コード例 #1
def run_split(units_in, ptps, labels, CONFIG, ptp_cut=5):

    spike_index_list = []
    for unit in units_in:
        idx_ = np.where(labels == unit)[0]
        ptps_ = ptps[idx_]

        new_assignment = np.zeros(len(idx_), 'int32')
        idx_big = np.where(ptps_ > ptp_cut)[0]
        if len(idx_big) > 10:
            mask = np.ones((len(idx_big), 1))
            group = np.arange(len(idx_big))
            vbParam = mfm.spikesort(ptps_[idx_big, None, None], mask, group,
            cc_assignment, stability, cc = anneal_clusters(vbParam)

            # get ptp per cc
            mean_ptp_cc = np.zeros(len(cc))
            for k in range(len(cc)):
                mean_ptp_cc[k] = np.mean(ptps_[idx_big][cc_assignment == k])

            # reorder cc label by mean ptp
            cc_assignment_ordered = np.zeros_like(cc_assignment)
            for ii, k in enumerate(np.argsort(mean_ptp_cc)):
                cc_assignment_ordered[cc_assignment == k] = ii

            # cc with the smallest mean ptp will have the same assignment as ptps < ptp cut
            new_assignment[idx_big] = cc_assignment_ordered

        spike_index_list.append(np.vstack((idx_, new_assignment)).T)

    return spike_index_list
コード例 #2
    def run_mfm(self, gen, pca_wf):

        mask = np.ones((pca_wf.shape[0], 1))
        group = np.arange(pca_wf.shape[0])
        vbParam = mfm.spikesort(pca_wf[:, :, np.newaxis], mask, group,

        if self.verbose:
            print("chan "+ str(self.channel)+', gen '\
                +str(gen)+", "+str(vbParam.rhat.shape[1])+" clusters from ",pca_wf.shape)

        return vbParam
コード例 #3
ファイル: util.py プロジェクト: kathefter/yass
def run_cluster_location(scores, spike_index, min_spikes, CONFIG):
    run clustering algorithm using MFM and location features

    scores: list (n_channels)
        A list such that scores[c] contains all scores whose main
        channel is c

    spike_times: list (n_channels)
        A list such that spike_index[c] cointains all spike times
        whose channel is c

    CONFIG: class
        configuration class

    spike_train: np.array (n_data, 2)
        spike_train such that spike_train[j, 0] and spike_train[j, 1]
        are the spike time and spike id of spike j
    logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

    n_channels = np.max(spike_index[:, 1]) + 1
    global_score = None
    global_vbParam = None
    global_spike_index = None
    global_tmp_loc = None

    # run clustering algorithm per main channel
    for channel in range(n_channels):

        logger.info('Processing channel {}'.format(channel))

        idx_data = np.where(spike_index[:, 1] == channel)[0]
        score_channel = scores[idx_data]
        spike_index_channel = spike_index[idx_data]
        n_data = score_channel.shape[0]

        if n_data > 1:

            # make a fake mask of ones to run clustering algorithm
            mask = np.ones((n_data, 1))
            group = np.arange(n_data)
            vbParam = mfm.spikesort(np.copy(score_channel), mask, group,

            # make rhat more sparse
            vbParam.rhat[vbParam.rhat < 0.1] = 0
            vbParam.rhat = vbParam.rhat / np.sum(
                vbParam.rhat, 1, keepdims=True)

            # clean clusters with nearly no spikes
            vbParam = clean_empty_cluster(vbParam, min_spikes)
            if vbParam.rhat.shape[1] > 0:
                # add changes to global parameters
                (global_vbParam, global_tmp_loc, global_score,
                 global_spike_index) = global_cluster_info(
                     vbParam, channel, score_channel, spike_index_channel,
                     global_vbParam, global_tmp_loc, global_score,

    return global_vbParam, global_tmp_loc, global_score, global_spike_index
コード例 #4
ファイル: util.py プロジェクト: kathefter/yass
def run_cluster(scores, masks, groups, spike_index, min_spikes, CONFIG):
    run clustering algorithm using MFM

    scores: list (n_channels)
        A list such that scores[c] contains all scores whose main
        channel is c

    masks: list (n_channels)
        mask for each data in scores
        masks[c] is the mask of spikes in scores[c]

    groups: list (n_channels)
        coreset represented as group id.
        groups[c] is the group id of spikes in scores[c]

    spike_index: list (n_channels)
        A list such that spike_index[c] cointains all spike times
        whose channel is c

