コード例 #1
    def process_dataframes(self, sheets, dataframes, crosslinks):
        '''Returns the dataframes generated for each sheet'''

        for sheet, dataframe in ZIP(sheets, dataframes):
            crosslink = base.Crosslink(sheet.linkname, sheet.linktype)
            labels_list = crosslinks[crosslink]

            lengths = {len(i.peptide) for i in labels_list}
            dimensions = max(lengths)
            dataframe.set_dimensions(lengths, dimensions)

            linkages = self.getlinkages(labels_list)
            for labels, linkage in ZIP(labels_list, linkages):
                dataframe(labels, linkage)
コード例 #2
ファイル: scoring.py プロジェクト: Alexhuszagh/XLDiscoverer
def get_axiscorrelation(isotopes, pattern):
    '''Returns the axis-wise ratio correlations to the theoretical ratio'''

    base = next(isotopes)
    ratios = (i / base for i in isotopes)

    length = range(len(pattern) - 1)
    theoretical = [np.zeros(base.size) for i in length]
    constants = np.array([i / pattern[0] for i in pattern[1:]])
    for pattern, array in ZIP(constants, theoretical):

    pearson = [np.nan_to_num(stats.pearsonr(x, y)[0])
               for x, y in ZIP(ratios, theoretical)]
    return np.mean(pearson)
コード例 #3
    def addratio(self, index, linkage, ratio_obj, ratioheaders):
        '''Adds the ratios from a given linkage to the dataframe'''

        # set the ratio data
        zipper = ZIP(ratio_obj.ratio, ratio_obj.error)
        length = len(ratio_obj.ratio) - 1

        for idx, (ratiovalue, errorvalue) in enumerate(zipper):
            if idx != ratio_obj.index and idx < length:
                header = ratioheaders[self.offset + idx]
            elif idx != ratio_obj.index and idx == length:
                header = ratioheaders[-1]

            # TODO: clean this up... the ratioobj should have this builtin
                ratiovalue = float(ratiovalue)
            except ValueError:
                errorvalue = float(errorvalue)
            except ValueError:

            ratiocolumn = self.getratiocolumn(linkage, header)
            self.loc[index, ratiocolumn] = ratiovalue

            errorcolumn = self.geterrorcolumn(linkage, header)
            self.loc[index, errorcolumn] = errorvalue

            counts = ratio_obj.getcounts(idx)
            countscolumn = self.getcountscolumn(linkage, header)
            self.loc[index, countscolumn] = counts
コード例 #4
    def getsortkey(self, rows):
        '''Returns a sortable key for the link rows'''

        names = self.row.data.getcolumn(rows, 'preferred')
        positions = (self.mincrosslinkpositions[i] for i in rows)

        return {i: (n, p) for i, n, p in ZIP(rows, names, positions)}
コード例 #5
ファイル: weighting.py プロジェクト: Alexhuszagh/XLDiscoverer
def get_anchor_weight(clusters):
    Weights all the anchor points using a nearest non-overlapping
    feature approach (1D).
    If the element overlaps, the value is 1.
    If the element does not overlap but is the nearest, then the value is 2.
        The returned weight is 1 / sqrt(value)

    # get the euclidean distances sorted
    distance_matrix = get_nonoverlapping_distances(clusters)
    sortedargs = np.argsort(distance_matrix)

    # weight each distance
    weight_matrix = np.zeros(sortedargs.shape)
    zipped = ZIP(sortedargs, distance_matrix)
    for row, (indexes, distances) in enumerate(zipped):

        counter = 2
        for index in indexes:
            if distances[index] == 0:
                weight_matrix[row][index] = 1
                weight_matrix[row][index] = counter
                counter += 1

    return np.prod((1 / np.sqrt(weight_matrix)), axis=0)
コード例 #6
ファイル: integrate.py プロジェクト: Alexhuszagh/XLDiscoverer
    def getzipped(self, row):
        '''Custom zipper which uses the labeledcrosslinks indexes'''

        data = self.matched[row]
        spreadsheets = data['spreadsheet']['labeled']
        crosslinks = data['labeledcrosslinks']
        return ZIP(spreadsheets, crosslinks)
コード例 #7
    def test_properties(self):
        '''Test protein object properties'''

        for length, mw, sequence in ZIP(LENGTHS, MOLECULAR_WEIGHTS, SEQUENCES):
            inst = protein.Protein(sequence, 'test')
            self.assertEquals(inst.length, length)
            self.assertAlmostEquals(inst.mw, mw, 5)
コード例 #8
ファイル: labeler.py プロジェクト: Alexhuszagh/XLDiscoverer
    def __call__(self, crosslinkindex, crosslink, isotopedata):
        Returns each permutation of the isotope-labeled crosslinkers
        in a generator.

        isotopestates, experimental, theoretical = ZIP(*isotopedata)
        permutations = self.permutations(isotopestates)
        zipped = list(ZIP(theoretical, experimental))

        states = list(self.getstates(crosslink, permutations, zipped))
        if states:
            frozen = self.freezer(crosslinkindex, states)

            return IsotopeLabeledLink(crosslinkindex, isotopestates, frozen,
                                      states, self.row.index)
コード例 #9
ファイル: formula.py プロジェクト: Alexhuszagh/XLDiscoverer
    def setdeadendmass(self, ends):
        Sets the mass for each deadend modificiation on a crosslinker at
        each reactive site, allowing quick lookups.

