def PartProjAni(folder): yt.funcs.mylog.setLevel(50) ts = yt.load("/u/yali/" + folder + "/test/output/snapshot_*", unit_base=unit_base, bounding_box=bbox) #sorted(ds.field_list) #print(dir(ds.fields.PartType0)) #plot = yt.ProjectionPlot(ts[0], 'x', 'density') plot = yt.ParticleProjectionPlot(ts[0], 'x', fields="Masses") #plot.set_zlim('density', 8e-29, 3e-26) fig = plot.plots['Masses'].figure def animate(i): ds = ts[i] plot._switch_ds(ds) plot.annotate_timestamp(corner='upper_left', redshift=False, draw_inset_box=True) plot.annotate_scale(corner='upper_right') plot.set_buff_size((200, 200)) ani = FuncAnimation(fig, animate, frames=len(ts)) return ani
def calcProjectionExtrema(Param_Dict, ds, field): """Creates dummy projection plots to then calculate the extrema in those. Returns a ytArray of these extrema""" try: if Param_Dict["ParticlePlot"]: projPlot = yt.ParticleProjectionPlot(ds, Param_Dict["NAxis"], field) else: projPlot = yt.ProjectionPlot(ds, Param_Dict["NAxis"], field) except yt.utilities.exceptions.YTFieldNotFound: GUILogger.warning(f"Couldn't find {field} in the available fields") return ZMin = projPlot.frb[field].min() ZMax = projPlot.frb[field].max() return yt.YTArray([ZMin, ZMax])
def sphere_particle_projection(halo, fields, axes="xyz", output_dir=".", sphere=None): if sphere is None: sphere = getattr(halo, 'data_object') if sphere is None: raise RuntimeError('No sphere provided.')"Projecting halo {int(halo.quantities['particle_identifier']):d}.") for axis in axes: plot = yt.ParticleProjectionPlot(halo.halo_catalog.data_ds, axis, fields, data_source=sphere,, width=(2*sphere.radius)) plot.set_axes_unit("pc") plot.annotate_title(f"M = {halo.quantities['particle_mass'].in_units('Msun')}."), f"halo_{int(halo.quantities['particle_identifier']):06d}"))
def plot_particle_density(self, projection_plane, savename): """ Inputs: ------ projection_plane: int or str 0,1,2 or 'x', 'y', 'z' to set which cross section of the 3D data is plotts savename: str String to save file name. Leave off the file extension Output: ------ A 2D particle plot showing the mass density of the cut box """ bbox = 1.1 * np.array([[np.min(self.x), np.max(self.x)], [np.min(self.y), np.max(self.y)], [np.min(self.z), np.max(self.z)]]) ds = yt.load_particles(, length_unit=kpc, mass_unit=1e10, bbox=bbox, n_ref=4) center = p = yt.ParticleProjectionPlot( ds, projection_plane, ['particle_mass' ]) #, center=center)#, width=self.box_size, depth=self.box_size) p.set_colorbar_label('particle_mass', 'Msun') #p.zoom(2) p.annotate_text((0.7, 0.85), '%s Gyr' % round(self.header_time(), 2), coord_system='figure', text_args={'color': 'black'})'%s' % savename) return
print('') print('-------------------------------------------------------------------\n') idx_start = args.idx_start idx_end = args.idx_end didx = args.didx prefix = args.prefix colormap = 'arbre' dpi = 150 field = 'particle_mass' yt.enable_parallelism() ts = yt.load([ prefix + '/Data_%06d' % idx for idx in range(idx_start, idx_end + 1, didx) ]) for ds in ts.piter(): par = yt.ParticleProjectionPlot(ds, 2, field, center='c') par.set_background_color(field) par.set_zlim(field, 6.0e-6, 3.0e-4, dynamic_range=None) par.set_cmap(field, colormap) par.set_font({'size': 16}) par.set_axes_unit('code_length') par.set_unit(field, 'code_mass') par.annotate_timestamp(time_unit='code_time', corner='upper_right', text_args={'color': 'k'}){"dpi": dpi})
