def beginjob(self, evt, env): """The beginjob() function does one-time initialisation from event- or environment data. It is called at an XTC configure transition. @param evt Event data object, a configure object @param env Environment object """ super(mod_average, self).beginjob(evt, env) # XXX Potential problem if one uses stream substitution, which may # change between the time of substitution, and the time the stream # is written. Since files are written in endjob() (which doesn't # trigger on an event) substitutions cannot be made there. Just # note the caveats here, perhaps? # print "*** P _mean_out : ", self._mean_out # print "*** P _max_out : ", self._max_out # print "*** P _std_out : ", self._std_out if self._mean_out is not None: self._mean_out = cspad_tbx.pathsubst(self._mean_out, evt, env) if self._max_out is not None: self._max_out = cspad_tbx.pathsubst(self._max_out, evt, env) if self._std_out is not None: self._std_out = cspad_tbx.pathsubst(self._std_out, evt, env)
def beginjob(self, evt, env): """The beginjob() function does one-time initialisation from event- or environment data. It is called at an XTC configure transition. @param evt Event data object, a configure object @param env Environment object """ from os import makedirs, path super(mod_ledge, self).beginjob(evt, env) self._reset_counters() self._nframes = 0 # XXX Don't really want to store the stream, but how to properly # close it on exit? self._table_path = cspad_tbx.pathsubst(self._table_path, evt, env) if not path.isdir(path.dirname(self._table_path)): makedirs(path.dirname(self._table_path)) self._stream_table = open(self._table_path, mode="wb", buffering=1) # Initial camera settings requested by Rolf. The Andor's region # of interest is defined by width, height, orgX, and orgY, # independent of the binning. The camera has model number # DO936N-M0W-#BN. Note that the configuration may change on an # event-basis. XXX Does the width really correspond to X, and the # height to Y? config = cspad_tbx.getConfig(self.address, env) if config is not None: "Initial effective frame size: %dx%d" % (config.width() // config.binX(), config.height() // config.binY()) ) "Initial region of interest: (%d, %d) - (%d, %d)" % (config.orgX(), config.orgY(), config.orgX() + config.width(), config.orgY() + config.height()) ) if config.highCapacity() >= 0 and config.highCapacity() <= 1: "Initial output mode: %s" % ("high sensitivity", "high capacity")[config.highCapacity()] ) if config.readoutSpeedIndex() >= 0 and config.readoutSpeedIndex() <= 3: "Initial pixel readout rate: %s" % ("5 MHz", "3 MHz", "1 MHz", "50 kHz")[config.readoutSpeedIndex()] ) if config.gainIndex() >= 0 and config.gainIndex() <= 2:"Initial pre-amplifier gain: %s" % ("1x", "2x", "4x")[config.gainIndex()])
def beginjob(self, evt, env): """The beginjob() function does one-time initialisation from event- or environment data. It is called at an XTC configure transition. @param evt Event data object, a configure object @param env Environment object """ super(common_mode_correction, self).beginjob(evt, env) # Load the dark image and ensure it is signed and at least 32 bits # wide, since it will be used for differencing. If a dark image # is provided, a standard deviation image is required, and all the # ADU scales must match up. # # XXX Can we zap all the ADU_SCALE stuff? # # XXX Do we really need to store the substituted values in the # instance here? At least self._dark_path is referenced later on. # # Note that this will load the dark, standard deviation and gain # once (SEVERAL TIMES) for each process, but the gain is that we # can do substitutions. But it is only done at the beginning of # the job. self.dark_img = None if self._dark_path is not None: self._dark_path = cspad_tbx.getOptEvalOrString( cspad_tbx.pathsubst(self._dark_path, evt, env)) assert self._dark_stddev_path is not None dark_dict = easy_pickle.load(self._dark_path) #assert "ADU_SCALE" not in dark_dict # force use of recalculated dark self.dark_img = dark_dict['DATA'] assert isinstance(self.dark_img, flex.double) self._dark_stddev_path = cspad_tbx.getOptEvalOrString( cspad_tbx.pathsubst(self._dark_stddev_path, evt, env)) self.dark_stddev = easy_pickle.load(self._dark_stddev_path)['DATA'] assert isinstance(self.dark_stddev, flex.double) self.dark_mask = (self.dark_stddev > 0) # Load the mask image and ensure it is signed and at least 32 bits # wide, since it will be used for differencing. self.gain_map = None if self._gain_map_path is not None: self._gain_map_path = cspad_tbx.getOptEvalOrString( cspad_tbx.pathsubst(self._gain_map_path, evt, env)) self.gain_map = easy_pickle.load(self._gain_map_path)['DATA'] if self.gain_map_level is not None: sel = flex.bool([bool(f) for f in self.gain_map]) sel.reshape(flex.grid(self.gain_map.focus())) self.gain_map = self.gain_map.set_selected(~sel, self.gain_map_level) self.gain_map = self.gain_map.set_selected(sel, 1) assert isinstance(self.gain_map, flex.double) self.mask_img = None if self._mask_path is not None: self._mask_path = cspad_tbx.getOptEvalOrString( cspad_tbx.pathsubst(self._mask_path, evt, env)) self.mask_img = easy_pickle.load(self._mask_path)['DATA'] assert isinstance(self.mask_img, flex.double) \ or isinstance(self.mask_img, if self.address == 'XppGon-0|marccd-0': will set these during its event function self.active_areas = None self.beam_center = None elif self.address == 'XppEndstation-0|Rayonix-0' or \ self.address == 'MfxEndstation-0|Rayonix-0': assert self.override_beam_x is not None assert self.override_beam_y is not None from xfel.cxi.cspad_ana import rayonix_tbx maxx, maxy = rayonix_tbx.get_rayonix_detector_dimensions(self.bin_size) if self.crop_rayonix: bx = int(round(self.override_beam_x)) by = int(round(self.override_beam_y)) minsize = min([bx,by,maxx-bx,maxy-by]) self.beam_center = minsize,minsize self.active_areas =[0,0,2*minsize,2*minsize]) self.rayonix_crop_slice = slice(by-minsize,by+minsize), slice(bx-minsize,bx+minsize) else: self.beam_center = self.override_beam_x,self.override_beam_y self.active_areas =[0,0,maxx,maxy]) elif self.address == 'XppGon-0|Cspad-0': evt_time = cspad_tbx.evt_time(evt) # tuple of seconds, milliseconds timestamp = cspad_tbx.evt_timestamp(evt_time) # human readable format from iotbx.detectors.cspad_detector_formats import detector_format_version, reverse_timestamp from xfel.cxi.cspad_ana.cspad_tbx import xpp_active_areas version_lookup = detector_format_version(self.address, reverse_timestamp(timestamp)[0]) assert version_lookup is not None self.active_areas = xpp_active_areas[version_lookup]['active_areas'] self.beam_center = [1765 // 2, 1765 // 2] else: (self.beam_center, self.active_areas) = cspad_tbx.cbcaa( cspad_tbx.getConfig(self.address, env), self.sections)
def average(argv=None): if argv == None: argv = sys.argv[1:] try: from mpi4py import MPI except ImportError: raise Sorry("MPI not found") command_line = (libtbx.option_parser.option_parser(usage=""" %s [-p] -c config -x experiment -a address -r run -d detz_offset [-o outputdir] [-A averagepath] [-S stddevpath] [-M maxpath] [-n numevents] [-s skipnevents] [-v] [-m] [-b bin_size] [-X override_beam_x] [-Y override_beam_y] [-D xtc_dir] [-f] [-g gain_mask_value] [--min] [--minpath minpath] To write image pickles use -p, otherwise the program writes CSPAD CBFs. Writing CBFs requires the geometry to be already deployed. Examples: cxi.mpi_average -c cxi49812/average.cfg -x cxi49812 -a CxiDs1.0:Cspad.0 -r 25 -d 571 Use one process on the current node to process all the events from run 25 of experiment cxi49812, using a detz_offset of 571. mpirun -n 16 cxi.mpi_average -c cxi49812/average.cfg -x cxi49812 -a CxiDs1.0:Cspad.0 -r 25 -d 571 As above, using 16 cores on the current node. bsub -a mympi -n 100 -o average.out -q psanaq cxi.mpi_average -c cxi49812/average.cfg -x cxi49812 -a CxiDs1.0:Cspad.0 -r 25 -d 571 -o cxi49812 As above, using the psanaq and 100 cores, putting the log in average.out and the output images in the folder cxi49812. """ % libtbx.env.dispatcher_name).option( None, "--as_pickle", "-p", action="store_true", default=False, dest="as_pickle", help="Write results as image pickle files instead of cbf files" ).option( None, "--raw_data", "-R", action="store_true", default=False, dest="raw_data", help= "Disable psana corrections such as dark pedestal subtraction or common mode (cbf only)" ).option( None, "--background_pickle", "-B", default=None, dest="background_pickle", help="" ).option( None, "--config", "-c", type="string", default=None, dest="config", metavar="PATH", help="psana config file" ).option( None, "--experiment", "-x", type="string", default=None, dest="experiment", help="experiment name (eg cxi84914)" ).option( None, "--run", "-r", type="int", default=None, dest="run", help="run number" ).option( None, "--address", "-a", type="string", default="CxiDs2.0:Cspad.0", dest="address", help="detector address name (eg CxiDs2.0:Cspad.0)" ).option( None, "--detz_offset", "-d", type="float", default=None, dest="detz_offset", help= "offset (in mm) from sample interaction region to back of CSPAD detector rail (CXI), or detector distance (XPP)" ).option( None, "--outputdir", "-o", type="string", default=".", dest="outputdir", metavar="PATH", help="Optional path to output directory for output files" ).option( None, "--averagebase", "-A", type="string", default="{experiment!l}_avg-r{run:04d}", dest="averagepath", metavar="PATH", help= "Path to output average image without extension. String substitution allowed" ).option( None, "--stddevbase", "-S", type="string", default="{experiment!l}_stddev-r{run:04d}", dest="stddevpath", metavar="PATH", help= "Path to output standard deviation image without extension. String substitution allowed" ).option( None, "--maxbase", "-M", type="string", default="{experiment!l}_max-r{run:04d}", dest="maxpath", metavar="PATH", help= "Path to output maximum projection image without extension. String substitution allowed" ).option( None, "--numevents", "-n", type="int", default=None, dest="numevents", help="Maximum number of events to process. Default: all" ).option( None, "--skipevents", "-s", type="int", default=0, dest="skipevents", help="Number of events in the beginning of the run to skip. Default: 0" ).option( None, "--verbose", "-v", action="store_true", default=False, dest="verbose", help="Print more information about progress" ).option( None, "--pickle-optical-metrology", "-m", action="store_true", default=False, dest="pickle_optical_metrology", help= "If writing pickle files, use the optical metrology in the experiment's calib directory" ).option( None, "--bin_size", "-b", type="int", default=None, dest="bin_size", help="Rayonix detector bin size" ).option( None, "--override_beam_x", "-X", type="float", default=None, dest="override_beam_x", help="Rayonix detector beam center x coordinate" ).option( None, "--override_beam_y", "-Y", type="float", default=None, dest="override_beam_y", help="Rayonix detector beam center y coordinate" ).option( None, "--calib_dir", "-C", type="string", default=None, dest="calib_dir", metavar="PATH", help="calibration directory" ).option( None, "--pickle_calib_dir", "-P", type="string", default=None, dest="pickle_calib_dir", metavar="PATH", help= "pickle calibration directory specification. Replaces --calib_dir functionality." ).option( None, "--xtc_dir", "-D", type="string", default=None, dest="xtc_dir", metavar="PATH", help="xtc stream directory" ).option( None, "--use_ffb", "-f", action="store_true", default=False, dest="use_ffb", help= "Use the fast feedback filesystem at LCLS. Only for the active experiment!" ).option( None, "--gain_mask_value", "-g", type="float", default=None, dest="gain_mask_value", help= "Ratio between low and high gain pixels, if CSPAD in mixed-gain mode. Only used in CBF averaging mode." ).option( None, "--min", None, action="store_true", default=False, dest="do_minimum_projection", help="Output a minimum projection" ).option( None, "--minpath", None, type="string", default="{experiment!l}_min-r{run:04d}", dest="minpath", metavar="PATH", help= "Path to output minimum image without extension. String substitution allowed" )).process(args=argv) if len(command_line.args) > 0 or \ command_line.options.as_pickle is None or \ command_line.options.experiment is None or \ is None or \ command_line.options.address is None or \ command_line.options.detz_offset is None or \ command_line.options.averagepath is None or \ command_line.options.stddevpath is None or \ command_line.options.maxpath is None or \ command_line.options.pickle_optical_metrology is None: command_line.parser.show_help() return # set this to sys.maxint to analyze all events if command_line.options.numevents is None: maxevents = sys.maxsize else: maxevents = command_line.options.numevents comm = MPI.COMM_WORLD rank = comm.Get_rank() size = comm.Get_size() if command_line.options.config is not None: psana.setConfigFile(command_line.options.config) dataset_name = "exp=%s:run=%d:smd" % (command_line.options.experiment, if command_line.options.xtc_dir is not None: if command_line.options.use_ffb: raise Sorry("Cannot specify the xtc_dir and use SLAC's ffb system") dataset_name += ":dir=%s" % command_line.options.xtc_dir elif command_line.options.use_ffb: # as ffb is only at SLAC, ok to hardcode /reg/d here dataset_name += ":dir=/reg/d/ffb/%s/%s/xtc" % ( command_line.options.experiment[0:3], command_line.options.experiment) if command_line.options.calib_dir is not None: psana.setOption('psana.calib-dir', command_line.options.calib_dir) ds = psana.DataSource(dataset_name) address = command_line.options.address src = psana.Source('DetInfo(%s)' % address) nevent = np.array([0.]) if command_line.options.background_pickle is not None: background = easy_pickle.load( command_line.options.background_pickle)['DATA'].as_numpy_array() for run in ds.runs(): runnumber = if not command_line.options.as_pickle: psana_det = psana.Detector(address, ds.env()) # list of all events if command_line.options.skipevents > 0: print("Skipping first %d events" % command_line.options.skipevents) elif "Rayonix" in command_line.options.address: print("Skipping first image in the Rayonix detector" ) # Shuttering issue command_line.options.skipevents = 1 for i, evt in enumerate( if i % size != rank: continue if i < command_line.options.skipevents: continue if i >= maxevents: break if i % 10 == 0: print('Rank', rank, 'processing event', i) #print "Event #",rank*mylength+i," has id:",evt.get(EventId) if 'Rayonix' in command_line.options.address or 'FeeHxSpectrometer' in command_line.options.address or 'XrayTransportDiagnostic' in command_line.options.address: data = evt.get(psana.Camera.FrameV1, src) if data is None: print("No data") continue data = data.data16().astype(np.float64) elif command_line.options.as_pickle: data = evt.get(psana.ndarray_float64_3, src, 'image0') else: # get numpy array, 32x185x388 from xfel.cftbx.detector.cspad_cbf_tbx import get_psana_corrected_data if command_line.options.raw_data: data = get_psana_corrected_data(psana_det, evt, use_default=False, dark=False, common_mode=None, apply_gain_mask=False, per_pixel_gain=False) else: if command_line.options.gain_mask_value is None: data = get_psana_corrected_data(psana_det, evt, use_default=True) else: data = get_psana_corrected_data( psana_det, evt, use_default=False, dark=True, common_mode=None, apply_gain_mask=True, gain_mask_value=command_line.options. gain_mask_value, per_pixel_gain=False) if data is None: print("No data") continue if command_line.options.background_pickle is not None: data -= background if 'FeeHxSpectrometer' in command_line.options.address or 'XrayTransportDiagnostic' in command_line.options.address: distance = np.array([0.0]) wavelength = np.array([1.0]) else: d = cspad_tbx.env_distance(address, run.env(), command_line.options.detz_offset) if d is None: print("No distance, using distance", command_line.options.detz_offset) assert command_line.options.detz_offset is not None if 'distance' not in locals(): distance = np.array([command_line.options.detz_offset]) else: distance += command_line.options.detz_offset