        zipped = ZIP(ends.aminoacid, ends.deadend)
        self.deadendmass = {r: chemical.Molecule(d).mass for r, d in zipped}
コード例 #10
    def __call__(self, document, path, sheets, dataframes):
        '''On call'''

        writer = openoffice.OpenOfficeWriter(path)
        zipped = ZIP(sheets, dataframes)
        for index, (sheet, dataframe) in enumerate(zipped):
            writer.workbook.add_worksheet(index, sheet.title, dataframe)
コード例 #11
ファイル: linking.py プロジェクト: Alexhuszagh/XLDiscoverer
def setms1spreadsheet(spreadsheet, linkedscans):
    '''Sets the MS1 scan information to the spreadsheet'''

    scans = spreadsheet[(' ', 'Precursor Scan')]
    # (None, None) -> means precursor not found
    ms1scans, ms1rt = ZIP(*(linkedscans.get(i, (None, None)) for i in scans))
    spreadsheet[(' ', 'MS1 Scan')] = list(ms1scans)
    spreadsheet[(' ', 'MS1 RT')] = list(ms1rt)
コード例 #12
ファイル: scoring.py プロジェクト: Alexhuszagh/XLDiscoverer
def get_pointcorrelation(isotopes, pattern):
    '''Returns the Pearson correlation for each point averaged'''

    zipped = ZIP(*isotopes)
    arrays = (np.array(i) for i in zipped)
    adjusted = (i / i.max() for i in arrays)
    corrs = (stats.pearsonr(i, pattern)[0] for i in adjusted)
    return np.mean([np.nan_to_num(i) for i in corrs])
コード例 #13
    def newtooltip(self):
        '''Initializes a new tooltip for the display'''

        amplitudes = []
        zipper = ZIP(self.parent().group, self.parent().labels.items)
        for child, legend in zipper:
            kwds = self.getkwds(child, legend)
        return ''.join(amplitudes)
コード例 #14
    def test_sequencing(self):
        '''Test decoy creation'''

        for sequence, (first, last) in ZIP(SEQUENCES, PEPTIDES):
            inst = protein.Protein(sequence, 'test')

            self.assertEquals(inst.peptides[0].sequence, first)
            self.assertEquals(inst.peptides[-1].sequence, last)
コード例 #15
    def process_dataframes(self, sheets, dataframes, crosslinks):
        '''Returns the dataframes generated for each sheet'''

        for sheet, dataframe in ZIP(sheets, dataframes):
            crosslink = base.Crosslink(sheet.linkname, sheet.linktype)
            labels_list = crosslinks[crosslink]
            linkages = self.getlinkages(labels_list)

            dataframe(labels_list, linkages)
コード例 #16
    def getmatched(self, indexes, modifications, modfreezer):
        '''Returns the unique matched data from the indexes'''

        zipped = ZIP(modifications, indexes)
        for modification, index in zipped:
            modification = modfreezer(modification)
            peptide, uniprotid = self.row.data.getrow(index, ('peptide', 'id'))

            yield frozenset((modification, peptide, uniprotid))
コード例 #17
def yield_labels(labels, indexes, plotdata):
    '''Yields the legend for the labels view'''

    profile = labels.get_document().profile
    for index, plot in ZIP(indexes, plotdata):
        crosslink = labels[index]

        populations = crosslink.populations
        yield ' - '.join(profile.populations[i].header for i in populations)
コード例 #18
ファイル: mzml.py プロジェクト: Alexhuszagh/XLDiscoverer
    def spectrum(self, scan, mzs, intensity):
        '''Ends and processes spectrum data and Decodes peak lists.'''

        if self.get_storespectra(scan):
            arrays = self.get_decoded_scans(scan, mzs, intensity)
            if scan.getattr('spectrum_type') != 'centroided':
                arrays = peak_picking.centroid_scan(*arrays)

            for key, array in ZIP(ARRAYS, arrays):
                scan.create_array(key, obj=array)
コード例 #19
ファイル: labels.py プロジェクト: Alexhuszagh/XLDiscoverer
    def __set_amplitudes(self, spreadsheet, headers, used):
        '''Sets the integrated amplitude data for the transitions'''

        integrated = [i.integrate_data(used) for i in self]
        for header, integraldata in ZIP(headers, integrated):
            for key, attr in integraldata.iterfields():
                spreadsheet[(header, key)] = attr

        for key, attrname in xictools.SPECTRAL_ENUM:
            ratio = xictools.Ratios.fromintegrated(attrname, integrated)
            spreadsheet[(' ', 'Ratio ' + key)] = ratio.tostr()
コード例 #20
ファイル: labels.py プロジェクト: Alexhuszagh/XLDiscoverer
    def __append_charge(self, data, labeledcrosslink, index):
        '''Appends a precursor retention time to the HDF5 attributes'''

        charge = data['matched']['precursor_z'][index]

