コード例 #1
ファイル: imphooks.py プロジェクト: laerus/xonsh
        execer = self.execer
        execer.filename = filename
        ctx = {}  # dummy for modules
        code = execer.compile(src, glbs=ctx, locs=ctx)
        return code

# Import events
events.doc('on_import_pre_find_spec', """
on_import_pre_find_spec(fullname: str, path: str, target: module or None) -> None

Fires before any import find_spec() calls have been executed. The parameters
here are the same as importlib.abc.MetaPathFinder.find_spec(). Namely,

:``fullname``: The full name of the module to import.
:``path``: None if a top-level import, otherwise the ``__path__`` of the parent
:``target``: Target module used to make a better guess about the package spec.

events.doc('on_import_post_find_spec', """
on_import_post_find_spec(spec, fullname, path, target) -> None

Fires after all import find_spec() calls have been executed. The parameters
here the spec and the arguments importlib.abc.MetaPathFinder.find_spec(). Namely,

:``spec``: A ModuleSpec object if the spec was found, or None if it was not.
:``fullname``: The full name of the module to import.
:``path``: None if a top-level import, otherwise the ``__path__`` of the parent
コード例 #2
ファイル: shell.py プロジェクト: aweltsch/xonsh
from xonsh.xontribs import update_context, prompt_xontrib_install
from xonsh.environ import xonshrc_context
from xonsh.execer import Execer
from xonsh.platform import (best_shell_type, has_prompt_toolkit,
from xonsh.tools import XonshError, to_bool_or_int, print_exception
from xonsh.events import events
import xonsh.history.main as xhm

events.doc('on_transform_command', """
on_transform_command(cmd: str) -> str

Fired to request xontribs to transform a command line. Return the transformed
command, or the same command if no transformaiton occurs. Only done for
interactive sessions.

This may be fired multiple times per command, with other transformers input or
output, so design any handlers for this carefully.

events.doc('on_precommand', """
on_precommand(cmd: str) -> None

Fires just before a command is executed.

events.doc('on_postcommand', """
on_postcommand(cmd: str, rtn: int, out: str or None, ts: list) -> None

Fires just after a command is executed.
コード例 #3
import os
import random
import builtins
import warnings

from xonsh.xontribs import update_context, prompt_xontrib_install
from xonsh.environ import xonshrc_context
from xonsh.execer import Execer
from xonsh.platform import (best_shell_type, has_prompt_toolkit,
from xonsh.tools import XonshError, to_bool_or_int
from xonsh.events import events

    'on_precommand', """
on_precommand(cmd: str) -> None

Fires just before a command is executed.

    'on_postcommand', """
on_postcommand(cmd: str, rtn: int, out: str or None, ts: list) -> None

Fires just after a command is executed.

class Shell(object):
    """Main xonsh shell.

    Initializes execution environment and decides if prompt_toolkit or
コード例 #4
import collections.abc
import subprocess as sp

from xonsh.platform import ON_POSIX, ON_WINDOWS

# This is because builtins aren't globally created during testing.
# FIXME: Is there a better way?
from xonsh.events import events

vox_on_create(env: str) -> None

Fired after an environment is created.

vox_on_activate(env: str, path: pathlib.Path) -> None

Fired after an environment is activated.

コード例 #5
ファイル: timings.py プロジェクト: donnemartin/gitsome
def setup_timings(argv):
    global _timings
    if "--timings" in argv:
        on_timingprobe(name: str) -> None

        Fired to insert some timings into the startuptime list

        def timing_on_timingprobe(name, **kw):
            global _timings
            _timings[name] = clock()

        def timing_on_post_cmdloop(**kw):
            global _timings
            _timings["on_post_cmdloop"] = clock()

        def timing_on_post_init(**kw):
            global _timings
            _timings["on_post_init"] = clock()

        def timing_on_post_rc(**kw):
            global _timings
            _timings["on_post_rc"] = clock()

        def timing_on_postcommand(**kw):
            global _timings
            _timings["on_postcommand"] = clock()

        def timing_on_pre_cmdloop(**kw):
            global _timings
            _timings["on_pre_cmdloop"] = clock()

        def timing_on_pre_rc(**kw):
            global _timings
            _timings["on_pre_rc"] = clock()

        def timing_on_precommand(**kw):
            global _timings
            _timings["on_precommand"] = clock()

        def timing_on_ptk_create(**kw):
            global _timings
            _timings["on_ptk_create"] = clock()

