def load_prof(directory,filament_num,var,keep_list): #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~# # NOT TESTED # # # #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~# #Function which the profile data for one variable from disk #Only returns the array of variable bins, and no other profile metadata - for that use load_all_profs #Will also filter out any segments of filaments deemed to be within a halo #Init list to return var_profs = [[] for i in range(filament_num)] #Gather list of filenames, ergo gathering list of fils and segs import os filelist = sorted(os.listdir(directory)) #At this stage we can split the filelist into two depending on variable required #This is due to density and temp/velocity profiles being stored seperately. vardict = {'density':0,'dark_matter_density':0,"temperature":1,"cylindrical_radial_velocity":1} profnum = len(filelist) / 2 filelist = filelist[profnum * vardict[var]:profnum * (vardict[var]+ 1)] #Parallize the import of the data to speed this process up #Use yt's easy to use parallel_objects implementation storage = {} #Gather x data from one profile, incase this is also needed x = yt.load(''.join([directory,'/',filelist[0]])).data['x'] filelist=filelist[:10] for sto, file_in_dir in yt.parallel_objects(filelist, storage=storage): #Determine filament and segment number filnum = int(file_in_dir[7:10]) segnum = int(file_in_dir[13:16]) #Check to see if segment is within a halo, if so, disregard #if keep_list[filnum][segnum] == True: prof = yt.load(''.join([directory,'/',file_in_dir])).data[var] sto.result = prof sto.result_id = "%d_%d" %(filnum,segnum) for (fil,seg),prof in sorted(storage.items()): var_prof[fil].append(prof) return var_profs,x
def test_store(): ds = yt.load(G30) store = ds.parameter_filename + '.yt' field = "density" if os.path.isfile(store): os.remove(store) proj1 = ds.proj(field, "z") sp = ds.sphere(ds.domain_center, (4, 'kpc')) proj2 = ds.proj(field, "z", data_source=sp) proj1_c = ds.proj(field, "z") yield assert_equal, proj1[field], proj1_c[field] proj2_c = ds.proj(field, "z", data_source=sp) yield assert_equal, proj2[field], proj2_c[field] def fail_for_different_method(): proj2_c = ds.proj(field, "z", data_source=sp, method="mip") return (proj2[field] == proj2_c[field]).all() yield assert_raises, YTUnitOperationError, fail_for_different_method def fail_for_different_source(): sp = ds.sphere(ds.domain_center, (2, 'kpc')) proj2_c = ds.proj(field, "z", data_source=sp, method="integrate") return assert_equal(proj2_c[field], proj2[field]) yield assert_raises, AssertionError, fail_for_different_source
def extract_DensVelVort(fil,args,vars): lev=0 if args.ytVersion2: ds=load(fil) lbox= float(ds.domain_width[0]) cube= ds.h.covering_grid(level=lev,left_edge=ds.domain_left_edge, dims=ds.domain_dimensions) else: ds=yt.load(fil) lbox= float(ds.domain_width[0]) cube= ds.covering_grid(level=lev,left_edge=ds.domain_left_edge, dims=ds.domain_dimensions) print "gathering 3d data arrays" #3D arrays rho_x = np.array(cube["density"]) vx = np.array(cube["X-momentum"])/rho_x vy = np.array(cube["Y-momentum"])/rho_x vz = np.array(cube["Z-momentum"])/rho_x print "3d arrays extracted, now calculating vorticity and single numbers like 3D Mach" rho_inf= rho_x.flatten().mean() (vmag_x,Mach_3D)= getVrms_weighted3DVrms(vx,vy,vz,rho_x,args) wmag_x= Sim_curl.getCurl(vx,vy,vz, ds) #3D array del vx,vy,vz,cube #store variables vars.rho.append(rho_x) vars.vmag.append(vmag_x) vars.wmag.append(wmag_x) vars.basename.append(ds.basename) vars.lbox.append(lbox) vars.mach3d.append(Mach_3D) del rho_x,vmag_x,wmag_x
def make_gas_profiles(dslist = [], outname = 'gas_profile_evolution.h5', overwrite = False): if os.path.exists(outname): print "Output file exists - do not overwrite" return all_data_dict = {} all_data_dict['t'] = np.zeros(len(dslist)) all_data_dict['surface_density'] = [None]*len(dslist) # all_data_dict['column_density'] = [None]*len(dslist) i = 0 for d in dslist: ds = yt.load(d) com = profiles.center_of_mass(ds) r, sigma = profiles.generate_gas_profile(ds, ds.all_data(), com = com) all_data_dict['r'] = r all_data_dict['t'][i] = ds.current_time.convert_to_units('Myr').value all_data_dict['surface_density'][i] = sigma i = i + 1 # all_data_dict['column_density'][i] = N, all_data_dict) return all_data_dict
def all_direction_slices(timestep): from mpl_toolkits.axes_grid1 import AxesGrid ds = yt.load("mhd_sphere_hdf5_chk_{}".format(str(timestep).zfill(4))) fig = plt.figure() grid = AxesGrid(fig, ( (0, 0, 0.8, 0.8)), nrows_ncols = (1, 3), axes_pad = 1.0, label_mode = "1", share_all = True, cbar_location="right", cbar_mode="each", cbar_size="3%", cbar_pad="0%") direction = ['x','y','z'] physical_quantity='magnetic_field_strength' for i, direc in enumerate(direction): slc = yt.SlicePlot(ds,direc, physical_quantity) slc.set_axes_unit('pc') slc.set_font_size(12) slc.annotate_magnetic_field() plot = slc.plots[physical_quantity] plot.figure = fig slc.set_cmap(physical_quantity,"rainbow") plot.axes = grid[i].axes plot.cax = grid.cbar_axes[i] slc._setup_plots() plt.savefig(SAVE_PATH+"{0}_alldir_Bstrength.png".format(ds))
def generate_container_data(test_dir): file_to_write = os.path.join(test_dir, "containers.h5") ds = yt.load("enzo_tiny_cosmology/DD0046/DD0046") for key, value in cont_dict.items(): cont = getattr(ds, camelcase_to_underscore(value[0]), None) if cont is not None: c = cont(*value[1], **value[2]) c["density"].write_hdf5(file_to_write, dataset_name=key) # Special handling sp1 = ds.sphere(*cont_dict["sp1"][1]) prj = ds.proj("density", 1, data_source=sp1) prj["density"].write_hdf5(file_to_write, dataset_name="prj3") sp2 = ds.sphere(*cont_dict["sp2"][1]) conditions = ["obj['kT'] > 0.5"] cr = sp2.cut_region(conditions) cr["density"].write_hdf5(file_to_write, dataset_name="cr") for i, grid in enumerate(ds.index.grids): grid["density"].write_hdf5(file_to_write, dataset_name="grid_%04d" % (i+1))
def __init__(self, pfname, pfdir = '', i = 0, res_type='cluster'): self.pfname = pfname = yt.load(pfdir + pfname + "/" + pfname) self.res_type = res_type if res_type == 'cluster': halos = np.genfromtxt(pfdir + pfname +"_halos.txt", names=True) self.cluster_center = np.array([halos['x'][i],halos['y'][i],halos['z'][i]]) self.mass = halos['virial_mass'][i] self.R_vir = halos['virial_radius'][i] self.ray_length = 5.0*self.R_vir # ***************************************** elif res_type == 'igm': self.ray_length ='Mpc')[0].value * 0.99 self.z_center = self.ray_length/2.0 **100.0/CONST_c self.defineFieldLabels()
def generateAbsorbers(pfname, pfdir, filepath, i = 0): """ pfname -> name of data dump.... like "RD0020" pfdir -> parent directory to dump ==> pfdir + "/" + pfname + "/" pfname should be the data dump itself filepath -> path to absorption results... should contain observation result text files. """ #i = 0 halos = np.genfromtxt(pfdir + "/" + pfname + "_halos.txt", names=True) center = np.array([halos['x'][i],halos['y'][i],halos['z'][i]]) R_vir = halos['virial_radius'][i] ds = yt.load(pfdir + "/" + pfname + "/" + pfname) cluster = GalCluster(ds, center, R_vir) line_file = filepath + "/QSO_data_absorbers.out" data = np.genfromtxt(line_file, names=True) all_points = plot_gas_3D(cluster, filepath, data) if not os.path.isdir(filepath + "/absorbers"): os.mkdir(filepath + "/absorbers") saveAbsorberList(all_points, filepath + "/absorbers/absorberList.pickle") return all_points
