コード例 #1
ファイル: stats.py プロジェクト: astroJeff/XRB
def run_emcee(M2_d, P_orb_obs, ecc_obs, ra, dec, M2_d_err=1.0,
    P_orb_obs_err=1.0, ecc_obs_err=0.05, nburn=1000, nsteps=1000):
    """ Run the emcee function

    M2_d : float
        Observed secondary mass
    P_orb_obs : float
        Observed orbital period
    ecc_obs : float
        Observed orbital eccentricity
    ra : float
        Observed right ascension
    dec : float
        Observed declination

    sampler : emcee object

    # First thing is to load the sse data and SF_history data

    # Get initial values
    initial_vals = get_initial_values(M2_d, nwalkers=nwalkers)

    # Define sampler
    args = [[M2_d, M2_d_err, P_orb_obs, P_orb_obs_err, ecc_obs, ecc_obs_err, ra, dec]]
    sampler = emcee.EnsembleSampler(nwalkers=nwalkers, dim=10, lnpostfn=ln_posterior, args=args)

    # Assign initial values
    p0 = np.zeros((nwalkers,10))
    p0 = set_walkers(initial_vals, args[0], nwalkers=nwalkers)

    # Burn-in
    pos,prob,state = sampler.run_mcmc(p0, N=nburn)

    # Full run
    pos,prob,state = sampler.run_mcmc(pos, N=nsteps)

    return sampler
コード例 #2
ファイル: stats.py プロジェクト: astroJeff/XRB
def run_emcee_population(nburn=10000, nsteps=100000, nwalkers=80):
    """ Run emcee on the entire X-ray binary population

    nburn : float (optional)
        number of steps for the Burn-in (default=10000)
    nsteps : float (optional)
        number of steps for the simulation (default=100000)

    sampler : emcee object

    # First thing is to load the sse data and SF_history data

    # Get initial values - choose 12 Msun as a seed for initial position
    initial_vals = get_initial_values(12.0, nwalkers=nwalkers)

    # Define sampler
    sampler = emcee.EnsembleSampler(nwalkers=nwalkers, dim=10, lnpostfn=ln_posterior_population)

    # Assign initial values based on a random binary
    args = [12.0, 2.0, 500.0, 20.0, 0.50, 0.2, 13.5, -72.7] # SMC
    p0 = np.zeros((nwalkers,10))
    p0 = set_walkers(initial_vals, args, nwalkers=nwalkers)

    # Burn-in
    pos,prob,state = sampler.run_mcmc(p0, N=nburn)

    # Full run
    pos,prob,state = sampler.run_mcmc(pos, N=nsteps)

    return sampler
コード例 #3
ファイル: pop_synth.py プロジェクト: astroJeff/XRB
def run_pop_synth(input_sys, N_sys=10000, t_low=15.0, t_high=60.0, delta_t=1):
    """ Run a forward population synthesis

    input_sys : ra_sys, dec_sys, P_orb_sys, ecc_sys, M2_d_sys
        Observed values of individual system
    N_sys : int
        Number of systems per age calculated (10000)
    t_low : float
        Lower limit to age range tested (15 Myr)
    t_high : float
        Upper limit to age range tested (60 Myr)
    delta_t : float
        Age resolution (1 Myr)

    HMXB_sys : numpy recarray
        Systems that evolve into the observed system
        names = ["ra", "dec", "ra_b", "dec_b", "P_orb", "ecc", "M_2_d", "theta_proj", "age", "norm"]
    init_params_sys : numpy recarray
        Initial conditions for the observed Systems
        names = ["M1","M2","A","ecc","v_k","theta","phi","ra_b","dec_b","t_b"]

    ra_sys, dec_sys, P_orb_sys, ecc_sys, M2_d_sys = input_sys

    # First thing is to load the sse data and SF_history data

    names = ["ra", "dec", "ra_b", "dec_b", "P_orb", "ecc", "M_2_d", "theta_proj", "age", "norm"]

