def create_gmap_config_file(experiment_id='exp001', reference_dataset_id='NONE', reference_file='NONE', assembly_dataset_id='sdnt-170101-235959', assembly_type='CONTIGS'): ''' Create GMAP config file with the default options. It is necessary update the options in each run. ''' # initialize the control variable and the error list OK = True error_list = [] # set the app if assembly_dataset_id.startswith(xlib.get_soapdenovotrans_code()): assembly_software = xlib.get_soapdenovotrans_code() elif assembly_dataset_id.startswith(xlib.get_transabyss_code()): assembly_software = xlib.get_transabyss_code() elif assembly_dataset_id.startswith(xlib.get_trinity_code()): assembly_software = xlib.get_trinity_code() elif assembly_dataset_id.startswith(xlib.get_star_code()): assembly_software = xlib.get_star_code() elif assembly_dataset_id.startswith(xlib.get_cd_hit_est_code()): assembly_software = xlib.get_cd_hit_est_code() elif assembly_dataset_id.startswith(xlib.get_transcript_filter_code()): assembly_software = xlib.get_transcript_filter_code() # create the GMAP config file and write the default options try: if not os.path.exists(os.path.dirname(get_gmap_config_file())): os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(get_gmap_config_file())) with open(get_gmap_config_file(), mode='w', encoding='utf8') as file_id: file_id.write('{0}\n'.format('# You must review the information of this file and update the values with the corresponding ones to the current run.')) file_id.write('{0}\n'.format('#')) file_id.write('{0}\n'.format('# The reference file must be located in the cluster directory {0}/experiment_id/reference_dataset_id'.format(xlib.get_cluster_reference_dir()))) file_id.write('{0}\n'.format('# The assembly files must be located in the cluster directory {0}/experiment_id/assembly_dataset_id'.format(xlib.get_cluster_result_dir()))) file_id.write('{0}\n'.format('# The experiment_id, reference_dataset_id, reference_file and assembly_dataset_id are fixed in the identification section.')) file_id.write('{0}\n'.format('#')) file_id.write('{0}\n'.format('# You can consult the parameters of GMAP and their meaning in')) file_id.write('{0}\n'.format('#')) file_id.write('{0}\n'.format('# In section "GMAP parameters", the key "other_parameters" allows you to input additional parameters in the format:')) file_id.write('{0}\n'.format('#')) file_id.write('{0}\n'.format('# other_parameters = --parameter-1[=value-1][; --parameter-2[=value-2][; ...; --parameter-n[=value-n]]]')) file_id.write('{0}\n'.format('#')) file_id.write('{0}\n'.format('# parameter-i is a parameter name of GMAP and value-i a valid value of parameter-i, e.g.')) file_id.write('{0}\n'.format('#')) file_id.write('{0}\n'.format('# other_parameters = --no-chimeras; --canonical-mode=2')) file_id.write('{0}\n'.format('')) file_id.write('{0}\n'.format('# This section has the information identifies the experiment.')) file_id.write('{0}\n'.format('[identification]')) file_id.write('{0:<50} {1}\n'.format('experiment_id = {0}'.format(experiment_id), '# experiment identification')) file_id.write('{0:<50} {1}\n'.format('reference_dataset_id = {0}'.format(reference_dataset_id), '# reference dataset identification or NONE')) file_id.write('{0:<50} {1}\n'.format('reference_file = {0}'.format(reference_file), '# reference file name or NONE')) file_id.write('{0:<50} {1}\n'.format('assembly_software = {0}'.format(assembly_software), '# assembly software: {0} ({1}) or {2} ({3}) or {4} ({5}) or {6} ({7}) or {8} ({9}) or {10} ({11})'.format(xlib.get_soapdenovotrans_code(), xlib.get_soapdenovotrans_name(), xlib.get_transabyss_code(), xlib.get_transabyss_name(), xlib.get_trinity_code(), xlib.get_trinity_name(), xlib.get_star_code(), xlib.get_star_name(), xlib.get_cd_hit_est_code(), xlib.get_cd_hit_est_name(), xlib.get_transcript_filter_code(), xlib.get_transcript_filter_name()))) file_id.write('{0:<50} {1}\n'.format('assembly_dataset_id = {0}'.format(assembly_dataset_id), '# assembly dataset identification')) file_id.write('{0:<50} {1}\n'.format('assembly_type = {0}'.format(assembly_type), '# CONTIGS or SCAFFOLDS in {0}; NONE in {1}, {2}, {3}, {4} and {5}'.format(xlib.get_soapdenovotrans_name(), xlib.get_transabyss_name(), xlib.get_trinity_name(), xlib.get_star_name(), xlib.get_cd_hit_est_name(), xlib.get_transcript_filter_name()))) file_id.write('{0}\n'.format('')) file_id.write('{0}\n'.format('# This section has the information to set the GMAP parameters')) file_id.write('{0}\n'.format('[GMAP parameters]')) file_id.write('{0:<50} {1}\n'.format('threads = 2', '# number of threads for use')) file_id.write('{0:<50} {1}\n'.format('kmer = NONE', '# kmer size to use in genome database or NONE (the program will find the highest available kmer size in the genome database)')) file_id.write('{0:<50} {1}\n'.format('sampling = NONE', '# Sampling to use in genome database or NONE (the program will find the smallest available sampling value in the genome database within selected k-mer size)')) file_id.write('{0:<50} {1}\n'.format('input-buffer-size = 1000', '# size of input buffer')) file_id.write('{0:<50} {1}\n'.format('output-buffer-size = 1000', '# size of buffer size in queries for output thread')) file_id.write('{0:<50} {1}\n'.format('prunelevel = 0', '# pruning level: 0 (no pruning) or 1 (poor seqs) or 2 (repetitive seqs) or 3 (poor and repetitive)')) file_id.write('{0:<50} {1}\n'.format('format = COMPRESS', '# format for output: COMPRESS or SUMMARY or ALIGN or PLS or GFF3_GENE or SPLICESITES or INTRONS or MAP_EXONS or MAP_RANGES or COORDS')) file_id.write('{0:<50} {1}\n'.format('other_parameters = NONE', '# additional parameters to the previous ones or NONE')) except: error_list.append('*** ERROR: The file {0} can not be recreated'.format(get_gmap_config_file())) OK = False # return the control variable and the error list return (OK, error_list)
def build_cd_hit_est_process_script(cluster_name, current_run_dir): ''' Build the current CD-HIT-EST process script. ''' # initialize the control variable and the error list OK = True error_list = [] # get the option dictionary cd_hit_est_option_dict = xlib.get_option_dict(get_cd_hit_est_config_file()) # get the options experiment_id = cd_hit_est_option_dict['identification']['experiment_id'] assembly_software = cd_hit_est_option_dict['identification'][ 'assembly_software'] assembly_dataset_id = cd_hit_est_option_dict['identification'][ 'assembly_dataset_id'] assembly_type = cd_hit_est_option_dict['identification']['assembly_type'] threads = cd_hit_est_option_dict['CD-HIT-EST parameters']['threads'] memory_limit = cd_hit_est_option_dict['CD-HIT-EST parameters'][ 'memory_limit'] seq_identity_threshold = cd_hit_est_option_dict['CD-HIT-EST parameters'][ 'seq_identity_threshold'] word_length = cd_hit_est_option_dict['CD-HIT-EST parameters'][ 'word_length'] mask = cd_hit_est_option_dict['CD-HIT-EST parameters']['mask'] match = cd_hit_est_option_dict['CD-HIT-EST parameters']['match'] mismatch = cd_hit_est_option_dict['CD-HIT-EST parameters']['mismatch'] other_parameters = cd_hit_est_option_dict['CD-HIT-EST parameters'][ 'other_parameters'] # set the transcriptome file path if assembly_software == xlib.get_soapdenovotrans_code(): if assembly_type == 'CONTIGS': transcriptome_file = '{0}/{1}-{2}.contig'.format( xlib.get_cluster_experiment_result_dataset_dir( experiment_id, assembly_dataset_id), experiment_id, assembly_dataset_id) elif assembly_type == 'SCAFFOLDS': transcriptome_file = '{0}/{1}-{2}.scafSeq'.format( xlib.get_cluster_experiment_result_dataset_dir( experiment_id, assembly_dataset_id), experiment_id, assembly_dataset_id) elif assembly_software == xlib.get_transabyss_code(): transcriptome_file = '{0}/transabyss-final.fa'.format( xlib.get_cluster_experiment_result_dataset_dir( experiment_id, assembly_dataset_id)) elif assembly_software == xlib.get_trinity_code(): transcriptome_file = '{0}/Trinity.fasta'.format( xlib.get_cluster_experiment_result_dataset_dir( experiment_id, assembly_dataset_id)) elif assembly_software == xlib.get_star_code(): transcriptome_file = '{0}/Trinity-GG.fasta'.format( xlib.get_cluster_experiment_result_dataset_dir( experiment_id, assembly_dataset_id)) elif assembly_software == xlib.get_cd_hit_est_code(): transcriptome_file = '{0}/clustered-transcriptome.fasta'.format( xlib.get_cluster_experiment_result_dataset_dir( experiment_id, assembly_dataset_id)) elif assembly_software == xlib.get_transcript_filter_code(): transcriptome_file = '{0}/filtered-transcriptome.fasta'.format( xlib.get_cluster_experiment_result_dataset_dir( experiment_id, assembly_dataset_id)) # set the output file path if OK: output_file = '{0}/clustered-transcriptome.fasta'.format( current_run_dir) # write the CD-HIT-EST process script try: if not os.path.exists(os.path.dirname( get_cd_hit_est_process_script())): os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(get_cd_hit_est_process_script())) with open(get_cd_hit_est_process_script(), mode='w', encoding='utf8', newline='\n') as file_id: file_id.write('{0}\n'.format('#!/bin/bash')) file_id.write('{0}\n'.format( '#-------------------------------------------------------------------------------' )) file_id.write('{0}\n'.format( 'CDHIT_PATH={0}/{1}/envs/{2}/bin'.format( xlib.get_cluster_app_dir(), xlib.get_miniconda3_name(), xlib.get_cd_hit_bioconda_code()))) file_id.write('{0}\n'.format('PATH=$CDHIT_PATH:$PATH')) file_id.write('{0}\n'.format( 'SEP="#########################################"')) file_id.write('{0}\n'.format('cd {0}/{1}/bin'.format( xlib.get_cluster_app_dir(), xlib.get_miniconda3_name()))) file_id.write('{0}\n'.format('source activate {0}'.format( xlib.get_cd_hit_bioconda_code()))) file_id.write('{0}\n'.format( '#-------------------------------------------------------------------------------' )) file_id.write('{0}\n'.format('function init')) file_id.write('{0}\n'.format('{')) file_id.write('{0}\n'.format(' INIT_DATETIME=`date --utc +%s`')) file_id.write('{0}\n'.format( ' FORMATTED_INIT_DATETIME=`date --date="@$INIT_DATETIME" "+%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"`' )) file_id.write('{0}\n'.format(' echo "$SEP"')) file_id.write('{0}\n'.format( ' echo "Script started in node $HOSTNAME of cluster {0} at $FORMATTED_INIT_DATETIME UTC."' .format(cluster_name))) file_id.write('{0}\n'.format('}')) file_id.write('{0}\n'.format( '#-------------------------------------------------------------------------------' )) file_id.write('{0}\n'.format('function run_cd_hit_est_process')) file_id.write('{0}\n'.format('{')) file_id.write('{0}\n'.format(' cd {0}'.format(current_run_dir))) file_id.write('{0}\n'.format(' echo "$SEP"')) file_id.write('{0}\n'.format( ' echo "Running {0} process ..."'.format( xlib.get_cd_hit_est_name()))) file_id.write('{0}\n'.format(' /usr/bin/time \\')) file_id.write('{0}\n'.format( ' --format="$SEP\\nElapsed real time (s): %e\\nCPU time in kernel mode (s): %S\\nCPU time in user mode (s): %U\\nPercentage of CPU: %P\\nMaximum resident set size(Kb): %M\\nAverage total memory use (Kb):%K" \\' )) file_id.write('{0}\n'.format(' cd-hit-est \\')) file_id.write('{0}\n'.format( ' -T {0} \\'.format(threads))) file_id.write('{0}\n'.format( ' -M {0} \\'.format(memory_limit))) file_id.write('{0}\n'.format( ' -i {0} \\'.format(transcriptome_file))) file_id.write('{0}\n'.format( ' -c {0} \\'.format(seq_identity_threshold))) file_id.write('{0}\n'.format( ' -n {0} \\'.format(word_length))) file_id.write('{0}\n'.format( ' -mask {0} \\'.format(mask))) file_id.write('{0}\n'.format( ' -match {0} \\'.format(match))) file_id.write('{0}\n'.format( ' -mismatch {0} \\'.format(mismatch))) if other_parameters.upper() == 'NONE': file_id.write('{0}\n'.format( ' -o {0}'.format(output_file))) else: file_id.write('{0}\n'.format( ' -o {0} \\'.format(output_file))) parameter_list = [ x.strip() for x in other_parameters.split(';') ] for i in range(len(parameter_list)): if parameter_list[i].find('=') > 0: pattern = r'^--(.+)=(.+)$' mo =, parameter_list[i]) parameter_name = parameter_value = if i < len(parameter_list) - 1: file_id.write('{0}\n'.format( ' -{0} {1} \\'.format( parameter_name, parameter_value))) else: file_id.write('{0}\n'.format( ' -{0} {1}'.format( parameter_name, parameter_value))) else: pattern = r'^--(.+)$' mo =, parameter_list[i]) parameter_name = if i < len(parameter_list): file_id.write('{0}\n'.format( ' -{0} \\'.format(parameter_name))) else: file_id.write('{0}\n'.format( ' -{0}'.format(parameter_name))) i += 1 file_id.write('{0}\n'.format(' RC=$?')) file_id.write('{0}\n'.format( ' if [ $RC -ne 0 ]; then manage_error cd-hit-est $RC; fi')) file_id.write('{0}\n'.format('}')) file_id.write('{0}\n'.format( '#-------------------------------------------------------------------------------' )) file_id.write('{0}\n'.format('function end')) file_id.write('{0}\n'.format('{')) file_id.write('{0}\n'.format(' END_DATETIME=`date --utc +%s`')) file_id.write('{0}\n'.format( ' FORMATTED_END_DATETIME=`date --date="@$END_DATETIME" "+%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"`' )) file_id.write('{0}\n'.format(' calculate_duration')) file_id.write('{0}\n'.format(' echo "$SEP"')) file_id.write('{0}\n'.format( ' echo "Script ended OK at $FORMATTED_END_DATETIME UTC with a run duration of $DURATION s ($FORMATTED_DURATION)."' )) file_id.write('{0}\n'.format(' echo "$SEP"')) file_id.write('{0}\n'.format(' RECIPIENT={0}'.format( xconfiguration.get_contact_data()))) file_id.write('{0}\n'.format( ' SUBJECT="{0}: {1} process"'.format( xlib.get_project_name(), xlib.get_cd_hit_est_name()))) file_id.write('{0}\n'.format( ' MESSAGE="The {0} process in node $HOSTNAME of cluster {0} ended OK at $FORMATTED_END_DATETIME with a run duration of $DURATION s ($FORMATTED_DURATION). Please review its log.