def find_problems(xds_wd): problems = [] idxref_lp = os.path.join(xds_wd, "IDXREF.LP") xparm_xds = os.path.join(xds_wd, "XPARM.XDS") integrate_lp = os.path.join(xds_wd, "INTEGRATE.LP") correct_lp = os.path.join(xds_wd, "CORRECT.LP") xdsstat_lp = os.path.join(xds_wd, "XDSSTAT.LP") if os.path.isfile(idxref_lp): idexref_has_problem = False lp = idxreflp.IdxrefLp(idxref_lp) intness = lp.cluster_integerness() for h in intness: if sum(h) > 0 and h[0] / sum(h) < 0.9: idexref_has_problem = True if len(lp.subtree_population) > 0: pp0 = float(lp.subtree_population[0]) / sum(lp.subtree_population) if pp0 < 0.9: idexref_has_problem = True else: idexref_has_problem = True if not os.path.isfile(xparm_xds): idexref_has_problem = True if idexref_has_problem: problems.append("IDXREF") if os.path.isfile(integrate_lp): lp = integratelp.IntegrateLp(integrate_lp) if any(map(lambda x: float(x) > 1.5, lp.sigmars)): problems.append("INTEGRATE") if os.path.isfile(correct_lp): lp = correctlp.CorrectLp(correct_lp) if not lp.is_ISa_valid() or lp.get_ISa() < 10: problems.append("CORRECT") if os.path.isfile(xdsstat_lp): lp = xdsstat.XdsstatLp(xdsstat_lp) return problems
def try_indexing_hard(wdir, show_progress, decilog, known_sgnum=None, known_cell=None, tol_length=None, tol_angle=None): idxref_lp = os.path.join(wdir, "IDXREF.LP") xdsinp = os.path.join(wdir, "XDS.INP") lp_org = idxreflp.IdxrefLp(idxref_lp) if lp_org.is_cell_maybe_half(): backup_needed = ("XDS.INP", ) + xds_files.generated_by_IDXREF print >> decilog, " !! Cell may be halved. Trying doubled cell." bk_prefix = make_backup(backup_needed, wdir=wdir, quiet=True) cell = lp_org.deduce_correct_cell_based_on_integerness() cell = " ".join(map(lambda x: "%.2f" % x, cell.parameters())) modify_xdsinp(xdsinp, inp_params=[("JOB", "IDXREF"), ("SPACE_GROUP_NUMBER", "1"), ("UNIT_CELL_CONSTANTS", cell)]) run_xds(wdir=wdir, show_progress=show_progress) if idxreflp.IdxrefLp(idxref_lp).is_cell_maybe_half(): revert_files(backup_needed, bk_prefix, wdir=wdir, quiet=True) print >> decilog, " .. not solved. Next, try decreasing SEPMIN= and CLUSTER_RADIUS=." bk_prefix = make_backup(backup_needed, wdir=wdir, quiet=True) modify_xdsinp(xdsinp, inp_params=[("JOB", "IDXREF"), ("SEPMIN", "4"), ("CLUSTER_RADIUS", "2")]) run_xds(wdir=wdir, show_progress=show_progress) if idxreflp.IdxrefLp(idxref_lp).is_cell_maybe_half(): print >> decilog, " .. not solved. Give up." revert_files(backup_needed, bk_prefix, wdir=wdir, quiet=True) else: print >> decilog, " Now OK." remove_backups(backup_needed, bk_prefix, wdir=wdir) modify_xdsinp(xdsinp, inp_params=[ ("SPACE_GROUP_NUMBER", "0"), ]) # If Cell hint exists, try to use it.. if known_sgnum > 0: flag_try_cell_hint = False xparm = os.path.join(wdir, "XPARM.XDS") if not os.path.isfile(xparm): flag_try_cell_hint = True else: xsxds = XPARM(xparm).crystal_symmetry() xsref = crystal.symmetry(known_cell, known_sgnum) cosets = reindex.reindexing_operators(xsref, xsxds, tol_length, tol_angle) if cosets.double_cosets is None: flag_try_cell_hint = True if flag_try_cell_hint: print >> decilog, " Worth trying to use prior cell for indexing." modify_xdsinp(xdsinp, inp_params=[ ("JOB", "IDXREF"), ("UNIT_CELL_CONSTANTS", " ".join(map(lambda x: "%.3f" % x, known_cell))), ("SPACE_GROUP_NUMBER", "%d" % known_sgnum), ]) run_xds(wdir=wdir, show_progress=False) modify_xdsinp(xdsinp, inp_params=[ ("SPACE_GROUP_NUMBER", "0"), ])
