class MessageFrm(GameObject): def __init__(self, menu_args): GameObject.__init__(self) self.eng.log('created message form') self.chats = [] self.curr_chat = None self.curr_match_room = None self.msg_frm = DirectFrame(frameSize=(-.02, .8, 0, .45), frameColor=(.2, .2, .2, .5), pos=(-.82, 1, .02), parent=base.a2dBottomRight) self.presences_sent = [] self.menu_args = menu_args t_a = menu_args.text_args t_a['scale'] = .05 t_a['fg'] = menu_args.text_normal self.dst_txt = OnscreenText(text='', pos=(0, .4), parent=self.msg_frm, align=TextNode.A_left, **t_a) self.arrow_btn = ImgBtn(parent=self.msg_frm, scale=.024, pos=(.7, 1, .42), frameColor=(1, 1, 1, 1), frameTexture='assets/images/gui/arrow.txo', command=self.on_arrow, **menu_args.imgbtn_args) self.arrow_btn.disable() self.close_btn = ImgBtn(parent=self.msg_frm, scale=.024, pos=(.76, 1, .42), frameColor=(1, 1, 1, 1), frameTexture='assets/images/gui/close.txo', command=self.on_close, **menu_args.imgbtn_args) self.close_btn.disable() self.ent = Entry(scale=.04, pos=(0, 1, .03), entryFont=menu_args.font, width=19.5, frameColor=menu_args.btn_color, parent=self.msg_frm, initialText=_('write here your message'), command=self.on_typed_msg, focusInCommand=self.on_focus, focusInExtraArgs=['in'], focusOutCommand=self.on_focus, focusOutExtraArgs=['out'], text_fg=menu_args.text_active) self.ent['state'] = DISABLED self.txt_frm = DirectScrolledFrame( frameSize=(-.02, .76, -.02, .28), canvasSize=(-.02, .72, -.02, .28), scrollBarWidth=.036, verticalScroll_relief=FLAT, verticalScroll_frameColor=(.2, .2, .2, .4), verticalScroll_thumb_relief=FLAT, verticalScroll_thumb_frameColor=(.8, .8, .8, .6), verticalScroll_incButton_relief=FLAT, verticalScroll_incButton_frameColor=(.8, .8, .8, .6), verticalScroll_decButton_relief=FLAT, verticalScroll_decButton_frameColor=(.8, .8, .8, .6), horizontalScroll_relief=FLAT, frameColor=(1, 1, 1, 0), pos=(.02, 1, .11), parent=self.msg_frm) t_a['scale'] = .046 self.msg_txt = OnscreenText(text='', pos=(0, .24), parent=self.txt_frm.getCanvas(), align=TextNode.A_left, wordwrap=14, **t_a) lab_args = menu_args.label_args lab_args['scale'] = .046 lab_args['text_fg'] = menu_args.text_normal self.lab_frm = Btn(frameSize=(-.02, .64, -.01, .05), frameColor=(1, 1, 1, 0), pos=(0, 1, .4), parent=self.msg_frm) self.lab_frm.bind(ENTER, self.on_enter) self.lab_frm.bind(EXIT, self.on_exit) self.tooltip = DirectLabel(text='', pos=(.78, 1, -.06), parent=self.lab_frm, text_wordwrap=16, text_bg=(.2, .2, .2, .8), text_align=TextNode.A_right, **lab_args) self.tooltip.set_bin('gui-popup', 10) self.tooltip.hide() def on_enter(self, pos): def on_exit(self, pos): self.tooltip.hide() def show(self): def hide(self): self.msg_frm.hide() def add_msg_txt(self, msg): self.msg_txt['text'] += ('\n' if self.msg_txt['text'] else '') + msg txt_height = self.msg_txt.textNode.getUpperLeft3d()[2] - \ self.msg_txt.textNode.getLowerRight3d()[2] self.txt_frm['canvasSize'] = (-.02, .72, .28 - txt_height, .28) def set_title(self, title): ttitle = self.trunc(title, 32) fix_name = lambda name: name if '@' not in name else name.split('@')[ 0] + '\1smaller\1@' + name.split('@')[1] + '\2' if title: if ',' in ttitle: is_muc = True ttitle = ttitle names = ttitle.split(',') names = [name.strip() for name in names] names = [fix_name(name) for name in names] ttitle = ', '.join(names) else: ttitle = fix_name(ttitle) self.dst_txt['text'] = ttitle self.tooltip['text'] = title @staticmethod def trunc(name, lgt): if len(name) > lgt: return name[:lgt] + '...' return name def set_chat(self, chat): self.curr_chat = chat