --format=%%T %s" % isoPath).strip() == "nfs": nfsMountInfo = xenrt.command( "df %s" % isoPath).strip().split("\n")[-1].split(" ") # nfsMountInfo will look like ['', '2147483648', '1678503168', '468980480', '', '79%', '/misc/cache_nfs'] srPath = isoPath.rsplit("/", 1)[0].replace(nfsMountInfo[-1], nfsMountInfo[0]) else: ip = xenrt.command( "/sbin/ifconfig eth0 | grep 'inet addr' | awk -F: '{print $2}' | awk '{print $1}'" ).strip() srPath = ip + ":" + isoPath.rsplit("/", 1)[0] self.guest.changeCD(isoName) xenrt.sleep(30) if "ws12" in self.guest.distro and "5.5" in self.vCenterVersion: self._installVCenter55onWs12() else: raise xenrt.XRTError("Unimplemented") self.guest.changeCD(None) self._installpowerCLI()
def generateLabCostPerTechArea(suiteId, outputDir=None, clearOutputDirContent=False): if outputDir and xenrt.TEC().lookup("GENERATE_STATS_BASEDIR").rstrip("/") not in outputDir: # this part will ensure we only modify dir falling under base dir for stats. raise xenrt.XRTError("permission denied [ dir not under base stat dir] '%s'" % outputDir) if clearOutputDirContent and outputDir: shutil.rmtree("%s" % outputDir.rstrip("/")) elif suiteId: if outputDir: outputDir=outputDir.rstrip("/") if os.path.exists("%s/%s.generating" % (outputDir,suiteId)): raise xenrt.XRTError("Another process is already generating data") else: if not os.path.exists(outputDir): os.makedirs(outputDir) with open("%s/%s.generating" % (outputDir,suiteId), "w") as f: f.write(str(xenrt.GEC().jobid()) or "nojob") try: cls = xenrt.generatestats.LabCostPerTechArea(suiteId, nbrOfSuiteRunsToCheck=10) data, tcMissingData = cls.generate() tempDir = xenrt.TEC().tempDir() with open("%s/%s.json" % (tempDir,suiteId), "w") as f: f.write(json.dumps(data, indent=2)) with open("%s/%s_tcs_missing_run_history.json" % (tempDir,suiteId), "w") as f: f.write(json.dumps(tcMissingData, indent=2)) if outputDir: xenrt.command("cp -f -r %s/* %s" % (tempDir,outputDir)) print "Data saved in directory '%s'" % (outputDir if outputDir else tempDir) except Exception, e: errorLogDir = "%s/logs" % outputDir if not os.path.exists(errorLogDir): os.makedirs(errorLogDir) with open("%s/%s.error" % (errorLogDir,suiteId), "w") as f: f.write("[%s] %s" % (str(xenrt.GEC().jobid()) or "nojob", e)) finally:
def generateIsoAnswerfile(self): autoyastfile = "autoyast-%s.cfg" % (self.parent._osParent_name) filename = "%s/%s" % (xenrt.TEC().getLogdir(), autoyastfile) xenrt.TEC().logverbose("FILENAME %s"%filename) self.nfsdir = xenrt.NFSDirectory() ayf= SLESAutoyastFile(self.distro, self.nfsdir.getMountURL(""), self._maindisk, installOn=self.parent._osParent_hypervisorType, pxe=False) # rebootAfterInstall = False) ay = ayf.generate() f = file(filename, "w") f.write(ay) f.close() installIP = self.getIP(trafficType="OUTBOUND", timeout=600) path = "%s/%s" % (xenrt.TEC().lookup("GUESTFILE_BASE_PATH"), installIP) self.cleanupdir = path try: os.makedirs(path) except: pass xenrt.rootops.sudo("chmod -R a+w %s" % path) xenrt.command("rm -f %s/autoyast.stamp" % path) shutil.copyfile(filename, "%s/autoyast" % (path))
class TC10663(xenrt.TestCase): """Download the XenCenter msi file from the host""" def run(self, arglist=None): host = self.getDefaultHost() url = "http://%s/" % (host.getIP()) localtemp = xenrt.TEC().tempFile() # Check whether XenCenter.msi or XenCenterSetup.exe exists try: xenrt.command("curl '%s' -o %s" % (url, localtemp)) except Exception, e: raise xenrt.XRTFailure("Unable to retrieve web page from the host", str(e)) page = xenrt.command("cat %s" % (localtemp)) m = "<body>.*<a href=\"(XenCenter.msi|XenCenterSetup.exe)\">", page, re.DOTALL) if m: url = "http://%s/%s" % (host.getIP(), else: xenrt.XRTFailure( "Unable to retrieve XenCenter.msi or XenCenterSetup.exe files") temp = xenrt.TEC().tempFile() try: page = xenrt.command("curl '%s' -o %s" % (url, temp)) except Exception, e: raise xenrt.XRTFailure( "Unable to download XenCenter msi file from " "the host", str(e))
def generateIsoAnswerfile(self): kickstartfile = "kickstart-%s.cfg" % (self.parent._osParent_name) filename = "%s/%s" % (xenrt.TEC().getLogdir(), kickstartfile) self.nfsdir = xenrt.NFSDirectory() ksf = RHELKickStartFile(self.distro, self._maindisk, self.nfsdir.getMountURL(""), repository=self.installURL, installOn=self.parent._osParent_hypervisorType, pxe=False, arch=self.arch) ks = ksf.generate() f = file(filename, "w") f.write(ks) f.close() installIP = self.getIP(trafficType="OUTBOUND", timeout=600) path = "%s/%s" % (xenrt.TEC().lookup("GUESTFILE_BASE_PATH"), installIP) self.cleanupdir = path try: os.makedirs(path) except: pass xenrt.rootops.sudo("chmod -R a+w %s" % path) xenrt.command("rm -f %s/kickstart.stamp" % path) shutil.copyfile(filename, "%s/kickstart" % (path))
def _installVCenter(self): isoUrl=xenrt.TEC().lookup(["VCENTER","ISO","_%s" % self.vCenterVersion.upper()]) isoName = isoUrl.rsplit("/",1)[1] if isoName not in srPath = None isoPath=xenrt.TEC().getFile(isoUrl) isoPath = xenrt.command("readlink -f %s" % isoPath).strip() if xenrt.command("stat --file-system --format=%%T %s" % isoPath).strip()=="nfs": nfsMountInfo=xenrt.command("df %s" % isoPath).strip().split("\n")[-1].split(" ") # nfsMountInfo will look like ['', '2147483648', '1678503168', '468980480', '', '79%', '/misc/cache_nfs'] srPath=isoPath.rsplit("/",1)[0].replace(nfsMountInfo[-1], nfsMountInfo[0]) else: ip=xenrt.command("/sbin/ifconfig eth0 | grep 'inet addr' | awk -F: '{print $2}' | awk '{print $1}'" ).strip() srPath=ip+":"+isoPath.rsplit("/",1)[0] self.guest.changeCD(isoName) xenrt.sleep(30) if "ws12" in self.guest.distro and "5.5" in self.vCenterVersion: self._installVCenter55onWs12() else: raise xenrt.XRTError("Unimplemented") self.guest.changeCD(None) self._installpowerCLI()
