def appointmentForm(self, request, tag): form = LiveForm( self._requestAppointment, [Parameter(u"whom", TEXT_INPUT, unicode, u"Whom:", u"The username of the person with whom " u"to create an appointment (user@domain).", None)], "Request An Appointment") form.setFragmentParent(self) return form
def createPortForm(self, req, tag): """ Create and return a L{LiveForm} for adding a new L{TCPPort} or L{SSLPort} to the site store. """ def port(s): n = int(s) if n < 0 or n > 65535: raise ValueError(s) return n factories = [] for f in factories.append((f.__class__.__name__.decode('ascii'), f, False)) f = LiveForm( self.portConf.createPort, [Parameter('portNumber', TEXT_INPUT, port, 'Port Number', 'Integer 0 <= n <= 65535 giving the TCP port to bind.'), Parameter('interface', TEXT_INPUT, unicode, 'Interface', 'Hostname to bind to, or blank for all interfaces.'), Parameter('ssl', CHECKBOX_INPUT, bool, 'SSL', 'Select to indicate port should use SSL.'), # Text area? File upload? What? Parameter('certPath', TEXT_INPUT, unicode, 'Certificate Path', 'Path to a certificate file on the server, if SSL is to be used.'), ChoiceParameter('factory', factories, 'Protocol Factory', 'Which pre-existing protocol factory to associate with this port.')]) f.setFragmentParent(self) # f.docFactory = webtheme.getLoader(f.fragmentName) return tag[f]