class IStrandBase(interfaces.IRMLDirectiveSignature): strokeWidth = attr.Measurement(title='Stroke Width', description='The line width of the strand.', required=False) fillColor = attr.Color(title='Fill Color', description='The fill color of the strand area.', required=False) strokeColor = attr.Color(title='Stroke Color', description='The color of the strand line.', required=False) strokeDashArray = attr.Sequence( title='Stroke Dash Array', description='The dash array of the strand line.', value_type=attr.Float(), required=False) symbol = attr.Symbol(title='Symbol', description='The symbol to use to mark the strand.', required=False) symbolSize = attr.Measurement(title='Symbol Size', description='The size of the strand symbol.', required=False)
class ISlice(ISliceBase): """A slice in a pie chart.""" occurence.containing( occurence.ZeroOrOne('label', ISliceLabel), occurence.ZeroOrOne('pointer', ISlicePointer), ) swatchMarker = attr.Symbol(required=False)
class ILineBase(interfaces.IRMLDirectiveSignature): strokeWidth = attr.Measurement(title='Stroke Width', description='The width of the plot line.', required=False) strokeColor = attr.Color(title='Stroke Color', description='The color of the plot line.', required=False) strokeDashArray = attr.Sequence( title='Stroke Dash Array', description='The dash array of the plot line.', value_type=attr.Float(), required=False) symbol = attr.Symbol( title='Symbol', description='The symbol to be used for every data point in the plot.', required=False)