        def timing_on_chdir(**kw):
            global _timings
            _timings["on_chdir"] = clock()

        def timing_on_post_prompt(**kw):
            global _timings
            _timings = {"on_post_prompt": clock()}

        def timing_on_pre_prompt(**kw):
            global _timings
            _timings["on_pre_prompt"] = clock()
            times = list(_timings.items())
            times = sorted(times, key=lambda x: x[1])
            width = max(len(s) for s, _ in times) + 2
            header_format = "|{{:<{}}}|{{:^11}}|{{:^11}}|".format(width)
            entry_format = "|{{:<{}}}|{{:^11.3f}}|{{:^11.3f}}|".format(width)
            sepline = "|{}|{}|{}|".format("-" * width, "-" * 11, "-" * 11)
            # Print result table
            print(" Debug level: {}".format(os.getenv("XONSH_DEBUG", "Off")))
            print(header_format.format("Event name", "Time (s)", "Delta (s)"))
            prevtime = tstart = times[0][1]
            for name, ts in times:
                print(entry_format.format(name, ts - tstart, ts - prevtime))
                prevtime = ts
コード例 #6
import venv
import shutil
import builtins
import collections.abc

from xonsh.platform import ON_POSIX, ON_WINDOWS
from xonsh.fs import PathLike, fspath

# This is because builtins aren't globally created during testing.
# FIXME: Is there a better way?
from xonsh.events import events

events.doc('vox_on_create', """
vox_on_create(env: str) -> None

Fired after an environment is created.

events.doc('vox_on_activate', """
vox_on_activate(env: str) -> None

Fired after an environment is activated.

events.doc('vox_on_deactivate', """
vox_on_deactivate(env: str) -> None

Fired after an environment is deactivated.
コード例 #7
ファイル: main.py プロジェクト: Hierosme/xonsh
from xonsh.xonfig import print_welcome_screen
from xonsh.xontribs import xontribs_load
from xonsh.lazyimps import pygments, pyghooks
from xonsh.imphooks import install_import_hooks
from xonsh.events import events
from xonsh.environ import xonshrc_context, make_args_env
from xonsh.built_ins import XSH

import xonsh.procs.pipelines as xpp

events.transmogrify("on_post_init", "LoadEvent")
on_post_init() -> None

Fired after all initialization is finished and we're ready to do work.

NOTE: This is fired before the wizard is automatically started.

events.transmogrify("on_exit", "LoadEvent")
on_exit() -> None

Fired after all commands have been executed, before tear-down occurs.

NOTE: All the caveats of the ``atexit`` module also apply to this event.
コード例 #8
ファイル: shell.py プロジェクト: ericmharris/xonsh
from prompt_toolkit.shortcuts.prompt import PromptSession
from prompt_toolkit.formatted_text import PygmentsTokens
from prompt_toolkit.styles import merge_styles, Style
from prompt_toolkit.styles.pygments import (

Token = _TokenType()

events.transmogrify("on_ptk_create", "LoadEvent")
on_ptk_create(prompter: PromptSession, history: PromptToolkitHistory, completer: PromptToolkitCompleter, bindings: KeyBindings) ->

Fired after prompt toolkit has been initialized

class PromptToolkit2Shell(BaseShell):
    """The xonsh shell for prompt_toolkit v2."""

    completion_displays_to_styles = {
        "multi": CompleteStyle.MULTI_COLUMN,
        "single": CompleteStyle.COLUMN,
        "readline": CompleteStyle.READLINE_LIKE,
        "none": None,
コード例 #9
        enc = find_source_encoding(src)
        src = src.decode(encoding=enc)
        src = src if src.endswith("\n") else src + "\n"
        return src

# Import events
on_import_pre_find_spec(fullname: str, path: str, target: module or None) -> None

Fires before any import find_spec() calls have been executed. The parameters
here are the same as importlib.abc.MetaPathFinder.find_spec(). Namely,

:``fullname``: The full name of the module to import.
:``path``: None if a top-level import, otherwise the ``__path__`` of the parent
:``target``: Target module used to make a better guess about the package spec.