<br/><br/>Regards,<br/>GI Genetica, Fisiologia e Historia Forestal<br/>Dpto. Sistemas y Recursos Naturales<br/>ETSI Montes, Forestal y del Medio Natural<br/>Universidad Politecnica de Madrid<br/>"' .format(xlib.get_rsem_eval_name(), cluster_name))) file_id.write('{0}\n'.format( ' mail --append "Content-type: text/html;" --subject "$SUBJECT" "$RECIPIENT" <<< "$MESSAGE"' )) file_id.write('{0}\n'.format(' exit 0')) file_id.write('{0}\n'.format('}')) file_id.write('{0}\n'.format( '#-------------------------------------------------------------------------------' )) file_id.write('{0}\n'.format('function manage_error')) file_id.write('{0}\n'.format('{')) file_id.write('{0}\n'.format(' END_DATETIME=`date --utc +%s`')) file_id.write('{0}\n'.format( ' FORMATTED_END_DATETIME=`date --date="@$END_DATETIME" "+%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"`' )) file_id.write('{0}\n'.format(' calculate_duration')) file_id.write('{0}\n'.format(' echo "$SEP"')) file_id.write( '{0}\n'.format(' echo "ERROR: $1 returned error $2"')) file_id.write('{0}\n'.format( ' echo "Script ended WRONG at $FORMATTED_END_DATETIME UTC with a run duration of $DURATION s ($FORMATTED_DURATION)."' )) file_id.write('{0}\n'.format(' echo "$SEP"')) file_id.write('{0}\n'.format(' RECIPIENT={0}'.format( xconfiguration.get_contact_data()))) file_id.write('{0}\n'.format( ' SUBJECT="{0}: {1} process"'.format( xlib.get_project_name(), xlib.get_cd_hit_est_name()))) file_id.write('{0}\n'.format( ' MESSAGE="The {0} process in node $HOSTNAME of cluster {0} ended WRONG at $FORMATTED_END_DATETIME with a run duration of $DURATION s ($FORMATTED_DURATION). Please review its log.<br/><br/>Regards,<br/>GI Genetica, Fisiologia e Historia Forestal<br/>Dpto. Sistemas y Recursos Naturales<br/>ETSI Montes, Forestal y del Medio Natural<br/>Universidad Politecnica de Madrid<br/>"' .format(xlib.get_rsem_eval_name(), cluster_name))) file_id.write('{0}\n'.format( ' mail --append "Content-type: text/html;" --subject "$SUBJECT" "$RECIPIENT" <<< "$MESSAGE"' )) file_id.write('{0}\n'.format(' exit 3')) file_id.write('{0}\n'.format('}')) file_id.write('{0}\n'.format( '#-------------------------------------------------------------------------------' )) file_id.write('{0}\n'.format('function calculate_duration')) file_id.write('{0}\n'.format('{')) file_id.write('{0}\n'.format( ' DURATION=`expr $END_DATETIME - $INIT_DATETIME`')) file_id.write('{0}\n'.format(' HH=`expr $DURATION / 3600`')) file_id.write( '{0}\n'.format(' MM=`expr $DURATION % 3600 / 60`')) file_id.write('{0}\n'.format(' SS=`expr $DURATION % 60`')) file_id.write('{0}\n'.format( ' FORMATTED_DURATION=`printf "%03d:%02d:%02d\\n" $HH $MM $SS`' )) file_id.write('{0}\n'.format('}')) file_id.write('{0}\n'.format( '#-------------------------------------------------------------------------------' )) file_id.write('{0}\n'.format('init')) file_id.write('{0}\n'.format('run_cd_hit_est_process')) file_id.write('{0}\n'.format('end')) except: error_list.append('*** ERROR: The file {0} can not be created'.format( get_cd_hit_est_process_script())) OK = False # return the control variable and the error list return (OK, error_list)
def validate_gmap_config_file(strict): ''' Validate the GMAP config file of a run. ''' # initialize the control variable and the error list OK = True error_list = [] # intitialize variable used when value is not found not_found = '***NOTFOUND***'.upper() # get the option dictionary try: gmap_option_dict = xlib.get_option_dict(get_gmap_config_file()) except: error_list.append('*** ERROR: The syntax is WRONG.') OK = False else: # get the sections list sections_list = [] for section in gmap_option_dict.keys(): sections_list.append(section) sections_list.sort() # check section "identification" if 'identification' not in sections_list: error_list.append('*** ERROR: the section "identification" is not found.') OK = False else: # check section "identification" - key "experiment_id" experiment_id = gmap_option_dict.get('identification', {}).get('experiment_id', not_found) is_experiment_id_OK = True if experiment_id == not_found: error_list.append('*** ERROR: the key "experiment_id" is not found in the section "identification".') is_experiment_id_OK = False OK = False # check section "identification" - key "reference_dataset_id" reference_dataset_id = gmap_option_dict.get('identification', {}).get('reference_dataset_id', not_found) is_reference_dataset_id_OK = True if reference_dataset_id == not_found: error_list.append('*** ERROR: the key "reference_dataset_id" is not found in the section "identification".') is_reference_dataset_id_OK = False OK = False # check section "identification" - key "reference_file" reference_file = gmap_option_dict.get('identification', {}).get('reference_file', not_found) is_reference_file_OK = True if reference_file == not_found: error_list.append('*** ERROR: the key "reference_file" is not found in the section "identification".') is_reference_file_OK = False OK = False # check section "identification" - key "assembly_software" assembly_software = gmap_option_dict.get('identification', {}).get('assembly_software', not_found) is_assembly_software_OK = True if assembly_software == not_found: error_list.append('*** ERROR: the key "assembly_software" is not found in the section "identification".') is_assembly_software_OK = False OK = False elif assembly_software not in [xlib.get_soapdenovotrans_code(), xlib.get_transabyss_code(), xlib.get_trinity_code(), xlib.get_star_code(), xlib.get_cd_hit_est_code(), xlib.get_transcript_filter_code()]: error_list.append('*** ERROR: the key "assembly_software" value in the section "identification" must be {0} or {1} or {2} or {3} or {4} OR {5}.'.format(xlib.get_soapdenovotrans_code(), xlib.get_transabyss_code(), xlib.get_trinity_code(), xlib.get_star_code(), xlib.get_cd_hit_est_code(), xlib.get_transcript_filter_code())) is_assembly_software_OK = False OK = False # check section "identification" - key "assembly_dataset_id" assembly_dataset_id = gmap_option_dict.get('identification', {}).get('assembly_dataset_id', not_found) is_assembly_dataset_id_OK = True if assembly_dataset_id == not_found: error_list.append('*** ERROR: the key "assembly_dataset_id" is not found in the section "identification".') is_assembly_dataset_id_OK = False OK = False elif not assembly_dataset_id.startswith(xlib.get_soapdenovotrans_code()) and not assembly_dataset_id.startswith(xlib.get_transabyss_code()) and not assembly_dataset_id.startswith(xlib.get_trinity_code()) and not assembly_dataset_id.startswith(xlib.get_star_code()) and not assembly_dataset_id.startswith(xlib.get_cd_hit_est_code()) and not assembly_dataset_id.startswith(xlib.get_transcript_filter_code()): error_list.append('*** ERROR: the key "assembly_dataset_id" value is not a {0} nor {1} nor {2} nor {3} nor {4} nor {5} assembly.'.format(xlib.get_soapdenovotrans_name(), xlib.get_transabyss_name(), xlib.get_trinity_name(), xlib.get_star_name(), xlib.get_cd_hit_est_name(), xlib.get_transcript_filter_code())) is_assembly_dataset_id_OK = False OK = False # check section "identification" - key "assembly_type" assembly_type = gmap_option_dict.get('identification', {}).get('assembly_type', not_found) is_assembly_type_OK = True if assembly_type == not_found: error_list.append('*** ERROR: the key "assembly_type" is not found in the section "identification".') is_assembly_type_OK = False OK = False elif assembly_dataset_id.startswith(xlib.get_soapdenovotrans_code()): if assembly_type.upper() not in ['CONTIGS', 'SCAFFOLDS']: error_list.append('*** ERROR: the key "assembly_type" must be "CONTIGS" or "SCAFFOLDS" when {0} is the assembly software.'.format(xlib.get_soapdenovotrans_name())) is_assembly_type_OK = False OK = False elif assembly_dataset_id.startswith(xlib.get_transabyss_code()) or assembly_dataset_id.startswith(xlib.get_trinity_code()) or assembly_dataset_id.startswith(xlib.get_star_code()) or assembly_dataset_id.startswith(xlib.get_cd_hit_est_code()) or assembly_dataset_id.startswith(xlib.get_transcript_filter_code()): if assembly_type.upper() != 'NONE': error_list.append('*** ERROR: the key "assembly_type" must be "NONE" when {0} or {1} or {2} or {3} or {4} is the assembly software.'.format(xlib.get_transabyss_name(), xlib.get_trinity_name(), xlib.get_star_name(), xlib.get_cd_hit_est_name(), xlib.get_transcript_filter_name())) is_assembly_type_OK = False OK = False # check section "GMAP parameters" if 'GMAP parameters' not in sections_list: error_list.append('*** ERROR: the section "GMAP parameters" is not found.') OK = False else: # check section "GMAP parameters" - key "threads" threads = gmap_option_dict.get('GMAP parameters', {}).get('threads', not_found) is_threads_OK = True if threads == not_found: error_list.append('*** ERROR: the key "threads" is not found in the section "GMAP parameters".') is_threads_OK = False OK = False else: try: if int(threads) < 1: error_list.append('*** ERROR: the key "threads" in the section "GMAP parameters" must be an integer value greater or equal to 1.') is_threads_OK = False OK = False except: error_list.append('*** ERROR: the key "threads" in the section "GMAP parameters" must be an integer value greater or equal to 1.') is_threads_OK = False OK = False # check section "GMAP parameters" - key "kmer" kmer = gmap_option_dict.get('GMAP parameters', {}).get('kmer', not_found) is_kmer_OK = True if kmer == not_found: error_list.append('*** ERROR: the key "kmer" is not found in the section "GMAP parameters".') is_kmer_OK = False OK = False else: try: if kmer.upper() != 'NONE' and (int(kmer) < 1 or int(kmer) > 16): error_list.append('*** ERROR: the key "kmer" in the section "GMAP parameters" must be an integer value between 1 and 16 or NONE.') is_kmer_OK = False OK = False except: error_list.append('*** ERROR: the key "kmer" in the section "GMAP parameters" must be an integer value between 1 and 16 or NONE.') is_kmer_OK = False OK = False # check section "GMAP parameters" - key "sampling" sampling = gmap_option_dict.get('GMAP parameters', {}).get('sampling', not_found) is_sampling_OK = True if sampling == not_found: error_list.append('*** ERROR: the key "sampling" is not found in the section "GMAP parameters".') is_sampling_OK = False OK = False else: try: if sampling.upper() != 'NONE' and int(sampling) < 1: error_list.append('*** ERROR: the key "sampling" in the section "GMAP parameters" must be an integer value greater or equal to 1 or NONE.') is_sampling_OK = False OK = False except: error_list.append('*** ERROR: the key "sampling" in the section "GMAP parameters" must be an integer value greater or equal to 1 or NONE.') is_sampling_OK = False OK = False # check section "GMAP parameters" - key "input-buffer-size" input_buffer_size = gmap_option_dict.get('GMAP parameters', {}).get('input-buffer-size', not_found) is_input_buffer_size_OK = True if input_buffer_size == not_found: error_list.append('*** ERROR: the key "input-buffer-size" is not found in the section "GMAP parameters".') is_input_buffer_size_OK = False OK = False else: try: if int(input_buffer_size) < 1: error_list.append('*** ERROR: the key "input-buffer-size" in the section "GMAP parameters" must be an integer value greater or equal to 1.') is_input_buffer_size_OK = False OK = False except: error_list.append('*** ERROR: the key "input-buffer-size" in the section "GMAP parameters" must be an integer value greater or equal to 1.') is_input_buffer_size_OK = False OK = False # check section "GMAP parameters" - key "output-buffer-size" output_buffer_size = gmap_option_dict.get('GMAP parameters', {}).get('output-buffer-size', not_found) is_output_buffer_size_OK = True if output_buffer_size == not_found: error_list.append('*** ERROR: the key "output-buffer-size" is not found in the section "GMAP parameters".') is_output_buffer_size_OK = False OK = False else: try: if int(output_buffer_size) < 1: error_list.append('*** ERROR: the key "output-buffer-size" in the section "GMAP parameters" must be an integer value greater or equal to 1.') is_output_buffer_size_OK = False OK = False except: error_list.append('*** ERROR: the key "output-buffer-size" in the section "GMAP parameters" must be an integer value greater or equal to 1.') is_output_buffer_size_OK = False OK = False # check section "GMAP parameters" - key "prunelevel" prunelevel = gmap_option_dict.get('GMAP parameters', {}).get('prunelevel', not_found) is_prunelevel_OK = True if prunelevel == not_found: error_list.append('*** ERROR: the key "prunelevel" is not found in the section "GMAP parameters".') is_prunelevel_OK = False OK = False else: if prunelevel not in ['0', '1', '2', '3']: error_list.append('*** ERROR: the key "prunelevel" in the section "GMAP parameters" must be 0 (no pruning) or 1 (poor seqs) or 2 (repetitive seqs) or 3 (poor and repetitive).') is_prunelevel_OK = False OK = False # check section "GMAP parameters" - key "format" format = gmap_option_dict.get('GMAP parameters', {}).get('format', not_found) is_format_OK = True if format == not_found: error_list.append('*** ERROR: the key "format" is not found in the section "GMAP parameters".') is_format_OK = False OK = False else: if format.upper() not in ['COMPRESS', 'SUMMARY', 'ALIGN', 'PLS', 'GFF3_GENE', 'SPLICESITES', 'INTRONS', 'MAP_EXONS', 'MAP_RANGES', 'COORDS']: error_list.append('*** ERROR: the key "format" in the section "GMAP parameters" must be COMPRESS or SUMMARY or ALIGN or PLS or GFF3_GENE or SPLICESITES or INTRONS or MAP_EXONS or MAP_RANGES or COORDS.') is_format_OK = False OK = False # check section "GMAP parameters" - key "other_parameters" not_allowed_parameters_list = ['nthreads', 'kmer', 'sampling', 'input-buffer-size', 'output-buffer-size', 'prunelevel', 'compress', 'summary', 'align', 'format' ] other_parameters = gmap_option_dict.get('GMAP parameters', {}).get('other_parameters', not_found) is_other_parameters_OK = True if other_parameters == not_found: error_list.append('*** ERROR: the key "other_parameters" is not found in the section "GMAP parameters".') is_other_parameters_OK = False OK = False else: if other_parameters.upper() != 'NONE': parameter_list = [x.strip() for x in other_parameters.split(';')] for parameter in parameter_list: try: if parameter.find('=') > 0: pattern = r'^--(.+)=(.+)$' mo =, parameter) parameter_name = parameter_value = else: pattern = r'^--(.+)$' mo =, parameter) parameter_name = except: error_list.append('*** ERROR: the value of the key "other_parameters" in the section "GMAP parameters" must be NONE or a valid parameter list.') is_other_parameters_OK = False OK = False break else: if parameter_name in not_allowed_parameters_list: error_list.append('*** ERROR: the parameter {0} is not allowed in the key "other_parameters" of the section "GMAP parameters" because it is controled by NGScloud.'.format(parameter_name)) is_other_parameters_OK = False OK = False # warn that the results config file is not valid if there are any errors if not OK: error_list.append('\nThe {0} config file is not valid. Please, correct this file or recreate it.'.format(xlib.get_gmap_name())) # return the control variable and the error list return (OK, error_list)