self.set_title(chat.title) self.msg_txt['text'] = '\n'.join(chat.messages) txt_height = self.msg_txt.textNode.getUpperLeft3d()[2] - \ self.msg_txt.textNode.getLowerRight3d()[2] self.txt_frm['canvasSize'] = (-.02, .72, .28 - txt_height, .28) if not self.chats: self.close_btn.disable() self.ent['state'] = DISABLED elif len(self.chats) == 1: self.close_btn.enable() self.ent['state'] = NORMAL self.arrow_btn.disable() else: self.close_btn.enable() self.ent['state'] = NORMAL self.arrow_btn.enable() if all( for _chat in self.chats): self.arrow_btn['frameTexture'] = 'assets/images/gui/arrow.txo' else: self.arrow_btn['frameTexture'] = 'assets/images/gui/message.txo' def on_arrow(self): chat_idx = self.chats.index(self.curr_chat) next_idx = (chat_idx + 1) % len(self.chats) chat = self.chats[next_idx] self.set_title(chat.title) = True self.set_chat(chat) @property def open_chats(self): return [chat for chat in self.chats if not chat.closed] def on_close(self): if self.curr_chat not in self.open_chats: return curr_idx = self.open_chats.index(self.curr_chat) #self.chats.remove(self.curr_chat) self.curr_chat.closed = True if self.open_chats: self.set_chat(self.open_chats[curr_idx - 1]) else: self.set_chat(Chat('')) self.notify('on_close_all_chats') def on_typed_msg(self, val): self.add_msg_txt('\1italic\1' + _('you') + '\2: ' + val) self.ent.set('') if self.curr_chat.dst not in self.presences_sent and \ not str(self.curr_chat.dst).startswith('yorg'): self.eng.xmpp.client.send_presence( pfrom=self.eng.xmpp.client.boundjid.full, pto=self.curr_chat.dst) self.presences_sent += [self.curr_chat.dst] if str(self.curr_chat.dst).startswith('yorg'): self.eng.xmpp.client.send_message( mfrom=self.eng.xmpp.client.boundjid.full, mto=self.curr_chat.dst, mtype='groupchat', mbody=val) else: self.eng.xmpp.client.send_message( mfrom=self.eng.xmpp.client.boundjid.full, mto=self.curr_chat.dst, msubject='chat', mbody=val) msg = '\1italic\1' + _('you') + '\2: ' + val self.curr_chat.messages += [msg] self.ent['focus'] = 1 def on_msg(self, msg): src = str(JID(msg['from']).bare) src = src.split('@')[0] + '\1smaller\1@' + src.split('@')[1] + '\2' str_msg = '\1italic\1' + src + '\2: ' + str(msg['body']) chat = self.__find_chat(msg['from']) if not chat: chat = Chat(msg['from']) self.chats += [chat] chat.messages += [str_msg] if self.dst_txt['text'] == '': self.set_chat(chat) elif JID(self.curr_chat.dst).bare == JID(msg['from']).bare: self.add_msg_txt(str_msg) else: = False chat.closed = False self.arrow_btn['frameTexture'] = 'assets/images/gui/message.txo' def on_groupchat_msg(self, msg): if str(JID(msg['from']).bare) == self.curr_match_room: if self.match_msg_frm: # we're still in the room page self.match_msg_frm.on_groupchat_msg(msg) src = str(JID(msg['mucnick'])) src = src.split('@')[0] + '\1smaller\1@' + src.split('@')[1] + '\2' self.eng.log('received groupchat message from %s in the chat %s' % (msg['mucnick'], JID(msg['from']).bare)) str_msg = '\1italic\1' + src + '\2: ' + str(msg['body']) chat = self.curr_chat if not chat: chat = MUC(str(JID(msg['from']).bare)) self.chats += [chat] chat.messages += [str_msg] if self.dst_txt['text'] == '': self.set_chat(chat) elif self.curr_chat.dst == str(JID(msg['from']).bare): self.add_msg_txt(str_msg) else: = False chat.closed = False self.arrow_btn['frameTexture'] = 'assets/images/gui/message.txo' def on_presence_available_room(self, msg): if str(JID(msg['from']).bare) == self.curr_match_room: self.match_msg_frm.on_presence_available_room(msg) room = str(JID(msg['muc']['room']).bare) nick = str(msg['muc']['nick']) self.eng.log('user %s has logged in the chat %s' % (nick, room)) chat = self.