on_import_post_find_spec(spec, fullname, path, target) -> None

Fires after all import find_spec() calls have been executed. The parameters
here the spec and the arguments importlib.abc.MetaPathFinder.find_spec(). Namely,
コード例 #10
ファイル: shell.py プロジェクト: nicfit/xonsh
from xonsh.base_shell import BaseShell
from xonsh.tools import print_exception
from xonsh.pyghooks import (XonshLexer, partial_color_tokenize,
                            xonsh_style_proxy, XonshTerminal256Formatter)
from xonsh.ptk.completer import PromptToolkitCompleter
from xonsh.ptk.history import PromptToolkitHistory
from xonsh.ptk.key_bindings import load_xonsh_bindings
from xonsh.ptk.shortcuts import Prompter
from xonsh.events import events

events.transmogrify('on_ptk_create', 'LoadEvent')
events.doc('on_ptk_create', """
on_ptk_create(prompter: Prompter, history: PromptToolkitHistory, completer: PromptToolkitCompleter, bindings: KeyBindingManager) ->

Fired after prompt toolkit has been initialized

class PromptToolkitShell(BaseShell):
    """The xonsh shell."""

    def __init__(self, **kwargs):
        self.prompter = Prompter()
        self.history = PromptToolkitHistory()
        self.pt_completer = PromptToolkitCompleter(self.completer, self.ctx)
        key_bindings_manager_args = {
            'enable_auto_suggest_bindings': True,
            'enable_search': True,
コード例 #11
ファイル: voxapi.py プロジェクト: VHarisop/xonsh
import venv
import shutil
import builtins
import collections.abc

from xonsh.platform import ON_POSIX, ON_WINDOWS
from xonsh.fs import PathLike, fspath

# This is because builtins aren't globally created during testing.
# FIXME: Is there a better way?
from xonsh.events import events

events.doc('vox_on_create', """
vox_on_create(env: str) -> None

Fired after an environment is created.

events.doc('vox_on_activate', """
vox_on_activate(env: str) -> None

Fired after an environment is activated.

events.doc('vox_on_deactivate', """
vox_on_deactivate(env: str) -> None

Fired after an environment is deactivated.
コード例 #12
ファイル: environ.py プロジェクト: VHarisop/xonsh
    to_bool_or_int, bool_or_int_to_str,
    csv_to_bool_seq, bool_seq_to_csv, DefaultNotGiven, print_exception,
    setup_win_unicode_console, intensify_colors_on_win_setter,
    is_dynamic_cwd_width, to_dynamic_cwd_tuple, dynamic_cwd_tuple_to_str,
    is_logfile_opt, to_logfile_opt, logfile_opt_to_str, executables_in,
    is_nonstring_seq_of_strings, pathsep_to_upper_seq,
    seq_to_upper_pathsep, print_color, is_history_backend, to_itself,
import xonsh.prompt.base as prompt

events.doc('on_envvar_new', """
on_envvar_new(name: str, value: Any) -> None

Fires after a new environment variable is created.
Note: Setting envvars inside the handler might
cause a recursion until the limit.

events.doc('on_envvar_change', """
on_envvar_change(name: str, oldvalue: Any, newvalue: Any) -> None

Fires after an environment variable is changed.
Note: Setting envvars inside the handler might
cause a recursion until the limit.

コード例 #13
ファイル: shell.py プロジェクト: VHarisop/xonsh
import difflib
import builtins
import warnings

from xonsh.platform import (best_shell_type, has_prompt_toolkit,
from xonsh.tools import XonshError, print_exception
from xonsh.events import events
import xonsh.history.main as xhm

events.doc('on_transform_command', """
on_transform_command(cmd: str) -> str

Fired to request xontribs to transform a command line. Return the transformed
command, or the same command if no transformation occurs. Only done for
interactive sessions.

This may be fired multiple times per command, with other transformers input or
output, so design any handlers for this carefully.

events.doc('on_precommand', """
on_precommand(cmd: str) -> None

Fires just before a command is executed.

events.doc('on_postcommand', """
on_postcommand(cmd: str, rtn: int, out: str or None, ts: list) -> None

Fires just after a command is executed. The arguments are the same as history.
コード例 #14
ファイル: dirstack.py プロジェクト: janschulz/xonsh
    global _unc_tempDrives

    if left_drive not in _unc_tempDrives:   # if not one we've mapped, don't unmap it

    for p in DIRSTACK + [cwd]:              # if still in use , don't aunmap it.
        if p.casefold().startswith(left_drive):

    subprocess.check_output(['NET', 'USE', left_drive, '/delete'], universal_newlines=True)

events.doc('on_chdir', """
on_chdir(olddir: str, newdir: str) -> None

Fires when the current directory is changed for any reason.

def _get_cwd():
        return os.getcwd()
    except (OSError, FileNotFoundError):
        return None

def _change_working_directory(newdir):
    env = builtins.__xonsh_env__
    old = env['PWD']
    new = os.path.join(old, newdir)
コード例 #15
ファイル: shell.py プロジェクト: weiplanet/xonsh
from xonsh.tools import XonshError, print_exception, simple_random_choice
from xonsh.events import events
import xonsh.history.main as xhm

on_transform_command(cmd: str) -> str

Fired to request xontribs to transform a command line. Return the transformed
command, or the same command if no transformation occurs. Only done for
interactive sessions.

