class Deviation(Entity): """ List of YANG deviation module names and revisions used by this server to modify the conformance of the module associated with this entry. Note that the same module can be used for deviations for multiple modules, so the same entry MAY appear within multiple 'module' entries. The deviation module MUST be present in the 'module' list, with the same name and revision values. The 'conformance\-type' value will be 'implement' for the deviation module. .. attribute:: name <key> The YANG module or submodule name **type**\: str **pattern:** [a\-zA\-Z\_][a\-zA\-Z0\-9\\\-\_.]\* .. attribute:: revision <key> The YANG module or submodule revision date. A zero\-length string is used if no revision statement is present in the YANG module or submodule **type**\: union of the below types: **type**\: str **pattern:** \\d{4}\-\\d{2}\-\\d{2} **type**\: str **length:** 0 """ _prefix = 'yanglib' _revision = '2016-06-21' def __init__(self): super(ModulesState.Module.Deviation, self).__init__() self.yang_name = "deviation" self.yang_parent_name = "module" self.is_top_level_class = False self.has_list_ancestor = True self._child_container_classes = {} self._child_list_classes = {} = YLeaf(YType.str, "name") self.revision = YLeaf(YType.str, "revision") self._segment_path = lambda: "deviation" + "[name='" + ) + "']" + "[revision='" + self.revision.get() + "']" def __setattr__(self, name, value): self._perform_setattr(ModulesState.Module.Deviation, ['name', 'revision'], name, value)
class Submodule(Entity): """ Each entry represents one submodule within the parent module. .. attribute:: name <key> The YANG module or submodule name **type**\: str **pattern:** [a\-zA\-Z\_][a\-zA\-Z0\-9\\\-\_.]\* .. attribute:: revision <key> The YANG module or submodule revision date. A zero\-length string is used if no revision statement is present in the YANG module or submodule **type**\: union of the below types: **type**\: str **pattern:** \\d{4}\-\\d{2}\-\\d{2} **type**\: str **length:** 0 .. attribute:: schema Contains a URL that represents the YANG schema resource for this module or submodule. This leaf will only be present if there is a URL available for retrieval of the schema for this entry **type**\: str """ _prefix = 'yanglib' _revision = '2016-06-21' def __init__(self): super(ModulesState.Module.Submodule, self).__init__() self.yang_name = "submodule" self.yang_parent_name = "module" self.is_top_level_class = False self.has_list_ancestor = True self._child_container_classes = {} self._child_list_classes = {} = YLeaf(YType.str, "name") self.revision = YLeaf(YType.str, "revision") self.schema = YLeaf(YType.str, "schema") self._segment_path = lambda: "submodule" + "[name='" + ) + "']" + "[revision='" + self.revision.get() + "']" def __setattr__(self, name, value): self._perform_setattr(ModulesState.Module.Submodule, ['name', 'revision', 'schema'], name, value)
class Server(Entity): """ Name server address .. attribute:: order <key> This is used to sort the servers in the order of precedence **type**\: int **range:** \-2147483648..2147483647 .. attribute:: server_address <key> A name server address **type**\: union of the below types: **type**\: str **pattern:** (([0\-9]\|[1\-9][0\-9]\|1[0\-9][0\-9]\|2[0\-4][0\-9]\|25[0\-5])\\.){3}([0\-9]\|[1\-9][0\-9]\|1[0\-9][0\-9]\|2[0\-4][0\-9]\|25[0\-5])(%[\\p{N}\\p{L}]+)? **type**\: str **pattern:** ((\:\|[0\-9a\-fA\-F]{0,4})\:)([0\-9a\-fA\-F]{0,4}\:){0,5}((([0\-9a\-fA\-F]{0,4}\:)?(\:\|[0\-9a\-fA\-F]{0,4}))\|(((25[0\-5]\|2[0\-4][0\-9]\|[01]?[0\-9]?[0\-9])\\.){3}(25[0\-5]\|2[0\-4][0\-9]\|[01]?[0\-9]?[0\-9])))(%[\\p{N}\\p{L}]+)? """ _prefix = 'ip-domain-cfg' _revision = '2015-05-13' def __init__(self): super(IpDomain.Vrfs.Vrf.Servers.Server, self).__init__() self.yang_name = "server" self.yang_parent_name = "servers" self.is_top_level_class = False self.has_list_ancestor = True self._child_container_classes = {} self._child_list_classes = {} self.order = YLeaf(YType.int32, "order") self.server_address = YLeaf(YType.str, "server-address") self._segment_path = lambda: "server" + "[order='" + self.order.get( ) + "']" + "[server-address='" + self.server_address.get( ) + "']" def __setattr__(self, name, value): self._perform_setattr(IpDomain.Vrfs.Vrf.Servers.Server, ['order', 'server_address'], name, value)
