コード例 #1
 def test_blockav2d(self):
     out = xu.blockAverage2D(self.seq2d, self.n2d[0], self.n2d[1])
         out[0, 0], numpy.average(self.seq2d[0:self.n2d[0], 0:self.n2d[1]]))
         out.shape, (numpy.ceil(self.seq2d.shape[0] / float(self.n2d[0])),
                     numpy.ceil(self.seq2d.shape[1] / float(self.n2d[1]))))
コード例 #2
def getimage(fname, hotpixelmap, roi=None):
    cbf = xu.io.CBFFile(fname)
    ccdr = removehotpixel(cbf.data, hotpixelmap)
    ccd = xu.blockAverage2D(ccdr, 1, 1, roi=roi)
    if ccd.max() / ccd.mean() < 1e2:
        print('no clear maximum in %s?' % fname)
    ccd[ccd < 2 * ccd.mean()] = 0  # make center of mass position easier
    return ccd
コード例 #3
def getimage(fname, hotpixelmap, roi=None):
    cbf = xu.io.CBFFile(fname)
    ccdr = removehotpixel(cbf.data, hotpixelmap)
    ccd = xu.blockAverage2D(ccdr, 1, 1, roi=roi)
    if ccd.max() / ccd.mean() < 1e2:
        print('no clear maximum in %s?' % fname)
    ccd[ccd < 2 * ccd.mean()] = 0  # make center of mass position easier
    return ccd
コード例 #4
 def test_blockav2d(self):
     out = xu.blockAverage2D(self.seq2d, self.n2d[0], self.n2d[1])
         out[0, 0],
         numpy.average(self.seq2d[0:self.n2d[0], 0:self.n2d[1]]))
         (numpy.ceil(self.seq2d.shape[0] / float(self.n2d[0])),
          numpy.ceil(self.seq2d.shape[1] / float(self.n2d[1]))))
コード例 #5
def rawmap(specfile, scannr, experiment, angdelta=None, U=identity(3),
    read ccd frames and and convert them in reciprocal space
    angular coordinates are taken from the spec file. A single
    or multiple scan-numbers can be given.

    [mu, eta, phi, nu, delta, ty, tz, ccdn] = xu.io.getspec_scan(
        specfile, scannr, 'mu', 'eta', 'phi', 'nu',
        'del', 'mpxy', 'mpxz', 'mpx4inr')

    idx = 0
    nav = experiment._A2QConversion._area_nav
    roi = experiment._A2QConversion._area_roi

    if not isinstance(scannr, collections.Iterable):
        scannr = [scannr, ]
    for snr in scannr:
        specscan = getattr(specfile, 'scan%d' % snr)
        ccdfiletmp = getmpx4_filetmp(specscan)
        en = getmono_energy(specscan)
        experiment.energy = en

        for j in range(len(specscan.data)):
            i = ccdn[idx]
            # read ccd image from EDF file
            e = xu.io.EDFFile(ccdfiletmp % i)
            ccd = deadpixelkill(e.data)

            # normalize ccd-data (optional)
            # create data for normalization
            if norm:
                d = {'CCD': ccd, 'exp1': specscan.data['exp1'][idx],
                     'Seconds': specscan.data['Seconds'][idx]}
                ccd = xid01_normalizer(d)
            CCD = xu.blockAverage2D(ccd, nav[0], nav[1], roi=roi)

            if idx == 0:
                intensity = zeros((len(ccdn), ) + CCD.shape)

            intensity[idx, :, :] = CCD
            idx += 1

    # transform scan angles to reciprocal space coordinates for all detector
    # pixels
    if angdelta is None:
        qx, qy, qz = experiment.Ang2Q.area(mu, eta, phi, nu, delta,
                                           ty, tz, UB=U)
        qx, qy, qz = experiment.Ang2Q.area(mu, eta, phi, nu, delta,
                                           ty, tz, delta=angdelta, UB=U)

    return qx, qy, qz, intensity
コード例 #6
def load_file(start_img, current_img, mydetector, region=None):
    # global index   # for testing, to simulate ongoing measurement
    if region is None:
        if mydetector == 0:
            region = [0, 2164, 0, 1030]
        elif mydetector == 1:
            region = [0, 516, 0, 516]
    frame_nb = current_img - start_img
    rawdata = np.zeros(
        (frame_nb, region[1] - region[0], region[3] - region[2]))
    for idx in range(frame_nb):
        i = start_img + idx
        e = fabio.open(ccdfiletmp % i)
        ccdraw = e.data
        ccd = xu.blockAverage2D(ccdraw, nav[0], nav[1], roi=region)
        rawdata[idx, :, :] = ccd
    return rawdata
コード例 #7
    frame_id = mpx4inr
    edf_file_template = "/data/id01/inhouse/data/IHR/ihhc3586/id01/detector/" \
     + "2021_01_21_151602_platinum/data_mpx4_{id:0>5d}.edf.gz"

    roi = [0, 516, 0, 516]
    nav = [1, 1]

    frames_nb = len(frame_id)
    frames = np.empty((frames_nb, roi[1], roi[3]))
    x_com = np.empty((frames_nb))
    y_com = np.empty((frames_nb))