This may be fired multiple times per command, with other transformers input or
output, so design any handlers for this carefully.

on_precommand(cmd: str) -> None

Fires just before a command is executed.
コード例 #16
from prompt_toolkit.key_binding import KeyBindings
from prompt_toolkit.history import ThreadedHistory
from prompt_toolkit.shortcuts import print_formatted_text as ptk_print
from prompt_toolkit.shortcuts import CompleteStyle
from prompt_toolkit.shortcuts.prompt import PromptSession
from prompt_toolkit.formatted_text import PygmentsTokens
from prompt_toolkit.styles.pygments import (style_from_pygments_cls,

Token = _TokenType()

events.transmogrify('on_ptk_create', 'LoadEvent')
events.doc('on_ptk_create', """
on_ptk_create(prompter: PromptSession, history: PromptToolkitHistory, completer: PromptToolkitCompleter, bindings: KeyBindings) ->

Fired after prompt toolkit has been initialized

class PromptToolkit2Shell(BaseShell):
    """The xonsh shell for prompt_toolkit v2."""

    def __init__(self, **kwargs):
        if ON_WINDOWS:
        self._first_prompt = True
        self.history = ThreadedHistory(PromptToolkitHistory())
        self.prompter = PromptSession(history=self.history)
        self.pt_completer = PromptToolkitCompleter(self.completer, self.ctx, self)
コード例 #17
ファイル: timings.py プロジェクト: VHarisop/xonsh
def setup_timings():
    global _timings
    if '--timings' in sys.argv:
        events.doc('on_timingprobe', """
        on_timingprobe(name: str) -> None

        Fired to insert some timings into the startuptime list

        def timing_on_timingprobe(name, **kw):
            global _timings
            _timings[name] = clock()

        def timing_on_post_cmdloop(**kw):
            global _timings
            _timings['on_post_cmdloop'] = clock()

        def timing_on_post_init(**kw):
            global _timings
            _timings['on_post_init'] = clock()

        def timing_on_post_rc(**kw):
            global _timings
            _timings['on_post_rc'] = clock()

        def timing_on_postcommand(**kw):
            global _timings
            _timings['on_postcommand'] = clock()

        def timing_on_pre_cmdloop(**kw):
            global _timings
            _timings['on_pre_cmdloop'] = clock()

        def timing_on_pre_rc(**kw):
            global _timings
            _timings['on_pre_rc'] = clock()

        def timing_on_precommand(**kw):
            global _timings
            _timings['on_precommand'] = clock()

        def timing_on_ptk_create(**kw):
            global _timings
            _timings['on_ptk_create'] = clock()

        def timing_on_chdir(**kw):
            global _timings
            _timings['on_chdir'] = clock()

        def timing_on_post_prompt(**kw):
            global _timings
            _timings = {'on_post_prompt': clock()}

        def timing_on_pre_prompt(**kw):
            global _timings
            _timings['on_pre_prompt'] = clock()
            times = list(_timings.items())
            times = sorted(times, key=lambda x: x[1])
            width = max(len(s) for s, _ in times) + 2
            header_format = '|{{:<{}}}|{{:^11}}|{{:^11}}|'.format(width)
            entry_format = '|{{:<{}}}|{{:^11.3f}}|{{:^11.3f}}|'.format(width)
            sepline = '|{}|{}|{}|'.format('-'*width, '-'*11, '-'*11)
            # Print result table
            print(' Debug level: {}'.format(os.getenv('XONSH_DEBUG', 'Off')))
            print(header_format.format('Event name', 'Time (s)', 'Delta (s)'))
            prevtime = tstart = times[0][1]
            for name, ts in times:
                print(entry_format.format(name, ts - tstart, ts - prevtime))
                prevtime = ts
コード例 #18
ファイル: shell.py プロジェクト: janschulz/xonsh
import random
import builtins
import warnings

from xonsh.xontribs import update_context, prompt_xontrib_install
from xonsh.environ import xonshrc_context
from xonsh.execer import Execer
from xonsh.platform import (best_shell_type, has_prompt_toolkit,
from xonsh.tools import XonshError, to_bool_or_int
from xonsh.events import events

events.doc('on_precommand', """
on_precommand(cmd: str) -> None

Fires just before a command is executed.

events.doc('on_postcommand', """
on_postcommand(cmd: str, rtn: int, out: str or None, ts: list) -> None

Fires just after a command is executed.

class Shell(object):
    """Main xonsh shell.