def pretty_pic(data_hdf5,args): ds = yt.load(data_hdf5) # load data ds.add_field("KaysVx", function=_KaysVx, units="cm/s") ds.add_field("KaysVy", function=_KaysVy, units="cm/s") ds.add_field("KaysVz", function=_KaysVz, units="cm/s") ds.add_field("KaysBx", function=_KaysBx, units="gauss") ds.add_field("KaysBy", function=_KaysBy, units="gauss") ds.add_field("KaysBz", function=_KaysBz, units="gauss") msink=13./32 cs=1. mach=5. rho0=1.e-2 rBH= msink/cs**2/(mach**2+1) sink= InitSink(args.data_sink) sink.coord= dict(x=0.,y=0.,z=0.) #override it center = [0,0,0] width = (float(ds.domain_width[0]), 'cm') Npx= 1000 res = [Npx, Npx] # create an image with 1000x1000 pixels fig,ax= plt.subplots() #sharey=True,sharex=True) #fig.set_size_inches(15, 10) cut_dir='z' if args.twod == 'slice': proj = ds.slice(axis=cut_dir,coord=sink.coord[cut_dir]) else: proj = ds.proj(field="density",axis=cut_dir) frb = proj.to_frb(width=width, resolution=res, center=center) img= np.array(frb['density'])[::-1]/rho0 xlab,ylab='x/rBH','y/rBH' im= ax.imshow(np.log10(img),vmin=np.log10(args.clim[0]),vmax=np.log10(args.clim[1])) ax.autoscale(False) #sink marker ax.scatter((sink.x+1)*Npx/2,(sink.y+1)*Npx/2,s=50,c='black',marker='o') #all sinks #user defined ticks xticks=(Npx*np.array([0.,0.25,0.5,0.75,1.])).astype('int') # xticks_labs= (xticks-500)*rBH/Npx ax.set_xticks(xticks) ax.set_xticklabels(((xticks-Npx/2)*float(args.width_rBH)/Npx).astype('int')) #ax.xaxis.get_ticklocs()/100.) ax.set_yticks(xticks) ax.set_yticklabels(((xticks[::-1]-Npx/2)*float(args.width_rBH)/Npx).astype('int')) #ax.yaxis.get_ticklocs()/100.) ax.set_xlabel(xlab) ax.set_ylabel(ylab) ax.set_title(cut_dir+' '+args.twod) cax = fig.add_axes([0.83, 0.15, 0.02, 0.7]) cbar= fig.colorbar(im, cax=cax) # cbar = fig.colorbar(cax) # ticks=[-1,0,1]) cbar_labels = [item.get_text() for item in] cbar_labels = ['']*len(cbar_labels) cbar_labels[0]= args.clim[0] cbar_labels[-1]= args.clim[1] if args.twod == 'slice': lab= r'$\mathbf{ \rho/\bar{\rho} }$' else: lab= r'$\mathbf{ \Sigma/\bar{\Sigma} }$' cbar.set_label(r'$\mathbf{ \rho/\bar{\rho} }$',fontsize='xx-large') add_name= 'prettypic' plt.savefig(os.path.join(args.outdir,args.twod+'_'+add_name+'_'+os.path.basename(data_hdf5)+'_.png'))
def create_profile(infile): ds = yt.load(infile) ad = ds.all_data() profile = yt.create_profile(ad, args.axis, fields=[args.field], weight_field=None, n_bins=args.nbins, logs={args.axis: args.axis_log, args.field: args.field_log}) return profile
def project( filein, fileout = 'junk.png', sinkfile=None) : pf = yt.load(file) print moviefile p = yt.ProjectionPlot(pf, "z", "density") p.set_zlim("density", 1e-3,1e0) if( not sinkfile == None) : annotate_particles(p, sinkfile)
def load_halos(ds,location): #Merely loads an already saved halocatalog #Calls a fn to gather positions and radii of halos over a mass threshold halo_ds = yt.load(location) hc = HaloCatalog(data_ds=ds,halos_ds=halo_ds) hc.add_filter('quantity_value','particle_mass','>',1E12,'Msun') halo_ds = hc.halos_ds.all_data() radii, positions = get_halo_pos(ds,halo_ds) return hc, radii, positions
def get_halo_bounds(nth_most_massive, pdf, hdf): particles_midx = pdf + ".midx10" pds = yt.load(pdf, midx_filename=particles_midx) halos_midx = hdf + ".midx7" hds = yt.load(hdf, midx_filename=halos_midx) halo = get_halo_params(nth_most_massive) sds = SuperData(pds, hds) hx, hy, hz, hr = halo['x'], halo['y'], halo['z'], halo['r200b'] px, py, pz = sds.particle_position(sds.halo_dataset.arr([hx, hy, hz], 'code_length')).d pr = sds.conv_arr(sds.halo_dataset.arr([hr], 'code_length'), sds.full_particle_dataset).d center = np.array([px, py, pz]) left = center - 2*pr right = center + 2*pr return halo, center, left, right, pr[0]
def plot_var(i,physical_quantity,cut="z",velocity=False,grid=False,zmin ="",zmax="",particle=False): ds = yt.load("mhd_sphere_hdf5_chk_{}".format(str(i).zfill(4))) slc = yt.SlicePlot(ds, cut,physical_quantity)#,center=(0.5,0.5,0.5)) slc.set_figure_size(5) if grid: slc.annotate_grids() if velocity: slc.annotate_velocity() magnetic = True if magnetic: slc.annotate_magnetic_field() slc.set_cmap("all","rainbow") if zmin!="" and zmax!="": slc.set_zlim(physical_quantity,zmin,zmax)"{0}_{1}_{2}.png".format(ds,physical_quantity,cut))
def test_particle_filter(): """Test the particle_filter decorator""" @particle_filter(filtered_type='all', requires=['creation_time']) def stars(pfilter, data): filter_field = (pfilter.filtered_type, "creation_time") return (data.ds.current_time - data[filter_field]) > 0 ds = yt.load(iso_galaxy) ds.add_particle_filter('stars') ad = ds.all_data() ad['deposit', 'stars_cic'] assert True
def doit(filename): ds = yt.load(filename) ad = ds.all_data() profile = yt.create_profile(ad, args.binfields, args.fields, n_bins=tuple(args.nbins), weight_field=None) print(profile.keys()) print(profile["enucdot"].shape) print(profile["y"].shape) for y, e in zip(profile["y"], profile["enucdot"]): print('({}, {})'.format(y, e)) exit() return ds.time, emax, elocmax, efwhm
def main(): args = parse_args() filename = args.filename print filename print "Loading yt dataset " + filename.split("/")[-1] + "..." ds = yt.load(filename) #establish a moab instance for use mb = core.Core() yt2moab_uniform_gridgen(mb,ds) #write file mb.write_file("test.h5m")
def test_radmc3d_exporter_continuum(): """ This test is simply following the description in the docs for how to generate the necessary output files to run a continuum emission map from dust for one of our sample datasets. """ ds = yt.load(ISO_GAL) # Make up a dust density field where dust density is 1% of gas density dust_to_gas = 0.01 def _DustDensity(field, data): return dust_to_gas * data["density"] ds.add_field(("gas", "dust_density"), function=_DustDensity, units="g/cm**3") yield RadMC3DValuesTest(ds, ("gas", "dust_density"))
def plot_stuff(i): print "Plotting timestep ",i ds = yt.load("orszag_mhd_2d_hdf5_chk_{}".format(str(i).zfill(4))) # os.chdir(SAVE_PATH) xdir=0 ydir=1 slicedirection=2 sl = ds.slice(slicedirection,0) ##Get the Slice w = [ds.domain_left_edge[xdir],ds.domain_right_edge[xdir],ds.domain_left_edge[ydir],ds.domain_right_edge[ydir]] frb1 = FixedResolutionBuffer(sl,w,(128,128)) #Create FixedResolution Buffer plt.figure() plt.imshow(np.array(frb1["density"])) plt.colorbar() plt.savefig(SAVE_PATH+"{0}_density.png".format(ds)) plt.figure() plt.imshow(np.array(frb1["magnetic_field_strength"])) plt.colorbar() plt.savefig(SAVE_PATH+"{0}_Bstrength.png".format(ds))
def print_ray(fname, startpoint, endpoint): ds = yt.load(fname) line = ds.ray(startpoint, endpoint) labels = ["x", "y", "z"] for f in ds.field_list: labels.append(f[1]) print >> sys.stderr, "Columns: ", labels print "#", for l in labels: print "{:<20}".format(l), print dlen = len(line[labels[0]].v) for i in range(dlen): for l in labels: print "{:<20}".format(line[l].v[i]), print