    for i, id in enumerate(frame_id):
        edf_data = xu.io.EDFFile(edf_file_template.format(id=int(id))).data
        ccdraw = xu.blockAverage2D(edf_data, nav[0], nav[1], roi=roi)
        frames[i] = scipy.signal.medfilt2d(ccdraw, [3, 3])

        x_com[i], y_com[i] = center_of_mass(ccdraw)

    detector_figure = plt.figure(figsize=(5, 5))
    ax1 = detector_figure.add_subplot()

    com_figure, ax = plt.subplots(1, 2, figsize=(8, 3))
    ax[0].plot(delta, x_com)
    ax[0].set_ylabel("COM in x")

    ax[1].plot(nu, y_com)
コード例 #8
    def rawmap(self,scans, angdelta=[0,0,0,0,0],
            adframes=None, mask = None):
        read ad frames and and convert them in reciprocal space
        angular coordinates are taken from the spec file
        or read from the edf file header when no scan number is given (scannr=None)
        if mask is None:
            mask_was_none = True
            #mask = [True] * len(self.getImageToBeUsed()[scans[0]])
            mask_was_none = False
        #sd = spec.SpecDataFile(self.specFile)
        intensity = np.array([])
        # fourc goniometer in fourc coordinates
        # convention for coordinate system:
        # x: upwards;
        # y: along the incident beam;
        # z: "outboard" (makes coordinate system right-handed).
        # QConversion will set up the goniometer geometry.
        # So the first argument describes the sample rotations, the second the
        # detector rotations and the third the primary beam direction.
        qconv = xu.experiment.QConversion(self.getSampleCircleDirections(), \
                                    self.getDetectorCircleDirections(), \
        # define experimental class for angle conversion
        # ipdir: inplane reference direction (ipdir points into the primary beam
        #        direction at zero angles)
        # ndir:  surface normal of your sample (ndir points in a direction
        #        perpendicular to the primary beam and the innermost detector
        #        rotation axis)
        en = self.getIncidentEnergy()
        hxrd = xu.HXRD(self.getInplaneReferenceDirection(), \
                       self.getSampleSurfaceNormalDirection(), \
                       en=en[self.getAvailableScans()[0]], \

        # initialize area detector properties
        if (self.getDetectorPixelWidth() != None ) and \
            (self.getDistanceToDetector() != None):
            hxrd.Ang2Q.init_area(self.getDetectorPixelDirection1(), \
                self.getDetectorPixelDirection2(), \
                cch1=self.getDetectorCenterChannel()[0], \
                cch2=self.getDetectorCenterChannel()[1], \
                Nch1=self.getDetectorDimensions()[0], \
                Nch2=self.getDetectorDimensions()[1], \
                pwidth1=self.getDetectorPixelWidth()[0], \
                pwidth2=self.getDetectorPixelWidth()[1], \
                distance=self.getDistanceToDetector(), \
                Nav=self.getNumPixelsToAverage(), \
            hxrd.Ang2Q.init_area(self.getDetectorPixelDirection1(), \
                self.getDetectorPixelDirection2(), \
                cch1=self.getDetectorCenterChannel()[0], \
                cch2=self.getDetectorCenterChannel()[1], \
                Nch1=self.getDetectorDimensions()[0], \
                Nch2=self.getDetectorDimensions()[1], \
                chpdeg1=self.getDetectorChannelsPerDegree()[0], \
                chpdeg2=self.getDetectorChannelsPerDegree()[1], \
        angleNames = self.getAngles()
        scanAngle = {}
        for i in range(len(angleNames)):
            scanAngle[i] = np.array([])
        offset = 0
        imageToBeUsed = self.getImageToBeUsed()
        monitorName = self.getMonitorName()
        monitorScaleFactor = self.getMonitorScaleFactor()
        filterName = self.getFilterName()
        filterScaleFactor = self.getFilterScaleFactor()
        for scannr in scans:
            if self.haltMap:
                raise ProcessCanceledException("Process Canceled")
            scan = self.sd.scans[str(scannr)]
            angles = self.getGeoAngles(scan, angleNames)
            scanAngle1 = {}
            scanAngle2 = {}
            for i in range(len(angleNames)):
                scanAngle1[i] = angles[:,i]
                scanAngle2[i] = []
            if monitorName != None:
                monitor_data = scan.data.get(monitorName)
                if monitor_data is None:
                    raise IOError("Did not find Monitor source '" + \
                                  monitorName + \
                                  "' in the Spec file.  Make sure " + \
                                  "monitorName is correct in the " + \
                                  "instrument Config file")
            if filterName != None:
                filter_data = scan.data.get(filterName)
                if filter_data is None:
                    raise IOError("Did not find filter source '" + \
                                  filterName + \
                                  "' in the Spec file.  Make sure " + \
                                  "filterName is correct in the " + \
                                  "instrument Config file")
            # read in the image data
            arrayInitializedForScan = False
            foundIndex = 0
            if mask_was_none:
                mask = [True] * len(self.getImageToBeUsed()[scannr])            
            for ind in range(len(scan.data[list(scan.data.keys())[0]])):
                if imageToBeUsed[scannr][ind] and mask[ind]:    
                    # read tif image
                    im = Image.open(self.imageFileTmp % (scannr, scannr, ind))
                    img = np.array(im.getdata()).reshape(im.size[1],im.size[0]).T
                    img = self.hotpixelkill(img)
                    ff_data = self.getFlatFieldData()
                    if not (ff_data is None):
                        img = img * ff_data
                    # reduce data siz
                    img2 = xu.blockAverage2D(img, 
                                            self.getNumPixelsToAverage()[0], \
                                            self.getNumPixelsToAverage()[1], \

