コード例 #1
ファイル: utils.py プロジェクト: secdragon/zentral
def mbu_dashboard_machine_data(mbu):
    # platform
    platform_qs = (MachineSnapshot.objects.filter(
    platforms = sorted(((d["platform"], d["count"]) for d in platform_qs),
                       key=lambda t: (-1 * t[1], t[0]))
    yield "platform", "Plaforms", {
        "type": "doughnut",
        "data": {
            [PLATFORM_CHOICES_DICT.get(p, "Unknown") for p, _ in platforms],
            "datasets": [make_dataset([c for _, c in platforms])]
    # type
    type_qs = (MachineSnapshot.objects.filter(
    types = sorted(((d["type"], d["count"]) for d in type_qs),
                   key=lambda t: (-1 * t[1], t[0]))
    yield "type", "Types", {
        "type": "doughnut",
        "data": {
            "labels": [TYPE_CHOICES_DICT.get(t, "Unknown") for t, _ in types],
            "datasets": [make_dataset([c for _, c in types])]
    # os
    query = (
        "select osv.name as name, osv.major as major, osv.minor as minor, osv.patch as patch, "
        "count(*) as count from inventory_osversion as osv "
        "join inventory_machinesnapshot as ms on (osv.id = ms.os_version_id) "
        "join inventory_currentmachinesnapshot as cms on (cms.id = ms.id) "
        "join inventory_businessunit as bu on (bu.id = ms.business_unit_id) "
        "where bu.meta_business_unit_id = %s and ms.source_id = %s "
        "group by osv.name, osv.major, osv.minor, osv.patch")
    cursor = connection.cursor()
    cursor.execute(query, [mbu.pk, mbu.dashboard_source.pk])
    columns = [col[0] for col in cursor.description]
    os_list = []
    for row in cursor.fetchall():
        os_version = dict(zip(columns, row))
        version_str = ".".join(
            str(os_version[a]) for a in ("major", "minor", "patch")
            if os_version.get(a))
        value = "{} {}".format(os_version["name"], version_str).strip()
        os_list.append((value, os_version["count"]))
    os_list.sort(key=lambda t: (-1 * t[1], t[0]))
    yield "os", "OS", {
        "type": "doughnut",
        "data": {
            "labels": [n for n, _ in os_list],
            "datasets": [make_dataset([c for _, c in os_list])]
コード例 #2
 def get(self, response, *args, **kwargs):
     probe_source = get_object_or_404(ProbeSource, pk=kwargs["pk"])
     probe = probe_source.load()
     charts = {}
     from_dt = datetime.utcnow() - timedelta(days=30)
     for field, results in frontend_store.get_probe_events_aggregations(probe, from_dt).items():
         a_type = results["type"]
         if a_type == "table":
             aggregation = probe.get_aggregations()[field]
             columns = aggregation["columns"]
             data = []
             for row in results["values"]:
                 for k, v in row.items():
                     if v is None:
                         row[k] = "-"
             top_results = aggregation.get("top", False)
             if not top_results:
                 data.sort(key=lambda d: [d[fn].lower() for fn, _ in columns])
             labels = [l for _, l in columns]
             labels.append("Event count")
             chart_config = {
                 "type": "table",
                 "data": {
                     "labels": labels,
                     "datasets": [
                         {"data": data}
         elif a_type == "terms":
             chart_config = {
                 "type": "doughnut",
                 "data": {
                     "labels": ["Other" if l is None else l for l, _ in results["values"]],
                     "datasets": [make_dataset([v for _, v in results["values"]])],
         elif a_type == "date_histogram":
             date_format = self.INTERVAL_DATE_FORMAT.get(results["interval"], "day")
             chart_config = {
                 "type": "bar",
                 "data": {
                     "labels": [l.strftime(date_format) for l, _ in results["values"]],
                     "datasets": [make_dataset([v for _, v in results["values"]],
                                               label="event number")]
             logger.error("Unknown aggregation type %s", a_type)
         charts[field] = chart_config
     return JsonResponse(charts)
コード例 #3
ファイル: utils.py プロジェクト: pengufrost/zentral
def mbu_dashboard_bundle_data(mbu):
    query = (
        "select a.bundle_id as id, a.bundle_name as name, a.bundle_version_str as version_str, foo.count as count "
        "from ("
        "  select ai.app_id, count(*) as count "
        "  from inventory_osxappinstance as ai "
        "  join inventory_machinesnapshot_osx_app_instances as msai on (msai.osxappinstance_id = ai.id) "
        "  join inventory_currentmachinesnapshot as cms on (cms.machine_snapshot_id = msai.machinesnapshot_id) "
        "  join inventory_machinesnapshot as ms on (cms.machine_snapshot_id = ms.id) "
        "  join inventory_businessunit as bu on (ms.business_unit_id = bu.id) "
        "  where bu.meta_business_unit_id = %s and cms.source_id = %s "
        "  group by ai.app_id"
        ") as foo "
        "join inventory_osxapp as a on (foo.app_id = a.id) "
        "where a.bundle_id IN %s"
    cursor = connection.cursor()
    bundle_id_tuple = tuple(mbu.dashboard_osx_app_bundle_id_list)
    cursor.execute(query, [mbu.pk, mbu.dashboard_source.pk, bundle_id_tuple])
    columns = [col[0] for col in cursor.description]
    # group versions and counts by bundle_id
    bundles = {}
    for row in cursor.fetchall():
        bundle = dict(zip(columns, row))
        if bundle["id"] not in bundles:
            bundles[bundle["id"]] = {"name": bundle["name"],
                                     "versions": {}}
        bundles[bundle["id"]]["versions"][bundle["version_str"]] = bundle["count"]
    # build charts config
    for bundle_id in bundle_id_tuple:
        bundle = bundles.get(bundle_id, None)
        if bundle is None:
        versions = sorted(bundle["versions"].items(), key=lambda t: (-1 * t[1], t[0]), reverse=True)
        config = {
            "type": "doughnut",
            "data": {
                "labels": [v[0] for v in versions],
                "datasets": [
                    make_dataset([v[1] for v in versions])
        yield bundle_id, bundle["name"], config