def _treeview_settings() -> BasicUiThemeSettings: light_blue = "#ADD8E6" light_grey = "#D3D3D3" if running_on_linux() or running_on_mac_os(): bg_sel_focus = light_blue fg_sel_focus = "black" fg_sel_notfocus = "black" else: bg_sel_focus = "SystemHighlight" fg_sel_focus = "SystemHighlightText" fg_sel_notfocus = "SystemWindowText" return { "Treeview": { "configure": {"font": "TreeviewFont"}, "map": { "background": [ ("selected", "focus", bg_sel_focus), ("selected", "!focus", light_grey), ], "foreground": [ ("selected", "focus", fg_sel_focus), ("selected", "!focus", fg_sel_notfocus), ], }, "layout": [ # get rid of borders ("Treeview.treearea", {"sticky": "nswe"}) ], }, "treearea": {"configure": {"borderwidth": 0}}, }
def __init__(self, master): super().__init__(master) runscript_label = ttk.Label( self, text=_("Running current script in terminal") + ":") runscript_label.grid(row=0, column=0, sticky="w") self.add_checkbox( "run.run_in_terminal_python_repl", _("Present Python REPL after program ends"), row=1, padx=(12, 0), ) self.add_checkbox( "run.run_in_terminal_keep_open", _("Keep terminal window open after Python process ends"), row=2, padx=(12, 0), ) exit_remark = " " if running_on_mac_os(): exit_remark = _( "NB! Automatic closing needs to be enabled in Terminal's settings\n" + "(Profiles → Shell → When the shell exits)") remark_label = ttk.Label(self, text=exit_remark) remark_label.grid(row=3, column=0, sticky="w", padx=(12, 0), pady=(0, 10))
def show_file(self, filename, text_range=None, set_focus=True, propose_dialog=True): # self.close_single_untitled_unmodified_editor() try: editor = self.get_editor(filename, True) except PermissionError: logging.getLogger("ynnoht").exception("Loading " + filename) msg = "Got permission error when trying to load\n" + filename if running_on_mac_os() and propose_dialog: msg += "\n\nTry opening it with File => Open." messagebox.showerror("Permission error", msg) return None assert editor is not None if set_focus: editor.focus_set() if text_range is not None: editor.select_range(text_range) return editor
def __init__(self, master): super().__init__(master) self.title("Configure shell macro") if misc_utils.running_on_mac_os(): self.configure(background="systemSheetBackground") self.transient(master) self.grab_set() # to make it active # self.grab_release() # to allow eg. copy something from the editor self._create_widgets() self.bind("<Escape>", self._on_close, True) self.protocol("WM_DELETE_WINDOW", self._on_close) self.main_command_text.focus_set()
def _preview_submission_data(self, event=None): temp_path = os.path.join( tempfile.mkdtemp(), "ThonnyAssistantFeedback_" +":", ".")[:19] + ".txt", ) data = self._collect_submission_data() with open(temp_path, "w", encoding="ascii") as fp: fp.write(data) if running_on_mac_os(): subprocess.Popen(["open", "-e", temp_path]) else:
def __init__(self, text_frame, frame_info): self._text_frame = text_frame self._text = text_frame.text self._frame_info = frame_info self._frame_id = self._filename = frame_info.filename self._firstlineno = None if running_on_mac_os(): self._expression_box = ToplevelExpressionBox(text_frame) else: self._expression_box = PlacedExpressionBox(text_frame) self._note_box = ui_utils.NoteBox(text_frame.winfo_toplevel()) self._next_frame_visualizer = None self._prev_frame_visualizer = None self._text.set_read_only(True) self._line_debug = frame_info.current_statement is None self._reconfigure_tags()
def __init__(self, codeview): tk.Toplevel.__init__(self, codeview.winfo_toplevel()) text = tk.Text(self, **self.get_text_options()) BaseExpressionBox.__init__(self, codeview, text) self.text.grid() if running_on_mac_os(): try: # NB! Must be the first thing to do after creation #"::tk::unsupported::MacWindowStyle", "style", self._w, "help", "noActivates") except TclError: pass else: raise RuntimeError("Should be used only on Mac") self.resizable(False, False) self.wm_transient(codeview.winfo_toplevel()) self.lift()
def indicate_modification(self): if not running_on_mac_os(): return atts = self.winfo_toplevel().wm_attributes() if "-modified" in atts: i = atts.index("-modified") mod = atts[i:i + 2] rest = atts[:i] + atts[i + 2:] else: mod = () rest = atts for editor in self.get_all_editors(): if editor.is_modified(): if mod != ("-modified", 1): self.winfo_toplevel().wm_attributes(*(rest + ("-modified", 1))) break else: if mod == ("-modified", 1): self.winfo_toplevel().wm_attributes(*(rest + ("-modified", 0)))