                    # apply intensity corrections
                    if monitorName != None:
                        img2 = img2 / monitor_data[ind] * monitorScaleFactor
                    if filterName != None:
                        img2 = img2 / filter_data[ind] * filterScaleFactor

                    # initialize data array
                    if not arrayInitializedForScan:
                        imagesToProcess = [imageToBeUsed[scannr][i] and mask[i] for i in range(len(imageToBeUsed[scannr]))]
                        if not intensity.shape[0]:
                            intensity = np.zeros((np.count_nonzero(imagesToProcess),) + img2.shape)
                            arrayInitializedForScan = True
                            offset = intensity.shape[0]
                            intensity = np.concatenate(
                                (np.zeros((np.count_nonzero(imagesToProcess),) + img2.shape))),
                            arrayInitializedForScan = True
                    # add data to intensity array
                    intensity[foundIndex+offset,:,:] = img2
                    for i in range(len(angleNames)):
#                         logger.debug("appending angles to angle2 " + 
#                                      str(scanAngle1[i][ind]))
                    foundIndex += 1
            if len(scanAngle2[0]) > 0:
                for i in range(len(angleNames)):
                    scanAngle[i] = \
                        np.concatenate((scanAngle[i], np.array(scanAngle2[i])), \
        # transform scan angles to reciprocal space coordinates for all detector pixels
        angleList = []
        for i in range(len(angleNames)):
        if self.ubMatrix[scans[0]] is None:
            qx, qy, qz = hxrd.Ang2Q.area(*angleList,  \
            qx, qy, qz = hxrd.Ang2Q.area(*angleList, \
                            Nav=self.getNumPixelsToAverage(), \
                            UB = self.ubMatrix[scans[0]])

        # apply selected transform
        qxTrans, qyTrans, qzTrans = \
            self.transform.do3DTransform(qx, qy, qz)

        return qxTrans, qyTrans, qzTrans, intensity
コード例 #9
ファイル: merge3D_qspace.py プロジェクト: duprazm/bcdi
def gridmap(specfile, scan_nb, mydetector, region=None, myflatfield=None, myhotpixels=None, reload=0,
            previous_data=None, previous_mask=None, mysetup='ID01', myrocking_angle="outofplane",
            follow_bragg=0, myenergy=None, myoffsets=(0, 0, 0, 0, 0)):
    Load the data, check for saturated pixels, interpolate on an orthogonal grid
    :param specfile:
    :param scan_nb:
    :param mydetector: "Eiger4M" or "Eiger2M" or "Maxipix"
    :param region: roi on the detector
    :param myflatfield: 2D array, flatfield correction for the detector
    :param myhotpixels: 2D array, detector hotpixels to be masked
    :param reload: 1 when you reload the data
    :param previous_data: when you reload the data
    :param previous_mask: when you reload the data
    :param mysetup: 'ID01' or 'SIXS' or 'CRISTAL', different data loading method
    :param myrocking_angle: name of the motor which is tilted during the rocking curve
    :param follow_bragg: for energy_scan, set to 1 if the detector is scanned to follow the Bragg peak (delta @ ID01)
    :param myenergy: energy in eV of the experiment, in case it is not in the spec file
    :param myoffsets: sample and detector offsets for xrayutilities
    global sixs_beta, nb_pixel_x, nb_pixel_y
    if region is None:
        if mydetector == "Eiger2M":
            region = [0, nb_pixel_y, 0, nb_pixel_x]
        elif mydetector == "Maxipix":
            region = [0, nb_pixel_y, 0, nb_pixel_x]
        elif mydetector == "Eiger4M":
            region = [0, nb_pixel_y, 0, nb_pixel_x]
            region = [0, nb_pixel_y, 0, nb_pixel_x]
    if mysetup == 'ID01':
        motor_names = specfile[str(scan_nb) + '.1'].motor_names  # positioners
        motor_positions = specfile[str(scan_nb) + '.1'].motor_positions  # positioners
        labels = specfile[str(scan_nb) + '.1'].labels  # motor scanned
        labels_data = specfile[str(scan_nb) + '.1'].data  # motor scanned
        chi = 0
        delta = motor_positions[motor_names.index('del')]
        nu = motor_positions[motor_names.index('nu')]
        if myrocking_angle == "outofplane":
            eta = labels_data[labels.index('eta'), :]
            phi = motor_positions[motor_names.index('phi')]
            myenergy = motor_positions[motor_names.index('nrj')]  # in kev
        elif myrocking_angle == "inplane":
            phi = labels_data[labels.index('phi'), :]
            eta = motor_positions[motor_names.index('eta')]
            myenergy = motor_positions[motor_names.index('nrj')]  # in kev
        elif myrocking_angle == "energy":
            myenergy = labels_data[labels.index('energy'), :]  # in kev
            if follow_bragg == 1:
                delta = labels_data[labels.index('del'), :]
                # TODO: understand why Qx is positive
            phi = motor_positions[motor_names.index('phi')]
            eta = motor_positions[motor_names.index('eta')]
            print("Error in rocking angle definition")
        myenergy = myenergy * 1000.0  # switch to eV
        if isinstance(myenergy, float) and myenergy < 0:
            print("Energy not correctly defined in spec file, default to 9keV")
            myenergy = 9000.0
    elif mysetup == 'SIXS':
        mydataset = nxsReady.DataSet(datadir + ccdfiletmp % scan_nb, ccdfiletmp % scan_nb, scan="SBS")
        img = mydataset.mfilm[1:, :, :]  # first frame is duplicated
        delta = mydataset.delta[1:].mean()  # not scanned
        gamma = mydataset.gamma[1:].mean()  # not scanned
        mu = mydataset.mu[1:]
    elif mysetup == 'CRISTAL':
        omega = specfile['a']['scan_data']['actuator_1_1'][:] / 1e6
        delta = specfile['a/CRISTAL/I06-C-C07__EX__DIF-DELTA__#1/raw_value'][:]
        nu = specfile['a/CRISTAL/I06-C-C07__EX__DIF-GAMMA__#1/raw_value'][:]
        maxpix_img = specfile['a']['scan_data']['data_04'][:]
    elif mysetup == 'P10':
        # TODO: find motors in specfile
        mu = []
        for index in range(25):  # header
        for index, myline in enumerate(specfile, 0):
            myline = myline.strip()
            mycolumns = myline.split()
            if mycolumns[0] == '!':
        mu = np.asarray(mu, dtype=float)
        nb_img = len(mu)

