コード例 #1
        def find_dependency_candidates(requiring_impl_var, dependency):
            def meets_restrictions(candidate):
                for r in dependency.restrictions:
                    if not r.meets_restriction(candidate):
                        #warn("%s rejected due to %s", candidate.get_version(), r)
                        return False
                return True

            essential = dependency.importance == model.Dependency.Essential

            dep_iface = iface_cache.get_interface(dependency.interface)
            dep_union = [sat.neg(requiring_impl_var)
                         ]  # Either requiring_impl_var is False, or ...
            for candidate in impls_for_iface[dep_iface]:
                if (candidate.__class__ is
                        _DummyImpl) or meets_restrictions(candidate):
                    if essential:
                        c_var = impl_to_var.get(candidate, None)
                        if c_var is not None:
                        # else we filtered that version out, so ignore it
                    # Candidate doesn't meet our requirements
                    # If the dependency is optional add a rule to make sure we don't
                    # select this candidate.
                    # (for essential dependencies this isn't necessary because we must
                    # select a good version and we can't select two)
                    if not essential:
                        c_var = impl_to_var.get(candidate, None)
                        if c_var is not None:
                            problem.add_clause(dep_union + [sat.neg(c_var)])
                        # else we filtered that version out, so ignore it

            if essential:
コード例 #2
ファイル: solver.py プロジェクト: dabrahams/zeroinstall
		def find_dependency_candidates(requiring_impl_var, dependency):
			def meets_restrictions(candidate):
				for r in dependency.restrictions:
					if not r.meets_restriction(candidate):
						#warn("%s rejected due to %s", candidate.get_version(), r)
						return False
				return True

			essential = dependency.importance == model.Dependency.Essential

			dep_iface = iface_cache.get_interface(dependency.interface)
			dep_union = [sat.neg(requiring_impl_var)]	# Either requiring_impl_var is False, or ...
			for candidate in impls_for_iface[dep_iface]:
				if (candidate.__class__ is _DummyImpl) or meets_restrictions(candidate):
					if essential:
						c_var = impl_to_var.get(candidate, None)
						if c_var is not None:
						# else we filtered that version out, so ignore it
					# Candidate doesn't meet our requirements
					# If the dependency is optional add a rule to make sure we don't
					# select this candidate.
					# (for essential dependencies this isn't necessary because we must
					# select a good version and we can't select two)
					if not essential:
						c_var = impl_to_var.get(candidate, None)
						if c_var is not None:
							problem.add_clause(dep_union + [sat.neg(c_var)])
						# else we filtered that version out, so ignore it

			if essential:
コード例 #3
		def add_command_iface(uri, arch, command_name):
			"""Add every <command> in interface 'uri' with this name.
			Each one depends on the corresponding implementation and only
			one can be selected. If closest_match is on, include a dummy
			command that can always be selected."""

			# Check whether we've already processed this (interface,command) pair
			existing = group_clause_for_command.get((uri, command_name), None)
			if existing is not None:
				return existing.lits

			# First ensure that the interface itself has been processed
			# We'll reuse the ordering of the implementations to order
			# the commands too.
			add_iface(uri, arch)

			iface = iface_cache.get_interface(uri)
			filtered_impls = impls_for_iface[iface]
			impl_to_var = iface_to_vars[iface]		# Impl -> sat var

			var_names = []
			for impl in filtered_impls:
				command = impl.commands.get(command_name, None)
				if not command:
					if not isinstance(impl, _DummyImpl):
						# Mark implementation as unselectable

				# We have a candidate <command>. Require that if it's selected
				# then we select the corresponding <implementation> too.
				command_var = problem.add_variable(CommandInfo(command_name, command, impl, arch))
				problem.add_clause([impl_to_var[impl], sat.neg(command_var)])


				process_dependencies(command_var, command, arch)

			# Tell the user why we couldn't use this version
			if self.details is not False:
				def new_reason(impl, old_reason):
					if command_name in impl.commands:
						return old_reason
					return old_reason or (_('No %s command') % command_name)
				self.details[iface] = [(impl, new_reason(impl, reason)) for (impl, reason) in self.details[iface]]

			if closest_match:
				dummy_command = problem.add_variable(None)

			if var_names:
				# Can't select more than one of them.
				assert (uri, command_name) not in group_clause_for_command
				group_clause_for_command[(uri, command_name)] = problem.at_most_one(var_names)

			return var_names
コード例 #4
	def testCoverage(self):
		# Try to trigger some edge cases...

		# An at_most_one clause must be analysed for causing
		# a conflict.
		solver = sat.SATProblem()
		v1 = solver.add_variable("v1")
		v2 = solver.add_variable("v2")
		v3 = solver.add_variable("v3")
		solver.at_most_one([v1, v2])
		solver.add_clause([v1, sat.neg(v3)])
		solver.add_clause([v2, sat.neg(v3)])
		solver.add_clause([v1, v3])
		solver.run_solver(lambda: v3)
コード例 #5
    def testCoverage(self):
        # Try to trigger some edge cases...

        # An at_most_one clause must be analysed for causing
        # a conflict.
        solver = sat.SATProblem()
        v1 = solver.add_variable("v1")
        v2 = solver.add_variable("v2")
        v3 = solver.add_variable("v3")
        solver.at_most_one([v1, v2])
        solver.add_clause([v1, sat.neg(v3)])
        solver.add_clause([v2, sat.neg(v3)])
        solver.add_clause([v1, v3])
        solver.run_solver(lambda: v3)
コード例 #6
		def process_dependencies(requiring_var, requirer, arch):
			for d in deps_in_use(requirer, arch):
				#logger.debug(_("Considering command dependency %s"), d)

				add_iface(d.interface, arch.child_arch)

				for c in d.get_required_commands():
					# We depend on a specific command within the implementation.
					command_vars = add_command_iface(d.interface, arch.child_arch, c)

					# If the parent command/impl is chosen, one of the candidate commands
					# must be too. If there aren't any, then this command is unselectable.
					problem.add_clause([sat.neg(requiring_var)] + command_vars)

				# Must choose one version of d if impl is selected
				find_dependency_candidates(requiring_var, d)
コード例 #7
        def process_dependencies(requiring_var, requirer, arch):
            for d in deps_in_use(requirer, arch):
                debug(_("Considering command dependency %s"), d)

                add_iface(d.interface, arch.child_arch)

                for c in d.get_required_commands():
                    # We depend on a specific command within the implementation.
                    command_vars = add_command_iface(d.interface,
                                                     arch.child_arch, c)

                    # If the parent command/impl is chosen, one of the candidate commands
                    # must be too. If there aren't any, then this command is unselectable.
                    problem.add_clause([sat.neg(requiring_var)] + command_vars)

                # Must choose one version of d if impl is selected
                find_dependency_candidates(requiring_var, d)
コード例 #8
ファイル: solver.py プロジェクト: pombredanne/zero-install
		def find_dependency_candidates(requiring_impl_var, dependency):
			dep_iface = iface_cache.get_interface(dependency.interface)
			dep_union = [sat.neg(requiring_impl_var)]	# Either requiring_impl_var is False, or ...
			for candidate in impls_for_iface[dep_iface]:
				for r in dependency.restrictions:
					if candidate.__class__ is not _DummyImpl and not r.meets_restriction(candidate):
						#warn("%s rejected due to %s", candidate.get_version(), r)
						if candidate.version is not None:
					c_var = impl_to_var.get(candidate, None)
					if c_var is not None:
					# else we filtered that version out, so ignore it

			assert dep_union
コード例 #9
	def testWatch(self):
		solver = sat.SATProblem()

		a = solver.add_variable('a')
		b = solver.add_variable('b')
		c = solver.add_variable('c')

		# Add a clause. It starts watching the first two variables (a and b).
		# (use the internal function to avoid variable reordering)
		solver._add_clause([a, b, c], False, reason = "testing")
		# b is False, so it switches to watching a and c

		# Try to trigger bug.

		decisions = [a]
		solver.run_solver(lambda: decisions.pop())
		assert not decisions	# All used up

		assert solver.assigns[a].value == True
コード例 #10
    def testWatch(self):
        solver = sat.SATProblem()

        a = solver.add_variable('a')
        b = solver.add_variable('b')
        c = solver.add_variable('c')

        # Add a clause. It starts watching the first two variables (a and b).
        # (use the internal function to avoid variable reordering)
        solver._add_clause([a, b, c], False)

        # b is False, so it switches to watching a and c

        # Try to trigger bug.

        decisions = [a]
        solver.run_solver(lambda: decisions.pop())
        assert not decisions  # All used up

        assert solver.assigns[a].value == True
コード例 #11
        def add_command_iface(uri, arch, command_name):
            """Add every <command> in interface 'uri' with this name.
			Each one depends on the corresponding implementation and only
			one can be selected. If closest_match is on, include a dummy
			command that can always be selected."""