def create_cd_hit_est_config_file(experiment_id='exp001', assembly_dataset_id='sdnt-170101-235959', assembly_type='CONTIGS'): ''' Create CD-HIT-EST config file with the default options. It is necessary update the options in each run. ''' # initialize the control variable and the error list OK = True error_list = [] # set the assembly software if assembly_dataset_id.startswith(xlib.get_soapdenovotrans_code()): assembly_software = xlib.get_soapdenovotrans_code() elif assembly_dataset_id.startswith(xlib.get_transabyss_code()): assembly_software = xlib.get_transabyss_code() elif assembly_dataset_id.startswith(xlib.get_trinity_code()): assembly_software = xlib.get_trinity_code() elif assembly_dataset_id.startswith(xlib.get_star_code()): assembly_software = xlib.get_star_code() elif assembly_dataset_id.startswith(xlib.get_cd_hit_est_code()): assembly_software = xlib.get_cd_hit_est_code() elif assembly_dataset_id.startswith(xlib.get_transcript_filter_code()): assembly_software = xlib.get_transcript_filter_code() # create the CD-HIT-EST config file and write the default options try: if not os.path.exists(os.path.dirname(get_cd_hit_est_config_file())): os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(get_cd_hit_est_config_file())) with open(get_cd_hit_est_config_file(), mode='w', encoding='utf8') as file_id: file_id.write('{0}\n'.format( '# You must review the information of this file and update the values with the corresponding ones to the current run.' )) file_id.write('{0}\n'.format('#')) file_id.write('{0}\n'.format( '# The assembly files must be located in the cluster directory {0}/experiment_id/assembly_dataset_id' .format(xlib.get_cluster_result_dir()))) file_id.write('{0}\n'.format( '# The experiment_id and assembly_dataset_id names are fixed in the identification section.' )) file_id.write('{0}\n'.format('#')) file_id.write('{0}\n'.format( '# You can consult the parameters of CD-HIT-EST (CD-HIT package) and their meaning in' )) file_id.write('{0}\n'.format('#')) file_id.write('{0}\n'.format( '# In section "CD-HIT-EST parameters", the key "other_parameters" allows you to input additional parameters in the format:' )) file_id.write('{0}\n'.format('#')) file_id.write('{0}\n'.format( '# other_parameters = --parameter-1[=value-1][; --parameter-2[=value-2][; ...; --parameter-n[=value-n]]]' )) file_id.write('{0}\n'.format('#')) file_id.write('{0}\n'.format( '# parameter-i is a parameter name of CD-HIT-EST and value-i a valid value of parameter-i, e.g.' )) file_id.write('{0}\n'.format('#')) file_id.write( '{0}\n'.format('# other_parameters = --aS=0.9; --U=10')) file_id.write('{0}\n'.format('')) file_id.write('{0}\n'.format( '# This section has the information identifies the assembly result dataset.' )) file_id.write('{0}\n'.format('[identification]')) file_id.write('{0:<50} {1}\n'.format( 'experiment_id = {0}'.format(experiment_id), '# experiment identification')) file_id.write('{0:<50} {1}\n'.format( 'assembly_software = {0}'.format(assembly_software), '# assembly software: {0} ({1}) or {2} ({3}) or {4} ({5}) or {6} ({7}) or {8} ({9}) or {10} ({11})' .format(xlib.get_soapdenovotrans_code(), xlib.get_soapdenovotrans_name(), xlib.get_transabyss_code(), xlib.get_transabyss_name(), xlib.get_trinity_code(), xlib.get_trinity_name(), xlib.get_star_code(), xlib.get_star_name(), xlib.get_cd_hit_est_code(), xlib.get_cd_hit_est_name(), xlib.get_transcript_filter_code(), xlib.get_transcript_filter_name()))) file_id.write('{0:<50} {1}\n'.format( 'assembly_dataset_id = {0}'.format(assembly_dataset_id), '# assembly dataset identification')) file_id.write('{0:<50} {1}\n'.format( 'assembly_type = {0}'.format(assembly_type), '# CONTIGS or SCAFFOLDS in {0}; NONE in {1}, {2}, {3}, {4} and {5}' .format(xlib.get_soapdenovotrans_name(), xlib.get_transabyss_name(), xlib.get_trinity_name(), xlib.get_star_name(), xlib.get_cd_hit_est_name(), xlib.get_transcript_filter_name()))) file_id.write('{0}\n'.format('')) file_id.write('{0}\n'.format( '# This section has the information to set the CD-HIT-EST parameters' )) file_id.write('{0}\n'.format('[CD-HIT-EST parameters]')) file_id.write('{0:<50} {1}\n'.format( 'threads = 2', '# number of threads for use; with 0, all CPUs will be used')) file_id.write('{0:<50} {1}\n'.format( 'memory_limit = 800', '# memory limit (in MB) for the program; 0 for unlimitted')) file_id.write('{0:<50} {1}\n'.format( 'seq_identity_threshold = 0.9', '# sequence identity threshold')) file_id.write('{0:<50} {1}\n'.format('word_length = 5', '# word length')) file_id.write('{0:<50} {1}\n'.format( 'mask = NX', '# masking letters (e.g. -mask NX, to mask out both "N" and "X")' )) file_id.write('{0:<50} {1}\n'.format( 'match = 2', '# matching score (1 for T-U and N-N)')) file_id.write('{0:<50} {1}\n'.format('mismatch = -2', '# mismatching score')) file_id.write('{0:<50} {1}\n'.format( 'other_parameters = NONE', '# additional parameters to the previous ones or NONE')) except: error_list.append( '*** ERROR: The file {0} can not be recreated'.format( get_cd_hit_est_config_file())) OK = False # return the control variable and the error list return (OK, error_list)
def validate_cd_hit_est_config_file(strict): ''' Validate the CD-HIT-EST config file of a run. ''' # initialize the control variable and the error list OK = True error_list = [] # intitialize variable used when value is not found not_found = '***NOTFOUND***'.upper() # get the option dictionary try: cd_hit_est_option_dict = xlib.get_option_dict( get_cd_hit_est_config_file()) except: error_list.append('*** ERROR: The syntax is WRONG.') OK = False else: # get the sections list sections_list = [] for section in cd_hit_est_option_dict.keys(): sections_list.append(section) sections_list.sort() # check section "identification" if 'identification' not in sections_list: error_list.append( '*** ERROR: the section "identification" is not found.') OK = False else: # check section "identification" - key "experiment_id" experiment_id = cd_hit_est_option_dict.get( 'identification', {}).get('experiment_id', not_found) if experiment_id == not_found: error_list.append( '*** ERROR: the key "experiment_id" is not found in the section "identification".' ) OK = False # check section "identification" - key "assembly_software" assembly_software = cd_hit_est_option_dict.get( 'identification', {}).get('assembly_software', not_found) if assembly_software == not_found: error_list.append( '*** ERROR: the key "assembly_software" is not found in the section "identification".' ) OK = False elif assembly_software not in [ xlib.get_soapdenovotrans_code(), xlib.get_transabyss_code(), xlib.get_trinity_code(), xlib.get_star_code(), xlib.get_cd_hit_est_code(), xlib.get_transcript_filter_code() ]: error_list.append( '*** ERROR: the key "assembly_software" value in the section "identification" must be {0} or {1} or {2} or {3} or {4} OR {5}.' .format(xlib.get_soapdenovotrans_code(), xlib.get_transabyss_code(), xlib.get_trinity_code(), xlib.get_star_code(), xlib.get_cd_hit_est_code(), xlib.get_transcript_filter_code())) OK = False # check section "identification" - key "assembly_dataset_id" assembly_dataset_id = cd_hit_est_option_dict.get( 'identification', {}).get('assembly_dataset_id', not_found) if assembly_dataset_id == not_found: error_list.append( '*** ERROR: the key "assembly_dataset_id" is not found in the section "identification".' ) OK = False elif not assembly_dataset_id.startswith( xlib.get_soapdenovotrans_code() ) and not assembly_dataset_id.startswith(xlib.get_transabyss_code( )) and not assembly_dataset_id.startswith(xlib.get_trinity_code( )) and not assembly_dataset_id.startswith(xlib.get_star_code( )) and not assembly_dataset_id.startswith(xlib.get_cd_hit_est_code( )) and not assembly_dataset_id.startswith( xlib.get_transcript_filter_code()): error_list.append( '*** ERROR: the key "assembly_dataset_id" value is not a {0} nor {1} nor {2} nor {3} nor {4} nor {5} assembly.' .format(xlib.get_soapdenovotrans_name(), xlib.get_transabyss_name(), xlib.get_trinity_name(), xlib.get_star_name(), xlib.get_cd_hit_est_name(), xlib.get_transcript_filter_code())) OK = False # check section "identification" - key "assembly_type" assembly_type = cd_hit_est_option_dict.get( 'identification', {}).get('assembly_type', not_found) if assembly_type == not_found: error_list.append( '*** ERROR: the key "assembly_type" is not found in the section "identification".' ) OK = False elif assembly_dataset_id.startswith( xlib.get_soapdenovotrans_code()): if assembly_type.upper() not in ['CONTIGS', 'SCAFFOLDS']: error_list.append( '*** ERROR: the key "assembly_type" must be "CONTIGS" or "SCAFFOLDS" when {0} is the assembly software.' .format(xlib.get_soapdenovotrans_name())) OK = False elif assembly_dataset_id.startswith(xlib.get_transabyss_code( )) or assembly_dataset_id.startswith(xlib.get_trinity_code( )) or assembly_dataset_id.startswith( xlib.get_star_code()) or assembly_dataset_id.startswith( xlib.get_cd_hit_est_code( )) or assembly_dataset_id.startswith( xlib.get_transcript_filter_code()): if assembly_type.upper() != 'NONE': error_list.append( '*** ERROR: the key "assembly_type" must be "NONE" when {0} or {1} or {2} or {3} or {4} is the assembly software.' .format(xlib.get_transabyss_name(), xlib.get_trinity_name(), xlib.get_star_name(), xlib.get_cd_hit_est_name(), xlib.get_transcript_filter_name())) OK = False # check section "CD-HIT-EST parameters" if 'CD-HIT-EST parameters' not in sections_list: error_list.append( '*** ERROR: the section "CD-HIT-EST parameters" is not found.') OK = False else: # check section "CD-HIT-EST parameters" - key "threads" threads = cd_hit_est_option_dict.get('CD-HIT-EST parameters', {}).get('threads', not_found) if threads == not_found: error_list.append( '*** ERROR: the key "threads" is not found in the section "CD-HIT-EST parameters".' ) OK = False else: try: if int(threads) < 0: error_list.append( '*** ERROR: the key "threads" in the section "CD-HIT-EST parameters" must be an integer value greater or equal to 0.' ) OK = False except: error_list.append( '*** ERROR: the key "threads" in the section "CD-HIT-EST parameters" must be an integer value greater or equal to 0.' ) OK = False # check section "CD-HIT-EST parameters" - key "memory_limit" memory_limit = cd_hit_est_option_dict.get( 'CD-HIT-EST parameters', {}).get('memory_limit', not_found) if memory_limit == not_found: error_list.append( '*** ERROR: the key "memory_limit" is not found in the section "CD-HIT-EST parameters".' ) OK = False else: try: if int(memory_limit) < 0: error_list.append( '*** ERROR: the key "memory_limit" in the section "CD-HIT-EST parameters" must be an integer value greater or equal to 0.' ) OK = False except: error_list.append( '*** ERROR: the key "memory_limit" in the section "CD-HIT-EST parameters" must be an integer value greater or equal to 0.' ) OK = False # check section "CD-HIT-EST parameters" - key "seq_identity_threshold" seq_identity_threshold = cd_hit_est_option_dict.get( 'CD-HIT-EST parameters', {}).get('seq_identity_threshold', not_found) if seq_identity_threshold == not_found: error_list.append( '*** ERROR: the key "seq_identity_threshold" is not found in the section "CD-HIT-EST parameters".' ) OK = False else: try: if float(seq_identity_threshold) < 0.0 or float( seq_identity_threshold) > 1.0: error_list.append( '*** ERROR: the key "seq_identity_threshold" in the section "CD-HIT-EST parameters" must be a float value between 