    if reload == 0:
        if mydetector == "Eiger2M":
            counter = 'ei2minr'
            mymask = np.zeros((nb_pixel_y, nb_pixel_x))
        elif mydetector == "Maxipix":
            counter = 'mpx4inr'
            # counter = 'roi7'
            mymask = np.zeros((nb_pixel_y, nb_pixel_x))
        elif mydetector == "Eiger4M":
            mymask = np.zeros((nb_pixel_y, nb_pixel_x))
            counter = 'mpx4inr'
            mymask = np.zeros((nb_pixel_y, nb_pixel_x))

        if myflatfield is None:
            myflatfield = np.ones(mymask.shape)
        if myhotpixels is None:
            myhotpixels = np.zeros(mymask.shape)
        if mysetup == 'ID01':
            ccdn = labels_data[labels.index(counter), :]
            rawdata = np.zeros((len(ccdn), region[1] - region[0], region[3] - region[2]))
            for index in range(len(ccdn)):
                i = int(ccdn[index])
                e = fabio.open(ccdfiletmp % i)
                ccdraw = e.data
                ccdraw, mymask = remove_hotpixels(ccdraw, myhotpixels, mymask)
                if mydetector == "Eiger2M":
                    ccdraw, mymask = mask_eiger(ccdraw, mymask)
                elif mydetector == "Maxipix":
                    ccdraw, mymask = mask_maxipix(ccdraw, mymask)
                ccdraw = myflatfield * ccdraw
                ccd = xu.blockAverage2D(ccdraw, nav[0], nav[1], roi=region)
                rawdata[int(i - ccdn[0]), :, :] = ccd
        elif mysetup == 'SIXS':
            nb_img = img.shape[0]
            rawdata = np.zeros((nb_img, region[1] - region[0], region[3] - region[2]))
            for index in range(nb_img):
                ccdraw = img[index, :, :]  # first image is duplicated
                ccdraw, mymask = remove_hotpixels(ccdraw, myhotpixels, mymask)
                if mydetector == "Eiger2M":
                    ccdraw, mymask = mask_eiger(ccdraw, mymask)
                elif mydetector == "Maxipix":
                    ccdraw, mymask = mask_maxipix(ccdraw, mymask)
                ccdraw = myflatfield * ccdraw
                ccd = xu.blockAverage2D(ccdraw, nav[0], nav[1], roi=region)
                rawdata[index, :, :] = ccd
        elif mysetup == 'CRISTAL':
            nb_img = omega.shape[0]
            rawdata = np.zeros((nb_img, region[1] - region[0], region[3] - region[2]))
            for index in range(nb_img):
                ccdraw = maxpix_img[index, :, :]
                ccdraw, mymask = remove_hotpixels(ccdraw, myhotpixels, mymask)
                ccdraw, mymask = mask_maxipix(ccdraw, mymask)
                ccdraw = myflatfield * ccdraw
                ccd = xu.blockAverage2D(ccdraw, nav[0], nav[1], roi=region)
                rawdata[index, :, :] = ccd
        elif mysetup == 'P10':
            rawdata = np.zeros((nb_img, region[1] - region[0], region[3] - region[2]))
            for index in range(nb_img):
                h5file = h5py.File(ccdfiletmp % (index + 1), 'r')
                    ccdraw = h5file['entry']['data']['data'][:].sum(axis=0)
                except OSError:
                    print('hdf5plugin is not installed')
                ccdraw, mymask = remove_hotpixels(ccdraw, myhotpixels, mymask)
                ccdraw, mymask = mask_eiger4m(ccdraw, mymask)
                ccdraw = myflatfield * ccdraw
                ccd = xu.blockAverage2D(ccdraw, nav[0], nav[1], roi=region)
                rawdata[index, :, :] = ccd