def load_all_profs(directory,filament_num): #Loads profiles from disk. #Profiles are stored as a 3D list of segments listed within filaments listen in var type #This means there are three keys needed to identify one profile, its var type, its filament number and its segment number #I.E. They are accessed via profiles[ variable number ] [ filament number] [ segment number ] #Variables are in the order dens, temp, dark , velo - later changing this to a dict would be much more conveniant and elegant #Init lists of filaments, and dict to help address this vardict = {'dens':0,'kine':1} profiles = [ [ [] for x in range(filament_num) ] for i in range(2)] #Determine total list of files filelist = sorted(os.listdir(directory)) #For each file in this list, load data, and append to correct part of profiles structure filelen = len(filelist) denslist = filelist[0:filelen/2] kinslist = filelist[filelen/2:] stordict = {} for stor,(i,file_in_dir) in yt.parallel_objects(enumerate(filelist),storage=stordict): #prof = yt.load(''.join([directory,'/',file_in_dir])) key_id = (vardict[file_in_dir[0:4]],int(file_in_dir[7:10]),int(file_in_dir[13:16])) stor.result = yt.load(''.join([directory,'/',file_in_dir])) stor.result_id = key_id print key_id for (key0,key1,key2),value in sorted(stordict): profiles[key0][key1].append(values) return profiles
def plot_dens(i,plane="z", velocity=False,grid=False,zmin ="",zmax="",magnetic=False, particle=False): ds = yt.load("mhd_sphere_hdf5_chk_{}".format(str(i).zfill(4))) physical_quantity="density" slc = yt.SlicePlot(ds, plane,physical_quantity)#,center=(0.5,0.5,0.5)) slc.set_figure_size(5) if grid: slc.annotate_grids() if velocity: slc.annotate_velocity(normalize=True) if magnetic: slc.annotate_magnetic_field() slc.set_cmap("all","rainbow") if zmin!="" and zmax!="": slc.set_zlim(physical_quantity,zmin,zmax) if particle : os.system("cp ../source/Simulation/SimulationMain/unitTest/SinkMomTest/utils/ .") os.system("python") data =np.loadtxt("sinks_evol.dat_cleaned",skiprows=1) pcl_indx_at_t = np.where(np.isclose(int(ds.current_time.in_cgs()),data[:,1]))[0] print "Number of sink particles: " , len(pcl_indx_at_t) pcl_pos_at_t = data[pcl_indx_at_t,2:5] for pos in pcl_pos_at_t: slc.annotate_marker(pos, coord_system='data',marker='.',plot_args={'color':'black','s':3})"{0}_{1}.png".format(ds,physical_quantity))
def load_halo(pdf, hdf, nth_most_massive): halo, center, left, right, radius = get_halo_bounds(nth_most_massive, pdf, hdf) particles_midx = pdf + ".midx10" halos_midx = hdf + ".midx7" bbox = np.array([left, right]).T pds = yt.load(pdf, midx_filename=particles_midx, bounding_box = bbox, n_ref=64, over_refine_factor=2, ) # the c code chokes on data types without these conversions pds.domain_left_edge = pds.domain_left_edge.astype(np.float64) pds.domain_right_edge = pds.domain_right_edge.astype(np.float64) pds.domain_width = pds.domain_width.astype(np.float64) pds.domain_center = pds.domain_center.astype(np.float64) return pds, halo, center, radius
def test_add_particle_filter(): """Test particle filters created via add_particle_filter This accesses a deposition field using the particle filter, which was a problem in previous versions on this dataset because there are chunks with no stars in them. """ def stars(pfilter, data): filter_field = (pfilter.filtered_type, "creation_time") return (data.ds.current_time - data[filter_field]) > 0 add_particle_filter("stars", function=stars, filtered_type='all', requires=["creation_time"]) ds = yt.load(iso_galaxy) ds.add_particle_filter('stars') ad = ds.all_data() ad['deposit', 'stars_cic'] assert True
def setup(self): if yt.__version__.startswith('3'): self.ds = yt.load(self.dsname) = self.ds.all_data() self.field_name = "density" else: self.ds = load(self.dsname) = self.ds.h.all_data() self.field_name = "Density" # Warmup hdd[self.field_name] if yt.__version__.startswith('3'): mi, ma =['Extrema'](self.field_name) = yt.ColorTransferFunction((np.log10(mi)+1, np.log10(ma))) else: mi, ma =['Extrema'](self.field_name)[0] = ColorTransferFunction((np.log10(mi)+1, np.log10(ma))), w=0.02, colormap="spectral") self.c = [0.5, 0.5, 0.5] self.L = [0.5, 0.2, 0.7] self.W = 1.0 self.Npixels = 512
def test_from_yt(tmpdir): from yt import load ds = load(os.path.join(DATA, 'DD0010', 'moving7_0010')) def _dust_density(field, data): return data["density"].in_units('g/cm**3') * 0.01 ds.add_field(("gas", "dust_density"), function=_dust_density, units='g/cm**3') amr = AMRGrid.from_yt(ds, quantity_mapping={'density': ('gas', 'dust_density')}) m = Model() m.set_amr_grid(amr) m.add_density_grid(amr['density'], get_realistic_test_dust()) s = m.add_point_source() s.luminosity = 1000 s.temperature = 1000 m.set_n_initial_iterations(3) m.set_n_photons(initial=1e5, imaging=0) m.set_propagation_check_frequency(1) m.set_copy_input(False) input_file = tmpdir.join('test.rtin').strpath output_file = tmpdir.join('test.rtout').strpath m.write(input_file)
def halofind(path="./",output="ascii/",rockfile='rockstar.cfg',rockout="rockstar/"): """ Perfom a number of initialization steps to run rockstar halo finder on a ramses simulation. Specifically, conver the dark matter particles from binary files to ascii lists, and generate a script that can be used to run rockstar on each snapshot Force resolution is computed assuming unigird. Keep track of units throughout. """ import yt import mypython as mp import os #create rock output folder if not os.path.exists(rockout): os.mkdir(rockout) #find how many snapshots are there and process them for out in os.listdir(path): #check if valid output if "output_" in out: #grap snap number snap=int(out.split("output_")[1]) print "Processing snap ", snap #process in ascii mp.ramses.ramses2ascii.ramses2ascii(snap,path=path,output=output) #create rockstar output rockfilename='output_'+format(snap, '05')+rockfile if os.path.isfile(rockfilename): print "rockstar config file exist..." else: #get sim properties snapname=path+'output_'+format(snap, '05')+'/info_'+format(snap, '05')+'.txt' sim = yt.load(snapname) ad=sim.all_data() #write config file fle = open(rockout+rockfilename, 'w') fle.write('#Configuration file for rockstar\n') fle.write('FILE_FORMAT = "ASCII"\n') #mass particle Msun/h mpart=sim.mass_unit.v/2e33*ad['io', 'particle_mass'][0].v*sim.hubble_constant fle.write('PARTICLE_MASS = '+str(mpart)+'\n') #cosmology aexp=1./(1.+sim.current_redshift) fle.write('SCALE_NOW = '+str(aexp)+'\n') fle.write('h0 = '+str(sim.hubble_constant)+'\n') fle.write('Ol = '+str(sim.omega_lambda)+'\n') fle.write('Om = '+str(sim.omega_matter)+'\n') #box size boxsize=(sim.domain_width.in_units('Mpccm/h'))[0].v fle.write('BOX_SIZE = '+str(boxsize)+'\n') fle.write('FORCE_RES = '+str(boxsize/sim.domain_dimensions[0]/2.)+'\n') #utility fle.write('OUTBASE = '+path+'output_'+format(snap, '05')+'/\n') fle.write('MIN_HALO_OUTPUT_SIZE = 100\n') fle.close() exit()
def doit(plotfile, fname): ds = yt.load(plotfile) cm = "gist_rainbow" if fname == "vz": field = ('gas', 'velocity_z') use_log = False vals = [-1.e7, -5.e6, 5.e6, 1.e7] sigma = 5.e5 cm = "coolwarm" elif fname == "magvel": field = ('gas', 'velocity_magnitude') use_log = False vals = [1.e6, 2.e6, 4.e6, 8.e6, 1.6e7] sigma = 2.e5 elif fname == "radvel": field = ('boxlib', 'radial_velocity') use_log = False vals = [-1.e7, -5.e6, -2.5e6, 2.5e6, 5.e6, 1.e7] sigma = 2.e5 cm = "coolwarm" dd = ds.all_data() mi = min(vals) ma = max(vals) if use_log: mi, ma = np.log10(mi), np.log10(ma) # Instantiate the ColorTransferfunction. tf = vr.ColorTransferFunction((mi, ma)) # Set up the camera parameters: center, looking direction, width, resolution #c = np.array([0.0, 0.0, 0.0]) c = (ds.domain_right_edge + ds.domain_left_edge) / 2.0 L = np.array([1.0, 1.0, 1.0]) L = np.array([1.0, 1.0, 1.2]) W = 2.0 * ds.domain_width N = 720 north = [0.0, 0.0, 1.0] for v in vals: if (use_log): tf.sample_colormap(math.log10(v), sigma**2, colormap=cm) #, alpha=0.2) else: tf.sample_colormap(v, sigma**2, colormap=cm) #, alpha=0.2) # alternate attempt ds.periodicity = (True, True, True) # Create a camera object cam = vr.Camera(c, L, W, N, transfer_function=tf, ds=ds, no_ghost=False, north_vector=north, fields=[field], log_fields=[use_log]) # make an image im = cam.snapshot() # add an axes triad -- note if we do this, we HAVE to do draw # domain, otherwise the image is blank (likely a bug) cam.draw_coordinate_vectors(im) # add the domain box to the image: nim = cam.draw_domain(im) # increase the contrast -- for some reason, the enhance default # to save_annotated doesn't do the trick (likely a bug) max_val = im[:, :, :3].std() * 4.0 nim[:, :, :3] /= max_val f = pylab.figure() pylab.text(0.2, 0.15, "{:.3g} s".format(float(ds.current_time.d)), transform=f.transFigure, color="white") cam._render_figure = f # save annotated -- this added the transfer function values, # but this messes up our image size defined above cam.save_annotated("{}_{}.png".format(os.path.normpath(plotfile), fname), nim, dpi=145, clear_fig=False)
