def can_run_ds(ds_fn, file_check = False): if isinstance(ds_fn, Dataset): return AnswerTestingTest.result_storage is not None path = ytcfg.get("yt", "test_data_dir") if not os.path.isdir(path): return False with temp_cwd(path): if file_check: return os.path.isfile(ds_fn) and \ AnswerTestingTest.result_storage is not None try: load(ds_fn) except YTOutputNotIdentified: return False return AnswerTestingTest.result_storage is not None
def _check_for_outputs(self, potential_outputs): """ Check a list of files to see if they are valid datasets. """ only_on_root(, "Checking %d potential outputs.", len(potential_outputs)) my_outputs = {} for my_storage, output in parallel_objects(potential_outputs, storage=my_outputs): if self.parameters['DataDumpDir'] in output: dir_key = self.parameters['DataDumpDir'] output_key = self.parameters['DataDumpName'] else: dir_key = self.parameters['RedshiftDumpDir'] output_key = self.parameters['RedshiftDumpName'] index = output[output.find(dir_key) + len(dir_key):] filename = os.path.join(self.parameters['GlobalDir'], "%s%s" % (dir_key, index), "%s%s" % (output_key, index)) if os.path.exists(filename): try: ds = load(filename) if ds is not None: my_storage.result = {'filename': filename, 'time': ds.current_time.in_units("s")} if ds.cosmological_simulation: my_storage.result['redshift'] = ds.current_redshift except YTOutputNotIdentified: mylog.error('Failed to load %s', filename) my_outputs = [my_output for my_output in my_outputs.values() \ if my_output is not None] return my_outputs
def test_rockstar(): from mpi4py import MPI filename = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "") comm = MPI.COMM_SELF.Spawn(sys.executable, args=[filename], maxprocs=3) comm.Disconnect() h1 = "rockstar_halos/halos_0.0.bin" d1 = load(h1) for field in _fields: yield FieldValuesTest(d1, field, particle_type=True, decimals=1) h2 = "rockstar_halos/halos_1.0.bin" d2 = load(h2) for field in _fields: yield FieldValuesTest(d2, field, particle_type=True, decimals=1)
def test_nprocs(): ytcfg["yt","skip_dataset_cache"] = "True" ds1 = load(sloshing, units_override=uo_sloshing) sp1 = ds1.sphere("c", (100.,"kpc")) prj1 = ds1.proj("density",0) ds2 = load(sloshing, units_override=uo_sloshing, nprocs=8) sp2 = ds2.sphere("c", (100.,"kpc")) prj2 = ds1.proj("density",0) yield assert_equal, sp1.quantities.extrema("pressure"), sp2.quantities.extrema("pressure") yield assert_allclose_units, sp1.quantities.total_quantity("pressure"), sp2.quantities.total_quantity("pressure") for ax in "xyz": yield assert_equal, sp1.quantities.extrema("velocity_%s" % ax), sp2.quantities.extrema("velocity_%s" % ax) yield assert_allclose_units, sp1.quantities.bulk_velocity(), sp2.quantities.bulk_velocity() yield assert_equal, prj1["density"], prj2["density"] ytcfg["yt","skip_dataset_cache"] = "False"
def units_override_check(fn): ytcfg["yt","skip_dataset_cache"] = "True" units_list = ["length","time","mass","velocity", "magnetic","temperature"] ds1 = load(fn) units_override = {} attrs1 = [] attrs2 = [] for u in units_list: unit_attr = getattr(ds1, "%s_unit" % u, None) if unit_attr is not None: attrs1.append(unit_attr) units_override["%s_unit" % u] = (unit_attr.v, str(unit_attr.units)) del ds1 ds2 = load(fn, units_override=units_override) ytcfg["yt","skip_dataset_cache"] = "False" assert(len(ds2.units_override) > 0) for u in units_list: unit_attr = getattr(ds2, "%s_unit" % u, None) if unit_attr is not None: attrs2.append(unit_attr) yield assert_equal, attrs1, attrs2
def data_dir_load(ds_fn, cls = None, args = None, kwargs = None): args = args or () kwargs = kwargs or {} path = ytcfg.get("yt", "test_data_dir") if isinstance(ds_fn, Dataset): return ds_fn if not os.path.isdir(path): return False with temp_cwd(path): if cls is None: ds = load(ds_fn, *args, **kwargs) else: ds = cls(ds_fn, *args, **kwargs) ds.index return ds
def test_halo_finders(): from mpi4py import MPI filename = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "") for method in methods: comm = MPI.COMM_SELF.Spawn( sys.executable, args=[filename, method], maxprocs=methods[method]) comm.Disconnect() fn = os.path.join( os.path.dirname(__file__), "halo_catalogs", method, "%s.0.h5" % method) ds = load(fn) for field in _fields: yield FieldValuesTest( ds, field, particle_type=True, decimals=decimals[method])
def __init__(self, parameter_filename, simulation_type=None, near_redshift=None, far_redshift=None, use_minimum_datasets=True, deltaz_min=0.0, minimum_coherent_box_fraction=0.0, time_data=True, redshift_data=True, find_outputs=False, load_kwargs=None): self.near_redshift = near_redshift self.far_redshift = far_redshift self.use_minimum_datasets = use_minimum_datasets self.deltaz_min = deltaz_min self.minimum_coherent_box_fraction = minimum_coherent_box_fraction self.parameter_filename = parameter_filename if load_kwargs is None: self.load_kwargs = {} else: self.load_kwargs = load_kwargs self.light_ray_solution = [] self._data = {} # Make a light ray from a single, given dataset. if simulation_type is None: ds = load(parameter_filename, **self.load_kwargs) if ds.cosmological_simulation: redshift = ds.current_redshift self.cosmology = Cosmology( hubble_constant=ds.hubble_constant, omega_matter=ds.omega_matter, omega_lambda=ds.omega_lambda, unit_registry=ds.unit_registry) else: redshift = 0. self.light_ray_solution.append({"filename": parameter_filename, "redshift": redshift}) # Make a light ray from a simulation time-series. else: # Get list of datasets for light ray solution. CosmologySplice.__init__(self, parameter_filename, simulation_type, find_outputs=find_outputs) self.light_ray_solution = \ self.create_cosmology_splice(self.near_redshift, self.far_redshift, minimal=self.use_minimum_datasets, deltaz_min=self.deltaz_min, time_data=time_data, redshift_data=redshift_data)
def _check_for_outputs(self, potential_outputs): r""" Check a list of files to see if they are valid datasets. """ only_on_root(, "Checking %d potential outputs.", len(potential_outputs)) my_outputs = {} for my_storage, output in parallel_objects(potential_outputs, storage=my_outputs): if os.path.exists(output): try: ds = load(output) if ds is not None: my_storage.result = {"filename": output, "time": ds.current_time.in_units("s")} if ds.cosmological_simulation: my_storage.result["redshift"] = ds.current_redshift except YTOutputNotIdentified: mylog.error("Failed to load %s", output) my_outputs = [my_output for my_output in my_outputs.values() \ if my_output is not None] return my_outputs
def test_covering_grid(): # We decompose in different ways for level in [0, 1, 2]: for nprocs in [1, 2, 4, 8]: ds = fake_random_ds(16, nprocs = nprocs) axis_name = ds.coordinates.axis_name dn = ds.refine_by**level cg = ds.covering_grid(level, [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], dn * ds.domain_dimensions) # Test coordinate generation assert_equal(np.unique(cg["d%s" % axis_name[0]]).size, 1) xmi = cg[axis_name[0]].min() xma = cg[axis_name[0]].max() dx = cg["d%s" % axis_name[0]].flat[0:1] edges = ds.arr([[0,1],[0,1],[0,1]], 'code_length') assert_equal(xmi, edges[0,0] + dx/2.0) assert_equal(xmi, cg[axis_name[0]][0,0,0]) assert_equal(xmi, cg[axis_name[0]][0,1,1]) assert_equal(xma, edges[0,1] - dx/2.0) assert_equal(xma, cg[axis_name[0]][-1,0,0]) assert_equal(xma, cg[axis_name[0]][-1,1,1]) assert_equal(np.unique(cg["d%s" % axis_name[1]]).size, 1) ymi = cg[axis_name[1]].min() yma = cg[axis_name[1]].max() dy = cg["d%s" % axis_name[1]][0] assert_equal(ymi, edges[1,0] + dy/2.0) assert_equal(ymi, cg[axis_name[1]][0,0,0]) assert_equal(ymi, cg[axis_name[1]][1,0,1]) assert_equal(yma, edges[1,1] - dy/2.0) assert_equal(yma, cg[axis_name[1]][0,-1,0]) assert_equal(yma, cg[axis_name[1]][1,-1,1]) assert_equal(np.unique(cg["d%s" % axis_name[2]]).size, 1) zmi = cg[axis_name[2]].min() zma = cg[axis_name[2]].max() dz = cg["d%s" % axis_name[2]][0] assert_equal(zmi, edges[2,0] + dz/2.0) assert_equal(zmi, cg[axis_name[2]][0,0,0]) assert_equal(zmi, cg[axis_name[2]][1,1,0]) assert_equal(zma, edges[2,1] - dz/2.0) assert_equal(zma, cg[axis_name[2]][0,0,-1]) assert_equal(zma, cg[axis_name[2]][1,1,-1]) # Now we test other attributes assert_equal(cg["ones"].max(), 1.0) assert_equal(cg["ones"].min(), 1.0) assert_equal(cg["grid_level"], level) assert_equal(cg["cell_volume"].sum(), for g in ds.index.grids: di = g.get_global_startindex() dd = g.ActiveDimensions for i in range(dn): f = cg["density"][dn*di[0]+i:dn*(di[0]+dd[0])+i:dn, dn*di[1]+i:dn*(di[1]+dd[1])+i:dn, dn*di[2]+i:dn*(di[2]+dd[2])+i:dn] assert_equal(f, g["density"]) # More tests for cylindrical geometry for fn in [cyl_2d, cyl_3d]: ds = load(fn) ad = ds.all_data() upper_ad = ad.cut_region(["obj['z'] > 0"]) sp = ds.sphere((0, 0, 0), 0.5 * ds.domain_width[0], data_source=upper_ad) sp.quantities.total_mass()
