def __init__(self, iface, parent=None): """Constructor.""" super(yieldMainWindow, self).__init__(parent) self.db = None self.iface = iface # Set up the user interface from Designer. # After setupUI you can access any designer object by doing # self.<objectname>, and you can use autoconnect slots - see # # #widgets-and-dialogs-with-auto-connect self.ui = Ui_YieldDialogBase() self.ui.setupUi(self) self.tables = [] self.ui.sendRequestButton.clicked.connect(self.request) self.ui.textEdit.setText("SELECT table_name FROM information_schema.tables;") self.ui.reloadLayersButton.clicked.connect(self.reloadLayers) self.ui.refreshStructureButton.clicked.connect(self.refreshStructure) self.ui.checkStructureButton.clicked.connect(self.checkStructure) self.ui.configureInterfaceButton.clicked.connect(self.configureInterface) self.dictLegendRefBySource = {} self.dictSourceRefByLegend = {} self.ui.textEdit.setStyle(QtGui.QStyleFactory.create('Motif'))
class yieldMainWindow(QtGui.QMainWindow): def __init__(self, iface, parent=None): """Constructor.""" super(yieldMainWindow, self).__init__(parent) self.db = None self.iface = iface # Set up the user interface from Designer. # After setupUI you can access any designer object by doing # self.<objectname>, and you can use autoconnect slots - see # # #widgets-and-dialogs-with-auto-connect self.ui = Ui_YieldDialogBase() self.ui.setupUi(self) self.tables = [] self.ui.sendRequestButton.clicked.connect(self.request) self.ui.textEdit.setText("SELECT table_name FROM information_schema.tables;") self.ui.reloadLayersButton.clicked.connect(self.reloadLayers) self.ui.refreshStructureButton.clicked.connect(self.refreshStructure) self.ui.checkStructureButton.clicked.connect(self.checkStructure) self.ui.configureInterfaceButton.clicked.connect(self.configureInterface) self.dictLegendRefBySource = {} self.dictSourceRefByLegend = {} self.ui.textEdit.setStyle(QtGui.QStyleFactory.create('Motif')) def closeEvent(self,e): self.db.close() self.db.removeDatabase("first2") def keyPressEvent(self, e): if e.key() == QtCore.Qt.Key_Escape: self.close() def configureInterface(self): att = 'remark' self.tabs = [] self.groups = [] self.widgets = [] for name, layer in QgsMapLayerRegistry.instance().mapLayers().iteritems(): layer.clearAttributeEditorWidgets() layer.setEditorLayout(1) self.tabs.append(QgsAttributeEditorContainer("Tab 1", layer)) fields = layer.pendingFields() for field in fields: self.widgets.append(QgsAttributeEditorField(\ , layer.fieldNameIndex(\ , layer)) self.tabs[-1].addChildElement(self.widgets[-1]) layer.addAttributeEditorWidget(self.tabs[-1]) def getNodes(self, node, parent = None): if parent == 'source' or parent == 'name' or parent == 'symbology': text = node.firstChild().toText().data() else: text = [] n = node.firstChild() while (not n.isNull()): t = n.nodeName() if n.nodeType() == 1: rec = self.getNodes(n, t) if n.toElement().hasAttribute('groupname'): name = n.toElement().attribute('groupname') group = [t, rec, name] self.barCount += 1 else: group = [t, rec] text.append(group) n = n.nextSibling() return text def addGroups(self, list, parent = None): for group1 in list: if group1[0] == 'groupe': if len(group1) > 2: index = self.iface.legendInterface().addGroup(group1[2], True, parent) else: index = self.iface.legendInterface().addGroup(group1[0], True, parent) self.addGroups(group1[1], index) elif group1[0] == 'layer': dicInfoLayer = dict((key, value) for (key, value) in group1[1]) if 'source' not in dicInfoLayer: QMessageBox.warning(QDialog(),'configuration', "Source not defined for a layer") raise IOError source = dicInfoLayer['source'] layer = self.loadTable(source) self.iface.legendInterface().moveLayer(layer, parent) if 'name' in dicInfoLayer: nomTemp = dicInfoLayer['name'] nom = ''.join(chr(ord(c)) for c in nomTemp).decode('utf8') layer.setLayerName(nom) if 'symbology' in dicInfoLayer: style = dicInfoLayer['symbology'] self.getSymbology(layer, style) def reloadLayers(self): self.tables = [] self.vlayer = [] self.barCount = 0 self.loadSymbologies() # Clear legend for name, layer in QgsMapLayerRegistry.instance().mapLayers().iteritems(): QgsMapLayerRegistry.instance().removeMapLayer(name) while self.iface.legendInterface().groupExists(0): self.iface.legendInterface().removeGroup(0) path = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) fName = path + "/config.xml" if not fName: return file=QFile(fName) if (not | QIODevice.Text)): QMessageBox.warning(QDialog(),'Application', "Cannot read file %s :\n%s."\ %(file.fileName(),file.errorString())) return False else: doc = QtXml.QDomDocument("EnvironmentML"); if(not doc.setContent(file)): file.close() QMessageBox.warning(self,"Error","Could not parse xml file.") file.close() root = doc.documentElement(); if(root.tagName()!