    CONFIG: class
       configuration class

    spike_train: np.array (n_data, 2)
        spike_train such that spike_train[j, 0] and spike_train[j, 1]
        are the spike time and spike id of spike j

    # FIXME: mutating parameter
    # this function is passing a config object and mutating it,
    # this is not a good idea as having a mutable object lying around the code
    # can break things and make it hard to debug
    # (09/27/17) Eduardo

    logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

    n_channels = np.max(spike_index[:, 1]) + 1
    global_score = None
    global_vbParam = None
    global_spike_index = None
    global_tmp_loc = None

    # run clustering algorithm per main channel
    for channel in range(n_channels):

        logger.info('Processing channel {}'.format(channel))

        idx_data = np.where(spike_index[:, 1] == channel)[0]
        score_channel = scores[idx_data]
        mask_channel = masks[channel]
        group_channel = groups[channel]
        spike_index_channel = spike_index[idx_data]
        n_data = score_channel.shape[0]

        if n_data > 1:
            # run clustering
            vbParam = mfm.spikesort(score_channel, mask_channel, group_channel,

            # make rhat more sparse
            vbParam.rhat[vbParam.rhat < 0.1] = 0
            vbParam.rhat = vbParam.rhat / np.sum(
                vbParam.rhat, 1, keepdims=True)

            # clean clusters with nearly no spikes
            vbParam = clean_empty_cluster(vbParam, min_spikes)

            # add changes to global parameters
            (global_vbParam, global_tmp_loc,
             global_score, global_spike_index) = global_cluster_info(
                 vbParam, channel, score_channel, spike_index_channel,
                 global_vbParam, global_tmp_loc, global_score,

    return global_vbParam, global_tmp_loc, global_score, global_spike_index
コード例 #5
ファイル: cluster.py プロジェクト: hooshmandshr/yass
def runSorter(score_all, mask_all, clr_idx_all, group_all, channel_groups,
              neighbors, n_features, config):
    """Run sorting algorithm for every channel group


    # FIXME: mutating parameter
    # this function is passing a config object and mutating it,
    # this is not a good idea as having a mutable object lying around the code
    # can break things and make it hard to debug
    # (09/27/17) Eduardo

    nG = len(channel_groups)
    nmax = 10000

    K = 0
    spike_train = 0

    bar = progressbar.ProgressBar(maxval=nG)

    # iterate over every channel group (this is computed in config.py)
    for g in range(nG):

        # get the channels that conform this group
        ch_idx = channel_groups[g]

        neigh_chan = np.sum(neighbors[ch_idx], axis=0) > 0

        score = np.zeros(
            (nmax * ch_idx.shape[0], n_features, np.sum(neigh_chan)))
        index = np.zeros((nmax * ch_idx.shape[0], 2), 'int32')
        mask = np.zeros((nmax * ch_idx.shape[0], np.sum(neigh_chan)))
        group = np.zeros(nmax * ch_idx.shape[0], 'int16')

        count = 0
        Ngroup = 0

        for j in range(ch_idx.shape[0]):
            c = ch_idx[j]
            if score_all[c].shape[0] > 0:

                ndataTemp = score_all[c].shape[0]

                score[count:(count + ndataTemp), :,
                      neighbors[c][neigh_chan]] = score_all[c]

                clr_idx_temp = clr_idx_all[c]
                index[count:(count + ndataTemp)] = np.concatenate((np.ones(
                    (ndataTemp, 1)) * c, clr_idx_temp[:, np.newaxis]),

                mask[count:(count + ndataTemp),
                     neighbors[c][neigh_chan]] = mask_all[c]

                group[count:(count + ndataTemp)] = group_all[c] + Ngroup + 1

                Ngroup += np.amax(group_all[c]) + 1
                count += ndataTemp

        score = score[:count]
        index = index[:count]
        mask = mask[:count]
        group = group[:count] - 1

        if score.shape[0] > 0:
            L = spikesort(score, mask, group, config)
            idx_triage = L == -1
            L = L[~idx_triage]
            index = index[~idx_triage]

            spikeTrain_temp = np.concatenate((L[:, np.newaxis] + K, index),
            K += np.amax(L) + 1
            if g == 0:
                spike_train = spikeTrain_temp
                spike_train = np.concatenate((spike_train, spikeTrain_temp))

