コード例 #1
    def salary_deduction_category(self, cr, uid, ids, context=None):
        #============ ========= =============== =========================#
        fnt = Font()
        fnt.name = 'Ubuntu Medium'
        fnt.size = 16
        fnt.style = 'Regular'
        #============ ======== ============= ============================#
        #Define the font attributes for header
        content_fnt = Font()
        content_fnt.name = 'Ubuntu Medium'
        content_fnt.size = 16
        content_fnt.style = 'Regular'
        align_content = Alignment()
        align_content.horz = Alignment.HORZ_CENTER
        borders = Borders()
        borders.left = 0x01
        borders.right = 0x01
        borders.top = 0x01
        borders.bottom = 0x01
        #The text should be centrally aligned

        align = Alignment()
        align.horz = Alignment.HORZ_CENTER
        align.vert = Alignment.VERT_CENTER
        #We set the backgroundcolour here
        pattern = Pattern()
        pattern.pattern = Pattern.SOLID_PATTERN
        pattern.pattern_fore_colour = 0x1F
        #apply the above settings to the row(0) header
        style_header = XFStyle()
        style_header.font = fnt
        style_header.pattern = pattern
        style_header.borders = borders
        style_header.alignment = align

        #Define the font attributes for header
        fnt1 = Font()
        fnt1.name = 'Ubuntu Medium'
        fnt1.size = 10
        fnt1.style = 'Regular'

        content_fnt1 = Font()
        content_fnt1.name = 'Ubuntu Medium'
        content_fnt1.style = 'Regular'
        align_content1 = Alignment()
        align_content1.horz = Alignment.HORZ_LEFT

        borders1 = Borders()
        borders1.left = 0x1
        borders1.right = 0x1
        borders1.top = 0x1
        borders1.bottom = 0x1

        #The text should be centrally aligned
        align1 = Alignment()
        align1.horz = Alignment.HORZ_CENTER
        align1.vert = Alignment.VERT_TOP

        #We set the backgroundcolour here
        pattern1 = Pattern()
        pattern1.pattern1 = Pattern.SOLID_PATTERN
        pattern1.pattern_fore_colour = 0x16
        #apply the above settings to the row(0) header
        style_header1 = XFStyle()
        style_header1.font = fnt1
        style_header1.pattern = pattern1
        style_header1.borders = borders1
        style_header1.alignment = align1

        #Define the font attributes for Content
        fnt3 = Font()
        fnt3.name = 'Arial'
        fnt3.size = '10'
        fnt3.style = 'Regular'

        content_fnt3 = Font()
        content_fnt3.name = 'Arial'
        content_fnt3.style = 'Regular'
        align_content3 = Alignment()
        align_content3.horz = Alignment.HORZ_LEFT

        borders3 = Borders()
        borders3.left = 0x0
        borders3.right = 0x0
        borders3.top = 0x0
        borders3.bottom = 0x0

        #The text should be centrally aligned
        align3 = Alignment()
        align3.horz = Alignment.HORZ_CENTER
        align3.vert = Alignment.VERT_TOP

        #We set the backgroundcolour here
        pattern3 = Pattern()

        #apply the above settings to the row(0) header
        style_header3 = XFStyle()
        style_header3.font = fnt3
        style_header3.pattern = pattern3
        style_header3.borders = borders3
        style_header3.alignment = align3

        fnt5 = Font()
        fnt5.name = 'Arial'
        fnt.size = 10
        content_fnt5 = Font()
        content_fnt5.name = 'Arial'
        align_content5 = Alignment()
        #         align_content5.horz= Alignment.HORZ_JUSTIFIED
        borders5 = Borders()
        borders5.left = 0x02
        borders5.right = 0x02
        borders5.top = 0x02

        borders5.bottom = 0x02
        align5 = Alignment()
        #         align5.horz = Alignment.HORZ_JUSTIFIED
        align5.vert = Alignment.VERT_JUSTIFIED
        pattern5 = Pattern()
        pattern5.pattern = Pattern.SOLID_PATTERN
        pattern5.pattern_fore_colour = 0x16
        style_header5 = XFStyle()
        style_header5.font = fnt5
        style_header5.pattern = pattern5
        style_header5.borders = borders5
        style_header5.alignment = align5

