class PingSubscription(AnswerSubscription, MultipleNotificationsMixin): """ Subscription to ping of a user """ module = _('Ping') objects = SubscriptionManager() def __str__(self): return _('<Abonnement du membre "{0}" aux mentions>').format(self.profile, self.object_id) @staticmethod def mark_inaccessible_ping_as_read_for_topic(topic): for post in Post.objects.filter(topic=topic): for notification in Notification.objects.filter(content_type__pk=ContentType.objects.get_for_model(post).pk, if not notification.is_read = True notification.is_dead = True['is_read']) def get_notification_title(self, answer): assert hasattr(answer, 'author') assert hasattr(answer, 'get_notification_title') return _('{0} vous a mentionné sur {1}.').format(, answer.get_notification_title())
class ContentReactionAnswerSubscription(AnswerSubscription, SingleNotificationMixin): """ Subscription to new answer in a publishable content. """ module = _('Contenu') objects = SubscriptionManager() def __str__(self): return _('<Abonnement du membre "{0}" aux réponses du contenu #{1}>')\ .format(self.user.username, self.object_id)
class PrivateTopicAnswerSubscription(AnswerSubscription, SingleNotificationMixin): """ Subscription to new answer in a private topic. """ module = _('Message privé') objects = SubscriptionManager() def __str__(self): return _('<Abonnement du membre "{0}" aux réponses à la conversation privée #{1}>')\ .format(self.user.username, self.object_id)
class PingSubscription(AnswerSubscription, MultipleNotificationsMixin): """ Subscription to ping of a user """ module = _(u'Ping') objects = SubscriptionManager() def __str__(self): return _(u'<Abonnement du membre "{0}" aux mentions>').format(self.profile, self.object_id) def get_notification_title(self, answer): assert hasattr(answer, 'author') assert hasattr(answer, 'get_notification_title') return _(u'{0} vous a mentionné sur {1}.').format(, answer.get_notification_title())
class NewPublicationSubscription(Subscription, MultipleNotificationsMixin): """ Subscription to new publications from a user. """ module = _('Contenu') objects = SubscriptionManager() def __str__(self): return _('<Abonnement du membre "{0}" aux nouvelles publications de l\'utilisateur #{1}>') \ .format(self.user.username, self.object_id) def get_notification_url(self, content): return content.get_absolute_url_online() def get_notification_title(self, content): return content.title
class NewTopicSubscription(Subscription, MultipleNotificationsMixin): """ Subscription to new topics in a forum or with a tag """ module = _(u'Forum') objects = SubscriptionManager() def __unicode__(self): return _(u'<Abonnement du membre "{0}" aux nouveaux sujets du {1} #{2}>')\ .format(self.user.username, self.content_type, self.object_id) def get_notification_url(self, topic): return topic.get_absolute_url() def get_notification_title(self, topic): return topic.title