="config"): QMessageBox.warning(self,"Error","Could not parse xml file. Root Element must be <kml/>.") else: #try: t = self.getNodes(root) self.initProgressBar() # create progressbar self.addGroups(t) #except: # QMessageBox.warning(self,"Configuration failed","Failed to read the configuration file correctly") # return = None QtGui.QMessageBox.information(QtGui.QDialog(), "Reloading layers", "Layers are succesfully reloaded") def loadSymbologies(self): text = "SELECT id, stylename, description FROM public.layer_styles"; query = QSqlQuery(self.db) ; test = query.exec_(text); self.dicStyle = {} while ( i = 0 self.dicStyle[query.value(1)] = query.value(0) def getSymbology(self, layer, styleName): errorMsg = '' print self.dicStyle if styleName in self.dicStyle: id = self.dicStyle[styleName] styleText = layer.getStyleFromDatabase(str(id),errorMsg) layer.applyNamedStyle(styleText,errorMsg) else: QMessageBox.warning(QDialog(),'Configuration', "Symbology %s not present in database"%styleName) raise IOError def loadTable(self, table): QtCore.QCoreApplication.processEvents() uri = QgsDataSourceURI() # set host name, port, database name, username and password uri.setConnection(self.db.hostName(),str(self.db.port()),self.db.databaseName(), self.db.userName(), self.db.password()) if table.startswith('od_'): uri.setDataSource("distribution", table, 'geometry') else: uri.setDataSource("distribution", table, None) self.vlayer.append(QgsVectorLayer(uri.uri(), table, "postgres")) inst = QgsMapLayerRegistry.instance() legend = self.iface.legendInterface() layer = inst.addMapLayer(self.vlayer[-1]) legend.setLayerVisible(self.vlayer[-1],False) self.iface.mapCanvas().refresh() self.progress += self.barInc return layer def refreshProjectInfo(self): self.dictLegendRefBySource = {} self.dictSourceRefByLegend = {} self.changeCount = 0 for name, layer in QgsMapLayerRegistry.instance().mapLayers().iteritems(): layerSource = layer.source().split(' ') for sourceElmt in layerSource: if sourceElmt.startswith('table'): tableName = sourceElmt.split('"')[-2] self.dictLegendRefBySource[tableName] = self.dictSourceRefByLegend[] = tableName self.tables = [] text = "SELECT table_name FROM information_schema.tables WHERE table_schema='distribution';" query = QSqlQuery(self.db) ; test = query.exec_(text); while ( i = 0 while (query.value(i) is not None): val = str(query.value(i)) #if val.startswith('od_'): self.tables.append(val) i = i +1 def refreshStructure(self): self.refreshProjectInfo() # dicAttributs:= dic[nom de couche] = liste d'attributs # dicCombo := dic[nom de couche, attribut] = liste de valeurs # dicType := dic[nom de couche, attribut] = type # self.dicStructure := dic[nom de couche, attribut] = [Widget,widgetName, type, valeur(s)] while True: previous_modif = self.changeCount dicAttributs, dicType = self.getDicAttributsAndType() dicCombo = self.getDicCombo() dicStructure = self.getDicStructure(dicAttributs,dicCombo,dicType) shipList = self.getShipList(dicAttributs, dicStructure) self.checkStructureDia = checkStructureDialog(shipList) shipList = None self.checkStructureDia.setApplyAll() self.getActions() self.checkStructureDia = None self.createActionDictionary() self.applyActions() if previous_modif == self.changeCount: break QtGui.QMessageBox.information(QtGui.QDialog(), "Change in QGIS project", "Number of modifications applied: %s"%self.changeCount) def checkStructure(self): self.refreshProjectInfo() # dicAttributs:= dic[nom de couche] = liste d'attributs # dicCombo := dic[nom de couche, attribut] = liste de valeurs # dicType := dic[nom de couche, attribut] = type # self.dicStructure := dic[nom de couche, attribut] = [Widget,widgetName, type, valeur(s)] dicAttributs, dicType = self.getDicAttributsAndType() dicCombo = self.getDicCombo() dicStructure = self.getDicStructure(dicAttributs,dicCombo,dicType) shipList = self.getShipList(dicAttributs, dicStructure) self.checkStructureDia = checkStructureDialog(shipList) shipList = None result = self.checkStructureDia.exec_() if result: self.getActions() self.checkStructureDia = None self.createActionDictionary() self.applyActions() QtGui.QMessageBox.information(QtGui.QDialog(), "Change in QGIS project", "Number of modifications applied: %s"%self.changeCount) def createActionDictionary(self): self.actionDictionary = {} for ship in self.actionShips: element = ship.elmt elementConfig = ship.dbState if (ship.layer,ship.attribute) in self.actionDictionary: self.actionDictionary[ship.layer,ship.attribute].append([element,elementConfig]) else: self.actionDictionary[ship.layer,ship.attribute]= [[element,elementConfig]] def applyActions(self): tables = [] for key in self.actionDictionary: if key[0] not in tables: tables.append(key[0]) for nameLayer, layer in QgsMapLayerRegistry.instance().mapLayers().iteritems(): if layer.type() == 0: # The name of the layer is not equal to the name of his data source table if not in self.dictSourceRefByLegend: continue name = self.dictSourceRefByLegend[] if name in tables: # layer.setEditorLayout(0) fields = layer.pendingFields() id = 0 for field in fields: if (name, in self.actionDictionary: for sheep in self.actionDictionary[name,]: self.changeCount +=1 element = sheep[0] elementConfig = sheep[1] if element == 'widget': layer.setEditorWidgetV2(id,elementConfig) elif element == 'isEditable': booleanValue = ast.literal_eval(elementConfig) layer.setFieldEditable(id,booleanValue) elif element == 'isMultiline': config = layer.editorWidgetV2Config(id) booleanValue = ast.literal_eval(elementConfig) config[u'IsMultiline'] = booleanValue config[u'UseHtml'] = False layer.setEditorWidgetV2Config(id, config) elif element == 'RelationLayer': config = layer.editorWidgetV2Config(id) config[u'Layer'] = elementConfig layer.setEditorWidgetV2Config(id, config) elif element == 'RelationKey': config = layer.editorWidgetV2Config(id) config[u'Key'] = elementConfig layer.setEditorWidgetV2Config(id, config) elif element == 'RelationValue': config = layer.editorWidgetV2Config(id) config[u'Value'] = elementConfig