def run(self, arglist=[]): # Upload from localhost cmd = self.gencmd(self.vdi_img_host, "localhost") timeout = self.VDISIZE / xenrt.MEGA xenrt.TEC().progress( "Start to upload the image from local host and verify") try: self.runAsync(, [cmd], timeout=timeout) finally:"killall curl || true") if not self.findKey(self.vdi_to): raise xenrt.XRTFailure("Secret key was not found on the VDI") xenrt.TEC().logverbose( "Suceeded in verifying import_raw_vdi http call from its own host") # Upload from scheduler cmd = self.gencmd(self.vdi_img_controller, timeout = self.VDISIZE / xenrt.MEGA * 10 xenrt.TEC().progress( "Start to upload the image from controller and verify") xenrt.command(cmd, timeout=timeout) if not self.findKey(self.vdi_to): raise xenrt.XRTFailure("Secret key was not found on the VDI") xenrt.TEC().logverbose( "Suceeded in verifying import_raw_vdi http call from the controller" )
def hwClock(self): """XRT-75: Check hwclock and date both advance at the same rate (Bugzilla 630)""" hwclock1 ="/sbin/hwclock | " "sed -re's/ *[-0-9\.]+ seconds$//'") # SLES10 hwclock doesn't return anything if string.strip(hwclock1) == "": return if string.find(hwclock1, "Cannot access the Hardware Clock") > -1: return date1 ="date") time.sleep(60) hwclock2 ="/sbin/hwclock | " "sed -re's/ *[-0-9\.]+ seconds$//'") date2 ="date") # Parse hwclock1p = int(xenrt.command("date +%%s -d '%s'" % (hwclock1))) hwclock2p = int(xenrt.command("date +%%s -d '%s'" % (hwclock2))) date1p = int(xenrt.command("date +%%s -d '%s'" % (date1))) date2p = int(xenrt.command("date +%%s -d '%s'" % (date2))) elapsedhw = hwclock2p - hwclock1p elapseddate = date2p - date1p diff = elapsedhw - elapseddate if abs(diff) > 2: raise xenrt.XRTFailure("Elapsed hwclock (%u) and date (%u) differ" % (elapsedhw, elapseddate))
def run(self, arglist=None): sdkzip = xenrt.TEC().getFile("xe-phase-2/", "") if not sdkzip: raise xenrt.XRTError("Couldn't find xe-phase-2/") nfs = xenrt.NFSDirectory() xenrt.command("unzip %s -d %s" % (sdkzip, nfs.path())) self.guest =\ xenrt.randomGuestName(),, password=xenrt.TEC().lookup("ROOT_PASSWORD_SDK")) self.guest.importVM(, "%s/sdk" % (nfs.path())) self.guest.paramSet("is-a-template", "true") nfs.remove() nfs = xenrt.NFSDirectory() xenrt.getTestTarball("apiperf", extract=True, directory=nfs.path())"apiperf")) ="sr-list", "name-label", "Remote ISO Library on: %s" % (nfs.getMountURL("apiperf"))) for s in"iso", local=True):"sr-scan", "uuid=%s" %(s)) time.sleep(30) self.runSubcase("test", "pool0", "Pool", "Pool0") self.runSubcase("test", "pool1", "Pool", "Pool1") self.runSubcase("test", "xendesktop", "XenDesktop", "XenDesktop")
def getHyperVMsi(self): if xenrt.TEC().lookup("HYPERV_AGENT", None): self.hyperVMsi = xenrt.TEC().getFile( xenrt.TEC().lookup("HYPERV_AGENT")) elif xenrt.TEC().lookup("ACS_BUILD", None): artifacts = None, [], [""]) if len(artifacts) > 0: self.hyperVMsi = artifacts[0] if not self.hyperVMsi: # Install CloudPlatform packages cloudInputDir = self.marvin.mgtSvr.getCCPInputs() if not cloudInputDir: raise xenrt.XRTError("No CLOUDINPUTDIR specified") xenrt.TEC().logverbose("Downloading %s" % cloudInputDir) ccpTar = xenrt.TEC().getFile(cloudInputDir) xenrt.TEC().logverbose("Got %s" % ccpTar) t = xenrt.TempDirectory() xenrt.command("tar -xvzf %s -C %s" % (ccpTar, t.path())) self.hyperVMsi = xenrt.command( "find %s -type f -name *hypervagent.msi" % t.path()).strip() if not self.hyperVMsi: self.hyperVMsi = xenrt.TEC().getFile(xenrt.TEC().lookup( "HYPERV_AGENT_FALLBACK", "" )) if not self.hyperVMsi: raise xenrt.XRTError("Could not find Hyper-V agent in build")
def lifeCycleCreate(self): host_ip = cmd = '%s create --driver xenserver --xenserver-boot2docker-url "%s" --xenserver-server %s --xenserver-username root --xenserver-password xenroot %s 2>&1' % ( self.command, self.BOOT2DOCKER_URL, host_ip, self.vmname) xenrt.command(cmd, timeout=1800) if self.vmname not in raise xenrt.XRTFailure("VM(%r) not running at XenServer %s" % (self.vmname, host_ip))
def run(self, arglist=None): host = self.getDefaultHost() url = "http://%s/" % (host.getIP()) localtemp = xenrt.TEC().tempFile() try: xenrt.command("curl '%s' -o %s" % (url, localtemp)) except Exception, e: raise xenrt.XRTFailure("Unable to retrieve web page from the host", str(e))
