class TestColor: def setup_method(self, method): self.color = Color() def teardown_method(self, method): del self.color @patch('zdict.utils.sys.stdout.isatty', return_value=True) def test_format_in_tty(self, isatty): assert '\33[31;1mtest\33[0m' == self.color.format('test', 'lred') assert '\33[31mtest\33[0m' == self.color.format('test', 'red') assert (' \33[31mtest\33[0m' == self.color.format('test', 'red', indent=2)) assert isatty.called @patch('zdict.utils.sys.stdout.isatty', return_value=False) def test_format_not_tty(self, isatty): assert ' test' == self.color.format('test', 'red', indent=2) assert isatty.called def test_format_none(self): assert self.color.format(None) is None def test_attribute(self): = '\33[31m' self.color.lred = '\33[31;1m' with raises(AttributeError): self.color.test
def show_pyjoke(record: Record): if not record: return for i, s in enumerate( re.split(r'\b({})\b'.format(record.word), record.content)): Color.print(s, 'lindigo' if i % 2 else 'indigo', end='') print('\n\n', end='')
def lookup_pyjokes(word: str): pyjokes = import_pyjokes_module() if not pyjokes: return record = get_pyjoke(pyjokes, word) if record: Color.print('[pyjokes]', 'blue') show_pyjoke(record)
def __init__(self, args): self.args = args self.db = db self.db.connect() for req in self.REQUIRED_TABLE: if not req.table_exists(): req.create_table() self.color = Color()
def __init__(self, args): self.args = args self.color = Color() self.db = db try: self.db.connection() except Exception: self.db = None raise else: for req in self.REQUIRED_TABLE: if not req.table_exists(): req.create_table()
def show_pyjoke(record: Record): if not record: return for i, s in enumerate( re.split(r'\b({})\b'.format(record.word), record.content) ): Color.print( s, 'lindigo' if i % 2 else 'indigo', end='' ) print('\n\n', end='')
def __init__(self): self.db = db self.db.connect() for req in self.REQUIRED_TABLE: if not req.table_exists(): req.create_table() self.color = Color()
def setup_method(self, method): self.color = Color()
class DictBase(metaclass=abc.ABCMeta): REQUIRED_TABLE = ( Record, ) def __init__(self, args): self.args = args self.db = db self.db.connect() for req in self.REQUIRED_TABLE: if not req.table_exists(): req.create_table() self.color = Color() def __del__(self): del self.args self.db.close() del self.db @property @abc.abstractmethod def provider(self): ''' Return the provider of online dictionary, this value is considered as `source` field in Record model. ''' ... @property @abc.abstractmethod def title(self): ''' Return the brief title of online dictionary, this value is considered as `source` field in Record model. ''' ... @abc.abstractmethod def _get_url(self, word: str) -> str: ''' Return the result of the current dict web url for the searching word. ''' ... @abc.abstractmethod def show(self, record: Record): ''' Define how to render the result of the specific dictionary. ''' ... @abc.abstractmethod def query(self, word: str) -> Record: ''' Define how to get the information from specific dictionary. Should return a record contains word, content and source. ''' ... def query_db_cache(self, word: str) -> Record: try: record = Record.get(word=word, source=self.provider) except Record.DoesNotExist: return None else: return record def save(self, query_record: Record, word: str): db_record = self.query_db_cache(word) if db_record is None: else: db_content = json.loads(db_record.content) query_content = json.loads(query_record.content) if db_content != query_content: db_record.content = query_record.content def show_provider(self): self.color.print('[' + self.provider + ']', 'blue') def show_url(self, word): self.color.print('(' + self._get_url(word) + ')', 'blue') def lookup(self, word): ''' Main workflow for searching a word. ''' word = word.lower() if self.args.show_provider: self.show_provider() if self.args.show_url: self.show_url(word) if not self.args.disable_db_cache: record = self.query_db_cache(word) if record: return try: record = self.query(word) except exceptions.NoNetworkError as e: self.color.print(e, 'red') print() except exceptions.TimeoutError as e: self.color.print(e, 'red') print() except exceptions.NotFoundError as e: self.color.print(e, 'yellow') print() else:, word) return def _get_raw(self, word: str) -> str: ''' Get raw data from http request :param word: single word ''' try: res = requests.get( self._get_url(word), timeout=self.args.query_timeout ) except requests.exceptions.ReadTimeout as e: raise