print(str(sys.argv[t])), print('') print('-------------------------------------------------------------------\n') idx_start = args.idx_start idx_end = args.idx_end didx = args.didx prefix = args.prefix colormap = 'arbre' field = 'Dens' center_mode = 'c' dpi = 150 yt.enable_parallelism() ts = yt.load([ prefix + '/Data_%06d' % idx for idx in range(idx_start, idx_end + 1, didx) ]) for ds in ts.piter(): sz = yt.SlicePlot(ds, 'z', field, center=center_mode) # sz.set_zlim( field, 0.0, 9.0 ) sz.set_log(field, False) sz.set_cmap(field, colormap) sz.annotate_timestamp(corner='upper_right', time_format='t = {time:.4f} {units}') # sz.annotate_grids( periodic=False ){"dpi": dpi})
mixFrac = None p_mixFrac = np.zeros(local_nfiles) p_time = np.zeros(local_nfiles) comm.Barrier() ## Display the correct message if multiple files are read/rank or just one/rank if local_start != local_end - 1: print('Processor ', Pid, 'will read from index file', local_start, 'to', local_end - 1) else: print("Processor ", Pid, "will only read index file", local_start) files = comm.bcast(files, root=master) for i in range(local_start, local_end): print("Reading file ", files[i], ' with processor ', Pid) mylog.setLevel(40) ds = yt.load(path + files[i]) # Create a 4cm-radius sphere center = ds.domain_left_edge sp = ds.sphere(center, r_max) profile = yt.create_profile(sp, 'radius', ['fld1', 'mix'], n_bins=p_res, units={ 'radius': 'cm', "fld1": "", "mix": "" }, logs={ 'radius': False, "fld1": False, "mix": False
# L_MPC = int(Lbox/1000) # data_dir = '/raid/bruno/data/' # data_dir = '/data/groups/comp-astro/bruno/' # data_dir = '/home/bruno/Desktop/ssd_0/data/' data_dir = '/gpfs/alpine/csc434/scratch/bvilasen/' input_dir = data_dir + f'cosmo_sims/ics/enzo/{n_points}_{L_MPC}Mpc/' output_dir = data_dir + f'cosmo_sims/ics/enzo/{n_points}_{L_MPC}Mpc/ics_{n_boxes}_z100/' print(f'Input Dir: {input_dir}') print(f'Output Dir: {output_dir}') create_directory(output_dir) # Load Enzo Dataset nSnap = 0 snapKey = '{0:03}'.format(nSnap) inFileName = 'DD0{0}/data0{0}'.format(snapKey) ds = yt.load(input_dir + inFileName) data = ds.all_data() h = ds.hubble_constant current_z = np.float(ds.current_redshift) current_a = 1. / (current_z + 1) data_enzo = {'dm': {}, 'gas': {}} data_enzo['current_a'] = current_a data_enzo['current_z'] = current_z # Domain decomposition box_size = [Lbox, Lbox, Lbox] grid_size = [n_points, n_points, n_points] if n_boxes == 1: proc_grid = [1, 1, 1] if n_boxes == 2: proc_grid = [2, 1, 1] if n_boxes == 8: proc_grid = [2, 2, 2]
import yt import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from mpl_toolkits.axes_grid1 import AxesGrid fn = "IsolatedGalaxy/galaxy0030/galaxy0030" ds = yt.load(fn) # load data fig = plt.figure() # See # These choices of keyword arguments produce two colorbars, both drawn on the # right hand side. This means there are only two colorbar axes, one for Density # and another for temperature. In addition, axes labels will be drawn for all # plots. grid = AxesGrid( fig, (0.075, 0.075, 0.85, 0.85), nrows_ncols=(2, 2), axes_pad=1.0, label_mode="all", share_all=True, cbar_location="right", cbar_mode="edge", cbar_size="5%", cbar_pad="0%", ) cuts = ["x", "y", "z", "z"] fields = ["density", "density", "density", "temperature"] for i, (direction, field) in enumerate(zip(cuts, fields)):
plt.clf() plt.close('all') if 1: prefix = 'ca03' #something to note the simulations you used. directory = '/scratch1/dcollins/Paper49_EBQU/ca03_turb_weak' frame = 339 if 1: prefix = 'ca02' #something to note the simulations you used. directory = '/scratch1/dcollins/Paper49_EBQU/ca02_turb' frame = 100 plot_directory = "%s/PlotsToTransfer" % os.environ['HOME'] #This conditional tests to see if region has been defined. #if not, define it. This process is slow so don't repeat if you don't have to. ds = yt.load('%s/DD%04d/data%04d' % (directory, frame, frame)) region = ds.all_data() #set up bins. Nbins = 64 density_min = region['density'].min() density_max = region['density'].max() density_bins = np.logspace(np.log10(density_min), np.log10(density_max), Nbins) velocity_magnitude_min = region['velocity_magnitude'].min() velocity_magnitude_max = region['velocity_magnitude'].max() velocity_magnitude_bins = np.logspace(np.log10(velocity_magnitude_min), np.log10(velocity_magnitude_max), Nbins / 4) bins = {'density': density_bins, 'velocity_magnitude': velocity_magnitude_bins} #
import yt # Load the dataset. ds = yt.load("Enzo_64/DD0029/data0029") # Create a 1 Mpc radius sphere, centered on the max density. sp = ds.sphere("max", (1.0, "Mpc")) # Use the total_quantity derived quantity to sum up the # values of the mass and particle_mass fields # within the sphere. baryon_mass, particle_mass = sp.quantities.total_quantity([("gas", "mass"), ("all", "particle_mass")]) print( "Total mass in sphere is %0.3e Msun (gas = %0.3e Msun, particles = %0.3e Msun)" % ( (baryon_mass + particle_mass).in_units("Msun"), baryon_mass.in_units("Msun"), particle_mass.in_units("Msun"), ))
from scipy.optimize import curve_fit from scipy.signal import argrelextrema from yt.units import cm from sys import exit as sysexit start_time = time.time() # load dataset data_root_path = "/rds/user/dc-bamb1/rds-dirac-dp131/dc-bamb1/GRChombo_data/KerrSF" #data_sub_dir = "run0031_KNL_l0_m0_a0_Al0_mu0.4_M1_correct_Ylm" #data_sub_dir = "run0063_KNL_l0_m0_a0_Al0_mu1_M1_new_rho_more_levels" data_sub_dir = "run0022_KNL_l0_m0_a0_Al0_mu1_M1_correct_Ylm" number = 1460 dataset_path = data_root_path + "/" + data_sub_dir + "/KerrSFp_{:06d}.3d.hdf5".format( number) ds = yt.load(dataset_path) print("loaded data from ", dataset_path) print("time = ", time.time() - start_time) # set centre center = [512.0, 512.0, 0] # set up parameters dt = 0.25 t = number * dt a = 0 M = 1 mu = 1 r_plus = M * (1 + np.sqrt(1 - a**2)) z_position = 0.001 # s position of slice R_plus = 0.25 * r_plus # R_outer = r_+ / 4
import yt # Load the dataset. ds = yt.load("Enzo_64/DD0043/data0043") # Make a density projection centered on the 'm'aximum density location # with a width of 10 Mpc.. p = yt.ProjectionPlot(ds, "y", "density", center="m", width=(10, "Mpc")) # Modify the projection # The argument specifies the region along the line of sight # for which particles will be gathered. # 1.0 signifies the entire domain in the line of sight # p.annotate_particles(1.0) # but in this case we only go 10 Mpc in depth p.annotate_particles((10, "Mpc")) # Save the image. # Optionally, give a string as an argument # to name files with a keyword.
