コード例 #1
def test_get_related_deals_returns_empty_list_upon_exception(Redis):
    (u"Get related deals should return an empty list if "
     "redis raises an exception")
    # Given an instance of Redis connection
    connection = Redis.return_value

    # And that by calling connection.zrange it raises an exception
    connection.zrange.side_effect = ConnectionError("BOOM!")

    # When I get related deals from a given deal
    deal = Deal()
    deal.id = 55
    related_deals = deal.get_related_deals()

    # Then related deals is an empty list

    # And zrange was called appropriately
        "yipit:related-deals:55", 0, -1,
コード例 #2
def test_get_related_deals_from_redis(Redis, deal_queryset):
    (u"Get related deals should fetch data from redis")
    # Given an instance of Redis connection
    connection = Redis.return_value

    # And that by calling connection.zrange it returns a list of ids
    connection.zrange.return_value = [777]

    # And that by Deal.objects.get it returns a Fake deal
    deal_queryset.get.return_value = "Deal wannabe"

    # When I get related deals from a given deal
    deal = Deal()
    deal.id = 42
    related_deals = deal.get_related_deals()

    # Then related deals is a list of one faked deal
    related_deals.should.equal(["Deal wannabe"])

    # And zrange was called appropriately
        "yipit:related-deals:42", 0, -1,