else: if 'distance' in locals(): distance += d else: distance = np.array([float(d)]) w = cspad_tbx.evt_wavelength(evt) if w is None: print("No wavelength") if 'wavelength' not in locals(): wavelength = np.array([1.0]) else: if 'wavelength' in locals(): wavelength += w else: wavelength = np.array([w]) t = cspad_tbx.evt_time(evt) if t is None: print("No timestamp, skipping shot") continue if 'timestamp' in locals(): timestamp += t[0] + (t[1] / 1000) else: timestamp = np.array([t[0] + (t[1] / 1000)]) if 'sum' in locals(): sum += data else: sum = np.array(data, copy=True) if 'sumsq' in locals(): sumsq += data * data else: sumsq = data * data if 'maximum' in locals(): maximum = np.maximum(maximum, data) else: maximum = np.array(data, copy=True) if command_line.options.do_minimum_projection: if 'minimum' in locals(): minimum = np.minimum(minimum, data) else: minimum = np.array(data, copy=True) nevent += 1 #sum the images across mpi cores if size > 1: print("Synchronizing rank", rank) totevent = np.zeros(nevent.shape) comm.Reduce(nevent, totevent) if rank == 0 and totevent[0] == 0: raise Sorry("No events found in the run") sumall = np.zeros(sum.shape).astype(sum.dtype) comm.Reduce(sum, sumall) sumsqall = np.zeros(sumsq.shape).astype(sumsq.dtype) comm.Reduce(sumsq, sumsqall) maxall = np.zeros(maximum.shape).astype(maximum.dtype) comm.Reduce(maximum, maxall, op=MPI.MAX) if command_line.options.do_minimum_projection: minall = np.zeros(maximum.shape).astype(minimum.dtype) comm.Reduce(minimum, minall, op=MPI.MIN) waveall = np.zeros(wavelength.shape).astype(wavelength.dtype) comm.Reduce(wavelength, waveall) distall = np.zeros(distance.shape).astype(distance.dtype) comm.Reduce(distance, distall) timeall = np.zeros(timestamp.shape).astype(timestamp.dtype) comm.Reduce(timestamp, timeall) if rank == 0: if size > 1: print("Synchronized") # Accumulating floating-point numbers introduces errors, # which may cause negative variances. Since a two-pass # approach is unacceptable, the standard deviation is # clamped at zero. mean = sumall / float(totevent[0]) variance = (sumsqall / float(totevent[0])) - (mean**2) variance[variance < 0] = 0 stddev = np.sqrt(variance) wavelength = waveall[0] / totevent[0] distance = distall[0] / totevent[0] pixel_size = cspad_tbx.pixel_size saturated_value = cspad_tbx.cspad_saturated_value timestamp = timeall[0] / totevent[0] timestamp = (int(timestamp), timestamp % int(timestamp) * 1000) timestamp = cspad_tbx.evt_timestamp(timestamp) if command_line.options.as_pickle: extension = ".pickle" else: extension = ".cbf" dest_paths = [ cspad_tbx.pathsubst(command_line.options.averagepath + extension, evt, ds.env()), cspad_tbx.pathsubst(command_line.options.stddevpath + extension, evt, ds.env()), cspad_tbx.pathsubst(command_line.options.maxpath + extension, evt, ds.env()) ] if command_line.options.do_minimum_projection: dest_paths.append( cspad_tbx.pathsubst(command_line.options.minpath + extension, evt, ds.env())) dest_paths = [ os.path.join(command_line.options.outputdir, path) for path in dest_paths ] if 'Rayonix' in command_line.options.address: all_data = [mean, stddev, maxall] if command_line.options.do_minimum_projection: all_data.append(minall) from xfel.cxi.cspad_ana import rayonix_tbx pixel_size = rayonix_tbx.get_rayonix_pixel_size( command_line.options.bin_size) beam_center = [ command_line.options.override_beam_x, command_line.options.override_beam_y ] active_areas =[0, 0, mean.shape[1], mean.shape[0]]) split_address = cspad_tbx.address_split(address) old_style_address = split_address[0] + "-" + split_address[ 1] + "|" + split_address[2] + "-" + split_address[3] for data, path in zip(all_data, dest_paths): print("Saving", path) d = cspad_tbx.dpack( active_areas=active_areas, address=old_style_address, beam_center_x=pixel_size * beam_center[0], beam_center_y=pixel_size * beam_center[1], data=flex.double(data), distance=distance, pixel_size=pixel_size, saturated_value=rayonix_tbx.rayonix_saturated_value, timestamp=timestamp, wavelength=wavelength) easy_pickle.dump(path, d) elif 'FeeHxSpectrometer' in command_line.options.address or 'XrayTransportDiagnostic' in command_line.options.address: all_data = [mean, stddev, maxall] split_address = cspad_tbx.address_split(address) old_style_address = split_address[0] + "-" + split_address[ 1] + "|" + split_address[2] + "-" + split_address[3] if command_line.options.do_minimum_projection: all_data.append(minall) for data, path in zip(all_data, dest_paths): d = cspad_tbx.dpack(address=old_style_address, data=flex.double(data), distance=distance, pixel_size=0.1, timestamp=timestamp, wavelength=wavelength) print("Saving", path) easy_pickle.dump(path, d) elif command_line.options.as_pickle: split_address = cspad_tbx.address_split(address) old_style_address = split_address[0] + "-" + split_address[ 1] + "|" + split_address[2] + "-" + split_address[3] xpp = 'xpp' in address.lower() if xpp: evt_time = cspad_tbx.evt_time( evt) # tuple of seconds, milliseconds timestamp = cspad_tbx.evt_timestamp( evt_time) # human readable format from iotbx.detectors.cspad_detector_formats import detector_format_version, reverse_timestamp from xfel.cxi.cspad_ana.cspad_tbx import xpp_active_areas version_lookup = detector_format_version( old_style_address, reverse_timestamp(timestamp)[0]) assert version_lookup is not None active_areas = xpp_active_areas[version_lookup]['active_areas'] beam_center = [1765 // 2, 1765 // 2] else: if command_line.options.pickle_calib_dir is not None: metro_path = command_line.options.pickle_calib_dir elif command_line.options.pickle_optical_metrology: from xfel.cftbx.detector.cspad_cbf_tbx import get_calib_file_path metro_path = get_calib_file_path(run.env(), address, run) else: metro_path = libtbx.env.find_in_repositories( "xfel/metrology/CSPad/run4/CxiDs1.0_Cspad.0") sections = parse_calib.calib2sections(metro_path) beam_center, active_areas = cspad_tbx.cbcaa( cspad_tbx.getConfig(address, ds.env()), sections) class fake_quad(object): def __init__(self, q, d): self.q = q self.d = d def quad(self): return self.q def data(self): return self.d if xpp: quads = [ fake_quad(i, mean[i * 8:(i + 1) * 8, :, :]) for i in range(4) ] mean = cspad_tbx.image_xpp(old_style_address, None, ds.env(), active_areas, quads=quads) mean = flex.double(mean.astype(np.float64)) quads = [ fake_quad(i, stddev[i * 8:(i + 1) * 8, :, :]) for i in range(4) ] stddev = cspad_tbx.image_xpp(old_style_address, None, ds.env(), active_areas, quads=quads) stddev = flex.double(stddev.astype(np.float64)) quads = [ fake_quad(i, maxall[i * 8:(i + 1) * 8, :, :]) for i in range(4) ] maxall = cspad_tbx.image_xpp(old_style_address, None, ds.env(), active_areas, quads=quads) maxall = flex.double(maxall.astype(np.float64)) if command_line.options.do_minimum_projection: quads = [ fake_quad(i, minall[i * 8:(i + 1) * 8, :, :]) for i in range(4) ] minall = cspad_tbx.image_xpp(old_style_address, None, ds.env(), active_areas, quads=quads) minall = flex.double(minall.astype(np.float64)) else: quads = [ fake_quad(i, mean[i * 8:(i + 1) * 8, :, :]) for i in range(4) ] mean = cspad_tbx.CsPadDetector(address, evt, ds.env(), sections, quads=quads) mean = flex.double(mean.astype(np.float64)) quads = [ fake_quad(i, stddev[i * 8:(i + 1) * 8, :, :]) for i in range(4) ] stddev = cspad_tbx.CsPadDetector(address, evt, ds.env(), sections, quads=quads) stddev = flex.double(stddev.astype(np.float64)) quads = [ fake_quad(i, maxall[i * 8:(i + 1) * 8, :, :]) for i in range(4) ] maxall = cspad_tbx.CsPadDetector(address, evt, ds.env(), sections, quads=quads) maxall = flex.double(maxall.astype(np.float64)) if command_line.options.do_minimum_projection: quads = [ fake_quad(i, minall[i * 8:(i + 1) * 8, :, :]) for i in range(4) ] minall = cspad_tbx.CsPadDetector(address, evt, ds.env(), sections, quads=quads) minall = flex.double(minall.astype(np.float64)) all_data = [mean, stddev, maxall] if command_line.options.do_minimum_projection: all_data.append(minall) for data, path in zip(all_data, dest_paths): print("Saving", path) d = cspad_tbx.dpack(active_areas=active_areas, address=old_style_address, beam_center_x=pixel_size * beam_center[0], beam_center_y=pixel_size * beam_center[1], data=data, distance=distance, pixel_size=pixel_size, saturated_value=saturated_value, timestamp=timestamp, wavelength=wavelength) easy_pickle.dump(path, d) else: # load a header only cspad cbf from the slac metrology from xfel.cftbx.detector import cspad_cbf_tbx import pycbf base_dxtbx = cspad_cbf_tbx.env_dxtbx_from_slac_metrology( run, address) if base_dxtbx is None: raise Sorry("Couldn't load calibration file for run %d" % all_data = [mean, stddev, maxall] if command_line.options.do_minimum_projection: all_data.append(minall) for data, path in zip(all_data, dest_paths): print("Saving", path) cspad_img = cspad_cbf_tbx.format_object_from_data( base_dxtbx, data, distance, wavelength, timestamp, address, round_to_int=False) cspad_img._cbf_handle.write_widefile(path, pycbf.CBF,\ pycbf.MIME_HEADERS|pycbf.MSG_DIGEST|pycbf.PAD_4K, 0)