            # Check whether we've already processed this (interface,command) pair
            existing = group_clause_for_command.get((uri, command_name), None)
            if existing is not None:
                return existing.lits

            # First ensure that the interface itself has been processed
            # We'll reuse the ordering of the implementations to order
            # the commands too.
            add_iface(uri, arch)

            iface = iface_cache.get_interface(uri)
            filtered_impls = impls_for_iface[iface]

            var_names = []
            for impl in filtered_impls:
                command = impl.commands.get(command_name, None)
                if not command:
                    if not isinstance(impl, _DummyImpl):
                        # Mark implementation as unselectable

                # We have a candidate <command>. Require that if it's selected
                # then we select the corresponding <implementation> too.
                command_var = problem.add_variable(
                    CommandInfo(command_name, command, impl, arch))
                problem.add_clause([impl_to_var[impl], sat.neg(command_var)])


                process_dependencies(command_var, command, arch)

            # Tell the user why we couldn't use this version
            if self.record_details:

                def new_reason(impl, old_reason):
                    if command_name in impl.commands:
                        return old_reason
                    return old_reason or (_('No %s command') % command_name)

                self.details[iface] = [(impl, new_reason(impl, reason))
                                       for (impl,
                                            reason) in self.details[iface]]

            if closest_match:
                dummy_command = problem.add_variable(None)

            if var_names:
                # Can't select more than one of them.
                assert (uri, command_name) not in group_clause_for_command
                    uri, command_name)] = problem.at_most_one(var_names)

            return var_names
コード例 #12
		def decide():
			"""This is called by the SAT solver when it cannot simplify the problem further.
			Our job is to find the most-optimal next selection to try.
			Recurse through the current selections until we get to an interface with
			no chosen version, then tell the solver to try the best version from that."""

			def find_undecided_dep(impl_or_command, arch):
				# Check for undecided dependencies of impl_or_command
				for dep in deps_in_use(impl_or_command, arch):
					# Restrictions don't express that we do or don't want the
					# dependency, so skip them here.
					if dep.importance == model.Dependency.Restricts: continue

					for c in dep.get_required_commands():
						dep_lit = find_undecided_command(dep.interface, c)
						if dep_lit is not None:
							return dep_lit
					dep_lit = find_undecided(dep.interface)
					if dep_lit is not None:
						return dep_lit
				return None

			seen = set()
			def find_undecided(uri):
				if uri in seen:
					return	# Break cycles

				group = group_clause_for.get(uri, None)

				if group is None:
					# (can be None if the selected impl has an optional dependency on 
					# a feed with no implementations)

				#print "Group for %s = %s" % (uri, group)
				lit = group.current
				if lit is None:
					return group.best_undecided()
				# else there was only one choice anyway

				# Check for undecided dependencies
				lit_info = problem.get_varinfo_for_lit(lit).obj
				return find_undecided_dep(lit_info.impl, lit_info.arch)

			def find_undecided_command(uri, name):
				if name is None: return find_undecided(uri)

				group = group_clause_for_command[(uri, name)]
				lit = group.current
				if lit is None:
					return group.best_undecided()
				# else we've already chosen which <command> to use

				# Check for undecided command-specific dependencies, and then for
				# implementation dependencies.
				lit_info = problem.get_varinfo_for_lit(lit).obj
				if lit_info is None:
					assert closest_match
					return None	# (a dummy command added for better diagnostics; has no dependencies)
				return find_undecided_dep(lit_info.command, lit_info.arch) or \
				       find_undecided_dep(lit_info.impl, lit_info.arch)

			best = find_undecided_command(root_interface, command_name)
			if best is not None:
				return best

			# If we're chosen everything we need, we can probably
			# set everything else to False.
			for group in list(group_clause_for.values()) + list(group_clause_for_command.values()) + [m_groups_clause]:
				if group.current is None:
					best = group.best_undecided()
					if best is not None:
						return sat.neg(best)

			return None			# Failed to find any valid combination
コード例 #13
ファイル: solver.py プロジェクト: gvsurenderreddy/zeroinstall
	def solve(self, root_interface, root_arch, command_name = 'run', closest_match = False):
		# closest_match is used internally. It adds a lowest-ranked
		# by valid implementation to every interface, so we can always
		# select something. Useful for diagnostics.

		# TODO: We need some way to figure out which feeds to include.
		# Currently, we include any feed referenced from anywhere but
		# this is probably too much. We could insert a dummy optimial
		# implementation in stale/uncached feeds and see whether it
		# selects that.
		iface_cache = self.config.iface_cache

		problem = sat.SATProblem()

		impl_to_var = {}	# Impl -> sat var
		self.feeds_used = set()
		self.requires = {}
		self.ready = False
		self.details = self.record_details and {}

		self.selections = None
		self._failure_reason = None

		ifaces_processed = set()

		impls_for_machine_group = {0 : []}		# Machine group (e.g. "64") to [impl] in that group
		for machine_group in machine_groups.values():
			impls_for_machine_group[machine_group] = []

		impls_for_iface = {}	# Iface -> [impl]

		group_clause_for = {}	# Iface URI -> AtMostOneClause | bool
		group_clause_for_command = {}	# (Iface URI, command name) -> AtMostOneClause | bool

		# Return the dependencies of impl that we should consider.
		# Skips dependencies if the use flag isn't what we need.
		# (note: impl may also be a model.Command)
		def deps_in_use(impl, arch):
			for dep in impl.requires:
				use = dep.metadata.get("use", None)
				if use not in arch.use:
				yield dep

		# Must have already done add_iface on dependency.interface.
		# If dependency is essential:
		#   Add a clause so that if requiring_impl_var is True then an implementation
		#   matching 'dependency' must also be selected.
		# If dependency is optional:
		#   Require that no incompatible version is selected.
		def find_dependency_candidates(requiring_impl_var, dependency):
			def meets_restrictions(candidate):
				for r in dependency.restrictions:
					if not r.meets_restriction(candidate):
						#warn("%s rejected due to %s", candidate.get_version(), r)
						return False
				return True

			essential = dependency.importance == model.Dependency.Essential

			dep_iface = iface_cache.get_interface(dependency.interface)
			dep_union = [sat.neg(requiring_impl_var)]	# Either requiring_impl_var is False, or ...
			for candidate in impls_for_iface[dep_iface]:
				if (candidate.__class__ is _DummyImpl) or meets_restrictions(candidate):
					if essential:
						c_var = impl_to_var.get(candidate, None)
						if c_var is not None:
						# else we filtered that version out, so ignore it
					# Candidate doesn't meet our requirements
					# If the dependency is optional add a rule to make sure we don't
					# select this candidate.
					# (for essential dependencies this isn't necessary because we must
					# select a good version and we can't select two)
					if not essential:
						c_var = impl_to_var.get(candidate, None)
						if c_var is not None:
							problem.add_clause(dep_union + [sat.neg(c_var)])
						# else we filtered that version out, so ignore it

			if essential:

		def is_unusable(impl, restrictions, arch):
			"""@return: whether this implementation is unusable.
			@rtype: bool"""
			return get_unusable_reason(impl, restrictions, arch) != None

		def get_unusable_reason(impl, restrictions, arch):
			@param impl: Implementation to test.
			@type restrictions: [L{model.Restriction}]
			@return: The reason why this impl is unusable, or None if it's OK.
			@rtype: str
			@note: The restrictions are for the interface being requested, not the feed
			of the implementation; they may be different when feeds are being used."""
			for r in restrictions:
				if not r.meets_restriction(impl):
					return _("Incompatible with another selected implementation")
			stability = impl.get_stability()
			if stability <= model.buggy:
				return stability.name
			if (self.config.network_use == model.network_offline or not impl.download_sources) and not impl.is_available(self.config.stores):
				if not impl.download_sources:
					return _("No retrieval methods")
				return _("Not cached and we are off-line")
			if impl.os not in arch.os_ranks:
				return _("Unsupported OS")
			if impl.machine not in arch.machine_ranks:
				if impl.machine == 'src':
					return _("Source code")
				return _("Unsupported machine type")
			return None

		def usable_feeds(iface, arch):
			"""Return all feeds for iface that support arch.
			@rtype: generator(ZeroInstallFeed)"""
			yield iface.uri

			for f in iface_cache.get_feed_imports(iface):
				# Note: when searching for src, None is not in machine_ranks
				if f.os in arch.os_ranks and \
				   (f.machine is None or f.machine in arch.machine_ranks):
					yield f.uri
					debug(_("Skipping '%(feed)s'; unsupported architecture %(os)s-%(machine)s"),
						{'feed': f, 'os': f.os, 'machine': f.machine})

		def add_iface(uri, arch):
			"""Name implementations from feed and assert that only one can be selected."""
			if uri in ifaces_processed: return

			iface = iface_cache.get_interface(uri)

			impls = []
			for f in usable_feeds(iface, arch):
				debug(_("Processing feed %s"), f)

					feed = iface_cache.get_feed(f)
					if feed is None: continue
					#if feed.name and iface.uri != feed.url and iface.uri not in feed.feed_for:
					#	info(_("Missing <feed-for> for '%(uri)s' in '%(feed)s'"), {'uri': iface.uri, 'feed': f})

					if feed.implementations:

					distro_feed_url = feed.get_distro_feed()
					if distro_feed_url:
						distro_feed = iface_cache.get_feed(distro_feed_url)
						if distro_feed.implementations:
				except MissingLocalFeed as ex:
					warn(_("Missing local feed; if it's no longer required, remove it with:") +
							'\n0install remove-feed ' + iface.uri + ' ' + f,
						{'feed': f, 'interface': iface, 'exception': ex})
				except Exception as ex:
					warn(_("Failed to load feed %(feed)s for %(interface)s: %(exception)s"), {'feed': f, 'interface': iface, 'exception': ex})

			impls.sort(lambda a, b: self.compare(iface, a, b, arch))

			impls_for_iface[iface] = filtered_impls = []

			my_extra_restrictions = self.extra_restrictions.get(iface, [])

			if self.record_details:
				self.details[iface] = [(impl, get_unusable_reason(impl, my_extra_restrictions, arch)) for impl in impls]

			rank = 1
			var_names = []
			for impl in impls:
				if is_unusable(impl, my_extra_restrictions, arch):


				assert impl not in impl_to_var
				v = problem.add_variable(ImplInfo(iface, impl, arch))
				impl_to_var[impl] = v
				rank += 1

				if impl.machine and impl.machine != 'src':
					impls_for_machine_group[machine_groups.get(impl.machine, 0)].append(v)

				for d in deps_in_use(impl, arch):
					debug(_("Considering dependency %s"), d)

					add_iface(d.interface, arch.child_arch)

