コード例 #1
ファイル: tsumekusa.py プロジェクト: shiroyuki/Yotsuba
 def get_page_object(self, path):
     Get the page object from the archive folder.
     retvar = None
     if self.use_static_file:
         path_to_page_objectFile = self.get_absolute_path_to_page_object(path)
         retvar = fs.exists(path_to_page_objectFile) and True or None
     return retvar
コード例 #2
ファイル: tsumekusa.py プロジェクト: shiroyuki/Yotsuba
 def get_backup_page_object(self, path):
     Get the backup page object from the template folder.
     retvar = None
     relativepath_to_page_objectFile = self.get_relative_path_to_page_object(path)
     path_to_page_objectFile = tori.path['template'] + "/" + relativepath_to_page_objectFile
     retvar = fs.exists(path_to_page_objectFile) and relativepath_to_page_objectFile or None
     return retvar
コード例 #3
ファイル: tori.py プロジェクト: Prospero86/yotsuba
def make_directory_if_not_existed(destination):
    if not fs.exists(destination) and mode != ServiceMode.GAE:
            raise WebFrameworkException("%s not found" % destination)
コード例 #4
ファイル: tsumekusa.py プロジェクト: shiroyuki/Yotsuba
    def default(self, *paths):
        cacheBlockName = "%s/%s" % (self.name, '/'.join(paths))
        if self.isGET() and self.cache(cacheBlockName) is not None:
            return self.cache(cacheBlockName)

        # Response context
        response_context = None

        # Disable editor mode by default
        editor_called = False

        # Page mode: reading, editing, overview (TOC)
        page_mode = len(paths) > 1 and paths[-1] or None
        if page_mode not in [RegisteredMode.edit_content, RegisteredMode.list_page_hierarchy]:
            page_mode = None # Assume the reading mode

        # Get the whole request path (in array bit) without the page mode
        path = len(paths) == 0 and RegisteredPage.index or '/'.join(page_mode == None and paths or paths[:-1])

        # Breadcrumb
        breadcrumb = []
        requested_path = None
        if len(paths) > 0:
            urlpath = []
            requested_path = '/'.join(paths[1:])
            for p in paths:
                current_path = '/'.join(urlpath)
                p = self.convert_to_full_name(p)
                    'URL': current_path,
                    'Full name': p,
                    'Short name': self.convert_to_shortname(p)
            del urlpath

        current_page = len(breadcrumb) > 0 and breadcrumb[-1] or None

        page_object = self.get_page_object(path)
        backup_page_object = self.get_backup_page_object(path)

        if self.isGET() and page_mode == None:
            is_index_page = path == RegisteredPage.index
            do_page_existed = is_index_page or page_object is not None or backup_page_object is not None

            # General information
            general_information = {
                'breadcrumb':  breadcrumb,
                'current_page': current_page

            # [General procedure]
            # 1. Retrieve the subpages (1 level deep) if necessary
            # 2. Render the page object by prioritizing the (HTML) sources in the following order:
            #   1. Database entry
            #   2. Flat file from archive
            #   3. Flat file from template

            # Prioritize the one in the database first.
            if page_object is not None and not self.use_static_file:
            # Prioritize the one in the database first.
            if page_object is not None and self.use_static_file:
                # Initialize data
                templateID = "default" # templateID
                subpages = None # list of subpages
                path_to_page_object = self.get_absolute_path_to_page_object(path) # path to the page object
                pre_processed_page_data = fs.read(path_to_page_object) # pre-processed page data

                # Look for requirements
                local_flags = re.search("<!--\s*require\s*([a-zA-Z0-9\-\+_]+)\s*-->", pre_processed_page_data)
                if local_flags is not None:
                    # If detect the traversal flag for subpages, do it.
                    if 'subpages' in local_flags.groups():
                        subpages = []
                        possible_directory = self.remove_extension(path_to_page_object)

                        if fs.exists(possible_directory):
                            raw_subpages = fs.browse(possible_directory, True)['files']
                            for p in raw_subpages:
                                p = re.sub("^" + possible_directory + "/", "", p)
                                p = self.remove_extension(p)
                                if p == "index" or p[0] == "_":
                                subpages.append((self.convert_to_full_name(p), p))
                        general_information['subpages'] = subpages

                    # If detect the traversal flag for neighbours, do it.
                    if 'neighbours' in local_flags.groups():
                        neighbours = []
                        possible_directory = re.sub("/[^/]+$", "", self.remove_extension(path_to_page_object))

                        if fs.exists(possible_directory):
                            raw_subpages = fs.browse(possible_directory, True)['files']
                            for p in raw_subpages:
                                p = re.sub("^" + possible_directory + "/", "", p)
                                p = self.remove_extension(p)
                                if p == "index" or p[0] == "_":
                                neighbours.append((self.convert_to_full_name(p), p))
                        general_information['neighbours'] = neighbours

                    # If require syntax highlighting, add the JS code
                    if 'syntax_highlight' in local_flags.groups():
                        pre_processed_page_data += self.__JS_code_rendering

                # Determine if it needs a special template
                local_flags = re.search("<!--\s*template\s*([^ ]+)\s*-->", pre_processed_page_data)
                if local_flags is not None:
                    local_templateID = local_flags.groups()[0]
                    if local_templateID in self.__templates:
                        templateID = local_templateID

                response_context = self.local_render(pre_processed_page_data, **general_information)
                response_context = self.local_render(self.__templates[templateID], response_context = response_context, **general_information)
            elif backup_page_object is not None:
                response_context = self.local_render(backup_page_object, **general_information)

            if not do_page_existed and self.isAdmin() and False:
                editor_called = True

        elif self.isGET() and page_mode in RegisteredMode.edit_content:
            editor_called = True

        elif self.isGET() and page_mode == RegisteredMode.list_page_hierarchy:
            response_context = tori.UserInterface.response("Table of content (index mode) requested")

        elif self.isPOST():
            response_context = tori.UserInterface.response("Creating/updating called")

        elif self.isDELETE():
            response_context = tori.UserInterface.response("Creating/updating called")

        # endif

        if editor_called:
            response_context = self.load_editor(page_mode, '/'.join(len(paths) > 1 and paths[1:-1] or []))
        elif not editor_called and response_context is None:
            self.cache(cacheBlockName, response_context, self.__cache_duration)

        return response_context