コード例 #1
def direct_check(weights, biases, perm, input_cond_hook):
    Given a dnn via a list of `weights` and `biases`, and a permutation `perm`, check using a single
    z3 call if the DNN is invariant under the permutation of inputs. `perm` is a list where each
    element represent where that element goes to under the permutation. If invariance holds, returns
    True, else returns False and a counterexample. `input_cond_hook` is a function that enforces the
    constraints on the input by taking the z3 variables corresponding to the inputs, and a solver
    and adds constraints corresponding to the inputs to the solver, arguments: (z3_vars, solver)

    z3_vars = [z3.Real('v_%d' % i) for i in range(len(perm))]
    z3_vars_perm = [z3.Real('p_v_%d' % i) for i in range(len(perm))]

    solver = z3.Solver()

    solver.add(encode_perm_props.encode_perm(z3_vars, z3_vars_perm, perm))
            encode_dnn.encode_network(weights, biases, z3_vars) ==
            encode_dnn.encode_network(weights, biases, z3_vars_perm)))
    input_cond_hook(z3_vars, solver)

    if solver.check() == z3.unsat:
        return (True, [])
        mdl = solver.model()
        return (False,
                ([mdl.eval(z3.Real('v_%d' % i)) for i in range(len(perm))],
                 [mdl.eval(z3.Real('p_v_%d' % i)) for i in range(len(perm))]))
コード例 #2
    def __init__(self, left_space, right_space, is_affine):
        Construct to pull back the `right_space`. Bool `is_affine` states if the given space represents
        an affine space, in which case the returned points will always have the last coordinate 1.
        assert(len(left_space[0]) == len(right_space[0]))

        # Fields
        self.affine = is_affine
        self.r_space = right_space[:]
        self.l_space = left_space[:]
        self.rd = len(right_space)
        self.ld = len(left_space)
        self.n = len(right_space[0])
        self.rr = min(self.rd, pb_nbasis_r)
        self.lr = min(self.ld, pb_nbasis_l)
        self.k = (factorial(self.rd) // (factorial(self.rr) * factorial(self.rd-self.rr))) * \
                 (factorial(self.ld) // (factorial(self.lr) * factorial(self.ld-self.lr)))

        # Set up solver
        self.solver = z3.SolverFor("LRA")
        self.z3_rc = [ z3.Real('rc_%d'%i) for i in range(self.rd) ]        # Coefficients in right_space
        self.z3_lc = [ z3.Real('lc_%d'%i) for i in range(self.ld) ]        # Coefficients in left

        # Set up combination iterator
        self.subb_cmb = itr.product(itr.combinations(zip(self.z3_lc, self.l_space), self.lr),
                                    itr.combinations(zip(self.z3_rc, self.r_space), self.rr))
        self.sbn = 0

        # Number of queries we have done. By this, we signal that we have not done any queries yet
        self.qn = pb_nqueries
コード例 #3
    def symbolic_states(self):
            return self._symbolic_states
        except AttributeError:
            ss = []
            prev_nodes = self.symbolic_inps
            for lid, layer in enumerate(self.model.layers):
                weights, biases = layer.get_weights()
                vs = np.array([prev_nodes]).dot(weights) + biases
                vs = vs[0]

                nnodes = layer.output_shape[1]  # number of nodes in layer
                assert nnodes == len(vs)
                activation = layer.get_config()['activation']
                cur_nodes = []
                for i in range(nnodes):
                    v = vs[i]
                    if activation == 'relu':
                        v = z3.If(0 >= v, 0, v)
                    v = z3.simplify(v)

                    if lid < self.nlayers - 1:
                        node = z3.Real(f"n{lid}_{i}")
                        node = z3.Real(f"o{i}")
                    ss.append(node == v)

                prev_nodes = cur_nodes

            f = z3.simplify(z3.And(ss))
            self._symbolic_states = f
            return f
def label(boundary, should_invert=False, param_boundaries=[[0.0, 20.0],
                                                           [0, 1.0]],
          epsilon=0.01, num_points=200, lipschitz_param=0.05):
    Takes a boundary, and returns its proper label, which is True or False.