lax.xaxis.set_ticklabels([r""]) for tick in lax.xaxis.get_ticklines(): tick.set_visible(False) for ticklabel in lax.xaxis.get_majorticklabels(): ticklabel.set_visible(True) ticklabel.set_horizontalalignment("left") ticklabel.set_verticalalignment("top") ticklabel.set_fontsize(10) for ticklabel in lax.yaxis.get_majorticklabels(): ticklabel.set_fontsize(lfontsize) if __name__ == "__main__": halo_dir = "halo_2170858" # halo_dir = "halo_2171203" ds = yt.load(os.path.join(halo_dir, "bh_clump_distance_edge_1e-03.h5")) ds_i = yt.load( os.path.join(halo_dir, "bh_clump_distance_edge_1e-03_inner_0.25.h5")) fontsize = 12 my_fig = GridFigure(1, 1, top_buffer=0.12, bottom_buffer=0.13, left_buffer=0.14, right_buffer=0.04, horizontal_buffer=0.05, vertical_buffer=0.1, figsize=(6, 4.5)) my_axes = my_fig[0] my_axes.set_yscale("log")
yt.enable_parallelism() # ============================================================================== # Spherical Horizon finder # # Assumes (Obviously) spherical symmetry !! Gives bad results if not ! # Input = Black hole center # # For valid calculation of Mass one has to slice along x-Axis !! # Output :-Black Hole mass (with Error estimate) # -Black Hole radius (with Error estimate) # ============================================================================== #Loading dataset loc = '/scratch2/kclough/BosonStars/ScalarField_001*' ds = yt.load(loc) #initial_location centerXYZ = ds[0].domain_right_edge/2 center = 512.0 - 30.0 #float(centerXYZ[0]) BHcenter = [center, float(centerXYZ[1]), float(centerXYZ[2])] max_radius = 10.0 # ================================= # INPUT # # ================================= # ================================ # ================================ time_data = [] CycleData = []
Voxelizing elements We load our grid of positions and velocities from a file rather than generating them ourselves. We also use the 'periodic' options in PyPSI.elementBlocksFromGrid() and PyPSI.voxelize(), along with 'box', to indicate that PSI should create appropriate ghost elements and wrap the domain. ''' i = 0 subgridsize = 64 while os.path.isdir("DD%04d" % i): ## using yt to load enzo data ds = yt.load("DD%04d/data%04d" % (i, i)) ## use a covering grid to include all data all_data_level_0 = ds.covering_grid(level = 0, \ left_edge = [0, 0, 0], dims = ds.domain_dimensions) ids = np.array(all_data_level_0['all', 'particle_index']).astype(int, \ order='C') #print ids pos = np.zeros([int(, 3]) pos[:,0] = all_data_level_0['all', 'particle_position_x'] pos[:,1] = all_data_level_0['all', 'particle_position_y'] pos[:,2] = all_data_level_0['all', 'particle_position_z'] pos = pos.reshape(np.append(ds.domain_dimensions, 3)).astype(np.float64, \ order='C') pos = pos[:64,:64,:64,:] vel = np.zeros([int(, 3])
def doit(plotfile): ds = yt.load(plotfile) ds.periodicity = (True, True, True) field = ('gas', 'velocity_z') ds._get_field_info(field).take_log = False sc = Scene() # add a volume: select a sphere #center = (0, 0, 0) #R = (5.e8, 'cm') #dd = ds.sphere(center, R) vol = VolumeSource(ds, field=field) vol.use_ghost_zones = True sc.add_source(vol) # transfer function vals = [-1.e7, -5.e6, 5.e6, 1.e7] sigma = 5.e5 tf = yt.ColorTransferFunction((min(vals), max(vals))) tf.clear() cm = "coolwarm" for v in vals: tf.sample_colormap(v, sigma**2, colormap=cm) #, alpha=0.2) sc.get_source(0).transfer_function = tf cam = sc.add_camera(ds, lens_type="perspective") cam.resolution = (1920, 1080) center = 0.5*(ds.domain_left_edge + ds.domain_right_edge) cam.position = [2.5*ds.domain_right_edge[0], 2.5*ds.domain_right_edge[1], center[2]+0.25*ds.domain_right_edge[2]] # look toward the center -- we are dealing with an octant normal = (center - cam.position) normal /= np.sqrt( cam.switch_orientation(normal_vector=normal, north_vector=[0., 0., 1.]) cam.set_width(ds.domain_width) = cam #sc.annotate_axes(alpha=0.05) #sc.annotate_domain(ds, color=np.array([0.05, 0.05, 0.05, 0.05])) #sc.annotate_grids(ds, alpha=0.05) sc.render()"{}_radvel".format(plotfile), sigma_clip=4.0) sc.save_annotated("{}_radvel_annotated.png".format(plotfile), sigma_clip=4.0, text_annotate=[[(0.05, 0.05), "t = {}".format(ds.current_time.d), dict(horizontalalignment="left")], [(0.5,0.95), "Maestro simulation of convection in a mixed H/He XRB", dict(color="y", fontsize="24", horizontalalignment="center")]])
''' rit = -1 for fn_it in range(len(usable_files)): rit = rit + 1 if rit == size: rit = 0 if rank == rit: ''' if args.make_projection == "True": for fn_it in yt.parallel_objects(range(len(usable_files)), njobs=int(size / (100))): pickle_file = save_dir + "movie_frame_" + ("%06d" % fn_it) + "_proj.pkl" if os.path.exists(pickle_file) == False: fn = usable_files[fn_it] ds = yt.load(fn, units_override=units_override) time_real = ds.current_time.in_units('yr') time_val = np.round(time_real.in_units('yr')) proj = yt.ProjectionPlot(ds, args.perp_axis, ("ramses", "Density"), width=units['length_unit'], method='integrate') proj_array = np.array([("ramses", "Density")] / units['length_unit'].in_units('cm')) image = proj_array * units['density_unit'].in_units('g/cm**3') print('Made projection of file', fn, 'on rank', rank) del proj del proj_array gc.collect()
def get_field(ds, search_field): field = None field_short_name = None for f in ds.field_list + ds.derived_field_list: if f[1] == search_field: field_short_name = f[1] field = f return field, field_short_name if not field: print('Field {} not present.'.format(search_field)) return None, None if __name__ == "__main__": ds = yt.load(args.infile) # Add Urca fields ushell_fields = UrcaShellFields() ushell_fields.setup(ds) if args.list_fields: if args.field: field, field_short_name = get_field(ds, args.field) assert (field) print_field_stats(ds, field) else: for f in ds.field_list + ds.derived_field_list: print_field_stats(ds, f) exit()
def test_deposit_amr(): ds = load(ISOGAL) for g in ds.index.grids: gpm = g["all", "particle_mass"].sum() dpm = g["deposit", "all_mass"].sum() assert_allclose_units(gpm, dpm)
def test_gizmo_64(): ds = yt.load(g64) assert isinstance(ds, GizmoDataset) for test in sph_answer(ds, 'snap_N64L16_135', 524288, fields): test_gizmo_64.__name__ = test.description yield test