ds.add_particle_filter("stars_old") # What are the total masses of different ages of star in the whole simulation # volume? ad = ds.all_data() mass_young = ad["stars_young", "particle_mass"].in_units("Msun").sum() mass_medium = ad["stars_medium", "particle_mass"].in_units("Msun").sum() mass_old = ad["stars_old", "particle_mass"].in_units("Msun").sum() print("Mass of young stars = %g Msun" % mass_young) print("Mass of medium stars = %g Msun" % mass_medium) print("Mass of old stars = %g Msun" % mass_old) # Generate 4 projections: gas density, young stars, medium stars, old stars fields = [ ("stars_young", "particle_mass"), ("stars_medium", "particle_mass"), ("stars_old", "particle_mass"), ] prj1 = yt.ProjectionPlot(ds, "z", ("gas", "density"), center="max", width=(100, "kpc")) prj2 = yt.ParticleProjectionPlot(ds, "z", fields, center="max", width=(100, "kpc"))
def make_figure(figdir, DD, cen_name, simdir, haloname, simname, wd=30, wdd=30, wd2=300, wdd2=300): DDname = 'DD%.4i' % DD ds = yt.load('%s/%s/%s/%s/%s' % (simdir, haloname, simname, DDname, DDname)) def _stars(pfilter, data): return data[(pfilter.filtered_type, "particle_type")] == 2 yt.add_particle_filter("stars", function=_stars, filtered_type='all', requires=["particle_type"]) ds.add_particle_filter('stars') cen_fits = '/nobackupp2/rcsimons/foggie_momentum/anchor_files/%s/%s_DD%.4i_anchorprops.fits' % (cen_name, simname, DD)) central_xyz_fit = np.load( '/nobackupp2/rcsimons/foggie_momentum/catalogs/center_natural.npy')[()] xf = central_xyz_fit['x'] yf = central_xyz_fit['y'] zf = central_xyz_fit['z'] central_x = xf[0] * DD**4. + xf[1] * DD**3. + xf[2] * DD**2. + xf[ 3] * DD + xf[4] central_y = yf[0] * DD**4. + yf[1] * DD**3. + yf[2] * DD**2. + yf[ 3] * DD + yf[4] central_z = zf[0] * DD**4. + zf[1] * DD**3. + zf[2] * DD**2. + zf[ 3] * DD + zf[4] cen_central = yt.YTArray([central_x, central_y, central_z], 'kpc') W = yt.YTArray([wd, wd, wd], 'kpc') W2 = yt.YTArray([wd2, wd2, wd2], 'kpc') for sat_n in arange(12): if len(cen_fits['SAT_%.2i' % sat_n].data['box_avg']) > 0: cenx = cen_fits['SAT_%.2i' % sat_n].data['box_avg'][0] ceny = cen_fits['SAT_%.2i' % sat_n].data['box_avg'][1] cenz = cen_fits['SAT_%.2i' % sat_n].data['box_avg'][2] cen_g = yt.YTArray([cenx, ceny, cenz], 'kpc') for axis in ['x', 'y', 'z']: figname_zoomin = '%s_%.4i_%.2i_%s_zoomin.png' % (cen_name, DD, sat_n, axis) figname_zoomout = '%s_%.4i_%.2i_%s_zoomout.png' % ( cen_name, DD, sat_n, axis) if not os.path.exists('%s/%s' % (figdir, figname_zoomin)): if axis == 'x': box = ds.r[cen_g[0] - 0.5 * yt.YTArray(wdd, 'kpc'): cen_g[0] + 0.5 * yt.YTArray(wdd, 'kpc'), \ cen_g[1] - 0.5 * yt.YTArray(3*wd, 'kpc'): cen_g[1] + 0.5 * yt.YTArray(3*wd, 'kpc'), \ cen_g[2] - 0.5 * yt.YTArray(3*wd, 'kpc'): cen_g[2] + 0.5 * yt.YTArray(3*wd, 'kpc')] box2 = ds.r[cen_central[0] - 0.5 * yt.YTArray(wdd2, 'kpc'): cen_central[0] + 0.5 * yt.YTArray(wdd2, 'kpc'), \ cen_central[1] - 0.5 * yt.YTArray(3*wd2, 'kpc'): cen_central[1] + 0.5 * yt.YTArray(3*wd2, 'kpc'), \ cen_central[2] - 0.5 * yt.YTArray(3*wd2, 'kpc'): cen_central[2] + 0.5 * yt.YTArray(3*wd2, 'kpc')] p_1 = cen_g[1] - cen_central[1] p_2 = cen_g[2] - cen_central[2] elif axis == 'y': box = ds.r[cen_g[0] - 0.5 * yt.YTArray(3*wd, 'kpc'): cen_g[0] + 0.5 * yt.YTArray(3*wd, 'kpc'), \ cen_g[1] - 0.5 * yt.YTArray(wdd, 'kpc'): cen_g[1] + 0.5 * yt.YTArray(wdd, 'kpc'), \ cen_g[2] - 0.5 * yt.YTArray(3*wd, 'kpc'): cen_g[2] + 0.5 * yt.YTArray(3*wd, 'kpc')] box2 = ds.r[cen_central[0] - 0.5 * yt.YTArray(3*wd2, 'kpc') : cen_central[0] + 0.5 * yt.YTArray(3*wd2, 'kpc'), \ cen_central[1] - 0.5 * yt.YTArray(wdd2, 'kpc') : cen_central[1] + 0.5 * yt.YTArray(wdd2, 'kpc'), \ cen_central[2] - 0.5 * yt.YTArray(3*wd2, 'kpc'): cen_central[2] + 0.5 * yt.YTArray(3*wd2, 'kpc')] p_1 = cen_g[0] - cen_central[0] p_2 = cen_g[2] - cen_central[2] elif axis == 'z': box = ds.r[cen_g[0] - 0.5 * yt.YTArray(3*wd, 'kpc'): cen_g[0] + 0.5 * yt.YTArray(3*wd, 'kpc'), \ cen_g[1] - 0.5 * yt.YTArray(3*wd, 'kpc'): cen_g[1] + 