        fnt6 = Font()
        fnt6.name = 'Arial'
        fnt6.height = 300
        fnt6.bold = True
        align_content6 = Alignment()
        align_content6.horz = Alignment.HORZ_CENTER
        borders6 = Borders()
        borders6.left = 0x02
        borders6.right = 0x02
        borders6.top = 0x02
        borders6.bottom = 0x02
        align6 = Alignment()
        align6.horz = Alignment.HORZ_CENTER
        align6.vert = Alignment.VERT_CENTER
        pattern6 = Pattern()
        pattern6.pattern6 = Pattern.SOLID_PATTERN
        pattern6.pattern6_fore_colour = 0x16
        style_header6 = XFStyle()
        style_header6.font = fnt6
        style_header6.pattern = pattern6
        style_header6.borders = borders6
        style_header6.alignment = align6
        wb = Workbook()
        ws = wb.add_sheet('Category Wise Deduction')
        this = self.browse(cr, uid, ids[0], context=context)
        year = this.month.year_id.id
        month = this.month.month
        emp_id = this.employee_id.id
        company_id = this.company_id.id
        employee_type = this.employee_type
        employment_type = this.employment_type

        ws.row(0).height = 300
        ws.row(1).height = 300
        ws.row(2).height = 300
        ws.col(1).width = 8000
        ws.col(2).width = 6000
        ws.col(3).width = 6000
        ws.col(5).width = 4000
        ws.col(6).width = 4000
        ws.col(7).width = 4000
        ws.col(8).width = 4000
        ws.col(9).width = 5000
        ws.col(10).width = 5000

            0, 0, 0, 11, 'COMPANY :  ' + this.company_id.name + '  ' +
            this.company_id.street, style_header)
        ws.write_merge(1, 1, 0, 11,
                       ('SALARY CHART FOR THE MONTH OF :', this.month.name),
        ws.write_merge(2, 2, 4, 5, 'Income', style_header1)
        ws.write_merge(2, 2, 6, 10, 'Deductions', style_header1)
        ws.write(2, 11, 'Net Amount', style_header1)
        ws.write(3, 0, 'PCard', style_header)
        ws.write(3, 1, 'Employee Name', style_header)
        ws.write(3, 2, 'Department Name', style_header)
        ws.write(3, 3, 'Designation Name', style_header)
        ws.write(3, 4, 'Total Salary', style_header)
        ws.write(3, 5, 'OT Amount', style_header)
        ws.write(3, 6, 'PF Deducted', style_header)
        ws.write(3, 7, 'TDS Deducted', style_header)
        ws.write(3, 8, 'ESI Deducted', style_header)
        ws.write(3, 9, 'Professional Tax', style_header)
        ws.write(3, 10, 'ADVANCE Deducted', style_header)
        ws.write(3, 11, 'Net Amount', style_header)

        i = 4
        total_epf = 0.0
        total_tds = 0.0
        total_esi = 0.0
        total_kharcha = 0.0
        total_ot_salary = 0.0
        total_a_gross = 0.0
        total_grand_payment = 0.0
        total_professional_tax = 0.0
        list_val = []
        list_ids = []

        emp_obj = self.pool.get('hr.employee')

        if this.employee_id and this.employee_type:
            ws.write_merge(2, 2, 1, 2,
                           ('Employee Type : ', this.employee_type),
            list_ids = emp_obj.search(cr, uid,
                                      [('id', '=', emp_id),
                                       ('active', '=', True),
                                       ('employee_type', '=', employee_type),
                                       ('type', '=', 'Employee')])
        elif this.employee_id and this.employment_type:
            ws.write_merge(2, 2, 1, 2,
                           ('Employment Type : ', this.employment_type),
            list_ids = emp_obj.search(
                cr, uid, [('id', '=', emp_id), ('active', '=', True),
                          ('employment_type', '=', employment_type),
                          ('type', '=', 'Employee')])
        elif this.company_ids and this.employee_type:
            ws.write_merge(2, 2, 1, 2,
                           ('Employee Type : ', this.employee_type),
            for val in this.company_ids:
                list_val = emp_obj.search(
                    cr, uid, [('active', '=', True),
                              ('company_id', '=', val.id),
                              ('employee_type', '=', employee_type),
                              ('type', '=', 'Employee')])
                list_ids = list_val + list_ids
        elif this.company_ids and this.employment_type:
            ws.write_merge(2, 2, 1, 2,
                           ('Employment Type : ', this.employment_type),
            for val in this.company_ids:
                list_val = emp_obj.search(
                    cr, uid, [('active', '=', True),
                              ('company_id', '=', val.id),
                              ('employment_type', '=', employment_type),
                              ('type', '=', 'Employee')])
                list_ids = list_val + list_ids
        elif not this.employee_type and not this.employment_type:
            raise osv.except_osv(
                ('Warning !'),
                ("Please Select Employee or Employment Type !!!"))
        elif this.employee_type:
            ws.write_merge(2, 2, 1, 2,
                           ('Employee Type : ', this.employee_type),
            list_ids = emp_obj.search(cr, uid,
                                      [('active', '=', True),
                                       ('employee_type', '=', employee_type),
                                       ('type', '=', 'Employee')])
        elif this.employment_type:
            ws.write_merge(2, 2, 1, 2,
                           ('Employment Type : ', this.employment_type),
            list_ids = emp_obj.search(
                cr, uid, [('active', '=', True),
                          ('employment_type', '=', employment_type),
                          ('type', '=', 'Employee')])
            list_ids = emp_obj.search(cr, uid, [('active', '=', True),
                                                ('type', '=', 'Employee')])

