def _getVIPNameAndAddress(self, interfaceId): """ Return a tuple that is the Name tag value and the private IP address of the AWS::EC2::NetworkInterface with the given interfaceId The given interfaceId is an physical resource ID for an AWS::EC2::NetworkInterface resource. This method is a helper for _getVIPs(). """ interface = self.ec2.NetworkInterface(interfaceId) privateIP = interface.private_ip_address tags = interface.tag_set name = '' for tag in tags: key = tag.get('Key') if (key == 'Name'): name = tag.get('Value') break #endIf #endFor if (not name): raise ICPInstallationException("NetworkInterface: %s is expected to have a Name tag." % interfaceId) #endIf return (name, privateIP)
def _configureMgmtServices(self,configParameters,optionalServices,excludedServices): """ Walk through the optionalServices list and set all that are not in the excludedServivces list to "enabled" in the configParameters dictionary. The incoming excludedServices parameter is assumed to have been "regularized" by the _transformExcludeMgmtServices() method prior to the invocation of this method. The names in the optionalServices list are mapped to names that match the corresponding parameter names used in the configParameters dictionary. NOTE: This method is used to support the inclusion/exclusion of management services in the config.yaml file for ICP v3.1.0 or later. """ methodName = "_configureMgmtServices" for service in optionalServices: serviceParameterName = ServiceNameParameterMap.get(service) if (not serviceParameterName): raise ICPInstallationException("Missing service name parameter in ServiceNameParameterMap for service: %s" % service) #endIf if (excludedServices and service in excludedServices): # Set the service parameter to be disabled in the configParmaeters configParameters[serviceParameterName] = 'disabled' else: configParameters[serviceParameterName] = 'enabled' #endIf if (TR.isLoggable(Level.FINEST)): TR.finest(methodName,"Management Service: %s: %s" % (serviceParameterName,configParameters[serviceParameterName]))
def loadICPImages(self): """ Load the IBM Cloud Pak images from the installation tar archive. Loading the ICP installation images on each node prior to kicking off the inception install is an expediency that speeds up the installation process dramatically. The AWS CloudFormation template downlaods the ICP installation tar ball from an S3 bucket to /tmp/icp-install-archive.tgz of each cluster node. It turns out that download is very fast: typically 3 to 4 minutes. """ methodName = "loadICPImages", "STARTED docker load of ICP installation images.") retcode = call( "tar -zxvf /tmp/icp-install-archive.tgz -O | docker load | tee /root/logs/load-icp-images.log", shell=True) if (retcode != 0): raise ICPInstallationException( "Error calling: 'tar -zxvf /tmp/icp-install-archive.tgz -O | docker load' - Return code: %s" % retcode) #endIf, "COMPLETED Docker load of ICP installation images.")
def getBootNodePublicKey(self): """ Return the authorized key entry for the ~/.ssh/authorized_keys file. The returned string is intended to include the RSA public key as well as the root user and IP address of the boot node. The returned string can be added directly to the authorized_keys file. NOTE: It is possible that the a given cluster node may be checking for the authorized key from the boot node, before the boot node has published it in its parameter. When that happens a ParameterNotFound exception is raised by ssm.get_parameter(). That exception is reported in the log, but ignored. """ methodName = "getBootNodePublicKey" authorizedKeyEntry = "" parameterKey = "/%s/boot-public-key" % self.stackName tryCount = 1 response = None while not response and tryCount <= 100: time.sleep(GetParameterSleepTime),"Try: %d for getting parameter: %s" % (tryCount,parameterKey)) try: response = self.ssm.get_parameter(Name=parameterKey) except ClientError as e: etext = "%s" % e if (etext.find('ParameterNotFound') >= 0): if (TR.isLoggable(Level.FINEST)): TR.finest(methodName,"Ignoring ParameterNotFound ClientError on ssm.get_parameter() invocation") #endIf else: raise ICPInstallationException("Unexpected ClientError on ssm.get_parameter() invocation: %s" % etext) #endIf #endTry tryCount += 1 #endWhile if (response and TR.isLoggable(Level.FINEST)): TR.finest(methodName,"Response: %s" % response) #endIf if (not response): TR.warning(methodName, "Failed to get a response for get_parameter: %s" % parameterKey) else: parameter = response.get('Parameter') if (not parameter): raise Exception("get_parameter response returned an empty Parameter.") #endIf authorizedKeyEntry = parameter.get('Value') #endIf return authorizedKeyEntry
