コード例 #1
    def handle(self, *args, **options):
        username = args[0]
        course_id = args[1]
        print username, course_id

        our_options = dict((k, v) for k, v in options.items()
                           if Command.is_valid_option(k) and v is not None)
            student = User.objects.get(username=username)
        except User.DoesNotExist:
            raise CommandError("User \"{}\" does not exist".format(username))

            testcenter_user = TestCenterUser.objects.get(user=student)
        except TestCenterUser.DoesNotExist:
            raise CommandError("User \"{}\" does not have an existing demographics record".format(username))

        # get an "exam" object.  Check to see if a course_id was specified, and use information from that:
        exam = None
        create_dummy_exam = 'create_dummy_exam' in our_options and our_options['create_dummy_exam']
        if not create_dummy_exam:
                course = course_from_id(course_id)
                if 'ignore_registration_dates' in our_options:
                    examlist = [exam for exam in course.test_center_exams if exam.exam_series_code == our_options.get('exam_series_code')]
                    exam = examlist[0] if len(examlist) > 0 else None
                    exam = course.current_test_center_exam
            except ItemNotFoundError:
            # otherwise use explicit values (so we don't have to define a course):
            exam_name = "Dummy Placeholder Name"
            exam_info = {'Exam_Series_Code': our_options['exam_series_code'],
                          'First_Eligible_Appointment_Date': our_options['eligibility_appointment_date_first'],
                          'Last_Eligible_Appointment_Date': our_options['eligibility_appointment_date_last'],
            exam = CourseDescriptor.TestCenterExam(course_id, exam_name, exam_info)
            # update option values for date_first and date_last to use YYYY-MM-DD format
            # instead of YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM
            our_options['eligibility_appointment_date_first'] = strftime("%Y-%m-%d", exam.first_eligible_appointment_date)
            our_options['eligibility_appointment_date_last'] = strftime("%Y-%m-%d", exam.last_eligible_appointment_date)

        if exam is None:
            raise CommandError("Exam for course_id {} does not exist".format(course_id))

        exam_code = exam.exam_series_code

        UPDATE_FIELDS = ('accommodation_request',

        # create and save the registration:
        needs_updating = False
        registrations = get_testcenter_registration(student, course_id, exam_code)
        if len(registrations) > 0:
            registration = registrations[0]
            for fieldname in UPDATE_FIELDS:
                if fieldname in our_options and registration.__getattribute__(fieldname) != our_options[fieldname]:
                    needs_updating = True;
            accommodation_request = our_options.get('accommodation_request', '')
            registration = TestCenterRegistration.create(testcenter_user, exam, accommodation_request)
            needs_updating = True

        if needs_updating:
            # first update the record with the new values, if any:
            for fieldname in UPDATE_FIELDS:
                if fieldname in our_options and fieldname not in TestCenterRegistrationForm.Meta.fields:
                    registration.__setattr__(fieldname, our_options[fieldname])

            # the registration form normally populates the data dict with
            # the accommodation request (if any).  But here we want to
            # specify only those values that might change, so update the dict with existing
            # values.
            form_options = dict(our_options)
            for propname in TestCenterRegistrationForm.Meta.fields:
                if propname not in form_options:
                    form_options[propname] = registration.__getattribute__(propname)
            form = TestCenterRegistrationForm(instance=registration, data=form_options)
            if form.is_valid():
                print "Updated registration information for user's registration: username \"{}\" course \"{}\", examcode \"{}\"".format(student.username, course_id, exam_code)
                if (len(form.errors) > 0):
                    print "Field Form errors encountered:"
                for fielderror in form.errors:
                    for msg in form.errors[fielderror]:
                        print "Field Form Error:  {} -- {}".format(fielderror, msg)
                    if (len(form.non_field_errors()) > 0):
                        print "Non-field Form errors encountered:"
                        for nonfielderror in form.non_field_errors:
                            print "Non-field Form Error:  %s" % nonfielderror

            print "No changes necessary to make to existing user's registration."

        # override internal values:
        change_internal = False
        if 'exam_series_code' in our_options:
            exam_code = our_options['exam_series_code']
        registration = get_testcenter_registration(student, course_id, exam_code)[0]
        for internal_field in ['upload_error_message', 'upload_status', 'authorization_id']:
            if internal_field in our_options:
                registration.__setattr__(internal_field, our_options[internal_field])
                change_internal = True

        if change_internal:
            print "Updated  confirmation information in existing user's registration."
            print "No changes necessary to make to confirmation information in existing user's registration."