def make_kamo_report(bssjobs, topdir, htmlout): report_html = """\ <html> <head> <style> .dataset_table { font-family: "Trebuchet MS", Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; width: 100%%; border-collapse: collapse; } .dataset_table td, .dataset_table th { font-size: 1em; border: 1px solid #98bf21; padding: 3px 7px 2px 7px; } .dataset_table th { font-size: 1.1em; text-align: left; padding-top: 5px; padding-bottom: 4px; background-color: #A7C942; color: #ffffff; } .dataset_table tr.alt td { color: #000000; background-color: #EAF2D3; } h1, h2 { text-align: center; text-indent: 0px; font-weight: bold; hyphenate: none; page-break-before: always; page-break-inside: avoid; page-break-after: avoid; } h3, h4, h5, h6 { text-indent: 0px; font-weight: bold; hyphenate: none; page-break-inside: avoid; page-break-after: avoid; } </style> </head> <body> <h1>KAMO (auto data processing) report</h1> <div align="right"> top dir: %s<br> created on %s </div> """ % (os.path.abspath(topdir), time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")) reports = {} for jobkey in sorted( wd = bssjobs.get_xds_workdir(jobkey) relwd = os.path.relpath(wd, os.path.dirname(htmlout)) job =[jobkey] dsname = os.path.basename(wd).replace("xds_", "") gxparm_xds = os.path.join(wd, "GXPARM.XDS") correct_lp = os.path.join(wd, "CORRECT.LP") spot_xds = os.path.join(wd, "SPOT.XDS") idxref_lp = os.path.join(wd, "IDXREF.LP") xds_inp = os.path.join(wd, "XDS.INP") stats_pkl = os.path.join(wd, "merging_stats.pkl") sampleid = "%s(%.2d)" % job.sample if job.sample is not None else "?" wavelen = job.wavelength deltaphi = job.osc_step lattp, ISa, resn, cmpl, sg = float("nan"), float("nan"), float( "nan"), float("nan"), "?" problems = find_problems(wd) indiv_html = os.path.join(relwd, "report.html") problems_str = "OK" if len(problems) > 0: problems_str = ",".join(problems) totalphi = job.osc_end - job.osc_start if os.path.isfile(idxref_lp): lpobj = idxreflp.IdxrefLp(idxref_lp) lattp = lpobj.first_subtree_fraction() * 100. lp = bssjobs._load_if_chached("correctlp", correct_lp) if lp is not None: ISa = lp.get_ISa() if lp.is_ISa_valid() else float("nan") sg = lp.space_group_str() cmpl = float(lp.table["all"]["cmpl"] [-1]) if "all" in lp.table else float("nan") resn = bssjobs._load_if_chached("resn", correct_lp) if resn is None: resn = bssjobs._load_if_chached("resn", spot_xds) if resn is None: resn = float("nan") tmp = '<tr>\n <td><a href="%s">%s</a></td> <td>%s</td> <td>%.4f</td> <td>%.1f</td> <td>%.3f</td> <td>%.1f</td> <td>%s</td> <td>%.1f</td> <td>%.0f</td> <td>%.2f</td> <td>%s</td>\n</tr>\n' % ( indiv_html, dsname, sampleid, wavelen, totalphi, deltaphi, lattp, sg, resn, cmpl, ISa, problems_str) reports.setdefault(os.path.dirname(relwd), []).append(tmp) for wd in sorted(reports): report_html += "<h3>%s</h3>\n" % wd report_html += """\ <table class="dataset_table"> <tr> <th>Dataset</th> <th>Sample ID</th> <th>λ (Å)</th> <th>Total φ (°)</th> <th>Δφ (°)</th> <th>IdxLatt (%)</th> <th>SG</th> <th>Resn (Å)</th> <th>Cmpl (%)</th> <th>ISa</th> <th>Problems</th> </tr> """ report_html += "".join(reports[wd]) report_html += "</table>\n" report_html += """ </body> </html> """ open(htmlout, "w").write(report_html)
