コード例 #1
 def __init__(self, kvdb, client_type, topic_callbacks, initial_lua_programs):
     self.kvdb = kvdb
     self.decrypt_func = kvdb.decrypt_func
     self.name = '{}-{}'.format(client_type, new_cid())
     self.topic_callbacks = topic_callbacks
     self.lua_container = LuaContainer(self.kvdb.conn, initial_lua_programs)
     self.ready = False
コード例 #2
    class _BrokerClient(object):
        """ Zato broker client. Starts two background threads, one for publishing
        and one for receiving of the messages.

        There may be 3 types of messages sent out:

        1) to the singleton server
        2) to all the servers/connectors/all connectors of a certain type (e.g. only AMQP ones)
        3) to one of the parallel servers

        1) and 2) are straightforward, a message is being published on a topic,
           off which it is read by broker client(s).

        3) needs more work - the actual message is added to Redis and what is really
           being published is a Redis key it's been stored under. The first client
           to read it will be the one to handle it.

           Yup, it means the messages are sent across to all of the clients
           and the winning one is the one that picked up the Redis message; it's not
           that bad as it may seem, there will be at most as many clients as there
           are servers in the cluster and truth to be told, Zero MQ < 3.x also would
           do client-side PUB/SUB filtering and it did scale nicely.
        def __init__(self, kvdb, client_type, topic_callbacks, initial_lua_programs):
            self.kvdb = kvdb
            self.decrypt_func = kvdb.decrypt_func
            self.name = '{}-{}'.format(client_type, new_cid())
            self.topic_callbacks = topic_callbacks
            self.lua_container = LuaContainer(self.kvdb.conn, initial_lua_programs)
            self.ready = False

        def run(self):
            logger.debug('Starting broker client, host:`%s`, port:`%s`, name:`%s`, topics:`%s`',
                self.kvdb.config.host, self.kvdb.config.port, self.name, sorted(self.topic_callbacks))

            self.pub_client = _ClientThread(self.kvdb.copy(), 'pub', self.name)
            self.sub_client = _ClientThread(self.kvdb.copy(), 'sub', self.name, self.topic_callbacks, self.on_message)

            start_new_thread(self.pub_client.run, ())
            start_new_thread(self.sub_client.run, ())

            for client in(self.pub_client, self.sub_client):
                while client.keep_running == ZATO_NONE:
                self.ready = True

        def publish(self, msg, msg_type=MESSAGE_TYPE.TO_PARALLEL_ALL, *ignored_args, **ignored_kwargs):
            msg['msg_type'] = msg_type
            topic = TOPICS[msg_type]
            msg = dumps(msg)
            self.pub_client.publish(topic, msg)

        def invoke_async(self, msg, msg_type=MESSAGE_TYPE.TO_PARALLEL_ANY, expiration=BROKER.DEFAULT_EXPIRATION):
            msg['msg_type'] = msg_type

                msg = dumps(msg)
            except Exception:
                error_msg = 'JSON serialization failed for msg:`%r`, e:`%s`'
                logger.error(error_msg, msg, format_exc())
                topic = TOPICS[msg_type]
                key = broker_msg = 'zato:broker{}:{}'.format(KEYS[msg_type], new_cid())

                self.kvdb.conn.set(key, str(msg))
                self.kvdb.conn.expire(key, expiration)  # In seconds

                self.pub_client.publish(topic, broker_msg)

        def on_message(self, msg):
            if has_debug:
                logger.warn('Got broker message `%s`', msg)

            if msg.type == 'message':

                # Replace payload with stuff read off the KVDB in case this is where the actual message happens to reside.
                if msg.channel in NEEDS_TMP_KEY:
                    tmp_key = '{}.tmp'.format(msg.data)

                    if self.lua_container.run_lua('zato.rename_if_exists', [msg.data, tmp_key]) == CODE_NO_SUCH_FROM_KEY:
                        payload = None
                        payload = self.kvdb.conn.get(tmp_key)
                        self.kvdb.conn.delete(tmp_key)  # Note that it would've expired anyway
                        if not payload:
                            logger.info('No KVDB payload for key `%s` (already expired?)', tmp_key)
                            if isinstance(payload, bytes):
                                payload = payload
                            payload = loads(payload)
                    if isinstance(msg.data, bytes):
                        msg.data = msg.data
                    payload = loads(msg.data)

                if payload:
                    payload = Bunch(payload)
                    if has_debug:
                        logger.debug('Got broker message payload `%s`', payload)

                    callback = self.topic_callbacks[msg.channel]
                    spawn_greenlet(callback, payload)

                    if has_debug:
                        logger.debug('No payload in msg: `%s`', msg)

        def close(self):
            for client in(self.pub_client, self.sub_client):
                client.keep_running = False