    HMXB = np.recarray(0, names=names, formats=['float64,float64,float64,float64,float64,float64,float64,float64,float64,float64'])
    HMXB_sys = np.recarray(0, names=names, formats=['float64,float64,float64,float64,float64,float64,float64,float64,float64,float64'])

    names = ["M1","M2","A","ecc","v_k","theta","phi","ra_b","dec_b","t_b"]
    init_params_sys = np.recarray(0, names=names, formats=['float64,float64,float64,float64,float64,float64,float64,float64,float64,float64'])

    theta_sep = np.array([])

    batch_size = 1000
    n_batch = int(np.ceil(float(N_sys)/float(batch_size)))

    for t_b in np.linspace(14.0, 56.0, 43):

        for batch in np.arange(n_batch):
            n_run = min(batch_size, N_sys - (batch)*batch_size)
            HMXB_t, init_params_t = create_HMXBs(t_b, N_sys=n_run, ra_in=ra_sys, dec_in=dec_sys)
            HMXB = np.concatenate((HMXB, HMXB_t))

            for i in np.arange(len(HMXB_t)):

                h = HMXB_t[i]
                p = init_params_t[i]

                angle = c.rad_to_deg * sf_history.get_theta_proj_degree(ra_sys, dec_sys, h["ra"], h["dec"])
                theta_sep = np.append(theta_sep, angle)

                if angle < 0.2 \
                    and np.abs(h["P_orb"] - P_orb_sys) < 5.0 \
                    and np.abs(h["ecc"] - ecc_sys) < 0.1 \
                    and np.abs(h["M_2_d"] - M2_d_sys) < 1.0:

                    HMXB_sys = np.append(HMXB_sys, h)
                    init_params_sys = np.append(init_params_sys, p)

    return HMXB_sys, init_params_sys
コード例 #4
ファイル: pop_synth.py プロジェクト: astroJeff/XRB
def full_forward(M1, M2, A, ecc, v_k, theta, phi, t_obs):
    """ Evolve a binary forward from its initial conditions

    M1 : float
        Initial primary mass (Msun)
    M2 : float
        Initial secondary mass (Msun)
    A : float
        Initial orbital separation (Rsun)
    ecc : float
        Initial orbital eccentricity (unitless)
    v_k : float
        SN kick velocity
    theta : float
        SN kick polar angle
    phi : float
        SN kick azimuthal angle
    t_obs : float
        observation time

    M_NS : float or ndarray
        Array of final primary masses (Currently set to the NS mass, c.M_NS)
    M_2 : float or ndarray
        Array of final secondary masses (Msun)
    L_x : float or ndarray
        X-ray luminosity (erg/s)
    v_sys : float or ndarray
        Systemic velocity (km/s)
    M2_dot : float or ndarray
        Mass accretion rate (Msun/yr)
    A : float or ndarray
        Orbital separation (Rsun)
    ecc : float or ndarray
        Orbital eccentricity (unitless)
    theta : float or ndarray
        Projected angular distance traveled from birth location (radians)
    k_type : int
        k-type of HMXB donor

    if load_sse.func_sse_mass is None:

    if isinstance(M1, np.ndarray):
        dtypes = [('M_NS','<f8'), \
                ('M_2','<f8'), \
                ('L_x','<f8'), \
                ('v_sys','<f8'), \
                ('M2_dot','<f8'), \
                ('A','<f8'), \
                ('ecc','<f8'), \
                ('theta','<f8'), \

        HMXB = np.recarray(len(M1), dtype=dtypes)

        for i in np.arange(len(M1)):

            if isinstance(t_obs, np.ndarray):
                if t_obs[i] < load_sse.func_sse_ms_time(M1[i]):
                    HMXB["M_NS"][i] = M1[i]
                    HMXB["M_2"][i] = M2[i]
                    HMXB["A"][i] = A[i]
                if t_obs < load_sse.func_sse_ms_time(M1[i]):
                    HMXB["M_NS"][i] = M1[i]
                    HMXB["M_2"][i] = M2[i]
                    HMXB["A"][i] = A[i]

            # First MT phase
            M_1_b, M_2_b, A_b = binary_evolve.func_MT_forward(M1[i], M2[i], A[i], ecc[i])

            if isinstance(t_obs, np.ndarray):
                if t_obs[i] < load_sse.func_sse_tmax(M1[i]):
                    HMXB["M_NS"][i] = M_1_b
                    HMXB["M_2"][i] = M_2_b
                    HMXB["A"][i] = A_b
                if t_obs < load_sse.func_sse_tmax(M1[i]):
                    HMXB["M_NS"][i] = M_1_b
                    HMXB["M_2"][i] = M_2_b
                    HMXB["A"][i] = A_b