def make_individual_report(xds_wd, html_wd): problems = [] xds_inp = os.path.join(xds_wd, "XDS.INP") idxref_lp = os.path.join(xds_wd, "IDXREF.LP") xparm_xds = os.path.join(xds_wd, "XPARM.XDS") spot_xds = os.path.join(xds_wd, "SPOT.XDS") integrate_lp = os.path.join(xds_wd, "INTEGRATE.LP") correct_lp = os.path.join(xds_wd, "CORRECT.LP") xdsstat_lp = os.path.join(xds_wd, "XDSSTAT.LP") stats_pkl = os.path.join(xds_wd, "merging_stats.pkl") shika_log = os.path.join(xds_wd, "shika.log") if not os.path.exists(html_wd): os.makedirs(html_wd) html = """\ <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <script src="%(amcharts_root)s/amcharts.js" charset="utf-8"></script> <script src="%(amcharts_root)s/serial.js" charset="utf-8"></script> <script src="%(amcharts_root)s/xy.js" charset="utf-8"></script> </head> <body> <h1>%(title)s</h1> created on %(cdate)s """ % dict(title=os.path.abspath(xds_wd), cdate=time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"), amcharts_root=amcharts_root) if os.path.isfile(shika_log): lines = open(shika_log).readlines() if len(lines) > 1: data = map(lambda x: (x.split()[0], x.split()[2]), lines[1:]) html += "<h1>Low resolution spots</h1>\n" html += """\ <div id="chartdiv_shika" style="width: 640px; height: 400px;"></div> <script> var chart_idxref_ibf = AmCharts.makeChart("chartdiv_shika", { "type": "serial", "theme": "none", "legend": { "useGraphSettings": true }, "dataProvider": [%s], "valueAxes": [{ "stackType": "regular", "gridAlpha": 0.07, "position": "left", "title": "Number of located spots by SHIKA" }], "graphs": [{ "balloonText": "n_spots: [[value]]", "fillAlphas": 0.6, "lineAlpha": 0.4, "title": "number of spots", "valueField": "nspt" }], "chartCursor": { "cursorPosition": "mouse" }, "categoryField": "frame", "categoryAxis": { "minorGridEnabled": true, "title": "frame" } }); </script> """ % (",".join(map(lambda x: '{"frame": %s, "nspt": %s}' % x, data)), ) html += "<h1>IDXREF (Indexing)</h1>\n" if os.path.isfile(idxref_lp): SX = idxreflp.SpotXds(spot_xds) if os.path.isfile(xparm_xds): SX.set_xparm(xparm_xds) else: SX.set_xdsinp(xds_inp) i_ui_on_det = SX.indexed_and_unindexed_on_detector( with_resolution=True) html += """\ <h3>Indexed/Unindexed spots</h3> <h4>by frame</h4> <div id="chartdiv_idxref_indexed_by_frame" style="width: 640px; height: 400px;"></div> <script> var chart_idxref_ibf = AmCharts.makeChart("chartdiv_idxref_indexed_by_frame", { "type": "serial", "theme": "none", "legend": { "useGraphSettings": true }, "dataProvider": [%s], "valueAxes": [{ "stackType": "regular", "gridAlpha": 0.07, "position": "left", "title": "Number of located spots" }], "graphs": [{ "balloonText": "indexed: [[value]]", "fillAlphas": 0.6, "lineAlpha": 0.4, "title": "Indexed spots", "valueField": "ind" }, { "balloonText": "unindexed: [[value]]", "fillAlphas": 0.6, "lineAlpha": 0.4, "title": "Unindexed spots", "valueField": "und" }], "chartCursor": { "cursorPosition": "mouse" }, "categoryField": "frame", "categoryAxis": { "minorGridEnabled": true, "title": "frame" } }); </script> <h4>on detector surface</h4> <div id="chartdiv_idxref_indexed_on_det" style="width: 640px; height: 640px;"></div> <script> var chart_idxref_iod = AmCharts.makeChart("chartdiv_idxref_indexed_on_det", { "type": "xy", "theme": "none", "legend": { "useGraphSettings": true }, "dataProvider": [%s], "valueAxes": [{ "position":"bottom", "axisAlpha": 0, "dashLength": 1, "title": "Detector X" }, { "axisAlpha": 0, "dashLength": 1, "position": "left", "title": "Detector Y" }], "graphs": [{ "balloonText": "x:[[x]] y:[[y]]; d=[[description]]", "bullet": "round", "bulletSize": 4, "lineAlpha": 0, "xField": "ix", "yField": "iy", "descriptionField": "d", "title": "Indexed spots", "hidden": true, "lineColor": "#FF6600", "fillAlphas": 0 }, { "balloonText": "x:[[x]] y:[[y]]; d=[[description]]", "bullet": "round", "bulletSize": 4, "lineAlpha": 0, "xField": "ux", "yField": "uy", "descriptionField": "d", "title": "Unindexed spots", "hidden": true, "lineColor": "#FCD202", "fillAlphas": 0 }], "chartCursor": { "cursorPosition": "mouse" }, }); </script> """ % ( ",".join( map( lambda x: '{"frame": %d, "ind": %s, "und": %s}' % (x[0], x[1][0], x[1][1]), SX.indexed_and_unindexed_by_frame())), ",".join( map(lambda x: '{"ix":%.1f,"iy":%.1f,"d":%.1f}' % x, i_ui_on_det["indexed"]) + map(lambda x: '{"ux":%.1f,"uy":%.1f,"d":%.1f}' % x, i_ui_on_det["unindexed"])), ) idexref_has_problem = False lp = idxreflp.IdxrefLp(idxref_lp) intness = lp.cluster_integerness() for h in intness: if sum(h) > 0 and h[0] / sum(h) < 0.9: idexref_has_problem = True html += "<h3>Clusters and subtrees</h3>" html += """ <h4>Cluster integerness</h4> <div id="chartdiv_idxref_cluster_int" style="width: 640px; height: 400px;"></div> <script> var chart_idxref_cluster_int = AmCharts.makeChart("chartdiv_idxref_cluster_int", { "type": "serial", "categoryField": "f", "categoryAxis": { "gridPosition": "start", "position": "left", "title": "fractional part of indices", }, "legend": { "useGraphSettings": true }, "dataProvider": [%s], "graphs": [{ "balloonText": "h: [[value]]", "fillAlphas": 0.8, "lineAlpha": 0.2, "title": "h", "type": "column", "valueField": "h" }, { "balloonText": "k: [[value]]", "fillAlphas": 0.8, "lineAlpha": 0.2, "title": "k", "type": "column", "valueField": "k" }, { "balloonText": "l: [[value]]", "fillAlphas": 0.8, "lineAlpha": 0.2, "title": "l", "type": "column", "valueField": "l" } ], "guides": [], "valueAxes": [ { "position": "top", "axisAlpha": 0, "title": "frequency" } ], }); </script> """ % (",".join( map( lambda x: '{"f":.%d,"h":%d,"k":%d,"l":%d}' % x, map( lambda x: tuple([ x, ] + map(lambda y: intness[y][x], xrange(3))), xrange(6))))) html += "<h4>Subtree populations</h4>\n<pre>" accum_pop = 0 for i, pp in enumerate( map(lambda x: float(x) / sum(lp.subtree_population), lp.subtree_population)): html += "%s subtree: %.2f%%\n" % (util.num_th_str(i + 1), pp * 100.) if i == 0 and pp < 0.9: idexref_has_problem = True accum_pop += pp if accum_pop > 0.9: break html += "</pre>" if not os.path.isfile(xparm_xds): idexref_has_problem = True if idexref_has_problem: problems.append("IDXREF") html += "<h1>INTEGRATE (Integration)</h1>\n" if os.path.isfile(integrate_lp): lp = integratelp.IntegrateLp(integrate_lp) if any(map(lambda x: float(x) > 1.5, lp.sigmars)): problems.append("INTEGRATE") html += """\ <h3>Mosaicity and beam divergence</h3> <div id="chartdiv_integrate_sigmas" style="width: 640px; height: 400px;"></div> <h3>rotations off from initial orientation</h3> <div id="chartdiv_integrate_rotxyz" style="width: 640px; height: 400px;"></div> <script> var chart1 = AmCharts.makeChart("chartdiv_integrate_sigmas", { "type": "serial", "theme": "none", "legend": { "useGraphSettings": true }, "dataProvider": [%s], "valueAxes": [{ "id":"v1", "axisColor": "#FF6600", "axisThickness": 2, "gridAlpha": 0, "axisAlpha": 1, "position": "left" }, { "id":"v2", "axisColor": "#FCD202", "axisThickness": 