def event(self, evt, env): """The event() function is called for every L1Accept transition. For now, log error and set bogus value to allow stuff to continue -- must check for the bogosity later XXX The dead time of the detector complicates checking how often things are updated! Move this to the ring buffer? @param evt Event data object, a configure object @param env Environment object """ from pyana.event import Event from acqiris_ext import acqiris_integrate, apd_hitfind super(mod_ledge, self).event(evt, env) if evt.status() != Event.Normal: pass # XXX return -- Never skip because arrays will end up # different length, so ignore this? # Get the time of the event, in fractional seconds since the # epoch. This is needed for all subsequent history-keeping, and # is hence determined first. XXX Is history-keeping even # justified? time = cspad_tbx.evt_time(evt) if time is None: time = float("nan") else: time = time[0] + time[1] / 1e3 self._timestamp.append(time) # The repetition rate is currently just used for sanity checking. repetition_rate = cspad_tbx.evt_repetition_rate(evt) if repetition_rate is None: repetition_rate = float("nan") self._repetition_rate.append(repetition_rate) # Get the I0. No need to warn about it here, it will be done once # the image is written out. I0 = cspad_tbx.evt_pulse_energy(evt) if I0 is None: I0 = float("nan") self._I0.append(I0) # Get the FEE energy. Average the two readings before and after # attenuation separately. XXX What are the units? It look like # it could be mJ? fee_before = 0.5 * sum(evt.getFeeGasDet()[0:2]) if fee_before is None: fee_before = float("nan") self._fee_before.append(fee_before) fee_after = 0.5 * sum(evt.getFeeGasDet()[2:4]) if fee_after is None: fee_after = float("nan") self._fee_after.append(fee_after) # XXX Just a check: this is what xtcexplorer does: fee_energy = evt.get(xtc.TypeId.Type.Id_FEEGasDetEnergy) if fee_energy is not None: assert ( evt.getFeeGasDet()[0] == fee_energy.f_11_ENRC and evt.getFeeGasDet()[1] == fee_energy.f_12_ENRC and evt.getFeeGasDet()[2] == fee_energy.f_21_ENRC and evt.getFeeGasDet()[3] == fee_energy.f_22_ENRC ) """ # For Bill: expect 84240 data points for r0054 # # grep "^BILL_POINT" | cut -d' ' -f2,3,4,5,6 > t.dat # gnuplot> m=0.1 ; k=-0.01e-8; f(x) = k * x + m # gnuplot> fit f(x) "t.dat" using ($3):($5) via k,m if not hasattr(self, '_gmd_seqno'): self._gmd_seqno = 0 gmd = evt.get(key=xtc.TypeId.Type.Id_GMD) if gmd is None: return acq_apd = evt.getAcqValue('SxrEndstation-0|Acqiris-1', 0, env) if acq_apd is not None and acq_apd.waveform() is not None: w = acq_apd.waveform() baseline = numpy.mean(w[0:(w.shape[0] / 5)]) peak = numpy.min(w[(w.shape[0] / 5):w.shape[0]]) self._gmd_seqno += 1 print "BILL_POINT %d %s %s %s %s" % (self._gmd_seqno, repr(gmd.fBgValuePerSample), repr(gmd.fCorrectedSumPerPulse), repr(gmd.fRelativeEnergyPerPulse), repr(peak - baseline)) return """ """ # XXX Record injector motion--note that they cannot be added--see # Ray's email. injector_micos_xyz = cspad_tbx.env_pv3_get( env, ['SXR:EXP:MZM:%02d:ENCPOSITIONGET' % i for i in [1, 2, 3]]) if injector_micos_xyz is None: self.logger.error("No micos injector motor positions") injector_micos_xyz = (float('nan'), float('nan'), float('nan')) self._injector_micos_xyz.append(injector_micos_xyz) injector_rough_xyz = cspad_tbx.env_pv3_get( env, ['SXR:EXP:MMS:%02d.RBV' % i for i in [1, 2, 3]]) if injector_rough_xyz is None: self.logger.error("No rough injector motor positions") injector_rough_xyz = (float('nan'), float('nan'), float('nan')) self._injector_rough_xyz.append(injector_rough_xyz) # Injector power supplies XXX There is a third PSU, no? # # The -5kV supply # SXR:EXP:SHV:VHS6:CH0:VoltageMeasure # SXR:EXP:SHV:VHS6:CH0:CurrentMeasure # # The plus 5kV supply # SXR:EXP:SHV:VHS2:CH0:VoltageMeasure # SXR:EXP:SHV:VHS2:CH0:CurrentMeasure injector_plus_current = cspad_tbx.env_pv1_get( env, 'SXR:EXP:SHV:VHS6:CH0:CurrentMeasure') if injector_plus_current is None: self.logger.error("No plus-motor current") injector_plus_current = -1 self._injector_plus_current.append(injector_plus_current) injector_plus_voltage = cspad_tbx.env_pv1_get( env, 'SXR:EXP:SHV:VHS6:CH0:VoltageMeasure') if injector_plus_voltage is None: self.logger.error("No plus-motor voltage") injector_plus_voltage = -1 self._injector_plus_voltage.append(injector_plus_voltage) injector_minus_current = cspad_tbx.env_pv1_get( env, 'SXR:EXP:SHV:VHS2:CH0:CurrentMeasure') if injector_minus_current is None: self.logger.error("No minus-motor current") injector_minus_current = -1 self._injector_minus_current.append(injector_minus_current) injector_minus_voltage = cspad_tbx.env_pv1_get( env, 'SXR:EXP:SHV:VHS2:CH0:VoltageMeasure') if injector_minus_voltage is None: self.logger.error("No minus-motor voltage") injector_minus_voltage = -1 self._injector_minus_voltage.append(injector_minus_voltage) """ """ # The spectrometer motor positions are just used for sanity # checking. spectrometer_xyz = cspad_tbx.env_spectrometer_xyz_sxr(env) if spectrometer_xyz is None: self.logger.error("No spectrometer motor positions") spectrometer_xyz = (float('nan'), float('nan'), float('nan')) self._spectrometer_xyz.append(spectrometer_xyz) """ # Get the pulse energy after monochromator, and fall back on the # pre-monochromator energy if the former is absent. Record in # list for mean and stddev. XXX Verify that the wavelength after # the monochromator is updated at around 1 Hz. # # For the publication an offset and scale were calibrated. wavelength = cspad_tbx.env_wavelength_sxr(evt, env) if wavelength is None: wavelength = cspad_tbx.evt_wavelength(evt) if wavelength is None: energy = float("nan") else: energy = 12398.4187 / wavelength self._energy.append(energy) self._history_energy.push(time, energy) # XXX Not necessary?! """ # Laser shutters XXX need to sort out laser numbering XXX Laser # power stuff? XXX Position of polarizer/analyser shutters = cspad_tbx.env_laser_shutters(env) #print "Got shutters", shutters """ # Read out the diode traces from the via the Acqiris. XXX In any # case, the APD and the more sensitive Opto Diode in the monitor # tank (i.e. the transmission diode) should be anti-correlated, so # check it! The entire trace always covers 10 us. XXX Could this # be figured out from xtc.TypeId.Type.Id_AcqConfig? # # XXX This appears to be suboptimal: look at the # skewness-transform for the APD to sort this out. acq_apd = evt.getAcqValue("SxrEndstation-0|Acqiris-1", 0, env) acq_apd_integral = float("nan") if acq_apd is not None: waveform = acq_apd.waveform() if waveform is not None: # With a 40k-point trace, one should integrate from 18200 to # 18400. waveform = waveform.flatten() nmemb = len(waveform) // 200 if nmemb > 0: acq_apd_integral = acqiris_integrate(flex.double(waveform), 91 * nmemb, 100 * nmemb, nmemb) self._acq_apd_integral.append(acq_apd_integral) if evt.expNum() == 208: # Opto diode address for L632. acq_opto_diode = evt.getAcqValue("SxrEndstation-0|Acqiris-1", 1, env) elif evt.expNum() == 363: # Opto diode address for LB68. acq_opto_diode = evt.getAcqValue("SxrEndstation-0|Acqiris-2", 