    Correct implementation will depend on context, and in the extreme case will
    require computation done by the human.
    # TODO: add type assertions
    if should_invert:
        my_boundary = utils.invert(boundary, param_boundaries)
        my_boundary = boundary
    # print("endpoints of labelled boundary:", [my_boundary[0], my_boundary[-1]])
    utils.plot(my_boundary, 'tab:orange', param_boundaries)
    print("in the label function")
    # print("in the label function, should_invert is", should_invert)
    # print("boundary that label is synthesising", my_boundary)
    # print(num_points)
    xs = [z3.Real('x%d' % i) for i in range(num_points)]
    us = [z3.Real('u%d' % i) for i in range(num_points)]

    def make_phi(xs, us):
        # this basically makes a formula encoding dynamics of a system xs
        # controlled by us
        formula = True
        for i in range(num_points - 1):
            formula = z3.And(formula, xs[i+1] == xs[i] + us[i],
                             # xs[i+1] - xs[i] <= lipschitz_param,
                             # xs[i] - xs[i+1] <= lipschitz_param,
                             xs[i] >= 0, xs[i+1] >= 0, xs[i] <= 1, xs[i+1] <= 1)
        return formula

    trace = bt.trace(my_boundary, epsilon, num_points, xs,
                     param_boundaries[0][1], make_phi(xs, us))

    # print("trace that is being labelled is", trace)
    utils.plot(trace, 'b-', param_boundaries)

    # in this labelling function, we demand that the trace's velocity be below
    # the lines connecting the points (0,1), (8, 0.9), (14, 0.6), (20, 0.2),
    # i.e. those points should be the polygon that the boundary has to be below
    below_top = True
    for point in trace:
        if point[0] <= 8:
            below_top = below_top and (point[1] <= point[0]/(-80.0) + 1.0)
        if point[0] <= 14 and point[0] >= 8:
            below_top = below_top and (point[1] <= point[0]/(-20.0) + 13.0/10)
        if point[0] >= 14:
            below_top = below_top and (point[1] <= point[0]/(-15.0) + 23.0/15)

    # print("below top?", below_top)
    return below_top
コード例 #5
 def inputSpaceVariables():
     # see the function _state_to_relative in ./envs/circle_env.py , line 113.
     return [
コード例 #6
    def find_max_satisfiable_rule(self):
        Build a model that satisfies as many soft clauses as possible using MAX-SMT
        self.threshold_open = z3.Real('t')
        self.threshold_listen = z3.Real('u')
        t = self.threshold_open
        u = self.threshold_listen

        self.solver.add(0.0 < t)
        self.solver.add(t <= 1.0)
        self.solver.add(0.0 < u)
        self.solver.add(u <= 1.0)

        for run in range(len(self.belief_in_runs)):
            for bel, belief in enumerate(self.belief_in_runs[run]):
                soft = z3.Bool('b_{}_{}'.format(run, bel))
                self.soft_constr_open.append(DummyVar(soft, run, bel, 1))

                formula = z3.If(belief[0] > belief[1], belief[0] >= t, belief[1] >= t)
                if self.actions_in_runs[run][bel] != 0 :
                    self.solver.add(z3.Or(soft, formula))
                    self.solver.add(z3.Or(soft, z3.Not(formula)))

                soft = z3.Bool('c_{}_{}'.format(run, bel))
                self.soft_constr_listen.append(DummyVar(soft, run, bel, 2))
                formula = z3.If(belief[0] > belief[1], belief[0] <= u, belief[1] <= u)
                if self.actions_in_runs[run][bel] == 0 :
                    self.solver.add(z3.Or(soft, formula))
                    self.solver.add(z3.Or(soft, z3.Not(formula)))

        self.solver.add(self.threshold_open > 0.9)

        low_threshold = 0
        total_soft_constr = len(self.soft_constr_open) + len(self.soft_constr_listen)
        high_threshold = len(self.soft_constr_open) + len(self.soft_constr_listen)
        final_threshold = -1
        best_model = []
        while low_threshold <= high_threshold:

            threshold = (low_threshold + high_threshold) // 2
            self.solver.add(z3.PbLe([(soft.literal, 1) for soft in (self.soft_constr_open+self.soft_constr_listen)], threshold))
            result = self.solver.check()
            if result == z3.sat:
                final_threshold = threshold
                best_model = self.solver.model()
                high_threshold = threshold - 1
                low_threshold = threshold + 1

