コード例 #1
ファイル: xia2_main.py プロジェクト: lizhen-dlut/xia2
def check_environment():
    '''Check the environment we are running in...'''

    if sys.hexversion < 0x02070000:
        raise RuntimeError('Python versions older than 2.7 are not supported')

    import cctbx
    executable = sys.executable
    cctbx_dir = os.sep.join(cctbx.__file__.split(os.sep)[:-3])

    # to help wrapper code - print process id...

    Debug.write('Process ID: %d' % os.getpid())

    Chatter.write('Environment configuration...')
    Chatter.write('Python => %s' % executable)
    Chatter.write('CCTBX => %s' % cctbx_dir)

    ccp4_keys = ['CCP4', 'CLIBD', 'CCP4_SCR']
    for k in ccp4_keys:
        v = Environment.getenv(k)
        if not v:
            raise RuntimeError('%s not defined - is CCP4 set up?' % k)
        if not v == v.strip():
            raise RuntimeError('spaces around "%s"' % v)
        Chatter.write('%s => %s' % (k, v))

    from xia2.Handlers.Flags import Flags
    Chatter.write('Starting directory: %s' % Flags.get_starting_directory())
    Chatter.write('Working directory: %s' % os.getcwd())

    # temporary workaround to bug in pointless...
    if ' ' in os.getcwd():
        raise RuntimeError('Space in working directory ' \
    Chatter.write('Free space:        %.2f GB' % (df() / math.pow(2, 30)))

        if os.name == 'nt':
            hostname = os.environ['COMPUTERNAME'].split('.')[0]
            hostname = os.environ['HOSTNAME'].split('.')[0]

        Chatter.write('Host: %s' % hostname)
    except KeyError:

    Chatter.write('Contact: [email protected]')

コード例 #2
def check_environment():
    """Check the environment we are running in..."""

    if sys.hexversion < 0x02070000:
        raise RuntimeError("Python versions older than 2.7 are not supported")

    import cctbx

    executable = sys.executable
    cctbx_dir = os.sep.join(cctbx.__file__.split(os.sep)[:-3])

    # to help wrapper code - print process id...

    Debug.write("Process ID: %d" % os.getpid())

    Chatter.write("Environment configuration...")
    Chatter.write("Python => %s" % executable)
    Chatter.write("CCTBX => %s" % cctbx_dir)

    ccp4_keys = ["CCP4", "CLIBD", "CCP4_SCR"]
    for k in ccp4_keys:
        v = Environment.getenv(k)
        if not v:
            raise RuntimeError("%s not defined - is CCP4 set up?" % k)
        if not v == v.strip():
            raise RuntimeError('spaces around "%s"' % v)
        Chatter.write("%s => %s" % (k, v))

    from xia2.Handlers.Flags import Flags

    Chatter.write("Starting directory: %s" % Flags.get_starting_directory())
    Chatter.write("Working directory: %s" % os.getcwd())
    Chatter.write("Free space:        %.2f GB" % (df() / math.pow(2, 30)))

    hostname = platform.node().split(".")[0]
    Chatter.write("Host: %s" % hostname)

    Chatter.write("Contact: [email protected]")


    # temporary workaround to bug in pointless...
    if " " in os.getcwd():
        raise RuntimeError("Space in working directory "