def createWidgets(self): #Creates magnetic field axis for the x,y, and z axes self.XAxisLabel = tk.Label(self, text='X-Axis') self.XAxisLabel.grid(row=0) self.XAxisValue = tk.DoubleVar() self.XAxisValue.set(10.0) self.XAxisValueEntry = tk.Entry(self, bd=5, textvariable=self.XAxisValue) self.XAxisValueEntry.grid(row=0, column=1) self.xValue = self.XAxisValue.get() #Sets up y axis entry field self.yAxisLabel = tk.Label(self, text='Y-Axis') self.yAxisLabel.grid(row=1) self.yAxisValue = tk.DoubleVar() self.yAxisValue.set(10.0) self.yAxisValueEntry = tk.Entry(self, bd=5, textvariable=self.yAxisValue) self.yAxisValueEntry.grid(row=1, column=1) self.yValue = self.yAxisValue.get() #Sets up z axis entry field self.zAxisLabel = tk.Label(self, text='Z-Axis') self.zAxisLabel.grid(row=2) self.zAxisValue = tk.DoubleVar() self.zAxisValue.set(10.0) self.zAxisValueEntry = tk.Entry(self, bd=5, textvariable=self.zAxisValue) self.zAxisValueEntry.grid(row=2, column=1) self.zValue = self.zAxisValue.get() #Sets up button to take values from axis fields to be magnetic values self.setField = tk.Button(self, command=self.SetBField) self.setField['text']='Set Magnetic Field' self.setField.grid(row=0,column=2) #Sets up button to take values from axis fields to be current values self.setCurrent = tk.Button(self, command=self.SetCurrent) self.setCurrent['text']='Set Current' self.setCurrent.grid(row=1,column=2) #Sets up quit button self.QUIT = tk.Button(self,text='QUIT', fg='red', command=root.destroy) self.QUIT.grid(row=99,column=1) # open the powersupplies and the labjack and save the handle try: self.handle = xyz.openPorts() except Exception as e: raise e
offset = position - setpoint area = 1 * offset derivative = (offset - lastOffset) tempPos = position # load up the prevous position for the next call. output = kP*offset + kD*derivative + kI * area #print(output) return output # value to write to the coils (should be a field value perpendictular to the optical zero) # open the all ports and get the labjack handle handle = xyz.openPorts() #lock in the z because we know what it is (don't change it) zCurrent = (xyz.zCoil.largeCoilCurrent) # this is the rough angle of the optical zero # which we use as our coordinate referance. opticalZeroRotation = math.pi/4 # radians setpoint = 0 lastSum = 0 lastLeft = 0 # make some dque objects for leftMinusRight and sumSignal? nominalFieldOffset = 41.5e-6 outputYField = nominalFieldOffset
import xyzFieldControl as xyz import numpy as np import time as time import matplotlib.pyplot as plt Bx = np.linspace() By = np.linspace() backwardsBy = By[::-1] minSumSignal = 3.0 # analog voltage goes between 0 and 6 volts roughly sumSignal = np.array([0.0,0.0]) # open the all ports and get the labjack handle handle - xyz.openPorts() #lock in the z because we know what it is (don't change it) zCurrent = (xyz.zCoil.largeCoilCurrent) # try: for i, xField in enumerate(Bx): if i % 2: for j, yField in enumerate(By): xyz.fine_field_cart(xField, yField, xyz.zCoil.largeCoilField, handle) #time.sleep(0.1) result = float(xyz.ljm.eReadName(handle,'AIN0')) if result > minSumSignal: sumSignal = np.vstack((sumSignal, np.array([xField, yField]))) else: for j, yField in enumerate(backwardsBy): xyz.fine_field_cart(xField, yField, xyz.zCoil.largeCoilField, handle)
def StreamCollection(max_requests=60, scanrate=1000, bKick=True, minSum=-1.0): #time will take about max_requests/2 in seconds MAX_REQUESTS = max_requests # The number of eStreamRead calls that will be performed. FIRST_AIN_CHANNEL = 0 #AIN0 NUMBER_OF_AINS = 3 # AIN0: L-R, AIN1: Sum, AIN2: T-B rawData = [] # open the all ports and get the labjack handle handle = xyz.openPorts() info = ljm.getHandleInfo(handle) print("Opened a LabJack with Device type: %i, Connection type: %i,\n" \ "Serial number: %i, IP address: %s, Port: %i,\nMax bytes per MB: %i" % \ (info[0], info[1], info[2], ljm.numberToIP(info[3]), info[4], info[5])) # Stream Configuration aScanListNames = [ "AIN%i" % i for i in range(FIRST_AIN_CHANNEL, FIRST_AIN_CHANNEL + NUMBER_OF_AINS) ] #Scan list names print("\nScan List = " + " ".join(aScanListNames)) numAddresses = len(aScanListNames) aScanList = ljm.namesToAddresses(numAddresses, aScanListNames)[0] global scanRate scanRate = scanrate scansPerRead = int(scanRate / 2) try: # Configure the analog inputs' negative channel, range, settling time and # resolution. # Note when streaming, negative channels and ranges can be configured for # individual analog inputs, but the stream has only one settling time and # resolution. aNames = [ "AIN_ALL_NEGATIVE_CH", "AIN_ALL_RANGE", "STREAM_SETTLING_US", "STREAM_RESOLUTION_INDEX" ] aValues = [ljm.constants.GND, 10.0, 0, 0] #single-ended, +/-10V, 0 (default), #0 (default) ljm.eWriteNames(handle, len(aNames), aNames, aValues) eventNumber = 0 # keeps track of the event we make a new one each time the user resets the pendulum and hits enter input('start?') while True: if bKick: # kick the pendulum to drive it so we can take period data. print('Kicking') xr, yr, zr = kickUpAndWait( 0, 4.5e-6, 0, 10) # kick the field and save the current values. #xr,yr,zr = kickUpAndWait(0, 2e-6, 0, 10) # seems like we maight want a bit less kick # Configure and start stream scanRate = ljm.eStreamStart(handle, scansPerRead, numAddresses, aScanList, scanRate) print("\nStream started with a scan rate of %0.0f Hz." % scanRate) print("\nPerforming %i stream reads." % MAX_REQUESTS) if bKick: kickDown(xr, yr, zr) # put the currents back to where they were print('Done Kicking!') # then do the stream. start = totScans = 0 totSkip = 0 # Total skipped samples i = 1 # counter for number of stream requests while i <= MAX_REQUESTS: ret = ljm.eStreamRead(handle) data = ret[0] scans = len(data) / numAddresses totScans += scans # Count the skipped samples which are indicated by -9999 values. Missed # samples occur after a device's stream buffer overflows and are # reported after auto-recover mode ends. curSkip = data.count(-9999.0) totSkip += curSkip print("\neStreamRead %i" % i) ainStr = "" for j in range(0, numAddresses): ainStr += "%s = %0.5f " % (aScanListNames[j], data[j]) print(" 1st scan out of %i: %s" % (scans, ainStr)) print(" Scans Skipped = %0.0f, Scan Backlogs: Device = %i, LJM = " \ "%i" % (curSkip/numAddresses, ret[1], ret[2])) newDataChunk = np.reshape( data, (-1, NUMBER_OF_AINS) ) # reshape the data to have each row be a different reading if i != 1: # if we are not on the first run. rawData = np.vstack((rawData, newDataChunk)) else: rawData = newDataChunk # this should only run on the first time. #print('FIRST RUN THROUGH') #print(rawData,'\n') i += 1 end = print("\nTotal scans = %i" % (totScans)) tt = (end - start).seconds + float( (end - start).microseconds) / 1000000 print("Time taken = %f seconds" % (tt)) print("LJM Scan Rate = %f scans/second" % (scanRate)) print("Timed Scan Rate = %f scans/second" % (totScans / tt)) print("Timed Sample Rate = %f samples/second" % (totScans * numAddresses / tt)) print("Skipped scans = %0.0f" % (totSkip / numAddresses)) print("\nStop Stream") ljm.eStreamStop(handle) print('current querry!') # update the powersupply field readings so we can reference them later xyz.xCoil.getLargeCoilField() xyz.yCoil.getLargeCoilField() print('done with current querry!') # format data to include field values rawDataWithFieldValues = [] print(rawData) first = True for j, row in enumerate( rawData ): # setp throuh and append the field values to each datapoint if row[1] >= minSum: timestamp = j * (1.0 / scanRate) rowWithFieldValues = np.append( row, np.array([ xyz.xCoil.largeCoilField, xyz.yCoil.largeCoilField, timestamp, eventNumber ])) # for now we aren't using the adustment coils if first: first = False rawDataWithFieldValues = rowWithFieldValues else: # not on the first loop rawDataWithFieldValues = np.vstack( (rawDataWithFieldValues, rowWithFieldValues)) print(np.shape(rawDataWithFieldValues)) # and add it to our master data array if eventNumber != 0: #print(np.shape(allTheData)) #print('--------') #print(np.shape(rawDataWithFieldValues)) allTheData = np.vstack((allTheData, rawDataWithFieldValues)) #print(np.shape(allTheData)) else: allTheData = rawDataWithFieldValues print(allTheData) print(np.shape(allTheData)) input( "finished with eventNumber %s. Press enter to start a new data run." % eventNumber) eventNumber += 1 # increment the event number except ljm.LJMError: ljme = sys.exc_info()[1] print(ljme) #xyz.closePorts(handle) except KeyboardInterrupt: # usefull to have a KeyboardInterrupt when your're debugging # save the data to a DataFrame print("saving dataFrame") dataFrame = package_my_data_into_a_dataframe_yay(allTheData) #dataFrame.to_csv("./data/frequencyVsField/testData.csv") # generate timestamp timeStamp1 = time.strftime('%y-%m-%d~%H-%M-%S') dataFrame.to_csv("./data/Calibrations/freqVsField%s.csv" % timeStamp1) xyz.closePorts(handle) except Exception as e: # helpful to close the ports on except when debugging the code. # it prevents the devices from thinking they are still conected and refusing the new connecton # on the next open ports call. print("saving dataFrame") dataFrame = package_my_data_into_a_dataframe_yay(allTheData) #dataFrame.to_csv("./data/frequencyVsField/testData.csv") # generate timestamp timeStamp1 = time.strftime('%y-%m-%d~%H-%M-%S') dataFrame.to_csv("./data/Calibrations/freqVsField%s.csv" % timeStamp1) xyz.closePorts(handle) print('closed all the ports\n') print(e) # print the exception raise