layer.setEditorWidgetV2Config(id, config) if elementConfig == 'DateTime': config = layer.editorWidgetV2Config(id) config[u'display_format'] = u'dd/MM/yy' config[u'field_format'] = 'yyyy-MM-dd' config[u'calendar_popup'] = True layer.setEditorWidgetV2Config(id, config) # print layer.editorWidgetV2Config(id) # All fields are, by default, editable. Then depending on type, we will change it! id +=1 return def getActions(self): # As the order of columns can change, # we have to re-extract all information from the model self.actionShips = [] nRow = self.checkStructureDia.model.rowCount() nCol = self.checkStructureDia.model.columnCount() for row in xrange(nRow): index = self.checkStructureDia.model.index(row, 5) apply = if apply: val = ['' for i in range(nCol)] for col in xrange(nCol): index = self.checkStructureDia.model.index(row, col) val[col] = newActionShip = Ship(val[0],val[1],val[2],val[3], val[4]) self.actionShips.append(newActionShip) def getShipList(self, dicAttributs, dicStructure): shipList = [] for nameLayer, layer in QgsMapLayerRegistry.instance().mapLayers().iteritems(): if layer.type() == 0: if not in self.dictSourceRefByLegend: continue name = self.dictSourceRefByLegend[] if name in self.tables: #layer.setEditorLayout(0) fields = layer.pendingFields() id = 0 for field in fields: if in dicAttributs[name]: db_widget = dicStructure[name,][0] values = dicStructure[name,][3] type = dicStructure[name,][2] project_widget =layer.editorWidgetV2(id) # All fields are, by default, editable. Then depending on type, we will change it! project_isEditable = layer.fieldEditable(id) db_isEditable = True project_config = layer.editorWidgetV2Config(id) solution = '' if db_widget == 'ValueRelation': for nLayer, vlayer in QgsMapLayerRegistry.instance().mapLayers().iteritems(): try: if self.dictSourceRefByLegend[] == values[0]: clayer = nLayer except: continue if ('value_fr' not in dicAttributs[values[0]]) \ and ('name' not in dicAttributs[values[0]])\ and ('tr_value_fr' not in dicAttributs[values[0]]) : db_widget = 'TextEdit' db_isEditable = False elif project_widget == 'ValueRelation': #Widget is ok, but we will check the configuration here #first, check the related layer if 'Layer' not in project_config: solution = 'Set layer of value relation' newship = Ship(str(name),str(,\ 'RelationLayer',str('None'),\ str(clayer), solution) shipList.append(newship) elif project_config[u'Layer'] != clayer: solution = 'Change layer of value relation' newship = Ship(str(name),str(,\ 'RelationLayer',str(project_config[u'Layer']),\ str(clayer), solution) shipList.append(newship) # then check the related key of the layer is ok if 'Key' not in project_config: solution = 'Set key of value relation' newship = Ship(str(name),str(,\ 'RelationKey',str('None'),\ str(values[1]), solution) shipList.append(newship) elif project_config[u'Key'] != str(values[1]): solution = 'Change key of value relation' newship = Ship(str(name),str(,\ 'RelationKey',str(project_config[u'Key']),\ str(values[1]), solution) shipList.append(newship) # Then check the value of the value is ok if 'Value' not in project_config: if 'value_fr' in dicAttributs[values[0]]: old_value = 'None'; new_value = 'value_fr' solution = 'Change the value Relation' elif 'tr_value_fr' in dicAttributs[values[0]]: old_value = 'None'; new_value = 'tr_value_fr' solution = 'Change the value Relation' elif 'name' in dicAttributs[values[0]]: old_value = 'None'; new_value = 'name' solution = 'Change the value Relation' else: old_value = 'None'; new_value = 'None' solution = 'No solution, Set manually value of value relation' newship = Ship(str(name),str(,\ 'RelationValue',old_value,\ new_value, solution) shipList.append(newship) # Hypothesis: no table have both value_fr and name attribute elif project_config[u'Value'] != 'value_fr' and project_config[u'Value'] != 'name' and project_config[u'Value'] != 'tr_value_fr' : solution = 'Change value of value relation' if 'value_fr' in dicAttributs[values[0]]: old_value = project_config[u'Value']; new_value = 'value_fr' elif 'tr_value_fr' in dicAttributs[values[0]]: old_value = project_config[u'Value']; new_value = 'tr_value_fr' else: old_value = 'None'; new_value = 'None' solution = 'No solution, Set manually value of value relation' newship = Ship(str(name),str(,\ 'RelationValue',old_value,\ new_value, solution) shipList.append(newship) if project_widget != db_widget: # Check of Valuerelation, DateTime (date), CheckBox (boolean) and TextEdit if project_widget == 'ValueRelation' and db_widget == 'TextEdit' : solution = 'No solution (Foreign key may be missing in DB)' else: solution = 'Change current widget with the proposed one' newship = Ship(str(name),str(,'widget',str(project_widget),db_widget, solution) shipList.append(newship) solution = '' if type == 'longText': #layer.setFieldMultiLine(id,True) solution = 'Set field multiline' if 'IsMultiline' not in project_config: newship = Ship(str(name),str(,\ 'isMultiline',str(False),\ str(True), solution) shipList.append(newship) elif project_config['IsMultiline'] != True: newship = Ship(str(name),str(,\ 'isMultiline',str(project_config['IsMultiline']),\ str(True)) shipList.append(newship) if == 'id': db_isEditable = False solution = 'Set field non editable' if'tr_'): db_isEditable = False solution = 'Set field non editable' if project_isEditable != db_isEditable: if solution == '': solution = 'Change editability of