def copySystemTemplatesToSecondaryStorage(self, storagePath, provider): # Load templates for this version templates = self.mgtSvr.lookup("SYSTEM_TEMPLATES", None) if not templates: raise xenrt.XRTError('Failed to find system templates') # Check if any non-default system templates have been specified # These should be added in the form -D CLOUD_TMPLT/hypervisor=url sysTemplates = xenrt.TEC().lookup("CLOUD_TMPLT", {}) for s in sysTemplates: templates[s] = sysTemplates[s] # Legacy XenServer template support sysTemplateSrcLocation = xenrt.TEC().lookup("CLOUD_SYS_TEMPLATE", None) if sysTemplateSrcLocation: xenrt.TEC().warning("Use of CLOUD_SYS_TEMPLATE is deprecated, use CLOUD_SYS_TEMPLATES/xenserver instead") templates['xenserver'] = sysTemplateSrcLocation hvlist = xenrt.TEC().lookup("CLOUD_REQ_SYS_TMPLS", None) if hvlist: hvlist = hvlist.split(",") else: hvlist = [] for t in templates.keys(): if t not in hvlist: del templates[t] xenrt.TEC().logverbose('Using System Templates: %s' % (templates)) webdir = xenrt.WebDirectory() if provider == 'NFS': self.mgtSvr.primaryManagementServer.execcmd('mount -t nfs -o nfsvers=3 %s /media' % (storagePath)) elif provider == 'SMB': ad = xenrt.getADConfig() self.mgtSvr.primaryManagementServer.execcmd('mount -t cifs %s /media -o user=%s,password=%s,domain=%s' % (storagePath, ad.adminUser, ad.adminPassword, ad.domainName)) installSysTmpltLoc = self.mgtSvr.primaryManagementServer.execcmd('find / -name *install-sys-tmplt -ignore_readdir_race 2> /dev/null || true').strip() for hv in templates: templateFile = xenrt.TEC().getFile(templates[hv]) xenrt.TEC().logverbose("Using %s system VM template %s (md5sum: %s)" % (hv, templates[hv], xenrt.command("md5sum %s" % templateFile))) if templateFile.endswith(".zip") and xenrt.TEC().lookup("WORKAROUND_CS22839", False, boolean=True): xenrt.TEC().warning("Using CS-22839 workaround") tempDir = xenrt.TEC().tempDir() xenrt.command("cd %s && unzip %s" % (tempDir, templateFile)) dirContents = glob.glob("%s/*" % tempDir) if len(dirContents) != 1: raise xenrt.XRTError("Unexpected contents of system template ZIP file") templateFile = dirContents[0] webdir.copyIn(templateFile) templateUrl = webdir.getURL(os.path.basename(templateFile)) if provider in ('NFS', 'SMB'): self.mgtSvr.primaryManagementServer.execcmd('%s -m /media -u %s -h %s -F' % (installSysTmpltLoc, templateUrl, hv), timeout=60*60) if provider in ('NFS', 'SMB'): self.mgtSvr.primaryManagementServer.execcmd('umount /media') webdir.remove()
def createHotfixSymlinks(): hotfixpath = xenrt.TEC().lookup("HOTFIX_BASE_PATH") hfs = xenrt.TEC().lookup("HOTFIXES") hfdict = {} for r in hfs.keys(): for v in hfs[r].keys(): hfdict.update(dict(hfs[r][v].items())) for h in hfdict.keys(): xenrt.command("ln -sf %s %s/%s.xsupdate" % (hfdict[h], hotfixpath, h))
def createPEM(self, hostname, password, cn=None, sanlist=[], expired=False): if self.issuedCertificates.has_key((cn,",".join(sanlist))): xenrt.TEC().logverbose("Returning existing certiicate") return self.issuedCertificates[(cn,",".join(sanlist))] path = self.location + "/%s-ssl.conf" % (hostname) privatekey = self.location + "/%s-key.pem" % (hostname) request = self.location + "/%s-csr.pem" % (hostname) certificate = self.location + "/%s-cert.pem" % (hostname) pem = self.location + "/%s.pem" % (hostname) self._createConfiguration(path, cn, sanlist, expired) xenrt.TEC().logverbose("Creating PEM for %s with SANs %s and CN %s." % (hostname, sanlist, cn)) xenrt.command("openssl req -batch -config %s -passout pass:%s " "-newkey rsa:2048 -keyout %s -keyform PEM -out %s " "-outform PEM" % (path, password, privatekey, request)) xenrt.command("openssl ca -batch -config %s -in %s -outdir %s " "-out %s" % (path, request, self.location, certificate)) xenrt.command("openssl rsa -passin pass:%s -in %s -out %s" % (password, privatekey, pem)) xenrt.command("openssl x509 -in %s >> %s" % (certificate, pem)) self.issuedCertificates[(cn,",".join(sanlist))] = pem return pem
def __init__(self, expired=False): try: xenrt.command("which openssl") except: raise xenrt.XRTError("OpenSSL must be present on the controller.") self.expired = expired self._directory = xenrt.resources.TempDirectory() self.location = self._directory.path() self.configuration = self.location + "/ca-ssl.conf" self.privatekey = self.location + "/ca-key.pem" self.certificate = self.location + "/ca-cert.pem" self.random = self.location + "/.rnd" self.serial = self.location + "/serial" self.index = self.location + "/index" self.issuedCertificates = {} self._createConfiguration(self.configuration, "CA", expired=self.expired) xenrt.command("openssl req -nodes -config %s -x509 -newkey rsa:2048 " "-out %s -outform PEM -keyout %s -outform PEM" % (self.configuration, self.certificate, self.privatekey)) xenrt.command("touch %s" % (self.index)) xenrt.command("echo '01' > %s" % (self.serial))
def createPEM(self, hostname, password, cn=None, sanlist=[], expired=False): if self.issuedCertificates.has_key((cn, ",".join(sanlist))): xenrt.TEC().logverbose("Returning existing certiicate") return self.issuedCertificates[(cn, ",".join(sanlist))] path = self.location + "/%s-ssl.conf" % (hostname) privatekey = self.location + "/%s-key.pem" % (hostname) request = self.location + "/%s-csr.pem" % (hostname) certificate = self.location + "/%s-cert.pem" % (hostname) pem = self.location + "/%s.pem" % (hostname) self._createConfiguration(path, cn, sanlist, expired) xenrt.TEC().logverbose("Creating PEM for %s with SANs %s and CN %s." % (hostname, sanlist, cn)) xenrt.command("openssl req -batch -config %s -passout pass:%s " "-newkey rsa:2048 -keyout %s -keyform PEM -out %s " "-outform PEM" % (path, password, privatekey, request)) xenrt.command("openssl ca -batch -config %s -in %s -outdir %s " "-out %s" % (path, request, self.location, certificate)) xenrt.command("openssl rsa -passin pass:%s -in %s -out %s" % (password, privatekey, pem)) xenrt.command("openssl x509 -in %s >> %s" % (certificate, pem)) self.issuedCertificates[(cn, ",".join(sanlist))] = pem return pem