def surface_density_plot(ax, snapnum, filename="keplerian_ring", density_limits=None, vlim=None): """ Make the surface density plot (via yt). Also returns the max and minimum values for the density so these can be passed to the next call, as well as vlim which are the colourmap max/min. """ unit_base = { "length": (1.0, "cm"), "velocity": (1.0, "cm/s"), "mass": (1.0, "g") } filename = "{}_{:04d}.hdf5".format(filename, snapnum) try: snap = yt.load(filename, unit_base=unit_base, over_refine_factor=2) except yt.utilities.exceptions.YTOutputNotIdentified: # Probably the file isn't here because we supplied a too high snapshot # number. Just return what we're given. return density_limits, vlim projection_plot = yt.ProjectionPlot(snap, "z", ("gas", "cell_mass"), width=5.5) max_density = snap.all_data()[("gas", "cell_mass")].max() min_density = snap.all_data()[("gas", "cell_mass")].min() new_density_limits = (min_density, max_density) if density_limits is None: density_limits = new_density_limits projection_plot.set_zlim("cell_mass", *density_limits) data = get_yt_actual_data(projection_plot, ("gas", "cell_mass")) # Becuase of the way plotting works, we also need a max/min for the colourmap. new_vlim = (data[0].min(), data[0].max()) if vlim is None: vlim = new_vlim ax.imshow(data[0], cmap=data[1], vmin=vlim[0], vmax=vlim[1]) metadata = get_metadata(filename) period = metadata["period"] ax.text( 20, 80, "Snapshot = {:04d}\nRotations = {:1.2f}".format( snapnum, float(snap.current_time) / period), color="white", ) # We now want to remove all of the ticklabels. for axis in ["x", "y"]: ax.tick_params( axis=axis, which="both", bottom="off", top="off", left="off", right="off", labelleft="off", labelbottom="off", ) return density_limits, vlim
def __init__(self, snapshot_path, yield_table=None, yield_model_Z=0.01, yield_model_FIRE_Z_scaling=True): self.work_dir = snapshot_path.split("output/snapshot_")[0] self.snapshot_name = snapshot_path.split("output/")[-1] if not (os.path.isfile(self.work_dir + 'output/snapshot_000.hdf5')): print("Cannot find initial snapshot file at " + self.work_dir + 'output/snapshot_000.hdf5') raise RuntimeError self.age_bins = yield_model.get_bins( config_file=self.work_dir + "/gizmo.out", binfile=self.work_dir + "/age_bins.txt") self.yield_model_Z = None self.yield_model_FIRE_Z_scaling = None self.yield_model_age_fraction = None if yield_table is None: self.generate_yield_table(yield_model_Z, yield_model_FIRE_Z_scaling) else: self.yield_table = yield_table # load datasets and define fields self.ds0 = yt.load(self.work_dir + 'output/snapshot_000.hdf5') self.data0 = self.ds0.all_data() yield_model.generate_metal_fields(self.ds0, _agebins=self.age_bins, _yields=self.yield_table, age_is_fraction=True) self.metals = np.unique([ x[1] for x in self.ds0.field_list if ((x[0] == 'PartType0') and ('Metal' in x[1])) ]) self.initial_abundance = np.zeros(15) for i in np.arange(np.size(self.initial_abundance)): z = self.data0[('PartType0', 'Metallicity_%02i' % (i))] self.initial_abundance[i] = np.average( z).value # should all be identical self._logH = np.log10(self.ds0.hubble_constant) self._littleh = 1.0 # load actual dataset self.ds = yt.load(snapshot_path) = self.ds.all_data() yield_model.generate_metal_fields(self.ds, _agebins=self.age_bins, _yields=self.yield_table, age_is_fraction=True) yield_model._generate_star_metal_fields(self.ds, _agebins=self.age_bins, _yields=self.yield_table, age_is_fraction=True) return
#!/usr/bin/env python import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import yt from yt import derived_field import yt.visualization.volume_rendering.api as vr from yt.visualization.volume_rendering.transfer_function_helper import TransferFunctionHelper from yt.visualization.volume_rendering.api import Scene, VolumeSource, Camera, ColorTransferFunction import numpy as np # Open Dataset ds = yt.load('wd_512_rhoc4-5_plt64636') # Hack: because rendering likes log fields ... ## create positive_radial_velocity and negative_radial_velocity fields. @derived_field(name="pos_radial_velocity", units="cm/s") def _pos_radial_velocity(field, data): return np.maximum(data[('boxlib', 'radial_velocity')], 1.0e-99) @derived_field(name="neg_radial_velocity", units="cm/s") def _neg_radial_velocity(field, data): return np.maximum(-data[('boxlib', 'radial_velocity')], 1.0e-99) # Create lineout along x axis through the center c = ds.domain_center ax = 0 # take a line cut along the x axis # cutting through the y0,z0 such that we hit the center
def calculate_mass_in_sphere(dd): data_sub_dir = a = dd.a r_plus = M * (1 + math.sqrt(1 - a**2)) min_R = r_plus / 4 start_time = time.time() # load dataset time series if (new_rho == False): # derived fields @derived_field(name="rho_E_eff", units="") def _rho_E_eff(field, data): r_BL = (data["spherical_radius"] / cm) * (1 + r_plus * cm / (4 * data["spherical_radius"]))**2 Sigma2 = r_BL**2 + (data["z"] * a * M / (r_BL * cm)) Delta = r_BL**2 + (a * M)**2 - 2 * M * r_BL A = (r_BL**2 + (a * M)**2)**2 - ( (a * M)**2) * Delta * (data["x"]**2 + data["y"]**2) / ( (cm**2) * r_BL) alpha = pow(Delta * Sigma2 / A, 0.5) beta = 2 * a * (M**2) * r_BL / A return (data["rho"] * alpha - beta * data["S_azimuth"]) * pow( data["chi"], -3) elif new_rho: # derived fields @derived_field(name="rho_E_eff", units="") def _rho_E_eff(field, data): return data["rho"] dataset_path = data_root_path + "/" + data_sub_dir + "/KerrSFp_*.3d.hdf5" ds = yt.load(dataset_path) # this loads a dataset time series print("loaded data from ", dataset_path) print("time = ", time.time() - start_time) N = len(ds) ds0 = ds[0] # get the first dataset # set centre center = [512.0, 512.0, 0] L = 512.0 data_storage = {} # iterate through datasets (forcing each to go to a different processor) for sto, dsi in ds.piter(storage=data_storage): time_0 = time.time() # store time current_time = dsi.current_time output = [current_time] # make sphere sphere = dsi.sphere(center, max_R) - dsi.sphere(center, min_R) volume = sphere.sum("cell_volume") if half_box: volume = 2 * volume # calculate energy inside sphere meanE = sphere.mean("rho_E_eff", weight="cell_volume") E = volume * meanE output.append(E) # store output sto.result = output sto.result_id = str(dsi) dt = 1.25 i = int(current_time / dt) print("done {:d} of {:d} in {:.1f} s".format(i + 1, N, time.time() - time_0), flush=True) if yt.is_root(): # make data directory if it does not already exist makedirs(home_path + output_dir, exist_ok=True) # output to file dd.filename = "l={:d}_m={:d}_a={:s}_mass_in_r={:d}_true.csv".format( dd.l, dd.m, str(dd.a), max_radius) output_path = home_path + output_dir + "/" + dd.filename # output header to file f = open(output_path, "w+") f.write("# t mass in r<=" + str(max_radius) + " #\n") # output data for key in sorted(data_storage.keys()): data = data_storage[key] f.write("{:.3f} ".format(data[0])) f.write("{:.2f}\n".format(data[1])) f.close() print("saved data to file " + str(output_path))
