コード例 #1
ファイル: field.py プロジェクト: imegorskaya/py
 def __init__(self, fields, **kw):
     if len(fields) < 2:
         raise ValueError(_("combination must combine two or more fields"))
     for ix, field in enumerate(fields):
         if not IField.providedBy(field):
             raise DoesNotImplement(IField)
         field.__name__ = "combination_%02d" % ix
     self.fields = tuple(fields)
     super(Combination, self).__init__(**kw)
コード例 #2
ファイル: field.py プロジェクト: zopefoundation/zc.form
 def __init__(self, fields, use_default_for_not_selected=False, **kw):
     if len(fields) < 2:
         raise ValueError(_("union must combine two or more fields"))
     for ix, field in enumerate(fields):
         if not IField.providedBy(field):
             raise DoesNotImplement(IField)
         field.__name__ = "unioned_%02d" % ix
     self.fields = tuple(fields)
     self.use_default_for_not_selected = use_default_for_not_selected
     super(Union, self).__init__(**kw)
コード例 #3
ファイル: field.py プロジェクト: imegorskaya/py
 def __init__(self, fields, use_default_for_not_selected=False, **kw):
     if len(fields) < 2:
         raise ValueError(_("union must combine two or more fields"))
     for ix, field in enumerate(fields):
         if not IField.providedBy(field):
             raise DoesNotImplement(IField)
         field.__name__ = "unioned_%02d" % ix
     self.fields = tuple(fields)
     self.use_default_for_not_selected = use_default_for_not_selected
     super(Union, self).__init__(**kw)
コード例 #4
ファイル: field.py プロジェクト: imegorskaya/py

$Id: field.py 4634 2006-01-06 20:21:15Z fred $
from zope import interface, i18n, schema, component
from zope.schema.interfaces import (
    ValidationError, WrongType, IField, IVocabularyTokenized)
from zope.interface.exceptions import DoesNotImplement
import zope.catalog.interfaces
import zope.index.text.queryparser
import zope.index.text.parsetree

from zc.form import interfaces
from zc.form.i18n import _

_no_unioned_field_validates = _(
    "No unioned field validates ${value}.")

_range_less_error = _("${minimum} must be less than ${maximum}.")
_range_less_equal_error = _(
    "${minimum} must be less than or equal to ${maximum}.")
_combination_wrong_size_error = _("The value has the wrong number of members")
_combination_not_a_sequence_error = _("The value is not a sequence")
_bad_query = _("Invalid query.")

# Union field that accepts other fields...

class MessageValidationError(ValidationError):
    "ValidationError that takes a message"

    def __init__(self, message, mapping=None):
        if mapping is not None:
コード例 #5
ファイル: unionwidget.py プロジェクト: zopefoundation/zc.form
class UnionWidget(BaseWidget):

    _field_index = None

    no_value_label = _('union_field_label-no_value', "Not specified")
    no_value_hint = _('union_field_hint-no_value', '')

    def loadValueFromRequest(self):
        field = self.context
        missing_value = field.missing_value
        value = self.request.form.get(self.name)
            value = int(value)
        except (TypeError, ValueError):
            value = missing_value
            if value >= len(field.fields):
                value = missing_value
                self._field_index = value
                # value should be an int index of the active field
                active = field.fields[value].bind(self.context)
                if zc.form.interfaces.IOptionField.providedBy(active):
                    return active.getValue()
                widget = component.getMultiAdapter((active, self.request),
                widget.required = widget.context.required = self.required
                    return widget.getInputValue()
                except WidgetInputError as e:
                    # recast with our name and title
                    self._error = WidgetInputError(self.context.__name__,
                                                   self.label, e.errors)
        return missing_value

    template = namedtemplate.NamedTemplate('default')