def _replace(self, focus, value): start_mark = self._get_mark_name(focus.lineno, focus.col_offset) end_mark = self._get_mark_name(focus.end_lineno, focus.end_col_offset) self.text.delete(start_mark, end_mark) id_str = memory.format_object_id( if get_workbench().in_heap_mode(): value_str = id_str else: value_str = shorten_repr(value.repr, 100) object_tag = "object_" + str( self.text.insert(start_mark, value_str, ("value", object_tag)) if misc_utils.running_on_mac_os(): sequence = "<Command-Button-1>" else: sequence = "<Control-Button-1>" self.text.tag_bind( object_tag, sequence, lambda _: get_workbench().event_generate("ObjectSelect",, )
def _get_interpreters(self): result = set() if running_on_windows(): # registry result.update(self._get_interpreters_from_windows_registry()) for minor in [5, 6, 7, 8]: for dir_ in [ "C:\\Python3%d" % minor, "C:\\Python3%d-32" % minor, "C:\\Python3%d-64" % minor, "C:\\Program Files\\Python 3.%d" % minor, "C:\\Program Files\\Python 3.%d-64" % minor, "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Python 3.%d" % minor, "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Python 3.%d-32" % minor, ]: path = os.path.join(dir_, WINDOWS_EXE) if os.path.exists(path): result.add(normpath_with_actual_case(path)) # other locations for dir_ in ["C:\\Anaconda3", os.path.expanduser("~/Anaconda3")]: path = os.path.join(dir_, WINDOWS_EXE) if os.path.exists(path): result.add(normpath_with_actual_case(path)) else: # Common unix locations dirs = [ "/bin", "/usr/bin", "/usr/local/bin", os.path.expanduser("~/.local/bin") ] for dir_ in dirs: # if the dir_ is just a link to another dir_, skip it # (not to show items twice) # for example on Fedora /bin -> usr/bin if not os.path.exists(dir_): continue apath = normpath_with_actual_case(dir_) if apath != dir_ and apath in dirs: continue for name in [ "python3", "python3.5", "python3.6", "python3.7", "python3.8" ]: path = os.path.join(dir_, name) if os.path.exists(path): result.add(path) if running_on_mac_os(): for version in ["3.5", "3.6", "3.7", "3.8"]: dir_ = os.path.join( "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions", version, "bin") path = os.path.join(dir_, "python3") if os.path.exists(path): result.add(path) for command in [ "python3", "python3.5", "python3.5", "python3.6", "python3.7", "python3.8" ]: path = which(command) if path is not None and os.path.isabs(path): result.add(path) for path in get_workbench().get_option("CustomInterpreter.used_paths"): if os.path.exists(path): result.add(normpath_with_actual_case(path)) return sorted(result)
def _on_close(self): showinfo( _("Can't close yet"), _('Use "Stop" command if you want to cancel debugging'), parent=None if running_on_mac_os() else self, )
def __init__(self, master, show_hidden_files=False, show_expand_buttons=True): global LOCAL_FILES_ROOT_TEXT LOCAL_FILES_ROOT_TEXT = _("This computer") self.show_expand_buttons = show_expand_buttons self._cached_child_data = {} self.path_to_highlight = None ttk.Frame.__init__(self, master, borderwidth=0, relief="flat") self.vert_scrollbar = ttk.Scrollbar( self, orient=tk.VERTICAL, style=scrollbar_style("Vertical") ) self.vert_scrollbar.grid(row=0, column=1, sticky=tk.NSEW, rowspan=3) tktextext.fixwordbreaks(tk._default_root) self.building_breadcrumbs = False self.init_header(row=0, column=0) spacer = ttk.Frame(self, height=1) spacer.grid(row=1, sticky="nsew") self.tree = ttk.Treeview( self, columns=["#0", "kind", "path", "name", "time", "size"], displaycolumns=( # 4, # 5 ), yscrollcommand=self.vert_scrollbar.set, selectmode="extended", ) self.tree.grid(row=2, column=0, sticky=tk.NSEW) self.vert_scrollbar["command"] = self.tree.yview self.columnconfigure(0, weight=1) self.rowconfigure(2, weight=1) self.show_hidden_files = show_hidden_files self.tree["show"] = "tree" self.tree.bind("<3>", self.on_secondary_click, True) if misc_utils.running_on_mac_os(): self.tree.bind("<2>", self.on_secondary_click, True) self.tree.bind("<Control-1>", self.on_secondary_click, True) self.tree.bind("<Double-Button-1>", self.on_double_click, True) self.tree.bind("<<TreeviewOpen>>", self.on_open_node) wb = get_workbench() self.folder_icon = wb.get_image("folder") self.python_file_icon = wb.get_image("python-file") self.text_file_icon = wb.get_image("text-file") self.generic_file_icon = wb.get_image("generic-file") self.hard_drive_icon = wb.get_image("hard-drive") self.tree.column("#0", width=200, anchor=tk.W) self.tree.heading("#0", text="Name", anchor=tk.W) self.tree.column("time", width=60, anchor=tk.W) self.tree.heading("time", text="Time", anchor=tk.W) self.tree.column("size", width=40, anchor=tk.E) self.tree.heading("size", text="Size (bytes)", anchor=tk.E) self.tree.column("kind", width=30, anchor=tk.W) # self.tree.heading("kind", text="Kind") # self.tree.column("path", width=300, anchor=tk.W) # self.tree.heading("path", text="path") # self.tree.column("name", width=60, anchor=tk.W) # self.tree.heading("name", text="name") # set-up root node self.tree.set(ROOT_NODE_ID, "kind", "root") = tk.Menu(self.tree, tearoff=False) self.current_focus = None