コード例 #1
ファイル: window.py プロジェクト: DiGuoZhiMeng/Xpra
        focuslog("Giving focus to %#x", self.xid)
        # Have to fetch the time, not just use CurrentTime, both because ICCCM
        # says that WM_TAKE_FOCUS must use a real time and because there are
        # genuine race conditions here (e.g. suppose the client does not
        # actually get around to requesting the focus until after we have
        # already changed our mind and decided to give it to someone else).
        now = gdk.x11_get_server_time(self.corral_window)
        # ICCCM 4.1.7 *claims* to describe how we are supposed to give focus
        # to a window, but it is completely opaque.  From reading the
        # metacity, kwin, gtk+, and qt code, it appears that the actual rules
        # for giving focus are:
        #   -- the WM_HINTS input field determines whether the WM should call
        #      XSetInputFocus
        #   -- independently, the WM_TAKE_FOCUS protocol determines whether
        #      the WM should send a WM_TAKE_FOCUS ClientMessage.
        # If both are set, both methods MUST be used together. For example,
        # GTK+ apps respect WM_TAKE_FOCUS alone but I'm not sure they handle
        # XSetInputFocus well, while Qt apps ignore (!!!) WM_TAKE_FOCUS
        # (unless they have a modal window), and just expect to get focus from
        # the WM's XSetInputFocus.
        if bool(self._input_field):
            focuslog("... using XSetInputFocus")
            X11Window.XSetInputFocus(self.xid, now)
        if "WM_TAKE_FOCUS" in self.get_property("protocols"):
            focuslog("... using WM_TAKE_FOCUS")
            send_wm_take_focus(self.client_window, now)

コード例 #2
ファイル: systray.py プロジェクト: ljmljz/xpra
class SystemTrayWindowModel(CoreX11WindowModel):
    __gproperties__ = CoreX11WindowModel.__common_properties__.copy()
        "tray": (gobject.TYPE_BOOLEAN,
                 "Is the window a system tray icon", "",
    __gsignals__ = CoreX11WindowModel.__common_signals__.copy()
    _property_names = CoreX11WindowModel._property_names + ["tray"]
    _MODELTYPE = "Tray"

    def __init__(self, client_window):
        super(SystemTrayWindowModel, self).__init__(client_window)
        self._updateprop("tray", True)

    def __repr__(self):
        return "SystemTrayWindowModel(%#x)" % self.xid

    def _read_initial_X11_properties(self):
        self._internal_set_property("has-alpha", True)
        super(SystemTrayWindowModel, self)._read_initial_X11_properties()

    def move_resize(self, x, y, width, height):
        #Used by clients to tell us where the tray is located on screen
        log("SystemTrayModel.move_resize(%s, %s, %s, %s)", x, y, width, height)
        self.client_window.move_resize(x, y, width, height)
        self._updateprop("geometry", (x, y, width, height))

コード例 #3
class SystemTrayWindowModel(CoreX11WindowModel):
    __gproperties__ = CoreX11WindowModel.__common_properties__.copy()
        "tray": (gobject.TYPE_BOOLEAN, "Is the window a system tray icon", "",
                 False, gobject.PARAM_READABLE),
    __gsignals__ = CoreX11WindowModel.__common_signals__.copy()
    _property_names = CoreX11WindowModel._property_names + ["tray"]
    _MODELTYPE = "Tray"

    def __init__(self, client_window):
        super(SystemTrayWindowModel, self).__init__(client_window)
        self._updateprop("tray", True)

    def __repr__(self):
        return "SystemTrayWindowModel(%#x)" % self.xid

    def _read_initial_X11_properties(self):
        self._internal_set_property("has-alpha", True)
        super(SystemTrayWindowModel, self)._read_initial_X11_properties()

    def move_resize(self, x, y, width, height):
        #Used by clients to tell us where the tray is located on screen
        log("SystemTrayModel.move_resize(%s, %s, %s, %s)", x, y, width, height)
        self.client_window.move_resize(x, y, width, height)
        self._updateprop("geometry", (x, y, width, height))

コード例 #4
ファイル: window.py プロジェクト: svn2github/Xpra
        focuslog("Giving focus to %#x", self.xid)
        # Have to fetch the time, not just use CurrentTime, both because ICCCM
        # says that WM_TAKE_FOCUS must use a real time and because there are
        # genuine race conditions here (e.g. suppose the client does not
        # actually get around to requesting the focus until after we have
        # already changed our mind and decided to give it to someone else).
        now = gtk.gdk.x11_get_server_time(self.corral_window)
        # ICCCM 4.1.7 *claims* to describe how we are supposed to give focus
        # to a window, but it is completely opaque.  From reading the
        # metacity, kwin, gtk+, and qt code, it appears that the actual rules
        # for giving focus are:
        #   -- the WM_HINTS input field determines whether the WM should call
        #      XSetInputFocus
        #   -- independently, the WM_TAKE_FOCUS protocol determines whether
        #      the WM should send a WM_TAKE_FOCUS ClientMessage.
        # If both are set, both methods MUST be used together. For example,
        # GTK+ apps respect WM_TAKE_FOCUS alone but I'm not sure they handle
        # XSetInputFocus well, while Qt apps ignore (!!!) WM_TAKE_FOCUS
        # (unless they have a modal window), and just expect to get focus from
        # the WM's XSetInputFocus.
        if bool(self._input_field):
            focuslog("... using XSetInputFocus")
            X11Window.XSetInputFocus(self.xid, now)
        if "WM_TAKE_FOCUS" in self.get_property("protocols"):
            focuslog("... using WM_TAKE_FOCUS")
            send_wm_take_focus(self.client_window, now)