the field' newship = Ship(str(name),str(,\ 'isEditable',str(project_isEditable),\ str(db_isEditable), solution) shipList.append(newship) id +=1 return shipList def updateStructure(self, dicAttributs, dicStructure): for nameLayer, layer in QgsMapLayerRegistry.instance().mapLayers().iteritems(): if layer.type() == 0: if not in self.dictSourceRefByLegend: continue name = self.dictSourceRefByLegend[] if name in self.tables: layer.setEditorLayout(0) fields = layer.pendingFields() id = 0 for field in fields: if in dicAttributs[name]: widget = dicStructure[name,][0] values = dicStructure[name,][3] type = dicStructure[name,][2] layer.setEditorWidgetV2(id,widget) # All fields are, by default, editable. Then depending on type, we will change it! layer.setFieldEditable(id,True) config = {} # DPFE rule if'tr_') or type == 'primaryKey': layer.setEditorWidgetV2(id,'TextEdit') layer.setFieldEditable(id,False) if widget == 'ValueRelation': for nameLayer, vlayer in QgsMapLayerRegistry.instance().mapLayers().iteritems(): try: if self.dictSourceRefByLegend[] == values[0]: clayer = nameLayer except: continue config = {} config[u'Layer'] = clayer config[u'Key'] = str(values[1]) config[u'FilterExpression'] = None config[u'AllowMulti'] = False config[u'AllowNull'] = True config[u'OrderByValue'] = False if 'value_fr' in dicAttributs[values[0]]: config[u'Value'] = 'value_fr' elif 'tr_value_fr' in dicAttributs[values[0]]: config[u'Value'] = 'tr_value_fr' elif 'name'in dicAttributs[values[0]]: config[u'Value'] = 'name' else: # DPFE RULE config[u'Value'] = str(values[1]) #QWAT RULE # All fields which are foreign key but not value or name are triggered # Triggerd are simply TextEdit widgets, non editables #layer.setEditorWidgetV2(id,'TextEdit') #layer.setFieldEditable(id,False) if type == 'longText': #print dir(layer) #layer.setFieldMultiLine(id,True) config = {} config[u'UseHtml'] = False config[u'IsMultiline'] = True if type == 'date': config[u'display_format'] = u'dd/MM/yy' config[u'field_format'] = 'yyyy-MM-dd' config[u'calendar_popup'] = True layer.setEditorWidgetV2Config(id, config) id +=1 return def getDicStructure(self, dAtt,dCom,dTyp): dicStructure = {} for table, attributes in dAtt.items(): for att in attributes: type = dTyp[table, att] if (table, att) in dCom: widget = 'ValueRelation' values = dCom[table, att] elif type == 'primaryKey': widget = 'TextEdit' values = None elif type == 'boolean': # It is important to have the bool check after the foreignKey check. # Because some bollean fields-type need a combo box (Null, True or False) widget = 'CheckBox' values = False elif type == 'date': widget = 'DateTime' elif att.startswith('geometry'): widget = 'Hidden' else: widget = 'TextEdit' values = None widgetName = widget +'_'+att dicStructure[table, att] = [widget,widgetName,type,values] return dicStructure def getDicAttributsAndType(self): dicAtt = {} dicType = {} for table in self.tables: textPM = """SELECT pg_attribute.attname FROM pg_index, pg_class, pg_attribute WHERE pg_class.oid = 'distribution.%s'::regclass AND indrelid = pg_class.oid AND pg_attribute.attrelid = pg_class.oid AND pg_attribute.attnum = any(pg_index.indkey) AND indisprimary;""" %table queryPM = QSqlQuery(self.db) ; textPM = queryPM.exec_(textPM); while ( primaryKey = queryPM.value(0) print primaryKey text = "SELECT column_name, data_type\ FROM information_schema.columns \ WHERE table_name = '%s' \ ORDER BY ordinal_position;" %table query = QSqlQuery(self.db) ; test = query.exec_(text); attributesList = [] while ( attributesList.append(query.value(0)) if query.value(0) == primaryKey: dicType[table,query.value(0)] = 'primaryKey' # for text fields, check if there are multilines elif query.value(1) == u'text' or query.value(1) == u'character varying': textLen = """ SELECT max (length) FROM (SELECT character_length(%s) AS length FROM distribution.%s GROUP BY id) AS subquery;""" %(query.value(0),table) queryLen = QSqlQuery(self.db); testLen = queryLen.exec_(textLen); while ( if queryLen.value(0) > 40: dicType[table,query.value(0)] = 'longText' else: dicType[table,query.value(0)] = query.value(1) else: dicType[table,query.value(0)] = query.value(1) dicAtt[table] = attributesList print attributesList return dicAtt, dicType def getDicCombo(self): dicCombo = {} for table in self.tables: text2 = """SELECT tc.constraint_name, tc.table_name, kcu.column_name, ccu.table_name AS foreign_table_name, ccu.column_name AS foreign_column_name FROM information_schema.table_constraints AS tc JOIN information_schema.key_column_usage AS kcu ON tc.constraint_name = kcu.constraint_name JOIN information_schema.constraint_column_usage AS ccu ON ccu.constraint_name = tc.constraint_name WHERE constraint_type = 'FOREIGN KEY' AND tc.table_name='%s';""" %table query2 = QSqlQuery(self.db) ; test = query2.exec_(text2); while ( dicCombo[str(query2.value(1)),str(query2.value(2))] = [query2.value(3),query2.value(4)] return dicCombo def request(self): text = self.ui.textEdit.toPlainText() query = QSqlQuery(self.db) ; test_pass = query.exec_(text); print text if test_pass: while ( i = 0 text = [] while query.value(i) is not None: #if val.startswith('od_'): text.append(query.value(i)) i = i +1 if text != []: print text else: QtGui.QMessageBox.critical(QtGui.QDialog(), "Query", "Invalid Query") # Get columns on which a trigger is defined (The trigger is released when event on this column happened) # These columns are therefore not the targets of triggers ! """SELECT * FROM information_schema.triggered_update_columns WHERE event_object_table = 'od_pipe';""" def center(self): qr = self.frameGeometry() cp = QtGui.QDesktopWidget().availableGeometry().center() qr.moveCenter(cp) self.move(qr.topLeft()) def initProgressBar(self): = progress_bar();; = self.progress = 0; self.barInc = 1.0/self.barCount*100.0 self.barInc = 1.0/self.barCount*100.0