0.0 and 1.0.' ) OK = False except: error_list.append( '*** ERROR: the key "seq_identity_threshold" in the section "CD-HIT-EST parameters" must be a float value between 0.0 and 1.0.' ) OK = False # check section "CD-HIT-EST parameters" - key "word_length" word_length = cd_hit_est_option_dict.get( 'CD-HIT-EST parameters', {}).get('word_length', not_found) if word_length == not_found: error_list.append( '*** ERROR: the key "word_length" is not found in the section "CD-HIT-EST parameters".' ) OK = False else: try: if int(word_length) < 1: error_list.append( '*** ERROR: the key "word_length" in the section "CD-HIT-EST parameters" must be an integer value greater or equal to 1.' ) OK = False except: error_list.append( '*** ERROR: the key "word_length" in the section "CD-HIT-EST parameters" must be an integer value greater or equal to 1.' ) OK = False # check section "CD-HIT-EST parameters" - key "mask" mask = cd_hit_est_option_dict.get('CD-HIT-EST parameters', {}).get('mask', not_found).upper() if mask == not_found: error_list.append( '*** ERROR: the key "mask" is not found in the section "CD-HIT-EST parameters".' ) OK = False # check section "CD-HIT-EST parameters" - key "match" match = cd_hit_est_option_dict.get('CD-HIT-EST parameters', {}).get('match', not_found) if match == not_found: error_list.append( '*** ERROR: the key "match" is not found in the section "CD-HIT-EST parameters".' ) OK = False else: try: int(match) except: error_list.append( '*** ERROR: the key "match" in the section "CD-HIT-EST parameters" must be an integer value.' ) OK = False # check section "CD-HIT-EST parameters" - key "mismatch" mismatch = cd_hit_est_option_dict.get('CD-HIT-EST parameters', {}).get( 'mismatch', not_found) if mismatch == not_found: error_list.append( '*** ERROR: the key "mismatch" is not found in the section "CD-HIT-EST parameters".' ) OK = False else: try: int(mismatch) except: error_list.append( '*** ERROR: the key "match" in the section "CD-HIT-EST parameters" must be an integer value.' ) OK = False # check section "CD-HIT-EST parameters" - key "other_parameters" not_allowed_parameters_list = [ 'T', 'M', 'c', 'n', 'mask', 'match', 'mismatch' ] other_parameters = cd_hit_est_option_dict.get( 'CD-HIT-EST parameters', {}).get('other_parameters', not_found) if other_parameters == not_found: error_list.append( '*** ERROR: the key "other_parameters" is not found in the section "CD-HIT-EST parameters".' ) OK = False else: if other_parameters.upper() != 'NONE': parameter_list = [ x.strip() for x in other_parameters.split(';') ] for parameter in parameter_list: try: if parameter.find('=') > 0: pattern = r'^--(.+)=(.+)$' mo =, parameter) parameter_name = parameter_value = else: pattern = r'^--(.+)$' mo =, parameter) parameter_name = except: error_list.append( '*** ERROR: the value of the key "other_parameters" in the section "CD-HIT-EST parameters" must be NONE or a valid parameter list.' ) OK = False break if parameter_name in not_allowed_parameters_list: error_list.append( '*** ERROR: the parameter {0} is not allowed in the key "other_parameters" of the section "CD-HIT-EST parameters" because it is controled by {1}.' .format(parameter_name, xlib.get_project_name())) OK = False # warn that the results config file is not valid if there are any errors if not OK: error_list.append( '\nThe {0} config file is not valid. Please, correct this file or recreate it.' .format(xlib.get_cd_hit_est_name())) # return the control variable and the error list return (OK, error_list)
def get_result_dataset_dict(cluster_name, experiment_id, status, passed_connection, ssh_client): ''' Get a dictionary with the result datasets of an experiment in the cluster. ''' # initialize the control variable and the error list OK = True error_list = [] # get the result directory in the cluster cluster_result_dir = xlib.get_cluster_result_dir() # initialize the dictionary of the result datasets result_dataset_dict = {} # create the SSH client connection if not passed_connection: (OK, error_list, ssh_client) = xssh.create_ssh_client_connection(cluster_name, 'master') # verify the result directory is created if OK: command = '[ -d {0} ] && echo RC=0 || echo RC=1'.format(cluster_result_dir) (OK, stdout, stderr) = xssh.execute_cluster_command(ssh_client, command) if stdout[len(stdout) - 1] != 'RC=0': error_list.append('*** ERROR: There is not any volume mounted in the result directory.\n') error_list.append('You must link a volume in the mounting point {0} for the template {1}.\n'.format(cluster_result_dir, cluster_name)) OK = False # get the dictionary of the result datasets if OK: if status == 'uncompressed': command = 'cd {0}/{1}; for list in `ls`; do ls -ld $list | grep -v ^- > /dev/null && echo $list; done;'.format(cluster_result_dir, experiment_id) elif status == 'compressed': command = 'cd {0}/{1}; for list in `ls`; do ls -ld $list | grep -v ^d > /dev/null && echo $list; done;'.format(cluster_result_dir, experiment_id) (OK, stdout, stderr) = xssh.execute_cluster_command(ssh_client, command) if OK: if status == 'uncompressed': input_pattern = '{0}-(.+)-(.+)' output_pattern = '{0} ({1} {2})' elif status == 'compressed': input_pattern = '{0}-(.+)-(.+).tar.gz' output_pattern = '{0} ({1} {2}) [compressed]' for line in stdout: line = line.rstrip('\n') if line != 'lost+found': result_dataset_id = line if result_dataset_id.startswith(xlib.get_cd_hit_est_code()+'-'): mo = re.match(input_pattern.format(xlib.get_cd_hit_est_code()), result_dataset_id) date = time = result_dataset_name = output_pattern.format(xlib.get_cd_hit_est_name(), date, time) elif result_dataset_id.startswith(xlib.get_fastqc_code()+'-'): mo = re.match(input_pattern.format(xlib.get_fastqc_code()), result_dataset_id) date = time = result_dataset_name = output_pattern.format(xlib.get_fastqc_name(), date, time) elif result_dataset_id.startswith(xlib.get_gzip_code()+'-'): mo = re.match(input_pattern.format(xlib.get_gzip_code()), result_dataset_id) date = time = result_dataset_name = output_pattern.format(xlib.get_gzip_name(), date, time) elif result_dataset_id.startswith(xlib.get_insilico_read_normalization_code()+'-'): mo = re.match(input_pattern.format(xlib.get_insilico_read_normalization_code()), result_dataset_id) date = time = result_dataset_name = output_pattern.format(xlib.get_insilico_read_normalization_name(), date, time) elif result_dataset_id.startswith(xlib.get_quast_code()+'-'): mo = re.match(input_pattern.format(xlib.get_quast_code()), result_dataset_id) date = time = result_dataset_name = output_pattern.format(xlib.get_quast_name(), date, time) elif result_dataset_id.startswith(xlib.get_ref_eval_code()+'-'): mo = re.match(input_pattern.format(xlib.get_ref_eval_code()), result_dataset_id) date = time = result_dataset_name = output_pattern.format(xlib.get_ref_eval_name(), date, time) elif result_dataset_id.startswith(xlib.get_rnaquast_code()+'-'): mo = re.match(input_pattern.format(xlib.get_rnaquast_code()), result_dataset_id) date = time = result_dataset_name = output_pattern.format(xlib.get_rnaquast_name(), date, time) elif result_dataset_id.startswith(xlib.get_rsem_eval_code()+'-'): mo = re.match(input_pattern.format(xlib.get_rsem_eval_code()), result_dataset_id) date = time = result_dataset_name = output_pattern.format(xlib.get_rsem_eval_name(), date, time) elif result_dataset_id.startswith(xlib.get_soapdenovotrans_code()+'-'): mo = re.match(input_pattern.format(xlib.get_soapdenovotrans_code()), result_dataset_id) date = time = result_dataset_name = output_pattern.format(xlib.get_soapdenovotrans_name(), date, time) elif result_dataset_id.startswith(xlib.get_star_code()+'-'): mo = re.match(input_pattern.format(xlib.get_star_code()), result_dataset_id) date = time = result_dataset_name = output_pattern.format(xlib.get_star_name(), date, time) elif result_dataset_id.startswith(xlib.get_transabyss_code()+'-'): mo = re.match(input_pattern.format(xlib.get_transabyss_code()), result_dataset_id) date = time = result_dataset_name = output_pattern.format(xlib.get_transabyss_name(), date, time) elif result_dataset_id.startswith(xlib.get_transcript_filter_code()+'-'): mo = re.match(input_pattern.format(xlib.get_transcript_filter_code()), result_dataset_id) date = time = result_dataset_name = output_pattern.format(xlib.get_transcript_filter_name(), date, time) elif result_dataset_id.startswith(xlib.get_transcriptome_blastx_code()+'-'): mo = re.match(input_pattern.format(xlib.get_transcriptome_blastx_code()), result_dataset_id) date = time = result_dataset_name = output_pattern.format(xlib.get_transcriptome_blastx_name(), date, time) elif result_dataset_id.startswith(xlib.get_transrate_code()+'-'): mo = re.match(input_pattern.format(xlib.get_transrate_code()), result_dataset_id) date = time = result_dataset_name = output_pattern.format(xlib.get_transrate_name(), date, time) elif result_dataset_id.startswith(xlib.get_trimmomatic_code()+'-'): mo = re.match(input_pattern.format(xlib.get_trimmomatic_code()), result_dataset_id) date = time = result_dataset_name = output_pattern.format(xlib.get_trimmomatic_name(), date, time) elif result_dataset_id.startswith(xlib.get_trinity_code()+'-'): mo = re.match(input_pattern.format(xlib.get_trinity_code()), result_dataset_id) date = time = result_dataset_name = output_pattern.format(xlib.get_trinity_name(), date, time) else: result_dataset_name = result_dataset_id result_dataset_dict[result_dataset_id] = {'result_dataset_id': result_dataset_id, 'result_dataset_name': result_dataset_name} # close the SSH client connection if OK and not passed_connection: xssh.close_ssh_client_connection(ssh_client) # return the control variable, error list and dictionary of the result datasets return (OK, error_list, result_dataset_dict)
def run_cd_hit_est_process(cluster_name, log, function=None): ''' Run a CD-HIT-EST process. ''' # initialize the control variable OK = True # get the CD-HIT-EST option dictionary cd_hit_est_option_dict = xlib.get_option_dict(get_cd_hit_est_config_file()) # get the experiment identification experiment_id = cd_hit_est_option_dict['identification']['experiment_id'] # warn that the log window must not be closed if not isinstance(log, xlib.DevStdOut): log.write( 'This process might take several minutes. Do not close this window, please wait!\n' ) # validate the CD-HIT-EST config file log.write('{0}\n'.format(xlib.get_separator())) log.write('Validating the {0} config file ...\n'.format( xlib.get_cd_hit_est_name())) (OK, error_list) = validate_cd_hit_est_config_file(strict=True) if OK: log.write('The config file is OK.\n') else: log.write('*** ERROR: The config file is not valid.\n') log.write('Please correct this file or recreate the config files.\n') # create the SSH client connection if OK: log.write('{0}\n'.format(xlib.get_separator())) log.write('Connecting the SSH client ...\n') (OK, error_list, ssh_client) = xssh.create_ssh_client_connection( cluster_name, 'master') if OK: log.write('The SSH client is connected.\n') else: for error in error_list: log.write('{0}\n'.format(error)) # create the SSH transport connection if OK: log.write('{0}\n'.format(xlib.get_separator())) log.write('Connecting the SSH transport ...\n') (OK, error_list, ssh_transport) = xssh.create_ssh_transport_connection( cluster_name, 'master') if OK: log.write('The SSH transport is connected.\n') else: for error in error_list: log.write('{0}\n'.format(error)) # create the SFTP client if OK: log.write('{0}\n'.format(xlib.get_separator())) log.write('Connecting the SFTP client ...\n') sftp_client = xssh.create_sftp_client(ssh_transport) log.write('The SFTP client is connected.\n') # warn that the requirements are being verified if OK: log.write('{0}\n'.format(xlib.get_separator())) log.write('Verifying process requirements ...\n') # verify the master is running if OK: (master_state_code, master_state_name) = xec2.get_node_state(cluster_name, 'master') if master_state_code != 16: log.write( '*** ERROR: The cluster {0} is not running. Its state is {1} ({2}).\n' .format(cluster_name, master_state_code, master_state_name)) OK = False # verify the CD-HIT is set up if OK: (OK, error_list, is_setup) = xbioinfoapp.is_setup_bioconda_package( xlib.get_cd_hit_bioconda_code(), cluster_name, True, ssh_client) if OK: if not is_setup: log.write('*** ERROR: {0} is not setup.\n'.format( xlib.get_cd_hit_name())) OK = False else: log.write( '*** ERROR: The verification of {0} setup could not be performed.\n' .format(xlib.get_cd_hit_name())) # warn that the requirements are OK if OK: log.write('Process requirements are OK.\n') # determine the run directory in the cluster if OK: log.write('{0}\n'.format(xlib.get_separator())) log.write('Determining the run directory in the cluster ...\n') current_run_dir = xlib.get_cluster_current_run_dir( experiment_id, xlib.get_cd_hit_est_code()) command = 'mkdir --parents {0}'.format(current_run_dir) (OK, stdout, stderr) = xssh.execute_cluster_command(ssh_client, command) if OK: log.write('The directory path is {0}.\n'.format(current_run_dir)) else: log.write('*** ERROR: Wrong command ---> {0}\n'.format(command)) # build the CD-HIT-EST process script if OK: log.write('{0}\n'.format(xlib.get_separator())) log.write('Building the process script {0} ...\n'.format( get_cd_hit_est_process_script())) (OK, error_list) = build_cd_hit_est_process_script(cluster_name, current_run_dir) if OK: log.write('The file is built.\n') if not OK: log.write('*** ERROR: The file could not be built.