        mymask = mymask[region[0]:region[1], region[2]:region[3]]
        rawdata, mymask = check_pixels(rawdata, mymask, var_threshold=5, debugging=0)  # additional check for hotpixels
        numz, numy, numx = rawdata.shape
        rawmask3d = np.repeat(mymask[np.newaxis, :, :], numz, axis=0)
        rawmask3d[np.isnan(rawdata)] = 1
        rawdata[np.isnan(rawdata)] = 0
        rawmask3d = previous_mask
        rawdata = previous_data
        numz, numy, numx = rawdata.shape
    # transform scan angles to reciprocal space coordinates for all detector pixels
    if mysetup == 'ID01':
        myqx, myqy, myqz = hxrd.Ang2Q.area(eta, chi, phi, nu, delta, en=myenergy, delta=myoffsets)
        mygridder = xu.Gridder3D(numz, numy, numx)
        # convert mask to rectangular grid in reciprocal space
        mygridder(myqx, myqz, myqy, rawmask3d)
        mymask3d = np.copy(mygridder.data)
        # convert data to rectangular grid in reciprocal space
        mygridder(myqx, myqz, myqy, rawdata)
        return mygridder.xaxis, mygridder.yaxis, mygridder.zaxis, rawdata, mygridder.data, rawmask3d, mymask3d

    elif mysetup == 'SIXS':
        if myenergy is None:
            print('Defaulting energy to 8.5keV')
            myenergy = 8500
        myqx, myqy, myqz = hxrd.Ang2Q.area(sixs_beta, mu, sixs_beta, gamma, delta, en=myenergy, delta=myoffsets)
        mygridder = xu.Gridder3D(numz, numy, numx)
        # convert mask to rectangular grid in reciprocal space
        mygridder(myqx, myqz, myqy, rawmask3d)
        mymask3d = np.copy(mygridder.data)
        # convert data to rectangular grid in reciprocal space
        mygridder(myqx, myqz, myqy, rawdata)
        return mygridder.xaxis, mygridder.yaxis, mygridder.zaxis, rawdata, mygridder.data, rawmask3d, mymask3d

    elif mysetup == 'CRISTAL':
        # TODO: implement this for CRISTAL
        print('Gridder not yet implemented for CRISTAL setup')
        return 0, 0, 0, rawdata, 0, rawmask3d, 0
    elif mysetup == 'P10':
        # TODO: implement this for P10
        print('Gridder not yet implemented for P10 setup')
        return 0, 0, 0, rawdata, 0, rawmask3d, 0
        print('Wrong setup')
コード例 #10
    def rawmap(self, scans, angledelta=[0, 0, 0, 0], adframes=None, mask=None):
        if mask is None:
            mask_was_none = True
            mask_was_none = False

        intensity = np.array([])

        qconv = xu.experiment.QConversion(self.sampleCircleDirections, \
                                    self.detectorCircleDirections, \

        en = self.incidentEnergy
        hxrd = xu.HXRD(self.sampleInplaneReferenceDirection, \
                       self.sampleSurfaceNormalDirection, \
                       en=en[self.availableScans[0]], \

        # initialize area detector properties
        if (self.detectorPixelWidth != None ) and \
            (self.distanceToDetector != None):
            hxrd.Ang2Q.init_area(self.detectorPixelDirection1, \
                self.detectorPixelDirection2, \
                cch1=self.detectorCenterChannel[0], \
                cch2=self.detectorCenterChannel[1], \
                Nch1=self.detectorDimensions[0], \
                Nch2=self.detectorDimensions[1], \
                pwidth1=self.detectorPixelWidth[0], \
                pwidth2=self.detectorPixelWidth[1], \
                distance=self.distanceToDetector, \
                Nav=self.numPixelsToAverage, \
            hxrd.Ang2Q.init_area(self.detectorPixelDirection1, \
                self.detectorPixelDirection2, \
                cch1=self.detectorCenterChannel[0], \
                cch2=self.detectorCenterChannel[1], \
                Nch1=self.detectorDimensions[0], \
                Nch2=self.getDetectorDimensions[1], \
                chpdeg1=self.detectorChannelsPerDegree[0], \
                chpdeg2=self.detectorChannelsPerDegree[1], \

        angleNames = self.getAngles()
        scanAngle = {}
        for i in range(len(angleNames)):
            scanAngle[i] = np.array([])