def loadInstallMap(self, version=None, region=None): """ Return a dictionary that holds all the installation image information needed to retrieve the installation images from S3. Which install images to use is driven by the ICP version. Which S3 bucket to use is driven by the AWS region of the deployment. The source of the information is icp-install-artifact-map.yaml packaged with the boostrap script package. The yaml file holds the specifics regarding which bucket to use and the S3 path for the ICP and Docker images as well as the Docker image name and the inception commands to use for the installation. """ methodName = "loadInstallMap" if (not version): raise MissingArgumentException("The ICP version must be provided.") #endIf if (not region): raise MissingArgumentException("The AWS region must be provided.") #endIf installDocPath = os.path.join(self.home, "maps", "icp-install-artifact-map.yaml") with open(installDocPath, 'r') as installDocFile: installDoc = yaml.load(installDocFile) #endWith if (TR.isLoggable(Level.FINEST)): TR.finest(methodName, "Install doc: %s" % installDoc) #endIf installMap = installDoc.get(version) if (not installMap): raise ICPInstallationException( "No ICP or Docker installation images defined for ICP version: %s" % version) #endIf # The version is needed to get to the proper folder in the region bucket. installMap['version'] = version installMap['s3bucket'] = self.ICPArchiveBucketName return installMap
def createConfigFile(self, configFilePath, icpVersion): """ Select the proper method to create the configuration file based on the ICP version. The differences in the format and content of the config.yaml from one version of ICP to the next are sufficient to warrant a specialized method for the creation of the configuration file. This may settle out as the product matures. """ if (icpVersion.startswith('2.1.')): self.createConfigFile_21(configFilePath) elif (icpVersion.startswith('3.1.')): self.createConfigFile_31(configFilePath) else: raise ICPInstallationException("Unexpected version of ICP: %s" % icpVersion) #endIf if (self.MasterNodeCount > 1): self.configureEtcHosts()
def _transformExcludedMgmtServices(self,excludedServices): """ Return a list of strings that are the names of the services to be excluded. The incoming excludedServices parameter may be a list of strings or the string representation of a list using commas to delimit the items in the list. (The value of ExcludedMgmtServices in the AWS CF template is a CommaDelimitedList which is just such a string.) The items in the incoming list are converted to all lowercase characters and trimmed. If the incoming value in excludedServices is the empty string, then an empty list is returned. NOTE: This method is used to support the exclusion of management services in the ICP v2.1 config.yaml file. It is not used for excluding management services in versions of ICP 3.1.0 and later. """ result = [] if (excludedServices): if (type(excludedServices) != type([])): # assume excludedServices is a string excludedServices = [x.strip() for x in excludedServices.split(',')] #endIf excludedServices = [x.lower() for x in excludedServices] for x in excludedServices: if (x not in OptionalManagementServices_21): raise ICPInstallationException("Service: %s is not an optional management service. It must be one of: %s" % (x,OptionalManagementServices_21)) #endIf #endFor result = excludedServices #endIf return result