2, "gridAlpha": 0, "axisAlpha": 1, "position": "right" }], "graphs": [{ "balloonText": "σ<sub>R</sub>: [[value]]", "valueAxis": "v1", "lineColor": "#FF6600", "bullet": "round", "bulletBorderThickness": 1, "hideBulletsCount": 30, "title": "mosaicity", "valueField": "sigmar", "fillAlphas": 0 }, { "balloonText": "σ<sub>B</sub>: [[value]]", "valueAxis": "v2", "lineColor": "#FCD202", "bullet": "square", "bulletBorderThickness": 1, "hideBulletsCount": 30, "title": "beam divergence", "valueField": "sigmad", "fillAlphas": 0 }], "chartCursor": { "cursorPosition": "mouse" }, "categoryField": "frame", "categoryAxis": { "minorGridEnabled": true, "title": "frame" } }); var chart2 = AmCharts.makeChart("chartdiv_integrate_rotxyz", { "type": "serial", "theme": "none", "legend": { "useGraphSettings": true }, "dataProvider": [%s], "valueAxes": [{ "id":"v1", "axisColor": "#FF6600", "axisThickness": 2, "gridAlpha": 0, "axisAlpha": 1, "position": "left" }], "graphs": [{ "valueAxis": "v1", "lineColor": "#FF6600", "bullet": "round", "bulletBorderThickness": 1, "hideBulletsCount": 30, "title": "rot x", "valueField": "rotx", "fillAlphas": 0 }, { "valueAxis": "v2", "lineColor": "#FCD202", "bullet": "square", "bulletBorderThickness": 1, "hideBulletsCount": 30, "title": "rot y", "valueField": "roty", "fillAlphas": 0 }, { "valueAxis": "v3", "lineColor": "#B0DE09", "bullet": "triangleUp", "bulletBorderThickness": 1, "hideBulletsCount": 30, "title": "rot z", "valueField": "rotz", "fillAlphas": 0 }], "chartCursor": { "cursorPosition": "mouse" }, "categoryField": "frame", "categoryAxis": { "minorGridEnabled": true, "title": "frame" } }); </script> """ % ( ",".join( map(lambda x: '{"frame": %d, "sigmar": %s, "sigmad": %s}' % x, zip(lp.frames, lp.sigmars, lp.sigmads))), ",".join( map( lambda x: ",".join( map( lambda y: '{"frame": %d, "rotx": %s, "roty": %s, "rotz": %s}' % ((y, ) + tuple(x[1].get("rotation", ["NaN"] * 3)) ), x[0])), lp.blockparams.items())), ) html += "<h1>CORRECT (Scaling)</h1>\n" if os.path.isfile(correct_lp): lp = correctlp.CorrectLp(correct_lp) if not lp.is_ISa_valid() or lp.get_ISa() < 10: problems.append("CORRECT") html += """\ <table border=0 cellpadding=5 style="text-align:right;"> <tr><th>Space group</th><td colspan=6 style="text-align:left;">%(sg)s</td></tr> """ % dict(, sgnum=lp.space_group.type().number(), if lp.space_group is not None else "n/a") if lp.unit_cell is not None: html += """\ <tr><th>Unit cell</th><td>%(a).3f</td><td>%(b).3f</td><td>%(c).3f</td><td>%(alpha).3f</td><td>%(beta).3f</td><td>%(gamma).3f</td></tr> <tr><th>e. s. d.</th><td>%(a_e).3f</td><td>%(b_e).3f</td><td>%(c_e).3f</td><td>%(alpha_e).3f</td><td>%(beta_e).3f</td><td>%(gamma_e).3f</td></tr> </table> """ % dict( a=lp.unit_cell[0], b=lp.unit_cell[1], c=lp.unit_cell[2], alpha=lp.unit_cell[3], beta=lp.unit_cell[4], gamma=lp.unit_cell[5], a_e=lp.unit_cell_esd[0], b_e=lp.unit_cell_esd[1], c_e=lp.unit_cell_esd[2], alpha_e=lp.unit_cell_esd[3], beta_e=lp.unit_cell_esd[4], gamma_e=lp.unit_cell_esd[5], ) else: # in case parameter refinement failed html += """\ <tr><th>Unit cell</th><td colspan=6>n/a</td></tr> <tr><th>e. s. d.