        offset = 0
        imageToBeUsed = self.imageToBeUsed
        for scannr in scans:
            if self.haltMap:
                raise ProcessCanceledException("ProcessCanceled")
            angles = self.getGeoAngles(scannr)
            scanAngle1 = {}
            scanAngle2 = {}
            for i in range(len(angleNames)):
                scanAngle1[i] = angles[:, i]
                scanAngle2[i] = []
            arrayInitializedForScan = False
            foundIndex = 0
            logger.debug("imageDirName %s" % self.imageDirName)
            logger.debug(("fileParams[%d]" % scannr) +
            imageFilePrefix = os.path.join(
                self.imageDirName, self.fileParams[scannr][IMAGE_PREFIX] +
                "_" + self.fileParams[scannr][IMAGE_NUMBER] + "." +
            imageNameTemplate = str(imageFilePrefix) + '.frame%d.cor'
            if mask_was_none:
                mask = [True] * len(self.imageToBeUsed[scannr])

            for ind in range(len(angles[:, 0])):
                if imageToBeUsed[scannr][ind] and mask[ind]:
                    imageName = imageNameTemplate % (ind + 1)
                    logger.debug("processing image file " + imageName)
                    image = np.empty((self.detectorDimensions[0],
                                      self.detectorDimensions[1]), np.float32)
                    with open(imageName) as f:
                        image.data[:] = f.read()
                    img2 = xu.blockAverage2D(image,
                    if not arrayInitializedForScan:
                        imagesToProcess = [imageToBeUsed[scannr][i] and mask[i] \
                                for i in range(len(imageToBeUsed[scannr]))]
                        if not intensity.shape[0]:
                            # For first scan
                            intensity = np.zeros( \
                                (np.count_nonzero(imagesToProcess),) + \
                            arrayInitializedForScan = True
                            # Need to expand for addditional scans
                            offset = intensity.shape[0]
                            intenstity = np.concatenate( \
                                (intensity, \
                                (np.zeros((np.count_nonzero(imagesToProcess),) + img2.shape))), \
                            arrayInitializedForScan = True
                    intensity[foundIndex + offset, :, :] = img2
                    for i in range(len(angleNames)):
                        logger.debug("appending angles to angle2 " +
                    foundIndex += 1
            if len(scanAngle2[0]) > 0:
                for i in range(len(angleNames)):
                    scanAngle[i] = \
                        np.concatenate((scanAngle[i], \
                                        np.array(scanAngle2[i])), \
        angleList = []

        for i in range(len(angleNames)):
        logger.debug("Before hxrd.Ang2Q.area %s" % str(angleList))
        if self.ubMatrix[scans[0]] is None:
            qx, qy, qz = hxrd.Ang2Q.area(*angleList,  \
            qx, qy, qz = hxrd.Ang2Q.area(*angleList, \
                            Nav=self.numPixelsToAverage, \
                            UB = self.ubMatrix[scans[0]])
        logger.debug("After hxrd.Ang2Q.area")

        # apply selected transform
        qxTrans, qyTrans, qzTrans = \
            self.transform.do3DTransform(qx, qy, qz)

        return qxTrans, qyTrans, qzTrans, intensity
コード例 #11
ファイル: make_movie.py プロジェクト: duprazm/bcdi
    counter = 'ei2minr'
elif detector == 1:
    counter = 'mpx4inr'
    print('Wrong detector type')
ccdn = labels_data[labels.index(counter), :]

metadata = dict(title=movie_title)
writer = FFMpegWriter(fps=5, metadata=metadata)
fontsize = 10
sum_img = np.zeros((roi[1]-roi[0], roi[3]-roi[2]))
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(6, 5))
with writer.saving(fig, homedir+"S"+str(scan)+"_movie.mp4", dpi=100):
    for index in range(len(ccdn)):
        i = int(ccdn[index])
        e = fabio.open(ccdfiletmp % i)
        ccdraw = e.data
        ccdraw = flatfield * ccdraw
        ccd = xu.blockAverage2D(ccdraw, nav[0], nav[1], roi=roi)
        sum_img = sum_img + ccd
        ccd = ccd + 0.0001
        plt.title("Img %3d" % i, fontsize=fontsize)
        plt.imshow(np.log10(ccd), vmin=0, vmax=4, cmap=my_cmap)

sum_img = sum_img+0.0001
plt.imshow(np.log10(sum_img), vmin=0, cmap=my_cmap)
plt.title('Sum of all images')
コード例 #12
def rawmap(h5file, scannr, ccdfiletmp, roi=default_roi,
           angdelta=[0, 0, 0, 0, 0], en=default_en, cch=default_cch,
           chpdeg=default_chpdeg, nav=default_nav, ccdframes=None):
    read ccd frames and and convert them in reciprocal space
    angular coordinates are taken from the spec file
    or read from the edf file header when no scan number is given (scannr=None)

    if scannr:  # read image numbers from spec scan, get angles from spec
        [mu, eta, phi, nu, delta, ccdn], sdata = xu.io.geth5_scan(
            h5file, scannr, 'Mu', 'Eta', 'Phi', 'Nu', 'Delta', 'ccdn')
        ccdn = sdata['ccd_n']
    else:  # get image number from input
        ccdn = ccdframes