        bar.update(g + 1)


    return spike_train
コード例 #6
ファイル: run.py プロジェクト: hooshmandshr/yass
def run(score,
    """Process spikes

    score: numpy.ndarray (n_spikes, n_features, n_channels)
        3D array with the scores for the clear spikes, first simension is
        the number of spikes, second is the nymber of features and third the
        number of channels

    spike_index_clear: numpy.ndarray (n_clear_spikes, 2)
        2D array with indexes for clear spikes, first column contains the
        spike location in the recording and the second the main channel
        (channel whose amplitude is maximum)

    spike_index_collision: numpy.ndarray (n_collided_spikes, 2)
        2D array with indexes for collided spikes, first column contains the
        spike location in the recording and the second the main channel
        (channel whose amplitude is maximum)

    output_directory: str, optional
        Output directory (relative to CONFIG.data.root_folder) used to load
        the recordings to generate templates, defaults to tmp/

    recordings_filename: str, optional
        Recordings filename (relative to CONFIG.data.root_folder/
        output_directory) used to generate the templates, defaults to

    spike_train_clear: numpy.ndarray (n_clear_spikes, 2)
        A 2D array for clear spikes whose first column indicates the spike
        time and the second column the neuron id determined by the clustering

    templates: numpy.ndarray (n_channels, waveform_size, n_templates)
        A 3D array with the templates

    spike_index_collision: numpy.ndarray (n_collided_spikes, 2)
        A 2D array for collided spikes whose first column indicates the spike
        time and the second column the neuron id determined by the clustering


    .. literalinclude:: ../examples/process.py

    CONFIG = read_config()

    startTime = datetime.datetime.now()

    Time = {'t': 0, 'c': 0, 'm': 0, 's': 0, 'e': 0}

    logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

    nG = len(CONFIG.channelGroups)
    nneigh = np.max(np.sum(CONFIG.neighChannels, 0))
    n_coreset = 0
    K = 0

    # first column: spike_time
    # second column: cluster id
    spike_train_clear = np.zeros((0, 2), 'int32')

    if CONFIG.clustering.clustering_method == 'location':
        spike_index_clear_proc = np.zeros((0, 2), 'int32')
        main_channel_index = spike_index_clear[:, MAIN_CHANNEL]
        for i, c in enumerate(np.unique(main_channel_index)):
            logger.info('Processing channel {}'.format(i))
            idx = main_channel_index == c
            score_c = score[idx]
            spike_index_clear_c = spike_index_clear[idx]

            # Triage #

            # TODO: refactor this as CONFIG.doTriage was removed
            doTriage = True
            _b = datetime.datetime.now()
            logger.info('Triaging events with main channel {}'.format(c))
            index_keep = triage(score_c, 0, CONFIG.triage.nearest_neighbors,
                                CONFIG.triage.percent, doTriage)
            Time['t'] += (datetime.datetime.now() - _b).total_seconds()

            # add untriaged spike index to spike_index_clear_group
            # and triaged spike index to spike_index_collision
            spike_index_clear_proc = np.concatenate(
                (spike_index_clear_proc, spike_index_clear_c[index_keep]),
            spike_index_collision = np.concatenate(
                (spike_index_collision, spike_index_clear_c[~index_keep]),

