コード例 #1
ファイル: scha.py プロジェクト: josecper/geofieldpy
def invert_dif(thetav, phiv, D, I, F, degrees, g0=None, steps=5):

    # reescalar intensidad pls

    k, m, n = degrees
    if g0 is None:
        g0 = numpy.zeros_like(k); g0[0] = -1000 #because why the heck not

    g = g0.copy()

    Ax, Ay, Az = condition_matrix_xyz(thetav, phiv, degrees)

    D_0, I_0, F_0 = D, I, F

    D_0 = D_0[~numpy.isnan(D_0)]
    I_0 = I_0[~numpy.isnan(I_0)]
    F_0 = F_0[~numpy.isnan(F_0)]
    #dif_0 = numpy.concatenate((D_0, I_0, F_0))
    di_0 = numpy.concatenate((D_0, I_0))
    for iteration in range(steps):
        Bx, By, Bz = xyzfield(k, m, n, g, thetav, phiv)

        D_model, I_model, F_model, H_model = xyz.xyz2difh(Bx, By, Bz)

        Ad, Ai, Af = condition_matrix_dif(Bx, By, Bz, F_model, H_model, Ax, Ay, Az)
        Af = Af / F_model[:, numpy.newaxis]
        Adif = numpy.concatenate((Ad[~numpy.isnan(D_0), :], Ai[~numpy.isnan(I_0), :], Af[~numpy.isnan(F_0), :]),

        D_model = D_model[~numpy.isnan(D_0)]
        I_model = I_model[~numpy.isnan(I_0)]
        F_model = F_model[~numpy.isnan(F_0)]
        di = numpy.concatenate((D_model, I_model), axis=0)

        #corregir diferencias 360 -> 0
        di_delta = numpy.arctan2(numpy.sin(di-di_0), numpy.cos(di-di_0))
        f_delta = (F_model - F_0)/F_model

        delta = numpy.concatenate((di_delta, f_delta), axis=0)

        g = g - (numpy.linalg.pinv(Adif.T @ Adif) @ Adif.T) @ delta
        #solution = numpy.linalg.lstsq(Adif, delta)
        #g = g - solution[0]

    if (sum(abs(delta**2)) > 10000): warnings.warn("inversion might not have converged (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻")
    return g
コード例 #2
ファイル: drift.py プロジェクト: josecper/geofieldpy
def drift(lat, lon, gcomps, order=10):
    theta = numpy.deg2rad(90 - lat)
    phi = numpy.deg2rad(lon)

    declinations = numpy.empty_like(data.years)
    inclinations = numpy.empty_like(data.years)

    for i, y in enumerate(data.years):
        dec, inc, f, h = xyzfield.xyz2difh(*xyzfield.xyzfieldv2(gcomps[i, :], phi, theta, order))
        declinations[i] = dec
        inclinations[i] = inc
        intensities[i] = f

    return declinations, inclinations, intensities
コード例 #3
ファイル: inverse.py プロジェクト: josecper/geofieldpy
def invert_dif(thetav, phiv, data, order=13, g0=-30000, steps=5):

    g=numpy.zeros(order*(order+2)); g[0]=g0
    Ax,Ay,Az = condition_array_xyz(thetav,phiv,order)

    dec0, inc0, int0 = data

    dec0_f = dec0[~numpy.isnan(dec0)]
    inc0_f = inc0[~numpy.isnan(inc0)]
    int0_f = int0[~numpy.isnan(int0)]

    for iteration in range(steps):
        x,y,z=xyzfield.xyzfieldv2(g,phiv,thetav, rparam=1.0, order=order)
        Ad, Ai, Af = condition_array_dif(x,y,z,intensity,horizontal, Ax, Ay, Az, order)
        #remove emptys


