def verify_capture(self, ss): #verify capture works: log("verify_capture(%s)", ss) try: capture = GTKImageCapture(self.root) bdata = capture.take_screenshot()[-1] nid = XPRA_DISPLAY_NOTIFICATION_ID title = body = "" if any(b != 0 for b in bdata): log("verify_capture(%s) succeeded", ss) if is_Wayland(): title = "Wayland Session Warning" body = "Wayland sessions are not supported,\n"+\ "the screen capture is likely to be empty" else: log.warn("Warning: shadow screen capture is blank") body = "The shadow display capture is blank" if get_loaded_kernel_modules("vboxguest", "vboxvideo"): body += "\nthis may be caused by the VirtualBox video driver." title = "Shadow Capture Failure" log("verify_capture: title=%r, body=%r", ss, title, body) if title and body: ss.may_notify(nid, title, body, icon_name="server") except Exception as e: ss.may_notify(nid, "Shadow Error", "Error shadowing the display:\n%s" % e, icon_name="bugs")
def do_make_screenshot_packet(self): capture = GTKImageCapture(self.root) w, h, encoding, rowstride, data = capture.take_screenshot() assert encoding == "png" #use fixed encoding for now from import Compressed return [ "screenshot", w, h, encoding, rowstride, Compressed(encoding, data) ]
def setup_capture(window): ww, wh = window.get_geometry()[2:4] capture = None if USE_NVFBC: try: log("setup_capture(%s) USE_NVFBC_CUDA=%s", window, USE_NVFBC_CUDA) if USE_NVFBC_CUDA: capture = NvFBC_CUDACapture() else: capture = NvFBC_SysCapture() capture.init_context(ww, wh) capture.refresh() image = capture.get_image(0, 0, ww, wh) assert image, "test capture failed" except Exception as e: log("get_image() NvFBC test failed", exc_info=True) log("not using %s: %s", capture, e) capture = None if not capture and XImage.has_XShm() and USE_XSHM: capture = XImageCapture(get_xwindow(window)) if not capture: capture = GTKImageCapture(window) log("setup_capture(%s)=%s", window, capture) return capture
def setup_window(self): self.window = gtk.Window() window_defaults(self.window) self.window.connect("destroy", self.close) self.window.set_default_size(400, 300) self.window.set_title("Xpra Bug Report") icon_pixbuf = self.get_icon("bugs.png") if icon_pixbuf: self.window.set_icon(icon_pixbuf) self.window.set_position(WIN_POS_CENTER) vbox = gtk.VBox(False, 0) vbox.set_spacing(15) # Title hbox = gtk.HBox(False, 0) icon_pixbuf = self.get_icon("xpra.png") if icon_pixbuf and self.show_about: from xpra.gtk_common.about import about logo_button = gtk.Button("") settings = logo_button.get_settings() settings.set_property('gtk-button-images', True) logo_button.connect("clicked", about) logo_button.set_tooltip_text("About") image = gtk.Image() image.set_from_pixbuf(icon_pixbuf) logo_button.set_image(image) hbox.pack_start(logo_button, expand=False, fill=False) label = gtk.Label("Xpra Bug Report Tool") label.modify_font(pango.FontDescription("sans 14")) hbox.pack_start(label, expand=True, fill=True) vbox.pack_start(hbox) #the box containing all the input: ibox = gtk.VBox(False, 0) ibox.set_spacing(3) vbox.pack_start(ibox) # Description al = gtk.Alignment(xalign=0, yalign=0.5, xscale=0.0, yscale=0) al.add(gtk.Label("Please describe the problem:")) ibox.pack_start(al) #self.description = gtk.Entry(max=128) #self.description.set_width_chars(40) self.description = gtk.TextView() self.description.set_accepts_tab(True) self.description.set_justification(JUSTIFY_LEFT) self.description.set_border_width(2) self.description.set_size_request(300, 80) #self.description.modify_bg(STATE_NORMAL, gdk.Color(red=32768, green=32768, blue=32768)) ibox.pack_start(self.description, expand=False, fill=False) # Toggles: al = gtk.Alignment(xalign=0, yalign=0.5, xscale=0.0, yscale=0) al.add(gtk.Label("Include:")) ibox.pack_start(al) #generic toggles: from xpra.gtk_common.keymap import get_gtk_keymap from xpra.codecs.loader import codec_versions, load_codecs