def generate_events(self, area, exp_time, angular_width, source_model, sky_center, parameters=None, velocity_fields=None, absorb_model=None, nH=None, no_shifting=False, sigma_pos=None, prng=None): """ Generate projected events from a light cone simulation. Parameters ---------- area : float, (value, unit) tuple, or :class:`~yt.units.yt_array.YTQuantity` The collecting area to determine the number of events. If units are not specified, it is assumed to be in cm^2. exp_time : float, (value, unit) tuple, or :class:`~yt.units.yt_array.YTQuantity` The exposure time to determine the number of events. If units are not specified, it is assumed to be in seconds. angular_width : float, (value, unit) tuple, or :class:`~yt.units.yt_array.YTQuantity` The angular width of the light cone simulation. If units are not specified, it is assumed to be in degrees. source_model : :class:`~pyxsim.source_models.SourceModel` A source model used to generate the events. sky_center : array-like Center RA, Dec of the events in degrees. parameters : dict, optional A dictionary of parameters to be passed for the source model to use, if necessary. velocity_fields : list of fields The yt fields to use for the velocity. If not specified, the following will be assumed: ['velocity_x', 'velocity_y', 'velocity_z'] for grid datasets ['particle_velocity_x', 'particle_velocity_y', 'particle_velocity_z'] for particle datasets absorb_model : string or :class:`~pyxsim.spectral_models.AbsorptionModel` A model for foreground galactic absorption, to simulate the absorption of events before being detected. This cannot be applied here if you already did this step previously in the creation of the :class:`~pyxsim.photon_list.PhotonList` instance. Known options for strings are "wabs" and "tbabs". nH : float, optional The foreground column density in units of 10^22 cm^{-2}. Only used if absorption is applied. no_shifting : boolean, optional If set, the photon energies will not be Doppler shifted. sigma_pos : float, optional Apply a gaussian smoothing operation to the sky positions of the events. This may be useful when the binned events appear blocky due to their uniform distribution within simulation cells. However, this will move the events away from their originating position on the sky, and so may distort surface brightness profiles and/or spectra. Should probably only be used for visualization purposes. Supply a float here to smooth with a standard deviation with this fraction of the cell size. Default: None prng : integer or :class:`~numpy.random.RandomState` object A pseudo-random number generator. Typically will only be specified if you have a reason to generate the same set of random numbers, such as for a test. Default is to use the :mod:`numpy.random` module. """ prng = parse_prng(prng) area = parse_value(area, "cm**2") exp_time = parse_value(exp_time, "s") aw = parse_value(angular_width, "deg") tot_events = defaultdict(list) for output in self.light_cone_solution: ds = load(output["filename"]) ax = output["projection_axis"] c = output["projection_center"]*ds.domain_width + ds.domain_left_edge le = c.copy() re = c.copy() width = ds.quan(aw*output["box_width_per_angle"], "unitary").to("code_length") depth = ds.domain_width[ax].in_units("code_length")*output["box_depth_fraction"] le[ax] -= 0.5*depth re[ax] += 0.5*depth for off_ax in axes_lookup[ax]: le[off_ax] -= 0.5*width re[off_ax] += 0.5*width reg =, re) photons = PhotonList.from_data_source(reg, output['redshift'], area, exp_time, source_model, parameters=parameters, center=c, velocity_fields=velocity_fields, cosmology=ds.cosmology) if sum(photons["num_photons"]) > 0: events = photons.project_photons("xyz"[ax], sky_center, absorb_model=absorb_model, nH=nH, no_shifting=no_shifting, sigma_pos=sigma_pos, prng=prng) if events.num_events > 0: tot_events["xsky"].append(events["xsky"]) tot_events["ysky"].append(events["ysky"]) tot_events["eobs"].append(events["eobs"]) del events del photons parameters = {"exp_time": exp_time, "area": area, "sky_center": YTArray(sky_center, "deg")} for key in tot_events: tot_events[key] = uconcatenate(tot_events[key]) return EventList(tot_events, parameters)
def test_blast_override(): # verify that overriding units causes derived unit values to be updated. # see issue #1259 ds = load(blast, units_override=uo_blast) assert_equal(float(ds.magnetic_unit.in_units('gauss')), 5.478674679698131e-07)
def make_spectrum(self, input_file, output_file=None, line_list_file=None, output_absorbers_file=None, use_peculiar_velocity=True, subgrid_resolution=10, observing_redshift=0., njobs="auto"): """ Make spectrum from ray data using the line list. Parameters ---------- input_file : string or dataset path to input ray data or a loaded ray dataset output_file : optional, string Option to save a file containing the wavelength, flux, and optical depth fields. File formats are chosen based on the filename extension. ``.h5`` for hdf5, ``.fits`` for fits, and everything else is ASCII. Default: None output_absorbers_file : optional, string Option to save a text file containing all of the absorbers and corresponding wavelength and redshift information. For parallel jobs, combining the lines lists can be slow so it is recommended to set to None in such circumstances. Default: None use_peculiar_velocity : optional, bool if True, include peculiar velocity for calculating doppler redshift to shift lines. Requires similar flag to be set in LightRay generation. Default: True subgrid_resolution : optional, int When a line is being added that is unresolved (ie its thermal width is less than the spectral bin width), the voigt profile of the line is deposited into an array of virtual wavelength bins at higher resolution. The optical depth from these virtual bins is integrated and then added to the coarser spectral wavelength bin. The subgrid_resolution value determines the ratio between the thermal width and the bin width of the virtual bins. Increasing this value yields smaller virtual bins, which increases accuracy, but is more expensive. A value of 10 yields accuracy to the 4th significant digit in tau. Default: 10 observing_redshift : optional, float This is the redshift at which the observer is observing the absorption spectrum. Default: 0 njobs : optional, int or "auto" the number of process groups into which the loop over absorption lines will be divided. If set to -1, each absorption line will be deposited by exactly one processor. If njobs is set to a value less than the total number of available processors (N), then the deposition of an individual line will be parallelized over (N / njobs) processors. If set to "auto", it will first try to parallelize over the list of lines and only parallelize the line deposition if there are more processors than lines. This is the optimal strategy for parallelizing spectrum generation. Default: "auto" """ if line_list_file is not None:"'line_list_file' keyword is deprecated. Please use " \ "'output_absorbers_file'.") output_absorbers_file = line_list_file input_fields = ['dl', 'redshift', 'temperature'] field_units = {"dl": "cm", "redshift": "", "temperature": "K"} if use_peculiar_velocity: input_fields.append('velocity_los') input_fields.append('redshift_eff') field_units["velocity_los"] = "cm/s" field_units["redshift_eff"] = "" if observing_redshift != 0.: input_fields.append('redshift_dopp') field_units["redshift_dopp"] = "" for feature in self.line_list + self.continuum_list: if not feature['field_name'] in input_fields: input_fields.append(feature['field_name']) field_units[feature["field_name"]] = "cm**-3" if isinstance(input_file, string_types): input_ds = load(input_file) else: input_ds = input_file field_data = input_ds.all_data() # temperature field required to calculate voigt profile widths if ('temperature' not in input_ds.derived_field_list) and \ (('gas', 'temperature') not in input_ds.derived_field_list): raise RuntimeError( "('gas', 'temperature') field required to be present in %s " "for AbsorptionSpectrum to function." % input_file) self.tau_field = np.zeros(self.lambda_field.size) self.absorbers_list = [] if njobs == "auto": comm = _get_comm(()) njobs = min(comm.size, len(self.line_list))"Creating spectrum") self._add_lines_to_spectrum(field_data, use_peculiar_velocity, output_absorbers_file, subgrid_resolution=subgrid_resolution, observing_redshift=observing_redshift, njobs=njobs) self._add_continua_to_spectrum(field_data, use_peculiar_velocity, observing_redshift=observing_redshift) self.flux_field = np.exp(-self.tau_field) if output_file is None: pass elif output_file.endswith('.h5'): self._write_spectrum_hdf5(output_file) elif output_file.endswith('.fits'): self._write_spectrum_fits(output_file) else: self._write_spectrum_ascii(output_file) if output_absorbers_file is not None: self._write_absorbers_file(output_absorbers_file) del field_data return (self.lambda_field, self.flux_field)
def test_enzo_small_simple(self): """ This is an answer test, which compares the results of this test against answers generated from a previous version of the code. This test generates a COS spectrum from a single Enzo dataset using a simple ray and compare the ray and spectral output data against a known answer. """ # Set the dataset filename, load it into yt and define the trajectory # of the LightRay to cross the box from one corner to the other. ds = load(os.path.join(enzo_small, 'RD0009/RD0009')) ray_start = ds.domain_left_edge ray_end = ds.domain_right_edge # Make a LightRay object including all necessary fields so you can add # all H, C, N, O, and Mg fields to the resulting spectrum from your dataset. # Save LightRay to ray.h5 and use it locally as ray object. ray_fn = 'enzo_small_simple_ray.h5' ray = make_simple_ray(ds, start_position=ray_start, end_position=ray_end, data_filename=ray_fn, lines=['H', 'C', 'N', 'O', 'Mg'], ftype='gas') # Now use the ray object to actually generate an absorption spectrum # Use the settings (spectral range, LSF, and spectral resolution) for COS # And save it as an output hdf5 file and plot it to an image. sg = SpectrumGenerator('COS') sg.make_spectrum(ray, lines=['H', 'C', 'N', 'O', 'Mg']) raw_file = 'enzo_small_simple_spec_raw.h5' raw_file_compare = os.path.join(test_results_dir, raw_file) sg.save_spectrum(raw_file) sg.plot_spectrum('enzo_small_simple_spec_raw.png') # "Final" spectrum with added quasar, MW background, applied line-spread # function, and added gaussian noise (SNR=30) # Save as a text file and plot it to an image. sg.add_qso_spectrum() sg.add_milky_way_foreground() sg.apply_lsf() sg.add_gaussian_noise(30, seed=1) final_file = 'enzo_small_simple_spec_final.h5' final_file_compare = os.path.join(test_results_dir, final_file) sg.save_spectrum(final_file) sg.plot_spectrum('enzo_small_simple_spec_final.png') if generate_results: os.rename(raw_file, raw_file_compare) os.rename(final_file, final_file_compare) else: old_spec = h5py.File(raw_file_compare, 'r') new_spec = h5py.File(raw_file, 'r') for key in old_spec.keys(): assert_almost_equal(new_spec[key][()], old_spec[key][()], \ decimal=err_precision, err_msg='Raw spectrum array does not match '+\ 'for enzo_small_simple answer test') old_spec.close() new_spec.close() old_spec = h5py.File(final_file_compare, 'r') new_spec = h5py.File(final_file, 'r') for key in old_spec.keys(): assert_almost_equal(new_spec[key][()], old_spec[key][()], \ decimal=err_precision, err_msg='Final spectrum array does not match '+\ 'for enzo_small_simple answer test') old_spec.close() new_spec.close()