					# Must choose one version of d if impl is selected
					find_dependency_candidates(v, d)

			if closest_match:
				dummy_impl = _DummyImpl()
				dummy_var = problem.add_variable(ImplInfo(iface, dummy_impl, arch, dummy = True))
				impl_to_var[dummy_impl] = dummy_var

			# Only one implementation of this interface can be selected
			if uri == root_interface:
				if var_names:
					clause = problem.at_most_one(var_names)
					problem.add_clause(var_names)	# at least one
					clause = False
			elif var_names:
				clause = problem.at_most_one(var_names)
				# Don't need to add to group_clause_for because we should
				# never get a possible selection involving this.

			assert clause is not True
			assert clause is not None
			if clause is not False:
				group_clause_for[uri] = clause

		def add_command_iface(uri, arch, command_name):
			"""Add every <command> in interface 'uri' with this name.
			Each one depends on the corresponding implementation and only
			one can be selected. If closest_match is on, include a dummy
			command that can always be selected."""

			# Check whether we've already processed this (interface,command) pair
			existing = group_clause_for_command.get((uri, command_name), None)
			if existing is not None:
				return existing.lits

			# First ensure that the interface itself has been processed
			# We'll reuse the ordering of the implementations to order
			# the commands too.
			add_iface(uri, arch)

			iface = iface_cache.get_interface(uri)
			filtered_impls = impls_for_iface[iface]

			var_names = []
			for impl in filtered_impls:
				command = impl.commands.get(command_name, None)
				if not command:
					if not isinstance(impl, _DummyImpl):
						# Mark implementation as unselectable

				# We have a candidate <command>. Require that if it's selected
				# then we select the corresponding <implementation> too.
				command_var = problem.add_variable(CommandInfo(command_name, command, impl, arch))
				problem.add_clause([impl_to_var[impl], sat.neg(command_var)])


				runner = command.get_runner()
				for d in deps_in_use(command, arch):
					if d is runner:
						# With a <runner>, we depend on a command rather than on an
						# implementation. This allows us to support recursive <runner>s, etc.
						debug(_("Considering command runner %s"), d)
						runner_command_name = _get_command_name(d)
						runner_vars = add_command_iface(d.interface, arch.child_arch, runner_command_name)

						# If the parent command is chosen, one of the candidate runner commands
						# must be too. If there aren't any, then this command is unselectable.
						problem.add_clause([sat.neg(command_var)] + runner_vars)
						debug(_("Considering command dependency %s"), d)
						add_iface(d.interface, arch.child_arch)

					# Must choose one version of d if impl is selected
					find_dependency_candidates(command_var, d)

			# Tell the user why we couldn't use this version
			if self.record_details:
				def new_reason(impl, old_reason):
					if command_name in impl.commands:
						return old_reason
					return old_reason or (_('No %s command') % command_name)
				self.details[iface] = [(impl, new_reason(impl, reason)) for (impl, reason) in self.details[iface]]

			if closest_match:
				dummy_command = problem.add_variable(None)

			if var_names:
				# Can't select more than one of them.
				assert (uri, command_name) not in group_clause_for_command
				group_clause_for_command[(uri, command_name)] = problem.at_most_one(var_names)

			return var_names

		if command_name is None:
			add_iface(root_interface, root_arch)
			commands = add_command_iface(root_interface, root_arch, command_name)
			if len(commands) > int(closest_match):
				# (we have at least one non-dummy command)
				problem.add_clause(commands)		# At least one
				# (note: might be because we haven't cached it yet)
				info("No %s <command> in %s", command_name, root_interface)

				impls = impls_for_iface[iface_cache.get_interface(root_interface)]
				if impls == [] or (len(impls) == 1 and isinstance(impls[0], _DummyImpl)):
					# There were no candidates at all.
					if self.config.network_use == model.network_offline:
						self._failure_reason = _("Interface '%s' has no usable implementations in the cache (and 0install is in off-line mode)") % root_interface
						self._failure_reason = _("Interface '%s' has no usable implementations") % root_interface
					# We had some candidates implementations, but none for the command we need
					self._failure_reason = _("Interface '%s' cannot be executed directly; it is just a library "
						    "to be used by other programs (or missing '%s' command)") % (root_interface, command_name)


		# Require m<group> to be true if we select an implementation in that group
		m_groups = []
		for machine_group, impls in impls_for_machine_group.iteritems():
			m_group = 'm%d' % machine_group
			group_var = problem.add_variable(m_group)
			if impls:
				for impl in impls:
					problem.add_clause([group_var, sat.neg(impl)])
		if m_groups:
			m_groups_clause = problem.at_most_one(m_groups)
			m_groups_clause = None

		def decide():
			"""Recurse through the current selections until we get to an interface with
			no chosen version, then tell the solver to try the best version from that."""

			def find_undecided_dep(impl_or_command, arch):
				# Check for undecided dependencies of impl_or_command
				for dep in deps_in_use(impl_or_command, arch):
					if dep.qdom.name == 'runner':
						dep_lit = find_undecided_command(dep.interface, _get_command_name(dep))
						dep_lit = find_undecided(dep.interface)
					if dep_lit is not None:
						return dep_lit
				return None

			seen = set()
			def find_undecided(uri):
				if uri in seen:
					return	# Break cycles

				group = group_clause_for[uri]
				#print "Group for %s = %s" % (uri, group)
				lit = group.current
				if lit is None:
					return group.best_undecided()
				# else there was only one choice anyway

				# Check for undecided dependencies
				lit_info = problem.get_varinfo_for_lit(lit).obj
				return find_undecided_dep(lit_info.impl, lit_info.arch)

			def find_undecided_command(uri, name):
				if name is None: return find_undecided(uri)

				group = group_clause_for_command[(uri, name)]
				lit = group.current
				if lit is None:
					return group.best_undecided()
				# else we've already chosen which <command> to use

				# Check for undecided command-specific dependencies, and then for
				# implementation dependencies.
				lit_info = problem.get_varinfo_for_lit(lit).obj
				if lit_info is None:
					assert closest_match
					return None	# (a dummy command added for better diagnostics; has no dependencies)
				return find_undecided_dep(lit_info.command, lit_info.arch) or \
				       find_undecided_dep(lit_info.impl, lit_info.arch)

			best = find_undecided_command(root_interface, command_name)
			if best is not None:
				return best

			# If we're chosen everything we need, we can probably
			# set everything else to False.
			for group in group_clause_for.values() + group_clause_for_command.values() + [m_groups_clause]:
				if group.current is None:
					best = group.best_undecided()
					if best is not None:
						return sat.neg(best)

			return None			# Failed to find any valid combination

		ready = problem.run_solver(decide) is True

		if not ready and not closest_match:
			# We failed while trying to do a real solve.
			# Try a closest match solve to get a better
			# error report for the user.
			self.solve(root_interface, root_arch, command_name = command_name, closest_match = True)
			self.ready = ready and not closest_match
			self.selections = selections.Selections(None)
			self.selections.interface = root_interface

			sels = self.selections.selections

			for uri, group in group_clause_for.iteritems():
				if group.current is not None:
					lit_info = problem.get_varinfo_for_lit(group.current).obj
					if lit_info.is_dummy:
						sels[lit_info.iface.uri] = None
						impl = lit_info.impl

						deps = self.requires[lit_info.iface] = []
						for dep in deps_in_use(lit_info.impl, lit_info.arch):
						sels[lit_info.iface.uri] = selections.ImplSelection(lit_info.iface.uri, impl, deps)

			def add_command(iface, name):
				sel = sels.get(iface, None)
				if sel:
					command = sel.impl.commands[name]
					runner = command.get_runner()
					if runner:
						add_command(runner.metadata['interface'], _get_command_name(runner))

			if command_name is not None:
				add_command(root_interface, command_name)
コード例 #14
ファイル: solver.py プロジェクト: pombredanne/zero-install
		def add_command_iface(uri, arch, command_name):
			"""Add every <command> in interface 'uri' with this name.
			Each one depends on the corresponding implementation and only
			one can be selected."""
			# First ensure that the interface itself has been processed
			# We'll reuse the ordering of the implementations to order
			# the commands too.
			add_iface(uri, arch)

			iface = iface_cache.get_interface(uri)
			filtered_impls = impls_for_iface[iface]

			var_names = []
			for impl in filtered_impls:
				command = impl.commands.get(command_name, None)
				if not command:
					if not isinstance(impl, _DummyImpl):
						# Mark implementation as unselectable