\n') # upload the CD-HIT-EST process script to the cluster if OK: log.write('{0}\n'.format(xlib.get_separator())) log.write( 'Uploading the process script {0} to the directory {1} of the master ...\n' .format(get_cd_hit_est_process_script(), current_run_dir)) cluster_path = '{0}/{1}'.format( current_run_dir, os.path.basename(get_cd_hit_est_process_script())) (OK, error_list) = xssh.put_file(sftp_client, get_cd_hit_est_process_script(), cluster_path) if OK: log.write('The file is uploaded.\n') else: for error in error_list: log.write('{0}\n'.format(error)) # set run permision to the CD-HIT-EST process script in the cluster if OK: log.write('{0}\n'.format(xlib.get_separator())) log.write('Setting on the run permision of {0}/{1} ...\n'.format( current_run_dir, os.path.basename(get_cd_hit_est_process_script()))) command = 'chmod u+x {0}/{1}'.format( current_run_dir, os.path.basename(get_cd_hit_est_process_script())) (OK, stdout, stderr) = xssh.execute_cluster_command(ssh_client, command) if OK: log.write('The run permision is set.\n') else: log.write('*** ERROR: Wrong command ---> {0}\n'.format(command)) # build the CD-HIT-EST process starter if OK: log.write('{0}\n'.format(xlib.get_separator())) log.write('Building the process starter {0} ...\n'.format( get_cd_hit_est_process_starter())) (OK, error_list) = build_cd_hit_est_process_starter(current_run_dir) if OK: log.write('The file is built.\n') if not OK: log.write('***ERROR: The file could not be built.\n') # upload the CD-HIT-EST process starter to the cluster if OK: log.write('{0}\n'.format(xlib.get_separator())) log.write( 'Uploading the process starter {0} to the directory {1} of the master ...\n' .format(get_cd_hit_est_process_starter(), current_run_dir)) cluster_path = '{0}/{1}'.format( current_run_dir, os.path.basename(get_cd_hit_est_process_starter())) (OK, error_list) = xssh.put_file(sftp_client, get_cd_hit_est_process_starter(), cluster_path) if OK: log.write('The file is uploaded.\n') else: for error in error_list: log.write('{0}\n'.format(error)) # set run permision to the CD-HIT-EST process starter in the cluster if OK: log.write('{0}\n'.format(xlib.get_separator())) log.write('Setting on the run permision of {0}/{1} ...\n'.format( current_run_dir, os.path.basename(get_cd_hit_est_process_starter()))) command = 'chmod u+x {0}/{1}'.format( current_run_dir, os.path.basename(get_cd_hit_est_process_starter())) (OK, stdout, stderr) = xssh.execute_cluster_command(ssh_client, command) if OK: log.write('The run permision is set.\n') else: log.write('*** ERROR: Wrong command ---> {0}\n'.format(command)) # submit the CD-HIT-EST process if OK: log.write('{0}\n'.format(xlib.get_separator())) log.write('Submitting the process script {0}/{1} ...\n'.format( current_run_dir, os.path.basename(get_cd_hit_est_process_starter()))) sge_env = xcluster.get_sge_env() command = '{0}; qsub -V -b n -cwd {1}/{2}'.format( sge_env, current_run_dir, os.path.basename(get_cd_hit_est_process_starter())) (OK, stdout, stderr) = xssh.execute_cluster_command(ssh_client, command) if OK: for line in stdout: log.write('{0}\n'.format(line)) else: log.write('*** ERROR: Wrong command ---> {0}\n'.format(command)) # close the SSH transport connection if OK: log.write('{0}\n'.format(xlib.get_separator())) log.write('Closing the SSH transport connection ...\n') xssh.close_ssh_transport_connection(ssh_transport) log.write('The connection is closed.\n') # close the SSH client connection if OK: log.write('{0}\n'.format(xlib.get_separator())) log.write('Closing the SSH client connection ...\n') xssh.close_ssh_client_connection(ssh_client) log.write('The connection is closed.\n') # warn that the log window can be closed if not isinstance(log, xlib.DevStdOut): log.write('{0}\n'.format(xlib.get_separator())) log.write('You can close this window now.\n') # execute final function if function is not None: function() # return the control variable return OK
def validate_quast_config_file(strict): ''' Validate the QUAST config file of a run. ''' # initialize the control variable and the error list OK = True error_list = [] # intitialize variable used when value is not found not_found = '***NOTFOUND***'.upper() # get the option dictionary try: quast_option_dict = xlib.get_option_dict(get_quast_config_file()) except: error_list.append('*** ERROR: The syntax is WRONG.') OK = False else: # get the sections list sections_list = [] for section in quast_option_dict.keys(): sections_list.append(section) sections_list.sort() # check section "identification" if 'identification' not in sections_list: error_list.append('*** ERROR: the section "identification" is not found.') OK = False else: # check section "identification" - key "experiment_id" experiment_id = quast_option_dict.get('identification', {}).get('experiment_id', not_found) if experiment_id == not_found: error_list.append('*** ERROR: the key "experiment_id" is not found in the section "identification".') OK = False # check section "identification" - key "reference_dataset_id" reference_dataset_id = quast_option_dict.get('identification', {}).get('reference_dataset_id', not_found) if reference_dataset_id == not_found: error_list.append('*** ERROR: the key "reference_dataset_id" is not found in the section "identification".') OK = False # check section "identification" - key "reference_file" reference_file = quast_option_dict.get('identification', {}).get('reference_file', not_found) if reference_file == not_found: error_list.append('*** ERROR: the key "reference_file" is not found in the section "identification".') OK = False # check section "identification" - key "assembly_software" assembly_software = quast_option_dict.get('identification', {}).get('assembly_software', not_found) if assembly_software == not_found: error_list.append('*** ERROR: the key "assembly_software" is not found in the section "identification".') OK = False elif assembly_software not in [xlib.get_soapdenovotrans_code(), xlib.get_transabyss_code(), xlib.get_trinity_code(), xlib.get_star_code(), xlib.get_cd_hit_est_code(), xlib.get_transcript_filter_code()]: error_list.append('*** ERROR: the key "assembly_software" value in the section "identification" must be {0} or {1} or {2} or {3} or {4} OR {5}.'.format(xlib.get_soapdenovotrans_code(), xlib.get_transabyss_code(), xlib.get_trinity_code(), xlib.get_star_code(), xlib.get_cd_hit_est_code(), xlib.get_transcript_filter_code())) OK = False # check section "identification" - key "assembly_dataset_id" assembly_dataset_id = quast_option_dict.get('identification', {}).get('assembly_dataset_id', not_found) if assembly_dataset_id == not_found: error_list.append('*** ERROR: the key "assembly_dataset_id" is not found in the section "identification".') OK = False elif not assembly_dataset_id.startswith(xlib.get_soapdenovotrans_code()) and not assembly_dataset_id.startswith(xlib.get_transabyss_code()) and not assembly_dataset_id.startswith(xlib.get_trinity_code()) and not assembly_dataset_id.startswith(xlib.get_star_code()) and not assembly_dataset_id.startswith(xlib.get_cd_hit_est_code()) and not assembly_dataset_id.startswith(xlib.get_transcript_filter_code()): error_list.append('*** ERROR: the key "assembly_dataset_id" value is not a {0} nor {1} nor {2} nor {3} nor {4} nor {5} assembly.'.format(xlib.get_soapdenovotrans_name(), xlib.get_transabyss_name(), xlib.get_trinity_name(), xlib.get_star_name(), xlib.get_cd_hit_est_name(), xlib.get_transcript_filter_code())) OK = False # check section "identification" - key "assembly_type" assembly_type = quast_option_dict.get('identification', {}).get('assembly_type', not_found) if assembly_type == not_found: error_list.append('*** ERROR: the key "assembly_type" is not found in the section "identification".') OK = False elif assembly_dataset_id.startswith(xlib.get_soapdenovotrans_code()): if assembly_type.upper() not in ['CONTIGS', 'SCAFFOLDS']: error_list.append('*** ERROR: the key "assembly_type" must be "CONTIGS" or "SCAFFOLDS" when {0} is the assembly software.'.format(xlib.get_soapdenovotrans_name())) OK = False elif assembly_dataset_id.startswith(xlib.get_transabyss_code()) or assembly_dataset_id.startswith(xlib.get_trinity_code()) or assembly_dataset_id.startswith(xlib.get_star_code()) or assembly_dataset_id.startswith(xlib.get_cd_hit_est_code()) or assembly_dataset_id.startswith(xlib.get_transcript_filter_code()): if assembly_type.upper() != 'NONE': error_list.append('*** ERROR: the key "assembly_type" must be "NONE" when {0} or {1} or {2} or {3} or {4} is the assembly software.'.format(xlib.get_transabyss_name(), xlib.get_trinity_name(), xlib.get_star_name(), xlib.get_cd_hit_est_name(), xlib.get_transcript_filter_name())) OK = False # check section "QUAST parameters" if 'QUAST parameters' not in sections_list: error_list.append('*** ERROR: the section "QUAST parameters" is not found.') OK = False else: # check section "QUAST parameters" - key "threads" threads = quast_option_dict.get('QUAST parameters', {}).get('threads', not_found) if threads == not_found: error_list.append('*** ERROR: the key "threads" is not found in the section "QUAST parameters".') OK = False else: try: if int(threads) < 1: error_list.append('*** ERROR: the key "threads" in the section "QUAST parameters" must be an integer value greater or equal to 1.') OK = False except: error_list.append('*** ERROR: the key "threads" in the section "QUAST parameters" must be an integer value greater or equal to 1.') OK = False # warn that the results config file is not valid if there are any errors if not OK: error_list.append('\nThe {0} config file is not valid. Please, correct this file or recreate it.'.format(xlib.get_quast_name())) # return the control variable and the error list return (OK, error_list)
def create_quast_config_file(experiment_id='exp001', reference_dataset_id='NONE', reference_file='NONE', assembly_dataset_id='sdnt-170101-235959', assembly_type='CONTIGS'): ''' Create QUAST config file with the default options. It is necessary update the options in each run. ''' # initialize the control variable and the error list OK = True error_list = [] # set the app if assembly_dataset_id.startswith(xlib.get_soapdenovotrans_code()): assembly_software = xlib.get_soapdenovotrans_code() elif assembly_dataset_id.startswith(xlib.get_transabyss_code()): assembly_software = xlib.get_transabyss_code() elif assembly_dataset_id.startswith(xlib.get_trinity_code()): assembly_software = xlib.get_trinity_code() elif assembly_dataset_id.startswith(xlib.get_star_code()): assembly_software = xlib.get_star_code() elif assembly_dataset_id.startswith(xlib.get_cd_hit_est_code()): assembly_software = xlib.get_cd_hit_est_code() elif assembly_dataset_id.startswith(xlib.get_transcript_filter_code()): assembly_software = xlib.get_transcript_filter_code() # create the QUAST config file and write the default options try: if not os.path.exists(os.path.dirname(get_quast_config_file())): os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(get_quast_config_file())) with open(get_quast_config_file(), mode='w', encoding='utf8') as file_id: file_id.write('{0}\n'.format('# You must review the information of this file and update the values with the corresponding ones to the current run.')) file_id.write('{0}\n'.format('#')) file_id.write('{0}\n'.format('# The reference file must be located in the cluster directory {0}/experiment_id/reference_dataset_id'.format(xlib.get_cluster_reference_dir()))) file_id.write('{0}\n'.format('# The assembly files must be located in the cluster directory {0}/experiment_id/assembly_dataset_id'.format(xlib.get_cluster_result_dir()))) file_id.write('{0}\n'.format('# The experiment_id, reference_dataset_id, reference_file and assembly_dataset_id are fixed in the identification section.')) file_id.write('{0}\n'.format('#')) file_id.write('{0}\n'.format('# You can consult the parameters of QUAST and their meaning in')) file_id.write('{0}\n'.format('')) file_id.write('{0}\n'.format('# This section has the information identifies the experiment.')) file_id.write('{0}\n'.format('[identification]')) file_id.write('{0:<50} {1}\n'.format('experiment_id = {0}'.format(experiment_id), '# experiment identification')) file_id.write('{0:<50} {1}\n'.format('reference_dataset_id = {0}'.format(reference_dataset_id), '# reference dataset identification or NONE')) file_id.write('{0:<50} {1}\n'.format('reference_file = {0}'.format(reference_file), '# reference file name or NONE')) file_id.write('{0:<50} {1}\n'.format('assembly_software = {0}'.format(assembly_software), '# assembly software: {0} ({1}) or {2} ({3}) or {4} ({5}) or {6} ({7}) or {8} ({9}) or {10} ({11})'.format(xlib.get_soapdenovotrans_code(), xlib.get_soapdenovotrans_name(), xlib.get_transabyss_code(), xlib.get_transabyss_name(), xlib.get_trinity_code(), xlib.get_trinity_name(), xlib.get_star_code(), xlib.get_star_name(), xlib.get_cd_hit_est_code(), xlib.get_cd_hit_est_name(), xlib.get_transcript_filter_code(), xlib.get_transcript_filter_name()))) file_id.write('{0:<50} {1}\n'.format('assembly_dataset_id = {0}'.format(assembly_dataset_id), '# assembly dataset identification')) file_id.write('{0:<50} {1}\n'.format('assembly_type = {0}'.format(assembly_type), '# CONTIGS or SCAFFOLDS in {0}; NONE in {1}, {2}, {3}, {4} and {5}'.format(xlib.get_soapdenovotrans_name(), xlib.get_transabyss_name(), xlib.get_trinity_name(), xlib.get_star_name(), xlib.get_cd_hit_est_name(), xlib.get_transcript_filter_name()))) file_id.write('{0}\n'.format('')) file_id.write('{0}\n'.format('# This section has the information to set the QUAST parameters')) file_id.write('{0}\n'.format('[QUAST parameters]')) file_id.write('{0:<50} {1}\n'.format('threads = 2', '# number of threads for use')) except: error_list.append('*** ERROR: The file {0} can not be recreated'.format(get_quast_config_file())) OK = False # return the control variable and the error list return (OK, error_list)