def project_light_cone(self, field_of_view, image_resolution, field, weight_field=None, photon_field=False, save_stack=True, save_final_image=True, save_slice_images=False, cmap_name="algae", njobs=1, dynamic=False): r"""Create projections for light cone, then add them together. Parameters ---------- field_of_view : YTQuantity or tuple of (float, str) The field of view of the image and the units. image_resolution : YTQuantity or tuple of (float, str) The size of each image pixel and the units. field : string The projected field. weight_field : string the weight field of the projection. This has the same meaning as in standard projections. Default: None. photon_field : bool if True, the projection data for each slice is decremented by 4 Pi R^2`, where R is the luminosity distance between the observer and the slice redshift. Default: False. save_stack : bool if True, the light cone data including each individual slice is written to an hdf5 file. Default: True. save_final_image : bool if True, save an image of the final light cone projection. Default: True. save_slice_images : bool save images for each individual projection slice. Default: False. cmap_name : string color map for images. Default: "algae". njobs : int The number of parallel jobs over which the light cone projection will be split. Choose -1 for one processor per individual projection and 1 to have all processors work together on each projection. Default: 1. dynamic : bool If True, use dynamic load balancing to create the projections. Default: False. """ if isinstance(field_of_view, tuple) and len(field_of_view) == 2: field_of_view = self.simulation.quan(field_of_view[0], field_of_view[1]) elif not isinstance(field_of_view, YTArray): raise RuntimeError("field_of_view argument must be either a YTQauntity " + "or a tuple of type (float, str).") if isinstance(image_resolution, tuple) and len(image_resolution) == 2: image_resolution = self.simulation.quan(image_resolution[0], image_resolution[1]) elif not isinstance(image_resolution, YTArray): raise RuntimeError("image_resolution argument must be either a YTQauntity " + "or a tuple of type (float, str).") # Calculate number of pixels on a side. pixels = (field_of_view / image_resolution).in_units("") # Clear projection stack. projection_stack = [] projection_weight_stack = [] if "object" in self.light_cone_solution[-1]: del self.light_cone_solution[-1]["object"] # for q, output in enumerate(self.light_cone_solution): all_storage = {} for my_storage, output in parallel_objects(self.light_cone_solution, storage=all_storage, dynamic=dynamic): output["object"] = load(output["filename"]) output["object"].parameters.update(self.set_parameters) # Calculate fraction of box required for width corresponding to # requested image size. proper_box_size = self.simulation.box_size / \ (1.0 + output["redshift"]) output["box_width_fraction"] = (output["box_width_per_angle"] * field_of_view).in_units("") frb = _light_cone_projection(output, field, pixels, weight_field=weight_field) if photon_field: # Decrement the flux by the luminosity distance. # Assume field in frb is in erg/s/cm^2/Hz dL = self.cosmology.luminosity_distance(self.observer_redshift, output["redshift"]) proper_box_size = self.simulation.box_size / \ (1.0 + output["redshift"]) pixel_area = (proper_box_size.in_cgs() / pixels)**2 #in proper cm^2 factor = pixel_area / (4.0 * np.pi * dL.in_cgs()**2)"Distance to slice = %s" % dL) frb[field] *= factor #in erg/s/cm^2/Hz on observer"s image plane. if weight_field is None: my_storage.result = {"field": frb[field]} else: my_storage.result = {"field": (frb[field] * frb["weight_field"]), "weight_field": frb["weight_field"]} del output["object"] # Combine results from each slice. all_slices = list(all_storage.keys()) all_slices.sort() for my_slice in all_slices: if save_slice_images: name = os.path.join(self.output_dir, "%s_%04d_%04d" % (self.output_prefix, my_slice, len(self.light_cone_solution))) if weight_field is None: my_image = all_storage[my_slice]["field"] else: my_image = all_storage[my_slice]["field"] / \ all_storage[my_slice]["weight_field"] only_on_root(write_image, np.log10(my_image), "%s_%s.png" % (name, field), cmap_name=cmap_name) projection_stack.append(all_storage[my_slice]["field"]) if weight_field is not None: projection_weight_stack.append(all_storage[my_slice]["field"]) projection_stack = self.simulation.arr(projection_stack) projection_weight_stack = self.simulation.arr(projection_weight_stack) # Add up slices to make light cone projection. if (weight_field is None): light_cone_projection = projection_stack.sum(axis=0) else: light_cone_projection = \ projection_stack.sum(axis=0) / \ self.simulation.arr(projection_weight_stack).sum(axis=0) filename = os.path.join(self.output_dir, self.output_prefix) # Write image. if save_final_image: only_on_root(write_image, np.log10(light_cone_projection), "%s_%s.png" % (filename, field), cmap_name=cmap_name) # Write stack to hdf5 file. if save_stack: self._save_light_cone_stack(field, weight_field, projection_stack, projection_weight_stack, filename=filename, attrs={"field_of_view": str(field_of_view), "image_resolution": str(image_resolution)})
def __iter__(self): for o in self._pre_outputs: fn, step = o ds = load(fn, step=step) self._setup_function(ds) yield ds
def test_absorption_spectrum_with_zero_field(self): """ This test generates an absorption spectrum with some particle dataset """ ds = load(FIRE) lr = LightRay(ds) # Define species and associated parameters to add to continuum # Parameters used for both adding the transition to the spectrum # and for fitting # Note that for single species that produce multiple lines # (as in the OVI doublet), 'numLines' will be equal to the number # of lines, and f,gamma, and wavelength will have multiple values. HI_parameters = { 'name': 'HI', 'field': 'H_p0_number_density', 'f': [.4164], 'Gamma': [6.265E8], 'wavelength': [1215.67], 'mass': 1.00794, 'numLines': 1, 'maxN': 1E22, 'minN': 1E11, 'maxb': 300, 'minb': 1, 'maxz': 6, 'minz': 0, 'init_b': 30, 'init_N': 1E14 } species_dicts = {'HI': HI_parameters} # Get all fields that need to be added to the light ray fields = [('gas','temperature')] for s, params in species_dicts.items(): fields.append(params['field']) # With a single dataset, a start_position and # end_position or trajectory must be given. # Trajectory should be given as (r, theta, phi) lr.make_light_ray( start_position=ds.arr([0., 0., 0.], 'unitary'), end_position=ds.arr([1., 1., 1.], 'unitary'), solution_filename='test_lightraysolution.txt', data_filename='test_lightray.h5', fields=fields) # Create an AbsorptionSpectrum object extending from # lambda = 900 to lambda = 1800, with 10000 pixels sp = AbsorptionSpectrum(900.0, 1400.0, 50000) # Iterate over species for s, params in species_dicts.items(): # Iterate over transitions for a single species for i in range(params['numLines']): # Add the lines to the spectrum sp.add_line( s, params['field'], params['wavelength'][i], params['f'][i], params['Gamma'][i], params['mass'], label_threshold=1.e10) # Make and save spectrum wavelength, flux = sp.make_spectrum( 'test_lightray.h5', output_file='test_spectrum.h5', line_list_file='test_lines.txt', use_peculiar_velocity=True)
def test_fits_image(): tmpdir = tempfile.mkdtemp() curdir = os.getcwd() os.chdir(tmpdir) fields = ("density", "temperature") units = ( 'g/cm**3', 'K', ) ds = fake_random_ds(64, fields=fields, units=units, nprocs=16, length_unit=100.0) prj = ds.proj("density", 2) prj_frb = prj.to_frb((0.5, "unitary"), 128) fid1 = FITSImageData(prj_frb, fields=["density", "temperature"], units="cm") fits_prj = FITSProjection(ds, "z", [ds.fields.gas.density, "temperature"], image_res=128, width=(0.5, "unitary")) assert_equal(fid1["density"].data, fits_prj["density"].data) assert_equal(fid1["temperature"].data, fits_prj["temperature"].data) fid1.writeto("fid1.fits", overwrite=True) new_fid1 = FITSImageData.from_file("fid1.fits") assert_equal(fid1["density"].data, new_fid1["density"].data) assert_equal(fid1["temperature"].data, new_fid1["temperature"].data) ds2 = load("fid1.fits") ds2.index assert ("fits", "density") in ds2.field_list assert ("fits", "temperature") in ds2.field_list dw_cm = ds2.domain_width.in_units("cm") assert dw_cm[0].v == 50. assert dw_cm[1].v == 50. slc = ds.slice(2, 0.5) slc_frb = slc.to_frb((0.5, "unitary"), 128) fid2 = FITSImageData(slc_frb, fields=["density", "temperature"], units="cm") fits_slc = FITSSlice(ds, "z", ["density", ("gas", "temperature")], image_res=128, width=(0.5, "unitary")) assert_equal(fid2["density"].data, fits_slc["density"].data) assert_equal(fid2["temperature"].data, fits_slc["temperature"].data) dens_img = fid2.pop("density") temp_img = fid2.pop("temperature") # This already has some assertions in it, so we don't need to do anything # with it other than just make one FITSImageData.from_images([dens_img, temp_img]) cut = ds.cutting([0.1, 0.2, -0.9], [0.5, 0.42, 0.6]) cut_frb = cut.to_frb((0.5, "unitary"), 128) fid3 = FITSImageData(cut_frb, fields=[("gas", "density"), ds.fields.gas.temperature], units="cm") fits_cut = FITSOffAxisSlice(ds, [0.1, 0.2, -0.9], ["density", "temperature"], image_res=128, center=[0.5, 0.42, 0.6], width=(0.5, "unitary")) assert_equal(fid3["density"].data, fits_cut["density"].data) assert_equal(fid3["temperature"].data, fits_cut["temperature"].data) fid3.create_sky_wcs([30., 45.], (1.0, "arcsec/kpc")) fid3.writeto("fid3.fits", overwrite=True) new_fid3 = FITSImageData.from_file("fid3.fits") assert_same_wcs(fid3.wcs, new_fid3.wcs) assert new_fid3.wcs.wcs.cunit[0] == "deg" assert new_fid3.wcs.wcs.cunit[1] == "deg" assert new_fid3.wcs.wcs.ctype[0] == "RA---TAN" assert new_fid3.wcs.wcs.ctype[1] == "DEC--TAN" buf = off_axis_projection(ds, ds.domain_center, [0.1, 0.2, -0.9], 0.5, 128, "density").swapaxes(0, 1) fid4 = FITSImageData(buf, fields="density", width=100.0) fits_oap = FITSOffAxisProjection(ds, [0.1, 0.2, -0.9], "density", width=(0.5, "unitary"), image_res=128, depth=(0.5, "unitary")) assert_equal(fid4["density"].data, fits_oap["density"].data) fid4.create_sky_wcs([30., 45.], (1.0, "arcsec/kpc"), replace_old_wcs=False) assert fid4.wcs.wcs.cunit[0] == "cm" assert fid4.wcs.wcs.cunit[1] == "cm" assert fid4.wcs.wcs.ctype[0] == "linear" assert fid4.wcs.wcs.ctype[1] == "linear" assert fid4.wcsa.wcs.cunit[0] == "deg" assert fid4.wcsa.wcs.cunit[1] == "deg" assert fid4.wcsa.wcs.ctype[0] == "RA---TAN" assert fid4.wcsa.wcs.ctype[1] == "DEC--TAN" cvg = ds.covering_grid(ds.index.max_level, [0.25, 0.25, 0.25], [32, 32, 32], fields=["density", "temperature"]) fid5 = FITSImageData(cvg, fields=["density", "temperature"]) assert fid5.dimensionality == 3 fid5.update_header("density", "time", 0.1) fid5.update_header("all", "units", "cgs") assert fid5["density"].header["time"] == 0.1 assert fid5["temperature"].header["units"] == "cgs" assert fid5["density"].header["units"] == "cgs" os.chdir(curdir) shutil.rmtree(tmpdir)