2, env) acq_opto_diode_integral = float("nan") if acq_opto_diode is not None: waveform = acq_opto_diode.waveform() if waveform is not None: # With a 40k-point trace, one should integrate from 16000 to # 24000. With a 20k-point trace, a suitable integration # region is bounded by 8000 and 12000. There is no need for # thresholding, because the integral of the Opto Diode will # not be used for hit finding. XXX What are the "misses" we # record on the Opto Diode? XXX The direct beam is completely # gone after it hits the sample, because soft X-rays. waveform = waveform.flatten() nmemb = len(waveform) // 5 if nmemb > 0: acq_opto_diode_integral = acqiris_integrate(flex.double(waveform), 2 * nmemb, 4 * nmemb, nmemb) self._acq_opto_diode_integral.append(acq_opto_diode_integral) # Sanity check: verify that the timestamps for the two Acqiris # traces are similar enough. if acq_apd is not None and acq_opto_diode is not None: assert ( len(acq_apd.timestamps()) == len(acq_opto_diode.timestamps()) and numpy.any(numpy.abs(acq_apd.timestamps() - acq_opto_diode.timestamps())) < 1e-6 ) #"DIODE INTEGRALS: %f %f %f" % (I0, acq_apd_integral, acq_opto_diode_integral)) """ import matplotlib.pyplot as plt hit_array_apd = apd_hitfind( flex.double(acq_apd.waveform()), len(acq_apd.waveform()) // 5) hit_array_opto_diode = apd_hitfind( flex.double(acq_opto_diode.waveform()), len(acq_opto_diode.waveform()) // 5) fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(111) #ax.plot( # range(len(acq_apd.timestamps())), acq_apd.waveform()) ax.plot( range(len(acq_opto_diode.timestamps())), acq_opto_diode.waveform()[0, :]) fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(111) #ax.plot( # acq_apd.timestamps()[0:len(hit_array_apd)], hit_array) ax.plot( acq_opto_diode.timestamps()[0:len(hit_array_opto_diode)], hit_array) """ # Determine whether the beam hit the sample, and register the # outcome. If not using any diodes for hit-finding, every shot is # assumed to be a hit. XXX Unfortunately, this crucial piece is # very unreliable. The threshold for the APD needs to be # verified--inspect all the histograms. XXX hitfind_flags is # probable better as a module parameter. # hitfind_flags = 0x3 hitfind_flags = 0 hit = False if not hitfind_flags: hit = True elif hitfind_flags & 0x1 and acq_apd_integral > 0.2: hit = True self._hit.append(hit) # Always proceed all the way through (even if some shots have # invalid values of e.g. I0) because images are precious. XXX # Must reset counters before returning! XXX What about skipping # all of the above if display is True? if self.cspad_img is not None: self._nframes += 1 """ # The spectrometer should not move! t = (self._spectrometer_xyz - self._spectrometer_xyz.mean()).rms_length() print "Spectrometer displacement", t # Fine/rough motor position deviations from the mean. See Ray's # email. t = (self._injector_micos_xyz - self._injector_micos_xyz.mean()).rms_length() print "Injector micos displacement", t t = (self._injector_rough_xyz - self._injector_rough_xyz.mean()).rms_length() print "Injector rough displacement", t # Injector motor position means and deviations if self._injector_plus_current.size() > 1: t = flex.mean_and_variance(self._injector_plus_current) print "Injector plus current mean %10e stddev %10e" % \ (t.mean(), t.unweighted_sample_standard_deviation()) if self._injector_plus_voltage.size() > 1: t = flex.mean_and_variance(self._injector_plus_voltage) print "Injector plus voltage mean %10e stddev %10e" % \ (t.mean(), t.unweighted_sample_standard_deviation()) if self._injector_minus_current.size() > 1: t = flex.mean_and_variance(self._injector_minus_current) print "Injector minus current mean %10e stddev %10e" % \ (t.mean(), t.unweighted_sample_standard_deviation()) if self._injector_minus_voltage.size() > 1: t = flex.mean_and_variance(self._injector_minus_voltage) print "Injector minus voltage mean %10e stddev %10e" % \ (t.mean(), t.unweighted_sample_standard_deviation()) """ # Energy statistics are collected from all shots, regardless of # whether they are hits or not. Since this statistic mentions # the frame number, it should be reported first. XXX The energy # should have a really small standard deviation. Check # self._energy.size() and self._history_energy.frequency() XXX # verify that it works for one data point. (energy_mean, energy_stddev, energy_nmemb, n) = self._filtered_stats( lambda x: not math.isnan(x) and x > 0, self._energy ) if n > 0: self.logger.warning("%d shots have undefined energy" % n) (I0_mean, I0_stddev, I0_nmemb, n) = self._filtered_stats(lambda x: not math.isnan(x), self._I0) if n > 0: self.logger.warning("%d shots have undefined I0" % n) "Frame %d: E=%.3f+/-%.3f (N=%d) I0=%.0f+/-%.0f (N=%d)" % (self._nframes, energy_mean, energy_stddev, energy_nmemb, I0_mean, I0_stddev, I0_nmemb) ) # Sanity check: unless changed while integrating the frame, the # repetition rate should have a standard deviation of zero. dt = self._timestamp[-1] - self._timestamp[0] rr_mean = rr_observed = rr_stddev = 0 if dt > 0: rr_observed = (len(self._timestamp) - 1) / dt rr = filter(lambda x: not math.isnan(x) and x > 0, self._repetition_rate) if len(rr) > 1: rr_stats = flex.mean_and_variance(flex.double(rr)) rr_mean = rr_stats.mean() rr_stddev = rr_stats.unweighted_sample_standard_deviation() "Repetition rate: %.3f Hz (observed), %.3f+/-%.3f Hz (expected)" % (rr_observed, rr_mean, rr_stddev) ) # Compare observed and configured exposure time. config = cspad_tbx.getConfig(self.address, env) exposure_time = 0 if config is not None and dt > 0 and len(self._timestamp) > 0: exposure_time = dt * (len(self._timestamp) + 1) / len(self._timestamp) "Exposure time: %.3f s (observed), %.3f s (configured)" % (exposure_time, config.exposureTime()) ) # Compute the leading dead time, the time between starting the # readout of the previous frame and the arrival of the shot # immediately following it. This is an interesting statistic, # no matter what. XXX Maybe look at its distribution? dead_time = 0 if rr_observed > 0 and hasattr(self, "_previous_readout_time"): dead_time = self._timestamp[0] - self._previous_readout_time - 1 / rr_observed if math.isnan(dead_time): dead_time = 0"Dead time: %.3f s" % dead_time) self._previous_readout_time = self._timestamp[-1] assert time == self._timestamp[-1] # XXX ZAP once one run survives it! # Flag blank images (i.e. images that had no hits), because # these may interesting for background subtraction. hits = self._hit.count(True)"Hit rate: %d/%d (%.2f%%)" % (hits, self._hit.size(), 100 * hits / self._hit.size())) if hits == 0:"Frame %d is blank" % self._nframes) # Get the normalisation factor by summing up I0 for all hits. # Invalid and non-positive values of I0 are treated as zeroes. # XXX Make this kind of summing a function of its own. I0 = sum(filter(lambda x: not math.isnan(x) and x > 0, I0_all = sum(filter(lambda x: not math.isnan(x) and x > 0, self._I0)) fee_before_all = sum(filter(lambda x: not math.isnan(x) and x > 0, self._fee_before)) fee_after_all = sum(filter(lambda x: not math.isnan(x) and x > 0, self._fee_after)) # Register the template to the image and locate the regions of # interest based on the registration parameters. XXX Should # also give contrast: fit 2D-Gaussian to peak and report its # standard deviations and fit? if self._template is not None: gamma = lewis(self._template, self.cspad_img) p = flex.max_index(gamma) peak = ( p // gamma.focus()[1] - self._template.focus()[0] + 1, p % gamma.focus()[1] - self._template.focus()[1] + 1, ) # """ ### REFERENCE CHECK ### from os.path import dirname, isdir, join from scipy import io mat_dirname = dirname(cspad_tbx.pathsubst(self._mat_path, evt, env, frame_number=self._nframes)) if not isdir(mat_dirname): makedirs(mat_dirname) io.savemat( file_name=join(mat_dirname, "cross-check-%05d.mat" % self._nframes), mdict=dict( image=self.cspad_img.as_numpy_array(), template=self._template.as_numpy_array(), gamma=gamma.as_numpy_array(), peak=numpy.array(peak), ), appendmat=False, do_compression=True, oned_as="column", ) return ### REFERENCE