				# We have a candidate <command>. Require that if it's selected
				# then we select the corresponding <implementation> too.
				command_var = problem.add_variable(CommandInfo(command_name, command, impl, arch))
				problem.add_clause([impl_to_var[impl], sat.neg(command_var)])


				runner = command.get_runner()
				for d in deps_in_use(command, arch):
					if d is runner:
						# With a <runner>, we depend on a command rather than on an
						# implementation. This allows us to support recursive <runner>s, etc.
						debug(_("Considering command runner %s"), d)
						runner_command_name = _get_command_name(d)
						runner_vars = add_command_iface(d.interface, arch.child_arch, runner_command_name)

						if closest_match:
							dummy_command = problem.add_variable(None)
						# If the parent command is chosen, one of the candidate runner commands
						# must be too. If there aren't any, then this command is unselectable.
						problem.add_clause([sat.neg(command_var)] + runner_vars)
						if runner_vars:
							# Can't select more than one of them.
							group_clause_for_command[(d.interface, runner_command_name)] = problem.at_most_one(runner_vars)
						debug(_("Considering command dependency %s"), d)
						add_iface(d.interface, arch.child_arch)

					# Must choose one version of d if impl is selected
					find_dependency_candidates(command_var, d)

			# Tell the user why we couldn't use this version
			if self.record_details:
				def new_reason(impl, old_reason):
					if command_name in impl.commands:
						return old_reason
					return old_reason or (_('No %s command') % command_name)
				self.details[iface] = [(impl, new_reason(impl, reason)) for (impl, reason) in self.details[iface]]

			return var_names
コード例 #15
ファイル: solver.py プロジェクト: pombredanne/zero-install
		def decide():
			"""Recurse through the current selections until we get to an interface with
			no chosen version, then tell the solver to try the best version from that."""

			def find_undecided_dep(impl_or_command, arch):
				# Check for undecided dependencies of impl_or_command
				for dep in deps_in_use(impl_or_command, arch):
					if dep.qdom.name == 'runner':
						dep_lit = find_undecided_command(dep.interface, _get_command_name(dep))
						dep_lit = find_undecided(dep.interface)
					if dep_lit is not None:
						return dep_lit
				return None

			seen = set()
			def find_undecided(uri):
				if uri in seen:
					return	# Break cycles

				group = group_clause_for[uri]
				#print "Group for %s = %s" % (uri, group)
				lit = group.current
				if lit is None:
					return group.best_undecided()
				# else there was only one choice anyway

				# Check for undecided dependencies
				lit_info = problem.get_varinfo_for_lit(lit).obj
				return find_undecided_dep(lit_info.impl, lit_info.arch)

			def find_undecided_command(uri, name):
				if name is None: return find_undecided(uri)

				group = group_clause_for_command[(uri, name)]
				lit = group.current
				if lit is None:
					return group.best_undecided()
				# else we've already chosen which <command> to use

				# Check for undecided command-specific dependencies, and then for
				# implementation dependencies.
				lit_info = problem.get_varinfo_for_lit(lit).obj
				if lit_info is None:
					assert closest_match
					return None	# (a dummy command added for better diagnostics; has no dependencies)
				return find_undecided_dep(lit_info.command, lit_info.arch) or \
				       find_undecided_dep(lit_info.impl, lit_info.arch)

			best = find_undecided_command(root_interface, command_name)
			if best is not None:
				return best

			# If we're chosen everything we need, we can probably
			# set everything else to False.
			for group in group_clause_for.values() + group_clause_for_command.values() + [m_groups_clause]:
				if group.current is None:
					best = group.best_undecided()
					if best is not None:
						return sat.neg(best)

			return None			# Failed to find any valid combination
コード例 #16
	def solve(self, root_interface, root_arch, command_name = 'run', closest_match = False):
		"""@type root_interface: str
		@type root_arch: L{zeroinstall.injector.arch.Architecture}
		@type command_name: str | None
		@type closest_match: bool"""

		# closest_match is used internally. It adds a lowest-ranked
		# by valid implementation to every interface, so we can always
		# select something. Useful for diagnostics.

		# The basic plan is this:
		# 1. Scan the root interface and all dependencies recursively, building up a SAT problem.
		# 2. Solve the SAT problem. Whenever there are multiple options, try the most preferred one first.
		# 3. Create a Selections object from the results.
		# All three involve recursively walking the tree in a similar way:
		# 1) we follow every dependency of every implementation (order not important)
		# 2) we follow every dependency of every selected implementation (better versions first)
		# 3) we follow every dependency of every selected implementation (order doesn't matter)
		# In all cases, a dependency may be on an <implementation> or on a specific <command>.

		# TODO: We need some way to figure out which feeds to include.
		# Currently, we include any feed referenced from anywhere but
		# this is probably too much. We could insert a dummy optimial
		# implementation in stale/uncached feeds and see whether it
		# selects that.
		iface_cache = self.config.iface_cache

		problem = sat.SATProblem()

		# For each (interface, impl) we have a sat variable which, if true, means that we have selected
		# that impl as the implementation of the interface. We have to index on interface and impl (not
		# just impl) because the same feed can provide implementations for different interfaces. This
		# happens, for example, when an interface is renamed and the new interface imports the old feed:
		# old versions of a program are likely to use the old interface name while new ones use the new
		# name.
		iface_to_vars = collections.defaultdict(lambda: {})	# Iface -> (Impl -> sat var)

		self.feeds_used = set()
		self.requires = {}
		self.ready = False
		self.details = {} if self.record_details or closest_match else False

		self.selections = None

		# Only set if there is an error
		self._impls_for_iface = None
		self._iface_to_vars = None
		self._problem = None

		ifaces_processed = set()

		machine_groups = arch.machine_groups
		impls_for_machine_group = {0 : []}		# Machine group (e.g. "64") to [impl] in that group
		for machine_group in machine_groups.values():
			impls_for_machine_group[machine_group] = []

		impls_for_iface = {}	# Iface -> [impl]

		# For each interface, the group clause says we can't select two implementations of it at once.
		# We use this map at the end to find out what was actually selected.
		group_clause_for = {}	# Iface URI -> AtMostOneClause
		group_clause_for_command = {}	# (Iface URI, command name) -> AtMostOneClause | bool

		# Return the dependencies of impl that we should consider.
		# Skips dependencies if the use flag isn't what we need.
		# (note: impl may also be a model.Command)
		def deps_in_use(impl, arch):
			for dep in impl.requires:
				use = dep.metadata.get("use", None)
				if use not in arch.use:

				# Ignore dependency if 'os' attribute is present and doesn't match
				os = dep.metadata.get("os", None)
				if os and os not in arch.os_ranks:

				yield dep

		def clone_command_for(command, arch):
			# This is a bit messy. We need to make a copy of the command, without the
			# unnecessary <requires> elements.
			all_dep_elems = set(dep.qdom for dep in command.requires)
			required_dep_elems = set(dep.qdom for dep in deps_in_use(command, arch))
			if all_dep_elems == required_dep_elems:
				return command		# No change
			dep_elems_to_remove = all_dep_elems - required_dep_elems
			old_root = command.qdom
			new_qdom = qdom.Element(old_root.uri, old_root.name, old_root.attrs)
			new_qdom.childNodes = [node for node in command.qdom.childNodes if
					       node not in dep_elems_to_remove]
			return model.Command(new_qdom, command._local_dir)

		# Must have already done add_iface on dependency.interface.
		# If dependency is essential:
		#   Add a clause so that if requiring_impl_var is True then an implementation
		#   matching 'dependency' must also be selected.
		# If dependency is optional:
		#   Require that no incompatible version is selected.
		# This ignores any 'command' required. Handle that separately.
		def find_dependency_candidates(requiring_impl_var, dependency):
			def meets_restrictions(candidate):
				for r in dependency.restrictions:
					if not r.meets_restriction(candidate):
						#warn("%s rejected due to %s", candidate.get_version(), r)
						return False
				return True

			essential = dependency.importance == model.Dependency.Essential

			dep_iface = iface_cache.get_interface(dependency.interface)
			dep_union = [sat.neg(requiring_impl_var)]	# Either requiring_impl_var is False, or ...