class Udpentry(Entity): """ Information about a particular current UDP listener. .. attribute:: udplocaladdress <key> The local IP address for this UDP listener. In the case of a UDP listener that is willing to accept datagrams for any IP interface associated with the node, the value is used **type**\: str **pattern:** (([0\-9]\|[1\-9][0\-9]\|1[0\-9][0\-9]\|2[0\-4][0\-9]\|25[0\-5])\\.){3}([0\-9]\|[1\-9][0\-9]\|1[0\-9][0\-9]\|2[0\-4][0\-9]\|25[0\-5])(%[\\p{N}\\p{L}]+)? **status**\: deprecated .. attribute:: udplocalport <key> The local port number for this UDP listener **type**\: int **range:** 0..65535 **status**\: deprecated """ _prefix = 'UDP-MIB' _revision = '2005-05-20' def __init__(self): super(UDPMIB.Udptable.Udpentry, self).__init__() self.yang_name = "udpEntry" self.yang_parent_name = "udpTable" self.is_top_level_class = False self.has_list_ancestor = False self._child_container_classes = {} self._child_list_classes = {} self.udplocaladdress = YLeaf(YType.str, "udpLocalAddress") self.udplocalport = YLeaf(YType.int32, "udpLocalPort") self._segment_path = lambda: "udpEntry" + "[udpLocalAddress='" + self.udplocaladdress.get( ) + "']" + "[udpLocalPort='" + self.udplocalport.get() + "']" self._absolute_path = lambda: "UDP-MIB:UDP-MIB/udpTable/%s" % self._segment_path( ) def __setattr__(self, name, value): self._perform_setattr(UDPMIB.Udptable.Udpentry, ['udplocaladdress', 'udplocalport'], name, value)
class Logging(Entity): """ Configure logging for VPDN .. attribute:: option <key> VPDN logging options **type**\: :py:class:`Option <ydk.models.cisco_ios_xr.Cisco_IOS_XR_tunnel_vpdn_cfg.Option>` """ _prefix = 'tunnel-vpdn-cfg' _revision = '2015-11-09' def __init__(self): super(Vpdn.Loggings.Logging, self).__init__() self.yang_name = "logging" self.yang_parent_name = "loggings" self.is_top_level_class = False self.has_list_ancestor = False self._child_container_classes = {} self._child_list_classes = {} self.option = YLeaf(YType.enumeration, "option") self._segment_path = lambda: "logging" + "[option='" + self.option.get( ) + "']" self._absolute_path = lambda: "Cisco-IOS-XR-tunnel-vpdn-cfg:vpdn/loggings/%s" % self._segment_path( ) def __setattr__(self, name, value): self._perform_setattr(Vpdn.Loggings.Logging, ['option'], name, value)
class Ciplocalpoolgroupcontainsentry(Entity): """ Each entry describes single container/'containee' relationship. Pool names can only be associated with one group. Pools carry implicit group identifiers because pool names can only be associated with one group. An entry in this table describes such an association. .. attribute:: ciplocalpoolgroupname <key> A unique group name that identifies the IP pool group. The null string represents the base IP pool group **type**\: str **length:** 0..48 .. attribute:: ciplocalpoolchildindex <key> The value of cIpLocalPoolName for the contained IP local pool **type**\: str **length:** 1..48 """ _prefix = 'CISCO-IP-LOCAL-POOL-MIB' _revision = '2007-11-12' def __init__(self): super( CISCOIPLOCALPOOLMIB.Ciplocalpoolgroupcontainstable. Ciplocalpoolgroupcontainsentry, self).__init__() self.yang_name = "cIpLocalPoolGroupContainsEntry" self.yang_parent_name = "cIpLocalPoolGroupContainsTable" self.is_top_level_class = False self.has_list_ancestor = False self._child_container_classes = {} self._child_list_classes = {} self.ciplocalpoolgroupname = YLeaf(YType.str, "cIpLocalPoolGroupName") self.ciplocalpoolchildindex = YLeaf(YType.str, "cIpLocalPoolChildIndex") self._segment_path = lambda: "cIpLocalPoolGroupContainsEntry" + "[cIpLocalPoolGroupName='" + self.ciplocalpoolgroupname.get( ) + "']" + "[cIpLocalPoolChildIndex='" + self.ciplocalpoolchildindex.get( ) + "']" self._absolute_path = lambda: "CISCO-IP-LOCAL-POOL-MIB:CISCO-IP-LOCAL-POOL-MIB/cIpLocalPoolGroupContainsTable/%s" % self._segment_path( ) def __setattr__(self, name, value): self._perform_setattr( CISCOIPLOCALPOOLMIB.Ciplocalpoolgroupcontainstable. Ciplocalpoolgroupcontainsentry, ['ciplocalpoolgroupname', 'ciplocalpoolchildindex'], name, value)
class DscpCfg(Entity): """ list of dscp ranges .. attribute:: dscp_min <key> Minimum value of dscp range **type**\: int **range:** 0..63 .. attribute:: dscp_max <key> maximum value of dscp range **type**\: int **range:** 0..63 """ _prefix = 'classifier' _revision = '2015-04-07' def __init__(self): super(Classifiers.ClassifierEntry.FilterEntry.DscpCfg, self).__init__() self.yang_name = "dscp-cfg" self.yang_parent_name = "filter-entry" self.is_top_level_class = False self.has_list_ancestor = True self._child_container_classes = {} self._child_list_classes = {} self.dscp_min = YLeaf(YType.uint8, "dscp-min") self.dscp_max = YLeaf(YType.uint8, "dscp-max") self._segment_path = lambda: "dscp-cfg" + "[dscp-min='" + self.dscp_min.get( ) + "']" + "[dscp-max='" + self.dscp_max.get() + "']" def __setattr__(self, name, value): self._perform_setattr( Classifiers.ClassifierEntry.FilterEntry.DscpCfg, ['dscp_min', 'dscp_max'], name, value)