def run(self, arglist=None): # Backup the original index.html"cp /opt/xensource/www/index.html /tmp/") # Install the supplemental pack, arglist) # Check the contents of the new web page url = "http://%s/" % ( localtemp = xenrt.TEC().tempFile() try: xenrt.command("curl '%s' -o %s" % (url, localtemp)) except Exception, e: raise xenrt.XRTFailure("Unable to retrieve web page from the host", str(e))
def run(self, arglist=None): gname = None for arg in arglist: l = string.split(arg, "=", 1) if l[0] == "guest": gname = l[1] elif l[0] == "config": matching = xenrt.TEC().registry.guestLookup(\ **xenrt.util.parseXMLConfigString(l[1])) for n in matching: xenrt.TEC().comment("Found matching guest(s): %s" % (matching)) if matching: gname = matching[0] if not gname: raise xenrt.XRTError("No guest name specified") guest = self.getGuest(gname) self.getLogsFrom( guest.start() if not try: guestts = int(guest.execguest("date +%s")) localts = int(xenrt.command("date +%s")) xenrt.TEC().comment("Guest time delta from controller is %d " "seconds" % (guestts - localts)) except: pass
def setStorageType(self, srType): """Sets the required SR type for the test.""" if srType == "nfs": self.SR_PARAM.append("-b nfs") nfs = xenrt.resources.NFSDirectory() nfsdir = xenrt.command("mktemp -d %s/nfsXXXX" % (nfs.path()), strip = True) server, path = nfs.getHostAndPath(os.path.basename(nfsdir)) self.SR_PARAM.append("-n %s" % server) self.SR_PARAM.append("-e %s" % path) if srType == "lvmoiscsi": self.SR_PARAM.append("-b lvmoiscsi") self.lun = xenrt.ISCSILun() self.SR_PARAM.append("-t %s" %(self.lun.getServer())) self.SR_PARAM.append("-q %s" %(self.lun.getTargetName())) self.SR_PARAM.append("-s %s" %(self.lun.getID())) if self.lun.chap: i, u, s = self.lun.chap self.SR_PARAM.append("-x %s" %(u)) self.SR_PARAM.append("-w %s" %(s)) self.pool.master.setIQN(self.lun.getInitiatorName(allocate=True)) self.pool.master.setIQN(self.lun.getInitiatorName(allocate=True)) if srType == "lvmohba": self.SR_PARAM.append("-b lvmohba") # if not set, default 100 iterations wil be carried out by the script. self.SR_PARAM.append("-g %s" % (self.ITERATIONS))
def run(self, arglist=None): gname = None for arg in arglist: l = string.split(arg, "=", 1) if l[0] == "guest": gname = l[1] elif l[0] == "config": matching = xenrt.TEC().registry.guestLookup(**xenrt.util.parseXMLConfigString(l[1])) for n in matching: xenrt.TEC().comment("Found matching guest(s): %s" % (matching)) if matching: gname = matching[0] if not gname: raise xenrt.XRTError("No guest name specified") guest = self.getGuest(gname) self.getLogsFrom( guest.start() if not try: guestts = int(guest.execguest("date +%s")) localts = int(xenrt.command("date +%s")) xenrt.TEC().comment("Guest time delta from controller is %d " "seconds" % (guestts - localts)) except: pass
def run(self, arglist): nfs = xenrt.resources.NFSDirectory() nfsDir = xenrt.command("mktemp -d %s/nfsXXXX" % (nfs.path()), strip=True) nfsSR = xenrt.lib.xenserver.NFSStorageRepository(, "nfs-sr-on-different-subnet-as-boot-disk") server, path = nfs.getHostAndPath(os.path.basename(nfsDir)) nfsSR.create(server, path)
def installCloudAgent(self, msi): ad = xenrt.getADConfig() if msi.endswith(".msi"): self.xmlrpcSendFile(msi, "c:\\hypervagent.msi") self.xmlrpcExec("msiexec /i c:\\hypervagent.msi /quiet /qn /norestart /log c:\\cloudagent-install.log SERVICE_USERNAME=%s\\%s SERVICE_PASSWORD=%s" % (ad.domainName, ad.adminUser, ad.adminPassword)) elif msi.endswith(".zip"): tempDir = xenrt.TEC().tempDir() xenrt.command("unzip %s -d %s" % (msi, tempDir)) self.xmlrpcCreateDir("c:\\cshyperv") self.xmlrpcSendRecursive(tempDir, "c:\\cshyperv") self.xmlrpcExec("c:\\cshyperv\\AgentShell.exe --install -u %s\\%s -p %s" % (ad.domainName, ad.adminUser, ad.adminPassword)) data = self.hypervCmd("New-SelfSignedCertificate -DnsName apachecloudstack -CertStoreLocation Cert:\\LocalMachine\\My | Format-Wide -Property Thumbprint -autosize").strip() thumbprint = data.splitlines()[-1] self.xmlrpcExec("netsh http add sslcert ipport= certhash=%s appid=\"{727beb1c-6e7c-49b2-8fbd-f03dbe481b08}\"" % thumbprint) else: raise xenrt.XRTError("Unknown cloud agent file %s" % os.path.basename(msi))
def importVM(self, host, file, sr=None, vifs=[]): """ file is be an absolute path on site controller of type *.ovf or *.ova, which is to be imported. """ _removeHostFromVCenter = False if not host.datacenter: _removeHostFromVCenter = True host.addToVCenter() ovftoolVersion = xenrt.command("ovftool --version", level=xenrt.RC_OK) if ovftoolVersion == 1: raise xenrt.XRTError("ovftool is required for vm import on esx") if not sr: sr = host.getDefaultDatastore() ovfInfo = xenrt.command("ovftool --machineOutput %s" % file) ovfInfoDict = xmltodict.parse( "<data" + ovfInfo.split("probeResult")[1].replace("\n+", "") + "data>") ovfNetworkList = ovfInfoDict["data"]["networks"]["network"] brs = host.getBridges() command = 'ovftool --noSSLVerify ' command += '-n="%s" ' % command += '-ds="%s" ' % sr for net in ovfNetworkList: if net["name"].strip() in brs: command += '--net:"%s"="%s" ' % (net["name"].strip(), net["name"].strip()) else: command += '--net:"%s"="%s" ' % (net["name"].strip(), host.getPrimaryBridge()) command += '%s vi://%s:%s@%s/' % (file, "root", host.password, host.getIP()) xenrt.command(command) xenrt.sleep(15) self.existing(host) if not vifs: self.reparseVIFs() self.vifs.sort() else: self.vifs = vifs self.recreateVIFs(newMACs=True) if _removeHostFromVCenter: host.removeFromVCenter()