        return best_model
コード例 #7
def z3_problem(constraints, solver: z3.Solver):
    for con in constraints:
    n = con.n
    x = np.array([z3.Real('x_%s' % (i + 1)) for i in range(n)])
    x = sympy.Matrix([z3.Real('x_%s' % (i + 1)) for i in range(n)])

    for con in constraints:

    return x, solver
コード例 #8
def mk_vars(num_dims, num_comments, num_voters, ctx=None):
    """Creates and returns variables for the comments and the voters."""
    com_vars = [[
        z3.Real('x_%d_%d' % (ii, jj), ctx=ctx) for jj in range(num_dims)
    ] for ii in range(num_comments)]

    voter_vars = [[
        z3.Real('v_%d_%d' % (ii, jj), ctx=ctx) for jj in range(num_dims)
    ] for ii in range(num_voters)]

    return com_vars, voter_vars
コード例 #9
    def __parse_by_name__(self, name: str, data_type: jcbase.CType):
		:param name:
		:param data_type:
		:return: it creates a z3-sexpr by using name and data-type to create refereces
        if data_type is None:
            return self.__new_bool_ref__(name)
        elif (data_type.get_key() == "bool") or (data_type.get_key()
                                                 == "void"):
            return self.__new_bool_ref__(name)
        elif (data_type.get_key() == "char") or (data_type.get_key()
                                                 == "uchar"):
            return self.__new_char_ref__(name)
        elif (data_type.get_key() == "short") or (data_type.get_key()
                                                  == "ushort"):
            return self.__new_short_ref__(name,
                                          data_type.get_key() == "ushort")
        elif (data_type.get_key() == "int") or (data_type.get_key() == "uint"):
            return self.__new_int_ref__(name, data_type.get_key() == "uint")
        elif (data_type.get_key() == "long") or (data_type.get_key()
                                                 == "ulong"):
            return self.__new_long_ref__(name, data_type.get_key() == "ulong")
        elif (data_type.get_key() == "llong") or (data_type.get_key()
                                                  == "ullong"):
            return self.__new_long_ref__(name, data_type.get_key() == "ullong")
        elif (data_type.get_key()
              == "float") or (data_type.get_key()
                              == "double") or (data_type.get_key()
                                               == "ldouble"):
            return z3.Real(name)
        elif (data_type.get_key()
              == "float_x") or (data_type.get_key()
                                == "double_x") or (data_type.get_key()
                                                   == "ldouble_x"):
            return self.__new_complex_ref__(name)
        elif (data_type.get_key()
              == "float_i") or (data_type.get_key()
                                == "double_i") or (data_type.get_key()
                                                   == "ldouble_i"):
            return z3.Real(name)
        elif (data_type.get_key() == "array") or (data_type.get_key()
                                                  == "point"):
            return self.__new_address_ref__(name)
        elif data_type.get_key() == "function":
            return z3.Function(name)
            return self.__new_otherwise_ref__(name)
コード例 #10
ファイル: checker.py プロジェクト: rainoftime/biglambda
def create_z3_var(name, type):
    if type[1] == "Int":
        return z3.Int(name)
    elif type[1] == "Float":
        return z3.Real(name)
        raise NotImplementedError
コード例 #11
def get_z3_var(vartype, name, datatype_name=None, ctx=None):
    var = None
    if isinstance(vartype, z3.z3.DatatypeSortRef):  # discrete values datatype
        var = z3.Const(name, vartype)
    elif vartype is Types.INT:
        var = z3.BitVec(name, 32, ctx=ctx)
    elif vartype is Types.INTEGER:
        var = z3.Int(name, ctx=ctx)
    elif vartype is Types.FLOAT:
        var = z3.FP(name, z3.Float32(), ctx=ctx)
    elif vartype is Types.REAL:
        var = z3.Real(name, ctx=ctx)
    elif vartype is Types.BOOL:
        var = z3.Bool(name, ctx=ctx)
    elif vartype is Types.STRING:
        var = z3.String(name, ctx=ctx)
    elif isinstance(vartype, list):
        datatype = _get_datatype_from_list(vartype, datatype_name)
        var = z3.Const(name, datatype)
        vartype = datatype
        raise ValueError(
            f"I do not know how to create a z3-variable for type {vartype} (name: {name})"