class List(Entity): """ Domain name to complete unqualified host names .. attribute:: order <key> This is used to sort the names in the order of precedence **type**\: int **range:** \-2147483648..2147483647 .. attribute:: list_name <key> A domain name **type**\: str **pattern:** [\\w\\\-\\.\:,\_@#%$\\+=\\\|;]+ """ _prefix = 'ip-domain-cfg' _revision = '2015-05-13' def __init__(self): super(IpDomain.Vrfs.Vrf.Lists.List, self).__init__() self.yang_name = "list" self.yang_parent_name = "lists" self.is_top_level_class = False self.has_list_ancestor = True self._child_container_classes = {} self._child_list_classes = {} self.order = YLeaf(YType.int32, "order") self.list_name = YLeaf(YType.str, "list-name") self._segment_path = lambda: "list" + "[order='" + self.order.get( ) + "']" + "[list-name='" + self.list_name.get() + "']" def __setattr__(self, name, value): self._perform_setattr(IpDomain.Vrfs.Vrf.Lists.List, ['order', 'list_name'], name, value)
class TrapList(Entity): """ This list describes SNMP Traps that are supported for automatic translation to NetConf notifications. .. attribute:: trap_oid <key> This leaf contains the OID for the SNMP trap to be forwarded **type**\: str **pattern:** (([0\-1](\\.[1\-3]?[0\-9]))\|(2\\.(0\|([1\-9]\\d\*))))(\\.(0\|([1\-9]\\d\*)))\* .. attribute:: description This leaf contains the name of the SNMP trap to be forwarded **type**\: str .. attribute:: forward This leaf enables or disables forwarding for this SNMP trap **type**\: bool **default value**\: true """ _prefix = 'cisco-ia' _revision = '2017-03-02' def __init__(self): super(NetconfYang.CiscoIa.SnmpTrapControl.TrapList, self).__init__() self.yang_name = "trap-list" self.yang_parent_name = "snmp-trap-control" self.is_top_level_class = False self.has_list_ancestor = False self._child_container_classes = {} self._child_list_classes = {} self.trap_oid = YLeaf(YType.str, "trap-oid") self.description = YLeaf(YType.str, "description") self.forward = YLeaf(YType.boolean, "forward") self._segment_path = lambda: "trap-list" + "[trap-oid='" + self.trap_oid.get( ) + "']" self._absolute_path = lambda: "cisco-self-mgmt:netconf-yang/cisco-ia:cisco-ia/snmp-trap-control/%s" % self._segment_path( ) def __setattr__(self, name, value): self._perform_setattr( NetconfYang.CiscoIa.SnmpTrapControl.TrapList, ['trap_oid', 'description', 'forward'], name, value)
class Node(Entity): """ Location. For eg., 0/1/CPU0 .. attribute:: node_name <key> The node id to filter on. For eg., 0/1/CPU0 **type**\: str **pattern:** [\\w\\\-\\.\:,\_@#%$\\+=\\\|;]+ .. attribute:: session_limit Session limit configured on linecard **type**\: int **range:** \-2147483648..2147483647 .. attribute:: session_threshold Session threshold configured on linecard **type**\: int **range:** \-2147483648..2147483647 """ _prefix = 'iedge4710-cfg' _revision = '2015-11-09' def __init__(self): super(IedgeLicenseManager.Node, self).__init__() self.yang_name = "node" self.yang_parent_name = "iedge-license-manager" self.is_top_level_class = False self.has_list_ancestor = False self._child_container_classes = {} self._child_list_classes = {} self.node_name = YLeaf(YType.str, "node-name") self.session_limit = YLeaf(YType.int32, "session-limit") self.session_threshold = YLeaf(YType.int32, "session-threshold") self._segment_path = lambda: "node" + "[node-name='" + self.node_name.get( ) + "']" self._absolute_path = lambda: "Cisco-IOS-XR-iedge4710-cfg:iedge-license-manager/%s" % self._segment_path( ) def __setattr__(self, name, value): self._perform_setattr( IedgeLicenseManager.Node, ['node_name', 'session_limit', 'session_threshold'], name, value)