def make_light_ray(self, seed=None, start_position=None, end_position=None, trajectory=None, fields=None, setup_function=None, solution_filename=None, data_filename=None, get_los_velocity=True, redshift=None, njobs=-1): """ make_light_ray(seed=None, start_position=None, end_position=None, trajectory=None, fields=None, setup_function=None, solution_filename=None, data_filename=None, get_los_velocity=True, redshift=None, njobs=-1) Create a light ray and get field values for each lixel. A light ray consists of a list of field values for cells intersected by the ray and the path length of the ray through those cells. Light ray data can be written out to an hdf5 file. Parameters ---------- seed : optional, int Seed for the random number generator. Default: None. start_position : optional, list of floats Used only if creating a light ray from a single dataset. The coordinates of the starting position of the ray. Default: None. end_position : optional, list of floats Used only if creating a light ray from a single dataset. The coordinates of the ending position of the ray. Default: None. trajectory : optional, list of floats Used only if creating a light ray from a single dataset. The (r, theta, phi) direction of the light ray. Use either end_position or trajectory, not both. Default: None. fields : optional, list A list of fields for which to get data. Default: None. setup_function : optional, callable, accepts a ds This function will be called on each dataset that is loaded to create the light ray. For, example, this can be used to add new derived fields. Default: None. solution_filename : optional, string Path to a text file where the trajectories of each subray is written out. Default: None. data_filename : optional, string Path to output file for ray data. Default: None. get_los_velocity : optional, bool If True, the line of sight velocity is calculated for each point in the ray. Default: True. redshift : optional, float Used with light rays made from single datasets to specify a starting redshift for the ray. If not used, the starting redshift will be 0 for a non-cosmological dataset and the dataset redshift for a cosmological dataset. Default: None. njobs : optional, int The number of parallel jobs over which the segments will be split. Choose -1 for one processor per segment. Default: -1. Examples -------- Make a light ray from multiple datasets: >>> import yt >>> from yt.analysis_modules.cosmological_observation.light_ray.api import \ ... LightRay >>> my_ray = LightRay("enzo_tiny_cosmology/32Mpc_32.enzo", "Enzo", ... 0., 0.1, time_data=False) ... >>> my_ray.make_light_ray(seed=12345, ... solution_filename="solution.txt", ... data_filename="my_ray.h5", ... fields=["temperature", "density"], ... get_los_velocity=True) Make a light ray from a single dataset: >>> import yt >>> from yt.analysis_modules.cosmological_observation.light_ray.api import \ ... LightRay >>> my_ray = LightRay("IsolatedGalaxy/galaxy0030/galaxy0030") ... >>> my_ray.make_light_ray(start_position=[0., 0., 0.], ... end_position=[1., 1., 1.], ... solution_filename="solution.txt", ... data_filename="my_ray.h5", ... fields=["temperature", "density"], ... get_los_velocity=True) """ # Calculate solution. self._calculate_light_ray_solution(seed=seed, start_position=start_position, end_position=end_position, trajectory=trajectory, filename=solution_filename) # Initialize data structures. self._data = {} if fields is None: fields = [] data_fields = fields[:] all_fields = fields[:] all_fields.extend(['dl', 'dredshift', 'redshift']) if get_los_velocity: all_fields.extend(['velocity_x', 'velocity_y', 'velocity_z', 'velocity_los']) data_fields.extend(['velocity_x', 'velocity_y', 'velocity_z']) all_ray_storage = {} for my_storage, my_segment in parallel_objects(self.light_ray_solution, storage=all_ray_storage, njobs=njobs): # Load dataset for segment. ds = load(my_segment['filename'], **self.load_kwargs) my_segment['unique_identifier'] = ds.unique_identifier if redshift is not None: if ds.cosmological_simulation and redshift != ds.current_redshift: mylog.warn("Generating light ray with different redshift than " + "the dataset itself.") my_segment["redshift"] = redshift if setup_function is not None: setup_function(ds) if start_position is not None: my_segment["start"] = ds.arr(my_segment["start"], "code_length") my_segment["end"] = ds.arr(my_segment["end"], "code_length") else: my_segment["start"] = ds.domain_width * my_segment["start"] + \ ds.domain_left_edge my_segment["end"] = ds.domain_width * my_segment["end"] + \ ds.domain_left_edge if not ds.cosmological_simulation: next_redshift = my_segment["redshift"] elif self.near_redshift == self.far_redshift: next_redshift = my_segment["redshift"] - \ self._deltaz_forward(my_segment["redshift"], ds.domain_width[0].in_units("Mpccm / h") * my_segment["traversal_box_fraction"]) elif my_segment.get("next", None) is None: next_redshift = self.near_redshift else: next_redshift = my_segment['next']['redshift']"Getting segment at z = %s: %s to %s." % (my_segment['redshift'], my_segment['start'], my_segment['end'])) # Break periodic ray into non-periodic segments. sub_segments = periodic_ray(my_segment['start'], my_segment['end'], left=ds.domain_left_edge, right=ds.domain_right_edge) # Prepare data structure for subsegment. sub_data = {} sub_data['segment_redshift'] = my_segment['redshift'] for field in all_fields: sub_data[field] = [] # Get data for all subsegments in segment. for sub_segment in sub_segments:"Getting subsegment: %s to %s." % (list(sub_segment[0]), list(sub_segment[1]))) sub_ray = ds.ray(sub_segment[0], sub_segment[1]) asort = np.argsort(sub_ray["t"]) sub_data['dl'].extend(sub_ray['dts'][asort] * vector_length(sub_ray.start_point, sub_ray.end_point)) for field in data_fields: sub_data[field].extend(sub_ray[field][asort]) if get_los_velocity: line_of_sight = sub_segment[1] - sub_segment[0] line_of_sight /= ((line_of_sight**2).sum())**0.5 sub_vel = ds.arr([sub_ray['velocity_x'], sub_ray['velocity_y'], sub_ray['velocity_z']]) sub_data['velocity_los'].extend((np.rollaxis(sub_vel, 1) * line_of_sight).sum(axis=1)[asort]) del sub_vel sub_ray.clear_data() del sub_ray, asort for key in sub_data: sub_data[key] = ds.arr(sub_data[key]).in_cgs() # Get redshift for each lixel. Assume linear relation between l and z. sub_data['dredshift'] = (my_segment['redshift'] - next_redshift) * \ (sub_data['dl'] / vector_length(my_segment['start'], my_segment['end']).in_cgs()) sub_data['redshift'] = my_segment['redshift'] - \ sub_data['dredshift'].cumsum() + sub_data['dredshift'] # Remove empty lixels. sub_dl_nonzero = sub_data['dl'].nonzero() for field in all_fields: sub_data[field] = sub_data[field][sub_dl_nonzero] del sub_dl_nonzero # Add to storage. my_storage.result = sub_data del ds # Reconstruct ray data from parallel_objects storage. all_data = [my_data for my_data in all_ray_storage.values()] # This is now a list of segments where each one is a dictionary # with all the fields. all_data.sort(key=lambda a:a['segment_redshift'], reverse=True) # Flatten the list into a single dictionary containing fields # for the whole ray. all_data = _flatten_dict_list(all_data, exceptions=['segment_redshift']) if data_filename is not None: self._write_light_ray(data_filename, all_data) self._data = all_data return all_data
def test_fits_image(): tmpdir = tempfile.mkdtemp() curdir = os.getcwd() os.chdir(tmpdir) fields = ("density", "temperature") units = ('g/cm**3', 'K',) ds = fake_random_ds(64, fields=fields, units=units, nprocs=16, length_unit=100.0) prj = ds.proj("density", 2) prj_frb = prj.to_frb((0.5, "unitary"), 128) fid1 = FITSImageData(prj_frb, fields=["density","temperature"], units="cm") fits_prj = FITSProjection(ds, "z", ["density","temperature"], image_res=128, width=(0.5,"unitary")) yield assert_equal, fid1.get_data("density"), fits_prj.get_data("density") yield assert_equal, fid1.get_data("temperature"), fits_prj.get_data("temperature") fid1.writeto("fid1.fits", clobber=True) new_fid1 = FITSImageData.from_file("fid1.fits") yield assert_equal, fid1.get_data("density"), new_fid1.get_data("density") yield assert_equal, fid1.get_data("temperature"), new_fid1.get_data("temperature") ds2 = load("fid1.fits") ds2.index assert ("fits","density") in ds2.field_list assert ("fits","temperature") in ds2.field_list dw_cm = ds2.domain_width.in_units("cm") assert dw_cm[0].v == 50. assert dw_cm[1].v == 50. slc = ds.slice(2, 0.5) slc_frb = slc.to_frb((0.5, "unitary"), 128) fid2 = FITSImageData(slc_frb, fields=["density","temperature"], units="cm") fits_slc = FITSSlice(ds, "z", ["density","temperature"], image_res=128, width=(0.5,"unitary")) yield assert_equal, fid2.get_data("density"), fits_slc.get_data("density") yield assert_equal, fid2.get_data("temperature"), fits_slc.get_data("temperature") dens_img = fid2.pop("density") temp_img = fid2.pop("temperature") # This already has some assertions in it, so we don't need to do anything # with it other can just make one fid_comb = FITSImageData.from_images([dens_img, temp_img]) cut = ds.cutting([0.1, 0.2, -0.9], [0.5, 0.42, 0.6]) cut_frb = cut.to_frb((0.5, "unitary"), 128) fid3 = FITSImageData(cut_frb, fields=["density","temperature"], units="cm") fits_cut = FITSOffAxisSlice(ds, [0.1, 0.2, -0.9], ["density","temperature"], image_res=128, center=[0.5, 0.42, 0.6], width=(0.5,"unitary")) yield assert_equal, fid3.get_data("density"), fits_cut.get_data("density") yield assert_equal, fid3.get_data("temperature"), fits_cut.get_data("temperature") fid3.create_sky_wcs([30.,45.], (1.0,"arcsec/kpc")) fid3.writeto("fid3.fits", clobber=True) new_fid3 = FITSImageData.from_file("fid3.fits") assert_same_wcs(fid3.wcs, new_fid3.wcs) assert new_fid3.wcs.wcs.cunit[0] == "deg" assert new_fid3.wcs.wcs.cunit[1] == "deg" assert new_fid3.wcs.wcs.ctype[0] == "RA---TAN" assert new_fid3.wcs.wcs.ctype[1] == "DEC--TAN" buf = off_axis_projection(ds, ds.domain_center, [0.1, 0.2, -0.9], 0.5, 128, "density").swapaxes(0, 1) fid4 = FITSImageData(buf, fields="density", width=100.0) fits_oap = FITSOffAxisProjection(ds, [0.1, 0.2, -0.9], "density", width=(0.5,"unitary"), image_res=128, depth_res=128, depth=(0.5,"unitary")) yield assert_equal, fid4.get_data("density"), fits_oap.get_data("density") cvg = ds.covering_grid(ds.index.max_level, [0.25,0.25,0.25], [32, 32, 32], fields=["density","temperature"]) fid5 = FITSImageData(cvg, fields=["density","temperature"]) assert fid5.dimensionality == 3 fid5.update_header("density", "time", 0.1) fid5.update_header("all", "units", "cgs") assert fid5["density"].header["time"] == 0.1 assert fid5["temperature"].header["units"] == "cgs" assert fid5["density"].header["units"] == "cgs" os.chdir(curdir) shutil.rmtree(tmpdir)