def run(self, arglist=None): # Perform host installation productVersion = xenrt.TEC().lookup("PRODUCT_VERSION") inputDir = xenrt.TEC().lookup("INPUTDIR") = xenrt.lib.xenserver.createHost( id=0, version=inputDir, productVersion=productVersion, installSRType="lvm", addToLogCollectionList=True ) # Get a copy of the MBR from the host after installation"dd if=/dev/sda of=/tmp/mbr2 bs=512 count=1") sftp = sftp.copyFrom("/tmp/mbr2", "%s/mbr2" % (self.workdir)) # Check the MBR is preserved after installation try: xenrt.command("diff %s/mbr1 %s/mbr2" % (self.workdir, self.workdir)) except Exception, e: raise xenrt.XRTFailure("MBR was not preserved after installation")
def run(self, arglist=None): host = self.getDefaultHost() url = "http://%s/XenCenter.iso" % (host.getIP()) localtemp = xenrt.TEC().tempFile() try: page = xenrt.command("curl '%s' -o %s" % (url, localtemp)) except Exception, e: raise xenrt.XRTFailure("Unable to download XenCenter ISO file from " "the host", str(e))
def generateIsoAnswerfile(self): preseedfile = "preseed-%s.cfg" % (self.parent._osParent_name) filename = "%s/%s" % (xenrt.TEC().getLogdir(), preseedfile) ps = DebianPreseedFile(self.distro, xenrt.getLinuxRepo(self.distro, self.arch, "HTTP"), filename, arch=self.arch) ps.generate() installIP = self.getIP(trafficType="OUTBOUND", timeout=600) path = "%s/%s" % (xenrt.TEC().lookup("GUESTFILE_BASE_PATH"), installIP) self.cleanupdir = path try: os.makedirs(path) except: pass xenrt.rootops.sudo("chmod -R a+w %s" % path) xenrt.command("rm -f %s/preseed.stamp" % path) shutil.copyfile(filename, "%s/preseed" % (path))
def generateLabCostPerTechArea(suiteId, outputDir=None, clearOutputDirContent=False): if outputDir and xenrt.TEC().lookup("GENERATE_STATS_BASEDIR").rstrip( "/") not in outputDir: # this part will ensure we only modify dir falling under base dir for stats. raise xenrt.XRTError( "permission denied [ dir not under base stat dir] '%s'" % outputDir) if clearOutputDirContent and outputDir: shutil.rmtree("%s" % outputDir.rstrip("/")) elif suiteId: if outputDir: outputDir = outputDir.rstrip("/") if os.path.exists("%s/%s.generating" % (outputDir, suiteId)): raise xenrt.XRTError( "Another process is already generating data") else: if not os.path.exists(outputDir): os.makedirs(outputDir) with open("%s/%s.generating" % (outputDir, suiteId), "w") as f: f.write(str(xenrt.GEC().jobid()) or "nojob") try: cls = xenrt.generatestats.LabCostPerTechArea( suiteId, nbrOfSuiteRunsToCheck=10) data, tcMissingData = cls.generate() tempDir = xenrt.TEC().tempDir() with open("%s/%s.json" % (tempDir, suiteId), "w") as f: f.write(json.dumps(data, indent=2)) with open( "%s/%s_tcs_missing_run_history.json" % (tempDir, suiteId), "w") as f: f.write(json.dumps(tcMissingData, indent=2)) if outputDir: xenrt.command("cp -f -r %s/* %s" % (tempDir, outputDir)) print "Data saved in directory '%s'" % (outputDir if outputDir else tempDir) except Exception, e: errorLogDir = "%s/logs" % outputDir if not os.path.exists(errorLogDir): os.makedirs(errorLogDir) with open("%s/%s.error" % (errorLogDir, suiteId), "w") as f: f.write("[%s] %s" % (str(xenrt.GEC().jobid()) or "nojob", e)) finally:
def pingGuest(self, ip6): try: # ping a guest on its IPv6 address from the controller command = "ping6 -c 3 -w 10 -s 2000 %s" retCode = xenrt.command((command % ip6), retval="code") if retCode != 0: raise xenrt.XRTFailure('Command "%s" returned code %s' % (command, retCode) ) except Exception, e: log('Exception encountered: \n%s\n' % e) raise xenrt.XRTFailure('Sending a large ping packet to %s failed' % ip6)
def run(self, arglist=None): host = self.getDefaultHost() url = "http://%s/XenCenter.iso" % (host.getIP()) localtemp = xenrt.TEC().tempFile() try: page = xenrt.command("curl '%s' -o %s" % (url, localtemp)) except Exception, e: raise xenrt.XRTFailure( "Unable to download XenCenter ISO file from " "the host", str(e))
def downloadDockerMachineBinary(self): xenrt.TEC().logverbose("Download %r" % self.DOCKER_MACHINE_URL) self.command = xenrt.TEC().getFile(self.DOCKER_MACHINE_URL) try: xenrt.checkFileExists(self.command) except: raise xenrt.XRTFailure("Download %r to %r error" % (self.DOCKER_MACHINE_URL, self.command)) cmd = 'chmod +x %s' % self.command if 0 != xenrt.command(cmd, retval="code"): raise xenrt.XRTFailure("Failed to %r" % cmd) xenrt.TEC().logverbose("Download %r OK" % self.DOCKER_MACHINE_URL)
def run(self, arglist=[]): # Upload from localhost cmd = self.gencmd(self.vdi_img_host, "localhost") timeout = self.VDISIZE / xenrt.MEGA xenrt.TEC().progress("Start to upload the image from local host and verify") try: self.runAsync(, [cmd], timeout=timeout) finally:"killall curl || true") if not self.findKey(self.vdi_to): raise xenrt.XRTFailure("Secret key was not found on the VDI") xenrt.TEC().logverbose("Suceeded in verifying import_raw_vdi http call from its own host") # Upload from scheduler cmd = self.gencmd(self.vdi_img_controller, timeout = self.VDISIZE / xenrt.MEGA * 10 xenrt.TEC().progress("Start to upload the image from controller and verify") xenrt.command(cmd, timeout=timeout) if not self.findKey(self.vdi_to): raise xenrt.XRTFailure("Secret key was not found on the VDI") xenrt.TEC().logverbose("Suceeded in verifying import_raw_vdi http call from the controller")