def form_list_cluster_experiment_processes(): ''' List the processes of an experiment in the cluster. ''' # initialize the control variable OK = True # print the header clib.clear_screen() clib.print_headers_with_environment('Logs - List experiment processes in the cluster') # get the cluster name print(xlib.get_separator()) if xec2.get_running_cluster_list(volume_creator_included=False) != []: cluster_name = cinputs.input_cluster_name(volume_creator_included=False, help=True) else: print('WARNING: There is not any running cluster.') OK = False # create the SSH client connection if OK: (OK, error_list, ssh_client) = xssh.create_ssh_client_connection(cluster_name, 'master') for error in error_list: log.write('{0}\n'.format(error)) # get experiment identification if OK: experiment_id = cinputs.input_experiment_id(ssh_client, help=True) if experiment_id == '': print('WARNING: The cluster {0} has not experiment data.'.format(cluster_name)) OK = False # get the result dataset list of the experiment if OK: command = 'cd {0}/{1}; for list in `ls`; do ls -ld $list | grep -v ^- > /dev/null && echo $list; done;'.format(xlib.get_cluster_result_dir(), experiment_id) (OK, stdout, stderr) = xssh.execute_cluster_command(ssh_client, command) if OK: result_dataset_id_list = [] for line in stdout: line = line.rstrip('\n') if line != 'lost+found': result_dataset_id_list.append(line) # print the result dataset identification list of the experiment if OK: print(xlib.get_separator()) if result_dataset_id_list == []: print('*** WARNING: There is not any result dataset of the experiment {0}.'.format(experiment_id)) else: result_dataset_id_list.sort() # set data width result_dataset_width = 25 bioinfo_app_width = 25 # set line template line_template = '{0:' + str(result_dataset_width) + '} {1:' + str(bioinfo_app_width) + '}' # print header print(line_template.format('Result dataset', 'Bioinfo app / Utility')) print(line_template.format('=' * result_dataset_width, '=' * bioinfo_app_width)) # print detail lines for result_dataset_id in result_dataset_id_list: if result_dataset_id.startswith(xlib.get_bedtools_code()+'-'): bioinfo_app_name = xlib.get_bedtools_name() elif result_dataset_id.startswith(xlib.get_blastplus_code()+'-'): bioinfo_app_name = xlib.get_blastplus_name() elif result_dataset_id.startswith(xlib.get_bowtie2_code()+'-'): bioinfo_app_name = xlib.get_bowtie2_name() elif result_dataset_id.startswith(xlib.get_busco_code()+'-'): bioinfo_app_name = xlib.get_busco_name() elif result_dataset_id.startswith(xlib.get_cd_hit_code()+'-'): bioinfo_app_name = xlib.get_cd_hit_est_name() elif result_dataset_id.startswith(xlib.get_cd_hit_code()+'-'): bioinfo_app_name = xlib.get_cd_hit_est_name() elif result_dataset_id.startswith(xlib.get_detonate_code()+'-'): bioinfo_app_name = xlib.get_detonate_name() elif result_dataset_id.startswith(xlib.get_emboss_code()+'-'): bioinfo_app_name = xlib.get_emboss_name() elif result_dataset_id.startswith(xlib.get_fastqc_code()+'-'): bioinfo_app_name = xlib.get_fastqc_name() elif result_dataset_id.startswith(xlib.get_gmap_code()+'-'): bioinfo_app_name = xlib.get_gmap_name() elif result_dataset_id.startswith(xlib.get_gmap_gsnap_code()+'-'): bioinfo_app_name = xlib.get_gmap_gsnap_name() elif result_dataset_id.startswith(xlib.get_gzip_code()+'-'): bioinfo_app_name = xlib.get_gzip_name() elif result_dataset_id.startswith(xlib.get_insilico_read_normalization_code()+'-'): bioinfo_app_name = xlib.get_insilico_read_normalization_name() elif result_dataset_id.startswith(xlib.get_miniconda3_code()+'-'): bioinfo_app_name = xlib.get_miniconda3_name() elif result_dataset_id.startswith(xlib.get_ngshelper_code()+'-'): bioinfo_app_name = xlib.get_ngshelper_name() elif result_dataset_id.startswith(xlib.get_quast_code()+'-'): bioinfo_app_name = xlib.get_quast_name() elif result_dataset_id.startswith(xlib.get_r_code()+'-'): bioinfo_app_name = xlib.get_r_name() elif result_dataset_id.startswith(xlib.get_ref_eval_code()+'-'): bioinfo_app_name = xlib.get_ref_eval_name() elif result_dataset_id.startswith(xlib.get_rnaquast_code()+'-'): bioinfo_app_name = xlib.get_rnaquast_name() elif result_dataset_id.startswith(xlib.get_rsem_code()+'-'): bioinfo_app_name = xlib.get_rsem_name() elif result_dataset_id.startswith(xlib.get_rsem_eval_code()+'-'): bioinfo_app_name = xlib.get_rsem_eval_name() elif result_dataset_id.startswith(xlib.get_samtools_code()+'-'): bioinfo_app_name = xlib.get_samtools_name() elif result_dataset_id.startswith(xlib.get_soapdenovotrans_code()+'-'): bioinfo_app_name = xlib.get_soapdenovotrans_name() elif result_dataset_id.startswith(xlib.get_star_code()+'-'): bioinfo_app_name = xlib.get_star_name() elif result_dataset_id.startswith(xlib.get_transabyss_code()+'-'): bioinfo_app_name = xlib.get_transabyss_name() elif result_dataset_id.startswith(xlib.get_transcript_filter_code()+'-'): bioinfo_app_name = xlib.get_transcript_filter_name() elif result_dataset_id.startswith(xlib.get_transcriptome_blastx_code()+'-'): bioinfo_app_name = xlib.get_transcriptome_blastx_name() elif result_dataset_id.startswith(xlib.get_transrate_code()+'-'): bioinfo_app_name = xlib.get_transrate_name() elif result_dataset_id.startswith(xlib.get_trimmomatic_code()+'-'): bioinfo_app_name = xlib.get_trimmomatic_name() elif result_dataset_id.startswith(xlib.get_trinity_code()+'-'): bioinfo_app_name = xlib.get_trinity_name() else: bioinfo_app_name = 'xxx' print(line_template.format(result_dataset_id, bioinfo_app_name)) # close the SSH client connection if OK: xssh.close_ssh_client_connection(ssh_client) # show continuation message print(xlib.get_separator()) input('Press [Intro] to continue ...')
def create_busco_config_file(experiment_id='exp001', assembly_dataset_id='sdnt-170101-235959', assembly_type='CONTIGS'): ''' Create BUSCO config file with the default options. It is necessary update the options in each run. ''' # initialize the control variable and the error list OK = True error_list = [] # set the assembly software if assembly_dataset_id.startswith(xlib.get_soapdenovotrans_code()): assembly_software = xlib.get_soapdenovotrans_code() elif assembly_dataset_id.startswith(xlib.get_transabyss_code()): assembly_software = xlib.get_transabyss_code() elif assembly_dataset_id.startswith(xlib.get_trinity_code()): assembly_software = xlib.get_trinity_code() elif assembly_dataset_id.startswith(xlib.get_star_code()): assembly_software = xlib.get_star_code() elif assembly_dataset_id.startswith(xlib.get_cd_hit_est_code()): assembly_software = xlib.get_cd_hit_est_code() elif assembly_dataset_id.startswith(xlib.get_transcript_filter_code()): assembly_software = xlib.get_transcript_filter_code() # create the BUSCO config file and write the default options try: if not os.path.exists(os.path.dirname(get_busco_config_file())): os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(get_busco_config_file())) with open(get_busco_config_file(), mode='w', encoding='utf8') as file_id: file_id.write('{0}\n'.format('# You must review the information of this file and update the values with the corresponding ones to the current run.')) file_id.write('{0}\n'.format('#')) file_id.write('{0}\n'.format('# The reference file must be located in the cluster directory {0}/experiment_id/reference_dataset_id'.format(xlib.get_cluster_reference_dir()))) file_id.write('{0}\n'.format('# The assembly files must be located in the cluster directory {0}/experiment_id/assembly_dataset_id'.format(xlib.get_cluster_result_dir()))) file_id.write('{0}\n'.format('# The experiment_id and assembly_dataset_id names are fixed in the identification section.')) file_id.write('{0}\n'.format('#')) file_id.write('{0}\n'.format('# In section "BUSCO parameters", the key "augustus_options" allows you to input additional August parameters in the format:')) file_id.write('{0}\n'.format('#')) file_id.write('{0}\n'.format('# augustus_options = --parameter-1[=value-1][; --parameter-2[=value-2][; ...; --parameter-n[=value-n]]]')) file_id.write('{0}\n'.format('#')) file_id.write('{0}\n'.format('# parameter-i is a parameter name of Augustus and value-i a valid value of parameter-i, e.g.')) file_id.write('{0}\n'.format('#')) file_id.write('{0}\n'.format('# augustus_options = --translation_table=6 --progress=true)')) file_id.write('{0}\n'.format('#')) file_id.write('{0}\n'.format('# You can consult the parameters of BUSCO and their meaning in')) file_id.write('{0}\n'.format('# and August ones in')) file_id.write('{0}\n'.format('')) file_id.write('{0}\n'.format('# This section has the information identifies the experiment.')) file_id.write('{0}\n'.format('[identification]')) file_id.write('{0:<50} {1}\n'.format('experiment_id = {0}'.format(experiment_id), '# experiment identification')) file_id.write('{0:<50} {1}\n'.format('assembly_software = {0}'.format(assembly_software), '# assembly software: {0} ({1}) or {2} ({3}) or {4} ({5}) or {6} ({7}) or {8} ({9}) or {10} ({11})'.format(xlib.get_soapdenovotrans_code(), xlib.get_soapdenovotrans_name(), xlib.get_transabyss_code(), xlib.get_transabyss_name(), xlib.get_trinity_code(), xlib.get_trinity_name(), xlib.get_star_code(), xlib.get_star_name(), xlib.get_cd_hit_est_code(), xlib.get_cd_hit_est_name(), xlib.get_transcript_filter_code(), xlib.get_transcript_filter_name()))) file_id.write('{0:<50} {1}\n'.format('assembly_dataset_id = {0}'.format(assembly_dataset_id), '# assembly dataset identification')) file_id.write('{0:<50} {1}\n'.format('assembly_type = {0}'.format(assembly_type), '# CONTIGS or SCAFFOLDS in {0}; NONE in {1}, {2}, {3}, {4} and {5}'.format(xlib.get_soapdenovotrans_name(), xlib.get_transabyss_name(), xlib.get_trinity_name(), xlib.get_star_name(), xlib.get_cd_hit_est_name(), xlib.get_transcript_filter_name()))) file_id.write('{0}\n'.format('')) file_id.write('{0}\n'.format('# This section has the information to set the BUSCO parameters')) file_id.write('{0}\n'.format('[BUSCO parameters]')) file_id.write('{0:<50} {1}\n'.format('ncpu = 2', '# number of threads/cores for use')) file_id.write('{0:<50} {1}\n'.format('lineage_data = embryophyta_odb9', '# value to find the lineage data url in BUSCO web (e.g. embryophyta ->')) file_id.write('{0:<50} {1}\n'.format('mode = tran', '# geno (genome assemblies, DNA) or tran (transcriptome assemblies, DNA) or prot (annotated gene sets, proteins)')) file_id.write('{0:<50} {1}\n'.format('evalue = 1e-03', '# E-value cutoff for BLAST searches')) file_id.write('{0:<50} {1}\n'.format('limit = 3', '# number of candidate regions to consider')) file_id.write('{0:<50} {1}\n'.format('species = NONE', '# identifier of existing Augustus species gene finding parameters or NONE')) file_id.write('{0:<50} {1}\n'.format('long = NO', '# Augustus optimization mode for self-training: YES or NO')) file_id.write('{0:<50} {1}\n'.format('augustus_options = NONE', '# additional parameters to August or NONE')) except: error_list.append('*** ERROR: The file {0} can not be recreated'.format(get_busco_config_file())) OK = False # return the control variable and the error list return (OK, error_list)