			impl_to_var = iface_to_vars[dep_iface]		# Impl -> sat var

			for candidate in impls_for_iface[dep_iface]:
				if (candidate.__class__ is _DummyImpl) or meets_restrictions(candidate):
					if essential:
						c_var = impl_to_var.get(candidate, None)
						if c_var is not None:
						# else we filtered that version out, so ignore it
					# Candidate doesn't meet our requirements
					# If the dependency is optional add a rule to make sure we don't
					# select this candidate.
					# (for essential dependencies this isn't necessary because we must
					# select a good version and we can't select two)
					if not essential:
						c_var = impl_to_var.get(candidate, None)
						if c_var is not None:
							problem.add_clause(dep_union + [sat.neg(c_var)])
						# else we filtered that version out, so ignore it

			if essential:

		def is_unusable(impl, restrictions, arch):
			"""@return: whether this implementation is unusable.
			@rtype: bool"""
			return get_unusable_reason(impl, restrictions, arch) != None

		def get_unusable_reason(impl, restrictions, arch):
			@param impl: Implementation to test.
			@param restrictions: user-provided restrictions (extra_restrictions)
			@type restrictions: [L{model.Restriction}]
			@return: The reason why this impl is unusable, or None if it's OK.
			@rtype: str
			@note: The restrictions are for the interface being requested, not the feed
			of the implementation; they may be different when feeds are being used."""
			for r in restrictions:
				if not r.meets_restriction(impl):
					return r.reason
			stability = impl.get_stability()
			if stability <= model.buggy:
				return stability.name
			if (self.config.network_use == model.network_offline or not impl.download_sources) and not impl.is_available(self.config.stores):
				if not impl.download_sources:
					return _("No retrieval methods")
				for method in impl.download_sources:
					if not method.requires_network:
					return _("Not cached and we are off-line")
			if impl.os not in arch.os_ranks:
				return _("Unsupported OS")
			if impl.machine not in arch.machine_ranks:
				if impl.machine == 'src':
					return _("Source code")
				elif 'src' in arch.machine_ranks:
					return _("Not source code")
				return _("Unsupported machine type")
			return None

		def usable_feeds(iface, arch):
			"""Return all feeds for iface that support arch.
			@rtype: generator(ZeroInstallFeed)"""
			yield iface.uri

			for f in iface_cache.get_feed_imports(iface):
				# Note: when searching for src, None is not in machine_ranks
				if f.os in arch.os_ranks and \
				   (f.machine is None or f.machine in arch.machine_ranks):
					yield f.uri
					logger.debug(_("Skipping '%(feed)s'; unsupported architecture %(os)s-%(machine)s"),
						{'feed': f, 'os': f.os, 'machine': f.machine})

		# If requiring_var is True then all of requirer's dependencies must be satisfied.
		# requirer can be a <command> or an <implementation>
		def process_dependencies(requiring_var, requirer, arch):
			for d in deps_in_use(requirer, arch):
				#logger.debug(_("Considering command dependency %s"), d)

				add_iface(d.interface, arch.child_arch)

				for c in d.get_required_commands():
					# We depend on a specific command within the implementation.
					command_vars = add_command_iface(d.interface, arch.child_arch, c)

					# If the parent command/impl is chosen, one of the candidate commands
					# must be too. If there aren't any, then this command is unselectable.
					problem.add_clause([sat.neg(requiring_var)] + command_vars)

				# Must choose one version of d if impl is selected
				find_dependency_candidates(requiring_var, d)

		replacement_for = {}		# Interface -> Replacement Interface

		def add_iface(uri, arch):
			"""Name implementations from feed and assert that only one can be selected."""
			if uri in ifaces_processed: return

			iface = iface_cache.get_interface(uri)

			main_feed = iface_cache.get_feed(uri)
			if main_feed:
				replacement = main_feed.get_replaced_by()
				if replacement is not None:
					replacement_for[iface] = iface_cache.get_interface(replacement)

			impls = []
			for f in usable_feeds(iface, arch):
				logger.debug(_("Processing feed %s"), f)

					feed = iface_cache.get_feed(f)
					if feed is None: continue
					#if feed.name and iface.uri != feed.url and iface.uri not in feed.feed_for:
					#	info(_("Missing <feed-for> for '%(uri)s' in '%(feed)s'"), {'uri': iface.uri, 'feed': f})

					if feed.implementations:

					distro_feed_url = feed.get_distro_feed()
					if distro_feed_url:
						distro_feed = iface_cache.get_feed(distro_feed_url)
						if distro_feed.implementations:
				except MissingLocalFeed as ex:
					logger.warning(_("Missing local feed; if it's no longer required, remove it with:") +
							'\n0install remove-feed ' + iface.uri + ' ' + f,
						{'feed': f, 'interface': iface, 'exception': ex})
				except model.SafeException as ex:
					logger.warning(_("Failed to load feed %(feed)s for %(interface)s: %(exception)s"), {'feed': f, 'interface': iface, 'exception': ex})
				except Exception as ex:
					import logging
					logger.warning(_("Failed to load feed %(feed)s for %(interface)s: %(exception)s"), {'feed': f, 'interface': iface, 'exception': ex},
							exc_info = True if logger.isEnabledFor(logging.INFO) else None)

			impls.sort(key = lambda impl: self.get_rating(iface, impl, arch), reverse = True)

			impls_for_iface[iface] = filtered_impls = []

			my_extra_restrictions = self.extra_restrictions.get(iface, [])

			if self.details is not False:
				self.details[iface] = [(impl, get_unusable_reason(impl, my_extra_restrictions, arch)) for impl in impls]

			impl_to_var = iface_to_vars[iface]		# Impl -> sat var

			var_names = []
			for impl in impls:
				if is_unusable(impl, my_extra_restrictions, arch):


				assert impl not in impl_to_var, impl
				v = problem.add_variable(ImplInfo(iface, impl, arch))
				impl_to_var[impl] = v

				if impl.machine and impl.machine != 'src':
					impls_for_machine_group[machine_groups.get(impl.machine, 0)].append(v)

				process_dependencies(v, impl, arch)

			if closest_match:
				dummy_impl = _DummyImpl()
				dummy_var = problem.add_variable(ImplInfo(iface, dummy_impl, arch, dummy = True))
				impl_to_var[dummy_impl] = dummy_var

			# Only one implementation of this interface can be selected
			if uri == root_interface:
				if var_names:
					clause = problem.at_most_one(var_names)
					problem.add_clause(var_names)	# at least one
					clause = False
			elif var_names:
				clause = problem.at_most_one(var_names)
				# Don't need to add to group_clause_for because we should
				# never get a possible selection involving this.

			assert clause is not True
			assert clause is not None
			if clause is not False:
				group_clause_for[uri] = clause

		def add_command_iface(uri, arch, command_name):
			"""Add every <command> in interface 'uri' with this name.
			Each one depends on the corresponding implementation and only
			one can be selected. If closest_match is on, include a dummy
			command that can always be selected."""

			# Check whether we've already processed this (interface,command) pair
			existing = group_clause_for_command.get((uri, command_name), None)
			if existing is not None:
				return existing.lits

			# First ensure that the interface itself has been processed
			# We'll reuse the ordering of the implementations to order
			# the commands too.
			add_iface(uri, arch)

			iface = iface_cache.get_interface(uri)
			filtered_impls = impls_for_iface[iface]
			impl_to_var = iface_to_vars[iface]		# Impl -> sat var

			var_names = []
			for impl in filtered_impls:
				command = impl.commands.get(command_name, None)
				if not command:
					if not isinstance(impl, _DummyImpl):
						# Mark implementation as unselectable

				# We have a candidate <command>. Require that if it's selected
				# then we select the corresponding <implementation> too.
				command_var = problem.add_variable(CommandInfo(command_name, command, impl, arch))
				problem.add_clause([impl_to_var[impl], sat.neg(command_var)])


				process_dependencies(command_var, command, arch)

			# Tell the user why we couldn't use this version
			if self.details is not False:
				def new_reason(impl, old_reason):
					if command_name in impl.commands:
						return old_reason
					return old_reason or (_('No %s command') % command_name)
				self.details[iface] = [(impl, new_reason(impl, reason)) for (impl, reason) in self.details[iface]]

			if closest_match:
				dummy_command = problem.add_variable(None)

			if var_names:
				# Can't select more than one of them.
				assert (uri, command_name) not in group_clause_for_command
				group_clause_for_command[(uri, command_name)] = problem.at_most_one(var_names)

			return var_names

		if command_name is None:
			add_iface(root_interface, root_arch)
			commands = add_command_iface(root_interface, root_arch, command_name)
			if len(commands) > int(closest_match):
				# (we have at least one non-dummy command)
				problem.add_clause(commands)		# At least one
				# (note: might be because we haven't cached it yet)
				logger.info("No %s <command> in %s", command_name, root_interface)


		# Require m<group> to be true if we select an implementation in that group
		m_groups = []
		for machine_group, impls in impls_for_machine_group.items():
			m_group = 'm%d' % machine_group
			group_var = problem.add_variable(m_group)
			if impls:
				for impl in impls:
					problem.add_clause([group_var, sat.neg(impl)])
		if m_groups:
			m_groups_clause = problem.at_most_one(m_groups)
			m_groups_clause = None

		# Can't select an implementation of an interface and of its replacement
		for original, replacement in replacement_for.items():
			if original == replacement:
				logger.warning("Interface %s replaced-by itself!", original)
			rep_impls = iface_to_vars.get(replacement, None)
			if rep_impls is None:
				# We didn't even look at the replacement interface, so no risk here
			# Must select one implementation out of all candidates from both interface.
			# Dummy implementations don't conflict, though.
			all_impls = []
			for impl, var in rep_impls.items():
				if not isinstance(impl, _DummyImpl):
			for impl, var in iface_to_vars[original].items():
				if not isinstance(impl, _DummyImpl):
			if all_impls:
			# else: neither feed has any usable impls anyway

		def decide():
			"""This is called by the SAT solver when it cannot simplify the problem further.
			Our job is to find the most-optimal next selection to try.
			Recurse through the current selections until we get to an interface with
			no chosen version, then tell the solver to try the best version from that."""