            # TODO: add documentation for all of this part, until the
            # "cleaning" commend

            # keep untriaged score only
            score_c = score_c[index_keep]
            group = np.arange(score_c.shape[0])
            mask = np.ones([score_c.shape[0], 1])
            _b = datetime.datetime.now()
            logger.info('Clustering events with main channel {}'.format(c))
            if i == 0:
                global_vbParam, global_maskedData = spikesort(
                    score_c, mask, group, CONFIG)
                score_proc = score_c
                local_vbParam, local_maskedData = spikesort(
                    score_c, mask, group, CONFIG)
                global_vbParam.muhat = np.concatenate(
                    [global_vbParam.muhat, local_vbParam.muhat], axis=1)
                global_vbParam.Vhat = np.concatenate(
                    [global_vbParam.Vhat, local_vbParam.Vhat], axis=2)
                global_vbParam.invVhat = np.concatenate(
                    [global_vbParam.invVhat, local_vbParam.invVhat], axis=2)
                global_vbParam.lambdahat = np.concatenate(
                    [global_vbParam.lambdahat, local_vbParam.lambdahat],
                global_vbParam.nuhat = np.concatenate(
                    [global_vbParam.nuhat, local_vbParam.nuhat], axis=0)
                global_vbParam.ahat = np.concatenate(
                    [global_vbParam.ahat, local_vbParam.ahat], axis=0)
                global_maskedData.sumY = np.concatenate(
                    [global_maskedData.sumY, local_maskedData.sumY], axis=0)
                global_maskedData.sumYSq = np.concatenate(
                    [global_maskedData.sumYSq, local_maskedData.sumYSq],
                global_maskedData.sumEta = np.concatenate(
                    [global_maskedData.sumEta, local_maskedData.sumEta],
                global_maskedData.weight = np.concatenate(
                    [global_maskedData.weight, local_maskedData.weight],
                global_maskedData.groupMask = np.concatenate(
                    [global_maskedData.groupMask, local_maskedData.groupMask],
                global_maskedData.meanY = np.concatenate(
                    [global_maskedData.meanY, local_maskedData.meanY], axis=0)
                global_maskedData.meanYSq = np.concatenate(
                    [global_maskedData.meanYSq, local_maskedData.meanYSq],
                global_maskedData.meanEta = np.concatenate(
                    [global_maskedData.meanEta, local_maskedData.meanEta],
                score_proc = np.concatenate([score_proc, score_c], axis=0)

        logger.info('merging all channels')
        L = np.ones(global_vbParam.muhat.shape[1])
        suffStat = suffStatistics(global_maskedData, global_vbParam)
        global_vbParam, suffStat, L = merge_move(global_maskedData,
                                                 global_vbParam, suffStat,
                                                 CONFIG, L, 0)
        assignmentTemp = np.argmax(global_vbParam.rhat, axis=1)
        assignment = np.zeros(score_proc.shape[0], 'int16')

        for j in range(score_proc.shape[0]):
            assignment[j] = assignmentTemp[j]

        idx_triage = cluster_triage(global_vbParam, score_proc, 3)
        assignment[idx_triage] = -1
        Time['s'] += (datetime.datetime.now() - _b).total_seconds()

        # Cleaning #

        # TODO: describe this step

        spike_train_clear = np.concatenate([
            spike_index_clear_proc[~idx_triage, 0:1:], assignment[~idx_triage,
        spike_index_collision = np.concatenate(
            [spike_index_collision, spike_index_clear_proc[idx_triage]])


        # according to the docs if clustering method is not 2+3, you can set
        # 3 x neighboring_channels, but I do not see where the
        # neighboring_channels is being parsed on this else statemente

        c_idx = np.ones((CONFIG.recordings.n_channels, nneigh),
                        'int32') * CONFIG.recordings.n_channels

        for c in range(CONFIG.recordings.n_channels):
            ch_idx, _ = order_channels_by_distance(
                np.where(CONFIG.neighChannels[c])[0], CONFIG.geom)
            c_idx[c, :ch_idx.shape[0]] = ch_idx

        # iterate over every channel group [missing documentation for this
        # function]. why is this order needed?
        for g in range(nG):
            logger.info("Processing group {} in {} groups.".format(g + 1, nG))
            logger.info("Processiing data (triage, coreset, masking) ...")
            channels = CONFIG.channelGroups[g]
            neigh_chans = np.where(
                np.sum(CONFIG.neighChannels[channels], axis=0) > 0)[0]

            score_group = np.zeros(
                (0, CONFIG.spikes.temporal_features, neigh_chans.shape[0]))
            coreset_id_group = np.zeros((0), 'int32')
            mask_group = np.zeros((0, neigh_chans.shape[0]))
            spike_index_clear_group = np.zeros((0, 2), 'int32')

            # go through every channel in the group
            for c in channels:

                # index of data whose main channel is c
                idx = spike_index_clear[:, MAIN_CHANNEL] == c
                if np.sum(idx) > 0:

                    # score whose main channel is c
                    score_c = score[idx]
                    # spike_index_clear whose main channel is c
                    spike_index_clear_c = spike_index_clear[idx]

                    # Triage #

                    # TODO: refactor this as CONFIG.doTriage was removed
                    doTriage = True

                    _b = datetime.datetime.now()
                    index_keep = triage(score_c, 0,
                                        CONFIG.triage.percent, doTriage)
                    Time['t'] += (datetime.datetime.now() - _b).total_seconds()