def _calculate_light_ray_solution(self, seed=None, left_edge=None, right_edge=None, min_level=None, periodic=True, start_position=None, end_position=None, trajectory=None, filename=None): "Create list of datasets to be added together to make the light ray." # Calculate dataset sizes, and get random dataset axes and centers. my_random = np.random.RandomState(seed) # If using only one dataset, set start and stop manually. if start_position is not None: if self.near_redshift is not None or self.far_redshift is not None: raise RuntimeError("LightRay Error: cannot specify both " + \ "start_position and a redshift range.") if not ((end_position is None) ^ (trajectory is None)): raise RuntimeError("LightRay Error: must specify either end_position " + \ "or trajectory, but not both.") self.light_ray_solution[0]['start'] = start_position if end_position is not None: self.light_ray_solution[0]['end'] = end_position else: # assume trajectory given as r, theta, phi if len(trajectory) != 3: raise RuntimeError("LightRay Error: trajectory must have length 3.") r, theta, phi = trajectory self.light_ray_solution[0]['end'] = self.light_ray_solution[0]['start'] + \ r * np.array([np.cos(phi) * np.sin(theta), np.sin(phi) * np.sin(theta), np.cos(theta)]) self.light_ray_solution[0]['traversal_box_fraction'] = \ vector_length(self.light_ray_solution[0]['start'], self.light_ray_solution[0]['end']) # the normal way (random start positions and trajectories for each dataset) else: # For box coherence, keep track of effective depth travelled. box_fraction_used = 0.0 for q in range(len(self.light_ray_solution)): if (q == len(self.light_ray_solution) - 1): z_next = self.near_redshift else: z_next = self.light_ray_solution[q+1]['redshift'] # Calculate fraction of box required for a depth of delta z self.light_ray_solution[q]['traversal_box_fraction'] = \ self.cosmology.comoving_radial_distance(z_next, \ self.light_ray_solution[q]['redshift']).in_units("Mpccm / h") / \ self.simulation.box_size # Get dataset axis and center. # If using box coherence, only get start point and vector if # enough of the box has been used. if (q == 0) or (box_fraction_used >= self.minimum_coherent_box_fraction): if periodic: self.light_ray_solution[q]['start'] = left_edge + \ (right_edge - left_edge) * my_random.random_sample(3) theta = np.pi * my_random.random_sample() phi = 2 * np.pi * my_random.random_sample() box_fraction_used = 0.0 else: ds = load(self.light_ray_solution[q]["filename"]) ray_length = \ ds.quan(self.light_ray_solution[q]['traversal_box_fraction'], "unitary") self.light_ray_solution[q]['start'], \ self.light_ray_solution[q]['end'] = \ non_periodic_ray(ds, left_edge, right_edge, ray_length, my_random=my_random, min_level=min_level) del ds else: # Use end point of previous segment, adjusted for periodicity, # and the same trajectory. self.light_ray_solution[q]['start'] = \ periodic_adjust(self.light_ray_solution[q-1]['end'][:], left=left_edge, right=right_edge) if "end" not in self.light_ray_solution[q]: self.light_ray_solution[q]['end'] = \ self.light_ray_solution[q]['start'] + \ self.light_ray_solution[q]['traversal_box_fraction'] * \ self.simulation.box_size * \ np.array([np.cos(phi) * np.sin(theta), np.sin(phi) * np.sin(theta), np.cos(theta)]) box_fraction_used += \ self.light_ray_solution[q]['traversal_box_fraction'] if filename is not None: self._write_light_ray_solution(filename, extra_info={'parameter_filename':self.parameter_filename, 'random_seed':seed, 'far_redshift':self.far_redshift, 'near_redshift':self.near_redshift})
def __init__(self, parameter_filename, simulation_type=None, near_redshift=None, far_redshift=None, use_minimum_datasets=True, max_box_fraction=1.0, deltaz_min=0.0, minimum_coherent_box_fraction=0.0, time_data=True, redshift_data=True, find_outputs=False, load_kwargs=None): if near_redshift is not None and far_redshift is not None and \ near_redshift >= far_redshift: raise RuntimeError( "near_redshift must be less than far_redshift.") self.near_redshift = near_redshift self.far_redshift = far_redshift self.use_minimum_datasets = use_minimum_datasets self.deltaz_min = deltaz_min self.minimum_coherent_box_fraction = minimum_coherent_box_fraction self.parameter_filename = parameter_filename if load_kwargs is None: self.load_kwargs = {} else: self.load_kwargs = load_kwargs self.light_ray_solution = [] self._data = {} # The options here are: # 1) User passed us a dataset: use it to make a simple ray # 2) User passed us a dataset filename: use it to make a simple ray # 3) User passed us a simulation filename: use it to make a compound ray # Make a light ray from a single, given dataset: #1, #2 if simulation_type is None: self.simulation_type = simulation_type if isinstance(self.parameter_filename, Dataset): self.ds = self.parameter_filename self.parameter_filename = self.ds.basename elif isinstance(self.parameter_filename, str): self.ds = load(self.parameter_filename, **self.load_kwargs) if self.ds.cosmological_simulation: redshift = self.ds.current_redshift self.cosmology = Cosmology( hubble_constant=self.ds.hubble_constant, omega_matter=self.ds.omega_matter, omega_lambda=self.ds.omega_lambda) else: redshift = 0. self.light_ray_solution.append({"filename": self.parameter_filename, "redshift": redshift}) # Make a light ray from a simulation time-series. #3 else: self.ds = None assert isinstance(self.parameter_filename, str) # Get list of datasets for light ray solution. CosmologySplice.__init__(self, self.parameter_filename, simulation_type, find_outputs=find_outputs) self.light_ray_solution = \ self.create_cosmology_splice( self.near_redshift, self.far_redshift, minimal=self.use_minimum_datasets, max_box_fraction=max_box_fraction, deltaz_min=self.deltaz_min, time_data=time_data, redshift_data=redshift_data)
def load_sample(name=None, specific_file=None, pbar=True): """ Load sample data with yt. Simple wrapper around yt.load to include fetching data with pooch. Parameters ---------- name : str or None The name of the sample data to load. This is generally the name of the folder of the dataset. For IsolatedGalaxy, the name would be `IsolatedGalaxy`. If `None` is supplied, the return value will be a list of all known datasets (by name). specific_file : str, optional optional argument -- the name of the file to load that is located within sample dataset of `name`. For the dataset `enzo_cosmology_plus`, which has a number of timesteps available, one may wish to choose DD0003. The file specifically would be `enzo_cosmology_plus/DD0003/DD0003`, and the argument passed to this variable would be `DD0003/DD0003` pbar: bool display a progress bar """ fido = sd.Fido() if name is None: keys = [] for key in fido._registry: for ext in sd._extensions_to_strip: if key.endswith(ext): key = key[:-len(ext)] keys.append(key) return keys base_path = fileext, name, extension = _validate_sampledata_name(name) downloader = None if pbar: try: import tqdm # noqa: F401 downloader = pch.pooch.HTTPDownloader(progressbar=True) except ImportError: mylog.warning( "tqdm is not installed, progress bar can not be displayed.") if extension == "h5": fname = fetch_noncompressed_file(fileext, fido, downloader=downloader) else: # we are going to assume most files that exist on the hub are # compressed in .tar folders. Some may not. fname = fetch_compressed_file(fileext, fido, downloader=downloader) # The `folder_path` variable is used here to notify the user where the # files have been unpacked to. However, we can't assume this is reliable # because in some cases the common path will overlap with the `load_name` # variable of the file. folder_path = os.path.commonprefix(fname)"Files located at %s", folder_path) # Location of the file to load automatically, registered in the Fido class info = fido[fileext] file_lookup = info["load_name"] optional_args = info["load_kwargs"] if specific_file is None: # right now work on loading only untarred files. build out h5 later"Default to loading %s for %s dataset", file_lookup, name) loaded_file = os.path.join(base_path, f"{fileext}.untar", name, file_lookup) else:"Loading %s for %s dataset", specific_file, name) loaded_file = os.path.join(base_path, f"{fileext}.untar", name, specific_file) return load(loaded_file, **optional_args)