            # SN
            A_tmp, v_sys_tmp, e_tmp = binary_evolve.func_SN_forward(M_1_b, M_2_b, A_b, v_k[i], theta[i], phi[i])

            # XRB
            if isinstance(t_obs, np.ndarray):
                M_2_tmp, L_x_tmp, M2_dot_out, A_out = binary_evolve.func_Lx_forward(M1[i], M2[i], M_2_b, A_tmp, e_tmp, t_obs[i])
                theta_out = (t_obs[i] - load_sse.func_sse_tmax(M1[i])) * v_sys_tmp / c.dist_SMC * c.yr_to_sec * 1.0e6 * np.sin(get_theta(1))
                tobs_eff = binary_evolve.func_get_time(M1[i], M2[i], t_obs[i])
                M_2_tmp, L_x_tmp, M2_dot_out, A_out = binary_evolve.func_Lx_forward(M1[i], M2[i], M_2_b, A_tmp, e_tmp, t_obs)
                theta_out = (t_obs - load_sse.func_sse_tmax(M1[i])) * v_sys_tmp / c.dist_SMC * c.yr_to_sec * 1.0e6 * np.sin(get_theta(1))
                tobs_eff = binary_evolve.func_get_time(M1[i], M2[i], t_obs)

            # To get k-type of HMXB donor
            if M_2_b > c.max_mass:
                k_type = -999
                M_tmp, M_dot_tmp, R_tmp, k_type = load_sse.func_get_sse_star(M_2_b, tobs_eff)

            HMXB["M_NS"][i] = c.M_NS
            HMXB["M_2"][i] = M_2_tmp
            HMXB["L_x"][i] = L_x_tmp
            HMXB["v_sys"][i] = v_sys_tmp
            HMXB["M2_dot"][i] = M2_dot_out
            HMXB["A"][i] = A_out
            HMXB["ecc"][i] = e_tmp
            HMXB["theta"][i] = theta_out
            HMXB["k_type"][i] = int(k_type)

        return HMXB["M_NS"], HMXB["M_2"], HMXB["L_x"], HMXB["v_sys"], HMXB["M2_dot"], HMXB["A"], HMXB["ecc"], HMXB["theta"], HMXB["k_type"]


        # Star does not make it to MT phase
        if t_obs < load_sse.func_sse_ms_time(M1): return M1, M2, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, A, ecc, 0.0

        # MT phase
        M_1_b, M_2_b, A_b = binary_evolve.func_MT_forward(M1, M2, A, ecc)

        # Star does not make it to SN
        if t_obs < load_sse.func_sse_tmax(M1): return M_1_b, M_2_b, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, A_b, ecc, 0.0

        # SN
        A_tmp, v_sys_tmp, e_tmp = binary_evolve.func_SN_forward(M_1_b, M_2_b, A_b, v_k, theta, phi)

        # XRB
        M_2_tmp, L_x_tmp, M2_dot_out, A_out = binary_evolve.func_Lx_forward(M1, M2, M_2_b, A_tmp, e_tmp, t_obs)

        theta_out = (t_obs - load_sse.func_sse_tmax(M1)) * v_sys_tmp / c.dist_SMC * c.yr_to_sec * 1.0e6 * np.sin(get_theta(1))

        # To get k-type of HMXB donor
        tobs_eff = binary_evolve.func_get_time(M1, M2, t_obs)
        M_tmp, M_dot_tmp, R_tmp, k_type = load_sse.func_get_sse_star(M_2_b, tobs_eff)

        return c.M_NS, M_2_tmp, L_x_tmp, v_sys_tmp, M2_dot_out, A_out, e_tmp, theta_out, int(k_type)
コード例 #5
ファイル: smc_population_plots.py プロジェクト: astroJeff/XRB
corner.hist2d(np.log10(HMXB[2]), HMXB[3], ax=ax[0], bins=40, range=plt_range, plot_datapoints=False)
ax[0].set_xlabel(r"${\rm log}\ P_{\rm orb}\ {\rm (days)}$", size=16)
ax[0].set_ylabel(r"$e$", size=16)

plt_range = ([8, 24], [0,80])
corner.hist2d(HMXB[4], HMXB[5], ax=ax[1], bins=40, range=plt_range, plot_datapoints=False)
ax[1].set_xlabel(r"$M_2\ ({\rm M}_{\odot})$", size=16)
ax[1].set_ylabel(r"$v_{\rm sys}\ {\rm (km\ s}^{-1})$", size=16)
ax[1].set_yticks([0,20, 40, 60, 80])

# Get flight time from birth time and M1 lifetime
t_flight = sampler.flatchain.T[9] - load_sse.func_sse_tmax(sampler.flatchain.T[0])
plt_range = ([0,55], [0,25])
contour_kwargs = {'colors':'r', 'linestyles':'dashed'}
corner.hist2d(t_flight, HMXB[7], ax=ax[2], bins=40, range=plt_range, plot_density=False,
		plot_datapoints=False, contour_kwargs=contour_kwargs)
corner.hist2d(sampler.flatchain.T[9], HMXB[7], ax=ax[2], bins=40, range=plt_range,
		plot_density=False, plot_datapoints=False)
ax[2].set_xlabel(r"$t_{\rm i}\ {\rm (Myr)}$", size=16)
ax[2].set_ylabel(r"$\theta\ {\rm (amin)}$", size=16)