class yieldMainWindow(QtGui.QMainWindow): def __init__(self, iface, parent=None): """Constructor.""" super(yieldMainWindow, self).__init__(parent) self.db = None self.iface = iface # Set up the user interface from Designer. # After setupUI you can access any designer object by doing # self.<objectname>, and you can use autoconnect slots - see # # #widgets-and-dialogs-with-auto-connect self.ui = Ui_YieldDialogBase() self.ui.setupUi(self) self.tables = [] self.ui.sendRequestButton.clicked.connect(self.request) self.ui.textEdit.setText( "SELECT table_name FROM information_schema.tables;") self.ui.reloadLayersButton.clicked.connect(self.reloadLayers) self.ui.refreshStructureButton.clicked.connect(self.refreshStructure) self.ui.checkStructureButton.clicked.connect(self.checkStructure) self.ui.configureInterfaceButton.clicked.connect( self.configureInterface) self.dictLegendRefBySource = {} self.dictSourceRefByLegend = {} self.ui.textEdit.setStyle(QtGui.QStyleFactory.create('Motif')) def closeEvent(self, e): self.db.close() self.db.removeDatabase("first2") def keyPressEvent(self, e): if e.key() == QtCore.Qt.Key_Escape: self.close() def configureInterface(self): att = 'remark' self.tabs = [] self.groups = [] self.widgets = [] for name, layer in QgsMapLayerRegistry.instance().mapLayers( ).iteritems(): layer.clearAttributeEditorWidgets() layer.setEditorLayout(1) self.tabs.append(QgsAttributeEditorContainer("Tab 1", layer)) fields = layer.pendingFields() for field in fields: self.widgets.append(QgsAttributeEditorField(\ , layer.fieldNameIndex(\ , layer)) self.tabs[-1].addChildElement(self.widgets[-1]) layer.addAttributeEditorWidget(self.tabs[-1]) def getNodes(self, node, parent=None): if parent == 'source' or parent == 'name' or parent == 'symbology': text = node.firstChild().toText().data() else: text = [] n = node.firstChild() while (not n.isNull()): t = n.nodeName() if n.nodeType() == 1: rec = self.getNodes(n, t) if n.toElement().hasAttribute('groupname'): name = n.toElement().attribute('groupname') group = [t, rec, name] self.barCount += 1 else: group = [t, rec] text.append(group) n = n.nextSibling() return text def addGroups(self, list, parent=None): for group1 in list: if group1[0] == 'groupe': if len(group1) > 2: index = self.iface.legendInterface().addGroup( group1[2], True, parent) else: index = self.iface.legendInterface().addGroup( group1[0], True, parent) self.addGroups(group1[1], index) elif group1[0] == 'layer': dicInfoLayer = dict((key, value) for (key, value) in group1[1]) if 'source' not in dicInfoLayer: QMessageBox.warning(QDialog(), 'configuration', "Source not defined for a layer") raise IOError source = dicInfoLayer['source'] layer = self.loadTable(source) self.iface.legendInterface().moveLayer(layer, parent) if 'name' in dicInfoLayer: nomTemp = dicInfoLayer['name'] nom = ''.join(chr(ord(c)) for c in nomTemp).decode('utf8') layer.setLayerName(nom) if 'symbology' in dicInfoLayer: style = dicInfoLayer['symbology'] self.getSymbology(layer, style) def reloadLayers(self): self.tables = [] self.vlayer = [] self.barCount = 0 self.loadSymbologies() # Clear legend for name, layer in QgsMapLayerRegistry.instance().mapLayers( ).iteritems(): QgsMapLayerRegistry.instance().removeMapLayer(name) while self.iface.legendInterface().groupExists(0): self.iface.legendInterface().removeGroup(0) path = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) fName = path + "/config.xml" if not fName: return file = QFile(fName) if (not | QIODevice.Text)): QMessageBox.warning(QDialog(),'Application', "Cannot read file %s :\n%s."\ %(file.fileName(),file.errorString())) return False else: doc = QtXml.QDomDocument("EnvironmentML") if (not doc.setContent(file)): file.close() QMessageBox.warning(self, "Error", "Could not parse xml file.") file.close() root = doc.documentElement() if (root.tagName() != "config"): QMessageBox.warning( self, "Error", "Could not parse xml file. Root Element must be <kml/>.") else: #try: t = self.getNodes(root) self.initProgressBar() # create progressbar self.addGroups(t) #except: # QMessageBox.warning(self,"Configuration failed","Failed to read the configuration file correctly") # return = None QtGui.QMessageBox.information(QtGui.QDialog(), "Reloading layers", "Layers are succesfully reloaded") def loadSymbologies(self): text = "SELECT id, stylename, description FROM public.layer_styles" query = QSqlQuery(self.db) test = query.exec_(text) self.dicStyle = {} while ( i = 0 self.dicStyle[query.value(1)] = query.value(0) def getSymbology(self, layer, styleName): errorMsg = '' print self.dicStyle if styleName in self.dicStyle: id = self.dicStyle[styleName] styleText = layer.getStyleFromDatabase(str(id), errorMsg) layer.applyNamedStyle(styleText, errorMsg) else: QMessageBox.warning( QDialog(), 'Configuration', "Symbology %s not present in database" % styleName) raise IOError def loadTable(self, table): QtCore.QCoreApplication.processEvents() uri = QgsDataSourceURI() # set host