CHECK ### # """ else: # Alternative: position everything with respect to the frame # origin. peak = (0, 0) # XXX Come up with a better way to handle the offsets! They # really do depend on the template, and should therefore be # packaged with it."Template registration anchor point (%d, %d)" % (peak[0], peak[1])) roi = [] if evt.expNum() == 208: # Regions of interest for L632 (experiment number 208). XXX # Could perhaps migrate the template matching here instead? # The left, middle, and right manganese signals. XXX Extend the # rightmost ROI three pixels in upward direction (see runs 145 # and onwards, also note narrower slit)? roi.append((peak[0] + 59, peak[1] - 24, 12, 5)) roi.append((peak[0] + 61, peak[1] + 28, 12, 4)) roi.append((peak[0] + 61, peak[1] + 79, 12, 5)) # Two background regions between the manganese spots, with the # same total area as the signal. roi.append((peak[0] + 62, peak[1] + 1, 8, 8)) roi.append((peak[0] + 63, peak[1] + 51, 8, 8)) # The left and right direct reflections from the Si substrate # (i.e. the areas between the zone plates). These were the # features used for template registration. roi.append((peak[0], peak[1], 40, 10)) roi.append((peak[0], peak[1] + 50, 40, 9)) # Spot between the direct reflections. XXX What is this? roi.append((peak[0] + 1, peak[1] + 23, 22, 13)) # The horizontal slit, where the direct reflection occurs. This # is fixed. XXX Verify this! roi.append((22, 0, 41, 128)) # Background stripe, below the manganese spots. This is fixed # to the bottom of the detector. roi.append((104, 0, 20, 128)) elif evt.expNum() == 363: # Regions of interest for LB68 (experiment number 363). # 0-pixel are active, 255-pixel are inactive from scipy.misc import imread # Dec 5, 2013 (09:00 - 21:00): initial estimates from r0010 """ roi.append((peak[0] + 14, peak[1] + 138 + 23, 25, 50 - 25)) roi.append((peak[0] + 45, peak[1] + 138 + 23, 25, 50 - 25)) roi.append((peak[0] + 78, peak[1] + 137 + 23, 25, 50 - 25)) roi.append((peak[0] + 111, peak[1] + 137 + 23, 25, 50 - 25)) roi.append((peak[0] + 144, peak[1] + 137 + 23, 25, 50 - 25)) roi.append((peak[0] + 177, peak[1] + 136 + 23, 25, 50 - 25)) roi.append((peak[0] + 210, peak[1] + 136 + 23, 25, 50 - 25)) roi.append((peak[0] + 243, peak[1] + 136 + 23, 25, 50 - 25)) roi.append((peak[0] + 278, peak[1] + 135 + 23, 25, 50 - 25)) roi.append((peak[0] + 312, peak[1] + 135 + 23, 25, 50 - 25)) roi.append((peak[0] + 344, peak[1] + 135 + 23, 25, 50 - 25)) roi.append((peak[0] + 376, peak[1] + 135 + 23, 25, 50 - 25)) roi.append((peak[0] + 408, peak[1] + 135 + 23, 25, 50 - 25)) roi.append((peak[0] + 442, peak[1] + 135 + 23, 25, 50 - 25)) roi.append((peak[0] + 475, peak[1] + 135 + 23, 25, 50 - 25)) """ # Dec 6, 2013 (09:00 - 21:00): rough estimates """ roi.append((peak[0] + 0, peak[1] + 25, 512, 25)) # bkg roi.append((peak[0] + 0, peak[1] + 135, 512, 25)) # oxygen roi.append((peak[0] + 0, peak[1] + 160, 512, 25)) # signal roi.append((peak[0] + 0, peak[1] + 300, 512, 130)) # zeroth order """ # Dec 7, 2013 (09:00 - 21:00): overlap between oxygen and # signal. Will loose some signal. """ roi.append((peak[0] + 0, peak[1] + 25, 512, 25)) # bkg roi.append((peak[0] + 0, peak[1] + 135, 512, 50)) # oxygen roi.append((peak[0] + 0, peak[1] + 185, 512, 40)) # signal roi.append((peak[0] + 0, peak[1] + 270, 512, 170)) # zeroth order """ """ # Dec 7 2013 (09:00 - 21:00): binary masks stored in PNG # images. roi.append((peak[0] + 0, peak[1] + 25, 512, 25)) # bkg roi.append((peak[0] + 0, peak[1] + 135, 512, 25)) # oxygen #roi_image = flex.float( # imread('/reg/neh/home1/hattne/myrelease/LB68-r0039-max-mask.png', # flatten=True)) #roi_image = flex.float( # imread('/reg/neh/home1/hattne/myrelease/LB68-r0039-std-mask.png', # flatten=True)) roi_image = flex.float( imread('/reg/neh/home1/hattne/myrelease/LB68-r0052-avg-mask.png', flatten=True)) roi_image = (255 - roi_image) #roi.append((0, 0, self.cspad_img.focus()[0], self.cspad_img.focus()[1])) roi.append(roi_image) roi.append((peak[0] + 0, peak[1] + 270, 512, 170)) # zeroth order """ # Dec 9, 2013 (09:00 - 21:00) # """ roi.append((peak[0] + 0, peak[1] + 25, 512, 25)) # bkg roi.append((peak[0] + 0, peak[1] + 135, 512, 25)) # oxygen # roi.append((peak[0] + 0, peak[1] + 160, 512, 25)) # signal roi_image = flex.float(imread("/reg/neh/home1/hattne/myrelease/LB68-r0067-max-mask.png", flatten=True)) roi.append(roi_image) roi.append((peak[0] + 0, peak[1] + 240, 512, 180)) # zeroth order # """ else: self.logger.error( "No regions of interest for %s (experiment number %d)" % (env.experiment(), evt.expNum()) ) # Clip the regions of interest to the actual image. If the ROI # does not overlap with the image at all, set its width and # height to zero. XXX Do the integration here as well? for i in range(len(roi)): if not isinstance(roi[i], tuple): continue r = roi[i] if ( r[0] + r[2] < 0 or r[0] >= self.cspad_img.focus()[0] or r[1] + r[3] < 0 or r[1] >= self.cspad_img.focus()[1] ): roi[i] = (r[0], r[1], 0, 0) continue r = roi[i] if r[0] < 0: roi[i] = (0, r[1], r[2] + r[0], r[3]) r = roi[i] if r[1] < 0: roi[i] = (r[0], 0, r[2], r[3] + r[1]) r = roi[i] if r[0] + r[2] > self.cspad_img.focus()[0]: roi[i] = (r[0], r[1], self.cspad_img.focus()[0] - r[0], r[3]) r = roi[i] if r[1] + r[3] > self.cspad_img.focus()[1]: roi[i] = (r[0], r[1], r[2], self.cspad_img.focus()[1] - r[1]) # Sum up intensities in all regions of interest, and keep track # of the actual number of pixels summed. The common_mode module # takes care of dark-subtraction. XXX Would like to estimate # sigma for spot, like in spotfinder/LABELIT. I = flex.double(len(roi)) I_nmemb = for i in range(len(roi)): if isinstance(roi[i], flex.float): sel = roi[i].as_1d() < 128 I[i] = flex.sum(self.cspad_img.as_1d().select(sel)) I_nmemb[i] = sel.count(True) continue if roi[i][2] <= 0 or roi[i][3] <= 0: I[i] = 0 I_nmemb[i] = 0 else: I[i] = flex.sum( self.cspad_img.matrix_copy_block( i_row=roi[i][0], i_column=roi[i][1], n_rows=roi[i][2], n_columns=roi[i][3] ) ) I_nmemb[i] = roi[i][2] * roi[i][3] """ # Sanity check: white out the region of interest. self.cspad_img.matrix_paste_block_in_place( block=flex.double(flex.grid(roi[i][2], roi[i][3])), i_row=roi[i][0], i_column=roi[i][1]) """ acq_apd_sum = sum(filter(lambda x: not math.isnan(x) and x > 0, acq_opto_diode_sum = sum( filter(lambda x: not math.isnan(x) and x > 0, ) acq_apd_sum_all = sum(filter(lambda x: not math.isnan(x) and x > 0, self._acq_apd_integral)) acq_opto_diode_sum_all = sum(filter(lambda x: not math.isnan(x) and x > 0, self._acq_opto_diode_integral)) # Append the data point to the stream: shots, hits, energy, and # I. XXX OrderedDict requires Python 2.7, could fall back on # regular Dict at the price of non-deterministic column order. from collections import OrderedDict csv_dict = OrderedDict( [ ("n_frames", self._hit.size()), ("n_hits", hits), ("I0", I0), ("I0_all", I0_all), ("fee_before_all", fee_before_all), ("fee_after_all", fee_after_all), ("energy_mean", energy_mean), ("acq_apd_sum", acq_apd_sum), ("acq_apd_sum_all", acq_apd_sum_all), ("acq_opto_diode_sum", acq_opto_diode_sum), ("acq_opto_diode_sum_all", acq_opto_diode_sum_all), ] ) for (i, item) in enumerate(zip(roi, I, I_nmemb)): key = "roi_" + ("bkg", "oxygen", "manganese", "zeroth_order")[i] csv_dict["%s_nmemb" % key] = item[2] if isinstance(item[0], tuple): csv_dict["%s_ss_start" % key] = item[0][0] csv_dict["%s_fs_start" % key] = item[0][1] csv_dict["%s_ss_size" % key] = item[0][2] csv_dict["%s_fs_size" % key] = item[0][3] else: csv_dict["%s_ss_start" % key] = 0 csv_dict["%s_fs_start" % key] = 0 csv_dict["%s_ss_size" % key] = item[0].focus()[0] csv_dict["%s_fs_size" % key] = item[0].focus()[1] csv_dict["%s_I" % key] = item[1] # XXX assert that keys match up with what's in the file already? # Or exploit the error-reporting mechanism already implemented? # Write the header. XXX How to control the order of the # columns? if not hasattr(self, "_csv"): from csv import DictWriter self._csv = DictWriter(self._stream_table, csv_dict.keys()) self._csv.writerow({key: key for key in