def validate_busco_config_file(strict): ''' Validate the BUSCO config file of a run. ''' # initialize the control variable and the error list OK = True error_list = [] # intitialize variable used when value is not found not_found = '***NOTFOUND***'.upper() # get the option dictionary try: busco_option_dict = xlib.get_option_dict(get_busco_config_file()) except: error_list.append('*** ERROR: The syntax is WRONG.') OK = False else: # get the sections list sections_list = [] for section in busco_option_dict.keys(): sections_list.append(section) sections_list.sort() # check section "identification" if 'identification' not in sections_list: error_list.append('*** ERROR: the section "identification" is not found.') OK = False else: # check section "identification" - key "experiment_id" experiment_id = busco_option_dict.get('identification', {}).get('experiment_id', not_found) is_experiment_id_OK = True if experiment_id == not_found: error_list.append('*** ERROR: the key "experiment_id" is not found in the section "identification".') is_experiment_id_OK = False OK = False # check section "identification" - key "assembly_software" assembly_software = busco_option_dict.get('identification', {}).get('assembly_software', not_found) is_assembly_software_OK = True if assembly_software == not_found: error_list.append('*** ERROR: the key "assembly_software" is not found in the section "identification".') is_assembly_software_OK = False OK = False elif assembly_software not in [xlib.get_soapdenovotrans_code(), xlib.get_transabyss_code(), xlib.get_trinity_code(), xlib.get_star_code(), xlib.get_cd_hit_est_code(), xlib.get_transcript_filter_code()]: error_list.append('*** ERROR: the key "assembly_software" value in the section "identification" must be {0} or {1} or {2} or {3} or {4} OR {5}.'.format(xlib.get_soapdenovotrans_code(), xlib.get_transabyss_code(), xlib.get_trinity_code(), xlib.get_star_code(), xlib.get_cd_hit_est_code(), xlib.get_transcript_filter_code())) is_assembly_software_OK = False OK = False # check section "identification" - key "assembly_dataset_id" assembly_dataset_id = busco_option_dict.get('identification', {}).get('assembly_dataset_id', not_found) is_assembly_dataset_id_OK = True if assembly_dataset_id == not_found: error_list.append('*** ERROR: the key "assembly_dataset_id" is not found in the section "identification".') is_assembly_dataset_id_OK = False OK = False elif not assembly_dataset_id.startswith(xlib.get_soapdenovotrans_code()) and not assembly_dataset_id.startswith(xlib.get_transabyss_code()) and not assembly_dataset_id.startswith(xlib.get_trinity_code()) and not assembly_dataset_id.startswith(xlib.get_star_code()) and not assembly_dataset_id.startswith(xlib.get_cd_hit_est_code()) and not assembly_dataset_id.startswith(xlib.get_transcript_filter_code()): error_list.append('*** ERROR: the key "assembly_dataset_id" value is not a {0} nor {1} nor {2} nor {3} nor {4} nor {5} assembly.'.format(xlib.get_soapdenovotrans_name(), xlib.get_transabyss_name(), xlib.get_trinity_name(), xlib.get_star_name(), xlib.get_cd_hit_est_name(), xlib.get_transcript_filter_code())) is_assembly_dataset_id_OK = False OK = False # check section "identification" - key "assembly_type" assembly_type = busco_option_dict.get('identification', {}).get('assembly_type', not_found) is_assembly_type_OK = True if assembly_type == not_found: error_list.append('*** ERROR: the key "assembly_type" is not found in the section "identification".') is_assembly_type_OK = False OK = False elif assembly_dataset_id.startswith(xlib.get_soapdenovotrans_code()): if assembly_type.upper() not in ['CONTIGS', 'SCAFFOLDS']: error_list.append('*** ERROR: the key "assembly_type" must be "CONTIGS" or "SCAFFOLDS" when {0} is the assembly software.'.format(xlib.get_soapdenovotrans_name())) is_assembly_type_OK = False OK = False elif assembly_dataset_id.startswith(xlib.get_transabyss_code()) or assembly_dataset_id.startswith(xlib.get_trinity_code()) or assembly_dataset_id.startswith(xlib.get_star_code()) or assembly_dataset_id.startswith(xlib.get_cd_hit_est_code()) or assembly_dataset_id.startswith(xlib.get_transcript_filter_code()): if assembly_type.upper() != 'NONE': error_list.append('*** ERROR: the key "assembly_type" must be "NONE" when {0} or {1} or {2} or {3} or {4} is the assembly software.'.format(xlib.get_transabyss_name(), xlib.get_trinity_name(), xlib.get_star_name(), xlib.get_cd_hit_est_name(), xlib.get_transcript_filter_name())) is_assembly_type_OK = False OK = False # check section "BUSCO parameters" if 'BUSCO parameters' not in sections_list: error_list.append('*** ERROR: the section "BUSCO parameters" is not found.') OK = False else: # check section "BUSCO parameters" - key "ncpu" ncpu = busco_option_dict.get('BUSCO parameters', {}).get('ncpu', not_found) is_ncpu_OK = True if ncpu == not_found: error_list.append('*** ERROR: the key "ncpu" is not found in the section "BUSCO parameters".') is_ncpu_OK = False OK = False else: try: if int(ncpu) < 1: error_list.append('*** ERROR: the key "ncpu" in the section "BUSCO parameters" must be an integer value greater or equal to 1.') is_ncpu_OK = False OK = False except: error_list.append('*** ERROR: the key "ncpu" in the section "BUSCO parameters" must be an integer value greater or equal to 1.') is_ncpu_OK = False OK = False # check section "BUSCO parameters" - key "lineage_data" lineage_data = busco_option_dict.get('BUSCO parameters', {}).get('lineage_data', not_found) is_lineage_data_OK = True if lineage_data == not_found: error_list.append('*** ERROR: the key "lineage_data" is not found in the section "BUSCO parameters"') is_lineage_data_OK = False OK = False # check section "BUSCO parameters" - key "mode" mode = busco_option_dict.get('BUSCO parameters', {}).get('mode', not_found).lower() is_mode_OK = True if mode == not_found: error_list.append('*** ERROR: the key "mode" is not found in the section "BUSCO parameters".') is_mode_OK = False OK = False elif mode not in ['geno', 'tran', 'prot']: error_list.append('*** ERROR: the key "mode" value in the section "BUSCO parameters" must be geno or tran or prot.') is_mode_OK = False OK = False # check section "BUSCO parameters" - key "evalue" evalue = busco_option_dict.get('BUSCO parameters', {}).get('evalue', not_found) is_evalue_OK = True if evalue == not_found: error_list.append('*** ERROR: the key "evalue" is not found in the section "BUSCO parameters".') is_evalue_OK = False OK = False else: try: if float(evalue) <= 0: error_list.append('*** ERROR: the key "evalue" in the section "BUSCO parameters" must be a float value greater than 0.') is_evalue_OK = False OK = False except: error_list.append('*** ERROR: the key "evalue" in the section "BUSCO parameters" must be a float value greater than 0.') is_evalue_OK = False OK = False # check section "BUSCO parameters" - key "limit" limit = busco_option_dict.get('BUSCO parameters', {}).get('limit', not_found) is_limit_OK = True if limit == not_found: error_list.append('*** ERROR: the key "limit" is not found in the section "BUSCO parameters".') OK = False else: try: if int(limit) < 1: error_list.append('*** ERROR: the key "limit" in the section "BUSCO parameters" must be an integer value greater or equal to 1.') is_limit_OK = False OK = False except: error_list.append('*** ERROR: the key "limit" in the section "BUSCO parameters" must be an integer value greater or equal to 1.') is_limit_OK = False OK = False # check section "BUSCO parameters" - key "species" species = busco_option_dict.get('BUSCO parameters', {}).get('species', not_found) is_species_OK = True if species == not_found: error_list.append('*** ERROR: the key "species" is not found in the section "BUSCO parameters"') is_species_OK = False OK = False # check section "BUSCO parameters" - key "long" long = busco_option_dict.get('BUSCO parameters', {}).get('long', not_found).upper() is_long_OK = True if long == not_found: error_list.append('*** ERROR: the key "long" is not found in the section "BUSCO parameters".') is_long_OK = False OK = False elif long not in ['YES', 'NO']: error_list.append('*** ERROR: the key "long" value in the section "BUSCO parameters" must be YES or NO.') is_long_OK = False OK = False # check section "BUSCO parameters" - key "augustus_options" augustus_options = busco_option_dict.get('BUSCO parameters', {}).get('augustus_options', not_found) is_augustus_options_OK = True if augustus_options == not_found: error_list.append('*** ERROR: the key "augustus_options" is not found in the section "BUSCO parameters".') is_augustus_options_OK = False OK = False else: if augustus_options.upper() != 'NONE': parameter_list = [x.strip() for x in augustus_options.split(';')] for parameter in parameter_list: try: if parameter.find('=') > 0: pattern = r'^--(.+)=(.+)$' mo =, parameter) parameter_name = parameter_value = else: pattern = r'^--(.+)$' mo =, parameter) parameter_name = except: error_list.append('*** ERROR: the value of the key "augustus_options" in the section "BUSCO parameters" must be NONE or a valid August parameter list.') is_augustus_options_OK = False OK = False break # warn that the results config file is not valid if there are any errors if not OK: error_list.append('\nThe {0} config file is not valid. Please, correct this file or recreate it.'.format(xlib.get_busco_name())) # return the control variable and the error list return (OK, error_list)
def execute(self, event=None): ''' Execute the list the result logs in the cluster. ''' # validate inputs OK = self.validate_inputs() if not OK: message = 'Some input values are not OK.' tkinter.messagebox.showerror('{0} - {1}'.format(xlib.get_project_name(), self.head), message) # get the run dictionary of the experiment if OK: # -- command = 'ls {0}/{1}'.format(xlib.get_cluster_result_dir(), self.wrapper_experiment_id.get()) command = 'cd {0}/{1}; for list in `ls`; do ls -ld $list | grep -v ^- > /dev/null && echo $list; done;'.format(xlib.get_cluster_result_dir(), self.wrapper_experiment_id.get()) (OK, stdout, stderr) = xssh.execute_cluster_command(self.ssh_client, command) if OK: result_dataset_dict = {} for line in stdout: line = line.rstrip('\n') if line != 'lost+found': result_dataset_id = line try: pattern = r'^(.+)\-(.+)\-(.+)$' mo =, result_dataset_id) bioinfo_app_code = yymmdd = hhmmss = date = '20{0}-{1}-{2}'.format(yymmdd[:2], yymmdd[2:4], yymmdd[4:]) time = '{0}:{1}:{2}'.format(hhmmss[:2], hhmmss[2:4], hhmmss[4:]) except: bioinfo_app_code = 'xxx' date = '0000-00-00' time = '00:00:00' if result_dataset_id.startswith(xlib.get_bedtools_code()+'-'): bioinfo_app_name = xlib.get_bedtools_name() elif result_dataset_id.startswith(xlib.get_blastplus_code()+'-'): bioinfo_app_name = xlib.get_blastplus_name() elif result_dataset_id.startswith(xlib.get_bowtie2_code()+'-'): bioinfo_app_name = xlib.get_bowtie2_name() elif result_dataset_id.startswith(xlib.get_busco_code()+'-'): bioinfo_app_name = xlib.get_busco_name() elif result_dataset_id.startswith(xlib.get_cd_hit_code()+'-'): bioinfo_app_name = xlib.get_cd_hit_name() elif result_dataset_id.startswith(xlib.get_cd_hit_est_code()+'-'): bioinfo_app_name = xlib.get_cd_hit_est_name() elif result_dataset_id.startswith(xlib.get_detonate_code()+'-'): bioinfo_app_name = xlib.get_detonate_name() elif result_dataset_id.startswith(xlib.get_emboss_code()+'-'): bioinfo_app_name = xlib.get_emboss_name() elif result_dataset_id.startswith(xlib.get_fastqc_code()+'-'): bioinfo_app_name = xlib.get_fastqc_name() elif result_dataset_id.startswith(xlib.get_gmap_code()+'-'): bioinfo_app_name = xlib.get_gmap_name() elif result_dataset_id.startswith(xlib.get_gmap_gsnap_code()+'-'): bioinfo_app_name = xlib.get_gmap_gsnap_name() elif result_dataset_id.startswith(xlib.get_gzip_code()+'-'): bioinfo_app_name = xlib.get_gzip_name() elif result_dataset_id.startswith(xlib.get_insilico_read_normalization_code()+'-'): bioinfo_app_name = xlib.get_insilico_read_normalization_name() elif result_dataset_id.startswith(xlib.get_miniconda3_code()+'-'): bioinfo_app_name = xlib.get_miniconda3_name() elif result_dataset_id.startswith(xlib.get_ngshelper_code()+'-'): bioinfo_app_name = xlib.get_ngshelper_name() elif result_dataset_id.startswith(xlib.get_quast_code()+'-'): bioinfo_app_name = xlib.get_quast_name() elif result_dataset_id.startswith(xlib.get_r_code()+'-'): bioinfo_app_name = xlib.get_r_name() elif result_dataset_id.startswith(xlib.get_ref_eval_code()+'-'): bioinfo_app_name = xlib.get_ref_eval_name() elif result_dataset_id.startswith(xlib.get_rnaquast_code()+'-'): bioinfo_app_name = xlib.get_rnaquast_name() elif result_dataset_id.startswith(xlib.get_rsem_code()+'-'): bioinfo_app_name = xlib.get_rsem_name() elif result_dataset_id.startswith(xlib.get_rsem_eval_code()+'-'): bioinfo_app_name = xlib.get_rsem_eval_name() elif result_dataset_id.startswith(xlib.get_samtools_code()+'-'): bioinfo_app_name = xlib.get_samtools_name() elif result_dataset_id.startswith(xlib.get_soapdenovotrans_code()+'-'): bioinfo_app_name = xlib.get_soapdenovotrans_name() elif result_dataset_id.startswith(xlib.get_star_code()+'-'): bioinfo_app_name = xlib.get_star_name() elif result_dataset_id.startswith(xlib.get_transabyss_code()+'-'): bioinfo_app_name = xlib.get_transabyss_name() elif result_dataset_id.startswith(xlib.get_transcript_filter_code()+'-'): bioinfo_app_name = xlib.get_transcript_filter_name() elif result_dataset_id.startswith(xlib.get_transcriptome_blastx_code()+'-'): bioinfo_app_name = xlib.get_transcriptome_blastx_name() elif result_dataset_id.startswith(xlib.get_transrate_code()+'-'): bioinfo_app_name = xlib.get_transrate_name() elif result_dataset_id.startswith(xlib.get_trimmomatic_code()+'-'): bioinfo_app_name = xlib.get_trimmomatic_name() elif result_dataset_id.startswith(xlib.get_trinity_code()+'-'): bioinfo_app_name = xlib.get_trinity_name() else: bioinfo_app_name = 'xxx' result_dataset_dict[result_dataset_id] = {'experiment_id': self.wrapper_experiment_id.get(), 'result_dataset_id': result_dataset_id, 'bioinfo_app': bioinfo_app_name, 'date': date, 'time': time} # verify if there are any nodes running if OK: if result_dataset_dict == {}: message = 'There is not any run.' tkinter.messagebox.showwarning('{0} - {1}'.format(xlib.get_project_name(), self.head), message) # build the data list if OK: data_list = ['experiment_id', 'result_dataset_id', 'bioinfo_app', 'date', 'time'] # build the data dictionary if OK: data_dict = {} data_dict['experiment_id']= {'text': 'Experiment id. / Process', 'width': 200, 'aligment': 'left'} data_dict['result_dataset_id'] = {'text': 'Result dataset', 'width': 200, 'aligment': 'left'} data_dict['bioinfo_app'] = {'text': 'Bioinfo app / Utility', 'width': 200, 'aligment': 'left'} data_dict['date'] = {'text': 'Date', 'width': 80, 'aligment': 'right'} data_dict['time'] = {'text': 'Time', 'width': 80, 'aligment': 'right'} # create the dialog Table to show the nodes running if OK: dialog_table = gdialogs.DialogTable(self, 'Experiment runs in {0}/{1}'.format(xlib.get_cluster_result_dir(), self.wrapper_experiment_id.get()), 400, 900, data_list, data_dict, result_dataset_dict, 'view_result_logs', [self.wrapper_cluster_name.get()]) self.wait_window(dialog_table) # close the form if OK: self.close()