name, port, database name, username and password uri.setConnection(self.db.hostName(), str(self.db.port()), self.db.databaseName(), self.db.userName(), self.db.password()) if table.startswith('od_'): uri.setDataSource("distribution", table, 'geometry') else: uri.setDataSource("distribution", table, None) self.vlayer.append(QgsVectorLayer(uri.uri(), table, "postgres")) inst = QgsMapLayerRegistry.instance() legend = self.iface.legendInterface() layer = inst.addMapLayer(self.vlayer[-1]) legend.setLayerVisible(self.vlayer[-1], False) self.iface.mapCanvas().refresh() self.progress += self.barInc return layer def refreshProjectInfo(self): self.dictLegendRefBySource = {} self.dictSourceRefByLegend = {} self.changeCount = 0 for name, layer in QgsMapLayerRegistry.instance().mapLayers( ).iteritems(): layerSource = layer.source().split(' ') for sourceElmt in layerSource: if sourceElmt.startswith('table'): tableName = sourceElmt.split('"')[-2] self.dictLegendRefBySource[tableName] = self.dictSourceRefByLegend[] = tableName self.tables = [] text = "SELECT table_name FROM information_schema.tables WHERE table_schema='distribution';" query = QSqlQuery(self.db) test = query.exec_(text) while ( i = 0 while (query.value(i) is not None): val = str(query.value(i)) #if val.startswith('od_'): self.tables.append(val) i = i + 1 def refreshStructure(self): self.refreshProjectInfo() # dicAttributs:= dic[nom de couche] = liste d'attributs # dicCombo := dic[nom de couche, attribut] = liste de valeurs # dicType := dic[nom de couche, attribut] = type # self.dicStructure := dic[nom de couche, attribut] = [Widget,widgetName, type, valeur(s)] while True: previous_modif = self.changeCount dicAttributs, dicType = self.getDicAttributsAndType() dicCombo = self.getDicCombo() dicStructure = self.getDicStructure(dicAttributs, dicCombo, dicType) shipList = self.getShipList(dicAttributs, dicStructure) self.checkStructureDia = checkStructureDialog(shipList) shipList = None self.checkStructureDia.setApplyAll() self.getActions() self.checkStructureDia = None self.createActionDictionary() self.applyActions() if previous_modif == self.changeCount: break QtGui.QMessageBox.information( QtGui.QDialog(), "Change in QGIS project", "Number of modifications applied: %s" % self.changeCount) def checkStructure(self): self.refreshProjectInfo() # dicAttributs:= dic[nom de couche] = liste d'attributs # dicCombo := dic[nom de couche, attribut] = liste de valeurs # dicType := dic[nom de couche, attribut] = type # self.dicStructure := dic[nom de couche, attribut] = [Widget,widgetName, type, valeur(s)] dicAttributs, dicType = self.getDicAttributsAndType() dicCombo = self.getDicCombo() dicStructure = self.getDicStructure(dicAttributs, dicCombo, dicType) shipList = self.getShipList(dicAttributs, dicStructure) self.checkStructureDia = checkStructureDialog(shipList) shipList = None result = self.checkStructureDia.exec_() if result: self.getActions() self.checkStructureDia = None self.createActionDictionary() self.applyActions() QtGui.QMessageBox.information( QtGui.QDialog(), "Change in QGIS project", "Number of modifications applied: %s" % self.changeCount) def createActionDictionary(self): self.actionDictionary = {} for ship in self.actionShips: element = ship.elmt elementConfig = ship.dbState if (ship.layer, ship.attribute) in self.actionDictionary: self.actionDictionary[ship.layer, ship.attribute].append( [element, elementConfig]) else: self.actionDictionary[ship.layer, ship.attribute] = [[ element, elementConfig ]] def applyActions(self): tables = [] for key in self.actionDictionary: if key[0] not in tables: tables.append(key[0]) for nameLayer, layer in QgsMapLayerRegistry.instance().mapLayers( ).iteritems(): if layer.type() == 0: # The name of the layer is not equal to the name of his data source table if not in self.dictSourceRefByLegend: continue name = self.dictSourceRefByLegend[] if name in tables: # layer.setEditorLayout(0) fields = layer.pendingFields() id = 0 for field in fields: if (name, in self.actionDictionary: for sheep in self.actionDictionary[name,]: self.changeCount += 1 element = sheep[0] elementConfig = sheep[1] if element == 'widget': layer.setEditorWidgetV2(id, elementConfig) elif element == 'isEditable': booleanValue = ast.literal_eval( elementConfig) layer.setFieldEditable(id, booleanValue) elif element == 'isMultiline': config = layer.editorWidgetV2Config(id) booleanValue = ast.literal_eval( elementConfig) config[u'IsMultiline'] = booleanValue config[u'UseHtml'] = False layer.setEditorWidgetV2Config(id, config) elif element == 'RelationLayer': config = layer.editorWidgetV2Config(id) config[u'Layer'] = elementConfig layer.setEditorWidgetV2Config(id, config) elif element == 'RelationKey': config = layer.editorWidgetV2Config(id) config[u'Key'] = elementConfig layer.setEditorWidgetV2Config(id, config) elif element == 'RelationValue': config = layer.editorWidgetV2Config(id) config[u'Value'] = elementConfig layer.setEditorWidgetV2Config(id, config) if elementConfig == 'DateTime': config = layer.editorWidgetV2Config(id) config[u'display_format'] = u'dd/MM/yy' config[u'field_format'] = 'yyyy-MM-dd' config[u'calendar_popup'] = True layer.setEditorWidgetV2Config(id, config) # print layer.editorWidgetV2Config(id) # All fields are, by default, editable. Then depending on type, we will change it! id += 1 return def getActions(self): # As the order of columns can change, # we