def test_contour_callback(): with _cleanup_fname() as prefix: ds = fake_amr_ds(fields=("density", "temperature")) for ax in 'xyz': p = ProjectionPlot(ds, ax, "density") p.annotate_contour("temperature") assert_fname([0]) p = ProjectionPlot(ds, ax, "density", weight_field="density") p.annotate_contour("temperature") assert_fname([0]) p = SlicePlot(ds, ax, "density") p.annotate_contour("temperature") # BREAKS WITH ndarray assert_fname([0]) # Now we'll check a few additional minor things p = SlicePlot(ds, "x", "density") p.annotate_contour("temperature", ncont=10, factor=8, take_log=False, clim=(0.4, 0.6), plot_args={'lw': 2.0}, label=True, text_args={'text-size': 'x-large'}) p = SlicePlot(ds, "x", "density") s2 = ds.slice(0, 0.2) p.annotate_contour("temperature", ncont=10, factor=8, take_log=False, clim=(0.4, 0.6), plot_args={'lw': 2.0}, label=True, text_args={'text-size': 'x-large'}, data_source=s2) with _cleanup_fname() as prefix: ds = load(cyl_2d) slc = SlicePlot(ds, "theta", "plasma_beta") slc.annotate_contour("plasma_beta", ncont=2, factor=7., take_log=False, clim=(1.e-1, 1.e1), label=True, plot_args={ "colors": ("c", "w"), "linewidths": 1 }, text_args={"fmt": "%1.1f"}) assert_fname([0]) with _cleanup_fname() as prefix: ds = fake_amr_ds(fields=("density", "temperature"), geometry="spherical") p = SlicePlot(ds, "r", "density") p.annotate_contour("temperature", ncont=10, factor=8, take_log=False, clim=(0.4, 0.6), plot_args={'lw': 2.0}, label=True, text_args={'text-size': 'x-large'}) assert_raises(YTDataTypeUnsupported,, prefix)
def make_light_ray(self, seed=None, periodic=True, left_edge=None, right_edge=None, min_level=None, start_position=None, end_position=None, trajectory=None, fields=None, setup_function=None, solution_filename=None, data_filename=None, get_los_velocity=None, use_peculiar_velocity=True, redshift=None, field_parameters=None, njobs=-1): """ make_light_ray(seed=None, periodic=True, left_edge=None, right_edge=None, min_level=None, start_position=None, end_position=None, trajectory=None, fields=None, setup_function=None, solution_filename=None, data_filename=None, use_peculiar_velocity=True, redshift=None, njobs=-1) Create a light ray and get field values for each lixel. A light ray consists of a list of field values for cells intersected by the ray and the path length of the ray through those cells. Light ray data must be written out to an hdf5 file. Parameters ---------- seed : optional, int Seed for the random number generator. Default: None. periodic : optional, bool If True, ray trajectories will make use of periodic boundaries. If False, ray trajectories will not be periodic. Default : True. left_edge : optional, iterable of floats or YTArray The left corner of the region in which rays are to be generated. If None, the left edge will be that of the domain. If specified without units, it is assumed to be in code units. Default: None. right_edge : optional, iterable of floats or YTArray The right corner of the region in which rays are to be generated. If None, the right edge will be that of the domain. If specified without units, it is assumed to be in code units. Default: None. min_level : optional, int The minimum refinement level of the spatial region in which the ray passes. This can be used with zoom-in simulations where the high resolution region does not keep a constant geometry. Default: None. start_position : optional, iterable of floats or YTArray. Used only if creating a light ray from a single dataset. The coordinates of the starting position of the ray. If specified without units, it is assumed to be in code units. Default: None. end_position : optional, iterable of floats or YTArray. Used only if creating a light ray from a single dataset. The coordinates of the ending position of the ray. If specified without units, it is assumed to be in code units. Default: None. trajectory : optional, list of floats Used only if creating a light ray from a single dataset. The (r, theta, phi) direction of the light ray. Use either end_position or trajectory, not both. Default: None. fields : optional, list A list of fields for which to get data. Default: None. setup_function : optional, callable, accepts a ds This function will be called on each dataset that is loaded to create the light ray. For, example, this can be used to add new derived fields. Default: None. solution_filename : optional, string Path to a text file where the trajectories of each subray is written out. Default: None. data_filename : optional, string Path to output file for ray data. Default: None. use_peculiar_velocity : optional, bool If True, the peculiar velocity along the ray will be sampled for calculating the effective redshift combining the cosmological redshift and the doppler redshift. Default: True. redshift : optional, float Used with light rays made from single datasets to specify a starting redshift for the ray. If not used, the starting redshift will be 0 for a non-cosmological dataset and the dataset redshift for a cosmological dataset. Default: None. njobs : optional, int The number of parallel jobs over which the segments will be split. Choose -1 for one processor per segment. Default: -1. Examples -------- Make a light ray from multiple datasets: >>> import yt >>> from yt.analysis_modules.cosmological_observation.light_ray.api import \ ... LightRay >>> my_ray = LightRay("enzo_tiny_cosmology/32Mpc_32.enzo", "Enzo", ... 0., 0.1, time_data=False) ... >>> my_ray.make_light_ray(seed=12345, ... solution_filename="solution.txt", ... data_filename="my_ray.h5", ... fields=["temperature", "density"], ... use_peculiar_velocity=True) Make a light ray from a single dataset: >>> import yt >>> from yt.analysis_modules.cosmological_observation.light_ray.api import \ ... LightRay >>> my_ray = LightRay("IsolatedGalaxy/galaxy0030/galaxy0030") ... >>> my_ray.make_light_ray(start_position=[0., 0., 0.], ... end_position=[1., 1., 1.], ... solution_filename="solution.txt", ... data_filename="my_ray.h5", ... fields=["temperature", "density"], ... use_peculiar_velocity=True) """ if self.simulation_type is None: domain = self.ds else: domain = self.simulation assumed_units = "code_length" if left_edge is None: left_edge = domain.domain_left_edge elif not hasattr(left_edge, 'units'): left_edge = domain.arr(left_edge, assumed_units) left_edge.convert_to_units('unitary') if right_edge is None: right_edge = domain.domain_right_edge elif not hasattr(right_edge, 'units'): right_edge = domain.arr(right_edge, assumed_units) right_edge.convert_to_units('unitary') if start_position is not None: if hasattr(start_position, 'units'): start_position = start_position else: start_position = self.ds.arr(start_position, assumed_units) start_position.convert_to_units('unitary') if end_position is not None: if hasattr(end_position, 'units'): end_position = end_position else: end_position = self.ds.arr(end_position, assumed_units) end_position.convert_to_units('unitary') if get_los_velocity is not None: use_peculiar_velocity = get_los_velocity mylog.warn("'get_los_velocity' kwarg is deprecated. " + \ "Use 'use_peculiar_velocity' instead.") # Calculate solution. self._calculate_light_ray_solution(seed=seed, left_edge=left_edge, right_edge=right_edge, min_level=min_level, periodic=periodic, start_position=start_position, end_position=end_position, trajectory=trajectory, filename=solution_filename) if field_parameters is None: field_parameters = {} # Initialize data structures. self._data = {} # temperature field is automatically added to fields if fields is None: fields = [] if (('gas', 'temperature') not in fields) and \ ('temperature' not in fields): fields.append(('gas', 'temperature')) data_fields = fields[:] all_fields = fields[:] all_fields.extend(['dl', 'dredshift', 'redshift']) all_fields.extend(['x', 'y', 'z', 'dx', 'dy', 'dz']) data_fields.extend(['x', 'y', 'z', 'dx', 'dy', 'dz']) if use_peculiar_velocity: all_fields.extend(['velocity_x', 'velocity_y', 'velocity_z', 'velocity_los', 'redshift_eff', 'redshift_dopp']) data_fields.extend(['velocity_x', 'velocity_y', 'velocity_z']) all_ray_storage = {} for my_storage, my_segment in parallel_objects(self.light_ray_solution, storage=all_ray_storage, njobs=njobs): # In case of simple rays, use the already loaded dataset: self.ds, # otherwise, load dataset for segment. if self.ds is None: ds = load(my_segment['filename'], **self.load_kwargs) else: ds = self.ds my_segment['unique_identifier'] = ds.unique_identifier if redshift is not None: if ds.cosmological_simulation and redshift != ds.current_redshift: mylog.warn("Generating light ray with different redshift than " + "the dataset itself.") my_segment["redshift"] = redshift if setup_function is not None: setup_function(ds) if not ds.cosmological_simulation: next_redshift = my_segment["redshift"] elif self.near_redshift == self.far_redshift: if isinstance(my_segment["traversal_box_fraction"], YTArray) and \ not my_segment["traversal_box_fraction"].units.is_dimensionless: segment_length = \ my_segment["traversal_box_fraction"].in_units("Mpccm / h") else: segment_length = my_segment["traversal_box_fraction"] * \ ds.domain_width[0].in_units("Mpccm / h") next_redshift = my_segment["redshift"] - \ self._deltaz_forward(my_segment["redshift"], segment_length) elif my_segment.get("next", None) is None: next_redshift = self.near_redshift else: next_redshift = my_segment['next']['redshift'] # Make sure start, end, left, right # are using the dataset's unit system. my_start = ds.arr(my_segment['start']) my_end = ds.arr(my_segment['end']) my_left = ds.arr(left_edge) my_right = ds.arr(right_edge)"Getting segment at z = %s: %s to %s." % (my_segment['redshift'], my_start, my_end)) # Break periodic ray into non-periodic segments. sub_segments = periodic_ray(my_start, my_end, left=my_left, right=my_right) # Prepare data structure for subsegment. sub_data = {} sub_data['segment_redshift'] = my_segment['redshift'] for field in all_fields: sub_data[field] = [] # Get data for all subsegments in segment. for sub_segment in sub_segments:"Getting subsegment: %s to %s." % (list(sub_segment[0]), list(sub_segment[1]))) sub_ray = ds.ray(sub_segment[0], sub_segment[1]) for key, val in field_parameters.items(): sub_ray.set_field_parameter(key, val) asort = np.argsort(sub_ray["t"]) sub_data['dl'].extend(sub_ray['dts'][asort] * vector_length(sub_ray.start_point, sub_ray.end_point)) for field in data_fields: sub_data[field].extend(sub_ray[field][asort]) if use_peculiar_velocity: line_of_sight = sub_segment[0] - sub_segment[1] line_of_sight /= ((line_of_sight**2).sum())**0.5 sub_vel = ds.arr([sub_ray['velocity_x'], sub_ray['velocity_y'], sub_ray['velocity_z']]) # Line of sight velocity = vel_los sub_vel_los = (np.rollaxis(sub_vel, 1) * \ line_of_sight).sum(axis=1) sub_data['velocity_los'].extend(sub_vel_los[asort]) # doppler redshift: # See and # Peebles eqns: 5.48, 5.49 # 1 + redshift_dopp = (1 + v*cos(theta)/c) / # sqrt(1 - v**2/c**2) # where v is the peculiar velocity (ie physical velocity # without the hubble flow, but no hubble flow in sim, so # just the physical velocity). # the bulk of the doppler redshift is from line of sight # motion, but there is a small amount from time dilation # of transverse motion, hence the inclusion of theta (the # angle between line of sight and the velocity). # theta is the angle between the ray vector (i.e. line of # sight) and the velocity vectors: a dot b = ab cos(theta) sub_vel_mag = sub_ray['velocity_magnitude'] cos_theta = / sub_vel_mag # Protect against stituations where velocity mag is exactly # zero, in which case zero / zero = NaN. cos_theta = np.nan_to_num(cos_theta) redshift_dopp = \ (1 + sub_vel_mag * cos_theta / speed_of_light_cgs) / \ np.sqrt(1 - sub_vel_mag**2 / speed_of_light_cgs**2) - 1 sub_data['redshift_dopp'].extend(redshift_dopp[asort]) del sub_vel, sub_vel_los, sub_vel_mag, cos_theta, \ redshift_dopp sub_ray.clear_data() del sub_ray, asort for key in sub_data: sub_data[key] = ds.arr(sub_data[key]).in_cgs() # Get redshift for each lixel. Assume linear relation between l # and z. sub_data['dredshift'] = (my_segment['redshift'] - next_redshift) * \ (sub_data['dl'] / vector_length(my_start, my_end).in_cgs()) sub_data['redshift'] = my_segment['redshift'] - \ sub_data['dredshift'].cumsum() + sub_data['dredshift'] # When using the peculiar velocity, create effective redshift # (redshift_eff) field combining cosmological redshift and # doppler redshift. # then to add cosmological redshift and doppler redshifts, follow # eqn 3.75 in Peacock's Cosmological Physics: # 1 + z_eff = (1 + z_cosmo) * (1 + z_doppler) if use_peculiar_velocity: sub_data['redshift_eff'] = ((1 + sub_data['redshift_dopp']) * \ (1 + sub_data['redshift'])) - 1 # Remove empty lixels. sub_dl_nonzero = sub_data['dl'].nonzero() for field in all_fields: sub_data[field] = sub_data[field][sub_dl_nonzero] del sub_dl_nonzero # Add to storage. my_storage.result = sub_data del ds # Reconstruct ray data from parallel_objects storage. all_data = [my_data for my_data in all_ray_storage.values()] # This is now a list of segments where each one is a dictionary # with all the fields. all_data.sort(key=lambda a:a['segment_redshift'], reverse=True) # Flatten the list into a single dictionary containing fields # for the whole ray. all_data = _flatten_dict_list(all_data, exceptions=['segment_redshift']) self._data = all_data if data_filename is not None: self._write_light_ray(data_filename, all_data) ray_ds = load(data_filename) return ray_ds else: return None
def make_spectrum(self, ray, lines='all', output_file=None, output_absorbers_file=None, use_peculiar_velocity=True, observing_redshift=0.0, ly_continuum=True, store_observables=False, min_tau=1e-3, njobs="auto"): """ Make a spectrum from ray data depositing the desired lines. Make sure to pass this function a LightRay object and potentially also a list of strings representing what lines you'd like to actually have be deposited in your final spectrum. **Parameters** :ray: string, dataset, or data container If a string, the path to the ray dataset. As a dataset, this is the ray dataset loaded by yt. As a data container, this is a data object created from a ray dataset, such as a cut region. :lines: list of strings List of strings that determine which lines will be added to the spectrum. List can include things like "C", "O VI", or "Mg II ####", where #### would be the integer wavelength value of the desired line. If set to 'all', includes all lines in LineDatabase set in SpectrumGenerator. Default: 'all' :output_file: optional, string Filename of output if you wish to save the spectrum immediately without any further processing. File formats are chosen based on the filename extension. ".h5" for HDF5, ".fits" for FITS, and everything else is ASCII. Equivalent of calling :class:`~trident.SpectrumGenerator.save_spectrum`. Default: None :output_absorbers_file: optional, string Option to save a text file containing all of the absorbers and corresponding wavelength and redshift information. For parallel jobs, combining the lines lists can be slow so it is recommended to set to None in such circumstances. Default: None :use_peculiar_velocity: optional, bool If True, include the effects of doppler redshift of the gas in shifting lines in the final spectrum. Default: True :observing_redshift: optional, float This is the value of the redshift at which the observer of this spectrum exists. In most cases, this will be a redshift of 0. Default: 0. :ly_continuum: optional, boolean If any H I lines are used in the line list, this assures a Lyman continuum will be included in the spectral generation. Lyman continuum begins at final Lyman line deposited (Ly 39 = 912.32 A) not at formal Lyman Limit (911.76 A) so as to not have a gap between final Lyman lines and continuum. Uses power law of index 3 and normalization to match opacity of final Lyman lines. Default: True :store_observables: optional, boolean If set to true, observable properties for each cell in the light ray will be saved for each line in the line list. Properties include the column density, tau, thermal b, and the wavelength where tau was deposited. Best applied for a reasonable number of lines. These quantities will be saved to the SpectrumGenerator attribute: 'line_observables_dict'. Default: False :min_tau: optional, float This value determines size of the wavelength window used to deposit lines or continua. The wavelength window is expanded until the optical depth at the edge is below this value. If too high, this will result in features appearing cut off at the edges. Decreasing this will make features smoother but will also increase run time. An increase by a factor of ten will result in roughly a 2x slow down. Default: 1e-3. :njobs: optional, int or "auto" The number of process groups into which the loop over absorption lines will be divided. If set to -1, each absorption line will be deposited by exactly one processor. If njobs is set to a value less than the total number of available processors (N), then the deposition of an individual line will be parallelized over (N / njobs) processors. If set to "auto", it will first try to parallelize over the list of lines and only parallelize the line deposition if there are more processors than lines. This is the optimal strategy for parallelizing spectrum generation. Default: "auto" **Example** Make a one zone ray and generate a COS spectrum for it including only Oxygen VI, Mg II, and all Carbon lines, and plot to disk. >>> import trident >>> ray = trident.make_onezone_ray() >>> sg = trident.SpectrumGenerator('COS') >>> sg.make_spectrum(ray, lines=['O VI', 'Mg II', 'C']) >>> sg.plot_spectrum('spec_raw.png') """ self.observing_redshift = observing_redshift if isinstance(ray, str): ray = load(ray) if isinstance(ray, Dataset): ad = ray.all_data() elif isinstance(ray, YTDataContainer): ad = ray ray = ad.ds else: raise RuntimeError("Unrecognized ray type.") # Clear out any previous spectrum that existed first self.clear_spectrum() active_lines = self.line_database.parse_subset(lines) # Make sure we've produced all the necessary # derived fields if they aren't native to the data for line in active_lines: # if successful, means line.field is in ds.derived_field_list try: ad._determine_fields(line.field)[0] # otherwise we probably need to add the field to the dataset except BaseException: my_ion = \ line.field[:line.field.find("number_density")] on_ion = my_ion.split("_") # Add the field if greater than level 1 ionization # because there is only one naming convention for these fields: # X_pY_number_density if on_ion[1]: my_lev = int(on_ion[1][1:]) + 1"Creating %s from ray's density, " "temperature, metallicity." % (line.field)) add_ion_number_density_field( on_ion[0], my_lev, ray, ionization_table=self.ionization_table) # If level 1 ionization, check to see if other name for # field is present in dataset else: my_lev = 1 alias_field = ('gas', "".join([my_ion, 'p0_number_density'])) # Don't add the X_number_density if X_p0_number_density is # in dataset already if alias_field in ray.derived_field_list: line.field = alias_field # But add the field if neither X_number_density nor # X_p0_number_density is in the dataset else:"Creating %s from ray's density, " "temperature, metallicity." % (line.field)) add_ion_number_density_field( on_ion[0], my_lev, ray, ionization_table=self.ionization_table) self.add_line(line.identifier, line.field, float(line.wavelength), float(line.f_value), float(line.gamma), atomic_mass[line.element], label_threshold=1e3) # If there are H I lines present, add a Lyman continuum source # Lyman continuum source starts at wavelength where last Lyman line # is deposited (Ly 40), as opposed to true Lyman Limit at 911.763 A # so there won't be a gap between lines and continuum. Using # power law of index 3.0 and normalization to match the opacity of # the final Lyman line into the FUV. H_lines = self.line_database.select_lines(source_list=active_lines, element='H', ion_state='I') if len(H_lines) > 0 and ly_continuum: self.add_continuum('Ly C', H_lines[0].field, 912.32336, 1.6e17, 3.0) AbsorptionSpectrum.make_spectrum( self, ad, output_file=None, line_list_file=None, output_absorbers_file=output_absorbers_file, use_peculiar_velocity=use_peculiar_velocity, observing_redshift=observing_redshift, store_observables=store_observables, min_tau=min_tau, njobs=njobs)