csv_dict.keys()}) self._csv.writerow(csv_dict) # Output the non-normalised image and all other relevant data to # a binary MATLAB file. XXX What if scipy is not available? from os import makedirs, path from scipy import io mat_path = cspad_tbx.pathsubst(self._mat_path, evt, env, frame_number=self._nframes) if not path.isdir(path.dirname(mat_path)): makedirs(path.dirname(mat_path)) io.savemat( file_name=mat_path, mdict=dict( DATA=self.cspad_img.as_numpy_array(), DIODES=numpy.array((acq_apd_sum, acq_apd_sum_all, acq_opto_diode_sum, acq_opto_diode_sum_all)), ENERGY=energy_mean, HITS=numpy.array((hits, self._hit.size())), I0=numpy.array((I0, I0_all)), INTENSITIES=numpy.array(I), ROIS=numpy.array([r for r in roi if isinstance(r, tuple)]), ), appendmat=False, do_compression=True, oned_as="column", ) # Optionally update the image in the viewer. See mod_view. if self._display: from time import localtime, strftime # Copy over regions of interest to shared multiprocessing # array. XXX Flip to honour wxPython convention. for i in range(len(roi)): if not isinstance(roi[i], tuple): continue self._roi[4 * i + 0] = roi[i][1] self._roi[4 * i + 1] = roi[i][0] self._roi[4 * i + 2] = roi[i][3] self._roi[4 * i + 3] = roi[i][2] time_str = strftime("%H:%M:%S", localtime(evt.getTime().seconds())) title = "r%04d@%s: frame %d on %s" % (, time_str, self._nframes, self.address) # XXX No distance in the Andor experiment. So don't bother # with the fictional beam center, distance, and saturation # value? See also mod_average.endjob() img_obj = ( dict( BEAM_CENTER=(0, 0), DATA=self.cspad_img, DETECTOR_ADDRESS=self.address, DISTANCE=10, # XXX Evil kludge to keep dxtbx happy! PIXEL_SIZE=13.5e-3, # XXX Hard-coded, again! SATURATED_VALUE=10000, TIME_TUPLE=cspad_tbx.evt_time(evt), WAVELENGTH=12398.4187 / energy, ), title, ) while not self._queue.empty(): if not self._proc.is_alive(): evt.setStatus(Event.Stop) return while True: try: self._queue.put(img_obj, timeout=1) break except Exception: # Queue.Full: pass self._reset_counters() return
def average(argv=None): if argv == None: argv = sys.argv[1:] try: from mpi4py import MPI except ImportError: raise Sorry("MPI not found") command_line = (libtbx.option_parser.option_parser( usage=""" %s [-p] -c config -x experiment -a address -r run -d detz_offset [-o outputdir] [-A averagepath] [-S stddevpath] [-M maxpath] [-n numevents] [-s skipnevents] [-v] [-m] [-b bin_size] [-X override_beam_x] [-Y override_beam_y] [-D xtc_dir] [-f] To write image pickles use -p, otherwise the program writes CSPAD CBFs. Writing CBFs requires the geometry to be already deployed. Examples: cxi.mpi_average -c cxi49812/average.cfg -x cxi49812 -a CxiDs1.0:Cspad.0 -r 25 -d 571 Use one process on the current node to process all the events from run 25 of experiment cxi49812, using a detz_offset of 571. mpirun -n 16 cxi.mpi_average -c cxi49812/average.cfg -x cxi49812 -a CxiDs1.0:Cspad.0 -r 25 -d 571 As above, using 16 cores on the current node. bsub -a mympi -n 100 -o average.out -q psanaq cxi.mpi_average -c cxi49812/average.cfg -x cxi49812 -a CxiDs1.0:Cspad.0 -r 25 -d 571 -o cxi49812 As above, using the psanaq and 100 cores, putting the log in average.out and the output images in the folder cxi49812. """ % libtbx.env.dispatcher_name) .option(None, "--as_pickle", "-p", action="store_true", default=False, dest="as_pickle", help="Write results as image pickle files instead of cbf files") .option(None, "--config", "-c", type="string", default=None, dest="config", metavar="PATH", help="psana config file") .option(None, "--experiment", "-x", type="string", default=None, dest="experiment", help="experiment name (eg cxi84914)") .option(None, "--run", "-r", type="int", default=None, dest="run", help="run number") .option(None, "--address", "-a", type="string", default="CxiDs2.0:Cspad.0", dest="address", help="detector address name (eg CxiDs2.0:Cspad.0)") .option(None, "--detz_offset", "-d", type="float", default=None, dest="detz_offset", help="offset (in mm) from sample interaction region to back of CSPAD detector rail (CXI), or detector distance (XPP)") .option(None, "--outputdir", "-o", type="string", default=".", dest="outputdir", metavar="PATH", help="Optional path to output directory for output files") .option(None, "--averagebase", "-A", type="string", default="{experiment!l}_avg-r{run:04d}", dest="averagepath", metavar="PATH", help="Path to output average image without extension. String substitution allowed") .option(None, "--stddevbase", "-S", type="string", default="{experiment!l}_stddev-r{run:04d}", dest="stddevpath", metavar="PATH", help="Path to output standard deviation image without extension. String substitution allowed") .option(None, "--maxbase", "-M", type="string", default="{experiment!l}_max-r{run:04d}", dest="maxpath", metavar="PATH", help="Path to output maximum projection image without extension. String substitution allowed") .option(None, "--numevents", "-n", type="int", default=None, dest="numevents", help="Maximum number of events to process. Default: all") .option(None, "--skipevents", "-s", type="int", default=0, dest="skipevents", help="Number of events in the beginning of the run to skip. Default: 0") .option(None, "--verbose", "-v", action="store_true", default=False, dest="verbose", help="Print more information about progress") .option(None, "--pickle-optical-metrology", "-m", action="store_true", default=False, dest="pickle_optical_metrology", help="If writing pickle files, use the optical metrology in the experiment's calib directory") .option(None, "--bin_size", "-b", type="int", default=None, dest="bin_size", help="Rayonix detector bin size") .option(None, "--override_beam_x", "-X", type="float", default=None, dest="override_beam_x", help="Rayonix detector beam center x coordinate") .option(None, "--override_beam_y", "-Y", type="float", default=None, dest="override_beam_y", help="Rayonix detector beam center y coordinate") .option(None, "--calib_dir", "-C", type="string", default=None, dest="calib_dir", metavar="PATH", help="calibration directory") .option(None, "--xtc_dir", "-D", type="string", default=None, dest="xtc_dir", metavar="PATH", help="xtc stream directory") .option(None, "--use_ffb", "-f", action="store_true", default=False, dest="use_ffb", help="Use the fast feedback filesystem at LCLS. Only for the active experiment!") ).process(args=argv) if len(command_line.args) > 0 or \ command_line.options.as_pickle is None or \ command_line.options.experiment is None or \ is None or \ command_line.options.address is None or \ command_line.options.detz_offset is None or \ command_line.options.averagepath is None or \ command_line.options.stddevpath is None or \ command_line.options.maxpath is None or \ command_line.options.pickle_optical_metrology is None: command_line.parser.show_help() return # set this to sys.maxint to analyze all events if command_line.options.numevents is None: maxevents = sys.maxint else: maxevents = command_line.options.numevents comm = MPI.COMM_WORLD rank = comm.Get_rank() size = comm.Get_size() if command_line.options.config is not None: psana.setConfigFile(command_line.options.config) dataset_name = "exp=%s:run=%d:idx"%(command_line.options.experiment, if command_line.options.xtc_dir is not None: if command_line.options.use_ffb: raise Sorry("Cannot specify the xtc_dir and use SLAC's ffb system") dataset_name += ":dir=%s"%command_line.options.xtc_dir elif command_line.options.use_ffb: # as ffb is only at SLAC, ok to hardcode /reg/d here dataset_name += ":dir=/reg/d/ffb/%s/%s/xtc"%(command_line.options.experiment[0:3],command_line.options.experiment) ds = psana.DataSource(dataset_name) address = command_line.options.address src = psana.Source('DetInfo(%s)'%address) if not command_line.options.as_pickle: psana_det = psana.Detector(address, ds.env()) nevent = np.array([0.]) for run in ds.runs(): runnumber = # list of all events if command_line.options.skipevents > 0: print "Skipping first %d events"%command_line.options.skipevents times = run.times()[command_line.options.skipevents:] nevents = min(len(times),maxevents) # chop