__find_chat(room) chat.users += [nick] if str(JID(msg['from']).bare) != self.curr_match_room: if self.curr_chat.dst == room: self.set_title(chat.title) def on_presence_unavailable_room(self, msg): if self.match_msg_frm and str(JID( msg['from']).bare) == self.curr_match_room: self.match_msg_frm.on_presence_unavailable_room(msg) return room = str(JID(msg['muc']['room']).bare) nick = str(msg['muc']['nick']) self.eng.log('user %s has left the chat %s' % (nick, room)) chat = self.__find_chat(room) if nick == self.eng.xmpp.client.boundjid.bare: self.on_close() else: chat.users.remove(nick) if self.curr_chat.dst == room: self.set_title(chat.title) def __find_chat(self, dst): chats = [chat for chat in self.chats if chat.dst == dst] if chats: return chats[0] def add_chat(self, usr): self.set_title(JID(usr).bare) chat = self.__find_chat(usr) if not chat: chat = Chat(usr) self.chats += [chat] self.set_chat(chat) self.ent['focus'] = 1 def add_groupchat(self, room, usr): self.set_title(usr) chat = self.__find_chat(room) if not chat: chat = MUC(room) self.chats += [chat] chat.users += [usr] self.set_chat(chat) self.add_match_chat(room, usr) def remove_groupchat(self): self.match_msg_frm.detach(self.on_match_msg_focus) self.match_msg_frm = self.match_msg_frm.destroy() def on_focus(self, val): if val and self.ent.get() == _('write here your message'): self.ent.set('') self.notify('on_msg_focus', val) def on_match_msg_focus(self, val): self.notify('on_msg_focus', val) def on_room_back(self): self.curr_match_room = None self.match_msg_frm.destroy() def add_match_chat(self, room, usr): if self.curr_match_room: return self.curr_match_room = room self.match_msg_frm = MatchMsgFrm(self.menu_args) self.match_msg_frm.attach(self.on_match_msg_focus) self.match_msg_frm.add_groupchat(room, usr)
class MPBtn(GameObject): tooltip_align = TextNode.A_right tooltip_offset = (.01, 0, -.08) def __init__(self, parent, owner, menu_props, img_path, msg_btn_x, cb, usr_name, tooltip): GameObject.__init__(self) self.owner = owner lab_args = menu_props.label_args lab_args['scale'] = .046 #lab_args['text_fg'] = menu_props.text_normal_col self.btn = ImgBtn( parent=parent, scale=(.024, .024), pos=(msg_btn_x, .01), frame_col=(1, 1, 1, 1), frame_texture=img_path, cmd=cb, extra_args=[usr_name], **menu_props.imgbtn_args) self.btn.bind(ENTER, self.on_enter) self.btn.bind(EXIT, self.on_exit) self.tooltip_btn = Btn( parent=parent, scale=(.024, .024), pos=(msg_btn_x, .01), frame_col=(1, 1, 1, 0), frame_size=(-1, 1, -1, 1), cmd=None, **menu_props.imgbtn_args) self.tooltip_btn.bind(ENTER, self.on_enter) self.tooltip_btn.bind(EXIT, self.on_exit) self.on_create() self.tooltip = Label( text=tooltip, pos=self.btn.get_pos() + self.tooltip_offset, parent=parent, text_wordwrap=10, text_align=self.tooltip_align, **lab_args) self.tooltip.set_bin('gui-popup', 10) self.tooltip.hide() def on_create(self): self.btn.hide() self.tooltip_btn.hide() def is_hidden(self): return self.btn.hidden def show(self): if self.btn['state'] == DISABLED: else: self.tooltip_btn.hide() return def hide(self): self.tooltip_btn.hide() return self.btn.hide() def enable(self): self.tooltip_btn.hide() return self.btn.enable() def disable(self): return self.btn.disable() def on_enter(self, pos): self.owner.on_enter(pos) def on_exit(self, pos): self.owner.on_exit(pos) self.tooltip.hide()
