コード例 #1
def returns(tickers, rate):
    rets = {}
    for x in tickers:
        stock = yfinance.parse_yfin(prefix + x + postfix)
        rets.update({x:risk_free_rate(stock, rate)})
    return rets;
コード例 #2
# Define view 2
# International Bonds will outperform US Bonds by 0.0025 with a
# confidence of 50%.
P2 = np.array([-1,1,0,0,0,0,0,0])
Q2 = np.array([0.0025])
conf2 = 0.50

# Define View 3
# US Large and Small Growth will outperform US Large and Small Value
# by 0.02 with a confidence of 65%.
P3 = np.array([0,0,0.90,-0.90,0.10,-0.10,0,0])
Q3 = np.array([0.02])
conf3 = 0.65

# Combine the views

# Apply the views with simple Omega
Omega = np.dot(np.dot(P,tauV),P.T)
res = altblacklitterman(delta, weq, V, tau, P, Q, Omega)
display('Simple Omega',assets,res)

# Now apply the views using the Idzorek's method
tauV = tau * V
Omega = np.array([[bl_omega(conf1, P1, tauV), 0, 0],[0, bl_omega(conf2, P2, tauV), 0],[0, 0, bl_omega(conf3, P3, tauV)]])
res = altblacklitterman(delta, weq, V, tau, P, Q, Omega)
display('Idzorek Method',assets,res)