the list into pieces, depending on rank. This assigns each process # events such that the get every Nth event where N is the number of processes mytimes = [times[i] for i in xrange(nevents) if (i+rank)%size == 0] for i in xrange(len(mytimes)): if i%10==0: print 'Rank',rank,'processing event',rank*len(mytimes)+i,', ',i,'of',len(mytimes) evt = run.event(mytimes[i]) #print "Event #",rank*mylength+i," has id:",evt.get(EventId) if 'Rayonix' in command_line.options.address: data = evt.get(Camera.FrameV1,src) if data is None: print "No data" continue data=data.data16().astype(np.float64) elif command_line.options.as_pickle: data = evt.get(psana.ndarray_float64_3, src, 'image0') else: # get numpy array, 32x185x388 data = psana_det.calib(evt) # applies psana's complex run-dependent calibrations if data is None: print "No data" continue d = cspad_tbx.env_distance(address, run.env(), command_line.options.detz_offset) if d is None: print "No distance, skipping shot" continue if 'distance' in locals(): distance += d else: distance = np.array([float(d)]) w = cspad_tbx.evt_wavelength(evt) if w is None: print "No wavelength, skipping shot" continue if 'wavelength' in locals(): wavelength += w else: wavelength = np.array([w]) t = cspad_tbx.evt_time(evt) if t is None: print "No timestamp, skipping shot" continue if 'timestamp' in locals(): timestamp += t[0] + (t[1]/1000) else: timestamp = np.array([t[0] + (t[1]/1000)]) if 'sum' in locals(): sum+=data else: sum=np.array(data, copy=True) if 'sumsq' in locals(): sumsq+=data*data else: sumsq=data*data if 'maximum' in locals(): maximum=np.maximum(maximum,data) else: maximum=np.array(data, copy=True) nevent += 1 #sum the images across mpi cores if size > 1: print "Synchronizing rank", rank totevent = np.zeros(nevent.shape) comm.Reduce(nevent,totevent) if rank == 0 and totevent[0] == 0: raise Sorry("No events found in the run") sumall = np.zeros(sum.shape).astype(sum.dtype) comm.Reduce(sum,sumall) sumsqall = np.zeros(sumsq.shape).astype(sumsq.dtype) comm.Reduce(sumsq,sumsqall) maxall = np.zeros(maximum.shape).astype(maximum.dtype) comm.Reduce(maximum,maxall, op=MPI.MAX) waveall = np.zeros(wavelength.shape).astype(wavelength.dtype) comm.Reduce(wavelength,waveall) distall = np.zeros(distance.shape).astype(distance.dtype) comm.Reduce(distance,distall) timeall = np.zeros(timestamp.shape).astype(timestamp.dtype) comm.Reduce(timestamp,timeall) if rank==0: if size > 1: print "Synchronized" # Accumulating floating-point numbers introduces errors, # which may cause negative variances. Since a two-pass # approach is unacceptable, the standard deviation is # clamped at zero. mean = sumall / float(totevent[0]) variance = (sumsqall / float(totevent[0])) - (mean**2) variance[variance < 0] = 0 stddev = np.sqrt(variance) wavelength = waveall[0] / totevent[0] distance = distall[0] / totevent[0] pixel_size = cspad_tbx.pixel_size saturated_value = cspad_tbx.cspad_saturated_value timestamp = timeall[0] / totevent[0] timestamp = (int(timestamp), timestamp % int(timestamp) * 1000) timestamp = cspad_tbx.evt_timestamp(timestamp) if command_line.options.as_pickle: extension = ".pickle" else: extension = ".cbf" dest_paths = [cspad_tbx.pathsubst(command_line.options.averagepath + extension, evt, ds.env()), cspad_tbx.pathsubst(command_line.options.stddevpath + extension, evt, ds.env()), cspad_tbx.pathsubst(command_line.options.maxpath + extension, evt, ds.env())] dest_paths = [os.path.join(command_line.options.outputdir, path) for path in dest_paths] if 'Rayonix' in command_line.options.address: from xfel.cxi.cspad_ana import rayonix_tbx pixel_size = rayonix_tbx.get_rayonix_pixel_size(command_line.options.bin_size) beam_center = [command_line.options.override_beam_x,command_line.options.override_beam_y] detector_dimensions = rayonix_tbx.get_rayonix_detector_dimensions(command_line.options.bin_size) active_areas =[0,0,detector_dimensions[0],detector_dimensions[1]]) split_address = cspad_tbx.address_split(address) old_style_address = split_address[0] + "-" + split_address[1] + "|" + split_address[2] + "-" + split_address[3] for data, path in zip([mean, stddev, maxall], dest_paths): print "Saving", path d = cspad_tbx.dpack( active_areas=active_areas, address=old_style_address, beam_center_x=pixel_size * beam_center[0], beam_center_y=pixel_size * beam_center[1], data=flex.double(data), distance=distance, pixel_size=pixel_size, saturated_value=rayonix_tbx.rayonix_saturated_value, timestamp=timestamp, wavelength=wavelength) easy_pickle.dump(path, d) elif command_line.options.as_pickle: split_address = cspad_tbx.address_split(address) old_style_address = split_address[0] + "-" + split_address[1] + "|" + split_address[2] + "-" + split_address[3] xpp = 'xpp' in address.lower() if xpp: evt_time = cspad_tbx.evt_time(evt) # tuple of seconds, milliseconds timestamp = cspad_tbx.evt_timestamp(evt_time) # human readable format from xfel.detector_formats import detector_format_version, reverse_timestamp from xfel.cxi.cspad_ana.cspad_tbx import xpp_active_areas version_lookup = detector_format_version(old_style_address, reverse_timestamp(timestamp)[0]) assert version_lookup is not None active_areas = xpp_active_areas[version_lookup]['active_areas'] beam_center = [1765 // 2, 1765 // 2] else: if command_line.options.calib_dir is not None: metro_path = command_line.options.calib_dir elif command_line.options.pickle_optical_metrology: from xfel.cftbx.detector.cspad_cbf_tbx import get_calib_file_path metro_path = get_calib_file_path(run.env(), address, run) else: metro_path = libtbx.env.find_in_repositories("xfel/metrology/CSPad/run4/CxiDs1.0_Cspad.0") sections = parse_calib.calib2sections(metro_path) beam_center, active_areas = cspad_tbx.cbcaa( cspad_tbx.getConfig(address, ds.env()), sections) class fake_quad(object): def __init__(self, q, d): self.q = q self.d = d def quad(self): return self.q def data(self): return self.d if xpp: quads = [fake_quad(i, mean[i*8:(i+1)*8,:,:]) for i in xrange(4)] mean = cspad_tbx.image_xpp(old_style_address, None, ds.env(), active_areas, quads = quads) mean = flex.double(mean.astype(np.float64)) quads = [fake_quad(i, stddev[i*8:(i+1)*8,:,:]) for i in xrange(4)] stddev = cspad_tbx.image_xpp(old_style_address, None, ds.env(), active_areas, quads = quads) stddev = flex.double(stddev.astype(np.float64)) quads = [fake_quad(i, maxall[i*8:(i+1)*8,:,:]) for i in xrange(4)] maxall = cspad_tbx.image_xpp(old_style_address, None, ds.env(), active_areas, quads = quads) maxall = flex.double(maxall.astype(np.float64)) else: quads = [fake_quad(i, mean[i*8:(i+1)*8,:,:]) for i in xrange(4)] mean = cspad_tbx.CsPadDetector( address, evt, ds.env(), sections, quads=quads) mean = flex.double(mean.astype(np.float64)) quads = [fake_quad(i, stddev[i*8:(i+1)*8,:,:]) for i in xrange(4)] stddev = cspad_tbx.CsPadDetector( address, evt, ds.env(), sections, quads=quads) stddev = flex.double(stddev.astype(np.float64)) quads = [fake_quad(i, maxall[i*8:(i+1)*8,:,:]) for i in xrange(4)] maxall = cspad_tbx.CsPadDetector( address, evt, ds.env(), sections, quads=quads) maxall = flex.double(maxall.astype(np.float64)) for data, path in zip([mean, stddev, maxall], dest_paths): print "Saving", path d = cspad_tbx.dpack( active_areas=active_areas, address=old_style_address, beam_center_x=pixel_size * beam_center[0], beam_center_y=pixel_size * beam_center[1], data=data, distance=distance, pixel_size=pixel_size, saturated_value=saturated_value, timestamp=timestamp, wavelength=wavelength) easy_pickle.dump(path, d) else: # load a header only cspad cbf from the slac metrology from xfel.cftbx.detector import cspad_cbf_tbx import pycbf base_dxtbx = cspad_cbf_tbx.env_dxtbx_from_slac_metrology(run, address) if base_dxtbx is None: raise Sorry("Couldn't load calibration file for run %d" for data, path in zip([mean, stddev, maxall], dest_paths): print "Saving", path cspad_img = cspad_cbf_tbx.format_object_from_data(base_dxtbx, data, distance, wavelength, timestamp, address) cspad_img._cbf_handle.write_widefile(path, pycbf.CBF,\ pycbf.MIME_HEADERS|pycbf.MSG_DIGEST|pycbf.PAD_4K, 0)