def run(self, arglist=None): # Perform host installation productVersion = xenrt.TEC().lookup("PRODUCT_VERSION") inputDir = xenrt.TEC().lookup("INPUTDIR") = xenrt.lib.xenserver.createHost(id=0, version=inputDir, productVersion=productVersion, installSRType="lvm", addToLogCollectionList=True) # Get a copy of the MBR from the host after installation"dd if=/dev/sda of=/tmp/mbr2 bs=512 count=1") sftp = sftp.copyFrom("/tmp/mbr2", "%s/mbr2" % (self.workdir)) # Check the MBR is preserved after installation try: xenrt.command("diff %s/mbr1 %s/mbr2" % (self.workdir, self.workdir)) except Exception, e: raise xenrt.XRTFailure("MBR was not preserved after installation")
def importVM(self, host, file, sr=None, vifs=[]): """ file is be an absolute path on site controller of type *.ovf or *.ova, which is to be imported. """ _removeHostFromVCenter = False if not host.datacenter: _removeHostFromVCenter = True host.addToVCenter() ovftoolVersion = xenrt.command("ovftool --version", level=xenrt.RC_OK) if ovftoolVersion==1: raise xenrt.XRTError("ovftool is required for vm import on esx") if not sr: sr=host.getDefaultDatastore() ovfInfo=xenrt.command("ovftool --machineOutput %s" % file) ovfInfoDict=xmltodict.parse("<data"+ovfInfo.split("probeResult")[1].replace("\n+","")+"data>") ovfNetworkList=ovfInfoDict["data"]["networks"]["network"] brs = host.getBridges() command ='ovftool --noSSLVerify ' command+='-n="%s" ' % command+='-ds="%s" ' % sr for net in ovfNetworkList: if net["name"].strip() in brs: command+='--net:"%s"="%s" ' % (net["name"].strip(),net["name"].strip()) else: command+='--net:"%s"="%s" ' % (net["name"].strip(),host.getPrimaryBridge()) command+='%s vi://%s:%s@%s/' % (file, "root", host.password, host.getIP()) xenrt.command(command) xenrt.sleep(15) self.existing(host) if not vifs: self.reparseVIFs() self.vifs.sort() else: self.vifs = vifs self.recreateVIFs(newMACs=True) if _removeHostFromVCenter: host.removeFromVCenter()
def _externalCacheLocation(self, filename, ignoreError=False): try: cachedir=xenrt.TEC().lookup("FILE_MANAGER_CACHE_NFS") if os.path.exists(cachedir) and xenrt.command("stat -f -c %%T %s" % cachedir, nolog=True).strip() == "nfs": dirname = "%s/%s" % (cachedir, hashlib.sha256(filename).hexdigest()) if not os.path.exists(dirname): os.makedirs(dirname) return "%s/%s" % (dirname, self._filename(filename)) elif os.path.exists(cachedir): raise xenrt.XRTError("External cache directory exists but is not external storage.") except Exception, e: if not ignoreError: raise xenrt.XRTError("_externalCacheLocation: %s" % str(e))
def prepare(self, arglist): tar_ball = xenrt.TEC().getFile(self.TAR, self.TAR2) if tar_ball is None: raise xenrt.XRTError("Couldn't find %s in build output" % (self.TAR)) self.temp_dir = xenrt.TEC().tempDir() xenrt.command("tar -C %s -xvf %s" % (self.temp_dir, tar_ball)) self.output = "%s/%s" % (self.temp_dir, self.OUTPUT_ZIP) imageName = xenrt.TEC().lookup("CARBON_CD_IMAGE_NAME", "main.iso") xenrt.TEC().logverbose("Using XS install image name: %s" % (imageName)) cd = xenrt.TEC().getFile("xe-phase-1/%s" % (imageName), imageName) if not cd: raise xenrt.XRTError("No main CD image supplied.") xenrt.checkFileExists(cd) self.maincd = cd cd = None cd = xenrt.TEC().getFile("linux.iso", "xe-phase-1/linux.iso") if not cd: raise xenrt.XRTError("No linux CD image supplied.") xenrt.checkFileExists(cd) self.linuxcd = cd
def prepare(self, arglist): tar_ball = xenrt.TEC().getFile(self.TAR, self.TAR2) if tar_ball is None: raise xenrt.XRTError("Couldn't find %s in build output" % (self.TAR)) self.temp_dir = xenrt.TEC().tempDir() xenrt.command("tar -C %s -xvf %s" % (self.temp_dir, tar_ball)) self.output = "%s/%s" % (self.temp_dir, self.OUTPUT_ZIP) imageName = xenrt.TEC().lookup("CARBON_CD_IMAGE_NAME", 'main.iso') xenrt.TEC().logverbose("Using XS install image name: %s" % (imageName)) cd = xenrt.TEC().getFile("xe-phase-1/%s" % (imageName), imageName) if not cd: raise xenrt.XRTError("No main CD image supplied.") xenrt.checkFileExists(cd) self.maincd = cd cd = None cd = xenrt.TEC().getFile("linux.iso", "xe-phase-1/linux.iso") if not cd: raise xenrt.XRTError("No linux CD image supplied.") xenrt.checkFileExists(cd) self.linuxcd = cd
def getHyperVMsi(self): if xenrt.TEC().lookup("HYPERV_AGENT", None): self.hyperVMsi = xenrt.TEC().getFile(xenrt.TEC().lookup("HYPERV_AGENT")) elif xenrt.TEC().lookup("ACS_BUILD", None): artifacts =, [], [""]) if len(artifacts) > 0: self.hyperVMsi = artifacts[0] if not self.hyperVMsi: # Install CloudPlatform packages cloudInputDir = self.marvin.mgtSvr.getCCPInputs() if not cloudInputDir: raise xenrt.XRTError("No CLOUDINPUTDIR specified") xenrt.TEC().logverbose("Downloading %s" % cloudInputDir) ccpTar = xenrt.TEC().getFile(cloudInputDir) xenrt.TEC().logverbose("Got %s" % ccpTar) t = xenrt.TempDirectory() xenrt.command("tar -xvzf %s -C %s" % (ccpTar, t.path())) self.hyperVMsi = xenrt.command("find %s -type f -name *hypervagent.msi" % t.path()).strip() if not self.hyperVMsi: self.hyperVMsi = xenrt.TEC().getFile(xenrt.TEC().lookup("HYPERV_AGENT_FALLBACK", "")) if not self.hyperVMsi: raise xenrt.XRTError("Could not find Hyper-V agent in build")
def _ucs(self, op): fabric ="UCS_FABRIC_ADDRESS") user ="UCS_USERNAME") password ="UCS_PASSWORD") sp ="UCS_SERVICE_PROFILE", root ="UCS_ROOT_ORG", "org-root") xenrt.TEC().logverbose("Sending %s to %s/%s/%s/%s/%s" % (op, fabric, user, password, root, sp)) text = xenrt.command("%s/ucspower %s %s %s %s %s %s" % (xenrt.TEC().lookup("LOCAL_SCRIPTDIR"), fabric, user, password, sp, root, op)) if self.verbose: sys.stderr.write(text)