    assert var is not None, f"Var wasn't converted: vartype: {vartype}, name: {name}"

    var.type = vartype
    return var
コード例 #12
	def check_infinite_loop(self, n, cond, prime,tr=True):
		#print("check infinite loop")
		#x = [z3.Real('xr_%s' % i) for i in range(n)]
		x = [z3.Real('xr_%s' % i) if tr else z3.Int('xi_%s' % i) for i in range(n)]
		# xp = [z3.Real('xrp_%s' % i) for i in range(n)]
		x_ = prime(x)
		a = cond(x)
		s = z3.Solver()
		s.add(cond(x))  # condition
		for i in range(n):
			s.add(x[i] == x_[i])
		#s.add(x = x_)
		#print('constraint system: ', s)
		result = s.check()
		if result == z3.sat:
			#print('found one infinite loop: ')
			m = s.model()
			model = [str(v)+"="+m[v].__str__() for v in x]
			for var in x:
				print(var, ' = ', m[var])
			return True, str(model)
			return False,''
コード例 #13
ファイル: real.py プロジェクト: kq-li/minisynth
 def get_var(name):
     if name in vars:
         return vars[name]
         v = z3.Real(name)
         vars[name] = v
         return v
コード例 #14
def create_param_map_for_query(thread_ctx, query):
    params = []
    if isinstance(query, ReadQuery):
        if query.pred:
            params += query.pred.get_all_params()
        for v, f in query.aggrs:
            params += f.get_all_params()
        params += query.get_all_params()
    for i, p in enumerate(params):
        if is_int_type(p.tipe) or is_unsigned_int_type(p.tipe):
            v = z3.Int('param-{}-{}'.format(p.symbol, i))
        elif is_bool_type(p.tipe):
            v = z3.Bool('param-{}-{}'.format(p.symbol, i))
        elif is_float_type(p.tipe):
            v = z3.Real('param-{}-{}'.format(p.symbol, i))
        elif is_string_type(p.tipe):
            v = z3.Int('param-{}-{}'.format(p.symbol, i))
            assert (False)
        if not is_bool_type(p.tipe):
            thread_ctx.get_symbs().solver.add(v < INVALID_VALUE)
        thread_ctx.get_symbs().param_symbol_map[p] = v