class Ceesubinterfaceentry(Entity): """ This table contains a row for each Ethernet\-like interface by it's ifTable ifIndex in the system, which supports the sub\-interface. An entry is created by an agent, when it detects a Ethernet\-like interface is created in ifTable and it can support sub\-interface. An entry is deleted by an agent, when the ifTable entry associated to the Ethernet\-like interface is deleted. Typically, when the card is removed from the device. .. attribute:: ifindex <key> **type**\: int **range:** 1..2147483647 **refers to**\: :py:class:`ifindex <ydk.models.cisco_ios_xe.IF_MIB.IFMIB.Iftable.Ifentry>` .. attribute:: ceesubinterfacecount This object represents the number of subinterfaces created on a Ethernet\-like interface **type**\: int **range:** 0..4294967295 **units**\: subifs """ _prefix = 'CISCO-ETHERLIKE-EXT-MIB' _revision = '2010-06-04' def __init__(self): super(CISCOETHERLIKEEXTMIB.Ceesubinterfacetable.Ceesubinterfaceentry, self).__init__() self.yang_name = "ceeSubInterfaceEntry" self.yang_parent_name = "ceeSubInterfaceTable" self.is_top_level_class = False self.has_list_ancestor = False self._child_container_classes = {} self._child_list_classes = {} self.ifindex = YLeaf(YType.str, "ifIndex") self.ceesubinterfacecount = YLeaf(YType.uint32, "ceeSubInterfaceCount") self._segment_path = lambda: "ceeSubInterfaceEntry" + "[ifIndex='" + self.ifindex.get() + "']" self._absolute_path = lambda: "CISCO-ETHERLIKE-EXT-MIB:CISCO-ETHERLIKE-EXT-MIB/ceeSubInterfaceTable/%s" % self._segment_path() def __setattr__(self, name, value): self._perform_setattr(CISCOETHERLIKEEXTMIB.Ceesubinterfacetable.Ceesubinterfaceentry, ['ifindex', 'ceesubinterfacecount'], name, value)
class MdtSubConStats(Entity): """ List of subscription specific statistics for this connection. .. attribute:: sub_id <key> Subscription identifier **type**\: int **range:** 0..4294967295 .. attribute:: updates_sent Number of update notifications sent to the receiver using this subscription **type**\: int **range:** 0..18446744073709551615 .. attribute:: updates_dropped Number of dropped update notifications due to error or events not in other counters using this subscription **type**\: int **range:** 0..18446744073709551615 """ _prefix = 'mdt-oper' _revision = '2017-07-01' def __init__(self): super(MdtOperData.MdtConnections.MdtSubConStats, self).__init__() self.yang_name = "mdt-sub-con-stats" self.yang_parent_name = "mdt-connections" self.is_top_level_class = False self.has_list_ancestor = True self._child_container_classes = {} self._child_list_classes = {} self.sub_id = YLeaf(YType.uint32, "sub-id") self.updates_sent = YLeaf(YType.uint64, "updates-sent") self.updates_dropped = YLeaf(YType.uint64, "updates-dropped") self._segment_path = lambda: "mdt-sub-con-stats" + "[sub-id='" + self.sub_id.get( ) + "']" def __setattr__(self, name, value): self._perform_setattr( MdtOperData.MdtConnections.MdtSubConStats, ['sub_id', 'updates_sent', 'updates_dropped'], name, value)
class OpticalChannel(Entity): """ Optical Channel index .. attribute:: ifname <key> Optical Channel Name **type**\: str **pattern:** [\\w\\\-\\.\:,\_@#%$\\+=\\\|;]+ .. attribute:: operational_mode Configure operational mode **type**\: int **range:** 1..100000 .. attribute:: line_port Specify R/S/I/P **type**\: str **pattern:** [a\-zA\-Z0\-9./\-]+ """ _prefix = 'terminal-device-cfg' _revision = '2015-11-09' def __init__(self): super(OpticalChannels.OpticalChannel, self).__init__() self.yang_name = "optical-channel" self.yang_parent_name = "optical-channels" self.is_top_level_class = False self.has_list_ancestor = False self._child_container_classes = {} self._child_list_classes = {} self.ifname = YLeaf(YType.str, "ifname") self.operational_mode = YLeaf(YType.uint32, "operational-mode") self.line_port = YLeaf(YType.str, "line-port") self._segment_path = lambda: "optical-channel" + "[ifname='" + self.ifname.get( ) + "']" self._absolute_path = lambda: "Cisco-IOS-XR-terminal-device-cfg:optical-channels/%s" % self._segment_path( ) def __setattr__(self, name, value): self._perform_setattr(OpticalChannels.OpticalChannel, ['ifname', 'operational_mode', 'line_port'], name, value)