class MPBtn(GameObject): tooltip_align = TextNode.A_right tooltip_offset = (.01, 0, -.08) def __init__(self, parent, owner, menu_args, img_path, msg_btn_x, cb, usr_name, tooltip): GameObject.__init__(self) self.owner = owner lab_args = menu_args.label_args lab_args['scale'] = .046 #lab_args['text_fg'] = menu_args.text_normal self.btn = ImgBtn(parent=parent, scale=.024, pos=(msg_btn_x, 1, .01), frameColor=(1, 1, 1, 1), frameTexture=img_path, command=cb, extraArgs=[usr_name], **menu_args.imgbtn_args) self.btn.bind(ENTER, self.on_enter) self.btn.bind(EXIT, self.on_exit) self.tooltip_btn = DirectButton(parent=parent, scale=.024, pos=(msg_btn_x, 1, .01), frameColor=(1, 1, 1, 0), frameSize=(-1, 1, -1, 1), command=None, **menu_args.imgbtn_args) self.tooltip_btn.bind(ENTER, self.on_enter) self.tooltip_btn.bind(EXIT, self.on_exit) self.on_create() self.tooltip = DirectLabel(text=tooltip, pos=self.btn.get_pos() + self.tooltip_offset, parent=parent, text_wordwrap=10, text_bg=(.2, .2, .2, .8), text_align=self.tooltip_align, **lab_args) self.tooltip.set_bin('gui-popup', 10) self.tooltip.hide() def on_create(self): self.btn.hide() self.tooltip_btn.hide() def is_hidden(self): return self.btn.is_hidden() def show(self): if self.btn['state'] == DISABLED: else: self.tooltip_btn.hide() return def hide(self): self.tooltip_btn.hide() return self.btn.hide() def enable(self): self.tooltip_btn.hide() return self.btn.enable() def disable(self): return self.btn.disable() def on_enter(self, pos): self.owner.on_enter(pos) def on_exit(self, pos): self.owner.on_exit(pos) self.tooltip.hide()
class MessageFrm(GameObject): def __init__(self, menu_props): GameObject.__init__(self) self.eng.log('created message form') self.chats = [] self.curr_chat = None self.curr_match_room = None self.msg_frm = DirectFrame( frameSize=(-.02, .8, 0, .45), frameColor=(.2, .2, .2, .5), pos=(-.82, 1, .02), parent=base.a2dBottomRight) self.presences_sent = [] self.menu_props = menu_props t_a = menu_props.text_args t_a['scale'] = .05 t_a['fg'] = menu_props.text_normal_col self.dst_txt = OnscreenText( text='', pos=(0, .4), parent=self.msg_frm, align=TextNode.A_left, **t_a) self.arrow_btn = ImgBtn( parent=self.msg_frm, scale=(.024, .024), pos=(.7, 1, .42), frame_col=(1, 1, 1, 1), frame_texture='assets/images/gui/arrow.txo', cmd=self.on_arrow, **menu_props.imgbtn_args) self.arrow_btn.disable() self.close_btn = ImgBtn( parent=self.msg_frm, scale=(.024, .024), pos=(.76, 1, .42), frame_col=(1, 1, 1, 1), frame_texture='assets/images/gui/close.txo', cmd=self.on_close, **menu_props.imgbtn_args) self.close_btn.disable() self.ent = Entry( scale=.04, pos=(0, .03), entry_font=menu_props.font, width=19.5, frame_col=menu_props.btn_col, parent=self.msg_frm, initial_text=_('write here your message'), cmd=self.on_typed_msg, focus_in_cmd=self.on_focus, focus_in_args=['in'], focus_out_cmd=self.on_focus, focus_out_args=['out'], text_fg=menu_props.text_active_col) self.ent['state'] = DISABLED self.txt_frm = DirectScrolledFrame( frameSize=(-.02, .76, -.02, .28), canvasSize=(-.02, .72, -.02, .28), scrollBarWidth=.036, verticalScroll_relief=FLAT, verticalScroll_frameColor=(.2, .2, .2, .4), verticalScroll_thumb_relief=FLAT, verticalScroll_thumb_frameColor=(.8, .8, .8, .6), verticalScroll_incButton_relief=FLAT, verticalScroll_incButton_frameColor=(.8, .8, .8, .6), verticalScroll_decButton_relief=FLAT, verticalScroll_decButton_frameColor=(.8, .8, .8, .6), horizontalScroll_relief=FLAT, frameColor=(1, 1, 1, 0), pos=(.02, 1, .11), parent=self.msg_frm) t_a['scale'] = .046 self.msg_txt = OnscreenText( text='', pos=(0, .24), parent=self.txt_frm.getCanvas(), align=TextNode.A_left, wordwrap=14, **t_a) lab_args = menu_props.label_args lab_args['scale'] = .046 lab_args['text_fg'] = menu_props.text_normal_col self.lab_frm = Btn( frame_size=(-.02, .64, -.01, .05), frame_col=(1, 