			def find_undecided_dep(impl_or_command, arch):
				# Check for undecided dependencies of impl_or_command
				for dep in deps_in_use(impl_or_command, arch):
					# Restrictions don't express that we do or don't want the
					# dependency, so skip them here.
					if dep.importance == model.Dependency.Restricts: continue

					for c in dep.get_required_commands():
						dep_lit = find_undecided_command(dep.interface, c)
						if dep_lit is not None:
							return dep_lit
					dep_lit = find_undecided(dep.interface)
					if dep_lit is not None:
						return dep_lit
				return None

			seen = set()
			def find_undecided(uri):
				if uri in seen:
					return	# Break cycles

				group = group_clause_for.get(uri, None)

				if group is None:
					# (can be None if the selected impl has an optional dependency on 
					# a feed with no implementations)

				#print "Group for %s = %s" % (uri, group)
				lit = group.current
				if lit is None:
					return group.best_undecided()
				# else there was only one choice anyway

				# Check for undecided dependencies
				lit_info = problem.get_varinfo_for_lit(lit).obj
				return find_undecided_dep(lit_info.impl, lit_info.arch)

			def find_undecided_command(uri, name):
				if name is None: return find_undecided(uri)

				group = group_clause_for_command[(uri, name)]
				lit = group.current
				if lit is None:
					return group.best_undecided()
				# else we've already chosen which <command> to use

				# Check for undecided command-specific dependencies, and then for
				# implementation dependencies.
				lit_info = problem.get_varinfo_for_lit(lit).obj
				if lit_info is None:
					assert closest_match
					return None	# (a dummy command added for better diagnostics; has no dependencies)
				return find_undecided_dep(lit_info.command, lit_info.arch) or \
				       find_undecided_dep(lit_info.impl, lit_info.arch)

			best = find_undecided_command(root_interface, command_name)
			if best is not None:
				return best

			# If we're chosen everything we need, we can probably
			# set everything else to False.
			for group in list(group_clause_for.values()) + list(group_clause_for_command.values()) + [m_groups_clause]:
				if group.current is None:
					best = group.best_undecided()
					if best is not None:
						return sat.neg(best)

			return None			# Failed to find any valid combination

		ready = problem.run_solver(decide) is True

		if not ready and not closest_match:
			# We failed while trying to do a real solve.
			# Try a closest match solve to get a better
			# error report for the user.
			self.solve(root_interface, root_arch, command_name = command_name, closest_match = True)
			self.ready = ready and not closest_match
			self.selections = selections.Selections(None)
			self.selections.interface = root_interface

			if not self.ready:
				# Store some things useful for get_failure_reason()
				self._impls_for_iface = impls_for_iface
				self._iface_to_vars = iface_to_vars
				self._problem = problem

			sels = self.selections.selections

			commands_needed = []

			# Populate sels with the selected implementations.
			# Also, note down all the commands we need.
			for uri, group in group_clause_for.items():
				if group.current is not None:
					lit_info = problem.get_varinfo_for_lit(group.current).obj
					if lit_info.is_dummy:
						sels[lit_info.iface.uri] = None
						# We selected an implementation for interface 'uri'
						impl = lit_info.impl

						for b in impl.bindings:
							c = b.command
							if c is not None:
								commands.append((uri, c))

						deps = self.requires[lit_info.iface] = []
						for dep in deps_in_use(lit_info.impl, lit_info.arch):
							for c in dep.get_required_commands():
								commands_needed.append((dep.interface, c))
						sel = sels[lit_info.iface.uri] = selections.ImplSelection(lit_info.iface.uri, impl, deps)
						sel.__arch = lit_info.arch

			# Now all all the commands in too.
			def add_command(iface, name):
				sel = sels.get(iface, None)
				if sel:
					command = sel.impl.commands[name]
					if name in sel._used_commands:
						return	# Already added
					sel._used_commands[name] = clone_command_for(command, sel.__arch)

					for dep in command.requires:
						for dep_command_name in dep.get_required_commands():
							add_command(dep.interface, dep_command_name)

					# A <command> can depend on another <command> in the same interface
					# (e.g. the tests depending on the main program)
					for b in command.bindings:
						c = b.command
						if c is not None:
							add_command(iface, c)

			for iface, command in commands_needed:
				add_command(iface, command)

			if command_name is not None:
				self.selections.command = command_name
				add_command(root_interface, command_name)

			if root_interface not in sels:
				sels[root_interface] = None		# Useful for get_failure_reason()
コード例 #17
    def solve(self,
        # closest_match is used internally. It adds a lowest-ranked
        # by valid implementation to every interface, so we can always
        # select something. Useful for diagnostics.

        # The basic plan is this:
        # 1. Scan the root interface and all dependencies recursively, building up a SAT problem.
        # 2. Solve the SAT problem. Whenever there are multiple options, try the most preferred one first.
        # 3. Create a Selections object from the results.
        # All three involve recursively walking the tree in a similar way:
        # 1) we follow every dependency of every implementation (order not important)
        # 2) we follow every dependency of every selected implementation (better versions first)
        # 3) we follow every dependency of every selected implementation (order doesn't matter)
        # In all cases, a dependency may be on an <implementation> or on a specific <command>.

        # TODO: We need some way to figure out which feeds to include.
        # Currently, we include any feed referenced from anywhere but
        # this is probably too much. We could insert a dummy optimial
        # implementation in stale/uncached feeds and see whether it
        # selects that.
        iface_cache = self.config.iface_cache

        problem = sat.SATProblem()

        impl_to_var = {}  # Impl -> sat var
        self.feeds_used = set()
        self.requires = {}
        self.ready = False
        self.details = self.record_details and {}

        self.selections = None
        self._failure_reason = None

        ifaces_processed = set()

        impls_for_machine_group = {
            0: []
        }  # Machine group (e.g. "64") to [impl] in that group
        for machine_group in machine_groups.values():
            impls_for_machine_group[machine_group] = []

        impls_for_iface = {}  # Iface -> [impl]

        group_clause_for = {}  # Iface URI -> AtMostOneClause | bool
        group_clause_for_command = {
        }  # (Iface URI, command name) -> AtMostOneClause | bool

        # Return the dependencies of impl that we should consider.
        # Skips dependencies if the use flag isn't what we need.
        # (note: impl may also be a model.Command)
        def deps_in_use(impl, arch):
            for dep in impl.requires:
                use = dep.metadata.get("use", None)
                if use not in arch.use:
                yield dep

        # Must have already done add_iface on dependency.interface.
        # If dependency is essential:
        #   Add a clause so that if requiring_impl_var is True then an implementation
        #   matching 'dependency' must also be selected.
        # If dependency is optional:
        #   Require that no incompatible version is selected.
        # This ignores any 'command' required. Handle that separately.
        def find_dependency_candidates(requiring_impl_var, dependency):
            def meets_restrictions(candidate):
                for r in dependency.restrictions:
                    if not r.meets_restriction(candidate):
                        #warn("%s rejected due to %s", candidate.get_version(), r)
                        return False
                return True

            essential = dependency.importance == model.Dependency.Essential

            dep_iface = iface_cache.get_interface(dependency.interface)
            dep_union = [sat.neg(requiring_impl_var)
                         ]  # Either requiring_impl_var is False, or ...
            for candidate in impls_for_iface[dep_iface]:
                if (candidate.__class__ is
                        _DummyImpl) or meets_restrictions(candidate):
                    if essential:
                        c_var = impl_to_var.get(candidate, None)
                        if c_var is not None:
                        # else we filtered that version out, so ignore it
                    # Candidate doesn't meet our requirements
                    # If the dependency is optional add a rule to make sure we don't
                    # select this candidate.
                    # (for essential dependencies this isn't necessary because we must
                    # select a good version and we can't select two)
                    if not essential:
                        c_var = impl_to_var.get(candidate, None)
                        if c_var is not None:
                            problem.add_clause(dep_union + [sat.neg(c_var)])
                        # else we filtered that version out, so ignore it

            if essential:

        def is_unusable(impl, restrictions, arch):
            """@return: whether this implementation is unusable.
			@rtype: bool"""
            return get_unusable_reason(impl, restrictions, arch) != None

        def get_unusable_reason(impl, restrictions, arch):
			@param impl: Implementation to test.
			@type restrictions: [L{model.Restriction}]
			@return: The reason why this impl is unusable, or None if it's OK.
			@rtype: str
			@note: The restrictions are for the interface being requested, not the feed
			of the implementation; they may be different when feeds are being used."""
            for r in restrictions:
                if not r.meets_restriction(impl):
                    return _(
                        "Incompatible with another selected implementation")
            stability = impl.get_stability()
            if stability <= model.buggy:
                return stability.name
            if (self.config.network_use == model.network_offline
                    or not impl.download_sources) and not impl.is_available(
                if not impl.download_sources:
                    return _("No retrieval methods")
                return _("Not cached and we are off-line")
            if impl.os not in arch.os_ranks:
                return _("Unsupported OS")
            if impl.machine not in arch.machine_ranks:
                if impl.machine == 'src':
                    return _("Source code")
                return _("Unsupported machine type")
            return None

        def usable_feeds(iface, arch):
            """Return all feeds for iface that support arch.
			@rtype: generator(ZeroInstallFeed)"""
            yield iface.uri

            for f in iface_cache.get_feed_imports(iface):
                # Note: when searching for src, None is not in machine_ranks
                if f.os in arch.os_ranks and \
                   (f.machine is None or f.machine in arch.machine_ranks):
                    yield f.uri
                        _("Skipping '%(feed)s'; unsupported architecture %(os)s-%(machine)s"
                          ), {
                              'feed': f,
                              'os': f.os,
                              'machine': f.machine

