コード例 #1
def sha512_compact(value):
    Returns a shorter sha512 - 86 characters long instead of 128.

    This uses a base62 encoding which uses the entire alphabet, with mixed case.

    Returned length is 86 characters.

    :param value:
    return base62.encodebytes(sha512(unicode_to_bytes(value)).digest())
コード例 #2
def encode_binary(data, encoder: Optional[str] = None, convert_to_unicode: Optional[bool] = True):
    """Converts to text."""
    if encoder is None:
        encoder = "base62"

    if encoder == "base62":
        data = base62.encodebytes(data)
    elif encoder == "base64":
        data = base64.b64encode(data)
    elif encoder == "base85":
        data = base64.b85encode(data)
        raise YomboWarning("Base compactor type: {encoder}")
    if convert_to_unicode in (None, True):
        return bytes_to_unicode(data)
    return data
コード例 #3
def sha256_compact(value):
    return base62.encodebytes(sha256(unicode_to_bytes(value)).digest())
コード例 #4
    def data_pickle(cls,
                    data: Any,
                    content_type: Optional[str] = None,
                    compression_level: Optional[int] = None,
                    local: Optional[bool] = None,
                    passphrase: Optional[str] = None,
                    use_decimal: Optional[bool] = None) -> Union[str, bytes]:
        Encodes data based on value of the content_type type. The default is "msgpack_base85". This easily allows data
        to be sent externally or even the database. The ordering of the content_type does not matter.

        Format of the content_type:
        {pickle-method}_{compress method}_{encode-method}.

        Pickle methods:
        * msgpack - Use msgpack to pickle the data. More space efficient than json.
        * json - Use JSON to pickle the data.

        Compression can also be applied, simply append:
        * lz4 - Use the lz4 compression
        * zip - Use the gzip compression

        Encryption is also supported:
        * aes256, aes192, aes128

        Encode methods:
        * base32 - Encode with base32 - Biggest size.
        * base62 - Encode with base62 - Like base64, but URL safe.
        * base64 - Encode with base64
        * base85 - Encode with base85

        * msgpack_zip - Pickle with msgpack, then compress with gzip.
        * zip_msgpack - Same as above, just different order.
        * msgpack_base85_zip - Pickle with msgpack, then compress with gzip, then encode with base85
        * msgpack_zip_aes256_base85 - Pickle with msgpack, compress with gzip, encrypt with aes, then encode with base85
        * json_lz4 - Pickle with json, then compress with z-standard.

        Non-encoded results typically return bytes, while encoded results return strings.

        :param data: String, list, or dictionary to be encoded.
        :param content_type: Optional encode method.
        :param compression_level: Sets a compression level - default depends on compressor.
        :param passphrase: Passphrase will be sent to the encryption function.

        :return: bytes of the encoded data that can be used with data_unpickle.
        if data is None:
            return None

        if content_type is None:
            content_type = "msgpack_base85"
        elif content_type == "string":
            return str(data)
        elif content_type == "bool":
            return bool(data)
        content_type = content_type.lower()

        if "json" in content_type and "msgack" in content_type:
            raise YomboWarning(
                "Pickle data can only have json or msgpack, not both.")

        encoder_count = 0
        for encoder_check in ("base32", "base62", "base64", "base85"):
            if encoder_check in content_type:
                encoder_count += 1
        if encoder_count > 1:
            raise YomboWarning(
                "Pickle data can only one of: base32, base62, base64 or base85, not multiple."

        if "json" in content_type:
                data = json.dumps(data,
                                  separators=(",", ":"),
            except Exception as e:
                raise YomboWarning(f"Error encoding json: {e}")
        elif "msgpack" in content_type:
                data = msgpack.packb(data)
            except Exception as e:
                raise YomboWarning(f"Error encoding msgpack: {e}")

        if "lz4" in content_type:
            if compression_level is None:
                compression_level = 2
            elif compression_level > 1 or compression_level < 9:
                compression_level = 2
                data = lz4.frame.compress(unicode_to_bytes(data),
            except Exception as e:
                raise YomboWarning(f"Error encoding {content_type}: {e}")
        elif "gzip" in content_type or "zip" in content_type:
            if compression_level is None:
                compression_level = 5
            elif compression_level > 1 or compression_level < 9:
                compression_level = 5
                data = zlib.compress(unicode_to_bytes(data), compression_level)
            except Exception as e:
                raise YomboWarning(f"Error encoding {content_type}: {e}")

        for cipher in AVAILABLE_CIPHERS:
            if cipher in content_type:
                    data = cls._Encryption.encrypt_aes(data,
                except Exception:

        if "base32" in content_type:
            data = bytes_to_unicode(base64.b32encode(data))
            if local is True:
                data = data.rstrip("=")
        elif "base62" in content_type:
            data = bytes_to_unicode(base62.encodebytes(data))
            if local is True:
                data = data.rstrip("=")
        elif "base64" in content_type:
            data = bytes_to_unicode(base64.b64encode(data))
            if local is True:
                data = data.rstrip("=")
        elif "base85" in content_type:
            data = bytes_to_unicode(base64.b85encode(data))
        return data