def form_list_cluster_experiment_processes(): ''' List the processes of an experiment in the cluster. ''' # initialize the control variable OK = True # print the header clib.clear_screen() clib.print_headers_with_environment( 'Logs - List experiment processes in the cluster') # get the cluster name print(xlib.get_separator()) if xec2.get_running_cluster_list(only_environment_cluster=True, volume_creator_included=False) != []: cluster_name = cinputs.input_cluster_name( volume_creator_included=False, help=True) else: print('WARNING: There is not any running cluster.') OK = False # create the SSH client connection if OK: (OK, error_list, ssh_client) = xssh.create_ssh_client_connection(cluster_name) for error in error_list: print(error) # get experiment identification if OK: experiment_id = cinputs.input_experiment_id(ssh_client, help=True) if experiment_id == '': print( f'WARNING: The cluster {cluster_name} does not have experiment data.' ) OK = False # get the result dataset list of the experiment if OK: command = f'cd {xlib.get_cluster_result_dir()}/{experiment_id}; for list in `ls`; do ls -ld $list | grep -v ^- > /dev/null && echo $list; done;' (OK, stdout, _) = xssh.execute_cluster_command(ssh_client, command) if OK: result_dataset_id_list = [] for line in stdout: line = line.rstrip('\n') if line != 'lost+found': result_dataset_id_list.append(line) # print the result dataset identification list of the experiment if OK: print(xlib.get_separator()) if result_dataset_id_list == []: print( f'*** WARNING: There is not any result dataset of the experiment {experiment_id}.' ) else: result_dataset_id_list.sort() # set data width result_dataset_width = 30 bioinfo_app_width = 25 # set line line = '{0:' + str(result_dataset_width) + '} {1:' + str( bioinfo_app_width) + '}' # print header print(line.format('Result dataset', 'Bioinfo app / Utility')) print( line.format('=' * result_dataset_width, '=' * bioinfo_app_width)) # print detail lines for result_dataset_id in result_dataset_id_list: if result_dataset_id.startswith(xlib.get_bedtools_code() + '-'): bioinfo_app_name = xlib.get_bedtools_name() elif result_dataset_id.startswith(xlib.get_blastplus_code() + '-'): bioinfo_app_name = xlib.get_blastplus_name() elif result_dataset_id.startswith(xlib.get_bcftools_code() + '-'): bioinfo_app_name = xlib.get_bcftools_name() elif result_dataset_id.startswith(xlib.get_bowtie2_code() + '-'): bioinfo_app_name = xlib.get_bowtie2_name() elif result_dataset_id.startswith(xlib.get_busco_code() + '-'): bioinfo_app_name = xlib.get_busco_name() elif result_dataset_id.startswith(xlib.get_cd_hit_code() + '-'): bioinfo_app_name = xlib.get_cd_hit_name() elif result_dataset_id.startswith(xlib.get_cd_hit_est_code() + '-'): bioinfo_app_name = xlib.get_cd_hit_est_name() elif result_dataset_id.startswith(xlib.get_cuffdiff_code() + '-'): bioinfo_app_name = xlib.get_cuffdiff_name() elif result_dataset_id.startswith(xlib.get_cufflinks_code() + '-'): bioinfo_app_name = xlib.get_cufflinks_name() elif result_dataset_id.startswith( xlib.get_cufflinks_cuffmerge_code() + '-'): bioinfo_app_name = xlib.get_cufflinks_cuffmerge_name() elif result_dataset_id.startswith(xlib.get_cuffnorm_code() + '-'): bioinfo_app_name = xlib.get_cuffnorm_name() elif result_dataset_id.startswith(xlib.get_cuffquant_code() + '-'): bioinfo_app_name = xlib.get_cuffquant_name() elif result_dataset_id.startswith(xlib.get_cutadapt_code() + '-'): bioinfo_app_name = xlib.get_cutadapt_name() elif result_dataset_id.startswith( xlib.get_ddradseq_simulation_code() + '-'): bioinfo_app_name = xlib.get_ddradseq_simulation_name() elif result_dataset_id.startswith( xlib.get_ddradseqtools_code() + '-'): bioinfo_app_name = xlib.get_ddradseqtools_name() elif result_dataset_id.startswith(xlib.get_detonate_code() + '-'): bioinfo_app_name = xlib.get_detonate_name() elif result_dataset_id.startswith(xlib.get_diamond_code() + '-'): bioinfo_app_name = xlib.get_diamond_name() elif result_dataset_id.startswith(xlib.get_emboss_code() + '-'): bioinfo_app_name = xlib.get_emboss_name() elif result_dataset_id.startswith( xlib.get_entrez_direct_code() + '-'): bioinfo_app_name = xlib.get_entrez_direct_name() elif result_dataset_id.startswith(xlib.get_express_code() + '-'): bioinfo_app_name = xlib.get_express_name() elif result_dataset_id.startswith(xlib.get_fastqc_code() + '-'): bioinfo_app_name = xlib.get_fastqc_name() elif result_dataset_id.startswith(xlib.get_ggtrinity_code() + '-'): bioinfo_app_name = xlib.get_ggtrinity_name() elif result_dataset_id.startswith(xlib.get_gmap_gsnap_code() + '-'): bioinfo_app_name = xlib.get_gmap_gsnap_name() elif result_dataset_id.startswith(xlib.get_gmap_code() + '-'): bioinfo_app_name = xlib.get_gmap_name() elif result_dataset_id.startswith(xlib.get_gsnap_code() + '-'): bioinfo_app_name = xlib.get_gsnap_name() elif result_dataset_id.startswith(xlib.get_gzip_code() + '-'): bioinfo_app_name = xlib.get_gzip_name() elif result_dataset_id.startswith(xlib.get_hisat2_code() + '-'): bioinfo_app_name = xlib.get_hisat2_name() elif result_dataset_id.startswith(xlib.get_htseq_code() + '-'): bioinfo_app_name = xlib.get_htseq_name() elif result_dataset_id.startswith(xlib.get_htseq_count_code() + '-'): bioinfo_app_name = xlib.get_htseq_count_name() elif result_dataset_id.startswith( xlib.get_insilico_read_normalization_code() + '-'): bioinfo_app_name = xlib.get_insilico_read_normalization_name( ) elif result_dataset_id.startswith(xlib.get_ipyrad_code() + '-'): bioinfo_app_name = xlib.get_ipyrad_name() elif result_dataset_id.startswith(xlib.get_kallisto_code() + '-'): bioinfo_app_name = xlib.get_kallisto_name() elif result_dataset_id.startswith(xlib.get_miniconda3_code() + '-'): bioinfo_app_name = xlib.get_miniconda3_name() elif result_dataset_id.startswith(xlib.get_ngshelper_code() + '-'): bioinfo_app_name = xlib.get_ngshelper_name() elif result_dataset_id.startswith(xlib.get_quast_code() + '-'): bioinfo_app_name = xlib.get_quast_name() elif result_dataset_id.startswith(xlib.get_r_code() + '-'): bioinfo_app_name = xlib.get_r_name() elif result_dataset_id.startswith(xlib.get_raddesigner_code() + '-'): bioinfo_app_name = xlib.get_raddesigner_name() elif result_dataset_id.startswith(xlib.get_ref_eval_code() + '-'): bioinfo_app_name = xlib.get_ref_eval_name() elif result_dataset_id.startswith(xlib.get_rnaquast_code() + '-'): bioinfo_app_name = xlib.get_rnaquast_name() elif result_dataset_id.startswith(xlib.get_rsem_code() + '-'): bioinfo_app_name = xlib.get_rsem_name() elif result_dataset_id.startswith(xlib.get_rsem_eval_code() + '-'): bioinfo_app_name = xlib.get_rsem_eval_name() elif result_dataset_id.startswith(xlib.get_rsitesearch_code() + '-'): bioinfo_app_name = xlib.get_rsitesearch_name() elif result_dataset_id.startswith(xlib.get_samtools_code() + '-'): bioinfo_app_name = xlib.get_samtools_name() elif result_dataset_id.startswith(xlib.get_soapdenovo2_code() + '-'): bioinfo_app_name = xlib.get_soapdenovo2_name() elif result_dataset_id.startswith( xlib.get_soapdenovotrans_code() + '-'): bioinfo_app_name = xlib.get_soapdenovotrans_name() elif result_dataset_id.startswith(xlib.get_star_code() + '-'): bioinfo_app_name = xlib.get_star_name() elif result_dataset_id.startswith(xlib.get_starcode_code() + '-'): bioinfo_app_name = xlib.get_starcode_name() elif result_dataset_id.startswith(xlib.get_toa_code() + '-'): bioinfo_app_name = xlib.get_toa_name() elif result_dataset_id.startswith( xlib.get_toa_process_download_basic_data_code() + '-'): bioinfo_app_name = xlib.get_toa_process_download_basic_data_name( ) elif result_dataset_id.startswith( xlib.get_toa_process_download_dicots_04_code() + '-'): bioinfo_app_name = xlib.get_toa_process_download_dicots_04_name( ) elif result_dataset_id.startswith( xlib.get_toa_process_download_gene_code() + '-'): bioinfo_app_name = xlib.get_toa_process_download_gene_name( ) elif result_dataset_id.startswith( xlib.get_toa_process_download_go_code() + '-'): bioinfo_app_name = xlib.get_toa_process_download_go_name() elif result_dataset_id.startswith( xlib.get_toa_process_download_gymno_01_code() + '-'): bioinfo_app_name = xlib.get_toa_process_download_gymno_01_name( ) elif result_dataset_id.startswith( xlib.get_toa_process_download_interpro_code() + '-'): bioinfo_app_name = xlib.get_toa_process_download_interpro_name( ) elif result_dataset_id.startswith( xlib.get_toa_process_download_monocots_04_code() + '-'): bioinfo_app_name = xlib.get_toa_process_download_monocots_04_name( ) elif result_dataset_id.startswith( xlib.get_toa_process_download_taxonomy_code() + '-'): bioinfo_app_name = xlib.get_toa_process_download_taxonomy_name( ) elif result_dataset_id.startswith( xlib. get_toa_process_gilist_viridiplantae_nucleotide_gi_code( ) + '-'): bioinfo_app_name = xlib.get_toa_process_gilist_viridiplantae_nucleotide_gi_name( ) elif result_dataset_id.startswith( xlib. get_toa_process_gilist_viridiplantae_protein_gi_code() + '-'): bioinfo_app_name = xlib.get_toa_process_gilist_viridiplantae_protein_gi_name( ) elif result_dataset_id.startswith( xlib.get_toa_process_load_basic_data_code() + '-'): bioinfo_app_name = xlib.get_toa_process_load_basic_data_name( ) elif result_dataset_id.startswith( xlib.get_toa_process_load_dicots_04_code() + '-'): bioinfo_app_name = xlib.get_toa_process_load_dicots_04_name( ) elif result_dataset_id.startswith( xlib.get_toa_process_load_gene_code() + '-'): bioinfo_app_name = xlib.get_toa_process_load_gene_name() elif result_dataset_id.startswith( xlib.get_toa_process_load_go_code() + '-'): bioinfo_app_name = xlib.get_toa_process_load_go_name() elif result_dataset_id.startswith( xlib.get_toa_process_load_gymno_01_code() + '-'): bioinfo_app_name = xlib.get_toa_process_load_gymno_01_name( ) elif result_dataset_id.startswith( xlib.get_toa_process_load_interpro_code() + '-'): bioinfo_app_name = xlib.get_toa_process_load_interpro_name( ) elif result_dataset_id.startswith( xlib.get_toa_process_load_monocots_04_code() + '-'): bioinfo_app_name = xlib.get_toa_process_load_monocots_04_name( ) elif result_dataset_id.startswith( xlib.get_toa_process_merge_annotations_code() + '-'): bioinfo_app_name = xlib.get_toa_process_merge_annotations_name( ) elif result_dataset_id.startswith( xlib.get_toa_process_nr_blastplus_db_code() + '-'): bioinfo_app_name = xlib.get_toa_process_nr_blastplus_db_name( ) elif result_dataset_id.startswith( xlib.get_toa_process_nr_diamond_db_code() + '-'): bioinfo_app_name = xlib.get_toa_process_nr_diamond_db_name( ) elif result_dataset_id.startswith( xlib.get_toa_process_nt_blastplus_db_code() + '-'): bioinfo_app_name = xlib.get_toa_process_nt_blastplus_db_name( ) elif result_dataset_id.startswith( xlib.get_toa_process_pipeline_aminoacid_code() + '-'): bioinfo_app_name = xlib.get_toa_process_pipeline_aminoacid_name( ) elif result_dataset_id.startswith( xlib.get_toa_process_pipeline_nucleotide_code() + '-'): bioinfo_app_name = xlib.get_toa_process_pipeline_nucleotide_name( ) elif result_dataset_id.startswith( xlib.get_toa_process_proteome_dicots_04_code() + '-'): bioinfo_app_name = xlib.get_toa_process_proteome_dicots_04_name( ) elif result_dataset_id.startswith( xlib.get_toa_process_proteome_gymno_01_code() + '-'): bioinfo_app_name = xlib.get_toa_process_proteome_gymno_01_name( ) elif result_dataset_id.startswith( xlib.get_toa_process_proteome_monocots_04_code() + '-'): bioinfo_app_name = xlib.get_toa_process_proteome_monocots_04_name( ) elif result_dataset_id.startswith( xlib.get_toa_process_proteome_refseq_plant_code() + '-'): bioinfo_app_name = xlib.get_toa_process_proteome_refseq_plant_name( ) elif result_dataset_id.startswith( xlib.get_toa_process_rebuild_toa_database_code() + '-'): bioinfo_app_name = xlib.get_get_toa_process_rebuild_toa_database_name( ) elif result_dataset_id.startswith( xlib.get_toa_process_recreate_toa_database_code() + '-'): bioinfo_app_name = xlib.get_get_toa_process_recreate_toa_database_name( ) elif result_dataset_id.startswith(xlib.get_tophat_code() + '-'): bioinfo_app_name = xlib.get_tophat_name() elif result_dataset_id.startswith(xlib.get_transabyss_code() + '-'): bioinfo_app_name = xlib.get_transabyss_name() elif result_dataset_id.startswith( xlib.get_transcript_filter_code() + '-'): bioinfo_app_name = xlib.get_transcript_filter_name() elif result_dataset_id.startswith( xlib.get_transcriptome_blastx_code() + '-'): bioinfo_app_name = xlib.get_transcriptome_blastx_name() elif result_dataset_id.startswith( xlib.get_transdecoder_code() + '-'): bioinfo_app_name = xlib.get_transdecoder_name() elif result_dataset_id.startswith(xlib.get_transrate_code() + '-'): bioinfo_app_name = xlib.get_transrate_name() elif result_dataset_id.startswith(xlib.get_trimmomatic_code() + '-'): bioinfo_app_name = xlib.get_trimmomatic_name() elif result_dataset_id.startswith(xlib.get_trinity_code() + '-'): bioinfo_app_name = xlib.get_trinity_name() elif result_dataset_id.startswith( xlib.get_variant_calling_code() + '-'): bioinfo_app_name = xlib.get_variant_calling_name() elif result_dataset_id.startswith(xlib.get_vcftools_code() + '-'): bioinfo_app_name = xlib.get_vcftools_name() elif result_dataset_id.startswith( xlib.get_vcftools_perl_libraries_code() + '-'): bioinfo_app_name = xlib.get_vcftools_perl_libraries_name() elif result_dataset_id.startswith(xlib.get_vsearch_code() + '-'): bioinfo_app_name = xlib.get_vsearch_name() else: bioinfo_app_name = 'xxx' print(line.format(result_dataset_id, bioinfo_app_name)) # close the SSH client connection if OK: xssh.close_ssh_client_connection(ssh_client) # show continuation message print(xlib.get_separator()) input('Press [Intro] to continue ...')