def getSSMParameterValue(self,parameterKey,expectedValue=None): """ Return the value from the given SSM parameter key. If an expectedValue is provided, then the wait loop for the SSM get_parameter() will continue until the expected value is seen or the try count is exceeded. NOTE: It is possible that the parameter is not present in the SSM parameter cache when this method is invoked. When that happens a ParameterNotFound exception is raised by ssm.get_parameter(). Depending on the trace level, that exception is reported in the log, but ignored. """ methodName = "getSSMParameterValue" parameterValue = None tryCount = 1 gotit = False while (not gotit and tryCount <= GetParameterMaxTryCount): if (expectedValue == None):,"Try: %d for getting parameter: %s" % (tryCount,parameterKey)) else:,"Try: %d for getting parameter: %s with expected value: %s" % (tryCount,parameterKey,expectedValue)) #endIf try: response = self.ssm.get_parameter(Name=parameterKey) if (not response): if (TR.isLoggable(Level.FINEST)): TR.finest(methodName, "Failed to get a response for SSM get_parameter(): %s" % parameterKey) #endIf else: if (TR.isLoggable(Level.FINEST)): TR.finest(methodName,"Response: %s" % response) #endIf parameter = response.get('Parameter') if (not parameter): raise Exception("SSM get_parameter() response returned an empty Parameter.") #endIf parameterValue = parameter.get('Value') if (expectedValue == None): gotit = True break else: if (parameterValue == expectedValue): gotit = True break else: if (TR.isLoggable(Level.FINER)): TR.finer(methodName,"For key: %s ignoring value: %s waiting on value: %s" % (parameterKey,parameterValue,expectedValue)) #endIf #endIf #endIf #endIf except ClientError as e: etext = "%s" % e if (etext.find('ParameterNotFound') >= 0): if (TR.isLoggable(Level.FINEST)): TR.finest(methodName,"Ignoring ParameterNotFound ClientError on ssm.get_parameter() invocation") #endIf else: raise ICPInstallationException("Unexpected ClientError on ssm.get_parameter() invocation: %s" % etext) #endIf #endTry time.sleep(GetParameterSleepTime) tryCount += 1 #endWhile if (not gotit): if (expectedValue == None): raise ICPInstallationException("Failed to get parameter: %s " % parameterKey) else: raise ICPInstallationException("Failed to get parameter: %s with expected value: %s" % (parameterKey,expectedValue)) #endIf #endIf return parameterValue
def _init(self, stackIds=None, configTemplatePath=None, **restArgs): """ Helper for the __init__() constructor. All the heavy lifting for initialization of the class occurs in this method. """ methodName = '_init' global StackParameters, StackParameterNames if (not stackIds): raise MissingArgumentException("The CloudFormation stack resource IDs must be provided.") #endIf self.rootStackId = stackIds[0] if (not configTemplatePath): raise MissingArgumentException("The path to the config.yaml template file must be provided.") #endIf self.configTemplatePath = configTemplatePath self.etcHostsPlaybookPath = restArgs.get('etcHostsPlaybookPath') self.SensitiveParameters = restArgs.get('sensitiveParameters') StackParameters = restArgs.get('stackParameters') if (not StackParameters): raise MissingArgumentException("The stack parameters must be provided.") #endIf StackParameterNames = StackParameters.keys() configParms = self.getConfigParameters(StackParameters) if (TR.isLoggable(Level.FINEST)): cleaned = Scrubber.dreplace(configParms, self.SensitiveParameters) TR.finest(methodName,"Scrubbed parameters defined in the stack:\n\t%s" % cleaned) #endIf self.configParameters = self.fillInDefaultValues(**configParms) self.masterELBAddress = self.getLoadBalancerIPAddress(stackIds,elbName="MasterNodeLoadBalancer") if (not self.masterELBAddress): raise ICPInstallationException("An ELB with a Name tag of MasterNodeLoadBalancer was not found.") #endIf # This next block supports different ways to set up the WhichClusterLBAddress. # It is a debugging ploy. I got tired of changing the script to try out different options. if (self.WhichClusterLBAddress == 'UseMasterELBAddress'): # NOTE: ICP can't handle a DNS name in the cluster_lb_address config.yaml attribute. masterELB = self.masterELBAddress elif (self.WhichClusterLBAddress == 'UseMasterELBName'): masterELB = self.getLoadBalancerDNSName(stackIds,elbName="MasterNodeLoadBalancer") elif (self.WhichClusterLBAddress == 'UseClusterName'): # In the root CloudFormation template, an alias entry is created in the Route53 DNS # that maps the master ELB public DNS name to the cluster CN, i.e., the ClusterName.VPCDomain. # Setting the cluster_lb_address to the cluster_CA_domain avoids OAuth issues