0.5 * yt.YTArray(3*wd, 'kpc'), \ cen_g[2] - 0.5 * yt.YTArray(wdd, 'kpc'): cen_g[2] + 0.5 * yt.YTArray(wdd, 'kpc')] box2 = ds.r[cen_central[0] - 0.5 * yt.YTArray(3*wd2, 'kpc'): cen_central[0] + 0.5 * yt.YTArray(3*wd2, 'kpc'), \ cen_central[1] - 0.5 * yt.YTArray(3*wd2, 'kpc'): cen_central[1] + 0.5 * yt.YTArray(3*wd2, 'kpc'), \ cen_central[2] - 0.5 * yt.YTArray(wdd2, 'kpc'): cen_central[2] + 0.5 * yt.YTArray(wdd2, 'kpc')] p_1 = cen_g[0] - cen_central[0] p_2 = cen_g[1] - cen_central[1] fig = plt.figure(sat_n) grid = AxesGrid(fig, (0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0), nrows_ncols=(1, 2), axes_pad=0.0, label_mode="1", share_all=False, cbar_mode=None, aspect=False) p = yt.ProjectionPlot(ds, axis, ("gas", "density"), center=cen_g, data_source=box, width=W) p.set_unit(('gas', 'density'), 'Msun/pc**2') p.set_zlim(('gas', 'density'), zmin=density_proj_min * 0.1, zmax=density_proj_max) p.set_cmap(('gas', 'density'), density_color_map) p.annotate_timestamp(corner='upper_left', redshift=True, draw_inset_box=True) p.hide_axes() p.annotate_timestamp(corner='upper_left', redshift=True, draw_inset_box=True) p.annotate_scale(size_bar_args={'color': 'white'}) plot = p.plots[("gas", "density")] plot.figure = fig plot.axes = grid[0].axes p._setup_plots() p = yt.ParticleProjectionPlot(ds, axis, ('stars', 'particle_mass'), center=cen_g, data_source=box, width=W) cmp = cmp.set_bad('k') p.set_cmap(field=('stars', 'particle_mass'), cmap=cmp) p.hide_axes() p.annotate_scale(size_bar_args={'color': 'white'}) p.set_zlim(field=('stars', 'particle_mass'), zmin=2.e35 * 0.3, zmax=1.e42 * 0.9) plot = p.plots[('stars', 'particle_mass')] plot.figure = fig plot.axes = grid[1].axes p._setup_plots() fig.set_size_inches(12, 6) fig.savefig('%s/%s' % (figdir, figname_zoomin)) plt.close(fig) fig = plt.figure(sat_n) grid = AxesGrid(fig, (0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0), nrows_ncols=(1, 2), axes_pad=0.0, label_mode="1", share_all=False, cbar_mode=None, aspect=False) p = yt.ProjectionPlot(ds, axis, ("gas", "density"), center=cen_central, data_source=box2, width=W2) p.set_unit(('gas', 'density'), 'Msun/pc**2') p.set_zlim(('gas', 'density'), zmin=density_proj_min * 0.1, zmax=density_proj_max) p.set_cmap(('gas', 'density'), density_color_map) p.annotate_timestamp(corner='upper_left', redshift=True, draw_inset_box=True) p.hide_axes() p.annotate_timestamp(corner='upper_left', redshift=True, draw_inset_box=True) p.annotate_scale(size_bar_args={'color': 'white'}) plot = p.plots[("gas", "density")] plot.figure = fig plot.axes = grid[0].axes p._setup_plots() if (abs(p_1) < W2 / 2.) & (abs(p_2) < W2 / 2.): plot.axes.scatter(p_1, p_2, marker='o', facecolor="none", edgecolor='red', lw=2, s=800) p = yt.ParticleProjectionPlot(ds, axis, ('stars', 'particle_mass'), center=cen_central, data_source=box2, width=W2) cmp = cmp.set_bad('k') p.set_cmap(field=('stars', 'particle_mass'), cmap=cmp) p.hide_axes() p.annotate_scale(size_bar_args={'color': 'white'}) p.set_zlim(field=('stars', 'particle_mass'), zmin=2.e35 * 0.3, zmax=1.e42 * 0.9) plot = p.plots[('stars', 'particle_mass')] plot.figure = fig plot.axes = grid[1].axes p._setup_plots() if (abs(p_1) < W2 / 2.) & (abs(p_2) < W2 / 2.): plot.axes.scatter(p_1, p_2, marker='o', facecolor="none", edgecolor='red', lw=2, s=800) fig.set_size_inches(12, 6) fig.savefig('%s/%s' % (figdir, figname_zoomout)) plt.close(fig) ds.index.clear_all_data()
