async def unfollow(cmd: Union[commands.Context, discord.Interaction], bot: commands.Bot): db = await botdb.getDB(bot.pool) if isinstance(cmd, commands.Context): message = YagooMessage(bot, message.msg = await cmd.send("Loading custom Twitter accounts...") else: message = YagooMessage(bot, cmd.user) server = await dbTools.serverGrab(bot, str(, str(, ("custom", ), db) customTwt = await botdb.getAllData("twitter", ("twtID", "name", "screenName"), 1, "custom", "twtID", db) followedData = await botdb.listConvert(server["custom"]) if followedData == [''] or followedData == [] or not followedData: raise NoFollows( followData = await TwitterPrompts.unfollow.parse( followedData, customTwt) userPick = await TwitterPrompts.unfollow.prompt( cmd, message, followData) if userPick.status: await TwitterUtils.followActions("remove", str(, userPick.accountIDs(), userPick.allAccounts, db) TwitterPrompts.unfollow.displayResult(message, userPick) message.msg = await message.msg.edit(content=None, embed=message.embed, view=None) await removeMessage(cmd=cmd) else: await removeMessage(message, cmd)
async def displayResult(message: YagooMessage, unsubData: UnsubscriptionResponse): """ Displays the unsubscription result. message: The message used to display the result. unsubData: The unsubscription data. """ subTypeText = "" channels = "" for subType in unsubData.subTypes: subTypeText += f"{subType.capitalize()}, " if len(unsubData.channels) <= 5: for channel in unsubData.channels: channels += f"{channel.channelName}, " else: channels = f"{len(unsubData.channels)} channels" message.resetEmbed() message.embed.title = "Successfully Unsubscribed!" message.embed.description = f"This channel is now unsubscribed from {channels.strip(', ')}." message.embed.color = message.embed.add_field(name="Subscription Types", value=subTypeText.strip(", "), inline=False) message.msg = await message.msg.edit(content=None, embed=message.embed, view=None) return
async def displaySubbed(message: YagooMessage, subResult: SubscriptionResponse): """ Gives a status to the user about subbed accounts. Arguments --- message: The message that will be used as the display. subResult: The `SubscriptionResponse` from the subscription prompts. """ channels = "" message.resetEmbed() for name in subResult.channelNames: channels += f"{name}, " if subResult.subTypes: message.embed.title = "Successfully Subscribed!" message.embed.description = f"This channel is now subscribed to {channels.strip(', ')}." message.embed.color = subTypes = "" for subType in subResult.subTypes: subTypes += f"{subType.capitalize()}, " message.embed.add_field(name="Subscription Types", value=subTypes.strip(", ")) else: message.embed.title = "Already Subscribed!" message.embed.description = f"This channel is already subscribed to {channels.strip(', ')}!" message.embed.color = message.msg = await message.msg.edit(content=None, embed=message.embed, view=None)
async def subCustom(cmd: Union[commands.Context, discord.Interaction], bot: commands.Bot, search: str): """ Subscribes to a VTuber with the channel name provided to the user. Arguments --- ctx: Context from the executed command. bot: The Discord bot. search: The name of the channel to search for. """ db = await botdb.getDB(bot.pool) if isinstance(cmd, commands.Context): message = YagooMessage(bot, message.msg = await cmd.send("Loading channels list...") else: message = YagooMessage(bot, cmd.user) result = await subUtils.channelSearch(cmd, bot, message, search) if result.success: server = await dbTools.serverGrab( bot, str(, str(, tuple(["subDefault"] + allSubTypes(False)), db) subResult = await subUtils.subOne( cmd, message, server, str(, [YouTubeChannel(result.channelID, result.channelName)], db) if subResult.status: await subPrompts.displaySubbed(message, subResult) await removeMessage(cmd=cmd) return await removeMessage(message, cmd)
async def sublistDisplay(cmd: Union[commands.Context, discord.Interaction], bot: commands.Bot): """ Show the user about the current subscriptions for the channel. Arguments --- cmd: Context or interaction from the invoked command. bot: The Discord bot. """ db = await botdb.getDB(bot.pool) server = await dbTools.serverGrab(bot, str(, str(, tuple(allSubTypes(False)), db) if isinstance(cmd, commands.Context): message = YagooMessage(bot, message.msg = await cmd.send("Loading channel subscriptions...") else: message = YagooMessage(bot, cmd.user) subList = await unsubUtils.parseToSubTypes(server, db) pages = await subPrompts.sublistDisplay.parseToPages(subList) if len(pages) == 0: raise NoSubscriptions(str( await subPrompts.sublistDisplay.prompt(cmd, message, pages, subList) await removeMessage(cmd=cmd)