def load_snapshot_enzo_yt(nSnap, inDir, cooling=False, metals=False, hydro=True, dm=True): import yt snapKey = '{0:03}'.format(nSnap) inFileName = 'DD0{0}/data0{0}'.format(snapKey) # outFileName = 'cosmo_ICs_256_double.h5' ds = yt.load(inDir + inFileName) data = ds.all_data() h = ds.hubble_constant current_z = ds.current_redshift current_a = 1. / (current_z + 1) print(current_a) print(current_z) print(h) if hydro: data_grid = ds.covering_grid(level=0, left_edge=ds.domain_left_edge, dims=ds.domain_dimensions) gas_dens = data_grid[ ('gas', 'density')].in_units('msun/kpc**3') * current_a**3 / h**2 gas_temp = data_grid[('gas', 'temperature')] gas_vel_x = data_grid[('gas', 'velocity_x')].in_units('km/s') gas_vel_y = data_grid[('gas', 'velocity_y')].in_units('km/s') gas_vel_z = data_grid[('gas', 'velocity_z')].in_units('km/s') if cooling: H_dens = data_grid[ ('gas', 'H_density')].in_units('msun/kpc**3') * current_a**3 / h**2 H_0_dens = data_grid[('gas', 'H_p0_density' )].in_units('msun/kpc**3') * current_a**3 / h**2 H_1_dens = data_grid[('gas', 'H_p1_density' )].in_units('msun/kpc**3') * current_a**3 / h**2 He_dens = data_grid[( 'gas', 'He_density')].in_units('msun/kpc**3') * current_a**3 / h**2 He_0_dens = data_grid[('gas', 'He_p0_density' )].in_units('msun/kpc**3') * current_a**3 / h**2 He_1_dens = data_grid[('gas', 'He_p1_density' )].in_units('msun/kpc**3') * current_a**3 / h**2 He_2_dens = data_grid[('gas', 'He_p2_density' )].in_units('msun/kpc**3') * current_a**3 / h**2 electron_dens = data_grid[( 'gas', 'El_density')].in_units('msun/kpc**3') * current_a**3 / h**2 if metals: metal_dens = data_grid[('gas', 'metal_density')].in_units( 'msun/kpc**3') * current_a**3 / h**2 if dm: p_mass = data[('all', 'particle_mass')].in_units('msun') * h p_pos_x = data[('all', 'particle_position_x')].in_units('kpc') / current_a * h p_pos_y = data[('all', 'particle_position_y')].in_units('kpc') / current_a * h p_pos_z = data[('all', 'particle_position_z')].in_units('kpc') / current_a * h p_vel_x = data[('all', 'particle_velocity_x')].in_units('km/s') p_vel_y = data[('all', 'particle_velocity_y')].in_units('km/s') p_vel_z = data[('all', 'particle_velocity_z')].in_units('km/s') data_dic = {'dm': {}, 'gas': {}} # data_dic['omega_l'] = ds.omega_lambda # data_dic['omega_m'] = ds.omega_matter data_dic['current_a'] = current_a data_dic['current_z'] = current_z if dm: data_dic['dm']['mass'] = p_mass.v data_dic['dm']['pos_x'] = p_pos_x.v data_dic['dm']['pos_y'] = p_pos_y.v data_dic['dm']['pos_z'] = p_pos_z.v data_dic['dm']['vel_x'] = p_vel_x.v data_dic['dm']['vel_y'] = p_vel_y.v data_dic['dm']['vel_z'] = p_vel_z.v if hydro: data_dic['gas']['density'] = gas_dens.v data_dic['gas']['temperature'] = gas_temp.v data_dic['gas']['vel_x'] = gas_vel_x.v data_dic['gas']['vel_y'] = gas_vel_y.v data_dic['gas']['vel_z'] = gas_vel_z.v if cooling: data_dic['gas']['H_dens'] = H_0_dens data_dic['gas']['HI_dens'] = H_1_dens data_dic['gas']['He_dens'] = He_0_dens data_dic['gas']['HeI_dens'] = He_1_dens data_dic['gas']['HeII_dens'] = He_2_dens data_dic['gas']['electron_dens'] = electron_dens if metals: data_dic['gas']['metal_dens'] = metal_dens return data_dic
import re import yt yt.funcs.mylog.setLevel(0) import numpy as np import scipy.constants as scc sys.path.insert(1, '../../../../warpx/Regression/Checksum/') import checksumAPI filename = sys.argv[1] # Parse test name averaged = True if'averaged', filename) else False current_correction = True if'current_correction', filename) else False ds = yt.load(filename) all_data = ds.covering_grid(level=0, left_edge=ds.domain_left_edge, dims=ds.domain_dimensions) Ex = all_data['boxlib', 'Ex'].squeeze().v Ey = all_data['boxlib', 'Ey'].squeeze().v Ez = all_data['boxlib', 'Ez'].squeeze().v if (averaged): # energyE_ref was calculated with Galilean PSATD method (v_galilean = (0,0,0.99498743710662)) energyE_ref = 460315.9845556079 tolerance_rel = 1e-4 elif (current_correction): # energyE_ref was calculated with standard PSATD method (v_galilean = (0.,0.,0.)): energyE_ref = 75333.81851879464
def doit(plotfile): ds = yt.load(plotfile) ds.periodicity = (True, True, True) field = ('gas', 'velocity_z') ds._get_field_info(field).take_log = False sc = Scene() # add a volume: select a sphere #center = (0, 0, 0) #R = (5.e8, 'cm') #dd = ds.sphere(center, R) vol = VolumeSource(ds, field=field) vol.use_ghost_zones = True sc.add_source(vol) # transfer function vals = [-1.e7, -5.e6, 5.e6, 1.e7] sigma = 5.e5 tf = yt.ColorTransferFunction((min(vals), max(vals))) tf.clear() cm = "coolwarm" for v in vals: tf.sample_colormap(v, sigma**2, colormap=cm) #, alpha=0.2) sc.get_source(0).transfer_function = tf cam = sc.add_camera(ds, lens_type="perspective") cam.resolution = (1920, 1080) center = 0.5 * (ds.domain_left_edge + ds.domain_right_edge) cam.position = [ 2.5 * ds.domain_right_edge[0], 2.5 * ds.domain_right_edge[1], center[2] + 0.25 * ds.domain_right_edge[2] ] # look toward the center -- we are dealing with an octant normal = (center - cam.position) normal /= np.sqrt( cam.switch_orientation(normal_vector=normal, north_vector=[0., 0., 1.]) cam.set_width(ds.domain_width) = cam #sc.annotate_axes(alpha=0.05) #sc.annotate_domain(ds, color=np.array([0.05, 0.05, 0.05, 0.05])) #sc.annotate_grids(ds, alpha=0.05) sc.render()"{}_radvel".format(plotfile), sigma_clip=4.0) sc.save_annotated( "{}_radvel_annotated.png".format(plotfile), sigma_clip=4.0, text_annotate=[[(0.05, 0.05), "t = {}".format(ds.current_time.d), dict(horizontalalignment="left")], [(0.5, 0.95), "Maestro simulation of convection in a mixed H/He XRB", dict(color="y", fontsize="24", horizontalalignment="center")]])
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from scipy.constants import c, e, m_e, epsilon_0 import numpy as np import yt yt.funcs.mylog.setLevel(50) # this will be the name of the plot file fn = sys.argv[1] # Parameters of the plasma ux = 0.01 n0 = 1.e25 wp = (n0 * e**2 / (m_e * epsilon_0))**.5 # Load the dataset ds = yt.load(fn) t = ds.current_time.to_ndarray().mean() # in order to extract a single scalar data = ds.covering_grid(0, ds.domain_left_edge, ds.domain_dimensions) it = int(fn[-5:]) # Machine precision of the simulation if ds.index._dtype == "float32": dfloat = 0.7e-4 # single: ok, just somewhat larger than 1.e-6 (6 digits) else: dfloat = 2.0e-14 # double: ok, just a little larger than 1.e-15 (15 digits) # Check the Jx field, which oscillates at wp j_predicted = -n0 * e * c * ux * np.cos(wp * t * (it - 0.5) / it) # j at half-timestep jx = data['jx'].to_ndarray()