print( '-------------------------------------------------------------------' ) for t in range( len(sys.argv) ): print str(sys.argv[t]), print( '' ) print( '-------------------------------------------------------------------\n' ) idx_start = args.idx_start idx_end = args.idx_end didx = args.didx prefix_in = args.prefix_in prefix_out = args.prefix_out yt.enable_parallelism() ts = yt.load( [ prefix_in+'/Data_%06d'%idx for idx in range(idx_start, idx_end+1, didx) ] ) #ts = yt.load( 'Data_??????' ) for ds in ts.piter(): # plot p = yt.ParticleProjectionPlot( ds, proj_axis, fields=field, center=center, width=(width_x,width_y), depth=width_z ) # p.set_unit( field, 'Msun' ) # p.set_zlim( field, 1.0e6, 1.0e8 ) p.set_cmap( field, colormap ) p.annotate_timestamp( time_unit='code_time', corner='upper_right', text_args={'color':'k'} ) # save the image prefix_out+'_'+ds.basename+'.png', mpl_kwargs={'dpi':dpi} )
def ProjectionPlot(Param_Dict, worker): """Takes a DataSet object loaded with yt and performs a projectionPlot on it. Parameters: Param_Dict: Dict with Parameters """ ds = Param_Dict["CurrentDataSet"] field = Param_Dict["ZAxis"] if Param_Dict["DomainDiv"]: # in case the user wants to divide everything by the domain_height, # we define a new field which is just the old field divided by height # and then do a projectionPlot for that. height = Param_Dict["FieldMaxs"]["DomainHeight"] - Param_Dict["FieldMins"]["DomainHeight"] field = "Normed " + field unit = yt.units.unit_object.Unit(Param_Dict["ZUnit"] + "/cm") realHeight = height.to_value("au") # Important! Bugs occur if we just used "height" def _NormField(field, data): return data[Param_Dict["ZAxis"]]/realHeight/ if Param_Dict["ParticlePlot"]: ds.add_field(("io", field), function=_NormField, units="auto", dimensions=unit.dimensions, force_override=True, particle_type=True) else: ds.add_field(("gas", field), function=_NormField, units="auto", dimensions=unit.dimensions, force_override=True) gridUnit = Param_Dict["GridUnit"] c0 = yt.YTQuantity(Param_Dict["XCenter"], gridUnit) c1 = yt.YTQuantity(Param_Dict["YCenter"], gridUnit) if Param_Dict["Geometry"] == "cartesian": c2 = yt.YTQuantity(Param_Dict["ZCenter"], gridUnit) else: c2 = Param_Dict["ZCenter"] width = (Param_Dict["HorWidth"], gridUnit) height = (Param_Dict["VerWidth"], gridUnit) if Param_Dict["ParticlePlot"]: plot = yt.ParticleProjectionPlot(ds, Param_Dict["NAxis"], field, axes_unit=Param_Dict["GridUnit"], weight_field=Param_Dict["WeightField"], fontsize=14, center=[c0, c1, c2], width=(width, height)) else: if Param_Dict["NormVecMode"] == "Axis-Aligned": plot = yt.ProjectionPlot(ds, Param_Dict["NAxis"], field, axes_unit=Param_Dict["GridUnit"], weight_field=Param_Dict["WeightField"], fontsize=14, center=[c0, c1, c2], width=(width, height)) else: normVec = [Param_Dict[axis + "NormDir"] for axis in ["X", "Y", "Z"]] northVec = [Param_Dict[axis + "NormNorth"] for axis in ["X", "Y", "Z"]] plot = yt.OffAxisProjectionPlot(ds, normVec, field, north_vector=northVec, weight_field=Param_Dict["WeightField"], axes_unit=Param_Dict["GridUnit"], fontsize=14, center=[c0, c1, c2], width=(width, height)) emitStatus(worker, "Setting projection plot modifications") # Set min, max, unit log and color scheme: setAxisSettings(plot, Param_Dict, "Z") plot.zoom(Param_Dict["Zoom"]) emitStatus(worker, "Annotating the projection plot") annotatePlot(Param_Dict, plot) finallyDrawPlot(plot, Param_Dict, worker)
function=new_star, filtered_type="all", requires=["ParCreTime"]) AllPar = ('all', 'particle_mass') NewPar = ('new_star', 'particle_mass') for ds in ts.piter(): # add the particle filter ds.add_particle_filter("new_star") # face-on (all particles) pz = yt.ParticleProjectionPlot(ds, 'z', AllPar, center=center_mode, width=(width_kpc, 'kpc'), depth=(depth_kpc, 'kpc')) pz.set_unit(AllPar, 'Msun') pz.set_zlim(AllPar, 1.0e6, 1.0e8) pz.set_cmap(AllPar, colormap) pz.annotate_timestamp(time_unit='Myr', corner='upper_right', text_args={'color': 'k'}) + '_AllPar', mpl_kwargs={"dpi": dpi}) # face-on (new particles) pz = yt.ParticleProjectionPlot(ds, 'z', NewPar, center=center_mode,