        # If requiring_var is True then all of requirer's dependencies must be satisfied.
        # requirer can be a <command> or an <implementation>
        def process_dependencies(requiring_var, requirer, arch):
            for d in deps_in_use(requirer, arch):
                debug(_("Considering command dependency %s"), d)

                add_iface(d.interface, arch.child_arch)

                for c in d.get_required_commands():
                    # We depend on a specific command within the implementation.
                    command_vars = add_command_iface(d.interface,
                                                     arch.child_arch, c)

                    # If the parent command/impl is chosen, one of the candidate commands
                    # must be too. If there aren't any, then this command is unselectable.
                    problem.add_clause([sat.neg(requiring_var)] + command_vars)

                # Must choose one version of d if impl is selected
                find_dependency_candidates(requiring_var, d)

        def add_iface(uri, arch):
            """Name implementations from feed and assert that only one can be selected."""
            if uri in ifaces_processed: return

            iface = iface_cache.get_interface(uri)

            impls = []
            for f in usable_feeds(iface, arch):
                debug(_("Processing feed %s"), f)

                    feed = iface_cache.get_feed(f)
                    if feed is None: continue
                    #if feed.name and iface.uri != feed.url and iface.uri not in feed.feed_for:
                    #	info(_("Missing <feed-for> for '%(uri)s' in '%(feed)s'"), {'uri': iface.uri, 'feed': f})

                    if feed.implementations:

                    distro_feed_url = feed.get_distro_feed()
                    if distro_feed_url:
                        distro_feed = iface_cache.get_feed(distro_feed_url)
                        if distro_feed.implementations:
                except MissingLocalFeed as ex:
                        _("Missing local feed; if it's no longer required, remove it with:"
                          ) + '\n0install remove-feed ' + iface.uri + ' ' + f,
                            'feed': f,
                            'interface': iface,
                            'exception': ex
                except Exception as ex:
                        _("Failed to load feed %(feed)s for %(interface)s: %(exception)s"
                          ), {
                              'feed': f,
                              'interface': iface,
                              'exception': ex

            impls.sort(key=lambda impl: self.get_rating(iface, impl, arch),

            impls_for_iface[iface] = filtered_impls = []

            my_extra_restrictions = self.extra_restrictions.get(iface, [])

            if self.record_details:
                self.details[iface] = [
                     get_unusable_reason(impl, my_extra_restrictions, arch))
                    for impl in impls

            var_names = []
            for impl in impls:
                if is_unusable(impl, my_extra_restrictions, arch):


                if impl in impl_to_var:
                    # TODO If the same impl comes from original feed and
                    # the feed with "feed" tag
                v = problem.add_variable(ImplInfo(iface, impl, arch))
                impl_to_var[impl] = v

                if impl.machine and impl.machine != 'src':
                        impl.machine, 0)].append(v)

                process_dependencies(v, impl, arch)

            if closest_match:
                dummy_impl = _DummyImpl()
                dummy_var = problem.add_variable(
                    ImplInfo(iface, dummy_impl, arch, dummy=True))
                impl_to_var[dummy_impl] = dummy_var

            # Only one implementation of this interface can be selected
            if uri == root_interface:
                if var_names:
                    clause = problem.at_most_one(var_names)
                    problem.add_clause(var_names)  # at least one
                    clause = False
            elif var_names:
                clause = problem.at_most_one(var_names)
                # Don't need to add to group_clause_for because we should
                # never get a possible selection involving this.

            assert clause is not True
            assert clause is not None
            if clause is not False:
                group_clause_for[uri] = clause

        def add_command_iface(uri, arch, command_name):
            """Add every <command> in interface 'uri' with this name.
			Each one depends on the corresponding implementation and only
			one can be selected. If closest_match is on, include a dummy
			command that can always be selected."""

            # Check whether we've already processed this (interface,command) pair
            existing = group_clause_for_command.get((uri, command_name), None)
            if existing is not None:
                return existing.lits

            # First ensure that the interface itself has been processed
            # We'll reuse the ordering of the implementations to order
            # the commands too.
            add_iface(uri, arch)

            iface = iface_cache.get_interface(uri)
            filtered_impls = impls_for_iface[iface]

            var_names = []
            for impl in filtered_impls:
                command = impl.commands.get(command_name, None)
                if not command:
                    if not isinstance(impl, _DummyImpl):
                        # Mark implementation as unselectable

                # We have a candidate <command>. Require that if it's selected
                # then we select the corresponding <implementation> too.
                command_var = problem.add_variable(
                    CommandInfo(command_name, command, impl, arch))
                problem.add_clause([impl_to_var[impl], sat.neg(command_var)])


                process_dependencies(command_var, command, arch)

            # Tell the user why we couldn't use this version
            if self.record_details:

                def new_reason(impl, old_reason):
                    if command_name in impl.commands:
                        return old_reason
                    return old_reason or (_('No %s command') % command_name)

                self.details[iface] = [(impl, new_reason(impl, reason))
                                       for (impl,
                                            reason) in self.details[iface]]

            if closest_match:
                dummy_command = problem.add_variable(None)

            if var_names:
                # Can't select more than one of them.
                assert (uri, command_name) not in group_clause_for_command
                    uri, command_name)] = problem.at_most_one(var_names)

            return var_names

        if command_name is None:
            add_iface(root_interface, root_arch)
            commands = add_command_iface(root_interface, root_arch,
            if len(commands) > int(closest_match):
                # (we have at least one non-dummy command)
                problem.add_clause(commands)  # At least one
                # (note: might be because we haven't cached it yet)
                info("No %s <command> in %s", command_name, root_interface)

                impls = impls_for_iface[iface_cache.get_interface(
                if impls == [] or (len(impls) == 1
                                   and isinstance(impls[0], _DummyImpl)):
                    # There were no candidates at all.
                    if self.config.network_use == model.network_offline:
                        self._failure_reason = _(
                            "Interface '%s' has no usable implementations in the cache (and 0install is in off-line mode)"
                        ) % root_interface
                        self._failure_reason = _(
                            "Interface '%s' has no usable implementations"
                        ) % root_interface
                    # We had some candidates implementations, but none for the command we need
                    self._failure_reason = _(
                        "Interface '%s' cannot be executed directly; it is just a library "
                        "to be used by other programs (or missing '%s' command)"
                    ) % (root_interface, command_name)


        # Require m<group> to be true if we select an implementation in that group
        m_groups = []
        for machine_group, impls in impls_for_machine_group.iteritems():
            m_group = 'm%d' % machine_group
            group_var = problem.add_variable(m_group)
            if impls:
                for impl in impls:
                    problem.add_clause([group_var, sat.neg(impl)])
        if m_groups:
            m_groups_clause = problem.at_most_one(m_groups)
            m_groups_clause = None

        def decide():
            """Recurse through the current selections until we get to an interface with
			no chosen version, then tell the solver to try the best version from that."""
            def find_undecided_dep(impl_or_command, arch):
                # Check for undecided dependencies of impl_or_command
                for dep in deps_in_use(impl_or_command, arch):
                    for c in dep.get_required_commands():
                        dep_lit = find_undecided_command(dep.interface, c)
                        if dep_lit is not None:
                            return dep_lit
                    dep_lit = find_undecided(dep.interface)
                    if dep_lit is not None:
                        return dep_lit
                return None

            seen = set()

            def find_undecided(uri):
                if uri in seen:
                    return  # Break cycles

                if uri not in group_clause_for:
                    # TODO Looks like Sweets patch introduced this issue

                group = group_clause_for[uri]
                #print "Group for %s = %s" % (uri, group)
                lit = group.current
                if lit is None:
                    return group.best_undecided()
                # else there was only one choice anyway

                # Check for undecided dependencies
                lit_info = problem.get_varinfo_for_lit(lit).obj
                return find_undecided_dep(lit_info.impl, lit_info.arch)

            def find_undecided_command(uri, name):
                if name is None: return find_undecided(uri)

                group = group_clause_for_command[(uri, name)]
                lit = group.current
                if lit is None:
                    return group.best_undecided()
                # else we've already chosen which <command> to use

                # Check for undecided command-specific dependencies, and then for
                # implementation dependencies.
                lit_info = problem.get_varinfo_for_lit(lit).obj
                if lit_info is None:
                    assert closest_match
                    return None  # (a dummy command added for better diagnostics; has no dependencies)
                return find_undecided_dep(lit_info.command, lit_info.arch) or \
                       find_undecided_dep(lit_info.impl, lit_info.arch)

            best = find_undecided_command(root_interface, command_name)
            if best is not None:
                return best