exceptions.TimeoutError() except requests.exceptions.ConnectionError as e: errors = { "BlockingIOError(36, 'Operation now in progress')": "exceptions.TimeoutError()", "Failed to establish a new connection": "exceptions.NoNetworkError()", } for error, exception in errors.items(): if error in str(e.args): raise eval(exception) else: raise exceptions.UnexpectedError() except: raise exceptions.UnexpectedError() if res.status_code != 200: raise exceptions.QueryError(word, res.status_code) if self.args.debug: from bs4 import BeautifulSoup soup = BeautifulSoup(res.text, 'html.parser') print('='*30 + ' Start of debug info ' + '='*30) print(soup.prettify()) print('='*30 + ' End of debug info ' + '='*30) return res.text
class DictBase(metaclass=abc.ABCMeta): REQUIRED_TABLE = ( Record, ) def __init__(self, args): self.args = args self.color = Color() self.db = db try: self.db.connection() except Exception: self.db = None raise else: for req in self.REQUIRED_TABLE: if not req.table_exists(): req.create_table() def __del__(self): del self.args del self.color if self.db: try: self.db.close() except AttributeError: raise RuntimeError('db cannot be closed properly.') del self.db @property @abc.abstractmethod def provider(self): ''' Return the provider of online dictionary, this value is considered as `source` field in Record model. ''' ... @property @abc.abstractmethod def title(self): ''' Return the brief title of online dictionary, this value is considered as `source` field in Record model. ''' ... @abc.abstractmethod def _get_url(self, word: str) -> str: ''' Return the result of the current dict web url for the searching word. ''' ... @abc.abstractmethod def show(self, record: Record): ''' Define how to render the result of the specific dictionary. ''' ... @abc.abstractmethod def query(self, word: str) -> Record: ''' Define how to get the information from specific dictionary. Should return a record contains word, content and source. ''' ... def query_db_cache(self, word: str) -> Record: try: record = Record.get(word=word, source=self.provider) except Record.DoesNotExist: return None else: return record def save(self, query_record: Record, word: str): db_record = self.query_db_cache(word) if db_record is None: else: db_content = json.loads(db_record.content) query_content = json.loads(query_record.content) if db_content != query_content: db_record.content = query_record.content def show_provider(self): self.color.print('[' + self.provider + ']', 'blue') def show_url(self, word): self.color.print('(' + self._get_url(word) + ')', 'blue') def lookup(self, word): ''' Main workflow for searching a word. ''' word = word.lower() if self.args.show_provider: self.show_provider() if self.args.show_url: self.show_url(word) if not self.args.disable_db_cache: record = self.query_db_cache(word) if record: return try: record = self.query(word) except exceptions.NoNetworkError as e: self.color.print(e, 'red') print() except exceptions.TimeoutError as e: self.color.print(e, 'red') print() except exceptions.APIKeyError as e: self.color.print(e, 'red') print() except exceptions.NotFoundError as e: self.color.print(e, 'yellow') print() except Exception: import traceback print('='*80) traceback.print_exc() print() print("Dictionary: {} ({})".format(self.title, self.provider)) print("Word: '{}'".format(word)) print('='*80) print() url = "" print("Houston, we got a problem 😢") print("Please report the error message above to {}".format(url)) import sys sys.exit(1) else:, word) return def _get_raw(self, word: str, **kwargs) -> str: ''' Get raw data from http request :param word: single word ''' try: res = requests.get( self._get_url(word), timeout=self.args.query_timeout, **kwargs ) except requests.exceptions.ReadTimeout: raise exceptions.TimeoutError() except requests.exceptions.ConnectionError as e: errors = { "BlockingIOError(36, 'Operation now in progress')": "exceptions.TimeoutError()", "Failed to establish a new connection": "exceptions.NoNetworkError()", } for error, exception in errors.items(): if error in str(e.args): raise eval(exception) else: raise exceptions.UnexpectedError() except Exception: raise exceptions.UnexpectedError() if res.status_code != 200: raise exceptions.QueryError(word, res.status_code) if self.args.debug: from bs4 import BeautifulSoup soup = BeautifulSoup(res.text, 'html.parser') print('=' * 30 + ' Start of debug info ' + '=' * 30) print(soup.prettify()) print('=' * 30 + ' End of debug info ' + '=' * 30) return res.text