def _ucs(self, op): fabric ="UCS_FABRIC_ADDRESS") user ="UCS_USERNAME") password ="UCS_PASSWORD") sp ="UCS_SERVICE_PROFILE", root ="UCS_ROOT_ORG", "org-root") xenrt.TEC().logverbose("Sending %s to %s/%s/%s/%s/%s" % (op, fabric, user, password, root, sp)) text = xenrt.command("%s/ucspower %s %s %s %s %s %s" % ( xenrt.TEC().lookup("LOCAL_SCRIPTDIR"), fabric, user, password, sp, root, op)) if self.verbose: sys.stderr.write(text)
class TC10665(_SupplementalPacksPostInstall): """Install a supplemental pack that includes a customized web page""" PACKS = [{"name": "webpage", "iso": "webpage.iso", "rpms": ["webpage"]}] FILE_CONTENTS = """<html> <title>My Custom Web Page</title> <head> </head> <body> <p/>My Custom Web Page - Citrix Systems, Inc. XenServer 5.5.900 <p/><a href="XenCenter.msi">XenCenter installer</a> </body> </html> """ def run(self, arglist=None): # Backup the original index.html"cp /opt/xensource/www/index.html /tmp/") # Install the supplemental pack, arglist) # Check the contents of the new web page url = "http://%s/" % ( localtemp = xenrt.TEC().tempFile() try: xenrt.command("curl '%s' -o %s" % (url, localtemp)) except Exception, e: raise xenrt.XRTFailure("Unable to retrieve web page from the host", str(e)) page = xenrt.command("cat %s" % (localtemp)) if page != self.FILE_CONTENTS: raise xenrt.XRTFailure( "Unexpected web page found on the host", "Expected: \n%s" "Actual: \n%s" % (self.FILE_CONTENTS, page))
class TC10662(xenrt.TestCase): """Download the web page from the host on port 80 and verify its contents""" def run(self, arglist=None): host = self.getDefaultHost() url = "http://%s/" % (host.getIP()) localtemp = xenrt.TEC().tempFile() try: xenrt.command("curl '%s' -o %s" % (url, localtemp)) except Exception, e: raise xenrt.XRTFailure("Unable to retrieve web page from the host", str(e)) page = xenrt.command("cat %s" % (localtemp)) # Check the page contents if not"<body>.*XenServer", page, re.DOTALL): raise xenrt.XRTFailure( "Web page does not contain the product name", page) if not"<body>.*XenServer [0-9]+\.[0-9]+", page, re.DOTALL): raise xenrt.XRTFailure( "Web page does not contain the product " "version", page) if not "<body>.*<a href=\"(XenCenter.msi|XenCenterSetup.exe)\">", page, re.DOTALL): raise xenrt.XRTFailure( "Web page does not contain a link to the " "XenCenter msi or exe file", page) if not"<body>.*<a href=\"XenCenter.iso\">", page, re.DOTALL): raise xenrt.XRTFailure( "Web page does not contain a link to the " "XenCenter iso file", page)
def run(self, arglist): xenrt.command( "sudo %s/ -o %s %s %s %s" % (self.temp_dir, self.output, self.maincd, self.linuxcd, " ".join(self.spcds)) ) xenrt.checkFileExists(self.output, level=xenrt.RC_FAIL)
def copySystemTemplatesToSecondaryStorage(self, storagePath, provider): # Load templates for this version templates = self.mgtSvr.lookup("SYSTEM_TEMPLATES", None) if not templates: raise xenrt.XRTError('Failed to find system templates') # Check if any non-default system templates have been specified # These should be added in the form -D CLOUD_TMPLT/hypervisor=url sysTemplates = xenrt.TEC().lookup("CLOUD_TMPLT", {}) for s in sysTemplates: templates[s] = sysTemplates[s] # Legacy XenServer template support sysTemplateSrcLocation = xenrt.TEC().lookup("CLOUD_SYS_TEMPLATE", None) if sysTemplateSrcLocation: xenrt.TEC().warning( "Use of CLOUD_SYS_TEMPLATE is deprecated, use CLOUD_SYS_TEMPLATES/xenserver instead" ) templates['xenserver'] = sysTemplateSrcLocation hvlist = xenrt.TEC().lookup("CLOUD_REQ_SYS_TMPLS", None) if hvlist: hvlist = hvlist.split(",") else: hvlist = [] for t in templates.keys(): if t not in hvlist: del templates[t] xenrt.TEC().logverbose('Using System Templates: %s' % (templates)) webdir = xenrt.WebDirectory() if provider == 'NFS': self.mgtSvr.primaryManagementServer.execcmd( 'mount -t nfs -o nfsvers=3 %s /media' % (storagePath)) elif provider == 'SMB': ad = xenrt.getADConfig() self.mgtSvr.primaryManagementServer.execcmd( 'mount -t cifs %s /media -o user=%s,password=%s,domain=%s' % (storagePath, ad.adminUser, ad.adminPassword, ad.domainName)) installSysTmpltLoc = self.mgtSvr.primaryManagementServer.execcmd( 'find / -name *install-sys-tmplt -ignore_readdir_race 2> /dev/null || true' ).strip() for hv in templates: templateFile = xenrt.TEC().getFile(templates[hv]) xenrt.TEC().logverbose( "Using %s system VM template %s (md5sum: %s)" % (hv, templates[hv], xenrt.command("md5sum %s" % templateFile))) if templateFile.endswith(".zip") and xenrt.TEC().lookup( "WORKAROUND_CS22839", False, boolean=True): xenrt.TEC().warning("Using CS-22839 workaround") tempDir = xenrt.TEC().tempDir() xenrt.command("cd %s && unzip %s" % (tempDir, templateFile)) dirContents = glob.glob("%s/*" % tempDir) if len(dirContents) != 1: raise xenrt.XRTError( "Unexpected contents of system template ZIP file") templateFile = dirContents[0] webdir.copyIn(templateFile) templateUrl = webdir.getURL(os.path.basename(templateFile)) if provider in ('NFS', 'SMB'): self.mgtSvr.primaryManagementServer.execcmd( '%s -m /media -u %s -h %s -F' % (installSysTmpltLoc, templateUrl, hv), timeout=60 * 60) if provider in ('NFS', 'SMB'): self.mgtSvr.primaryManagementServer.execcmd('umount /media') webdir.remove()