    # 3S+2D goniometer (simplified ID01 goniometer, sample mu,eta,phi detector
    # nu,del
    qconv = xu.experiment.QConversion(['z+', 'y-', 'z-'], ['z+', 'y-'],
                                      [1, 0, 0])
    # convention for coordinate system: x downstream; z upwards; y to the
    # "outside" (righthanded)
    # QConversion will set up the goniometer geometry. So the first argument
    # describes the sample rotations, the second the detector rotations and the
    # third the primary beam direction.
    # For this consider the following coordinate system (at least this is what
    # i use at ID01, feel free to use your conventions):
    # x: downstream (direction of primary beam)
    # y: out of the ring
    # z: upwards
    # these three axis form a right handed coordinate system.
    # The outer most sample rotation (so the one mounted on the floor) is one
    # which turns righthanded (+) around the z-direction -> z+ (at the moment
    # this rotation is called 'mu' in the spec-session)
    # The second sample rotation ('eta') is lefthanded (-) around y -> y-

    # define experimental class for angle conversion
    hxrd = xu.HXRD([1, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1], en=en, qconv=qconv)
    # initialize area detector properties
    hxrd.Ang2Q.init_area('z-', 'y+',
                         cch1=cch[0], cch2=cch[1],
                         Nch1=516, Nch2=516,
                         chpdeg1=chpdeg[0], chpdeg2=chpdeg[1],
    if ccdframes:
        mu = []
        eta = []
        phi = []
        delta = []
        nu = []

    for idx in range(len(ccdn)):
        i = ccdn[idx]
        # read ccd image from EDF file
        e = xu.io.EDFFile(ccdfiletmp % i)
        ccdraw = e.data
        ccd = hotpixelkill(ccdraw)

        # normalize ccd-data (optional)
        # create data for normalization
        # d = {'CCD': ccd, 'Opt2': sdata['Opt2'][idx],
        #      'Filter': sdata['Filter'][idx],
        #      'Seconds': sdata['Seconds'][idx]}
        # ccd = xid01_normalizer(d)

        # here a darkfield correction would be done
        # reduce data size
        CCD = xu.blockAverage2D(ccd, nav[0], nav[1], roi=roi)

        if i == ccdn[0]:
            intensity = numpy.zeros((len(ccdn), ) + CCD.shape)

        intensity[idx, :, :] = CCD
        # if angles not read from spec file read them from the edf file header
        if ccdframes:
            # the following lines work for older EDF files only
            #   mu.append(float(e.header['ESRF_ID01_PSIC_NANO_MU']))
            #   eta.append(float(e.header['ESRF_ID01_PSIC_NANO_ETA']))
            #   phi.append(float(e.header['ESRF_ID01_PSIC_NANO_PHI']))
            #   nu.append(float(e.header['ESRF_ID01_PSIC_NANO_NU']))
            #   delta.append(float(e.header['ESRF_ID01_PSIC_NANO_DELTA']))
            # for new EDF files (recorded in year >~2013) use

    # transform scan angles to reciprocal space coordinates for all detector
    # pixels
    qx, qy, qz = hxrd.Ang2Q.area(mu, eta, phi, nu, delta, delta=angdelta)

    return qx, qy, qz, intensity
コード例 #13
def rawmap(h5file,
           angdelta=[0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
    read ccd frames and and convert them in reciprocal space
    angular coordinates are taken from the spec file
    or read from the edf file header when no scan number is given (scannr=None)

    if scannr:  # read image numbers from spec scan, get angles from spec
        [mu, eta, phi, nu, delta,
         ccdn], sdata = xu.io.geth5_scan(h5file, scannr, 'Mu', 'Eta', 'Phi',
                                         'Nu', 'Delta', 'ccdn')
        ccdn = sdata['ccd_n']
    else:  # get image number from input
        ccdn = ccdframes

    # 3S+2D goniometer (simplified ID01 goniometer, sample mu,eta,phi detector
    # nu,del
    qconv = xu.experiment.QConversion(['z+', 'y-', 'z-'], ['z+', 'y-'],
                                      [1, 0, 0])
    # convention for coordinate system: x downstream; z upwards; y to the
    # "outside" (righthanded)
    # QConversion will set up the goniometer geometry. So the first argument
    # describes the sample rotations, the second the detector rotations and the
    # third the primary beam direction.
    # For this consider the following coordinate system (at least this is what
    # i use at ID01, feel free to use your conventions):
    # x: downstream (direction of primary beam)
    # y: out of the ring
    # z: upwards
    # these three axis form a right handed coordinate system.
    # The outer most sample rotation (so the one mounted on the floor) is one
    # which turns righthanded (+) around the z-direction -> z+ (at the moment
    # this rotation is called 'mu' in the spec-session)
    # The second sample rotation ('eta') is lefthanded (-) around y -> y-

    # define experimental class for angle conversion
    hxrd = xu.HXRD([1, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1], en=en, qconv=qconv)
    # initialize area detector properties
    if ccdframes:
        mu = []
        eta = []
        phi = []
        delta = []
        nu = []

    for idx in range(len(ccdn)):
        i = ccdn[idx]
        # read ccd image from EDF file
        e = xu.io.EDFFile(ccdfiletmp % i)
        ccdraw = e.data
        ccd = hotpixelkill(ccdraw)

        # normalize ccd-data (optional)
        # create data for normalization
        # d = {'CCD': ccd, 'Opt2': sdata['Opt2'][idx],
        #      'Filter': sdata['Filter'][idx],
        #      'Seconds': sdata['Seconds'][idx]}
        # ccd = xid01_normalizer(d)