p.annotate_timestamp(corner='upper_left', redshift=True, draw_inset_box=True) p.hide_axes() p.annotate_timestamp(corner='upper_left', redshift=True, draw_inset_box=True) p.annotate_scale(size_bar_args={'color': 'white'}) plot = p.plots[("gas", "density")] plot.figure = fig plot.axes = grid[0].axes p._setup_plots() p = yt.ParticleProjectionPlot(ds, 'y', ('stars', 'particle_mass'), center=cen_g, data_source=box, width=W) cmp = cmp.set_bad('k') p.set_cmap(field=('stars', 'particle_mass'), cmap=cmp) p.hide_axes() p.annotate_scale(size_bar_args={'color': 'white'}) p.set_zlim(field=('stars', 'particle_mass'), zmin=2.e35, zmax=1.e42) plot = p.plots[('stars', 'particle_mass')] plot.figure = fig plot.axes = grid[1].axes p._setup_plots()
plt.legend() plt.xlim(t1, t2) plt.yscale('log') plt.title(r'$z={:.2f}$'.format(z)) plt.tight_layout() plt.savefig(rep + 'tt_dis_' + str(sn) + '_' + str(ind) + '.pdf') plt.close() ad =, re) #""" prj = yt.ParticleProjectionPlot(ds, 2, ('PartType0', 'Metallicity_00'), center=cen, width=((ext, 'kpccm/h'), (ext / asp, 'kpccm/h')), depth=thk, weight_field=('PartType0', 'Masses')) #, data_source=ad) prj.set_zlim('all', 1e-6 * 0.02, 0.2) prj.set_buff_size((xb, yb)) prj.annotate_title('$z={:.2f}$'.format(z)) + 'metaldis_' + str(sn) + '.png') prj = yt.ParticleProjectionPlot(ds, 2, ('PartType1', 'Masses'), center=cen, width=((ext, 'kpccm/h'), (ext / asp, 'kpccm/h')), depth=thk, density=True) #, data_source=ad)
def make_figure(figdir, DD, cen_name, simdir, haloname, simname, wd=100., wdd=100., wd2=150., wdd2=150., wd3=1000., wdd3=1000.): #figname_zoomoutfar = '%s_%.4i_%.2i_%s_zoomoutfar.png'%(cen_name, DD, 6, 'x') #figname_check = '%s/%s/%s/%s'%(figdir,'x', 'zoomoutfar', figname_zoomoutfar) #if os.path.isfile(figname_check): return DDname = 'DD%.4i' % DD ds = yt.load('%s/%s/%s/%s/%s' % (simdir, haloname, simname, DDname, DDname)) def _stars(pfilter, data): return data[(pfilter.filtered_type, "particle_type")] == 2 yt.add_particle_filter("stars", function=_stars, filtered_type='all', requires=["particle_type"]) ds.add_particle_filter('stars') cen_fits = np.load( '/nobackupp2/rcsimons/foggie_momentum/catalogs/sat_interpolations/%s_interpolations_DD0150_new.npy' % cen_name, allow_pickle=True)[()] ''' #encoding='latin1' is needed for loading python 2 pickles in python 3 if 'natural' in cen_name: central_xyz_fit = np.load('/nobackupp2/rcsimons/foggie_momentum/catalogs/center_natural.npy', allow_pickle=True, encoding='latin1')[()] elif ('nref11n_nref10f' in cen_name) | ('nref11c_nref9f' in cen_name): central_xyz_fit = np.load('/nobackupp2/rcsimons/foggie_momentum/catalogs/center_nref11n_nref10f.npy', allow_pickle=True, encoding='latin1')[()] ''' #central_x = cen_fits['CENTRAL']['fxe'](DD) #central_y = cen_fits['CENTRAL']['fye'](DD) #central_z = cen_fits['CENTRAL']['fze'](DD) central_x = cen_fits['CENTRAL']['fxe'](DD) central_y = cen_fits['CENTRAL']['fye'](DD) central_z = cen_fits['CENTRAL']['fze'](DD) print(central_x, central_y, central_z) ''' xf = central_xyz_fit['x'] yf = central_xyz_fit['y'] zf = central_xyz_fit['z'] ''' #central_x = xf[0] * DD**4. + xf[1] * DD**3. + xf[2] * DD**2. + xf[3] * DD + xf[4] #central_y = yf[0] * DD**4. + yf[1] * DD**3. + yf[2] * DD**2. + yf[3] * DD + yf[4] #central_z = zf[0] * DD**4. + zf[1] * DD**3. + zf[2] * DD**2. + zf[3] * DD + zf[4] cen_central = yt.YTArray([central_x, central_y, central_z], 'kpc') W = yt.YTArray([wd, wd, wd], 'kpc') W2 = yt.YTArray([wd2, wd2, wd2], 'kpc') W3 = yt.YTArray([wd3, wd3, wd3], 'kpc') for axis in ['x']: #@, 'y', 'z']: if axis == 