        if len(list_ids) == 0:
            raise osv.except_osv(('Warning !'), ("Record Not Found !!!"))
        if len(list_ids) == 1:
            query ="select spl.employee_name,spl.sinid,spl.department_name,spl.job_name,spl.epf,spl.tds,spl.esi,spl.kharcha,sum(spl.overtime_amount+spl.sun_overtime_amount),sum(spl.days_amount+spl.other_salary_amount),spl.grand_total,spl.pro_tax_amt"\
                   " from salary_payment_line as spl  where spl.employee_id = '"+str(list_ids[0])+"' and spl.month='"+str(month)+"' and spl.year_id='"+str(year)+"'  group by "\
                   " spl.employee_name,spl.sinid,spl.department_name,spl.job_name,spl.epf,spl.tds,spl.esi,spl.kharcha,spl.grand_total,spl.pro_tax_amt order by spl.sinid "
            temp = cr.fetchall()
            query ="select spl.employee_name,spl.sinid,spl.department_name,spl.job_name,spl.epf,spl.tds,spl.esi,spl.kharcha,sum(spl.overtime_amount+spl.sun_overtime_amount),sum(spl.days_amount+spl.other_salary_amount),spl.grand_total,spl.pro_tax_amt"\
                   " from salary_payment_line as spl  where spl.employee_id in "+str(tuple(list_ids))+" and spl.month='"+str(month)+"' and spl.year_id='"+str(year)+"'  group by " \
                   " spl.employee_name,spl.sinid,spl.department_name,spl.job_name,spl.epf,spl.tds,spl.esi,spl.kharcha,spl.grand_total,spl.pro_tax_amt  order by spl.sinid"
            temp = cr.fetchall()
        if not temp:
            raise osv.except_osv(_('Warning !'), _("Record Not Found !!!"))

        for val in temp:
            total_epf += val[4]
            total_tds += val[5]
            total_esi += val[6]
            total_kharcha += val[7]
            total_ot_salary += val[8]
            total_a_gross += val[9]
            total_grand_payment += val[10]
            total_professional_tax += val[11]

            ws.write(i, 0, (val[1]), style_header3)
            ws.write(i, 1, (val[0]), style_header3)
            ws.write(i, 2, (val[2]), style_header3)
            ws.write(i, 3, (val[3]), style_header3)
            ws.write(i, 4, (val[9]), style_header3)
            ws.write(i, 5, (val[8]), style_header3)
            ws.write(i, 6, (val[4]), style_header3)
            ws.write(i, 7, (val[5]), style_header3)
            ws.write(i, 8, (val[6]), style_header3)
            ws.write(i, 9, (val[11]), style_header3)
            ws.write(i, 10, (val[7]), style_header3)
            ws.write(i, 11, (val[10]), style_header3)

            i = i + 1

        ws.write(i, 3, 'TOTAL', style_header5)
        ws.write(i, 4, total_a_gross, style_header5)
        ws.write(i, 5, total_ot_salary, style_header5)
        ws.write(i, 6, total_epf, style_header5)
        ws.write(i, 7, total_tds, style_header5)
        ws.write(i, 8, total_esi, style_header5)
        ws.write(i, 9, total_professional_tax, style_header5)
        ws.write(i, 10, total_kharcha, style_header5)
        ws.write(i, 11, total_grand_payment, style_header5)

        f = cStringIO.StringIO()
        out = base64.encodestring(f.getvalue())

        ot_report = self.write(cr,
                               ids, {
                                   'export_data': out,
                                   'filename': 'Salary CHART.xls'
        return ot_report