def run(self, arglist=None): again = False uninstall = False fin = False gname = None mustdo = False fromguest = False resident_on = None # Mandatory args. for arg in arglist: l = string.split(arg, "=", 1) if l[0] == "again": again = True if l[0] == "guest": gname = l[1] elif l[0] == "uninstall": uninstall = True elif l[0] == "finally": fin = True again = True elif l[0] == "mustdo": mustdo = True elif l[0] == "fromguest": fromguest = True elif l[0] == "config": matching = xenrt.TEC().registry.guestLookup(**xenrt.util.parseXMLConfigString(l[1])) for n in matching: xenrt.TEC().comment("Found matching guest(s): %s" % (matching)) if matching: gname = matching[0] elif l[0] == "resident_on": resident_on = l[1] if not gname: raise xenrt.XRTError("No guest name specified") guest = None if resident_on: host = self.getHost(resident_on) guest = host.getGuest(gname) else: guest = self.getGuest(gname) if not guest: raise xenrt.XRTError("Could not find guest %s in registry" % (gname)) if guest.getState() == "DOWN": if not fin: xenrt.TEC().skip("Guest already down") return if mustdo: guest.start() else: try: if not guestts = int(guest.execguest("date +%s")) localts = int(xenrt.command("date +%s")) xenrt.TEC().comment("Guest time delta from controller is " "%d seconds" % (guestts - localts)) except: pass self.getLogsFrom( try: if fromguest: guest.unenlightenedShutdown() guest.poll("DOWN") else: guest.shutdown(again=again) except Exception, e: if not fin: raise e
def mountStaticISO(distro, arch=None, filename=None): """Mount a static ISO globally for the controller""" isolock = xenrt.resources.CentralResource() if filename: iso = filename mountpoint = "/winmedia/%s" % os.path.basename(filename) check = None else: if os.path.exists("%s/%s.iso" % (xenrt.TEC().lookup("EXPORT_ISO_LOCAL"), distro)): iso = "%s/%s.iso" % (xenrt.TEC().lookup("EXPORT_ISO_LOCAL"), distro) check = "Autounattend.xml" mountpoint = "/winmedia/%s" % distro else: stem = "%s/%s_%s" % ( xenrt.TEC().lookup("EXPORT_ISO_LOCAL_STATIC"), xenrt.TEC().lookup(["OS_INSTALL_ISO", distro], distro), arch, ) if not os.path.exists("%s.iso" % stem): stem = "%s_xenrtinst" % stem iso = "%s.iso" % stem if distro.startswith("sle"): check = "README" elif distro.startswith("sol"): check = "Copyright" else: check = "isolinux/isolinux.cfg" mountpoint = "/linmedia/%s_%s" % (distro, arch) attempts = 0 while True: try: isolock.acquire("STATIC_ISO_%s" % distro) break except: xenrt.sleep(10) attempts += 1 if attempts > 6: raise xenrt.XRTError("Couldn't get Windows ISO lock.") try: # Check the ISO isn't directly mounted and there's no loopback mount for that ISO mounts = xenrt.command("mount") loops = xenrt.command("sudo losetup -a") def loDeviceOfISO(iso, line): if iso in line: return line.split(":")[0] else: return None loopDevs = filter(lambda x: not x is None, map(lambda line: loDeviceOfISO(iso, line), loops.split("\n"))) if not "%s on %s" % (iso, mountpoint) in mounts and ( len(loopDevs) == 0 or (not "%s on %s" % (loopDevs[0], mountpoint)) ): sudo("mkdir -p %s" % mountpoint) sudo("mount -o loop %s %s" % (iso, mountpoint)) elif check: # Check whether the loop mount has gone bad, and if it has then remount try: f = open("%s/%s" % (mountpoint, check)) except: f.close() sudo("umount -f %s" % mountpoint) sudo("mkdir -p %s" % mountpoint) sudo("mount -o loop %s %s" % (iso, mountpoint)) else: f.close() return mountpoint finally: isolock.release()
def run(self, arglist=None): kit = "sdk" if arglist and len(arglist) > 0: machine = arglist[0] else: raise xenrt.XRTError("No machine specified for installation") host = xenrt.TEC().registry.hostGet(machine) if not host: raise xenrt.XRTError("Unable to find host %s in registry" % (machine)) self.getLogsFrom(host) # Optional arguments vcpus = None memory = None uninstall = True guestname = xenrt.randomGuestName() for arg in arglist[1:]: l = string.split(arg, "=", 1) if l[0] == "vcpus": vcpus = int(l[1]) elif l[0] == "memory": memory = int(l[1]) elif l[0] == "nouninstall": uninstall = False elif l[0] == "kit": kit = l[1] elif l[0] == "guest": guestname = l[1] g = host.guestFactory()(\ guestname, "NO_TEMPLATE", password=xenrt.TEC().lookup("ROOT_PASSWORD_SDK")) = host self.guest = g if vcpus != None: g.setVCPUs(vcpus) if memory != None: g.setMemory(memory) # Perform the import sdkzip = None sdkiso = xenrt.TEC().lookup("SDK_CD_IMAGE", None) if not sdkiso: sdkzip = xenrt.TEC().getFile("xe-phase-2/" % (kit), "" % (kit)) if not sdkiso and not sdkzip: sdkiso = xenrt.TEC().getFile("xe-phase-2/%s.iso" % (kit), "%s.iso" % (kit)) if not sdkiso and not sdkzip: raise xenrt.XRTError("No SDK ISO/ZIP file given") try: if sdkiso: mount = xenrt.MountISO(sdkiso) mountpoint = mount.getMount() if sdkzip: # XXX Make this a tempDir once we've moved them out of /tmp tmp = xenrt.NFSDirectory() mountpoint = tmp.path() xenrt.command("unzip %s -d %s" % (sdkzip, mountpoint)) g.importVM(host, "%s/%s" % (mountpoint, kit)) br = host.getPrimaryBridge() if not br: raise xenrt.XRTError("Host has no bridge") g.vifs = [("eth0", br, xenrt.randomMAC(), None)] for v in g.vifs: eth, bridge, mac, ip = v g.createVIF(eth, bridge, mac) finally: try: if sdkiso: mount.unmount() if sdkzip: tmp.remove() except: pass g.memset(g.memory) g.cpuset(g.vcpus) xenrt.TEC().registry.guestPut(guestname, g) # Make sure we can boot it g.makeNonInteractive() g.tailored = True g.start() time.sleep(120) g.shutdown() # Uninstall if uninstall: g.uninstall()