class Profile(Entity): """ SSRP Profile configuration .. attribute:: name <key> The name of the profile **type**\: str **pattern:** [\\w\\\-\\.\:,\_@#%$\\+=\\\|;]+ .. attribute:: max_hops This specifies the maximum number of hops for packets on the SSO channel **type**\: int **range:** 1..255 .. attribute:: peer_ipv4_address This specifies the remote end's IPv4\-address for the SSO channel **type**\: str **pattern:** (([0\-9]\|[1\-9][0\-9]\|1[0\-9][0\-9]\|2[0\-4][0\-9]\|25[0\-5])\\.){3}([0\-9]\|[1\-9][0\-9]\|1[0\-9][0\-9]\|2[0\-4][0\-9]\|25[0\-5])(%[\\p{N}\\p{L}]+)? """ _prefix = 'ppp-ma-ssrp-cfg' _revision = '2015-11-09' def __init__(self): super(Ssrp.Profiles.Profile, self).__init__() self.yang_name = "profile" self.yang_parent_name = "profiles" self.is_top_level_class = False self.has_list_ancestor = False self._child_container_classes = {} self._child_list_classes = {} = YLeaf(YType.str, "name") self.max_hops = YLeaf(YType.uint32, "max-hops") self.peer_ipv4_address = YLeaf(YType.str, "peer-ipv4-address") self._segment_path = lambda: "profile" + "[name='" + ) + "']" self._absolute_path = lambda: "Cisco-IOS-XR-ppp-ma-ssrp-cfg:ssrp/profiles/%s" % self._segment_path( ) def __setattr__(self, name, value): self._perform_setattr( Ssrp.Profiles.Profile, ['name', 'max_hops', 'peer_ipv4_address'], name, value)
class Node(Entity): """ Configure parameters for the specified node (Partially qualified location allowed) .. attribute:: node_name <key> Wildcard expression(eg. \*/\*/\*, R/\*/\*, R/S/\*, R/S/I) **type**\: str **pattern:** ((([a\-zA\-Z0\-9\_]\*\\d+)\|(\\\*))/){2}(([a\-zA\-Z0\-9\_]\*\\d+)\|(\\\*)) .. attribute:: disable Disables the monitoring of route convergence on specified location **type**\: :py:class:`Empty<ydk.types.Empty>` .. attribute:: enable Enable Configure parameters for the specified node (Partially qualified location allowed). Deletion of this object also causes deletion of all associated objects under Node **type**\: :py:class:`Empty<ydk.types.Empty>` """ _prefix = 'infra-rcmd-cfg' _revision = '2017-05-01' def __init__(self): super(RouterConvergence.Nodes.Node, self).__init__() self.yang_name = "node" self.yang_parent_name = "nodes" self.is_top_level_class = False self.has_list_ancestor = False self._child_container_classes = {} self._child_list_classes = {} self.node_name = YLeaf(YType.str, "node-name") self.disable = YLeaf(YType.empty, "disable") self.enable = YLeaf(YType.empty, "enable") self._segment_path = lambda: "node" + "[node-name='" + self.node_name.get( ) + "']" self._absolute_path = lambda: "Cisco-IOS-XR-infra-rcmd-cfg:router-convergence/nodes/%s" % self._segment_path( ) def __setattr__(self, name, value): self._perform_setattr(RouterConvergence.Nodes.Node, ['node_name', 'disable', 'enable'], name, value)
class VrfSummary(Entity): """ IPv6 ARM VRF summary information .. attribute:: vrf_name <key> VRF name **type**\: str .. attribute:: vrf_id VRF ID **type**\: int **range:** 0..4294967295 .. attribute:: vrf_name_xr VRF Name **type**\: str """ _prefix = 'ip-iarm-v6-oper' _revision = '2017-05-01' def __init__(self): super(Ipv6Arm.VrfSummaries.VrfSummary, self).__init__() self.yang_name = "vrf-summary" self.yang_parent_name = "vrf-summaries" self.is_top_level_class = False self.has_list_ancestor = False self._child_container_classes = {} self._child_list_classes = {} self.vrf_name = YLeaf(YType.str, "vrf-name") self.vrf_id = YLeaf(YType.uint32, "vrf-id") self.vrf_name_xr = YLeaf(YType.str, "vrf-name-xr") self._segment_path = lambda: "vrf-summary" + "[vrf-name='" + self.vrf_name.get( ) + "']" self._absolute_path = lambda: "Cisco-IOS-XR-ip-iarm-v6-oper:ipv6arm/vrf-summaries/%s" % self._segment_path( ) def __setattr__(self, name, value): self._perform_setattr(Ipv6Arm.VrfSummaries.VrfSummary, ['vrf_name', 'vrf_id', 'vrf_name_xr'], name, value)
class Idx(Entity): """ Drop Stats .. attribute:: index <key> Index value **type**\: int **range:** \-2147483648..2147483647 .. attribute:: drop_reason Drop Reason **type**\: str **length:** 0..1024 .. attribute:: counters Counter **type**\: int **range:** 0..4294967295 """ _prefix = 'prm-server-oper' _revision = '2016-02-22' def __init__(self): super(HardwareModule.Nodes.Node.Np.PlatformDrop.Idxes.Idx, self).__init__() self.yang_name = "idx" self.yang_parent_name = "idxes" self.is_top_level_class = False self.has_list_ancestor = True self._child_container_classes = {} self._child_list_classes = {} self.index = YLeaf(YType.int32, "index") self.drop_reason = YLeaf(YType.str, "drop-reason") self.counters = YLeaf(YType.uint32, "counters") self._segment_path = lambda: "idx" + "[index='" + self.index.get() + "']" def __setattr__(self, name, value): self._perform_setattr(HardwareModule.Nodes.Node.Np.PlatformDrop.Idxes.Idx, ['index', 'drop_reason', 'counters'], name, value)
