def _client(self): timestamp_token = utils.WSU('Timestamp') # created = created = datetime.utcnow() expires = created + timedelta(seconds=70) timestamp_token.append( utils.WSU('Created', utils.get_timestamp(created))) timestamp_token.append( utils.WSU('Expires', utils.get_timestamp(expires))) return Client(self.WSDL_URI, wsse=UsernameToken(self.username, self.password, use_digest=True, timestamp_token=timestamp_token, created=created))
def _create_password_digest(self): if self.nonce: nonce = self.nonce.encode("utf-8") else: nonce = os.urandom(16) timestamp = utils.get_timestamp(self.created, self.zulu_timestamp) if isinstance(self.password, six.string_types): password = self.password.encode("utf-8") else: password = self.password # digest = Base64 ( SHA-1 ( nonce + created + password ) ) if not self.password_digest and self.hash_password: digest = base64.b64encode( hashlib.sha1(nonce + timestamp.encode("utf-8") + hashlib.sha1(password).digest()).digest() ).decode("ascii") elif not self.password_digest: digest = base64.b64encode( hashlib.sha1(nonce + timestamp.encode("utf-8") + password).digest() ).decode("ascii") else: digest = self.password_digest return [ utils.WSSE.Password( digest, Type="%s#PasswordDigest" % self.username_token_profile_ns ), utils.WSSE.Nonce( base64.b64encode(nonce).decode("utf-8"), EncodingType="%s#Base64Binary" % self.soap_message_secutity_ns, ), utils.WSU.Created(timestamp), ]
def _create_password_digest(self): if self.nonce: nonce = self.nonce.encode('utf-8') else: nonce = os.urandom(16) timestamp = utils.get_timestamp(self.created) # digest = Base64 ( SHA-1 ( nonce + created + password ) ) if not self.password_digest: digest = base64.b64encode( hashlib.sha1(nonce + timestamp.encode('utf-8') + self.password.encode('utf-8')).digest()).decode( 'ascii') else: digest = self.password_digest return [ WSSE.Password(digest, Type='%s#PasswordDigest' % self.username_token_profile_ns), WSSE.Nonce(base64.b64encode(nonce).decode('utf-8'), EncodingType='%s#Base64Binary' % self.soap_message_secutity_ns), WSU.Created(timestamp) ]
def _create_password_digest(self): if self.nonce: nonce = self.nonce.encode('utf-8') else: nonce = os.urandom(16) timestamp = utils.get_timestamp(self.created) # digest = Base64 ( SHA-1 ( nonce + created + password ) ) if not self.password_digest: digest = base64.b64encode( hashlib.sha1( nonce + timestamp.encode('utf-8') + self.password.encode('utf-8') ).digest() ).decode('ascii') else: digest = self.password_digest return [ utils.WSSE.Password( digest, Type='%s#PasswordDigest' % self.username_token_profile_ns ), utils.WSSE.Nonce( base64.b64encode(nonce).decode('utf-8'), EncodingType='%s#Base64Binary' % self.soap_message_secutity_ns ), utils.WSU.Created(timestamp) ]
def _create_password_digest(self): if self.nonce: nonce = self.nonce.encode('utf-8') else: nonce = os.urandom(16) timestamp = utils.get_timestamp(self.created) # digest = Base64 ( SHA-1 ( nonce + created + password ) ) if not self.password_digest: digest = base64.b64encode( hashlib.sha1( nonce + timestamp.encode('utf-8') + self.password.encode('utf-8') ).digest() ).decode('ascii') else: digest = self.password_digest return [ WSSE.Password( digest, Type='%s#PasswordDigest' % self.namespace ), WSSE.Nonce(base64.b64encode(nonce).decode('utf-8')), WSU.Created(timestamp) ]
def _create_password_digest(self): nonce = os.urandom(16) timestamp = utils.get_timestamp() # digest = Base64 ( SHA-1 ( nonce + created + password ) ) digest = base64.b64encode( hashlib.sha1(nonce + timestamp.encode('utf-8') + self.password.encode('utf-8')).digest()) return [ WSSE.Password(digest.decode('ascii'), Type='%s#PasswordDigest' % self.namespace), WSSE.Nonce(base64.b64encode(nonce).decode('ascii')), WSU.Created(timestamp) ]
def _signature_prepare(envelope, key, signature_method, digest_method, signatures=None): """Prepare all the data for signature. Mostly copied from zeep.wsse.signature. """ soap_env = detect_soap_env(envelope) # Create the Signature node. signature = xmlsec.template.create( envelope, xmlsec.Transform.EXCL_C14N, # type: ignore signature_method or xmlsec.Transform.RSA_SHA1) # type: ignore # Add a KeyInfo node with X509Data child to the Signature. XMLSec will fill # in this template with the actual certificate details when it signs. key_info = xmlsec.template.ensure_key_info(signature) x509_data = xmlsec.template.add_x509_data(key_info) xmlsec.template.x509_data_add_issuer_serial(x509_data) xmlsec.template.x509_data_add_certificate(x509_data) # Insert the Signature node in the wsse:Security header. security = get_security_header(envelope) security.insert(0, signature) # Prepare Timestamp timestamp = Element(QName(ns.WSU, 'Timestamp')) created = Element(QName(ns.WSU, 'Created')) created.text = get_timestamp() expires = Element(QName(ns.WSU, 'Expires')) expires.text = get_timestamp(datetime.datetime.utcnow() + datetime.timedelta(minutes=5)) timestamp.append(created) timestamp.append(expires) security.insert(0, timestamp) # Perform the actual signing. ctx = xmlsec.SignatureContext() ctx.key = key # Sign default elements _sign_node(ctx, signature, security.find(QName(ns.WSU, 'Timestamp')), digest_method) # Sign elements defined in WSDL if signatures is not None: if signatures['body'] or signatures['everything']: _sign_node(ctx, signature, envelope.find(QName(soap_env, 'Body')), digest_method) header = get_or_create_header(envelope) if signatures['everything']: for node in header.iterchildren(): # Everything doesn't mean everything ... if node.nsmap.get(node.prefix) not in OMITTED_HEADERS: _sign_node(ctx, signature, node, digest_method) else: for node in signatures['header']: _sign_node(ctx, signature, header.find(QName(node['Namespace'], node['Name'])), digest_method) # Remove newlines from signature... for element in signature.iter(): if element.text is not None and '\n' in element.text: element.text = element.text.replace('\n', '') if element.tail is not None and '\n' in element.tail: element.tail = element.tail.replace('\n', '') ctx.sign(signature) # Place the X509 data inside a WSSE SecurityTokenReference within # KeyInfo. The recipient expects this structure, but we can't rearrange # like this until after signing, because otherwise xmlsec won't populate # the X509 data (because it doesn't understand WSSE). sec_token_ref = SubElement(key_info, QName(ns.WSSE, 'SecurityTokenReference')) return security, sec_token_ref, x509_data