'x': box2 = ds.r[cen_central[0] - 0.5 * yt.YTArray(wdd2, 'kpc'): cen_central[0] + 0.5 * yt.YTArray(wdd2, 'kpc'), \ cen_central[1] - 0.5 * yt.YTArray(3*wd2, 'kpc'): cen_central[1] + 0.5 * yt.YTArray(3*wd2, 'kpc'), \ cen_central[2] - 0.5 * yt.YTArray(3*wd2, 'kpc'): cen_central[2] + 0.5 * yt.YTArray(3*wd2, 'kpc')] box3 = ds.r[cen_central[0] - 0.5 * yt.YTArray(wdd3, 'kpc'): cen_central[0] + 0.5 * yt.YTArray(wdd3, 'kpc'), \ cen_central[1] - 0.5 * yt.YTArray(3*wd3, 'kpc'): cen_central[1] + 0.5 * yt.YTArray(3*wd3, 'kpc'), \ cen_central[2] - 0.5 * yt.YTArray(3*wd3, 'kpc'): cen_central[2] + 0.5 * yt.YTArray(3*wd3, 'kpc')] if axis == 'y': box2 = ds.r[cen_central[0] - 0.5 * yt.YTArray(3*wd2, 'kpc') : cen_central[0] + 0.5 * yt.YTArray(3*wd2, 'kpc'), \ cen_central[1] - 0.5 * yt.YTArray(wdd2, 'kpc') : cen_central[1] + 0.5 * yt.YTArray(wdd2, 'kpc'), \ cen_central[2] - 0.5 * yt.YTArray(3*wd2, 'kpc'): cen_central[2] + 0.5 * yt.YTArray(3*wd2, 'kpc')] box3 = ds.r[cen_central[0] - 0.5 * yt.YTArray(3*wd3, 'kpc') : cen_central[0] + 0.5 * yt.YTArray(3*wd3, 'kpc'), \ cen_central[1] - 0.5 * yt.YTArray(wdd3, 'kpc') : cen_central[1] + 0.5 * yt.YTArray(wdd3, 'kpc'), \ cen_central[2] - 0.5 * yt.YTArray(3*wd3, 'kpc'): cen_central[2] + 0.5 * yt.YTArray(3*wd3, 'kpc')] if axis == 'z': box2 = ds.r[cen_central[0] - 0.5 * yt.YTArray(3*wd2, 'kpc'): cen_central[0] + 0.5 * yt.YTArray(3*wd2, 'kpc'), \ cen_central[1] - 0.5 * yt.YTArray(3*wd2, 'kpc'): cen_central[1] + 0.5 * yt.YTArray(3*wd2, 'kpc'), \ cen_central[2] - 0.5 * yt.YTArray(wdd2, 'kpc'): cen_central[2] + 0.5 * yt.YTArray(wdd2, 'kpc')] box3 = ds.r[cen_central[0] - 0.5 * yt.YTArray(3*wd3, 'kpc'): cen_central[0] + 0.5 * yt.YTArray(3*wd3, 'kpc'), \ cen_central[1] - 0.5 * yt.YTArray(3*wd3, 'kpc'): cen_central[1] + 0.5 * yt.YTArray(3*wd3, 'kpc'), \ cen_central[2] - 0.5 * yt.YTArray(wdd3, 'kpc'): cen_central[2] + 0.5 * yt.YTArray(wdd3, 'kpc')] ''' a = time.time() p_wd2_g= yt.ProjectionPlot(ds, axis, ("gas","density"), center = cen_central, data_source=box2, width=W2) b = time.time() print ('p_wd2_g', b-a) p_wd2_g.set_unit(('gas','density'), 'Msun/pc**2') p_wd2_g.set_zlim(('gas', 'density'), zmin = density_proj_min, zmax = density_proj_max) p_wd2_g.set_cmap(('gas', 'density'), density_color_map) p_wd2_g.annotate_timestamp(corner='upper_left', redshift=True, draw_inset_box=True) p_wd2_g.hide_axes() p_wd2_g.annotate_timestamp(corner='upper_left', redshift=True, draw_inset_box=True) p_wd2_g.annotate_scale(size_bar_args={'color':'white'}) a = time.time() p_wd2_s = yt.ParticleProjectionPlot(ds, axis, ('stars', 'particle_mass'), center = cen_central, data_source=box2, width = W2) b = time.time() print ('p_wd2_s', b-a) cmp = cmp.set_bad('k') p_wd2_s.set_cmap(field = ('stars','particle_mass'), cmap = cmp) p_wd2_s.hide_axes() p_wd2_s.annotate_scale(size_bar_args={'color':'white'}) p_wd2_s.set_zlim(field = ('stars','particle_mass'), zmin = 2.e35 * 0.3, zmax = 1.e42*0.9) a = time.time() p_wd3_g= yt.ProjectionPlot(ds, axis, ("gas","density"), center = cen_central, data_source=box3, width=W3) b = time.time() print ('p_wd3_g', b-a) p_wd3_g.set_unit(('gas','density'), 'Msun/pc**2') p_wd3_g.set_zlim(('gas', 'density'), zmin = density_proj_min, zmax = density_proj_max) p_wd3_g.set_cmap(('gas', 'density'), density_color_map) p_wd3_g.annotate_timestamp(corner='upper_left', redshift=True, draw_inset_box=True) p_wd3_g.hide_axes() p_wd3_g.annotate_timestamp(corner='upper_left', redshift=True, draw_inset_box=True) p_wd3_g.annotate_scale(size_bar_args={'color':'white'}) a = time.time() p_wd3_s = yt.ParticleProjectionPlot(ds, axis, ('stars', 'particle_mass'), center = cen_central, data_source=box3, width = W3) b = time.time() print ('p_wd3_s', b-a) cmp = cmp.set_bad('k') p_wd3_s.set_cmap(field = ('stars','particle_mass'), cmap = cmp) p_wd3_s.hide_axes() p_wd3_s.annotate_scale(size_bar_args={'color':'white'}) p_wd3_s.set_zlim(field = ('stars','particle_mass'), zmin = 2.e35 * 0.3, zmax = 1.e42*0.9) ''' for sat_n in arange(6, 7): if sat_n < 6: cenx = cen_fits['SAT_%.2i' % sat_n]['fxe'](DD) ceny = cen_fits['SAT_%.2i' % sat_n]['fye'](DD) cenz = cen_fits['SAT_%.2i' % sat_n]['fze'](DD) if sat_n == 6: #cenx = cen_fits['CENTRAL']['fxe'](DD) #ceny = cen_fits['CENTRAL']['fye'](DD) #cenz = cen_fits['CENTRAL']['fze'](DD) cenx = cen_fits['CENTRAL']['fxe'](DD) ceny = cen_fits['CENTRAL']['fye'](DD) cenz = cen_fits['CENTRAL']['fze'](DD) cen_g = yt.YTArray([cenx, ceny, cenz], 'kpc') print('satellite center: ', cen_g) print('central center: ', cen_central) figname_zoomin = '%s_%.4i_%.2i_%s_zoomin_100kpc.png' % ( cen_name, DD, sat_n, axis) figname_zoomout = '%s_%.4i_%.2i_%s_zoomout.png' % (cen_name, DD, sat_n, axis) figname_zoomoutfar = '%s_%.4i_%.2i_%s_zoomoutfar.png' % ( cen_name, DD, sat_n, axis) if axis == 'x': box = ds.r[cen_g[0] - 0.5 * yt.YTArray(wdd, 'kpc'): cen_g[0] + 0.5 * yt.YTArray(wdd, 'kpc'), \ cen_g[1] - 0.5 * yt.YTArray(3*wd, 'kpc'): cen_g[1] + 0.5 * yt.YTArray(3*wd, 'kpc'), \ cen_g[2] - 0.5 * yt.YTArray(3*wd, 'kpc'): cen_g[2] + 0.5 * yt.YTArray(3*wd, 'kpc')] p_1 = cen_g[1] - cen_central[1] p_2 = cen_g[2] - cen_central[2] p_3 = cen_g[0] - cen_central[0] elif axis == 'y': box = ds.r[cen_g[0] - 0.5 * yt.YTArray(3*wd, 'kpc'): cen_g[0] + 0.5 * yt.YTArray(3*wd, 'kpc'), \ cen_g[1] - 0.5 * yt.YTArray(wdd, 'kpc'): cen_g[1] + 0.5 * yt.YTArray(wdd, 'kpc'), \ cen_g[2] - 0.5 * yt.YTArray(3*wd, 'kpc'): cen_g[2] + 0.5 * yt.YTArray(3*wd, 'kpc')] p_1 = cen_g[2] - cen_central[2] p_2 = cen_g[0] - cen_central[0] p_3 = cen_g[1] - cen_central[1] elif axis == 'z': box = ds.r[cen_g[0] - 0.5 * yt.YTArray(3*wd, 'kpc'): cen_g[0] + 0.5 * yt.YTArray(3*wd, 'kpc'), \ cen_g[1] - 0.5 * yt.YTArray(3*wd, 'kpc'): cen_g[1] + 0.5 * yt.YTArray(3*wd, 'kpc'), \ cen_g[2] - 0.5 * yt.YTArray(wdd, 'kpc'): cen_g[2] + 0.5 * yt.YTArray(wdd, 'kpc')] p_1 = cen_g[0] - cen_central[0] p_2 = cen_g[1] - cen_central[1] p_3 = cen_g[2] - cen_central[2] fig = plt.figure(sat_n) grid = AxesGrid(fig, (0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0), nrows_ncols=(1, 2), axes_pad=0.0, label_mode="1", share_all=False, cbar_mode=None, aspect=False) p = yt.ProjectionPlot(ds, axis, ("gas", "density"), center=cen_g, data_source=box, width=W) p.set_unit(('gas', 'density'), 'Msun/pc**2') p.set_zlim(('gas', 'density'), zmin=density_proj_min, zmax=density_proj_max) p.set_cmap(('gas', 'density'), density_color_map) p.annotate_timestamp(corner='upper_left', redshift=True, draw_inset_box=True) p.hide_axes() p.annotate_timestamp(corner='upper_left', redshift=True, draw_inset_box=True) p.annotate_scale(size_bar_args={'color': 'white'}) plot = p.plots[("gas", "density")] plot.figure = fig plot.axes = grid[0].axes p._setup_plots() p = yt.ParticleProjectionPlot(ds, axis, ('stars', 'particle_mass'), center=cen_g, data_source=box, width=W) cmp = cmp.set_bad('k') p.set_cmap(field=('stars', 'particle_mass'), cmap=cmp) p.hide_axes() p.annotate_scale(size_bar_args={'color': 'white'}) p.set_zlim(field=('stars', 'particle_mass'), zmin=2.e35 * 0.3, zmax=1.e42 * 0.9) plot = p.plots[('stars', 'particle_mass')] plot.figure = fig plot.axes = grid[1].axes p._setup_plots() fig.set_size_inches(12, 6) fig.savefig('%s/%s/%s/%s' % (figdir, axis, 'zoomin', figname_zoomin)) plt.close(fig) ''' fig = plt.figure(sat_n) grid = AxesGrid(fig, (0.0,0.0,1.0,1.0), nrows_ncols = (1, 2), axes_pad = 0.0, label_mode = "1", share_all = False, cbar_mode=None, aspect = False) p = copy.copy(p_wd2_g) plot = p.plots[("gas","density")] plot.figure = fig plot.axes = grid[0].axes p._setup_plots() print (abs(p_1), abs(p_2), W2) if (abs(p_1) < wd2/2.) & (abs(p_2) < wd2/2.) & (abs(p_3) < wd2/2.): plot.axes.scatter(p_1, p_2, marker = 'o', facecolor = "none", edgecolor='red', lw = 2, s = 800) p = copy.copy(p_wd2_s) plot = p.plots[('stars','particle_mass')] plot.figure = fig plot.axes = grid[1].axes p._setup_plots() #if (abs(p_1) < wd2/2.) & (abs(p_2) < wd2/2.) & (abs(p_3) < wd2/2.): plot.axes.scatter(p_1, p_2, marker = 'o', facecolor = "none", edgecolor='red', lw = 2, s = 800) fig.set_size_inches(12, 6) fig.savefig('%s/%s/%s/%s'%(figdir,axis, 'zoomout', figname_zoomout)) plt.close(fig) fig = plt.figure(sat_n) grid = AxesGrid(fig, (0.0,0.0,1.0,1.0), nrows_ncols = (1, 2), axes_pad = 0.0, label_mode = "1", share_all = False, cbar_mode=None, aspect = False) p = copy.copy(p_wd3_g) plot = p.plots[("gas","density")] plot.figure = fig plot.axes = grid[0].axes p._setup_plots() print (abs(p_1), abs(p_2), W2) #if (abs(p_1) < wd3/2.) & (abs(p_2) < wd3/2.) & (abs(p_3) < wdd3/2.): plot.axes.scatter(p_1, p_2, marker = 'o', facecolor = "none", edgecolor='red', lw = 2, s = 800) p = copy.copy(p_wd3_s) plot = p.plots[('stars','particle_mass')] plot.figure = fig plot.axes = grid[1].axes p._setup_plots() #if (abs(p_1) < wd3/2.) & (abs(p_2) < wd3/2.) & (abs(p_3) < wdd3/2.): plot.axes.scatter(p_1, p_2, marker = 'o', facecolor = "none", edgecolor='red', lw = 2, s = 800) fig.set_size_inches(12, 6) fig.savefig('%s/%s/%s/%s'%(figdir,axis, 'zoomoutfar', figname_zoomoutfar)) plt.close(fig) ''' ds.index.clear_all_data()
ds = yt.load(filename) ds.add_particle_filter('stars_young') ds.add_particle_filter('stars_medium') ds.add_particle_filter('stars_old') # What are the total masses of different ages of star in the whole simulation # volume? ad = ds.all_data() mass_young = ad['stars_young', 'particle_mass'].in_units('Msun').sum() mass_medium = ad['stars_medium', 'particle_mass'].in_units('Msun').sum() mass_old = ad['stars_old', 'particle_mass'].in_units('Msun').sum() print("Mass of young stars = %g Msun" % mass_young) print("Mass of medium stars = %g Msun" % mass_medium) print("Mass of old stars = %g Msun" % mass_old) # Generate 4 projections: gas density, young stars, medium stars, old stars fields = [('stars_young', 'particle_mass'), ('stars_medium', 'particle_mass'), ('stars_old', 'particle_mass')] prj1 = yt.ProjectionPlot(ds, 'z', ("gas", "density"), center="max", width=(100, "kpc")) prj2 = yt.ParticleProjectionPlot(ds, 'z', fields, center="max", width=(100, 'kpc'))
y = data[2] z = data[3] data_dic = { 'particle_mass' : m, 'particle_position_x': x, 'particle_position_y': y, 'particle_position_z': z } bbox_width = [ max(x)-min(x), max(y)-min(y), max(z)-min(z) ] bbox = np.array( [ [ min(x)-bext*bbox_width[0], max(x)+bext*bbox_width[0] ], [ min(y)-bext*bbox_width[1], max(y)+bext*bbox_width[1] ], [ min(z)-bext*bbox_width[2], max(z)+bext*bbox_width[2] ] ] ) ds = yt.load_particles( data_dic, length_unit=unit_l, mass_unit=unit_m, time_unit=unit_t, n_ref=nref, bbox=bbox, sim_time=time, periodicity=(False,False,False) ) # plot p = yt.ParticleProjectionPlot( ds, proj_axis, fields=field, center=plot_center, width=(plot_width[0],plot_width[1]), depth=plot_width[2] ) # p = yt.ParticlePlot( ds, 'particle_position_x', 'particle_position_y', 'particle_mass' ) p.set_unit( field, 'Msun' ) p.set_unit( 'particle_position_x', 'Mpc' ) p.set_unit( 'particle_position_y', 'Mpc' ) p.set_zlim( field, 1.0e0, 6.0e0 ) p.set_cmap( field, colormap ) p.annotate_timestamp( time_unit='Myr', corner='upper_right', text_args={'color':'k'} ) prefix_out+'_%06d'%idx+'.png', mpl_kwargs={'dpi':dpi} )