            # If we're chosen everything we need, we can probably
            # set everything else to False.
            for group in group_clause_for.values(
            ) + group_clause_for_command.values() + [m_groups_clause]:
                if group.current is None:
                    best = group.best_undecided()
                    if best is not None:
                        return sat.neg(best)

            return None  # Failed to find any valid combination

        ready = problem.run_solver(decide) is True

        if not ready and not closest_match:
            # We failed while trying to do a real solve.
            # Try a closest match solve to get a better
            # error report for the user.
            self.ready = ready and not closest_match
            self.selections = selections.Selections(None)
            self.selections.interface = root_interface

            sels = self.selections.selections

            commands_needed = []

            # Popular sels with the selected implementations.
            # Also, note down all the commands we need.
            for uri, group in group_clause_for.iteritems():
                if group.current is not None:
                    lit_info = problem.get_varinfo_for_lit(group.current).obj
                    if lit_info.is_dummy:
                        sels[lit_info.iface.uri] = None
                        # We selected an implementation for interface 'uri'
                        impl = lit_info.impl

                        for b in impl.bindings:
                            c = b.command
                            if c is not None:
                                commands.append((uri, c))

                        deps = self.requires[lit_info.iface] = []
                        for dep in deps_in_use(lit_info.impl, lit_info.arch):
                            for c in dep.get_required_commands():
                                commands_needed.append((dep.interface, c))

                        sels[lit_info.iface.uri] = selections.ImplSelection(
                            lit_info.iface.uri, impl, deps)

            # Now all all the commands in too.
            def add_command(iface, name):
                sel = sels.get(iface, None)
                if sel:
                    command = sel.impl.commands[name]
                    if name in sel._used_commands:
                        return  # Already added

                    for dep in command.requires:
                        for dep_command_name in dep.get_required_commands():
                            add_command(dep.interface, dep_command_name)

                    # A <command> can depend on another <command> in the same interface
                    # (e.g. the tests depending on the main program)
                    for b in command.bindings:
                        c = b.command
                        if c is not None:
                            add_command(iface, c)

            for iface, command in commands_needed:
                add_command(iface, command)

            if command_name is not None:
                self.selections.command = command_name
                add_command(root_interface, command_name)
コード例 #18
        def decide():
            """This is called by the SAT solver when it cannot simplify the problem further.
			Our job is to find the most-optimal next selection to try.
			Recurse through the current selections until we get to an interface with
			no chosen version, then tell the solver to try the best version from that."""
            def find_undecided_dep(impl_or_command, arch):
                # Check for undecided dependencies of impl_or_command
                for dep in deps_in_use(impl_or_command, arch):
                    # Restrictions don't express that we do or don't want the
                    # dependency, so skip them here.
                    if dep.importance == model.Dependency.Restricts: continue

                    for c in dep.get_required_commands():
                        dep_lit = find_undecided_command(dep.interface, c)
                        if dep_lit is not None:
                            return dep_lit
                    dep_lit = find_undecided(dep.interface)
                    if dep_lit is not None:
                        return dep_lit
                return None

            seen = set()

            def find_undecided(uri):
                if uri in seen:
                    return  # Break cycles

                group = group_clause_for.get(uri, None)

                if group is None:
                    # (can be None if the selected impl has an optional dependency on
                    # a feed with no implementations)

                #print "Group for %s = %s" % (uri, group)
                lit = group.current
                if lit is None:
                    return group.best_undecided()
                # else there was only one choice anyway

                # Check for undecided dependencies
                lit_info = problem.get_varinfo_for_lit(lit).obj
                return find_undecided_dep(lit_info.impl, lit_info.arch)

            def find_undecided_command(uri, name):
                if name is None: return find_undecided(uri)

                group = group_clause_for_command[(uri, name)]
                lit = group.current
                if lit is None:
                    return group.best_undecided()
                # else we've already chosen which <command> to use

                # Check for undecided command-specific dependencies, and then for
                # implementation dependencies.
                lit_info = problem.get_varinfo_for_lit(lit).obj
                if lit_info is None:
                    assert closest_match
                    return None  # (a dummy command added for better diagnostics; has no dependencies)
                return find_undecided_dep(lit_info.command, lit_info.arch) or \
                       find_undecided_dep(lit_info.impl, lit_info.arch)

            best = find_undecided_command(root_interface, command_name)
            if best is not None:
                return best

            # If we're chosen everything we need, we can probably
            # set everything else to False.
            for group in list(group_clause_for.values()) + list(
                    group_clause_for_command.values()) + [m_groups_clause]:
                if group.current is None:
                    best = group.best_undecided()
                    if best is not None:
                        return sat.neg(best)

            return None  # Failed to find any valid combination
コード例 #19
        def decide():
            """Recurse through the current selections until we get to an interface with
			no chosen version, then tell the solver to try the best version from that."""
            def find_undecided_dep(impl_or_command, arch):
                # Check for undecided dependencies of impl_or_command
                for dep in deps_in_use(impl_or_command, arch):
                    for c in dep.get_required_commands():
                        dep_lit = find_undecided_command(dep.interface, c)
                        if dep_lit is not None:
                            return dep_lit
                    dep_lit = find_undecided(dep.interface)
                    if dep_lit is not None:
                        return dep_lit
                return None

            seen = set()

            def find_undecided(uri):
                if uri in seen:
                    return  # Break cycles

                if uri not in group_clause_for:
                    # TODO Looks like Sweets patch introduced this issue

                group = group_clause_for[uri]
                #print "Group for %s = %s" % (uri, group)
                lit = group.current
                if lit is None:
                    return group.best_undecided()
                # else there was only one choice anyway

                # Check for undecided dependencies
                lit_info = problem.get_varinfo_for_lit(lit).obj
                return find_undecided_dep(lit_info.impl, lit_info.arch)

            def find_undecided_command(uri, name):
                if name is None: return find_undecided(uri)

                group = group_clause_for_command[(uri, name)]
                lit = group.current
                if lit is None:
                    return group.best_undecided()
                # else we've already chosen which <command> to use

                # Check for undecided command-specific dependencies, and then for
                # implementation dependencies.
                lit_info = problem.get_varinfo_for_lit(lit).obj
                if lit_info is None:
                    assert closest_match
                    return None  # (a dummy command added for better diagnostics; has no dependencies)
                return find_undecided_dep(lit_info.command, lit_info.arch) or \
                       find_undecided_dep(lit_info.impl, lit_info.arch)

            best = find_undecided_command(root_interface, command_name)
            if best is not None:
                return best

            # If we're chosen everything we need, we can probably
            # set everything else to False.
            for group in group_clause_for.values(
            ) + group_clause_for_command.values() + [m_groups_clause]:
                if group.current is None:
                    best = group.best_undecided()
                    if best is not None:
                        return sat.neg(best)

            return None  # Failed to find any valid combination
コード例 #20
ファイル: solver.py プロジェクト: gvsurenderreddy/zeroinstall
        def add_command_iface(uri, arch, command_name):
            """Add every <command> in interface 'uri' with this name.
			Each one depends on the corresponding implementation and only
			one can be selected. If closest_match is on, include a dummy
			command that can always be selected."""

            # Check whether we've already processed this (interface,command) pair
            existing = group_clause_for_command.get((uri, command_name), None)
            if existing is not None:
                return existing.lits

            # First ensure that the interface itself has been processed
            # We'll reuse the ordering of the implementations to order
            # the commands too.
            add_iface(uri, arch)

            iface = iface_cache.get_interface(uri)
            filtered_impls = impls_for_iface[iface]

            var_names = []
            for impl in filtered_impls:
                command = impl.commands.get(command_name, None)
                if not command:
                    if not isinstance(impl, _DummyImpl):
                        # Mark implementation as unselectable

                # We have a candidate <command>. Require that if it's selected
                # then we select the corresponding <implementation> too.
                command_var = problem.add_variable(
                    CommandInfo(command_name, command, impl, arch))
                problem.add_clause([impl_to_var[impl], sat.neg(command_var)])


                runner = command.get_runner()
                for d in deps_in_use(command, arch):
                    if d is runner:
                        # With a <runner>, we depend on a command rather than on an
                        # implementation. This allows us to support recursive <runner>s, etc.
                        debug(_("Considering command runner %s"), d)
                        runner_command_name = _get_command_name(d)
                        runner_vars = add_command_iface(
                            d.interface, arch.child_arch, runner_command_name)

                        # If the parent command is chosen, one of the candidate runner commands
                        # must be too. If there aren't any, then this command is unselectable.
                        problem.add_clause([sat.neg(command_var)] +
                        debug(_("Considering command dependency %s"), d)
                        add_iface(d.interface, arch.child_arch)

                    # Must choose one version of d if impl is selected
                    find_dependency_candidates(command_var, d)

            # Tell the user why we couldn't use this version
            if self.record_details:

                def new_reason(impl, old_reason):
                    if command_name in impl.commands:
                        return old_reason
                    return old_reason or (_('No %s command') % command_name)

                self.details[iface] = [(impl, new_reason(impl, reason))
                                       for (impl,
                                            reason) in self.details[iface]]

            if closest_match:
                dummy_command = problem.add_variable(None)

            if var_names:
                # Can't select more than one of them.
                assert (uri, command_name) not in group_clause_for_command
                    uri, command_name)] = problem.at_most_one(var_names)

            return var_names