have to re-extract all information from the model self.actionShips = [] nRow = self.checkStructureDia.model.rowCount() nCol = self.checkStructureDia.model.columnCount() for row in xrange(nRow): index = self.checkStructureDia.model.index(row, 5) apply = if apply: val = ['' for i in range(nCol)] for col in xrange(nCol): index = self.checkStructureDia.model.index(row, col) val[col] = newActionShip = Ship(val[0], val[1], val[2], val[3], val[4]) self.actionShips.append(newActionShip) def getShipList(self, dicAttributs, dicStructure): shipList = [] for nameLayer, layer in QgsMapLayerRegistry.instance().mapLayers( ).iteritems(): if layer.type() == 0: if not in self.dictSourceRefByLegend: continue name = self.dictSourceRefByLegend[] if name in self.tables: #layer.setEditorLayout(0) fields = layer.pendingFields() id = 0 for field in fields: if in dicAttributs[name]: db_widget = dicStructure[name,][0] values = dicStructure[name,][3] type = dicStructure[name,][2] project_widget = layer.editorWidgetV2(id) # All fields are, by default, editable. Then depending on type, we will change it! project_isEditable = layer.fieldEditable(id) db_isEditable = True project_config = layer.editorWidgetV2Config(id) solution = '' if db_widget == 'ValueRelation': for nLayer, vlayer in QgsMapLayerRegistry.instance( ).mapLayers().iteritems(): try: if self.dictSourceRefByLegend[] == values[0]: clayer = nLayer except: continue if ('value_fr' not in dicAttributs[values[0]]) \ and ('name' not in dicAttributs[values[0]])\ and ('tr_value_fr' not in dicAttributs[values[0]]) : db_widget = 'TextEdit' db_isEditable = False elif project_widget == 'ValueRelation': #Widget is ok, but we will check the configuration here #first, check the related layer if 'Layer' not in project_config: solution = 'Set layer of value relation' newship = Ship(str(name),str(,\ 'RelationLayer',str('None'),\ str(clayer), solution) shipList.append(newship) elif project_config[u'Layer'] != clayer: solution = 'Change layer of value relation' newship = Ship(str(name),str(,\ 'RelationLayer',str(project_config[u'Layer']),\ str(clayer), solution) shipList.append(newship) # then check the related key of the layer is ok if 'Key' not in project_config: solution = 'Set key of value relation' newship = Ship(str(name),str(,\ 'RelationKey',str('None'),\ str(values[1]), solution) shipList.append(newship) elif project_config[u'Key'] != str( values[1]): solution = 'Change key of value relation' newship = Ship(str(name),str(,\ 'RelationKey',str(project_config[u'Key']),\ str(values[1]), solution) shipList.append(newship) # Then check the value of the value is ok if 'Value' not in project_config: if 'value_fr' in dicAttributs[ values[0]]: old_value = 'None' new_value = 'value_fr' solution = 'Change the value Relation' elif 'tr_value_fr' in dicAttributs[ values[0]]: old_value = 'None' new_value = 'tr_value_fr' solution = 'Change the value Relation' elif 'name' in dicAttributs[values[0]]: old_value = 'None' new_value = 'name' solution = 'Change the value Relation' else: old_value = 'None' new_value = 'None' solution = 'No solution, Set manually value of value relation' newship = Ship(str(name),str(,\ 'RelationValue',old_value,\ new_value, solution) shipList.append(newship) # Hypothesis: no table have both value_fr and name attribute elif project_config[ u'Value'] != 'value_fr' and project_config[ u'Value'] != 'name' and project_config[ u'Value'] != 'tr_value_fr': solution = 'Change value of value relation' if 'value_fr' in dicAttributs[ values[0]]: old_value = project_config[ u'Value'] new_value = 'value_fr' elif 'tr_value_fr' in dicAttributs[ values[0]]: old_value = project_config[ u'Value'] new_value = 'tr_value_fr' else: old_value = 'None' new_value = 'None' solution = 'No solution, Set manually value of value relation' newship = Ship(str(name),str(,\ 'RelationValue',old_value,\ new_value, solution) shipList.append(newship) if project_widget != db_widget: # Check of Valuerelation, DateTime (date), CheckBox (boolean) and TextEdit if project_widget == 'ValueRelation' and db_widget == 'TextEdit': solution = 'No solution (Foreign key may be missing in DB)' else: solution = 'Change current widget with the proposed one' newship = Ship(str(name), str(, 'widget', str(project_widget), db_widget, solution) shipList.append(newship) solution = '' if type == 'longText': #layer.setFieldMultiLine(id,True) solution = 'Set field multiline' if 'IsMultiline' not in project_config: newship = Ship(str(name),str(,\ 'isMultiline',str(False),\ str(True), solution) shipList.append(newship) elif project_config['IsMultiline'] != True: newship = Ship(str(name),str(,\ 'isMultiline',str(project_config['IsMultiline']),\ str(True)) shipList.append(newship) if == 'id': db_isEditable = False solution = 'Set field non editable' if'tr_'): db_isEditable = False solution = 'Set field non editable' if project_isEditable != db_isEditable: if solution == '': solution = 'Change editability of the field' newship = Ship(str(name),str(,\ 'isEditable',str(project_isEditable),\ str(db_isEditable), solution) shipList.append(newship) id += 1 return shipList def updateStructure(self, dicAttributs, dicStructure): for nameLayer, layer in QgsMapLayerRegistry.instance().mapLayers( ).iteritems(): if layer.type() == 0: if not in self.dictSourceRefByLegend: continue name = self.dictSourceRefByLegend[] if name in self.tables: layer.setEditorLayout(0) fields = layer.pendingFields() id = 0 for field in fields: if in dicAttributs[name]: widget = dicStructure[name,][0] values = dicStructure[name,][3] type = dicStructure[name,][2] layer.setEditorWidgetV2(id, widget) # All fields are, by default, editable. Then depending on type, we will change it! layer.setFieldEditable(id, True) config = {} # DPFE rule if 'tr_') or type == 'primaryKey': layer.setEditorWidgetV2(id, 'TextEdit') layer.setFieldEditable(id, False) if widget == 'ValueRelation': for nameLayer, vlayer in QgsMapLayerRegistry.instance( ).mapLayers().iteritems(): try: if self.dictSourceRefByLegend[] == values[0]: clayer = nameLayer except: continue config = {} config[u'Layer'] = clayer config[u'Key'] = str(values[1]) config[u'FilterExpression'] = None config[u'AllowMulti'] = False config[u'AllowNull'] = True config[u'OrderByValue'] = False if 'value_fr' in dicAttributs[values[0]]: config[u'Value'] = 'value_fr' elif 'tr_value_fr' in dicAttributs[values[0]]: config[u'Value'] = 'tr_value_fr' elif 'name' in dicAttributs[values[0]]: config[u'Value'] = 'name' else: # DPFE RULE config[u'Value'] = str(values[1]) #QWAT RULE # All fields which are foreign key but not value or name are triggered # Triggerd are simply TextEdit widgets, non editables #layer.setEditorWidgetV2(id,'TextEdit') #layer.setFieldEditable(id,False) if type == 'longText': #print dir(layer) #layer.setFieldMultiLine(id,True) config = {} config[u'UseHtml'] = False config[u'IsMultiline'] = True if type == 'date': config[u'display_format'] = u'dd/MM/yy' config[u'field_format'] = 'yyyy-MM-dd' config[u'calendar_popup'] = True layer.setEditorWidgetV2Config(id, config) id += 1 return def getDicStructure(self, dAtt, dCom, dTyp): dicStructure = {} for table, attributes in dAtt.items(): for att in attributes: type = dTyp[table, att] if (table, att) in dCom: widget = 'ValueRelation' values = dCom[table, att] elif type == 'primaryKey': widget = 'TextEdit' values = None elif type == 'boolean': # It is important to have the bool check after the foreignKey check. # Because some bollean fields-type need a combo box (Null, True or False) widget = 'CheckBox' values = False elif type == 'date': widget = 'DateTime' elif att.startswith('geometry'): widget = 'Hidden' else: widget = 'TextEdit' values = None widgetName = widget + '_' + att dicStructure[table, att] = [widget, widgetName, type, values] return dicStructure def getDicAttributsAndType(self): dicAtt = {} dicType = {} for table in self.tables: textPM = """SELECT pg_attribute.attname FROM pg_index, pg_class, pg_attribute WHERE pg_class.oid = 'distribution.%s'::regclass AND indrelid = pg_class.oid AND pg_attribute.attrelid = pg_class.oid AND pg_attribute.attnum = any(pg_index.indkey) AND indisprimary;""" % table queryPM = QSqlQuery(self.db) textPM = queryPM.exec_(textPM) while ( primaryKey = queryPM.value(0) print primaryKey text = "SELECT column_name, data_type\ FROM information_schema.columns \ WHERE table_name = '%s' \ ORDER BY ordinal_position;" % table query = QSqlQuery(self.db) test = query.exec_(text) attributesList = [] while ( attributesList.append(query.value(0)) if query.value(0) == primaryKey: dicType[table, query.value(0)] = 'primaryKey' # for text fields, check if there are multilines elif query.value(1) == u'text' or query.value( 1) == u'character varying': textLen = """ SELECT max (length) FROM (SELECT character_length(%s) AS length FROM distribution.%s GROUP BY id) AS subquery;""" % (query.value(0), table) queryLen = QSqlQuery(self.db) testLen = queryLen.exec_(textLen) while ( if queryLen.value(0) > 40: dicType[table, query.value(0)] = 'longText' else: dicType[table, query.value(0)] = query.value(1) else: dicType[table, query.value(0)] = query.value(1) dicAtt[table] = attributesList print attributesList return dicAtt, dicType def getDicCombo(self): dicCombo = {} for table in self.tables: text2 = """SELECT tc.constraint_name, tc.table_name, kcu.column_name, ccu.table_name AS foreign_table_name, ccu.column_name AS foreign_column_name FROM information_schema.table_constraints AS tc JOIN information_schema.key_column_usage AS kcu ON tc.constraint_name = kcu.constraint_name JOIN information_schema.constraint_column_usage AS ccu ON ccu.constraint_name = tc.constraint_name WHERE constraint_type = 'FOREIGN KEY' AND tc.table_name='%s';""" % table query2 = QSqlQuery(self.db) test = query2.exec_(text2) while ( dicCombo[str(query2.value(1)), str(query2.value(2))] = [ query2.value(3), query2.value(4) ] return dicCombo def request(self): text = self.ui.textEdit.toPlainText() query = QSqlQuery(self.db) test_pass = query.exec_(text) print text if test_pass: while ( i = 0 text = [] while query.value(i) is not None: #if val.startswith('od_'): text.append(query.value(i)) i = i + 1 if text != []: print text else: QtGui.QMessageBox.critical(QtGui.QDialog(), "Query", "Invalid Query") # Get columns on which a trigger is defined (The trigger is released when event on this column happened) # These columns are therefore not the targets of triggers ! """SELECT * FROM information_schema.triggered_update_columns WHERE event_object_table = 'od_pipe';""" def center(self): qr = self.frameGeometry() cp = QtGui.QDesktopWidget().availableGeometry().center() qr.moveCenter(cp) self.move(qr.topLeft()) def initProgressBar(self): = progress_bar() = self.progress = 0 self.barInc = 1.0 / self.barCount * 100.0 self.barInc = 1.0 / self.barCount * 100.0