1, 1, 0), pos=(0, 1, .4), parent=self.msg_frm) self.lab_frm.bind(ENTER, self.on_enter) self.lab_frm.bind(EXIT, self.on_exit) self.tooltip = Label( text='', pos=(.78, 1, -.06), parent=self.lab_frm, text_wordwrap=16,# text_bg=(.2, .2, .2, .8), text_align=TextNode.A_right, **lab_args) self.tooltip.set_bin('gui-popup', 10) self.tooltip.hide() def on_enter(self, pos): def on_exit(self, pos): self.tooltip.hide() def show(self): def hide(self): self.msg_frm.hide() def add_msg_txt(self, msg): self.msg_txt['text'] += ('\n' if self.msg_txt['text'] else '') + msg txt_height = self.msg_txt.textNode.getUpperLeft3d()[2] - \ self.msg_txt.textNode.getLowerRight3d()[2] self.txt_frm['canvasSize'] = (-.02, .72, .28 - txt_height, .28) def set_title(self, title): ttitle = self.trunc(title, 32) fix_name = lambda name: name if '@' not in name else name.split('@')[0] + '\1smaller\1@' + name.split('@')[1] + '\2' if title: if ',' in ttitle: is_muc = True ttitle = ttitle names = ttitle.split(',') names = [name.strip() for name in names] names = [fix_name(name) for name in names] ttitle = ', '.join(names) else: ttitle = fix_name(ttitle) self.dst_txt['text'] = ttitle self.tooltip['text'] = title @staticmethod def trunc(name, lgt): if len(name) > lgt: return name[:lgt] + '...' return name def set_chat(self, chat): self.curr_chat = chat self.set_title(chat.title) self.msg_txt['text'] = '\n'.join(chat.messages) txt_height = self.msg_txt.textNode.getUpperLeft3d()[2] - \ self.msg_txt.textNode.getLowerRight3d()[2] self.txt_frm['canvasSize'] = (-.02, .72, .28 - txt_height, .28) if not self.chats: self.close_btn.disable() self.ent['state'] = DISABLED elif len(self.chats) == 1: self.close_btn.enable() self.ent['state'] = NORMAL self.arrow_btn.disable() else: self.close_btn.enable() self.ent['state'] = NORMAL self.arrow_btn.enable() if all( for _chat in self.chats): self.arrow_btn['frameTexture'] = 'assets/images/gui/arrow.txo' else: self.arrow_btn['frameTexture'] = 'assets/images/gui/message.txo' def on_arrow(self): chat_idx = self.chats.index(self.curr_chat) next_idx = (chat_idx + 1) % len(self.chats) chat = self.chats[next_idx] self.set_title(chat.title) = True self.set_chat(chat) @property def open_chats(self): return [chat for chat in self.chats if not chat.closed] def on_close(self): if self.curr_chat not in self.open_chats: return curr_idx = self.open_chats.index(self.curr_chat) #self.chats.remove(self.curr_chat) self.curr_chat.closed = True if self.open_chats: self.set_chat(self.open_chats[curr_idx - 1]) else: self.set_chat(Chat('')) self.notify('on_close_all_chats') def on_typed_msg(self, val): self.add_msg_txt('\1italic\1' + _('you') + '\2: ' + val) self.ent.set('') #if self.curr_chat.dst not in self.presences_sent and \ # not str(self.curr_chat.dst).startswith('yorg'): # self.eng.xmpp.client.send_presence( # pfrom=self.eng.xmpp.client.boundjid.full, # pto=self.curr_chat.dst) # self.presences_sent += [self.curr_chat.dst] #if str(self.curr_chat.dst).startswith('yorg'): # self.eng.xmpp.client.send_message( # mfrom=self.eng.xmpp.client.boundjid.full, # mto=self.curr_chat.dst, # mtype='groupchat', # mbody=val) #else: # self.eng.xmpp.client.send_message( # mfrom=self.eng.xmpp.client.boundjid.full, # mto=self.curr_chat.dst, # msubject='chat', # mbody=val) if len(self.curr_chat.dst) > 12 and all(char.isdigit() for char in self.curr_chat.dst[-12:]): self.eng.client.send([ 'msg_room', self.eng.client.myid, self.curr_chat.dst, val]) else: self.eng.client.send(['msg', self.eng.client.myid, self.curr_chat.dst, val]) msg = '\1italic\1' + _('you') + '\2: ' + val self.curr_chat.messages += [msg] self.ent['focus'] = 1 def on_msg(self, from_, to, txt): #src = str(JID(msg['from']).bare) #src = src.split('@')[0] + '\1smaller\1@' + src.split('@')[1] + '\2' str_msg = '\1italic\1' + from_ + '\2: ' + txt chat = self.