                    # add untriaged spike index to spike_index_clear_group
                    # and triaged spike index to spike_index_collision
                    spike_index_clear_group = np.concatenate(
                    spike_index_collision = np.concatenate(

                    # keep untriaged score only
                    score_c = score_c[index_keep]

                    # Coreset #

                    # TODO: refactor this as CONFIG.doCoreset was removed
                    doCoreset = True

                    _b = datetime.datetime.now()
                    coreset_id = coreset(score_c, CONFIG.coreset.clusters,
                                         CONFIG.coreset.threshold, doCoreset)
                    Time['c'] += (datetime.datetime.now() - _b).total_seconds()

                    # Masking #

                    _b = datetime.datetime.now()
                    mask = getmask(score_c, coreset_id,
                    Time['m'] += (datetime.datetime.now() - _b).total_seconds()

                    # collect data #

                    # restructure score_c and mask to have same number of
                    # channels as score_group
                    score_temp = np.zeros(
                        (score_c.shape[0], CONFIG.spikes.temporal_features,
                    mask_temp = np.zeros((mask.shape[0], neigh_chans.shape[0]))
                    nneigh_c = np.sum(c_idx[c] < CONFIG.recordings.n_channels)
                    for j in range(nneigh_c):
                        c_interest = np.where(neigh_chans == c_idx[c, j])[0][0]
                        score_temp[:, :, c_interest] = score_c[:, :, j]
                        mask_temp[:, c_interest] = mask[:, j]

                    # add score, coreset_id, mask to the groups
                    score_group = np.concatenate((score_group, score_temp),
                    mask_group = np.concatenate((mask_group, mask_temp),
                    coreset_id_group = np.concatenate(
                        (coreset_id_group, coreset_id + n_coreset + 1), axis=0)
                    n_coreset += np.max(coreset_id) + 1

            if score_group.shape[0] > 0:
                # Clustering #

                _b = datetime.datetime.now()
                coreset_id_group = coreset_id_group - 1
                n_coreset = 0
                cluster_id = spikesort(score_group, mask_group,
                                       coreset_id_group, CONFIG)
                Time['s'] += (datetime.datetime.now() - _b).total_seconds()

                # Cleaning #

                # model based triage
                idx_triage = (cluster_id == -1)

                # concatenate spike index with cluster id of untriaged ones
                # to create spike_train_clear
                si_clustered = spike_index_clear_group[~idx_triage]
                spt = si_clustered[:, [0]]
                cluster_id = cluster_id[~idx_triage][:, np.newaxis]

                spike_train_temp = np.concatenate((spt, cluster_id + K),
                spike_train_clear = np.concatenate(
                    (spike_train_clear, spike_train_temp), axis=0)
                K += np.amax(cluster_id) + 1

                # concatenate triaged spike_index_clear_group
                # into spike_index_collision
                spike_index_collision = np.concatenate(

    # Get templates #

    _b = datetime.datetime.now()
    logger.info("Getting Templates...")
    path_to_recordings = os.path.join(CONFIG.data.root_folder,
                                      output_directory, recordings_filename)
    merge_threshold = CONFIG.templates.merge_threshold
    spike_train_clear, templates = gam_templates(
        spike_train_clear, path_to_recordings, CONFIG.spikeSize,
        CONFIG.templatesMaxShift, merge_threshold, CONFIG.neighChannels)

    Time['e'] += (datetime.datetime.now() - _b).total_seconds()

    currentTime = datetime.datetime.now()

    if CONFIG.clustering.clustering_method == 'location':
        logger.info("Mainprocess done in {0} seconds.".format(
            (currentTime - startTime).seconds))
        logger.info("\ttriage:\t{0} seconds".format(Time['t']))
        logger.info("\tclustering:\t{0} seconds".format(Time['s']))
        logger.info("\ttemplates:\t{0} seconds".format(Time['e']))
        logger.info("\ttriage:\t{0} seconds".format(Time['t']))
        logger.info("\tcoreset:\t{0} seconds".format(Time['c']))
        logger.info("\tmasking:\t{0} seconds".format(Time['m']))
        logger.info("\tclustering:\t{0} seconds".format(Time['s']))
        logger.info("\ttemplates:\t{0} seconds".format(Time['e']))

    return spike_train_clear, templates, spike_index_collision