        # here a darkfield correction would be done
        # reduce data size
        CCD = xu.blockAverage2D(ccd, nav[0], nav[1], roi=roi)

        if i == ccdn[0]:
            intensity = numpy.zeros((len(ccdn), ) + CCD.shape)

        intensity[idx, :, :] = CCD
        # if angles not read from spec file read them from the edf file header
        if ccdframes:
            # the following lines work for older EDF files only
            #   mu.append(float(e.header['ESRF_ID01_PSIC_NANO_MU']))
            #   eta.append(float(e.header['ESRF_ID01_PSIC_NANO_ETA']))
            #   phi.append(float(e.header['ESRF_ID01_PSIC_NANO_PHI']))
            #   nu.append(float(e.header['ESRF_ID01_PSIC_NANO_NU']))
            #   delta.append(float(e.header['ESRF_ID01_PSIC_NANO_DELTA']))
            # for new EDF files (recorded in year >~2013) use

    # transform scan angles to reciprocal space coordinates for all detector
    # pixels
    qx, qy, qz = hxrd.Ang2Q.area(mu, eta, phi, nu, delta, delta=angdelta)

    return qx, qy, qz, intensity
コード例 #14
def gridmap(specfile,
    global offset, offset_chi, offset_eta, offset_phi, filtered_data, datadir
    if region is None:
        if mydetector == "Eiger2M":
            region = [0, 2164, 0, 1030]
        elif mydetector == "Maxipix":
            region = [0, 516, 0, 516]
    if mydetector == "Eiger2M":
        counter = 'ei2minr'
        mymask = np.zeros((2164, 1030))
    elif mydetector == "Maxipix":
        counter = 'mpx4inr'
        mymask = np.zeros((516, 516))
        sys.exit("Incorrect value for 'mydetector' parameter")
    if myhotpixels != "":
        print("Loading hotpixels array")
        hotpix_array = np.load(myhotpixels)
        npz_key = hotpix_array.keys()
        hotpix_array = hotpix_array[npz_key[0]]
        if len(hotpix_array.shape) == 3:  # 3D array
            hotpix_array = hotpix_array.sum(axis=0)
        hotpix_array[hotpix_array != 0] = -1
    if myflatfield is None:
        myflatfield = np.ones(mymask.shape)
    motor_names = specfile[str(scan_nb) + '.1'].motor_names  # positioners
    motor_positions = specfile[str(scan_nb) +
                               '.1'].motor_positions  # positioners
    labels = specfile[str(scan_nb) + '.1'].labels  # motor scanned
    labels_data = specfile[str(scan_nb) + '.1'].data  # motor scanned
    chi = offset_chi
    phi = offset_phi
    delta = motor_positions[motor_names.index('del')]
    nu = motor_positions[motor_names.index('nu')]
    eta = labels_data[labels.index('eta'), :] + offset_eta
    ccdn = labels_data[labels.index(counter), :]
    if filtered_data == 0:
        rawdata = np.zeros(
            (len(ccdn), region[1] - region[0], region[3] - region[2]))
        for index in range(len(ccdn)):
            i = int(ccdn[index])
            e = fabio.open(ccdfiletmp % i)
            ccdraw = e.data
            if myhotpixels != "":
                ccdraw, mymask = remove_hotpixels(ccdraw, hotpix_array, mymask)
            if mydetector == "Eiger2M":
                ccdraw, mymask = mask_eiger(ccdraw, mymask)
            elif mydetector == "Maxipix":
                ccdraw, mymask = mask_maxipix(ccdraw, mymask)
            ccdraw = myflatfield * ccdraw
            ccd = xu.blockAverage2D(ccdraw, nav[0], nav[1], roi=region)
            rawdata[int(i - ccdn[0]), :, :] = ccd
        print('Loading filtered data')
        myfile_path = filedialog.askopenfilename(initialdir=specdir,
                                                 title="Select 3D data",
                                                 filetypes=[("NPZ", "*.npz")])
        rawdata = np.load(myfile_path)['data']
        rawdata = rawdata[region[0]:region[1], region[2]:region[3]]
    mymask = mymask[region[0]:region[1], region[2]:region[3]]
    numz, numy, numx = rawdata.shape
    if numz != len(ccdn):
        print('Filtered data has not the same shape as raw data')
    rawmask3d = np.zeros((numz, region[1] - region[0], region[3] - region[2]))
    for index in range(numz):
        rawmask3d[index, :, :] = mymask
    # transform scan angles to reciprocal space coordinates for all detector pixels
    myqx, myqy, myqz = hxrd.Ang2Q.area(eta,
                                       delta=(0, 0, 0, offset, 0))
    mygridder = xu.Gridder3D(numz, numy, numx)
    # convert mask to rectangular grid in reciprocal space
    mygridder(myqx, myqz, myqy, rawmask3d)
    mymask3d = np.copy(mygridder.data)
    # convert data to rectangular grid in reciprocal space
    mygridder(myqx, myqz, myqy, rawdata)
    return mygridder.xaxis, mygridder.yaxis, mygridder.zaxis, rawdata, mygridder.data, rawmask3d, mymask3d