async def refreshCommand(cmd: Union[commands.Context, discord.Interaction], bot: commands.Bot): """ Refreshes the channel's webhook on request. Arguments --- cmd: Context or interaction from the invoked command. bot: The Discord bot. """ db = await botdb.getDB(bot.pool) if isinstance(cmd, commands.Context): message = YagooMessage(bot, else: message = YagooMessage(bot, cmd.user) result = await refreshPrompts.confirm(cmd, message) if result.responseType: if result.buttonID == "yes": await refreshWebhook(bot, cmd.guild,, db) message.resetEmbed() message.embed.title = "Successfully Refreshed!" message.embed.description = "The channel's webhook should now be refreshed. "\ "Channel notifications will be posted after a short while." message.msg = await message.msg.edit(content=None, embed=message.embed, view=None) return await removeMessage(message, cmd)
async def defaultSubtype(cmd: Union[commands.Context, discord.Interaction], bot: commands.Bot): """ Prompts the user to either set or change the default subscription types for the channel. Arguments --- cmd: Context or interaction from the invoked command bot: The Discord bot. """ db = await botdb.getDB(bot.pool) server = await dbTools.serverGrab(bot, str(, str(, ("subDefault", ), db) if isinstance(cmd, commands.Context): message = YagooMessage(bot, message.msg = await cmd.send("Loading channel subscription defaults..." ) else: message = YagooMessage(bot, cmd.user) subTypes = {} for subType in allSubTypes(False): subTypes[subType] = False if not (server["subDefault"] is None or server["subDefault"] == ""): for subType in await botdb.listConvert(server["subDefault"]): subTypes[subType] = True message.embed.title = "Default Channel Subscription Types" message.embed.description = "Pick the subscription types for this channel to subscribe to by default." result = await subPrompts.subTypes.prompt(cmd, message, "Confirm", "confirm", subTypes, True) if isinstance(result, SubscriptionData): subDefault: List[str] = [] for subType in result.subList: if result.subList[subType]: subDefault.append(subType) await botdb.addData( (str(, await botdb.listConvert(subDefault)), ("channel", "subDefault"), "servers", db) message.resetEmbed() message.embed.title = "Successfully Set Channel Defaults!" if subDefault == []: message.embed.description = "Subscription commands will now ask for subscription types first." message.embed.color = discord.Color.from_rgb(0, 0, 0) else: defaultSubs = "" for sub in subDefault: defaultSubs += f"{sub.capitalize()}, " message.embed.description = "Subscription commands will now follow the channel's defaults." message.embed.color = message.embed.add_field(name="Default Subscriptions", value=defaultSubs.strip(", "), inline=False) await message.msg.edit(content=" ", embed=message.embed, view=None) return await removeMessage(cmd=cmd) await removeMessage(message, cmd)
async def follow(cmd: Union[commands.Context, discord.Interaction], bot: commands.Bot, accLink: str): db = await botdb.getDB(bot.pool) if not accLink: raise ValueError("No Twitter ID") if isinstance(cmd, commands.Context): message = YagooMessage(bot, message.msg = await cmd.send("Searching for the Twitter user...") else: message = YagooMessage(bot, cmd.user) twtHandle = await TwitterUtils.getScreenName(accLink) twtUser = await TwitterScrape.getUserDetails(twtHandle) message.embed.title = f"Following {} to this channel" message.embed.description = "Do you want to follow this Twitter account?" message.addButton(1, "cancel", "Cancel", message.addButton(1, "confirm", "Confirm", if isinstance(cmd, commands.Context): result = await message.legacyPost(cmd) else: result = await, True, True) if result.buttonID == "confirm": await dbTools.serverGrab(bot, str(, str(, ("url", ), db) dbExist = await TwitterUtils.dbExists(twtUser.id_str, db) if not dbExist["status"]: await TwitterUtils.newAccount(twtUser, db) status = await TwitterUtils.followActions("add", str(, [twtUser.id_str], db=db) TwitterPrompts.follow.displayResult(message, twtUser.screen_name, status) message.msg = await message.msg.edit(content=None, embed=message.embed, view=None) await removeMessage(cmd=cmd) return await removeMessage(message, cmd)
async def displayProgress(message: YagooMessage): message.resetEmbed() message.embed.title = "Currently Subscribing..." message.embed.description = "Currently subscribing to the channels specified.\n" \ "This might take longer if the amount of channels is larger." message.embed.color = discord.Color.from_rgb(0, 0, 0) message.msg = await message.msg.edit(content=None, embed=message.embed, view=None)
async def channelSearch(cmd: Union[commands.Context, discord.Interaction], bot: commands.Bot, message: YagooMessage, channel: str, action: str = "subscribe"): """ Searches for a channel with input from the user. Arguments --- ctx: Context or interaction from the invoked command. bot: The Discord bot. message: The message that will be used for the prompt. channel: The name of the channel if already provided by the user. action: The action that is currently is being done with this search. Result --- A `dict` with: - status: `True` if the user successfully searches for a VTuber. - channelID: The channel ID of the VTuber channel. - channelName: The name of the channel. """ wikiName = await FandomScrape.searchChannel(channel) while True: if wikiName.status.cannotMatch: wikiName = await subPrompts.searchPick(cmd, message, channel, wikiName) if not wikiName.status.matched: return FandomChannel() uConfirm = await subPrompts.vtuberConfirm.prompt( cmd, message, wikiName.channelName, action) if uConfirm.responseType: if uConfirm.buttonID == "confirm": break elif uConfirm.buttonID == "results": wikiName.cannotMatch() else: return FandomChannel() else: return FandomChannel() channelData = await FandomScrape.getChannelURL(wikiName.channelName) if channelData.success: db = await botdb.getDB(bot.pool) if not await botdb.checkIfExists(channelData.channelID, "id", "channels", db): message.resetEmbed() message.embed.title = "Getting Channel Data..." message.embed.description = "This channel is new in the database.