def __init__(self, hidden_size: Optional[int] = None): hidden_size = hidden_size or g.hidden_size super().__init__() self.linear = nn.Linear(hidden_size, hidden_size) self.feat_predictors = nn.ModuleDict() for e in get_needed_categories(g.feat_groups, new_style=g.new_style, breakdown=g.new_style): # NOTE(j_luo) ModuleDict can only handle str as keys. self.feat_predictors[e.__name__] = nn.Linear(hidden_size, len(e)) # If new_style, we need to get the necessary indices to convert the breakdown groups into the original feature groups. if g.new_style: self.conversion_idx = dict() for e in get_needed_categories(g.feat_groups, new_style=True, breakdown=False): if e.num_groups() > 1: cat_idx = list() for feat in e: feat_cat_idx = list() feat = feat.value for basic_feat in feat: auto_index = basic_feat.value feat_cat_idx.append(auto_index.f_idx) cat_idx.append(feat_cat_idx) cat_idx = get_tensor(cat_idx).refine_names( 'new_style_idx', 'old_style_idx') self.conversion_idx[e.__name__] = cat_idx
def forward(self, h: FT) -> Dict[str, FT]: shared_h = nn.functional.leaky_relu(self.linear(h).refine_names( ..., 'shared_repr'), negative_slope=0.1) ret = dict() for name, layer in self.feat_predictors.items(): out = layer(shared_h).refine_names(..., name) if not should_predict_none(name, new_style=g.new_style): f_idx = get_none_index(name) out[:, f_idx] = -999.9 ret[Name(name, 'camel')] = out # Compose probs for complex feature groups if possible. if g.new_style: for e in get_needed_categories(g.feat_groups, new_style=True, breakdown=False): if e.num_groups() > 1: assert e not in ret part_tensors = [ ret[part_enum.get_name()] for part_enum in ] parts = list() for i, part_tensor in enumerate(part_tensors): conversion = self.conversion_idx[e.get_name().value][:, i] bs = len(part_tensor) part = part_tensor.rename(None).gather( 1, conversion.rename(None).expand(bs, -1)) parts.append(part) parts = torch.stack(parts, dim=-1) dim_name = e.get_name().value ret[e.get_name()] = parts.sum(dim=-1).refine_names( 'batch', dim_name) for part_cat in del ret[part_cat.get_name()] for name in ret: ret[name] = torch.log_softmax(ret[name], dim=-1) # Deal with conditions for some categories for cat, index in conditions.items(): if should_include(g.feat_groups, cat): # Find out the exact value to be conditioned on. # TODO(j_luo) ugly Category call. condition_e = get_enum_by_cat(Category(index.c_idx)) condition_name = condition_e.__name__ + ('X' if g.new_style else '') cat_name = get_enum_by_cat(cat).__name__ + ('X' if g.new_style else '') condition_name = Name(condition_name, 'camel') cat_name = Name(cat_name, 'camel') condition_log_probs = ret[condition_name][..., index.f_idx] # condition_log_probs.align_as(ret[cat_name]) ret[cat_name] = ret[cat_name] + condition_log_probs.rename( None).unsqueeze(dim=-1) return ret
def __init__(self, feat_emb_name, group_name, char_emb_name, num_features, dim, feat_groups, num_feature_groups, new_style): super().__init__() self.embed_layer = self._get_embeddings() self.register_buffer('c_idx', get_tensor(get_effective_c_idx(feat_groups)).refine_names('chosen_feat_group')) cat_enum_pairs = get_needed_categories(feat_groups, new_style=new_style, breakdown=new_style) if new_style: self.effective_num_feature_groups = sum([e.num_groups() for e in cat_enum_pairs]) simple_conversions = np.zeros([num_features], dtype='int64') max_len = max(len(new_feat.value) for new_feat in conversions.values() if new_feat.value.is_complex()) complex_conversions = np.zeros([num_features, max_len], dtype='int64') for old_feat, new_feat in conversions.items(): if new_feat.value.is_complex(): l = len(new_feat.value) complex_conversions[old_feat.value.g_idx, :l] = [x.value.g_idx for x in new_feat.value] else: simple_conversions[old_feat.value.g_idx] = new_feat.value.g_idx self.simple_conversions = get_tensor(simple_conversions) self.complex_conversions = get_tensor(complex_conversions) else: self.effective_num_feature_groups = len(cat_enum_pairs)