__find_chat(from_) if not chat: chat = Chat(from_) self.chats += [chat] chat.messages += [str_msg] if self.dst_txt['text'] == '': self.set_chat(chat) elif self.curr_chat.dst == from_: self.add_msg_txt(str_msg) else: = False chat.closed = False self.arrow_btn['frameTexture'] = 'assets/images/gui/message.txo' def on_groupchat_msg(self, from_, to, txt): #if str(JID(msg['from']).bare) == self.curr_match_room: if to == self.curr_match_room: if self.match_msg_frm: # we're still in the room page self.match_msg_frm.on_groupchat_msg(from_, to, txt) #src = str(JID(msg['mucnick'])) #src = src.split('@')[0] + '\1smaller\1@' + src.split('@')[1] + '\2' src = from_ #self.eng.log('received groupchat message from %s in the chat %s' %(msg['mucnick'], JID(msg['from']).bare)) self.eng.log('received groupchat message from %s in the chat %s' % (from_, to)) #str_msg = '\1italic\1' + src + '\2: ' + str(msg['body']) str_msg = '\1italic\1' + src + '\2: ' + txt chat = self.curr_chat if not chat: #chat = MUC(str(JID(msg['from']).bare)) chat = MUC(to) self.chats += [chat] chat.messages += [str_msg] if self.dst_txt['text'] == '': self.set_chat(chat) #elif self.curr_chat.dst == str(JID(msg['from']).bare): elif self.curr_chat.dst == to: self.add_msg_txt(str_msg) else: = False chat.closed = False self.arrow_btn['frameTexture'] = 'assets/images/gui/message.txo' def on_presence_available_room(self, uid, room): if room == self.curr_match_room: self.match_msg_frm.on_presence_available_room(uid, room) #room = str(JID(msg['muc']['room']).bare) #nick = str(msg['muc']['nick']) self.eng.log('user %s has logged in the chat %s' %(uid, room)) chat = self.__find_chat(room) chat.users += [uid] if room != self.curr_match_room: if self.curr_chat.dst == room: self.set_title(chat.title) def on_presence_unavailable_room(self, uid, room_name): if self.match_msg_frm and room_name == self.curr_match_room: self.match_msg_frm.on_presence_unavailable_room(uid, room_name) return room = room_name nick = uid self.eng.log('user %s has left the chat %s' %(nick, room)) chat = self.__find_chat(room) if nick == self.eng.client.myid: self.on_close() else: chat.users.remove(nick) if self.curr_chat.dst == room: self.set_title(chat.title) def __find_chat(self, dst): chats = [chat for chat in self.chats if chat.dst == dst] if chats: return chats[0] def add_chat(self, usr): #self.set_title(JID(usr).bare) chat = self.__find_chat(usr) if not chat: chat = Chat(usr) self.chats += [chat] self.set_chat(chat) self.ent['focus'] = 1 def add_groupchat(self, room, usr): self.set_title(usr) chat = self.__find_chat(room) if not chat: chat = MUC(room) self.chats += [chat] chat.users += [usr] self.set_chat(chat) self.add_match_chat(room, usr) def remove_groupchat(self): self.match_msg_frm.detach(self.on_match_msg_focus) self.match_msg_frm = self.match_msg_frm.destroy() def on_focus(self, val): if val and self.ent.get() == _('write here your message'): self.ent.set('') self.notify('on_msg_focus', val) def on_match_msg_focus(self, val): self.notify('on_msg_focus', val) def on_room_back(self): self.curr_match_room = None self.match_msg_frm.destroy() def add_match_chat(self, room, usr): if self.curr_match_room: return self.curr_match_room = room self.match_msg_frm = MatchMsgFrm(self.menu_props) self.match_msg_frm.attach(self.on_match_msg_focus) self.match_msg_frm.add_groupchat(room, usr)