class Object(Entity): """ Track name object .. attribute:: object <key> Object name **type**\: str **length:** 1..32 .. attribute:: object_weight Weight of object **type**\: int **range:** \-2147483648..2147483647 **default value**\: 1 """ _prefix = 'manageability-object-tracking-cfg' _revision = '2017-05-01' def __init__(self): super( ObjectTrackings.ObjectTracking.TypeList. ThresholdWeightObject.Object, self).__init__() self.yang_name = "object" self.yang_parent_name = "threshold-weight-object" self.is_top_level_class = False self.has_list_ancestor = True self._child_container_classes = {} self._child_list_classes = {} self.object = YLeaf(YType.str, "object") self.object_weight = YLeaf(YType.int32, "object-weight") self._segment_path = lambda: "object" + "[object='" + self.object.get( ) + "']" def __setattr__(self, name, value): self._perform_setattr( ObjectTrackings.ObjectTracking.TypeList. ThresholdWeightObject.Object, ['object', 'object_weight'], name, value)
class SourcePortCfg(Entity): """ list of ranges of source port .. attribute:: source_port_min <key> minimum value of source port range **type**\: int **range:** 0..65535 .. attribute:: source_port_max <key> maximum value of source port range **type**\: int **range:** 0..65535 """ _prefix = 'classifier' _revision = '2015-04-07' def __init__(self): super( Classifiers.ClassifierEntry.FilterEntry.SourcePortCfg, self).__init__() self.yang_name = "source-port-cfg" self.yang_parent_name = "filter-entry" self.is_top_level_class = False self.has_list_ancestor = True self._child_container_classes = {} self._child_list_classes = {} self.source_port_min = YLeaf(YType.uint16, "source-port-min") self.source_port_max = YLeaf(YType.uint16, "source-port-max") self._segment_path = lambda: "source-port-cfg" + "[source-port-min='" + self.source_port_min.get( ) + "']" + "[source-port-max='" + self.source_port_max.get( ) + "']" def __setattr__(self, name, value): self._perform_setattr( Classifiers.ClassifierEntry.FilterEntry.SourcePortCfg, ['source_port_min', 'source_port_max'], name, value)
class Environment(Entity): """ Name of the global variable .. attribute:: environment_name <key> Name of the global variable **type**\: str **pattern:** [\\w\\\-\\.\:,\_@#%$\\+=\\\|;]+ .. attribute:: environment_value Value of the global variable **type**\: str **mandatory**\: True """ _prefix = 'ha-eem-cfg' _revision = '2015-07-30' def __init__(self): super(EventManager.Environments.Environment, self).__init__() self.yang_name = "environment" self.yang_parent_name = "environments" self.is_top_level_class = False self.has_list_ancestor = False self._child_container_classes = {} self._child_list_classes = {} self.environment_name = YLeaf(YType.str, "environment-name") self.environment_value = YLeaf(YType.str, "environment-value") self._segment_path = lambda: "environment" + "[environment-name='" + self.environment_name.get( ) + "']" self._absolute_path = lambda: "Cisco-IOS-XR-ha-eem-cfg:event-manager/environments/%s" % self._segment_path( ) def __setattr__(self, name, value): self._perform_setattr( EventManager.Environments.Environment, ['environment_name', 'environment_value'], name, value)
class OrObject(Entity): """ Track name \- maximum 32 characters .. attribute:: object <key> Object name **type**\: str **length:** 1..32 .. attribute:: object_sign Tracked Object sign (with or without not) **type**\: :py:class:`ObjectTrackingBooleanSign <ydk.models.cisco_ios_xr.Cisco_IOS_XR_manageability_object_tracking_datatypes.ObjectTrackingBooleanSign>` """ _prefix = 'manageability-object-tracking-cfg' _revision = '2017-05-01' def __init__(self): super( ObjectTrackings.ObjectTracking.TypeBooleanList. OrObjects.OrObject, self).__init__() self.yang_name = "or-object" self.yang_parent_name = "or-objects" self.is_top_level_class = False self.has_list_ancestor = True self._child_container_classes = {} self._child_list_classes = {} self.object = YLeaf(YType.str, "object") self.object_sign = YLeaf(YType.enumeration, "object-sign") self._segment_path = lambda: "or-object" + "[object='" + self.object.get( ) + "']" def __setattr__(self, name, value): self._perform_setattr( ObjectTrackings.ObjectTracking.TypeBooleanList. OrObjects.OrObject, ['object', 'object_sign'], name, value)