    if isinstance(query, ReadQuery):
        for k, v in query.includes.items():
            create_param_map_for_query(thread_ctx, v)
コード例 #15
ファイル: RewriteExpt.py プロジェクト: rainoftime/smtlink
 def helper(x):
     if (x is None):
         return x
     elif (self.is_uninterpreted_fun(x)):
         match = [f[1] for f in funQ if f[0] is x]
         if (len(match) == 1):  # found a match
             return match[0]
             rangeSort = x.decl().range()
             varName = '|$' + str(x) + '|'
             if (rangeSort == z3.RealSort()): newVar = z3.Real(varName)
             elif (rangeSort == z3.IntSort()): newVar = z3.Int(varName)
             elif (rangeSort == z3.BoolSort()):
                 newVar = z3.Bool(varName)
                 raise ExptRewriteFailure(
                     'unknown sort for range of uninterpreted function -- '
                     + varName + ' returns a ' + rangeSort + ' ?')
             funQ.append((x, newVar))
             return newVar
         ch = x.children()
         newch = self.fun_to_var(ch, report)
         if (len(ch) != len(newch)):
             raise ExptRewriteFailure('Internal error')
         elif (len(newch) == x.decl().arity()):
             return x.decl().__call__(*newch)
         elif ((x.decl().arity() == 2) and (len(newch) > 2)):
             return reduce(x.decl(), newch)
             raise ExptRewriteFailure('Internal error')
コード例 #16
def get_random_P(dim=3):
    P = [[P0 P1 ..] .. [..]] full, non-symmetric
    :param dim: dimension of P
    :return: SymPy P with Z3 symbols
    return sp.Matrix([[z3.Real('P%d' % (r * dim + c)) for r in range(dim)] for c in range(dim)])
コード例 #17
 def _verify(P, A):
     # eg. for dReal
     import z3
     from src.sympy_converter import sympy_converter
     from src.linear import f0, f1
     from src.common import OrNotZero
     eigvals = sp.Matrix(P).eigenvals()
     #log("eig %s" % eigvals)
         if all(sp.re(l) > 0 for (l, m) in eigvals.items()):  # eig P > 0
             return True
             return False
     x = sp.Matrix([sp.Symbol('x%s' % i) for i in range(P.shape[0])])
     x3 = [z3.Real('x%s' % i) for i in range(P.shape[0])]
     _, _, V = sympy_converter(f0(x, x.T, P))
     _, _, Vd = sympy_converter(f1(x, x.T, P, A))
     s = z3.Solver()
     s.add(z3.Not(z3.Implies(OrNotZero(x3), z3.And(V > 0, Vd < 0))))
     r = s.check()
     #if r == z3.sat:
         #log("_verify has model %s\n\t against V = %s ; Vd = %s" % (s.model(), V, Vd))
     return r == z3.unsat
コード例 #18
 def __init__(cls, name: str, bases: tuple[type, ...], ns: Namespace):
     sorts = {bool: z3.BoolSort(), int: z3.IntSort(), float: z3.RealSort()}
     vars = {}
         for var, ann in cls.__annotations__.items():
             if isinstance(ann, str):
                 ann = eval(ann)
             if ann is bool:
                 vars[var] = z3.Bool(var)
             elif ann is int:
                 vars[var] = z3.Int(var)
             elif ann is float:
                 vars[var] = z3.Real(var)
             elif isinstance(ann, dict):
                 in_sort, out_sort = next(iter(ann.items()))
                 out_sort = sorts[out_sort]
                 if isinstance(in_sort, tuple):
                     in_sort = (sorts[x] for x in in_sort)
                     vars[var] = z3.Function(var, *in_sort, out_sort)
                     in_sort = sorts[in_sort]
                     vars[var] = z3.Function(var, in_sort, out_sort)
     solver = z3.Solver()
     for term in ns.assertions:
         solver.add(traverse(term, vars))
     assert solver.check(), "Unsatisfiable constraints!"
     cls.__model = solver.model()
     cls.__vars = vars
コード例 #19
def find_optimum_z3(func, var, timeout=5000):
    logging.debug("Checking {}".format(func))
    solver = z3.Solver()
    solver.set("timeout", timeout)
    # Set variable
    z3_var = z3.Real(str(var))
    solver.add(z3_var > 0)
    solver.add(z3_var < 1)

    # Set function
    constraint_str = "(assert ( = 0 {}))".format(func.to_smt2())
    z3_constraint = z3.parse_smt2_string(constraint_str, decls={str(var): z3_var})

    # Solve
    result = "sat"
    optima = []
    while result == "sat":
        result = str(solver.check())
        logging.debug("Result: {}".format(result))
        if result == "sat":
            opt = solver.model()[z3_var]
            logging.debug("Model: {}".format(opt))
            add_constraint = z3_var != opt
            # return optima
    if result == "unsat":
        return optima
        assert result == "unknown"
        logging.warning("Result of finding optimum for '{}' is 'unknown'".format(func))
        return optima
コード例 #20
def get_minimum_dt_of_several_anonymous(comparators,
    raise DeprecatedWarning(
        "get_minimum_dt_of_several_anonymous is deprecated")
    comparators = [comp for comp in comparators if (comp is not None)]
    if len(comparators) == 0:
        # Early exit... we should probably check this before we get into this function
        return None

    solver = z3.Solver()
    eps = z3.Real("epsilon")
        eps == epsilon
    )  # FIXME: remove epsilon, z3 can deal with uninterpreted variables

    min_dt = get_z3_var(timeunit, 'min_dt')

    [solver.add(min_dt <= dt) for dt in comparators
     ]  # min_dt should be maximum this size (trying to find the smallest)
    logger.debug(f"comparators: {comparators}")
    solver.add(z3.Or([min_dt == dt
                      for dt in comparators]))  # but it has to be one of them!