    Initializes execution environment and decides if prompt_toolkit or
    readline version of shell should be used.
コード例 #19
ファイル: main.py プロジェクト: vsajip/xonsh
from xonsh.proc import HiddenCommandPipeline
from xonsh.jobs import ignore_sigtstp
from xonsh.tools import setup_win_unicode_console, print_color
from xonsh.platform import HAS_PYGMENTS, ON_WINDOWS
from xonsh.codecache import run_script_with_cache, run_code_with_cache
from xonsh.xonfig import xonfig_main
from xonsh.lazyimps import pygments, pyghooks
from xonsh.imphooks import install_hook
from xonsh.events import events

events.transmogrify('on_post_init', 'LoadEvent')
events.doc('on_post_init', """
on_post_init() -> None

Fired after all initialization is finished and we're ready to do work.

NOTE: This is fired before the wizard is automatically started.

events.transmogrify('on_exit', 'LoadEvent')
events.doc('on_exit', """
on_exit() -> None

Fired after all commands have been executed, before tear-down occurs.

NOTE: All the caveats of the ``atexit`` module also apply to this event.

events.transmogrify('on_pre_cmdloop', 'LoadEvent')
コード例 #20
    if left_drive not in _unc_tempDrives:  # if not one we've mapped, don't unmap it

    for p in DIRSTACK + [cwd]:  # if still in use , don't unmap it.
        if p.casefold().startswith(left_drive):

    subprocess.check_output(["NET", "USE", left_drive, "/delete"],

on_chdir(olddir: str, newdir: str) -> None

Fires when the current directory is changed for any reason.

def _get_cwd():
        return os.getcwd()
    except OSError:
        return None

def _change_working_directory(newdir, follow_symlinks=False):
    env = XSH.env
    old = env["PWD"]
コード例 #21
ファイル: shell.py プロジェクト: zennsocial/xonsh
from xonsh.style_tools import (
from xonsh.lazyimps import pygments, pyghooks, winutils
from xonsh.pygments_cache import get_all_styles
from xonsh.lazyasd import LazyObject

Token = _TokenType()

events.transmogrify("on_ptk_create", "LoadEvent")
on_ptk_create(prompter: Prompter, history: PromptToolkitHistory, completer: PromptToolkitCompleter, bindings: KeyBindingManager) ->

Fired after prompt toolkit has been initialized

# Convert new ansicolor names to names
# understood by PTK1
    lambda: ansicolors_to_ptk1_names(_DEFAULT_STYLE_DICT),

class PromptToolkitShell(BaseShell):
    """The xonsh shell."""
コード例 #22
ファイル: timings.py プロジェクト: moealmaw/xonsh
def setup_timings():
    global _timings
    if '--timings' in sys.argv:
        events.doc('on_timingprobe', """
        on_timingprobe(name: str) -> None

        Fired to insert some timings into the startuptime list

        def timing_on_timingprobe(name, **kw):
            global _timings
            _timings[name] = clock()

        def timing_on_post_cmdloop(**kw):
            global _timings
            _timings['on_post_cmdloop'] = clock()

        def timing_on_post_init(**kw):
            global _timings
            _timings['on_post_init'] = clock()

        def timing_on_post_rc(**kw):
            global _timings
            _timings['on_post_rc'] = clock()

        def timing_on_postcommand(**kw):
            global _timings
            _timings['on_postcommand'] = clock()

        def timing_on_pre_cmdloop(**kw):
            global _timings
            _timings['on_pre_cmdloop'] = clock()

        def timing_on_pre_rc(**kw):
            global _timings
            _timings['on_pre_rc'] = clock()

        def timing_on_precommand(**kw):
            global _timings
            _timings['on_precommand'] = clock()

        def timing_on_ptk_create(**kw):
            global _timings
            _timings['on_ptk_create'] = clock()

