コード例 #1
ファイル: figure.py プロジェクト: mschachter/writings
def draw_encoder_perfs(agg):

    freqs,lags = get_freqs_and_lags()


    sites = [('GreBlu9508M', 'Site4', 'Call1', 'L'),
             ('WhiWhi4522M', 'Site2', 'Call2', 'R'),
             ('YelBlu6903F', 'Site3', 'Call3', 'L')

    weights = list()
    for bird,block,segment,hemi in sites:

        i = (agg.df.bird == bird) & (agg.df.block == block) & (agg.df.segment == segment) & (agg.df.hemi == hemi)

        ii = i & (agg.df.decomp == 'self_locked')
        assert ii.sum() == 1
        wkey = agg.df[ii]['wkey'].values[0]
        lfp_eperf = agg.encoder_perfs[wkey]

        lfp_decoder_weights = agg.decoder_weights[wkey]
        print 'lfp_decoder_weights.shape=',lfp_decoder_weights.shape
        lfp_sal_weights = lfp_decoder_weights[:, :, REDUCED_ACOUSTIC_PROPS.index('sal')]
        lfp_q2_weights = lfp_decoder_weights[:, :, REDUCED_ACOUSTIC_PROPS.index('q2')]

        weights.append( (lfp_eperf, lfp_sal_weights, lfp_q2_weights) )

    figsize = (24, 13)
    fig = plt.figure(figsize=figsize)
    fig.subplots_adjust(top=0.95, bottom=0.02, right=0.97, left=0.03, hspace=0.25, wspace=0.25)
    nrows = 3
    ncols = 3

    for k,(lfp_eperf,lfp_sal_weights,lfp_q2_weights) in enumerate(weights):

        index2electrode = electrodes[k]

        ax = plt.subplot(nrows, ncols, k*ncols + 1)
        plt.imshow(lfp_eperf, interpolation='nearest', aspect='auto', vmin=0, cmap=magma)
        plt.yticks(range(len(index2electrode)), ['%d' % e for e in index2electrode])
        plt.xticks(range(len(freqs)), ['%d' % f for f in freqs], rotation=45)
        plt.xlabel('Frequency (Hz)')
        plt.colorbar(label='Encoder R2')

        ax = plt.subplot(nrows, ncols, k*ncols + 2)
        absmax = np.abs(lfp_sal_weights).max()
        plt.imshow(lfp_sal_weights, interpolation='nearest', aspect='auto', vmin=-absmax, vmax=absmax, cmap=plt.cm.seismic)
        plt.yticks(range(len(index2electrode)), ['%d' % e for e in index2electrode])
        plt.xticks(range(len(freqs)), ['%d' % f for f in freqs], rotation=45)
        plt.xlabel('Frequency (Hz)')
        plt.colorbar(label='Decoder Weight')

        ax = plt.subplot(nrows, ncols, k*ncols + 3)
        absmax = np.abs(lfp_sal_weights).max()
        plt.imshow(lfp_q2_weights, interpolation='nearest', aspect='auto', vmin=-absmax, vmax=absmax, cmap=plt.cm.seismic)
        plt.yticks(range(len(index2electrode)), ['%d' % e for e in index2electrode])
        plt.xticks(range(len(freqs)), ['%d' % f for f in freqs], rotation=45)
        plt.xlabel('Frequency (Hz)')
        plt.colorbar(label='Decoder Weight')

    fname = os.path.join(get_this_dir(), 'encoder_weights.svg')
    plt.savefig(fname, facecolor='w', edgecolor='none')
コード例 #2
ファイル: figure.py プロジェクト: mschachter/writings
def build_graph(bird='GreBlu9508M', block='Site4', segment='Call1', hemi='L', aprop='q2'):

    # map electrodes to positions
    df = pd.read_csv('/auto/tdrive/mschachter/data/aggregate/electrode_data+dist.csv')
    i = (df.bird == bird) & (df.block == block) & (df.hemisphere == hemi)
    g = df[i].groupby('electrode')
    electrode_props = dict()
    for e,gdf in g:
        assert len(gdf) == 1
        reg = str(gdf.region.values[0])
        if reg.startswith('CM'):
            reg = 'CM'
        elif 'NCM' in reg:
            reg = 'NCM'
        elif reg in ['L', 'L2A', 'L2B', 'L2', 'L1', 'L3']:
            reg = 'L'
        electrode_props[e] = {'dist_midline':float(gdf.dist_midline.values[0]),

    #TODO get the lags in a less hacky way
    data_dir = '/auto/tdrive/mschachter/data'
    pfile = os.path.join(data_dir, 'GreBlu9508M', 'transforms', 'PairwiseCF_GreBlu9508M_Site4_Call1_L_raw.h5')
    hf = h5py.File(pfile, 'r')
    lags_ms = hf.attrs['lags']

    lags_absmax = 6.
    lags_i = np.abs(lags_ms) < lags_absmax
    lags_short = lags_ms[lags_i]

    # read the aggregator file
    agg_file = os.path.join(data_dir, 'aggregate', 'pard.h5')
    agg = AcousticEncoderDecoderAggregator.load(agg_file)

    i = (agg.df.decomp == 'self+cross_locked_lim_-%d_%d' % (int(lags_absmax), int(lags_absmax))) & (agg.df.bird == bird) & (agg.df.block == block) & \
        (agg.df.segment == segment) & (agg.df.hemi == hemi)
    print 'i.sum()=%d' % i.sum()
    assert i.sum() == 1, 'i.sum()=%d' % i.sum()

    # get decoder weights
    if hemi == 'L':
        electrode_order = ROSTRAL_CAUDAL_ELECTRODES_LEFT
    electrode_order = [int(x) for x in electrode_order]

    # get segment/decomp props
    wkey = agg.df[i].wkey.values[0]
    iindex = agg.df[i].iindex.values[0]

    # get decoder weights
    decoder_weights = agg.decoder_weights[wkey]
    W = decoder_weights[:, :, :, REDUCED_ACOUSTIC_PROPS.index(aprop)]

    # create a directed graph
    g = nx.DiGraph()

    # add a node for each electrode
    for e in electrode_order:
        g.add_node(e, dist_midline=electrode_props[e]['dist_midline'], dist_l2a=electrode_props[e]['dist_l2a'],
                   region=electrode_props[e]['region'], electrode=e)

    # connect up the nodes
    for k,e1 in enumerate(electrode_order):
        for j in range(k):
            e2 = electrode_order[j]

            # get the coherency function and reduce it to a left and right side
            cf = W[k, j, :]
            assert len(cf) == len(lags_short)
            cleft = np.sum(cf[lags_short <= 0]) # goes from e2 to e1
            cright = np.sum(cf[lags_short >= 0]) # goes from e1 to e2

            # add edges to the graph
            g.add_edge(e2, e1, weight=float((cleft)))
            g.add_edge(e1, e2, weight=float((cright)))

    # plot the edge weights
    ewts = np.array([g.edge[e1][e2]['weight'] for e1,e2 in g.edges()])

    plt.hist(ewts, bins=20, color='c')
    plt.xlabel('Edge Weight')

    # threshold out the edges with low weights
    wthresh = 0.3
    for e1,e2 in [(e1,e2) for e1,e2 in g.edges() if abs(g.edge[e1][e2]['weight']) < wthresh]:
        g.remove_edge(e1, e2)

    # write the graph to a file
    nx.write_gexf(g, '/tmp/%s_graph.gexf' % aprop)