def project_light_cone(self, field_of_view, image_resolution, field, weight_field=None, photon_field=False, save_stack=True, save_final_image=True, save_slice_images=False, cmap_name=None, njobs=1, dynamic=False): r"""Create projections for light cone, then add them together. Parameters ---------- field_of_view : YTQuantity or tuple of (float, str) The field of view of the image and the units. image_resolution : YTQuantity or tuple of (float, str) The size of each image pixel and the units. field : string The projected field. weight_field : string the weight field of the projection. This has the same meaning as in standard projections. Default: None. photon_field : bool if True, the projection data for each slice is decremented by 4 Pi R^2`, where R is the luminosity distance between the observer and the slice redshift. Default: False. save_stack : bool if True, the light cone data including each individual slice is written to an hdf5 file. Default: True. save_final_image : bool if True, save an image of the final light cone projection. Default: True. save_slice_images : bool save images for each individual projection slice. Default: False. cmap_name : string color map for images. Default: your default colormap. njobs : int The number of parallel jobs over which the light cone projection will be split. Choose -1 for one processor per individual projection and 1 to have all processors work together on each projection. Default: 1. dynamic : bool If True, use dynamic load balancing to create the projections. Default: False. """ if cmap_name is None: cmap_name = ytcfg.get("yt", "default_colormap") if isinstance(field_of_view, tuple) and len(field_of_view) == 2: field_of_view = self.simulation.quan(field_of_view[0], field_of_view[1]) elif not isinstance(field_of_view, YTArray): raise RuntimeError( "field_of_view argument must be either a YTQauntity " + "or a tuple of type (float, str).") if isinstance(image_resolution, tuple) and len(image_resolution) == 2: image_resolution = self.simulation.quan(image_resolution[0], image_resolution[1]) elif not isinstance(image_resolution, YTArray): raise RuntimeError( "image_resolution argument must be either a YTQauntity " + "or a tuple of type (float, str).") # Calculate number of pixels on a side. pixels = int((field_of_view / image_resolution).in_units("")) # Clear projection stack. projection_stack = [] projection_weight_stack = [] if "object" in self.light_cone_solution[-1]: del self.light_cone_solution[-1]["object"] # for q, output in enumerate(self.light_cone_solution): all_storage = {} for my_storage, output in parallel_objects(self.light_cone_solution, storage=all_storage, dynamic=dynamic): output["object"] = load(output["filename"]) output["object"].parameters.update(self.set_parameters) # Calculate fraction of box required for width corresponding to # requested image size. proper_box_size = self.simulation.box_size / \ (1.0 + output["redshift"]) output["box_width_fraction"] = (output["box_width_per_angle"] * field_of_view).in_units("") frb = _light_cone_projection(output, field, pixels, weight_field=weight_field) if photon_field: # Decrement the flux by the luminosity distance. # Assume field in frb is in erg/s/cm^2/Hz dL = self.cosmology.luminosity_distance( self.observer_redshift, output["redshift"]) proper_box_size = self.simulation.box_size / \ (1.0 + output["redshift"]) pixel_area = (proper_box_size.in_cgs() / pixels)**2 #in proper cm^2 factor = pixel_area / (4.0 * np.pi * dL.in_cgs()**2)"Distance to slice = %s" % dL) frb[field] *= factor #in erg/s/cm^2/Hz on observer"s image plane. if weight_field is None: my_storage.result = {"field": frb[field]} else: my_storage.result = { "field": (frb[field] * frb["weight_field"]), "weight_field": frb["weight_field"] } del output["object"] # Combine results from each slice. all_slices = list(all_storage.keys()) all_slices.sort() for my_slice in all_slices: if save_slice_images: name = os.path.join( self.output_dir, "%s_%04d_%04d" % (self.output_prefix, my_slice, len(self.light_cone_solution))) if weight_field is None: my_image = all_storage[my_slice]["field"] else: my_image = all_storage[my_slice]["field"] / \ all_storage[my_slice]["weight_field"] only_on_root(write_image, np.log10(my_image), "%s_%s.png" % (name, field), cmap_name=cmap_name) projection_stack.append(all_storage[my_slice]["field"]) if weight_field is not None: projection_weight_stack.append(all_storage[my_slice]["field"]) projection_stack = self.simulation.arr(projection_stack) projection_weight_stack = self.simulation.arr(projection_weight_stack) # Add up slices to make light cone projection. if (weight_field is None): light_cone_projection = projection_stack.sum(axis=0) else: light_cone_projection = \ projection_stack.sum(axis=0) / \ self.simulation.arr(projection_weight_stack).sum(axis=0) filename = os.path.join(self.output_dir, self.output_prefix) # Write image. if save_final_image: only_on_root(write_image, np.log10(light_cone_projection), "%s_%s.png" % (filename, field), cmap_name=cmap_name) # Write stack to hdf5 file. if save_stack: self._save_light_cone_stack(field, weight_field, projection_stack, projection_weight_stack, filename=filename, attrs={ "field_of_view": str(field_of_view), "image_resolution": str(image_resolution) })
def test_fits_image(): tmpdir = tempfile.mkdtemp() curdir = os.getcwd() os.chdir(tmpdir) fields = ("density", "temperature") units = ( 'g/cm**3', 'K', ) ds = fake_random_ds(64, fields=fields, units=units, nprocs=16, length_unit=100.0) prj = ds.proj("density", 2) prj_frb = prj.to_frb((0.5, "unitary"), 128) fid1 = prj_frb.to_fits_data(fields=[("gas", "density"), ("gas", "temperature")], length_unit="cm") fits_prj = FITSProjection(ds, "z", [ds.fields.gas.density, "temperature"], image_res=128, width=(0.5, "unitary")) assert_equal(fid1["density"].data, fits_prj["density"].data) assert_equal(fid1["temperature"].data, fits_prj["temperature"].data) fid1.writeto("fid1.fits", overwrite=True) new_fid1 = FITSImageData.from_file("fid1.fits") assert_equal(fid1["density"].data, new_fid1["density"].data) assert_equal(fid1["temperature"].data, new_fid1["temperature"].data) assert_equal(fid1.length_unit, new_fid1.length_unit) assert_equal(fid1.time_unit, new_fid1.time_unit) assert_equal(fid1.mass_unit, new_fid1.mass_unit) assert_equal(fid1.velocity_unit, new_fid1.velocity_unit) assert_equal(fid1.magnetic_unit, new_fid1.magnetic_unit) assert_equal(fid1.current_time, new_fid1.current_time) ds2 = load("fid1.fits") ds2.index assert ("fits", "density") in ds2.field_list assert ("fits", "temperature") in ds2.field_list dw_cm = ds2.domain_width.in_units("cm") assert dw_cm[0].v == 50. assert dw_cm[1].v == 50. slc = ds.slice(2, 0.5) slc_frb = slc.to_frb((0.5, "unitary"), 128) fid2 = slc_frb.to_fits_data(fields=[("gas", "density"), ("gas", "temperature")], length_unit="cm") fits_slc = FITSSlice(ds, "z", [("gas", "density"), ("gas", "temperature")], image_res=128, width=(0.5, "unitary")) assert_equal(fid2["density"].data, fits_slc["density"].data) assert_equal(fid2["temperature"].data, fits_slc["temperature"].data) dens_img = fid2.pop("density") temp_img = fid2.pop("temperature") combined_fid = FITSImageData.from_images([dens_img, temp_img]) assert_equal(combined_fid.length_unit, dens_img.length_unit) assert_equal(combined_fid.time_unit, dens_img.time_unit) assert_equal(combined_fid.mass_unit, dens_img.mass_unit) assert_equal(combined_fid.velocity_unit, dens_img.velocity_unit) assert_equal(combined_fid.magnetic_unit, dens_img.magnetic_unit) assert_equal(combined_fid.current_time, dens_img.current_time) cut = ds.cutting([0.1, 0.2, -0.9], [0.5, 0.42, 0.6]) cut_frb = cut.to_frb((0.5, "unitary"), 128) fid3 = cut_frb.to_fits_data(fields=[("gas", "density"), ds.fields.gas.temperature], length_unit="cm") fits_cut = FITSOffAxisSlice(ds, [0.1, 0.2, -0.9], ["density", "temperature"], image_res=128, center=[0.5, 0.42, 0.6], width=(0.5, "unitary")) assert_equal(fid3["density"].data, fits_cut["density"].data) assert_equal(fid3["temperature"].data, fits_cut["temperature"].data) fid3.create_sky_wcs([30., 45.], (1.0, "arcsec/kpc")) fid3.writeto("fid3.fits", overwrite=True) new_fid3 = FITSImageData.from_file("fid3.fits") assert_same_wcs(fid3.wcs, new_fid3.wcs) assert new_fid3.wcs.wcs.cunit[0] == "deg" assert new_fid3.wcs.wcs.cunit[1] == "deg" assert new_fid3.wcs.wcs.ctype[0] == "RA---TAN" assert new_fid3.wcs.wcs.ctype[1] == "DEC--TAN" buf = off_axis_projection(ds, ds.domain_center, [0.1, 0.2, -0.9], 0.5, 128, "density").swapaxes(0, 1) fid4 = FITSImageData(buf, fields="density", width=100.0) fits_oap = FITSOffAxisProjection(ds, [0.1, 0.2, -0.9], "density", width=(0.5, "unitary"), image_res=128, depth=(0.5, "unitary")) assert_equal(fid4["density"].data, fits_oap["density"].data) fid4.create_sky_wcs([30., 45.], (1.0, "arcsec/kpc"), replace_old_wcs=False) assert fid4.wcs.wcs.cunit[0] == "cm" assert fid4.wcs.wcs.cunit[1] == "cm" assert fid4.wcs.wcs.ctype[0] == "linear" assert fid4.wcs.wcs.ctype[1] == "linear" assert fid4.wcsa.wcs.cunit[0] == "deg" assert fid4.wcsa.wcs.cunit[1] == "deg" assert fid4.wcsa.wcs.ctype[0] == "RA---TAN" assert fid4.wcsa.wcs.ctype[1] == "DEC--TAN" cvg = ds.covering_grid(ds.index.max_level, [0.25, 0.25, 0.25], [32, 32, 32], fields=["density", "temperature"]) fid5 = cvg.to_fits_data(fields=["density", "temperature"]) assert fid5.dimensionality == 3 fid5.update_header("density", "time", 0.1) fid5.update_header("all", "units", "cgs") assert fid5["density"].header["time"] == 0.1 assert fid5["temperature"].header["units"] == "cgs" assert fid5["density"].header["units"] == "cgs" fid6 = FITSImageData.from_images(fid5) fid5.change_image_name("density", "mass_per_volume") assert fid5["mass_per_volume"].name == "mass_per_volume" assert fid5["mass_per_volume"].header["BTYPE"] == "mass_per_volume" assert "mass_per_volume" in fid5.fields assert "mass_per_volume" in fid5.field_units assert "density" not in fid5.fields assert "density" not in fid5.field_units assert "density" in fid6.fields assert_equal(fid6["density"].data, fid5["mass_per_volume"].data) fid7 = FITSImageData.from_images(fid4) fid7.convolve("density", (3.0, "cm")) sigma = 3.0 / fid7.wcs.wcs.cdelt[0] kernel = _astropy.conv.Gaussian2DKernel(x_stddev=sigma) data_conv = _astropy.conv.convolve(fid4["density"].data.d, kernel) assert_allclose(data_conv, fid7["density"].data.d) os.chdir(curdir) shutil.rmtree(tmpdir)