        precursor_z = self.precursor_z
        if charge not in precursor_z:

        for label, transition in ZIP(labeledcrosslink.states, self):
            transition.set_charges(label, charge)
コード例 #21
ファイル: labeler.py プロジェクト: Alexhuszagh/XLDiscoverer
    def getmass(self, modifications, populations, crosslink):
        '''Calculate the new mass of the crosslinked peptide'''

        crosslinker = self._getcrosslinker(populations[0])
        masser = masstools.CrosslinkedMass(self.row, crosslinker)

        peptides = self.row.data.getcolumn(crosslink.index, 'peptide')
        zipped = ZIP(peptides, modifications)
        formulas = (masstools.getpeptideformula(*i, engine=self.engine)
                    for i in zipped)

        return masser.getpeptidemass(crosslink.ends, formulas, modifications)
コード例 #22
    def getmodifications(self, modification):
        '''Returns unique identifiers for the certain and uncertain mods'''

        certain = modification['certain']
        uncertain = self.getuncertain(modification)
        for char, dicts in ZIP(CHARS, [[certain], uncertain]):
            for modificationdict in dicts:
                for name, positions in modificationdict.items():

                    # skip loop if not a standard modification
                    if name not in self.isobaric:
                        yield self.getmodstring(name, positions, char)
コード例 #23
ファイル: remove.py プロジェクト: Alexhuszagh/XLDiscoverer
    def filterstrict(self):
        Removes all MS3 scans with any matched peptide with a UniProt ID
        not in the limited database.

        grouped = self.row.data.groupby(fields=['id'])
        for values in grouped.values():
            rows, ids = ZIP(*values)
            if any(i not in self.proteins.mapping['proteins'] for i in ids):
                self.deleterows += rows
コード例 #24
ファイル: scan.py プロジェクト: Alexhuszagh/XLDiscoverer
    def __call__(self, indexes):
        '''Constructs a new scan item'''

        indexer = self.indexer(indexes)
        data = list(ZIP(*self.row.data.getcolumn(indexer.filtered, COLUMNS)))

        if data:
            # precursor data, only need one item, not list of items
            # no data in the case of non-compatible crosslinker
            for index in [-2, -1]:
                data[index] = data[index][0]

            return Scan(*data, indexer=indexer)
コード例 #25
ファイル: mzxml.py プロジェクト: Alexhuszagh/XLDiscoverer
    def scan(self, scan, binarydata):
        End reading scan and process data. Converts retention time
        to the float format and decodes the peaklists to python lists.

        if self.get_storespectra(scan):
            arrays = self.get_decoded_scans(scan, binarydata)
            if scan.getattr('spectrum_type') != 'centroided':
                arrays = peak_picking.centroid_scan(*arrays)

            for key, array in ZIP(ARRAYS, arrays):
                scan.create_array(key, array)
コード例 #26
def ppm_crosslink(crosslink, indexes, plotdata, bounds):
    '''Returns the mass error at the crosslink level'''

    for index, plot in ZIP(indexes, plotdata):
        charge = crosslink[index]

        zipped = [i.get_ppm(bounds) for i in charge if i.checked]
        ppm = float("nan")
        if zipped:
            ppms, weights = zip(*zipped)
            if any(weights):
                ppm = np.average(ppms, weights=weights)

        yield ppm_patch(ppm, plot)
コード例 #27
ファイル: scans.py プロジェクト: Alexhuszagh/XLDiscoverer
def groupspectra(scan):
    Groups scans within a certain m/z window that were found deconvoluted
    from the self.mzs array previously.

    mzs = defaultdict(list)
    intensities = defaultdict(list)

    for row, mz, intensity in ZIP(*scan):

    return mzs, intensities
コード例 #28
    def set_sums(self, labels, headers, key):
        '''Sets a row total for the summed amplitude and ratios'''

        row = {'Isotope': 'Sum'}
        used = labels.getusedcharges()

        integrated = [i.integrate_data(used) for i in labels]
        amplitudes = [op.attrgetter(key+'.value')(i) for i in integrated]
        for (amplitude, header) in ZIP(amplitudes, headers):
            row[header] = amplitude
        row['Ratio'] = xictools.Ratios.fromintegrated(key, integrated).tostr()

        index = self.get_last_index()
        self.loc[index] = row
コード例 #29
    def getamplitudes(self, isotopes, headers, row, key):
        '''Returns the function processed data for the spectral amplitude'''

        integrated = []
        noises = []
        for (isotope, header) in ZIP(isotopes, headers):
            noise = op.methodcaller(key)(isotope)
            if isotope.ischecked():
                row[header] = integral = noise
                row[header] = integral = float('nan')

        return integrated, noises
コード例 #30
    def getlinkmodified(self, scan):
        Grabs the number of link-modified ends for a given peptide
        combination and cross-linker count. Indexes these mods locally
        to the peptide.

        residues = []
        for peptide, modification in ZIP(scan.peptide, scan.modifications):

            crosslinker_positions = self.getpositions(modification)
            for position in crosslinker_positions:
                residue = self.residuefinder(peptide, position)

        return Counter(residues)