</th><td colspan=6>n/a</td></tr> </table> """ html += "<h3>ISa</h3>\n<pre>%s</pre>\n" % lp.snippets.get("ISa", "") html += "<h3>Statistics of all data</h3>\n" if os.path.isfile(stats_pkl): sio = StringIO.StringIO() pickle.load(open(stats_pkl))["stats"].show(out=sio, header=False) html += "<pre>%s</pre>\n" % sio.getvalue().replace( "<", "<").replace(">", ">") else: html += "<pre>%s</pre>\n" % lp.snippets.get("table1", "") if lp.error_table != {}: tmp = map( lambda x: '{"d":%.3f,"ios":%.2f,"nrej":%d}' % x, zip(lp.error_table["dmin"], lp.error_table["ios"], lp.error_table["nrej"])) tmp = tmp[:-1] # last is about all data html += """\ <h3>By resolution</h3> <div id="chartdiv_correct_error" style="width: 640px; height: 400px;"></div> <script> var chart_correct_er = AmCharts.makeChart("chartdiv_correct_error", { "type": "serial", "theme": "none", "legend": { "useGraphSettings": true }, "dataProvider": [%s], "valueAxes": [{ "id":"v1", "axisColor": "#FF6600", "axisThickness": 2, "gridAlpha": 0, "axisAlpha": 1, "position": "left" }, { "id":"v2", "axisColor": "#FCD202", "axisThickness": 2, "gridAlpha": 0, "axisAlpha": 1, "position": "right" }], "graphs": [{ "balloonText": "Mn(I/sd): [[value]]", "valueAxis": "v1", "lineColor": "#FF6600", "bullet": "round", "bulletBorderThickness": 1, "hideBulletsCount": 30, "title": "Mean(I/Sigma)", "valueField": "ios", "fillAlphas": 0 }, { "balloonText": "rejected: [[value]]", "valueAxis": "v2", "lineColor": "#FCD202", "bullet": "square", "bulletBorderThickness": 1, "hideBulletsCount": 30, "title": "Rejected reflections", "valueField": "nrej", "fillAlphas": 0 }], "chartCursor": { "cursorPosition": "mouse" }, "categoryField": "d", "categoryAxis": { "minorGridEnabled": true, "title": "resolution" } }); </script> """ % (",".join(tmp)) if os.path.isfile(xdsstat_lp): lp = xdsstat.XdsstatLp(xdsstat_lp) if set(("frame", "iobs", "sigma", "ios", "rmeas", "nmisfits")).issubset(lp.by_frame.keys()): html += """\ <h3>By frame</h3> <div id="chartdiv_xdsstat_ios" style="width: 640px; height: 400px;"></div> <script> var chart_xdsstat_ios = AmCharts.makeChart("chartdiv_xdsstat_ios", { "type": "serial", "theme": "none", "legend": { "useGraphSettings": true }, "dataProvider": [%s], "valueAxes": [{ "id":"v1", "axisThickness": 2, "gridAlpha": 0, "axisAlpha": 1, "position": "left" }, { "id":"v2", "axisThickness": 2, "gridAlpha": 0, "axisAlpha": 1, "position": "right" }], "graphs": [{ "balloonText": "Mn(I): [[value]]", "valueAxis": "v1", "bullet": "round", "bulletBorderThickness": 1, "hideBulletsCount": 30, "title": "Mean(I)", "valueField": "i", "fillAlphas": 0 }, { "balloonText": "Mn(sd): [[value]]", "valueAxis": "v1", "bullet": "round", "bulletBorderThickness": 1, "hideBulletsCount": 30, "title": "Mean(Sigma)", "valueField": "sig", "fillAlphas": 0 }, { "balloonText": "Mn(I/sd): [[value]]", "valueAxis": "v2", "bullet": "square", "bulletBorderThickness": 1, "hideBulletsCount": 30, "title": "Mean(I/Sigma)", "hidden": true, "valueField": "ios", "fillAlphas": 0 }], "chartCursor": { "cursorPosition": "mouse" }, "categoryField": "frame", "categoryAxis": { "minorGridEnabled": true, "title": "frame" } }); 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</script> """ % (",".join( map( lambda x: '{"frame":%d,"i":%.2f,"sig":%.2f,"ios":%.2f}' % x, zip(lp.by_frame["frame"], lp.by_frame["iobs"], lp.by_frame["sigma"], lp.by_frame["ios"]))), ",".join( map( lambda x: '{"frame":%d,"r":%.4f,"mis":%d}' % x, zip(lp.by_frame["frame"], lp.by_frame["rmeas"], lp.by_frame["nmisfits"])))) html += "</body></html>" htmlout = os.path.join(html_wd, "report.html") open(htmlout, "w").write(html) return htmlout, problems