        Adif=numpy.concatenate((Ad,Ai,Af), axis=1)
        dif = numpy.concatenate((dec,inc,intensity))
        #get delta
        #g = numpy.linalg.inv(Adif @ Adif.transpose()) @ Adif @ dif0
        g = g + numpy.linalg.inv(Adif @ Adif.transpose()) @ Adif @ delta
        #print(g[:5], sum(abs(delta)))

    if (sum(abs(delta)) > 1000): warnings.warn("inversion might not have converged (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻")
    return g
コード例 #4
ファイル: scha.py プロジェクト: josecper/geofieldpy
def invert_dift(thetav, phiv, t, D, I, F, degrees, knots, g0=None,
                reg_coef_spatial = 0, reg_coef_time = 0, theta_0 = None, steps=5):

    k, m, n = degrees

    #n_knots, n_degrees = len(knots)-4, len(k)
    #knots = bspline.fix_knots(kn, 3)
    n_knots, n_degrees = len(knots), len(k)
    n_coefs = n_knots*n_degrees
    #base = bspline.deboor_base(knots, t, 3)[:, :-4]

    Ax, Ay, Az = condition_matrix_xyz(thetav, phiv, degrees)
    D_0, I_0, F_0 = D, I, F

    base = numpy.concatenate((bspline.condition_array(knots, t[~numpy.isnan(D)]),
                              bspline.condition_array(knots, t[~numpy.isnan(I)]),
                              bspline.condition_array(knots, t[~numpy.isnan(F)])), axis=0)

    D_0 = D_0[~numpy.isnan(D)]
    I_0 = I_0[~numpy.isnan(I)]
    F_0 = F_0[~numpy.isnan(F)]

    if g0 is None:
        g0 = numpy.zeros((n_knots, n_degrees))
        can_get_z = ((~numpy.isnan(I)) & (~numpy.isnan(F)))
        avg_z = numpy.average(F[can_get_z] * sin(I[can_get_z]))
        g0[:, 0] = -avg_z

    g = g0.copy()
    di_0 = numpy.concatenate((D_0, I_0))

    if (reg_coef_spatial != 0) or (reg_coef_time != 0):
        reg_matrix = full_reg(spatial_reg(k, m, n, theta_0), time_reg(knots),
                              coef_L=reg_coef_spatial, coef_S=reg_coef_time)
        reg_matrix = 0.0

    for iteration in range(steps):
        #como poner la dependencia del tiempo aquí?
        #con magia
        Bx, By, Bz = xyzfieldt(k, m, n, knots, g, thetav, phiv, t)
        D_model, I_model, F_model, H_model = xyz.xyz2difh(Bx, By, Bz)

        Ad, Ai, Af = condition_matrix_dif(Bx, By, Bz, F_model, H_model, Ax, Ay, Az)
        Af = Af / F_model[:, numpy.newaxis]
        Adif = numpy.concatenate((Ad[~numpy.isnan(D), :],
                                  Ai[~numpy.isnan(I), :],
                                  Af[~numpy.isnan(F), :]), axis=0)

        Adif = numpy.concatenate([Adif*spline[:, numpy.newaxis] for spline in base.T], axis=1)
        D_model = D_model[~numpy.isnan(D)]
        I_model = I_model[~numpy.isnan(I)]
        F_model = F_model[~numpy.isnan(F)]

        di = numpy.concatenate((D_model, I_model), axis=0)
        di_delta = numpy.arctan2(numpy.sin(di-di_0), numpy.cos(di-di_0))
        f_delta = (F_model - F_0)/F_model

        delta = numpy.concatenate((di_delta, f_delta), axis=0)

        #solution = numpy.linalg.lstsq(Adif, delta)
        #g = g - solution[0].reshape((n_knots, n_degrees))
        g = g - ((numpy.linalg.pinv(Adif.T @ Adif + reg_matrix) @ Adif.T) @ delta).reshape((n_knots, n_degrees))

        sys.stdout.write("[{: <20}]  ".format("#"*int((iteration/steps)*20+1)))
        sys.stdout.write("iteration {0}  : rms = ".format(iteration+1))


        #ax.scatter(t, di_delta[:len(di_delta)//2], color="green")
        #ax.scatter(t, di_delta[len(di_delta)//2:], color="red")
        #ax.scatter(t, f_delta, color="blue")

        #ax.scatter(t, D_model - D_0, color="green")
        #ax.scatter(t, I_model - I_0, color="red")
        #ax.scatter(t, F_model - F_0, color="blue")

    if (sum(abs(delta**2)) > 10000): warnings.warn("a bad thing is happening ヽ( `д´*)ノ")
    return g