class Access(Entity): """ The server will create an entry in this list for each encoding format that is supported for this stream. The media type 'text/event\-stream' is expected for all event streams. This list identifies the sub\-types supported for this stream. .. attribute:: encoding <key> This is the secondary encoding format within the 'text/event\-stream' encoding used by all streams. The type 'xml' is supported for XML encoding. The type 'json' is supported for JSON encoding **type**\: str .. attribute:: location Contains a URL that represents the entry point for establishing notification delivery via server sent events **type**\: str **mandatory**\: True """ _prefix = 'rcmon' _revision = '2016-08-15' def __init__(self): super(RestconfState.Streams.Stream.Access, self).__init__() self.yang_name = "access" self.yang_parent_name = "stream" self.is_top_level_class = False self.has_list_ancestor = True self._child_container_classes = {} self._child_list_classes = {} self.encoding = YLeaf(YType.str, "encoding") self.location = YLeaf(YType.str, "location") self._segment_path = lambda: "access" + "[encoding='" + self.encoding.get( ) + "']" def __setattr__(self, name, value): self._perform_setattr(RestconfState.Streams.Stream.Access, ['encoding', 'location'], name, value)
class UserGroup(Entity): """ Group to which the user will belong .. attribute:: name <key> Name of the group **type**\: str **pattern:** [\\w\\\-\\.\:,\_@#%$\\+=\\\|;]+ .. attribute:: category Specify as 'root\-system' for root\-system group and 'other' for remaining groups **type**\: str **mandatory**\: True """ _prefix = 'tty-server-cfg' _revision = '2015-07-30' def __init__(self): super( Tty.TtyLines.TtyLine.Aaa.UserGroups.UserGroup, self).__init__() self.yang_name = "user-group" self.yang_parent_name = "user-groups" self.is_top_level_class = False self.has_list_ancestor = True self._child_container_classes = {} self._child_list_classes = {} = YLeaf(YType.str, "name") self.category = YLeaf(YType.str, "category") self._segment_path = lambda: "user-group" + "[name='" + ) + "']" def __setattr__(self, name, value): self._perform_setattr( Tty.TtyLines.TtyLine.Aaa.UserGroups.UserGroup, ['name', 'category'], name, value)
class IdentityChange(Entity): """ enable identity change processing .. attribute:: identity_change <key> identity change **type**\: str **pattern:** [\\w\\\-\\.\:,\_@#%$\\+=\\\|;]+ .. attribute:: enable instance of identity\-change **type**\: int **range:** \-2147483648..2147483647 """ _prefix = 'iedge4710-cfg' _revision = '2015-11-09' def __init__(self): super(SubscriberFeaturette.IdentityChange, self).__init__() self.yang_name = "identity-change" self.yang_parent_name = "subscriber-featurette" self.is_top_level_class = False self.has_list_ancestor = False self._child_container_classes = {} self._child_list_classes = {} self.identity_change = YLeaf(YType.str, "identity-change") self.enable = YLeaf(YType.int32, "enable") self._segment_path = lambda: "identity-change" + "[identity-change='" + self.identity_change.get( ) + "']" self._absolute_path = lambda: "Cisco-IOS-XR-iedge4710-cfg:subscriber-featurette/%s" % self._segment_path( ) def __setattr__(self, name, value): self._perform_setattr(SubscriberFeaturette.IdentityChange, ['identity_change', 'enable'], name, value)
class CollectDiagnostic(Entity): """ Collect diagnostics on specified node .. attribute:: node_name <key> Specified location **type**\: str **pattern:** ([a\-zA\-Z0\-9\_]\*\\d+/){1,2}([a\-zA\-Z0\-9\_]\*\\d+) .. attribute:: enable Enables collection of diagnostics on the specified location **type**\: :py:class:`Empty<ydk.types.Empty>` """ _prefix = 'infra-rcmd-cfg' _revision = '2017-05-01' def __init__(self): super(RouterConvergence.CollectDiagnostics.CollectDiagnostic, self).__init__() self.yang_name = "collect-diagnostic" self.yang_parent_name = "collect-diagnostics" self.is_top_level_class = False self.has_list_ancestor = False self._child_container_classes = {} self._child_list_classes = {} self.node_name = YLeaf(YType.str, "node-name") self.enable = YLeaf(YType.empty, "enable") self._segment_path = lambda: "collect-diagnostic" + "[node-name='" + self.node_name.get( ) + "']" self._absolute_path = lambda: "Cisco-IOS-XR-infra-rcmd-cfg:router-convergence/collect-diagnostics/%s" % self._segment_path( ) def __setattr__(self, name, value): self._perform_setattr( RouterConvergence.CollectDiagnostics.CollectDiagnostic, ['node_name', 'enable'], name, value)