load_codecs() try: from xpra.sound.wrapper import query_sound def get_sound_info(): return query_sound() except: get_sound_info = None def get_gl_info(): if self.opengl_info: return self.opengl_info try: from import check_support return check_support(force_enable=True) except Exception as e: return {"error": str(e)} from import get_info as get_net_info from xpra.platform.paths import get_info as get_path_info from xpra.platform.gui import get_info as get_gui_info from xpra.version_util import get_version_info, get_platform_info, get_host_info def get_sys_info(): from import get_user_info from xpra.scripts.config import read_xpra_defaults return { "argv": sys.argv, "path": sys.path, "exec_prefix": sys.exec_prefix, "executable": sys.executable, "version": get_version_info(), "platform": get_platform_info(), "host": get_host_info(), "paths": get_path_info(), "gtk": get_gtk_version_info(), "gui": get_gui_info(), "display": get_display_info(), "user": get_user_info(), "env": os.environ, "config": read_xpra_defaults(), } get_screenshot, take_screenshot_fn = None, None #screenshot: may have OS-specific code try: from xpra.platform.gui import take_screenshot take_screenshot_fn = take_screenshot except: log("failed to load platfrom specific screenshot code", exc_info=True) if not take_screenshot_fn: #try with Pillow: try: from PIL import ImageGrab #@UnresolvedImport from xpra.os_util import StringIOClass def pillow_imagegrab_screenshot(): img = ImageGrab.grab() out = StringIOClass(), format="PNG") v = out.getvalue() out.close() return (img.width, img.height, "png", img.width * 3, v) take_screenshot_fn = pillow_imagegrab_screenshot except Exception as e: log("cannot use Pillow's ImageGrab: %s", e) if not take_screenshot_fn: #default: gtk screen capture try: from xpra.server.shadow.gtk_root_window_model import GTKImageCapture rwm = GTKImageCapture(get_default_root_window()) take_screenshot_fn = rwm.take_screenshot except: log.warn("Warning: failed to load gtk screenshot code", exc_info=True) log("take_screenshot_fn=%s", take_screenshot_fn) if take_screenshot_fn: def get_screenshot(): #take_screenshot() returns: w, h, "png", rowstride, data return take_screenshot_fn()[4] self.toggles = ( ("system", "txt", "System", get_sys_info, "Xpra version, platform and host information"), ("network", "txt", "Network", get_net_info, "Compression, packet encoding and encryption"), ("encoding", "txt", "Encodings", codec_versions, "Picture encodings supported"), ("opengl", "txt", "OpenGL", get_gl_info, "OpenGL driver and features"), ("sound", "txt", "Sound", get_sound_info, "Sound codecs and GStreamer version information"), ("keyboard", "txt", "Keyboard Mapping", get_gtk_keymap, "Keyboard layout and key mapping"), ("xpra-info", "txt", "Server Info", self.get_server_info, "Full server information from 'xpra info'"), ("screenshot", "png", "Screenshot", get_screenshot, ""), ) for name, _, title, value_cb, tooltip in self.toggles: cb = gtk.CheckButton(title + [" (not available)", ""][bool(value_cb)]) cb.set_active(self.includes.get(name, True)) cb.set_sensitive(bool(value_cb)) cb.set_tooltip_text(tooltip) ibox.pack_start(cb) setattr(self, name, cb) # Buttons: hbox = gtk.HBox(False, 20) vbox.pack_start(hbox) def btn(label, tooltip, callback, icon_name=None): btn = gtk.Button(label) btn.set_tooltip_text(tooltip) btn.connect("clicked", callback) if icon_name: icon = self.get_icon(icon_name) if icon: btn.set_image(scaled_image(icon, 24)) hbox.pack_start(btn) return btn if not is_gtk3(): #clipboard does not work in gtk3.. btn("Copy to clipboard", "Copy all data to clipboard", self.copy_clicked, "clipboard.png") btn("Save", "Save Bug Report", self.save_clicked, "download.png") btn("Cancel", "", self.close, "quit.png") def accel_close(*_args): self.close() add_close_accel(self.window, accel_close) vbox.show_all() self.window.vbox = vbox self.window.add(vbox)