in mgmt console. masterELB = self.ClusterDNSName else: masterELB = self.ClusterDNSName #endIf self.configParameters['ClusterLBAddress'] = masterELB self.proxyELBAddress = self.getLoadBalancerIPAddress(stackIds,elbName="ProxyNodeLoadBalancer") if (not self.proxyELBAddress): raise ICPInstallationException("An ELB with a Name tag of ProxyNodeLoadBalancer was not found.") #endIf if (self.WhichProxyLBAddress == 'UseProxyELBAddress'): # NOTE: ICP can't handle a DNS name in the proxy_lb_address config.yaml attribute. proxyELB = self.proxyELBAddress elif (self.WhichProxyLBAddress == 'UseProxyELBName'): proxyELB = self.getLoadBalancerDNSName(stackIds,elbName="ProxyNodeLoadBalancer") elif (self.WhichProxyLBAddress == 'UsePrimaryAppDomain'): # In the root CloudFormation template, an alias entry is created in the Route53 DNS # that maps the proxy ELB public DNS name to the primary application domain. # The primary app domain is the first entry in the list of ApplicationDomains passed # into the root stack. proxyELB = self.getPrimaryAppDomain() else: proxyELB = self.getPrimaryAppDomain() #endIf self.configParameters['ProxyLBAddress'] = proxyELB self.configParameters['ClusterCADomain'] = self.ClusterDNSName # VIPs are not supposed to be needed when load balancers are used. # WARNING: For an AWS deployment, VIPs have never worked. # Using an EC2::NetworkInterface to get an extra IP doesn't work. #self.vips = self._getVIPs(self.rootStackId) #self.configParameters['ClusterVIP'] = self.getVIPAddress("MasterVIP") #self.configParameters['ProxyVIP'] = self.getVIPAddress("ProxyVIP") self.configParameterNames = self.configParameters.keys() if (TR.isLoggable(Level.FINEST)): cleaned = Scrubber.dreplace(self.configParameters,self.SensitiveParameters) TR.finest(methodName,"All configuration parameters, including defaults:\n\t%s" % cleaned)
def addNodeToCluster(self): gotit = False tryCount = 1 methodName = "addNodeToCluster" randomTime = random.randrange(60, 600), "Sleeping for %s" % randomTime) time.sleep(randomTime) while (not gotit): parameterKey = "/%s/configureNodeStatus" % self.stackName methodName, "Try: %d for getting parameter: %s" % (tryCount, parameterKey)) try: response = self.getSSMParameterValue(parameterKey, count=3), "Response returned = %s" % response) if (response == "True"): time.sleep(GetParameterSleepTime * 5) elif (response == "False"): gotit = True except ICPInstallationException as e: etext = "%s" % e if (etext.find('Failed to get parameter') >= 0): if (TR.isLoggable(Level.FINEST)): TR.finest( methodName, "Ignoring ParameterNotFound ClientError on ssm.get_parameter() invocation" ) gotit = True #endIf else: raise ICPInstallationException( "Unexpected ClientError on ssm.get_parameter() invocation: %s" % etext) #endIf #endTry tryCount += 1 #endWhile if (gotit): ipValue = self.fqdn.split("-", 1)[1].split(".") workerNodeIP = re.sub("-", ".", ipValue[0]) os.chdir(self.home + "/docker") os.chmod('icp-install-docker.bin', stat.S_IEXEC) call( './icp-install-docker.bin --install | tee /root/logs/install-docker.log', shell=True) os.chdir(self.home) # call ssm send command to execute docker run, "Execute docker Run script in bootnode") response = self.ssm.send_command( Targets=[{ "Key": "instanceids", "Values": [self.bootInstanceId] }], DocumentName="AWS-RunShellScript", Parameters={ "commands": [ "python %s %s %s" % (workerNodeIP, self.ICPVersion, self.role) ], "executionTimeout": ["1200"], "workingDirectory": ["/root"] }, Comment= "Execute script in bootnode to add newly inducted node to cluster", TimeoutSeconds=1500) time.sleep(GetParameterSleepTime * 10) command = response.get("Command") commandId = command.get("CommandId"), "Command Id : %s" % commandId) response = self.getExecutionStatus(commandId, self.bootInstanceId), "response :%s" % response) if (response == "Success"): if (TR.isLoggable(Level.FINE)): TR.fine( methodName, "Executed docker Run script in bootnode successfully") else: TR.fine( methodName, "Executed docker Run script in bootnode failed with error %s" % response.get("StandardErrorContent")) parameterKey = "/%s/boot-public-key" % self.stackName TR.fine(methodName, "delete ssm parameter key %s post setup" % parameterKey) self.ssm.delete_parameter(Name=parameterKey)