def get_dataset(enzo_output): # open the enzo output ds = yt.load(enzo_output) return ds
madir = "/data/manda/jcibanezm/StratBox/RealProd/2pc/1pc/NoSG_Evol/" #snp_nr = 2411 #for qq in range(42): for qq in range(1): snp_nr = (qq+offset)*10 plt_file = "Strat_Box_1pc_NoSG_Particles_hdf5_plt_cnt_%.4i" %snp_nr par_file = "Strat_Box_1pc_NoSG_Particles_hdf5_part_%.4i" %snp_nr my_plt_file = madir + plt_file my_part_file = madir + par_file # Load the data file pf = yt.load(my_plt_file, particle_filename=my_part_file) print ("=============================================================================") print ("Running the Get cloud list routine.") print ("Reading file: %s" %pf) print ("") # Define the cadence of the data files. current_time10 = int(pf.current_time.in_units("Myr").value * 10 + 2 ) snapshot10= current_time10 - sg_init_time*10 + 8 snapshot = snapshot10 snapshot_str = str(snapshot) print("My Snapshot name is %s" %snapshot_str)
'pre6': r'C$_6$ cm$^{-3}$' } names = [name for name in field_label.keys() if 'pre' in name] for name in names: field_label[name + '_scaled'] = field_label[name] def _scale(field, data): new_field = ftype, fname = new_field original_fname = fname.split('_')[0] return 1e13 * data[('all', original_fname)] ds = yt.load(home_root + 'projects/moltres/tests/' 'twod_axi_coupled/2x_refined_from_base_with_gammas.e', step=-1) for i in range(1, 7): fname = 'pre%d_scaled' % i ds.add_field(('all', fname), function=_scale, take_log=False) actual_domain_widths, actual_center = actual_center_and_widths(ds) for field in ds.field_info.keys(): field_type, field_name = field if field_type != 'all': continue if 'scaled' not in field_name and 'temp' not in field_name and 'group' not in field_name: continue slc = yt.SlicePlot(ds, 'z', field, origin='native', center=actual_center) slc.set_log(field, False) slc.set_width((actual_domain_widths[0], actual_domain_widths[1]))
import yt import matplotlib.pyplot as plt ds = yt.load("GasSloshing/sloshing_nomag2_hdf5_plt_cnt_0150") # Get the first sphere sp0 = ds.sphere(ds.domain_center, (500., "kpc")) # Compute the bulk velocity from the cells in this sphere bulk_vel = sp0.quantities.bulk_velocity() # Get the second sphere sp1 = ds.sphere(ds.domain_center, (500., "kpc")) # Set the bulk velocity field parameter sp1.set_field_parameter("bulk_velocity", bulk_vel) # Radial profile without correction rp0 = yt.create_profile(sp0, 'radius', 'radial_velocity', units={'radius': 'kpc'}, logs={'radius': False}) # Radial profile with correction for bulk velocity rp1 = yt.create_profile(sp1, 'radius', 'radial_velocity', units={'radius': 'kpc'},
#yt.enable_parallelism() import pickle #Project B-field in a plane - derive these def _Bxy(field, data): #define a new field in x-y plane return np.sqrt(data["X-magnfield"]**2+data["Y-magnfield"]**2) def _Byz(field, data): #define a new field in y-z plane return np.sqrt(data["Y-magnfield"]**2+data["Z-magnfield"]**2) def _Bxz(field, data): #define a new field in x-z plane return np.sqrt(data["X-magnfield"]**2+data["Z-magnfield"]**2) fn="data.0510.3d.hdf5" ds=yt.load(fn) #load dataset ds.add_field(("gas", "Bxy"), function=_Bxy, units="G", force_override=True) #add the new field ds.add_field(("gas", "Byz"), function=_Byz, units="G", force_override=True) ds.add_field(("gas", "Bxz"), function=_Bxz, units="G", force_override=True) def Crop3DBfield(lvl): #make a 3D covering grid of all 3 of the B-field components, a function of the AMRgrid level (resolution) dims=64*2**lvl crop_data_lvl= ds.smoothed_covering_grid(level=lvl, left_edge=[-4.0e17,-4.0e17,-4.0e17], dims=[dims,dims,dims]) Xmag3d=crop_data_lvl["X-magnfield"] Ymag3d=crop_data_lvl["Y-magnfield"] Zmag3d=crop_data_lvl["Z-magnfield"] return Xmag3d,Ymag3d,Zmag3d def Crop3Ddensity(lvl): #make a 3D covering grid of the density dims=64*2**lvl
import numpy as np import os import sys import yt from yt.utilities.logger import \ ytLogger ytLogger.setLevel(40) from yt.extensions.p3bh import * if __name__ == "__main__": black_holes = {} sim_fn = os.path.abspath(sys.argv[1]) es = yt.load(sim_fn) data_dir = os.path.dirname(sim_fn) for i, fn in enumerate(["filename"]): if isinstance(fn, bytes): fn = fn.decode("utf") fn = os.path.basename(fn) dsfn = os.path.join(data_dir, "black_holes_bh", "%s.h5" % fn) if not os.path.exists(dsfn): continue ds = yt.load(dsfn) if not ds.field_list: continue pids = ds.r["particle_index"].d.astype(int) mbh = ds.arr(np.zeros(pids.size), "Msun") mstar = ds.r["particle_mass"].to("Msun")
import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt pc_to_cm = 3.0857E18 # 1pc in cm plot_range = [0, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80] num_plots = len(plot_range) colormap = plt.gca().set_color_cycle([colormap(i) for i in np.linspace(0,0.9, num_plots)]) file_names = [] for i in plot_range: file_names.append("../../DD" + `i`.zfill(4) + "/" + "cloud_collision_" + `i`.zfill(4)) labels = [] for file in file_names: ds = yt.load(file) sphere = ds.sphere("c", (75, "pc")) plot = yt.ProfilePlot(sphere, "radius", ["temperature"], weight_field="cell_mass") profile = plot.profiles[0] plt.loglog(profile.x/pc_to_cm, profile["temperature"]) labels.append(r"%0.2f Myr" % ds.current_time.value) plt.xlabel(r"Radius $(\mathrm{pc})$") plt.ylabel(r"Temperature $(\mathrm{K})$") plt.xlim(1,75) plt.legend(labels, loc="upper left", frameon=False, prop={'size':10}) plt.savefig("temperature_series")
import numpy as np import yt from yt.data_objects.level_sets.api import * ds = yt.load("IsolatedGalaxy/galaxy0030/galaxy0030") data_source = ds.disk([0.5, 0.5, 0.5], [0., 0., 1.], (8, 'kpc'), (1, 'kpc')) # the field to be used for contouring field = ("gas", "density") # This is the multiplicative interval between contours. step = 2.0 # Now we set some sane min/max values between which we want to find contours. # This is how we tell the clump finder what to look for -- it won't look for # contours connected below or above these threshold values. c_min = 10**np.floor(np.log10(data_source[field]).min()) c_max = 10**np.floor(np.log10(data_source[field]).max() + 1) # Now find get our 'base' clump -- this one just covers the whole domain. master_clump = Clump(data_source, field) # Add a "validator" to weed out clumps with less than 20 cells. # As many validators can be added as you want. master_clump.add_validator("min_cells", 20) # Calculate center of mass for all clumps. master_clump.add_info_item("center_of_mass")