class Node(Entity): """ A node .. attribute:: node_name <key> NodeName **type**\: str **pattern:** ([a\-zA\-Z0\-9\_]\*\\d+/){1,2}([a\-zA\-Z0\-9\_]\*\\d+) .. attribute:: disable Disable CMP **type**\: :py:class:`Empty<ydk.types.Empty>` """ _prefix = 'asr9k-mlan-cmp-cfg' _revision = '2015-11-09' def __init__(self): super(MlanDisableCmp.Nodes.Node, self).__init__() self.yang_name = "node" self.yang_parent_name = "nodes" self.is_top_level_class = False self.has_list_ancestor = False self._child_container_classes = {} self._child_list_classes = {} self.node_name = YLeaf(YType.str, "node-name") self.disable = YLeaf(YType.empty, "disable") self._segment_path = lambda: "node" + "[node-name='" + self.node_name.get( ) + "']" self._absolute_path = lambda: "Cisco-IOS-XR-asr9k-mlan-cmp-cfg:mlan-disable-cmp/nodes/%s" % self._segment_path( ) def __setattr__(self, name, value): self._perform_setattr(MlanDisableCmp.Nodes.Node, ['node_name', 'disable'], name, value)
class Ipv4Host(Entity): """ Host name and up to 8 host IPv4 addresses .. attribute:: host_name <key> A hostname **type**\: str .. attribute:: address Host IPv4 addresses **type**\: list of str **pattern:** (([0\-9]\|[1\-9][0\-9]\|1[0\-9][0\-9]\|2[0\-4][0\-9]\|25[0\-5])\\.){3}([0\-9]\|[1\-9][0\-9]\|1[0\-9][0\-9]\|2[0\-4][0\-9]\|25[0\-5])(%[\\p{N}\\p{L}]+)? """ _prefix = 'ip-domain-cfg' _revision = '2015-05-13' def __init__(self): super(IpDomain.Vrfs.Vrf.Ipv4Hosts.Ipv4Host, self).__init__() self.yang_name = "ipv4-host" self.yang_parent_name = "ipv4-hosts" self.is_top_level_class = False self.has_list_ancestor = True self._child_container_classes = {} self._child_list_classes = {} self.host_name = YLeaf(YType.str, "host-name") self.address = YLeafList(YType.str, "address") self._segment_path = lambda: "ipv4-host" + "[host-name='" + self.host_name.get( ) + "']" def __setattr__(self, name, value): self._perform_setattr( IpDomain.Vrfs.Vrf.Ipv4Hosts.Ipv4Host, ['host_name', 'address'], name, value)
class Entity_(Entity): """ Entity name .. attribute:: name <key> Entity name **type**\: str .. attribute:: name_xr Entity name **type**\: str **mandatory**\: True """ _prefix = 'invmgr-cfg' _revision = '2015-11-09' def __init__(self): super(InventoryConfigurations.Entity_, self).__init__() self.yang_name = "entity" self.yang_parent_name = "inventory-configurations" self.is_top_level_class = False self.has_list_ancestor = False self._child_container_classes = {} self._child_list_classes = {} = YLeaf(YType.str, "name") self.name_xr = YLeaf(YType.str, "name-xr") self._segment_path = lambda: "entity" + "[name='" + ) + "']" self._absolute_path = lambda: "Cisco-IOS-XR-invmgr-cfg:inventory-configurations/%s" % self._segment_path( ) def __setattr__(self, name, value): self._perform_setattr(InventoryConfigurations.Entity_, ['name', 'name_xr'], name, value)
class Node(Entity): """ The identifier for a SPA node .. attribute:: node_name <key> A SPA node **type**\: str **pattern:** ([a\-zA\-Z0\-9\_]\*\\d+/){1,2}([a\-zA\-Z0\-9\_]\*\\d+) .. attribute:: shutdown Shutdown a subslot h/w module **type**\: :py:class:`HwModuleShutdownPowerMode <ydk.models.cisco_ios_xr.Cisco_IOS_XR_drivers_vpa_infra_cfg.HwModuleShutdownPowerMode>` """ _prefix = 'drivers-vpa-infra-cfg' _revision = '2015-11-09' def __init__(self): super(HardwareModule.Nodes.Node, self).__init__() self.yang_name = "node" self.yang_parent_name = "nodes" self.is_top_level_class = False self.has_list_ancestor = False self._child_container_classes = {} self._child_list_classes = {} self.node_name = YLeaf(YType.str, "node-name") self.shutdown = YLeaf(YType.enumeration, "shutdown") self._segment_path = lambda: "node" + "[node-name='" + self.node_name.get( ) + "']" self._absolute_path = lambda: "Cisco-IOS-XR-drivers-vpa-infra-cfg:hardware-module/nodes/%s" % self._segment_path( ) def __setattr__(self, name, value): self._perform_setattr(HardwareModule.Nodes.Node, ['node_name', 'shutdown'], name, value)
class Archive(Entity): """ List of archives .. attribute:: number <key> The archive number **type**\: int **range:** 0..65535 .. attribute:: name The name of the archive **type**\: str """ _prefix = 'checkpoint-archive-ios-xe-oper' _revision = '2017-04-01' def __init__(self): super(CheckpointArchives.Archives.Archive, self).__init__() self.yang_name = "archive" self.yang_parent_name = "archives" self.is_top_level_class = False self.has_list_ancestor = False self._child_container_classes = {} self._child_list_classes = {} self.number = YLeaf(YType.uint16, "number") = YLeaf(YType.str, "name") self._segment_path = lambda: "archive" + "[number='" + self.number.get( ) + "']" self._absolute_path = lambda: "Cisco-IOS-XE-checkpoint-archive-oper:checkpoint-archives/archives/%s" % self._segment_path( ) def __setattr__(self, name, value): self._perform_setattr(CheckpointArchives.Archives.Archive, ['number', 'name'], name, value)