    def render(self, value):
        # choices = ({selected, identifier, widget},)
        # widget may be None, name may be None.
        field = self.context
        missing_value = field.missing_value
        choices = []
        field_index = self._field_index
        if field_index is not None:
            chosen_field = field.fields[self._field_index]
        elif value is not missing_value:
            chosen_field = field.validField(value)
            chosen_field = None
        for ix, inner_field in enumerate(field.fields):
            selected = inner_field is chosen_field
            inner = inner_field.bind(field.context)
            identifier = "%s-%02d" % (self.name, ix)
            if zc.form.interfaces.IOptionField.providedBy(inner):
                widget = CompositeOptionWidget(inner, self.request)
                widget = component.getMultiAdapter((inner, self.request),
                if selected:
                elif self._renderedValueSet():
                    if field.use_default_for_not_selected:
                'selected': selected,
                'identifier': identifier,
                'widget': widget,
                'value': six.text_type(ix)
        if not field.required:
            ix += 1
            selected = chosen_field is None
            identifier = "%s-%02d" % (self.name, ix)
            widget = NotChosenWidget(self.no_value_label, self.no_value_hint)
                'selected': selected,
                'identifier': identifier,
                'widget': widget,
                'value': six.text_type(ix)
        return self.template(choices=choices)
コード例 #6
ファイル: widgetapi.py プロジェクト: imegorskaya/py
provide a simpler API that derived classes are expected to implement.

from xml.sax.saxutils import escape, quoteattr

from zope.interface import implements
from zope.schema.interfaces import ValidationError

from zope.formlib.widget import InputWidget
from zope.formlib.widget import BrowserWidget
from zope.formlib.interfaces import IBrowserWidget
from zope.formlib.interfaces import IWidget, IInputWidget, WidgetInputError

from zc.form.i18n import _

_msg_missing_single_value_display = _(
    _("widget-missing-single-value-for-display"),   "")
_msg_missing_multiple_value_display = _(
    _("widget-missing-multiple-value-for-display"), "")

_msg_missing_single_value_edit = _(
    _("widget-missing-single-value-for-edit"),   "(no value)")
_msg_missing_multiple_value_edit = _(
    _("widget-missing-multiple-value-for-edit"), "(no value)")

class BaseWidget(BrowserWidget, InputWidget):
    # Note to previous users of widgetapi:
    # .translate -> ._translate; .__prefix -> ._prefix;  NullValue ->
    # ._data_marker; .__initial_value and .__calculated_value -> replaced
    # with ._data (because zope.formlib.utility.setUpWidget behavior changed
    # for the better)
コード例 #7
ファイル: widgetapi.py プロジェクト: zopefoundation/zc.form
provide a simpler API that derived classes are expected to implement.

from xml.sax.saxutils import quoteattr

from zope.interface import implementer
from zope.schema.interfaces import ValidationError

from zope.formlib.widget import InputWidget
from zope.formlib.widget import BrowserWidget
from zope.formlib.interfaces import IBrowserWidget
from zope.formlib.interfaces import IInputWidget, WidgetInputError

from zc.form.i18n import _

_msg_missing_single_value_display = _(
    _("widget-missing-single-value-for-display"), "")
_msg_missing_multiple_value_display = _(
    _("widget-missing-multiple-value-for-display"), "")

_msg_missing_single_value_edit = _(_("widget-missing-single-value-for-edit"),
                                   "(no value)")
_msg_missing_multiple_value_edit = _(
    _("widget-missing-multiple-value-for-edit"), "(no value)")

@implementer(IBrowserWidget, IInputWidget)
class BaseWidget(BrowserWidget, InputWidget):
    # Note to previous users of widgetapi:
    # .translate -> ._translate; .__prefix -> ._prefix;  NullValue ->
    # ._data_marker; .__initial_value and .__calculated_value -> replaced
    # with ._data (because zope.formlib.utility.setUpWidget behavior changed
コード例 #8
ファイル: field.py プロジェクト: zopefoundation/zc.form
$Id: field.py 4634 2006-01-06 20:21:15Z fred $
from zope import interface, i18n, schema, component
from zope.interface.exceptions import DoesNotImplement
from zope.schema.interfaces import IField
from zope.schema.interfaces import ValidationError
from zope.schema.interfaces import WrongType
import zope.catalog.interfaces
import zope.index.text.parsetree
import zope.index.text.queryparser

from zc.form import interfaces
from zc.form.i18n import _

_no_unioned_field_validates = _(
    "No unioned field validates ${value}.")

_range_less_error = _("${minimum} must be less than ${maximum}.")
_range_less_equal_error = _(
    "${minimum} must be less than or equal to ${maximum}.")
_combination_wrong_size_error = _("The value has the wrong number of members")
_combination_not_a_sequence_error = _("The value is not a sequence")
_bad_query = _("Invalid query.")

# Union field that accepts other fields...

class MessageValidationError(ValidationError):
    """ValidationError that takes a message"""

    def __init__(self, message, mapping=None):