        def timing_on_chdir(**kw):
            global _timings
            _timings['on_chdir'] = clock()

        def timing_on_post_prompt(**kw):
            global _timings
            _timings = {'on_post_prompt': clock()}

        def timing_on_pre_prompt(**kw):
            global _timings
            _timings['on_pre_prompt'] = clock()
            times = list(_timings.items())
            times = sorted(times, key=lambda x: x[1])
            width = max(len(s) for s, _ in times) + 2
            header_format = '|{{:<{}}}|{{:^11}}|{{:^11}}|'.format(width)
            entry_format = '|{{:<{}}}|{{:^11.3f}}|{{:^11.3f}}|'.format(width)
            sepline = '|{}|{}|{}|'.format('-' * width, '-' * 11, '-' * 11)
            # Print result table
            print(' Debug level: {}'.format(os.getenv('XONSH_DEBUG', 'Off')))
            print(header_format.format('Event name', 'Time (s)', 'Delta (s)'))
            prevtime = tstart = times[0][1]
            for name, ts in times:
                print(entry_format.format(name, ts - tstart, ts - prevtime))
                prevtime = ts
コード例 #23
ファイル: timings.py プロジェクト: Hierosme/xonsh
def setup_timings(argv):
    global _timings
    if "--timings" in argv:
        on_timingprobe(name: str) -> None

        Fired to insert some timings into the startuptime list

        def timing_on_timingprobe(name, **kw):
            global _timings
            _timings[name] = clock()

        def timing_on_post_cmdloop(**kw):
            global _timings
            _timings["on_post_cmdloop"] = clock()

        def timing_on_post_init(**kw):
            global _timings
            _timings["on_post_init"] = clock()

        def timing_on_post_rc(**kw):
            global _timings
            _timings["on_post_rc"] = clock()

        def timing_on_postcommand(**kw):
            global _timings
            _timings["on_postcommand"] = clock()

        def timing_on_pre_cmdloop(**kw):
            global _timings
            _timings["on_pre_cmdloop"] = clock()

        def timing_on_pre_rc(**kw):
            global _timings
            _timings["on_pre_rc"] = clock()

        def timing_on_precommand(**kw):
            global _timings
            _timings["on_precommand"] = clock()

        def timing_on_ptk_create(**kw):
            global _timings
            _timings["on_ptk_create"] = clock()

        def timing_on_chdir(**kw):
            global _timings
            _timings["on_chdir"] = clock()

        def timing_on_pre_prompt_format(**kw):
            global _timings
            _timings["on_pre_prompt_format"] = clock()

        def timing_on_post_prompt(**kw):
            global _timings
            _timings = {"on_post_prompt": clock()}

        def timing_on_pre_prompt(**kw):
            global _timings
            _timings["on_pre_prompt"] = clock()
            times = list(_timings.items())
            times = sorted(times, key=lambda x: x[1])
            width = max(len(s) for s, _ in times) + 2
            header_format = f"|{{:<{width}}}|{{:^11}}|{{:^11}}|"
            entry_format = f"|{{:<{width}}}|{{:^11.3f}}|{{:^11.3f}}|"
            sepline = "|{}|{}|{}|".format("-" * width, "-" * 11, "-" * 11)
            # Print result table
            print(" Debug level: {}".format(os.getenv("XONSH_DEBUG", "Off")))
            print(header_format.format("Event name", "Time (s)", "Delta (s)"))
            prevtime = tstart = times[0][1]
            for name, ts in times:
                print(entry_format.format(name, ts - tstart, ts - prevtime))
                prevtime = ts
コード例 #24
ファイル: xonfig.py プロジェクト: sthagen/xonsh
WIZARD_XONTRIB_QUESTION = "Would you like to enable xontribs now, " + wiz.YN

Thanks for using the xonsh configuration wizard!"""

                                              str] = collections.defaultdict(
                                                  lambda: "source-foreign",

on_xonfig_info_requested() -> list[tuple[str, str]]

Register a callable that will return extra info when ``xonfig info`` is called.

def _dump_xonfig_foreign_shell(path, value):
    shell = value["shell"]
    shell = CANON_SHELL_NAMES.get(shell, shell)
    interactive = value.get("interactive", None)
    if interactive is not None:
        cmd.extend(["--interactive", str(interactive)])
    login = value.get("login", None)
    if login is not None:
        cmd.extend(["--login", str(login)])