    assert solver.check(
    ) == z3.sat, "the constraint to find the minimum dt is not solvable... that's weird"
    model = solver.model()
    return model[min_dt]
コード例 #21
    def getTauValues(self):
        result = list()
        if self.model is not None:
            for i in range(self.bound + 1):
                time_value = None
                if self._solver == 'z3':
                    time_var = z3.Real("time" + str(i))
                    if self.model[time_var] is not None:
                        time_value = float(
                                "?", ""))
                elif self._solver == 'yices':
                    all_terms = self.model.collect_defined_terms()
                    var_val = dict()
                    for term in all_terms:
                            Terms.get_name(term))] = self.model.get_value(term)
                    time_id = "time" + str(i)
                    if time_id in var_val.keys():
                        time_value = var_val[time_id]
                    raise ValueError(
                        "Can't support the given solver, please use z3 or yices solvers"

                if time_value is not None:
        return result
コード例 #22
def label(boundary, should_invert=False, param_boundaries=[[0.0, 20.0],
          epsilon=0.01, num_points=200, lipschitz_param=0.05):
    Takes a boundary, and returns its proper label, which is True or False.

    Correct implementation will depend on context, and in the extreme case will
    require computation done by the human.
    # TODO: add type assertions
    if should_invert:
        my_boundary = utils.invert(boundary, param_boundaries)
        my_boundary = boundary
    utils.plot(my_boundary, 'tab:orange', param_boundaries)
    print("in the label function")
    # print("in the label function, should_invert is", should_invert)
    # print("boundary that label is synthesising", my_boundary)
    # print(num_points)
    xs = [z3.Real('x%d' % i) for i in range(num_points)]
    us = [z3.Real('u%d' % i) for i in range(num_points)]

    def make_phi(xs, us):
        # this basically makes a formula encoding dynamics of a system xs
        # controlled by us
        formula = True
        for i in range(num_points - 1):
            formula = z3.And(formula, xs[i+1] == xs[i] + us[i],
                             # xs[i+1] - xs[i] <= lipschitz_param,
                             # xs[i] - xs[i+1] <= lipschitz_param,
                             xs[i] >= 0, xs[i+1] >= 0, xs[i] <= 1, xs[i+1] <= 1)
        return formula

    trace = bt.trace(my_boundary, epsilon, num_points, xs,
                     param_boundaries[0][1], make_phi(xs, us))

    # print("trace that is being labelled is", trace)
    # utils.plot(trace)
    class_val = True
    for point in trace:
        if point[0] >= 10:
            class_val = class_val and (point[1] <= (-0.08)*point[0] + 1.8)

    return class_val
コード例 #23
 def get_var(self, frame: Frame, frame_seq_in_peroid, link: Link):
     name = self.get_var_name(frame, frame_seq_in_peroid, link)
     if name not in self._var_name_map:
         var = z3.Real(name)
         self._var_name_map[name] = var
         self._solver.add(var >= frame_seq_in_peroid * frame.peroid)
         self._solver.add(var < (frame_seq_in_peroid + 1) * frame.peroid)
         return var
         return self._var_name_map[name]
コード例 #24
 def __build_vars(self, model):
     '''build solver vars'''
     # obj
     self._vars["min"] = z3.Real("min")
     # task start time and assinger vars
     for _, task in model.tasks.items():
         _var_name = "{}_start".format(task.name)
         self._vars[_var_name] = z3.Int(_var_name)
         _var_name = "{}_assigner".format(task.name)
         self._vars[_var_name] = z3.Int(_var_name)
コード例 #25
ファイル: z3.py プロジェクト: shadown/pysmt
 def walk_symbol(self, formula, args):
     symbol_type = formula.symbol_type()
     if symbol_type == types.BOOL:
         res = z3.Bool(formula.symbol_name())
     elif symbol_type == types.REAL:
         res = z3.Real(formula.symbol_name())
     elif symbol_type == types.INT:
         res = z3.Int(formula.symbol_name())
         assert False
     return res
コード例 #26
ファイル: smtop.py プロジェクト: sendyne/legno-compiler
    def decl(self, typ, var):
        if typ == SMTEnv.Type.REAL:
            v = z3.Real(var)
        elif typ == SMTEnv.Type.BOOL:
            v = z3.Bool(var)
        elif typ == SMTEnv.Type.INT:
            v = z3.Int(var)
            raise Exception("????")