\nPlease wait while we're getting the channel's info." message.embed.color = discord.Color.from_rgb(0, 0, 0) message.msg = await message.msg.edit(content=None, embed=message.embed, view=None) chData = await subUtils.addChannel(channelData.channelID, channelData.channelName, ("id", "name"), db) else: chData = await botdb.getData(channelData.channelID, "id", ("id", "name"), "channels", db) return FandomChannel(True, chData["id"], chData["name"]) return FandomChannel()
async def subCategory(cmd: Union[commands.Context, discord.Interaction], bot: commands.Bot): """ Subscription prompt that uses a category and channel based selection. Arguments --- cmd: Context or interaction from the executed command. bot: The Discord bot. """ db = await botdb.getDB(bot.pool) if isinstance(cmd, commands.Context): message = YagooMessage(bot, message.msg = await cmd.send("Loading channels list...") else: message = YagooMessage(bot, cmd.user) channels = await botdb.getAllData("channels", ("id", "category"), keyDict="id", db=db) ctgPick = await subPrompts.ctgPicker(cmd, channels, message) if checkCancel(ctgPick): await removeMessage(message, cmd) return server = await dbTools.serverGrab( bot, str(, str(, ("subDefault", "livestream", "milestone", "premiere", "twitter"), db) if ctgPick.buttonID == "all": subResult = await subUtils.subAll(cmd, message, server, str(, db) subResult.channelNames = ["all VTubers"] else: channels = await botdb.getAllData("channels", ("id", "name"), ctgPick.selectValues[0], "category", keyDict="id", db=db) result = await subPrompts.channelPick.prompt(cmd, message, channels, ctgPick.selectValues[0]) if result.status: await subPrompts.displayProgress(message) if result.allInCategory: subResult = await subUtils.subAll(cmd, message, server, str(, db, ctgPick.selectValues[0]) subResult.channelNames = [ f"all {ctgPick.selectValues[0]} VTubers" ] else: subResult = await subUtils.subOne(cmd, message, server, str(, result.channels, db) else: subResult = SubscriptionResponse(False) if subResult.status: await subPrompts.displaySubbed(message, subResult) await removeMessage(cmd=cmd) return await removeMessage(message, cmd)
async def unsubChannel(cmd: Union[commands.Context, discord.Interaction], bot: commands.Bot, channel: str = None): """ Unsubscribes from a VTuber. (bypasses a prompt if a channel is given) Arguments --- ctx: Context or interaction from the invoked command. bot: The Discord bot. channel: The search term for the VTuber. """ db = await botdb.getDB(bot.pool) if isinstance(cmd, commands.Context): message = YagooMessage(bot, message.msg = await cmd.send("Loading channel subscriptions...") else: message = YagooMessage(bot, cmd.user) server = await dbTools.serverGrab(bot, str(, str(, tuple(allSubTypes(False)), db) subData = await unsubUtils.parseToSubTypes(server, db) if not subData.exists: raise NoSubscriptions( if not channel: message.resetMessage() message.embed.title = "Unsubscribing from VTuber Channels" message.embed.description = "Choose the VTuber(s) to be unsubscribed from." message.embed.add_field( name="Searching for a VTuber?", value="Enter the VTuber's name after the `unsubscribe` command.") message.addSelect(await unsubUtils.parseToPages(subData), "Choose the VTuber(s) here", max_values=25) message.addButton(2, "search", label="Search for a VTuber", disabled=True) message.addButton(2, "all", "Unsubscribe from all VTubers") message.addButton(3, "cancel", "Cancel", if isinstance(cmd, commands.Context): result = await message.legacyPost(cmd) else: result = await, True, True) else: wikiName = await subUtils.channelSearch(cmd, bot, message, channel, "unsubscribe") if wikiName.success: result = YagooViewResponse() result.responseType = "select" result.selectValues = [wikiName.channelID] else: result = YagooViewResponse() if result.responseType: if result.buttonID == "all": unsubResult = await unsubPrompts.removePrompt.prompt( cmd, message, None, subData, True) if not unsubResult.status: return await removeMessage(message, cmd) await unsubUtils.unsubAll(str(, unsubResult, db) elif result.buttonID == "cancel": return await removeMessage(message, cmd) else: unsubResult = await unsubPrompts.removePrompt.prompt( cmd, message, result.selectValues, subData) if not unsubResult.status: return await removeMessage(message, cmd) await unsubUtils.unsubOne(server, str(, unsubResult, db) await unsubPrompts.displayResult(message, unsubResult) return await removeMessage(cmd=cmd) await removeMessage(message, cmd)