コード例 #6
ファイル: stats.py プロジェクト: astroJeff/XRB
def run_emcee_2(M2_d, P_orb_obs, ecc_obs, ra, dec, M2_d_err=1.0,
    P_orb_obs_err=1.0, ecc_obs_err=0.05, nwalkers=80, nburn=1000,
    threads=1, mpi=False):
    """ Run the emcee function

    M2_d : float
        Observed secondary mass
    P_orb_obs : float
        Observed orbital period
    ecc_obs : float
        Observed orbital eccentricity
    ra : float
        Observed right ascension
    dec : float
        Observed declination
    threads : int
        Number of threads to use for parallelization
    mpi : bool
        If true, use MPIPool for parallelization

    sampler : emcee object

    # First thing is to load the sse data and SF_history data

    # Get initial values
    initial_vals = get_initial_values(M2_d, nwalkers=nwalkers)

    # Define sampler
    args = [[M2_d, M2_d_err, P_orb_obs, P_orb_obs_err, ecc_obs, ecc_obs_err, ra, dec]]

    if mpi == True:
        pool = MPIPool()
        if not pool.is_master():
        sampler = emcee.EnsembleSampler(nwalkers=nwalkers, dim=10, lnpostfn=ln_posterior, args=args, pool=pool)

    elif threads != 1:
        sampler = emcee.EnsembleSampler(nwalkers=nwalkers, dim=10, lnpostfn=ln_posterior, args=args, threads=threads)
        sampler = emcee.EnsembleSampler(nwalkers=nwalkers, dim=10, lnpostfn=ln_posterior, args=args)

    # Assign initial values
    p0 = np.zeros((nwalkers,10))
    p0 = set_walkers(initial_vals, args[0], nwalkers=nwalkers)

    # Burn-in 1
    pos,prob,state = sampler.run_mcmc(p0, N=nburn)
    sampler1 = copy.copy(sampler)

    # TESTING BEGIN - Get limiting ln_prob for worst 10 chains
    prob_lim = (np.sort(prob)[9] + np.sort(prob)[10])/2.0
    index_best = np.argmax(prob)
    for i in np.arange(len(prob)):
        # if sampler1.acceptance_fraction[i] == 0.0: pos[i] = np.copy(pos[index_best]) + np.random.normal(0.0, 0.005, size=10)
        if prob[i] < prob_lim:  pos[i] = np.copy(pos[index_best]) + np.random.normal(0.0, 0.005, size=10)

    print "Burn-in 1 finished."
    print "Starting burn-in 2..."

    # Burn-in 2
    pos,prob,state = sampler.run_mcmc(pos, N=nburn)
    sampler2 = copy.copy(sampler)

    # TESTING BEGIN - Get limiting ln_prob for worst 10 chains
    prob_lim = (np.sort(prob)[9] + np.sort(prob)[10])/2.0
    index_best = np.argmax(prob)
    for i in np.arange(len(prob)):
        # if sampler2.acceptance_fraction[i] == 0.0: pos[i] = np.copy(pos[index_best]) + np.random.normal(0.0, 0.005, size=10)
        if prob[i] < prob_lim:  pos[i] = np.copy(pos[index_best]) + np.random.normal(0.0, 0.005, size=10)

    print "Burn-in 2 finished."
    print "Starting burn-in 3..."

    # Burn-in 3
    pos,prob,state = sampler.run_mcmc(pos, N=nburn)
    sampler3 = copy.copy(sampler)

    # TESTING BEGIN - Get limiting ln_prob for worst 10 chains
    prob_lim = (np.sort(prob)[9] + np.sort(prob)[10])/2.0
    index_best = np.argmax(prob)
    for i in np.arange(len(prob)):
        # if sampler3.acceptance_fraction[i] == 0.0: pos[i] = np.copy(pos[index_best]) + np.random.normal(0.0, 0.005, size=10)
        if prob[i] < prob_lim:  pos[i] = np.copy(pos[index_best]) + np.random.normal(0.0, 0.005, size=10)

    print "Burn-in 3 finished."
    print "Starting burn-in 4..."

    # Burn-in 4
    pos,prob,state = sampler.run_mcmc(pos, N=nburn)
    sampler4 = copy.copy(sampler)

    print "Burn-in 4 finished."
    print "Starting production run..."

    # Full run
    pos,prob,state = sampler.run_mcmc(pos, N=nsteps)

    print "Finished production run"

    if mpi is True: pool.close()

    return sampler1, sampler2, sampler3, sampler4, sampler