        self._z3vars[var] = v
        self._smtvars[v] = var
コード例 #27
    def check_safe_reachability(traj, obs, goal):
        s = smt.Solver()
        # convert 2d traj to 1d array
        #convert 2d obstacle to 1d array
        # convert 2d goal to 1d array
        # x_i != o_j
        # x_n == g

        for i, x in enumerate(traj):
            x_i = smt.Real("x_%d" % i)
            s.add(x_i == x)
            for j, o in enumerate(obs):
                o_j = smt.Real("o_%d" % j)
                s.add(o_j == o)
                s.add(x_i != o_j)
        #STEP - is last node in the goal location?
        x_n = smt.Real("x_%d" % i)
        for g in goal:
            s.add(x_n == g)
        result = s.check()
        return result == smt.sat
コード例 #28
 def walk_symbol(self, formula, **kwargs):
     symbol_type = formula.symbol_type()
     if symbol_type.is_bool_type():
         res = z3.Bool(formula.symbol_name())
     elif symbol_type.is_real_type():
         res = z3.Real(formula.symbol_name())
     elif symbol_type.is_int_type():
         res = z3.Int(formula.symbol_name())
         assert symbol_type.is_bv_type()
         res = z3.BitVec(formula.symbol_name(),
     return res
コード例 #29
ファイル: msz3.py プロジェクト: pombredanne/symbolic-1
def _convert(exp):
    a, b = symath.wilds('a b')
    vals = symath.WildResults()

    if exp.match(a < b, vals):
        return _convert(vals.a) < _convert(vals.b)
    elif exp.match(a > b, vals):
        return _convert(vals.a) > _convert(vals.b)
    elif exp.match(symath.stdops.Equal(a, b), vals):
        return _convert(vals.a) == _convert(vals.b)
    elif exp.match(a <= b, vals):
        return _cnvert(vals.a) <= _convert(vals.b)
    elif exp.match(a >= b, vals):
        return _convert(vals.a) >= _convert(vals.b)
    elif exp.match(a + b, vals):
        return _convert(vals.a) + _convert(vals.b)
    elif exp.match(a - b, vals):
        return _convert(vals.a) - _convert(vals.b)
    elif exp.match(a * b, vals):
        return _convert(vals.a) * _convert(vals.b)
    elif exp.match(a / b, vals):
        return _convert(vals.a) / _convert(vals.b)
    elif exp.match(a ^ b, vals):
        return _convert(vals.a) ^ _convert(vals.b)
    elif exp.match(a & b, vals):
        return _convert(vals.a) & _convert(vals.b)
    elif exp.match(a | b, vals):
        return _convert(vals.a) | _convert(vals.b)
    elif exp.match(a**b, vals):
        return _convert(vals.a)**_convert(vals.b)
    elif exp.match(symath.stdops.LogicalAnd(a, b), vals):
        return z3.And(_convert(vals.a), _convert(vals.b))
    elif exp.match(symath.stdops.LogicalOr(a, b), vals):
        return z3.Or(_convert(vals.a), _convert(vals.b))
    elif exp.match(symath.stdops.LogicalXor(a, b), vals):
        return z3.Or(z3.And(_convert(vals.a), z3.Not(_convert(vals.b))),
                     z3.And(_convert(vals.b), z3.Not(_convert(vals.a))))
    elif isinstance(exp, symath.Symbol) and exp.is_integer:
        return z3.Int(exp.name)
    elif isinstance(exp, symath.Symbol) and exp.is_bool:
        return z3.Bool(exp.name)
    elif isinstance(exp, symath.Symbol) and exp.is_bitvector > 0:
        return z3.BitVec(exp.name, exp.is_bitvector)
    elif isinstance(exp, symath.Symbol):
        return z3.Real(exp.name)
    elif isinstance(exp, symath.core._KnownValue):
        return exp.value()
        raise BaseException(
            "Invalid argument (%s) (type: %s) passed to z3 solver" %
            (exp, type(exp)))
コード例 #30
    def symbol(self, tree, node_id):
        idx = tree.feature[node_id]
        if idx < 0:
            idx += tree.n_features

        if self.feature_names is None:
            name = 'x%d' % (idx + 1)
            name = self.feature_names[idx]

        if not name in self.symtab:
            self.symtab[name] = z3.Real(name)

        return self.symtab[name]